@Utah Jazz

YEAR ONE: Rookie year with Brice Sensabaugh 💜 | UTAH JAZZ

YEAR ONE: Rookie year with Brice Sensabaugh 💜 | UTAH JAZZ

What’s up my name is bryah I’m 20 years old this is my first season in the NBA and I play for the Utah Jazz with the 28th pick in the 20 2023 NBA draft the Utah Jazz Select Bryce Sensa from the Ohio State University for me I started off really young like probably like 3 or four years old um but once I moved to Orlando as a kid I played in this little

Recck league like maybe 10 15 minutes away from my house and I was like dominated in the league as like a first grader so uh you know I there was a kind like a travel ball coach who had a aaou team that was actually The A Team that I

Finished with uh Each one teach one that said he wanted me to come to his tryouts his name is coach Ryan um and the team was under Amari stun at that time so I went to tryouts and I made the team and then after that kind of just took off

Lake Highland means a lot to me um ever since I transferred there uh my sophomore year and uh we got to to work from day one um and I think that’s that that school is a big part of my development um from coach fatrick all the way down the line uh you know

Everybody to the team managers and the strength and G conditioning coach Coach T um helped me a lot on my journey and uh kind of transform into a man from you know my freshman year high school so uh yeah that school means everything to me and and I had a lot of fun There well we uh I’m really really lucky to work at a place like Lake Highland like this place is really special which I think is is maybe a little bit What attracted Bryce to it um Bryce’s family moved actually right across the street uh and so I would get texts from our

Security guards at like 11:30 at night like hey Bryce is here I would turn on our huddle camera uh and I would spy on him and watch him just getting shots up by himself what we’re able to do what Lake Highland is just provide resources um and access that a lot of

Other schools just aren’t aren’t able to do price for sure took advantage of of that and was with our strength and conditioning guys when he was rehabing from his the injury his junior year he was just here all the time um and he was here getting shots up on his own or

Bringing his teammates in I think my freshman self had a pretty good mindset tell him to you know keep on doing what you’re doing and I think I was in a good head space at that time you know throughout all my years of high school especially as a senior you know I would

Just tell myself that it doesn’t get easier at all you know you’re going to go through things that you would never expect just just how I am now just stay in faith and just continue to be patient and you know just put in work every day

So how proud am I of Bryce I don’t know that you that’s hard to measure the the thing I would say I think is like if Bryce is basketball career into today I could not be like it wouldn’t change anything um who he is as a person our

Relationship what he’s done in our program the connections that he still has with our current team um you know if I remember telling you know Scouts and and front office folks that would call me during the the draft process uh and I I just remember telling them like I knew

Without a shadow of a doubt it whatever Bryce decides to do he’s going to be really really good at it it after his basketball career if if it wasn’t basketball if it was coaching if it was in basketball if it was in sales if whatever Bryce decided to do he was

Going to be really really good at it and that’s because he treats people the right way and he serves others um and you know that more than anything beyond putting a ball in a basket or uh or anything like that is is what I’m probably most proud of but I I can’t

Probably put it in words adequately uh just how happy it makes me to see him uh succeeding like he Is uh my time in Utah so far has been pretty good um I think the people here are really inviting and um you know obviously being part of a great organization everybody’s been super kind and nice um and as far as my time in the NBA uh it’s been nothing short of

Amazing you know obviously dreamed of being here my whole life and um you know it’s everything I dreamed about I had to spend a lot of the the summer recovering um from injury and and you know kind of getting back to myself when I got

Cleared to play on the court it was a great feeling um you know finally to be able to play 100% with you know the guys that I got drafted to and with um you know Keon and Taylor obviously I knew them a little bit before the uh we all

Got drafted together so it was definitely fun and every time he gets in he does something good that’s a nice drive s first pro bucket I got a feeling they’re going to secure that game ball for him we just share each other’s successes for sure um you know if Keon

Has a good game or Taylor like in our instance me and Taylor played um a good amount of games together in the G and uh you know when he got caught up I just and he played his first game played a a pretty good game played a good amount of

Minutes I called him to congratulate him and and we just talked over that so um I think we just share our successes and and uh you know it helps us out for sure uh yeah obviously you know family is is always supportive um you know my mom and

Dad have been by my side uh since I was a baby so uh you know them just providing that support for me uh has been really important to me um you know obviously I’m big in my faith so uh you know God has been you know I talk to God

Every day stay prayed up and um you know that’s helped me through a lot of it uh you know just to stay levelheaded and and you know that um you know my purpose on this on this Earth isn’t just to be a basketball player that’s not my identity

Um it’s to spread the kingdom and and you know I think that’s important for me just to know that you know I have that in the back of my head that you know I’m not a basketball player I’m not defined by my performance or you know what goes

On in my daily life so um you know that’s that’s uh that’s comforting for me in itself um and you know like the staff uh on the Jazz you know they have a plan laid out for me and and for me to be able to follow that and I just trust

In that has worked for me so um that’s been kind of my Support

Come along as we check in on rookie Brice Sensabaugh, visit his high school gym and hear about his time with the SLC Stars.

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