@Toronto Raptors

Raptors Destroyed In Fred VanVleet Reunion Game | Raptors vs Rockets Recap

Raptors Destroyed In Fred VanVleet Reunion Game | Raptors vs Rockets Recap

The Raptors got absolutely destroyed by the Houston Rockets ladies and gentlemen it was so bad such a bad game that I am not doing a recap I have asked you all to send me questions on Twitter and I will be answering your questions I do

Want to take a second to just talk about the game the Raptors lost um Houston scored 130 plus points Raptors scored 106 it was a bad Affair defensively they just couldn’t stop anything in the paint h outscored them by 30 points in the paint scored 84 points in the paint

Tonight by the Houston Rockets a lot of that was Alper and shenon who has been is awesome just like going to be a superstar in this league and I think the rest of that is just the Raptors defense not really battling on the inside not being physical enough they got

Outrebounded in this game as well they just they didn’t have it defensively and as of late they have not had it defensively uh their point of attack defense continues to be an issue they give up a lot of straight line drives they give up a lot of drives in general

To the basket and it makes a guy like yakob purle his job a lot harder he was fouled out in tonight’s contest so it was not a good game ladies and gentlemen it was not and offensively the Raptors struggled immensely as well they were you know piss poor from the field piss

Poor from three they really missed a lot of shots um and they did get back into it a little bit there in the third quarter made it frisky but then shenon said no thank you bye-bye um and that was the end of it so I I’ll talk about

The one positive side because thank you um a couple of you mentioned to just sort of mentioned the positives of this game and I really want to appreciate you know shout out to the people who still try to stay positive because it’s a hard season to stay positive for ladies and

Gentlemen but the one positive area is the fact that both Scotty Barnes and Emanuel quickley had good outings Scotty had 28 points seven rebounds four assists Emanuel quickley had 25 points and and six assists and uh you know he he knocked down a lot of his shots he

Had six of 11 threes I believe uh took 11 threes which is a great sign incredible sign I mean we’ve been asking him to shoot those threes more often and tonight he clearly did that so if you wanted any positives it’s that the two young guys that the Raptors are building

Around had good games regardless now I had a question I had someone ask me a question and I want to bring this up because I thought it was a great qu great great question Khloe said I really want to know from smarter people and I’m not necessarily smarter people Chloe but

I’m going to try to answer your question here if games like this is worth something for development cuz it looks meaningless to me they look very unprepared it’s a really good question and it’s something that I’ve been wondering myself it’s the difference between quality reps and just reps

Themselves I asked Blake Murphy about this when I went to the Raptor show and I asked I said you when when it comes to Grady dick he had mentioned that Grady is struggling at the 905 level and that he wasn’t really like those those moments from him yes he’s getting the

Reps but like he’s not really doing anything with the Reps and I asked him I’m like is is there any sort of benefit to that like the fact that he’s just getting the opportunity is there a benefit in the end there probably is just because quantity over quality you need to work

Out the Reps right quality needs to come eventually you need to get to a point where you’re working on the timing of certain things you’re working to execute things against better defenses against better and tougher coverages so yes the quality needs to eventually happen but for a guy who’s developing like Grady

Like Scotty like IQ um getting just the Reps of it in general is good that’s why I thought you know Scotty had a really rough game against the Bulls right uh didn’t shoot the ball well he made some interesting plays to stretch at the final stretch of the game but turned the

Ball all over as well uh was dealing with a couple you know double teams they were trapping him and and he has to work through through those reps like even if the team around him isn’t perfectly assembled to attack those type of situations and kind of compliment him in

Those type of situations he has to learn what he wants to do in those type of situations so when a double team is coming he’s getting trapped okay I’m going to either Escape dribble you know cakam is a guy who was great with those Escape dribbles Escape dribble you know

Evade the double team and maybe look to find the open man or am I going to rise up over the top jump past like I’m Tyrese halberton and try to find the open man that way or am I going to split the double team and I’m gonna I’m G to

Try to force my way out of this so he has to work through that process and when it comes to games like this where it’s not close where for the majority of the game it’s not competitive you do have to ask yourself well what’s the point of this like Scotty is getting to

His numbers but are these reps is there any point in any of these reps tonight is one of those examples where you can say there was just a quantity of reps there wasn’t a quality of any of these reps I think there is something to that you need that it’s it’s important to

Still get the Reps but the quality is something that everybody is looking for and ultimately as this season progresses you hope there are quality reps there you hope they’re playing good basketball so that these guys can work in an ecosystem that not only gives them individual numbers but also contributes

To winning so I hope I answer the question there again I’m not you know the smartest of folks so I yeah I just I hope I answered that question there okay another question shout out to Samson folk my guy uh he asked who is his NBA

Comp uh folks if you have not watched Samson play basketball he’s like dropped his little when when when he used to when he used to hang out when he used to be in Mexico he used to drop his his little mixtapes you know playing one-on-one or scoring or whatever but

You and he’s actually done it here as well from from what I remember you know in the park kind of cooking hooping right you see what he can do nice little ball handler he can get to the basket a little bit the one thing I would say is

Is Samson is deceptively good at finishing around the basket with both hands like he can kind of like Get over his head and finish over the top of some Defenders so that’s really impressive he reminds me a lot of James Harden uh and and not like current Day James Harden

But like OKC Thunder James Harden in the sense that he’s willing to play off ball a little bit but he’s also a guy who can cook you know kind of get his own if he wants to in a in in a crunch like he has

To get to something he will he’s a great shooter uh so that’s what I would say OKC James Harden is what uh Samson reminds me of okay um I had a couple people shout out to Z shout out to Chelsea both asked me about the sunlife commercials so you know what because I

Like y’all I’m going to break down these sunlife commercials just like a little voice over here okay okay so this first one I’m tying my shoes I’m getting ready it’s a good day they want me to act like I really know what I’m doing which by

The way folks I do know what I’m doing okay uh and this take listen it didn’t take that many times for me to nail this bucket I actually I hit a couple of them but I guess they just chose this one they like this one I had the nice little

Stroke going here too ah Corner three I will say I hate Corner threes I hate shooting Corner threes Corner threes are the worst type of Threes to shoot it’s funny because in the NBA you’re like yeah they’re the easiest it’s the closest but the physical shot the fact

That you don’t see a backboard to me it’s hard it’s difficult it makes it harder for me I need the backboard as a little bit of a Target um yeah that probably isn’t a good sign for my life as a shooter I I’m getting better though

You can ask Samson you can ask TR and them I am getting better in the shooting Department I’m more of a ball handler kind of get things going set up my teammates you know um and as as you clearly see here uh so I get blocked in

This one of the funniest things about this is they actually have this guy really really cool guy uh he’s standing on a stool so I know it looks like I’m a lot shorter than him I am shorter than him I am but he’s standing on a bit of a

Stool and uh like or like on a on an Apple box and he’s jumping so he is tall and I am shorter than him but it it’s not as bad as you would think it is and uh yeah I clearly dunk this ball you

Guys know how I do so yeah shout out to sunlife man shout out to them they did a great job shout out to the raps too um this second commercial uh this is just me you know getting my free throws on look at that face that Focus you know that Focus I’m

Ready I’m about to hit this free throw you know how many free throw I hit when I was shooting this trust me and then they were just like hey man can you Breck one for us so bad you wouldn’t even imagine how bad it is I said man

I’ve watched Giannis S nmo at the free throw line that’s not a problem so I shot it like this and that’s done ladies and gentlemen again shout out to sunlife shout out to them for for letting me be a part of this commercial it was a fun

Process it was fun to do I played basketball for 18 what 12 hours or whatever that day uh it was good it was a lot of fun really cool shout out to them uh and yeah shout out to the people who who noticed it it’s very cool to see

Yourself on TV it’s even weirder to see it when you’re when you’re watching a game and you’re covering the the team that’s doing it okay another question Matt Cunningham my guy listen to his podcast make sure to does great work uh for the Raptors listening I mean trust

Me it’s some of the best podcast stuff he’ll listen to if you were to write a new He Got Game type Hoops movie who would you cast as a star and what would the movie be called this is tough man like on the spot just trying to think of

Guys who would work well in a Jesus Shuttlesworth type of role is is kind of difficult um let’s see who has that Charisma who has that swag to be able to do it in a movie and have it kind of relate to people in a way that they

Would be like yeah I can see myself in their shoes um I think Anthony Edwards is too easy of a player to pick you know Anthony Edwards is way too easy of a player to pick so I’m not going to pick Anthony Edwards I’m actually I’m actually going

To avoid picking oh I got it Jimmy Butler okay Jimmy Butler is the is the Jesus Shuttlesworth type of role and honestly you can even take Jimmy Butler’s story if you know Jimmy Butler’s story his his backstory it’s an incredible story uh you know was was

Adopted all that stuff like go and look at Jimmy Butler’s backstory just take that story make it He Got Game number two and then the name would be give me um let’s see big face big face big face coffee you know I feel like it would

Make sense I’m sorry this was not a good good answer for me terrible terrible answer okay um zulfakar what up my guy um so he says Scotty Barnes Al Peron shenon or poo benero start bench cut or if that’s too hard just rank them uh you’re trying to get me in trouble

Regardless with this question uh this is not nice this is not a nice question to ask because you know one of them’s an Allstar and if I leave Paulo out they’re like you left the All-Star for the two guys who didn’t make the All-Star team

And if I you know do something else then it’ll be bad for my career overall um okay I will answer this as as as analytically as I possibly can I think I would take Al perun shenon to start I think shenon is the higher upside highest upside player in my opinion in

Terms of he can be an offensive engine unto himself he’s going to be like a a offensive Hub I think he’s going to be a superstar in this league I I mean the way he gets to his buckets but the way that he sets up his teammates as well

It’s just incredible uh he’s an halfcourt engine to himself and he’s looked incredible all year I think it should be Alper and shenon that’s my pick for who should start and then between benching and cutting one of Scotty or Paulo that’s tough man it’s really tough because you say well Paulo

Made the All-Star team Scotty did this Scotty didn’t make the All-Star team Scotty has had a really really good season ladies and gentlemen not to take away from anything Scotty has done I think H I think that I would still cut Paulo and the reason I say that is

Because I enjoy the two-way ability of Scotty Barnes a tad bit more than I like the two way ability of Pao benero don’t get me wrong Pao when he wants to can lock in and be a really good Defender he has the size too he’s 610 like he’s a

Gigantic human being with a lot of versatile skills so I’m not taking that away from him but I do think what Scotty can do on the defensive end is like old Defense level potential especially as that help side guy especially as that weak side guy and when you add that in

The you know offensive side of the ball the playmaking the ability to score the ball which he’s developed I think I would take Scotty so that’s what I would answer with and I know it’s ridiculous cuz it’s like starting shenon benching Scotty and cutting Paulo and Paulo just made the All-Star team in

His second year how ridiculous does that sound I’m going to sound like an idiot however way I answer this question so I’m sticking with my guns that’s my answer badar is answering do you think this team will actually develop well does it start with Scotty or quickly and

RJ going to be a legit piece to the next Raptor’s champ Championship uh too early to tell my guy honestly it’s really too early to tell I do have faith in Scotty Barnes and Emanuel quickley developing into really really good players I think Scotty has already turned into an

All-Star level player I imagine he will eventually I think I would wager that Scotty Barnes will become an all-nba level player just the way that he’s turning out to be if he sticks on this course I could confidently say that Emanuel quickley will see uh I think

He’s like a good starter level player right now we’ll see if he can turn into a star I’m not sure I I think I want to see more and I want to see them their chemistry grow a little bit more so we’ll see it’s too early to ask these

Type of questions no offense no offense great question but it’s it’s still too early okay eat your buck Choice that’s a great name uh what do you think Scotty ceiling is maybe a player comp and a look at who we might be able to draft

This summer um who do you think what do you think Scotty ceiling is like I just mentioned it I think Scotty ceiling is an Allstar level player maybe multi-time All-Star I think he he will eventually become an all NBA player it really just depends on how the scoring develops uh

And how they how they find guys to compliment him because it’s clear that he needs to play defense a certain way there’s nothing wrong about that you know jannis sens D kmo is the same way you got to maximize the way he plays defensively and you know I feel like you

Have to do the same for Scotty Barnes so solidifying a team defensively that makes sense and accentuates his strengths his strengths on the defensive end is going to really help his ceiling overall what his ceiling is I think he can be a multi-time Allstar maybe all

NBA type of player a really really good player uh on a playoff team like that that’s the ceiling that you can see is he going to be the guy to lead Raptors to an NBA title if you look at the history of the NBA there’s only only like the top five

Players in the league at any point in time are good enough to win a championship you know yic Steph Giannis LeBron KD Kawai like you need to be that level of a player will Scotty get to that level that’s tough man I’m not sure I

Don’t think so to be honest with you I wouldn’t put it on I I wouldn’t put bet my house that Scotty is going to become you know one of the best players in the league like a top five player in the league I will bet that he’s going to be

An All-Star and all NBA player but I I I don’t know if that’s his ceiling I think his ceiling is more what I just mentioned um when it comes to his comp it’s kind of interesting right uh I don’t know if there’s a real good comp

For the type of player that he is because he’s so unique and unto himself people have mentioned Lamar odm to me I think his athletic ability is a little bit better I think his scoring ability is a little bit better than Lamar odm people bring up the Draymond and Ben

Simmons stuff I think again his Scotty scoring is so much more developed than those two at any point in their career so I don’t know it’s like if you were to add some people have said like bam and sabonis and I I can kind of see where

They’re coming from but again like the shooting and the scoring is really popping off the charts this season and so it’s a little bit different there’s no real comp for him because it just doesn’t exist uh a guy who can be that kind of Creator score type but also be a

Really good Defender it’s tough it’s it’s it’s a tough comp to make Harold shout out Raptor Rave asked can you talk a little bit about uh how you got to where you are your path journey and how to become an NBA reporter journalist if you had to give a piece of advice to

Anyone trying to break into this industry what would it be um to answer the second part of your question I struggle to answer the second part of your question in terms of giving advice to people the one thing I would say is to use your platform on social media as

Positively as possible and try to grow an audience as much as possible because when you are applying to places when you’re applying to companies they do consider that pretty heavily especially if you do have an audience so if you’re able to grow a fan base for yourself if

You’re able to grow uh an audience that views your work and watches your work then you know some companies are are more likely more opportunities will come your way is essentially what I’m saying there uh as far as my path um I think everybody’s path into sports media is

Very unconventional and mine is very much so unconventional too I always had a passion for basketball I always wanted to talk about basketball and to Pur it I initially wanted to do it as an agent so I went to business school and I was like

I’m going to become an agent or a front office member and I was like ah I don’t know I I’m not sure if I necessarily love it this route I’m going to go and do law school and I’m going to be an agent and you know I’m going to I’m

Going to learn cap stuff and become like cap ways and whatnot and I went to law school and I really really loved it but some life circumstances sort of pulled me back to Toronto and I had to reassess my options I still wanted to get involved in basketball and and cover

Basketball and do something something and so I decided to go to sports media and yeah that’s that was I finished uh at the College of sports media four years ago and now I’m doing what I’m doing so yeah that’s that’s sort of the journey my guy just you you have to No

One journey in sports media is the same is how I would put it so you have to just find your own path uh and really just try to maximize it as much as possible I hope I answered your question there Dennis Muse I can’t believe Dennis

Has a muse uh who are your in injury replacements for the allstar game oo um well I don’t think there are going to be any uh injury Replacements in the west but in the East if we’re taking out embiid and Randall I think it should be Trey and

Scotty about as easy it is I I don’t think there should be a third Celtic I know people have brought up Derek white or Kristof porzingis I just I don’t see it uh I think I would rather reward players who are doing better individually I understand wanting to

Reward the team but I think I would rather reward players who are doing better individually KP has missed a bunch of games Dereck White’s numbers aren’t there even though his impact is there so I would rather give it to Scotty or to Trey young or both of those

Guys uh there’s some other guys that could be in consideration maybe Pascal it is in Indiana so maybe they give another Pacer the nod here especially with Adam Silver making this decision maybe he says hey we’ll pick another Indiana Pacer to be an All-Star um but I

Do think my two top two picks would be Scotty and Trey all right uh West still West asks what is the most realistic trade deadline outcome for the Raptors because it feels like they have so many guys that they can trade but they won’t trade them all you’re probably right

They won’t trade them all you’re right uh I think if I had to rank them Bruce Brown for sure is is the guy that I would rank first in terms of getting traded I think his value is very high and teams want him and it just makes

Sense for them to move on at this point with Bruce uh I don’t think Dennis Schroeder will get traded I really doubt that unless the Raptors get a an offer that blows them away there’s the connection with Darko but also he’s a really big leader for this team you need

Those type of guys in the locker room I would be surprised if Dennis schroer gets moved and he’s been better since coming off of the bench so no qualms there um who else I doubt yaka purle gets traded as well I think he’s part of this for for at least the short-term

Future here um maybe Chris bue maybe Gary Trent Jr so those are the three that would pop up to me it’s like Bruce Brown I would say is like 90% I would say he gets traded G Trent Jr I would say is about 50% he gets traded Chris

Bue also 50% and maybe OT Porter Jr if somebody bites on auto maybe he’s a buyout candidate who knows but yeah those are the guys that I would bring up in terms of what might happen true visman is asking realistic remaining moves to be made does bushe go so by the

Same token I I would say yes there are a lot of realistic moves I think to me the one that keeps coming up is Bruce Brown to the Knicks and you get the the 2024 pick or a 2025 pick and you get fornier and you call it a day maybe they give

You Grimes it would be great if they could give you Grimes but I’m not sure if New York has the appetite for that that’s sort of a realistic move that gets made I want the Thunder to get involved for Bruce Brown I think he would make sense in a lot of what they

Do you know maybe you take on Burton’s contract and you get like two picks instead uh which would be really awesome Good Vibes ball quick in the six is asking can you think of another first round pick less ideally protected accounting for relative draft position than the one the Raptors traded for Yak

That’s a great question dude and I don’t know how to answer that on the spot I would have to do a lot of research but the one that pops up to me and I’m not sure if this was a protection or a pick swap or something along the lines of

That but this was just bad management to do this trade so the Celtics and Brooklin Nets made a trade in 2013 that sent Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce to the Brooklyn Nets in exchange the Celtics got a bunch of picks from the Nets one of those picks ended up being

The first pick in the 2017 draft which ended up being Marquel Foltz but also it could have been Jason Tatum so that’s just one of those things where you’re just like wow how did they mess that up that badly and when you think about the Brooklyn Nets with kg and Paul Pierce

Obviously Raptors fans are very familiar with that but it’s just like how did we get to that point for four years later uh it’s it’s just a wild circumstance I I can’t I have to research for this question it’s a great question but off the top that’s the one that comes to

Mind oh actually sorry another one another one would be the the Nicola vuvi uh trade to the Orlando Magic the the magic got two picks one of them ended up being the fron Vagner pick so I guess that’s another one that would count in this situation but yeah those it’s the

Yaka purle trade is up there in terms of the most mindblowing pick protection situations even if it was a lottery protected pick it would make a million times more sense but the fact that it was top six protected I just don’t know all right jack Raptors Jack my guy asks ideal

Situation for the Raptors from now until next season deadline moves draft free agent any Targets Etc my thing first and foremost is that I want the pick to convey to the San Antonio Spurs I believe that if it doesn’t convey the Raptors are banking on free AG swinging and missing

Potentially on guys that they would not be able to go out and sign I know there is a cap space situation and that is always tantalizing for a team maybe they can get Nick claxon maybe they can get Malik monk maybe there are other guys I

Do not see that happening for this team and so therefore I would like to pick to convey I would like them to move on with their lives in terms of this pick protection and then from there try to build a team that makes sense around

Them I think uh yakob I Q RJ Scotty those four are for sure going to be on this team next year those are the four that I would say Almost 100% sure that they are all going to be on this team yakob maybe not so much but the other

Three RJ IQ and Scotty you know those guys are going to be building blocks moving forward how do you maneu and obviously Grady dick as well sorry I I blanked there but how do you maneuver right how do you build how are you going to be worse next year are you planning

To be worse next year these the questions that come to mind to me it’s like that’s going to determine your approach moving forward and I think I can’t jump the gun on this I want to see how they do in terms of the deadline just to see you know if there are

Anything else that shakes out before I kind of give a whole plan or rund down and you ask for my 2024 finals predictions I believe it will be the Boston Celtics for the versus the Los Angeles Clippers and I believe the Celtics will win the championship that

Is how I see it I could be very wrong I could see the Nuggets making the title M making the Finals over the Clippers and if it is nuggets Celtics I say the Nuggets would win that series but yeah that’s that’s how I see it okay JC JS

And wraps uh with the Thunder and py up next I’m assuming you mean the games that’s yeah you’re right uh and RJ not close not looking close to coming back we are unlikely to learn anything new before the deadline so what’s the plan the plan is to have as much Good Vibes

As possible um not every game is going to have a takeaway not every game is going to have an answer or an anecdote or an idea or something along the lines of that some games especially when you’ve entered a long and gr grueling rebuild are just going to be games like

Tonight against the Houston Rockets where there aren’t Mone takeaways so that’s that that’s that’s the answer uh Ras Putin uh asked do you think Messi messed up taking Grady dick over cam Whitmore in the NBA draft no I do not think he messed up taking Grady dick over cam Whitmore I still

Hold a lot of Grady dick stock I believe in Grady dick I think he will be very good cam Whitmore is a very good player he showed out tonight was awesome tonight I think we should slow our horses in terms of like what we conceive

Of a player as a rookie versus what they will be in year five cam the reason he dropped so much was some of the injury history the concerns of injury and honestly he is an elite athlete a great transition player gets downhill incredibly well I mean all of the Rockets are just

Incredible athletes I have questions about the rest of his game and you know kind of building out the rest of his game the defensive stuff making plays and making passes he hasn’t had an assist in like a million years cam with more and so the other side of stuff I

Think I trust Grady’s Game and his development a little bit more he’s making passes he’s making reads he’s shown an KN to be a little bit more of a a rebounder I think the defense will grow eventually too and obviously the shooting touch we’ve seen in spurts here

And there so I I don’t think it’s a mess up by any means and I also think if you like are if you’re worried about that bro you got to get used to this rebuild man because there are going to be moments where you’re going to get where

You’re going to question things and where you’re going to say man uh man how did they how did they go this way the top six protected pick etc etc there are going to be L’s and there are going to be W’s I don’t think it’s it’s safe to

Say that Grady dick has been a loss so far we’re still very early into the process of dick and his just development overall just wait patience young Padawan is the only thing I would say to that because I know I know people are itching to see more from Grady but sometimes

It’s not an overnight process and it’s just not the way that you’re can expect a majority of prospects to grow so I would just say just just stay patient okay another great uh question from Samson here and I believe it’s the final question of the day uh a year and change

Removed from your wemy vid on size plus skill in the NBA how do you feel about the guard position so for the people who didn’t watch that video made a video about a year like he said a year and change ago um about how the impact of

Guys like Victor wanyama and Chad holen will have on the NBA and sort of looking forward to the future of the NBA how does that shake out like what does the game look like 20 years from now when there is so much length wemi Chad uh

Paulo right like these guys who are just like these massive creators guys who can be these perimeter threats how does that change the game for a guy like Fred Van vet or a guy like Maris Noel or even to a lesser extent guys like Emanuel quickley for the tradition add guard how

Do you compensate for that size and that was the question I had Samson answered a lot of you know in a lot of insightful ways nikai Duncan was on there shout out to James Herbert he was on there ignasio like a lot of really really smart people

Got to answer these questions that I had and I think the the the thought I have now a year and a half later is that guard play is still so important like it is incredibly important and the ability to use your quickness use your speed to get downhill

Is why guards will forever have a case for being in the NBA having these 6′ one 6’2 6’3 guards who can attack the basket have incredible quick First Steps those guys are needed because those guys are incredible at creating advantages and while there are clear advantages to

Having bigs right when can carve out a mismatch cze can carve out a mismatch Paulo can carve out a mismatch Scotty can carve out a mismatch but you still need that element of the game you still need the skill of what a guard can do because not a big man can’t emulate some

Of the stuff that guards to do all love to wemi all love to the Unicorn ability that he has he’s doing stuff that some guards can do but you still need Trey Jones to hook him up you still need Trey Jones to set him up you see the the

Onoff num with them are ridiculous and when Wy isn’t playing with a point guard it’s a little bit of a different question so you need guys to be the setup man uh I don’t know if anybody plays volleyball here my wife was a really really good volleyball player in

High school she was the setup person right she was setting people up she’s a small little small little person but she sets people up all the time that was her amazing skill in volleyball and she ended up winning MVP because of it there were the taller volleyball players right

That were swatting it over the net and jumping really high and that’s an important skill to have in volleyball too but you need the setter you need the person that’s going to set them up and that’s why the guard position is so damn important I think that’s it for

Questions just want to say the game sucked all right it was a bad game there’s no question about that it was a tough gun no no no question at all but I want you guys to have faith and try to enjoy the process because folks

It might be a long rebuild it might be we’re in this 3 four years from now and saying man it’s going to take a while for this team to get back into the playoffs and I don’t want that to alarm you guys maybe that’s not the case maybe

They do end up being a playoff team in the next couple of years and hey if we if we believe in Scotty the way that a lot of people do believe in Scotty and I believe in Scotty and his ability then that should happen but I just want to

Say there are going to be moments where they suck and tonight they sucked them’s the breaks like that’s that’s just part of the process you will enjoy these moments 10 years from now when they are in the playoffs when they are in the Eastern Conference Finals battling

Fighting to try to make it to the finals enjoy these moments because you will look back on them fondly it’s crazy to say but I look back on the Allen Anderson Rudy Gay uh shout out to like that era of basketball Raptors basketball the early Kyle and Demar years of them

Struggling like I really do look back on that fondly because it led to the NBA Championship because it led to all those incredible playoff runs you got to have there is no light without dark there is no day without night and there is no win without loss so you’re going to lose

Some ladies and gentlemen and yeah them’s the breaks ladies thank you very much appreciate it um listen tap into Raptor Republic subscribe on Raptor Republic do the things you guys do for Raptor Republic we have our trade deadline show on Tuesday should be great should be awesome should be cool I’ll be

There along with a lot of other cool people as well thank you very much we will see you guys later take care

The Toronto Raptors got absolutely demolished in Houston by the Rockets as Alperen Sengun and Fred VanVleet led Houston to a comfortable win in a reunion game. Scottie Barnes and Immanuel Quickley each put up 20+ points but it wasn’t enough — despite Quickley and Jakob Poeltl returning from injury.

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0:00 – game recap
2:30 – reps vs good reps
5:40 – Samson NBA comp
6:50 – Breaking down my Sun Life commercial
9:42 – He Got Game 2?
11:17 – Sengun, Scottie or Paolo?
13:47 – When do we start to worry about rebuild?
14:42 – Scottie comp & ceiling
17:20 – my journey in sports media + advice
19:25 – All-Star Injury Replacements
20:25 – Trade Deadline Predictions
22:20 – Jakob deal the worst pick protections ever?!
24:00 – 2024 NBA Finals Prediction
26:00 – Trusting the Process
26:50 – Gradey Dick vs Cam Whitmore
29:00 – Wemby — the death of guards in NBA?

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  1. Good positive vibes here. I remember when OKC was young and losing in the coupla years after the move from Seattle. Some analytics guy said they would be much better by not playing Durant. That his inefficiency was killing them on the court. But Kevin was getting his reps in. Didn't matter if they were "good" reps or "bad" reps.

    My only concern is that Dennis' s "it's all up to me" approach means that others aren't getting their reps in. Why is he taking so many 3s, when Gradey and Jordan Nwara are on the court with him?

  2. Who would have thought such a great episode would spawn out of a horrible game. Keep up the great work!

  3. Whitmore is clearly an above average scorer already and shows he’s a good rebounder, shooter and can ball handle, in what world can you consider that you would question everything bar being a downhill driver when he’s shown what he can do compared to gradey dick LOL

  4. I don't even bother watching their games anymore. Watching the Pacers and Knicks games, but the Raptors are no longer entertaining. Does it matter to have only 1 or 2 players!!! If others don't rally around him, maybe something is wrong?!? 1 or 2 Players showing up each game doesn't make a team guys!!!

  5. I'll start Scottie b/c he is a versatile 2 ways player & like Segun can make his team mates better. I also think Scottie is a better clutch player as well.

  6. I would bet my house SB will lead the Raps to a chip. He is better than Giannis when he was a 3rd yr player. If Giannis can lead Bucks to a chip why not SB. He is a wing 2 way player which history has shown you need to win a chip. SB just needs to continue to put in the work & be aggressive. You can't play SB off the floor but you can w/Segun. Segun is not as good defensively. Last night Yak wasn't the reason for all those points. The guys on the perimeter not named SB were terrible.

  7. Relax, so what? This is just a loss. You guys wanted our team to tank. We got rid of all of our starting players. we have to rebuild to the draft and trade so stop acting shocked when we do not win games we don’t have to win this game against Houston so just stop overreaction about the only thing you should be talking about is a lack of improvement and graded ditch shooting is improving other areas, but is shooting is atrocious and that’s not gonna keep him in the NBA

  8. So glad our media continues having zero faith in Scotty and says it publicly. Such an embarrassment! I dont blame him if he puts in a trade request to get away from this oppressive media propaganda!

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