@Milwaukee Bucks

Dame goes 10 for 11 from the field and makes all 5 of his 3pt attempts

Dame goes 10 for 11 from the field and makes all 5 of his 3pt attempts

by JPD050409


  1. Giannisisnumber1

    Where are all the people saying Dame was washed and we shouldn’t have traded for him?

  2. RealWeapons

    Jrue Holiday trash ass could never do this. NBA runs through Milwaukee.

  3. Common-Tea5746

    Love everyone , not just Giannis setting picks for him

  4. Substantial_Gur_5980

    That corner fade away three gave me chills. Chills.

  5. khrismiddletonburner


    He knew what he was about to do to the Mavs defense tonight before he walked in tonight. He also controlled the ball a lot more and if that keeps happening, you can’t stop the momentum. I fucking *love* Dame on the Bucks

  6. Love the Crowder steal and behind the back move over Giannis on the floor for the Dame layup

  7. TraySplash21

    That step back corner 3 is just absurd. A absolute back breaker. Over basically a double team. That’s not normal

  8. Alwaysbadhairday

    Wow, just wow! None of those 3’s were open with huge defensive pressure. 

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