@Boston Celtics

Oshae asking JT the tough questions πŸ˜‚ #nba #shorts #celtics

Oshae asking JT the tough questions πŸ˜‚ #nba #shorts #celtics

Oan um pretty good win tonight you know but you’re a down a key guy not two key guys um but number 12 in particular how’ you guys do that without him you know basketball is a team sport and uh we got a great group of guys in

That locker room we would love to have everybody every single night but you know that’s just not how it’s going to be and we we have the next man of mentality um um so when guys are out with mysterious injuries or whatever um you know we just we just pick up for the

Next man

Oshae asking JT the tough questions πŸ˜‚ #nba #shorts #celtics


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