@Minnesota Timberwolves

Anthony Edwards in the 4th quarter

Anthony Edwards in the 4th quarter

by bobbyshawarma_


  1. This is true but this team needs to stop wasting possessions in general. When Ant went out in the first half and KAT wasted like four possessions thinking he was going to be the man now is just as costly but gets forgotten as the game goes on. Maturity is still a huge issue and I wish the players would acknowledge it because Finch sure has

  2. kgformvp21

    Hating on a 22 year old with no spacing and no offensive structure in the 4th. Smh
    Ant is the reason why the team is where they are today. When you run a free flowing offense that relies on ISO ball from a 22 year old because of spacing issues in the fourth, you’re going have turnovers. This is normal for a player like Anthony Edwards. He either has to go through this learning curve or the coaching staff and gm need to put better personal out their to help him.

  3. DragoniteGang

    Ant passed too much when he is in the paint. He is one of the best finishers in the league yet he forced himself to pass to Gobert which resulted into two turnovers

  4. sayqueensbridge

    yeah that was one of the worst stretches of basketball I’ve seen him play in his career

  5. RabbiGoku

    Kat and ant both put blinders on and try to force their way to points. Time to grow up, 4 other players on the court can help you.

  6. Skolcialism

    What are you a fan of if you’re here to trash our players

  7. Broseph_Bobby

    Kobe was the Black Mamba.

    Ant is the Black Hole.

  8. ChefJeff7777777

    That was probably the worst I’ve seen Ant play all year. Didn’t make the right reads in the few PnR possessions he had, held the ball for 8 seconds letting the defense get set before making any sort of drive/decision, got a T on what was truly marginal contact, bad shot selection and straight up not even giving teammates a chance to do anything. How are your teammates supposed to help you out if you don’t even involve them in any way? No wonder Conley and Jmac missed shots late in the game when they haven’t even touched the ball for 15 minutes of real time.

    Ant is a really good player that’s got potential to be one the best in the league, but we have been early on crowning him. It’s infinitely clear when finch talks about mature basketball in the 4th that Ant is prime suspect number 1. He’s 22 and I think he gets there, but my god is it brutal to watch the growth right now. How many times do we need to see this and hear it in the post game before he sees it and realizes he’s the problem?

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