@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers/Knicks Postgame Analysis, J.Worthy, Bron, AD, Reaves, Coach Ham Reactions | Feb 3, 2024

Lakers/Knicks Postgame Analysis, J.Worthy, Bron, AD, Reaves, Coach Ham Reactions | Feb 3, 2024

Hello and welcome to access sportset Lakers driven by your Southern California Honda dealers Chris McGee James Worthy and from the LA Times Mr Brad Turner BT is now 1 and0 in his career at Spectrum doing a game night big game James yeah let’s give Brad little just give a little

Bit littleit coming in C man I want to see your worthy claps back to back got that Celtic ass and got I didn’t know I told my you know what this might not be the night big game you know I don’t know if he’s going to give it to you gave it

To you the other night sometimes he goes back to back that’s rare I’ll take that yeah you take I’ll take that one better than Michael Francis Brean who’s home right now doing who knows what or bre get better I’m sure this game made bre feel better because listen Lakers get

Another win backto back Boston and the Knicks on the road they beat the hottest team in the league in New York they held them scoreless for almost seven minutes in that fourth quarter check this out Max torian Prince LeBron and Austin re played the entire fourth Hayes was with

That group then ad came in that was it the way they blitzed and doubled Jaylen Brunson uh they started to rebound the basketball because the Knicks uh one of the best offensive rebounding teams in the league they were causing their damage there James but uh another great

Team win they win 33 to9 in that fourth and here’s a key big game that I know you always hit on only five turnovers in the game yeah Lakers total and it got you to go back to back total and and I think in the last game against the

Celtics they they only had under 10 right eight or something like that so they’re taking care of the basketball and I love what darham and the coaching staff are discovering right now I think they’re discovering uh combinations of guys that can play well together and they’re sticking with it in the Boston

Game no LeBron no ad we saw what the others can do and I think tonight it was a combination of blending that together together ad only had 12 he he had eight up until end uh the fourth quarter late in the fourth quarter but to me he was

Still the most valuable player on the floor I think he had four or five blocks mhm he must have altered at least six or seven others where they they went in and they saw him and they went away uh and I thought Reeves once again the floor

General uh you know I I just really think this team is finally coming together Prince did a really good job on Bronson early on and then the decision to trap him changed the whole game changed the whole game they went without scoring for about five and a half six

Minutes almost the defense was was clamping them down and they like you said they start rebounding and stop giving up extra possession so it was a nice team effort and uh down the stretch I I I love what James brought up because I I think it’s really important on a

Night where you only roll with those guys in the fourth quarter that could be a story right you’ve covered this team for a long time but it’s not when you win the game and you roll with something guys are going to be happy for each other and that’s what it’s about each

Game can be different and with the loss of V uh even the other night with no ad in Lebron you have to play with what you have and sometimes it might be a guy stepping up that you didn’t know like a Max Christie getting the extra minutes

We’ve all been wanting him to play more well he got the opportunity tonight uh an impressive win you alluded to something James Darin ham and his coaching staff it’s time that he gets some credit for what he’s done the last two games he’s coaching in a way me of

What he did doing the playoffs he had this team prepared he had them ready to play and it was always the next play mentality when you go in do your job when you’re on the bench be prepared to come into the game toan Prince did not

Start tonight but he had a good game Off the Bench didn’t so put his down he played well for the match Chris is a young kid trying to find his way but he had a really good block shot late in the game on on Brunson without fouling that

Shows you that Dar is now starting to reach his players and they’re starting to respond to his voice listen with V being out Max Christie has a role on this team his athleticism his his ability to defend and knock down a three he’s going to be playing let’s go back

To MSG Max Christie’s with Mike trell well Max Christie what a victory here in New York believe you played the entire fourth quarter defense was outstanding held them to 10 points until the final minute what did it take on that end and what was the key for you yeah I mean

They got a lot of good players on the offensive side you got divon chenzo Brunson and a bunch of guys that can really score and for us we needed to lock in you know we were scoring the ball at a pretty high clip but they were

Scoring it as well so we know for us our DNA is that you know get stops on defense I think we did a really good job that in the fourth on the ball off the ball some traps so what was the plan from the coaches and what did you have

To execute as a guard in that scheme in the fourth yeah I mean we really just want to get the ball out of brunson’s hands he still played really mistakes don’t exist he still play really really well but uh we wanted to make other players beat us you know they hit a lot

Of Threes but I think at the end especially at the end we contested really well at the rim and we rotated well off those blitzes and we got a bunch of big rebounds that was a key I know a lot of basketball players think about playing in a game like this with

This much energy Nick’s in a n game winning streak you got LeBron and ad out there what did it feel like to just be in there for the big moments it was really cool man this is a really really good experience to you know close out a

Really important game in the garden and let alone get a win against a really really good team you know it felt really really good especially coming in you know being a young player and experiencing it this early so I had a really good time I mentioned your perimeter D how about Anthony Davis

Inside anchoring things in that fourth I mean yeah he had a a bunch of big rebounds really and then a bunch of Big Blocks as well and so he was huge for us down the stretch I mean without him you know they would have scored a bunch of

Points and so defensively he was a monster last one for you a couple of tough road losses Houston Atlanta you guys rally to win in Boston now tonight we’ll see what happens with Vanderbilt and when he can come back if at all how do you guys kind of move forward now

From this and try to carry some momentum I think his next man up and I mean we carry the momentum from these two games two really big Woods on the road against two really good teams you know in the NBA and so you just got to carry this

This momentum forward and you know continue to win more games appreciate it Max yeah appreciate you great defense by the Lakers the either that they were double teing New York’s main option Jaylen Brunson made him get off course a little bit and then dared the other guys

To make shots from the outside which they could not do and if they got inside who was there Anthony Davis yeah to intimidate to block shots to make you think two or three times before you took a shot to the basket yeah and on a night where they got outrebounded big game

James by 13 the Lakers and the New York Knicks had 18 offensive rebounds that led to 17 points those final few minutes where they had to tighten it up and they had to get the rebounds the Lakers came up big that’s also winning basketball right you’re not going to be perfect in

Every single category there’s going to be a night where maybe you know the balls are just even you said it the ball was just not it was just going their way right balls were leaking out Landing a guys hands loose balls but Lakers found

A way to get that at the end get that settled they did you know uh they were patient y uh like you said the the the the shots were going up sometimes the long rebound comes out sometimes you can’t avoid uh you know them getting the offensive rebound but I thought they did

An excellent job of forcing heart to be the guy you notice they came off a heart and they forced him to shoot he got a little bit nervous couldn’t knock down a shot and they denied Bronson the ball back and like you said when they went

Inside ad if he didn’t block it he altered at least four or five shots so uh I I thought the defense down the stretch was perfect they knew what they were doing the adjustments that they made on the Fly you know they couldn’t stop it immediately but as minutes

Passed they checked it out then they made an adjustment on the Fly and they locked them down like I said there was like five almost six minutes there they couldn’t score a bucket so hats off to the defense down the stretch yeah I mean Jaylen Brunson ended with 36 he had 25

Going into the fourth the Lakers start that fourth quarter with a 90 run kind of took control of that game but you you nailed it big game and Doris talked about it on the broadcast she even said they’re making Josh Hart the basketball a lot for that stretch the ball was in

His hands was getting impatient put AO in he he should have put a shooter in the game or somebody strg but they never made the adjustment and uh we we we took it to him in the four guys I want to talk Austin Reeves because this is

Another great night we spent a lot of the pregame show he was the interview with Mike trudell he earned it he had a career high seven threes against Boston uh 32 points which was a season high he backed it up again he stayed patient uh

14 of his 22 BT where in the fourth quarter he was great from the line but he was that guy again down the stretch making a big Play He’s Not Afraid no he is not afraid of the first time playing at the Garden how about that yeah but he

Showed off in the garden BT I always listen to my Legends I’ve been in this job a long time and I’ve heard them all say you know playing in New York is different playing at the mecca the excitement that goes into that big game James talked about the pregame show had

It as his number one favorite Arena to play in in front of Boston on the road big game what does it say about Austin Reeves and his first time there playing to show out like that it there you can feel it you can feel some about you know

New York Jordan went in there they love going there Kobe loved it Dominique Wilkins they love to go in there just they they know the game you go out in New York every Park they know the game it’s like they know if you’re and and if

You’re in a and if you are a visiting team if you’re performing well they’ll make you feel like you’re the home team they just love to to watch you play but I just thought the Lakers and Reeves in particular you know it’s his team to handle the ball

He’s the best at navigating LeBron’s a nice you know ISO guy he can take you one-on-one but Reeves is the guy that can score he can he can gets that little bump he get the potential three and he also can find he’s smart you see like

You said I think you said it he he waved everybody out created a play he sees things on the floor cuz he’s a coach on the floor I just love the way he’s he’s stepping up all right let’s hear from Darin hamy speaking with Mike in the

Media Darin in that fourth quarter it held up to 10 points up until I think about 40 seconds were left and it kind of exchanging what did you see on defense not just with AB but you know Max the whole time point of attack sing know what came together on defense I

Mean just everything um you know obviously we was trying to get the balls ball out of uh jaylen’s hands um toian had a hell of a task trying to you know guard him keep him in checking and you know we hit off other guys to double team them blitzed them whenever they

Brought their fivem men into it so trying to navigate those things um Braun basically his assignment was basically to be a Onan Zone you had Max chasing Dante around um it’s great great team effort and AD just cleaning up the glass getting every defensive rebound it

Seemed like uh an AR you know again him being the hit guy coming off his guy and just trusting our rotations behind us um and being smart who we rotated to who who we force to try to make a play off the dribble and so um it’s a great team

Win last couple games you know we said to ourselves we need to get back to a defensive mindset get back to getting stops and uh we we were able to do that Thursday and again tonight Knicks are a little bit of unique team in this case

Of front and and want to trap and such but a little bit of a different starting lineup and then you know smaller times like what what were you looking for from the rotation against them tonight just to come in and be aggressive um you know be be disciplined with with the

Assignments we we said earlier at shoot around we were going to double team them that was going to come in uh a few different forms um whether it’s again like I mentioned our five men our big guys blitzing off traditional pick and rolles and and then when he would try to

Get in space and they set their small small screens the guys coming back off the small um so the attention to detail the guys staying discipline we had a few hiccups here and there but in terms of fouling but for the most part I mean guys were solid what like the line of

Change care there the um just just coming out being bigger along the front line um create some balance you know uh Toran you know he has to do it on both sides of the ball and then I just felt like him coming off the bench you know

Just would allow him to not only give us you know Shore up our our bench in terms of a defensive presence but also allow him to get some buckets too we need him to score and be aggressive offensively and so uh he was able to do that he came

In with the I think he finished what 16 points so it it it worked out well it created a nice uh sense of balance we’ve seen some uh maybe 15 lineups for you guys this year and some of it’s been taking out of your hands from injuries

Um but some of them you’ve intended to go with for a while yeah is this I’m hoping you have all the things seon I’m hoping I’m hoping like crazy um I think we we’ve had probably out of those 15 different ones it’s been three that’s been you know deliberate

Not unforeseen circumstances and so um yeah that’s that’s definitely the plan but when when the teams won nine in a row does it does it feel good to do anything team that come in there to their own home court and stop them from getting 10 I mean being the fact that we

Had one one in a row you know we we not going to worry about what they’re doing on their side of the ball we’re just trying to get to a place where we playing the type of basketball we envision the type of basketball we know we’re capable of and defend at a high

High level that’s going to give you a chance every night and we got enough Firepower in terms of people in the starting line of people coming off the bench to where we’re going to be able to put points on the board but just getting back to the details the defensive

Details and trying to whole teams to one possession and also you know it was a great night in terms of us taking care of the ball only five turnovers for the entire game they didn’t score off any of them so our defense and our ability to

Take care of the basketball you know we have to keep that going sustain that some type of way there was a possession in the fourth quarter when LeBron got switched out to Brunson kind of had to chase him around the Baseline like I mean 10 12 seconds

Of like straight defense to the bench kind of went nuts but when when he’s that engaged defensively what does that kind of do for you guys as a team and what kind of message does that send I mean just a guy of his magnitude everything he’s done um a

World champion a few times over um it just puts that much pressure on everybody else to do the little things and sends a great message to our group um he’s landed on the line he’s covering for guys he’s communicating uh he does a great job just rushing at a ball handler

And then slowing down at the last minute playing posum so to speak uh in terms of how he’s closing out and and funneling different guys to ad or somewhere somewhere else where you know it creates a lot of indecision but um just just him buckling down defensively

I think it sends a great message to our group that everybody has to be held accountable on that side of the ball along those lines torren and uh Austin scored 16 of your first 20 points in the fourth quarter what does it say about your group that you can have that kind

Of secondary scoring without LeBron and AD having to that’s what that’s what we need like they they can’t uh be overwhelmed with uh panic in terms of when Braun or ad doesn’t get a touch I mean we have a a team full of talented offensive players and the more they they

Assert themselves and uh stay aggressive and be deliberate and take advantage of the opportunities that they have the better it’ll be and and and the more endurance we’ll have for Bron and ad as about the pregame um max was in staring closing lineup rather what did you see

From him the first three qus up that just being aggressive being smart he’s a long athletic Wing that that really can defend and Chase and his length is a bit ability to contest um he’s a great great minutes great situations for him to be in for his confidence and his maturation

Process um I just thought he was phenomenal um and he stayed aggressive and and that’s the thing I just been preaching to him don’t worry about making mistakes you’re going aggressive there’s no such thing as an aggressive mistake um that’s I’m good with it thank you think you guys handled those

Especially before that stretch how do you think you guys handled those doubles J good like and I just told the players that so they did it all game so it wasn’t that they started in the fourth and then just trust the past and then you got to you know you get and

We got 100 shots so um you know shoot you’re you’re open trust the second pass they’re they’re trying to get the ball out of his hands and sometimes you it’s make miss you know go hard to the board try to get a second shot we didn’t finish off the

Second shots either so uh you know but I liked our shots uh you know we had some uh mistakes defense ly in the fourth that we can fix right but overall I thought we played pretty well hey Tom jayen six and 24 from three since Julius went down and tonight Los Angeles double

Team Jaylen 30 times that’s a lot of defensive pressure what without show I mean the Playbook what what are some ways you think you can get jayen some better three-point BS because it seems like he’s a elite shooter but the degree of difficulty has just been so much

Higher yeah well he’s got to get them in transition but when a if a team makes a commitment to do that it’s easy offense your primary scorers have the responsibility just to make the right play trust the guy I don’t want them forcing shots so I thought you know he

He he shot you know almost 50% and he’s getting a lot of attention so uh I like the looks that he gets and I trust that his work I know how he prepares for each game so just shoot you’re open shoot that’s all and everyone for that matter

So uh when you you know you you hit the short roll and you move it to the backside and you’re open I don’t want any hesitation you let it go coach you playing uh deuce and Brunson a lot more in the last few games out there do they

Get a lot of time and practice it seems at times they they bumping each other and miles is always not in the spot out there what do you see in terms of they’re playing together yeah you know sometimes you got to mix and match so you know he’s capable of playing well

With them he’s played well in St stretches with them so you had a short bench tonight how much of a factor was that in the fourth quarter yeah they you know they played Short too so you just matched up with them uh like I said we’re up six going into the fourth our

Margin error is really small right now just got to keep playing hard do you uh do you plan on keeping these minutes subtles around the same if guys can’t play for the next few games whatever the game costs for we’ll see what did you make of the way you guys guarded LeBron

And AD I mean AD made an impact on the glass uh shot blocking was a factor and you know like and that’s why he played a great game without you know having a lot of points you know and that’s LeBron the same like those guys read the game they

Played their you know LeBron played 41 minutes you know so you you got you’re concerned he credit to him he’s in that type of shape you know so you know Davis is is a load to deal with uh take a look at our Rim reads to make

Sure we’re making the right reads in there did you like those in the fourth quter particular against him time some of them like the I want to look at the film you know so some of them are on the offensive rebounds and we went back up

And the spray probably is the play to make but you know if you’re in depends on where you get the the offensive rebound too so I want to take a look at that all right thanks y LeBron Finch with 24 points in 40 minutes let’s go inside the Laker Locker speak with the

Media the atmosphere we’ve talked to you about it for years but I mean are you starting to feel your oats a little bit more um when you come back I mean I just you know it’s it’s great when the Knicks are are winning and you get to come here and play you

Know competitive basketball and play at the highest level you know by every possession means something especially in the fourth quarter and uh you know to be able to make some plays in the fourth quarter to turns and ties or whatever the case may be that that definitely

Helps um it’s something that feels great you know it’s like you said it’s the me of basketball they’ve seen so many great players great teams great things that come through this building so I’m just happy to be a part of it Dar changed the starting line of plan with ruy and then

Tan obviously had a big low Off the Bench what did you the change what what do you like about that b with the new F no listen I just think everybody who got an opportunity to go out and contribute did that I thought TP I mean he’s just a

Professional so you know him coming off the bench and giving us that spark that he gave us uh was Big Time For Us you responsibility facing this how have you been able to kind of carry on that responsib um cuz it is a responsibility you know there’s so many kids that look

Up to us as professional basketball players look up to us as NBA guys and have looked up to me and my two plus you know two plus decades you know and part of this league so I think it is my responsibility to not only play the game

At a high level but represent the league with the utmost respect um give back to the league cuz the league is giving me so much and you know just try to you know set an example for the Next Generation next gen and uh so you know I

Never kind of like got you know into like oh I’m the face of En I never I’ve never ever even said that um you I’ve always just understood it as a responsibility with being a professional you know be a pro and I’ve always wanted to be that and always have done that on

And off the floor why you me have been able to maintain relev in late 30 most stepping aside uh cuz we just we’re true to the game and I think when you true to the game the game continues to give back to you we keep the main thing the main

Thing and that’s working on our game working on our craft working on our bodies keeping our mind fresh um and has allowed us at the later stage of our career to be able to go out and still play at a high level are you guys kind

Mex for you guys tonight last one mexo for you guys tonight was what have you seen Max Max oh Max how have you seen him grow since being rotation through the season especially the last games I think the more minutes he gets on the Florida better and better he’ll he’ll

Get the best you know best teacher in life is experienced so you know he’s still a young player max is 20 years old has he turned 21 yet 10 February 10th so yeah he he can’t even have a drink with us yet so uh so you know so uh you know

He’s he’s he’s going to continue to get better and better the more experienc he gets the better you know the more time he gets on the floor um but he’s a definitely a really good uh young kid um you know and uh you know it shows on the

Floor what advice you have for some of the younger American players coming up know a lot of times they have to kind of snatch iter guys give it up for the um learn the history of the game respect the ones that came before you um even when they do disrespect you um it’s

Okay um it’s absolutely okay um you know um know who PID waved away um you know you know understand that you know what a professional is all about be a pro um you know show up the work be ready to work um if you on time you late um put

The work in um the game gives back to you when you put the work in it’s that’s what the game guys do so you know come to the gym you’re one of the first ones to the gym we one of the last ones to leave you know and

Uh just pour it all into the game if you want to be great and if you want to be you know someone that’s you know will never be forgotten in this league so you know so lot the um the cars and the and the jewelry and and all the

Other that don’t matter means absolutely nothing and uh I see a lot of these young kids they get so unfocused about stuff that that is um so material that they can they can lose their focus just worry about the game when you worry about the game everything take care of

Itself you wor about the game you worry about your family and then worry about the game some more and be selfish too it’s okay to be selfish because you have to be a little bit selfish to be able to uh to be great some people have to fall

To the way side at times thanks I’m done thank you I’m done appreciate you it’s okay y Austin Reed went for over 20 points for the third game in a row he’s standing by with Mike all right Austin your first time playing in Madison Square Garden and

You’re down six heading into the fourth quarter what were you guys able to get to defensively to hold them to 10 points really until the final minute how was that working and what was it like being on the floor there uh we was just being super aggressive obviously uh it’s never

An easy task guarding JB um but we just had to you know send a double uh make him get rid of him make one of the others make plays and we were scrambling really well on the backside you know div Chino was shooting the ball really well

Um but we did you know like I said a really good job getting out of those traps and uh rotate a good number of your points came in the fourth quarter after you started a little bit slow from an efficiency stand Point like how how

Fun was that just like in the rhythm of the building and you’re getting stops and you’re scoring on the other end I mean it’s great like you say it’s my first time playing here uh the atmosphere is unbelievable um and for us to just you know come out here with a

Win and you know being productive in the fourth quarter you know I didn’t play Bad before that but you know didn’t make shots struggled a little bit but hey a win’s a win and that’s all I care about the the message seemingly has been for guys D to be aggressive sort of

Regardless um that that you know if he’s not getting shots like Don’t Force It Like keep going um do you feel like you guys were able to kind of play with the right type of aggression alongside your stars tonight yeah I mean anytime we can help them uh I’m sure if

You go ask them they you know love the help uh he better not be talking to me uh no but yeah um you know DLo you know one thing about him is you know he’s never going to lose confidence in himself you know super talented and then you know

Same with me and you know I just try to play the game the right way but at the same time you know you know those are two best players and we know that they’re going to get the most attention uh most of the time so you got to be

Aggressive uh when you’re aggressive then you know that gives the defense a little indecision and then then you can get them the ball and they can do you know whatever they’ve been doing for Brown 100 years in ad 12 the N ended up with 19 and the 4th but you guys had be

12 with about two minutes left and then the free throws started happen um Darin was and AD said it and Darin said you probably said it yourself too to us that you guys have to be a defensive minded team um is that like can that be a statement type of

Performance in the fourth quarter that you guys look to replicate As you move forward yeah I mean anytime you can get stops and uh you know get run outs and transition get good looks in transition you know that’s you know how we want to play and um I don’t know people probably

Going to go say he didn’t have the best game in the world but the way he you know protected our paint uh that one possession where I think you got two blocks and then it led out to the the foul layup uh that I had you know just

You know situations like that you know people you know don’t really um you know cherish enough you know cuz honestly JB had a wide open layup and his second effort um you know took away two points for them and you know gave us two points so that’s 40 run right there itself so

Um yeah defensively we got to be locked in let’s go back inside the Lakers locker room ad is with Mike wine and FL all right ad not sure how you’re were feeling physically after not playing since Monday obviously you’ve been banged up um Rhythm wasn’t there offensively but you know the glass and

Then especially in the fourth quarter that was kind of the full you know ad defense experience that we’ve seen so many times before uh where where were you at with that and and how did you kind of help limit the Knicks to just 10 points until that final minute yeah um

You know I’m not just a onesided player uh I can impact the game on both ends of the floor uh and that’s what I tried to do I mean uh I took 12 shots something like that um four for 12 but you know still had an

Impact on the game left my print on the game uh on the defense in so uh you know I’m not a guy who only comes out in I have the score to impact our team winning um I could do it on both ends of the floor and you know just holding that

Team you know they’ve been very hot the hottest team in the league n straight come in here and get a dub um obviously they’re under man but um for us is a big win for us trying to just keep it going from you know the momentum that we well

That them guys head in Boston a lot of blitzing in that fourth quarter of Brunson and T was talking about how you know they can do that in part because you’re there in the backline what what are you seeing in front of you what are you having to call out what are you

Having to make sure you’re doing on the back well just reading it I mean seeing who they got on the floor the other three guys um that’s not in a picking role um and just talking to him and saying if I should go help you know depending on who the offensive player is

Um knowing their Tendencies and um you know talking to the guyss and you know I try to make it very easy for our guyss when they’re out there blissing or defending special guards uh just for the fact that they got to be somewhat comfortable to to Blitz or pressure send

Them a certain way um whatever the coverage is knowing that they got help on the backside um and so that brings out of confidence in them knowing that you know they can they can go and do that knowing I’m back there you guys have said it that you need to be a

Better defensive team to have a chances here and now you showing it um how do you show it more often keep doing what we doing um The Talk and obviously uh losing one of our biggest defensive presences um you know it’s tough but guys got to

Step up and you know take the challenge uh I think any one-on-one match up uh you got to take personal that’s how you get better take it personal and I think tonight this team been rolling Jaylen Bronson been you know I he’s an Allstar all right I’m carrying his team without

Their other two uh top players Julius and anobi um just try to get the ball out of his hands I mean you know he’s going to shoot he’s going to make tough shots he’s a he’s an Allstar he’s a tough player at a guard but just make a tough

Form him and uh that’s what guys did tonight you had that one sequence where you got back toback blocks I think there was a breakdown you block Josh hard at The Rim there’s a loose ball Brunson gets it tries to switch hands you block him what did you see in that kind of

Bang bang sequence in that second effort that you made putting my imprint on the game um protecting the rim you know um Instinct I mean that’s what I do I don’t you know one like I never done that before it’s just it’s a natural instinct that I have you know see ball

At The Rim go get it uh that’s what happened you know uh rebound atin go down get foul so I’m just trying to make plays like I said shot wasn’t there offensively um trying to leave my print on the game on the defense how important was that first minute of

The fourth quarter they had to call a quick timeout uh I mean it’s good I mean I think we held them to uh under 20 um in the fourth um it’s a it’s a big time win for us but I think we did our defense um you

Know playing fast uh playing with Pace um making the right reads and you know taking and making big shots but also doing on defensive end and uh you know every quarter we want to come out and make sure that they the first time I wish they did thank you

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  1. What are those Lakers are doing? Front office really have no clue what is the right way to help a team. How can we lose back to back with Rockets and Hawks and then beat Celtics and Knicks? Itโ€™s shows the one change is certain. Need a new coach to put this puzzles together.

  2. We beat yโ€™all aww the first time so it donโ€™t matter to us yโ€™all better have beat us ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ we are dangerous when we healthy fact

  3. At 5:00 max Christie legit says the word really I think 8 times in two sentences lol he also said it a ton before and after this he really really likes the word really.

  4. lakers can beat Okc,celtics,Knicks. and lose to the hawks and rockets???? lakers need to play with effort CONSISTENTLY!!!…….good win ๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. Lakers stink ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. If Lakers played like this, it sure takes a lot of the weight off the refs. It makes it easier to sway game towards the Lakers because they wont appear like trash. Refs cant do all the work. Lakers need to put something in their relationship as well.

  7. I think it would have been different if OG AND RANDLE WERE PLAYING. But lakers played good. Next game should be a blow out and then the one after is a test against nuggets

  8. Barely won and the knicks had most of their starters and half there bench out.. knicks woulda smacked that ass badly if healthy

  9. It crazy how nobody talking about the Knicks didn't have Julius Randle and OG Anunoby. I'm pretty sure if they played the game would have been diffrent.

  10. i didn't like lbj looking @ christie like on the last foul. dude is young and didnt foul brunson those slight things can kill a young guys confidence

  11. You should never put that boy Reeves in the same sentence as LeBron James. You're a butt kisser boy. He's not ever going to be that great or good.

  12. Lakers 113-Knicks 105, the Lakers only allowed the Knicks less than 20 points in the 4th quarter. This kind of team defensive ability is simply the incarnation of a championship in the league, I think.
    In addition, in this game, James seemed to have found a new partner on the offensive end. His pick-and-roll tactics with No. 11 Hayes seemed to work well.

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