@New York Knicks

New York Knicks vs Los Angeles Lakers Play-By-Play & Watch Along | UnderDog Fantasy

New York Knicks vs Los Angeles Lakers Play-By-Play & Watch Along | UnderDog Fantasy

Y what’s going on Nick Nation welcome to the Nicks play byplay presented by Underdog make sure you guys go to Underdog fantasy promo code kftv for an instant deposit match up to $100 uh we’ll definitely get into our Underdog picks a little bit later for the night and big game tonight

As the New York Knicks host the Los Angeles Lakers with Anthony Davis and LeBron James who interestingly enough decided to miss the Boston game uh to play tonight I have my co-host here for the pregame show Alex trataros the traster what’s going on JD always Alex I’m good man it’s always interesting how

LeBron seems to there’s only one time that I think very rarely does this man miss a game at Madison Square Garden so you know he was probably like yo ad take take the night off against the Celtics let’s get ready for Madison Square G you know people are gonna be showing out for

That one let’s put a performance for that one and stop the this hot fire New York Knicks that that’s probably what he’s thinking and you know what’s crazy too Alex you know talking about that is and and we’ll probably say the same thing in the post game um what do you

Think about that like do you think that says anything about the matchup the Knicks or anything that comes to your mind when you see both of these players miss a ball now mind you Alex this is the SE Celtics that’s their biggest like we don’t really technically have a

Rivalry with the Lakers I know people like to match up because of the markets the cities the franchises NBA big markets etc etc but you have a story like rivalry against the Celtics and you’re in Boston national television on TNT and you got a day off in between and yet

They decided to miss that game to play tonight does like what do you make of that because I thought that was like wow that was bold I think when you look at Players making decisions like that like look one I think LeBron ad could seriously want the rest because they’ve been doing a

Lot of work they’ve been healthy for most of the season in season to uh in season tournament run they did a good job the Lakers won that first one and then you have them essentially flopping after that so trying to work their way out of the gutter and look they’re in

The playing C play in tournament category I think there’s slight legitimacy to them taking a seat but at the same time I do look at it as look I know it’s a historic rivalry between the Celtics and the Lakers you know the Knicks defeated the Lakers to get their

Championship rings I get that historical reference to but there there’s more of a a rivalry between the Celtics and the Lakers for the Batts that they’ve had but to me JD it’s always go back to massive Square Garden like players love to play in Mass Square Garden

And we just know how LeBron James is you know how he’s just media Savvy he knows how to draw the engagement even make himself just throw himself in the middle of the news look we have news from Stephan Bondi where you have clutch and now the ca I.E Leon Rose you know making

Amends over here all right you know coming down and having a Kon by saying you know we can do business man we can do business you know and when I think of stuff like that where you have that breaking through you have LeBron James uh come into Madison Square Garen to

Play and then on top of that have Stephen A Smith out here campaigning campaigning for LeBron James to become a New York Nick which I’m just like okay bud this is how many times do we have to go through this new cycle the Knicks are hot and we’re asking for LeBron James

Over here and the Lakers are just going to trade LeBron James to the New York Knicks because reasons so he knows what he’s doing man so you know this is all builtup hype that it’s strategic that he has a good PR in that clutch agency to

Get the eyes on him to make it relevant and that’s how I look at it as for this game JD like look he could take the rest against the Boston Celtics but there’s nothing like playing in Mass Square Garden of course all the history too him doing water bottle flips him showing out

Of M like there’s much more reason for him especially with the history of you know the the we talk about the decision oh teasing that he could come to the New York Knicks he doesn’t he goes down to Miami you know how much of a historic

Rivalry we have with the Miami Heat yep a better way to to start generating some content and social media engagement than uh getting ready for the New York Knicks and as we talk about that uh Daniel you can put up the LeBron the LeBron James walking into the

Arena um you know it goes into the whole uh the theater of playing at Madison Square Garden where as you see LeBron there and he he says you know Mr James in the garden you know he he tries to get some of that attention and and make

It into this whole theater thing and I think players play into that when they come to the Garden they know that you know you’re on the spotlight and I think a lot adds to tonight’s matchup the fact that the Knicks are a contender and and I think that added to some of the

Intrigue in them missing the Boston game and and wanting to in addition to getting the extra us wanting to play tonight to National TV night it’s on a Saturday on a weekend weather’s actually not that bad tonight um and and the Knicks you know visiting players enjoy coming to

The Garden to put on a show but I think they get even more amped up when the Knicks are actually good because part of it is the competitive nature of you think it’s going to be a good game so um we think it’s going to be a good game

But the Knicks are short-handed again Alex as we all know Mitchell Robinson is still out it’s going to be out who knows until when uh Julius Randle is still out will be reevaluated in about a couple more weeks but ogan anobi and Quinton Grimes I would say although Duce McBride

May have something to say about that um for that second spot but right now Quinton Grimes and ogan anobi are the two best perimeter Defenders on this team and they’re both out tonight any concerns with the injury report and uh what do you think this means for for the

Knicks tonight against the Lakers I there is a little bit a concern just because d’angel Russell has been playing a little bit better that back quarter reason Russell’s been playing a little bit better so you’d want guys like Quinton Grimes or ogan anobi to be out there and you know give you that

Reassurance on the perimeter to stop those guys from getting into Rhythm you already got enough of a battle between LeBron James and Anthony Davis and I mean what’s also think about what OG is also capable of doing he’s one of the best three and D wings out there he can

Guard one through five if you had him tonight he’s guarding LeBron James like that’s who you would want him on tonight so for forget that You’ probably want Grimes or anybody else on the per like McBride can do his job against Austin Reeves too and d’angel Russell but you

Want to make sure that you have enough defense out there and kudos to the Knicks they’ve been they’ve been playing really great defense even with all those guys out but I would still feel a bit more comfortable with OG and anobi out there guarding LeBron James let’s see if

Precious can continue this hot streak of play man and and and really defend LeBron tonight I think he’s going to get that match up uh but I’m a little concerned not worried because the Lakers have their own struggles this team can’t shoot the three ball well so you know

Where they’re going to want to attack it’s going to be LeBron it’s going to be uh Anthony Davis attacking the paint this is where the Knicks like to play basketball is inside inside the arc so for that it’s just going to be a slugfest so I’m not too worried just

Slightly concerned like I said I’d want my best defender out there guarding somebody like LeBron James tonight but I still think with the way the Knicks have been playing defense they’re still going to have a good shot and it continuing this winning streak from 9 to

10 yeah and listen man it’s gonna be you know uh it’s GNA be I think a tough game because it’s like yo at some point right at some point you think you know us missing all these players is going to catch up to you right like you you would

Think it doesn’t seem right now actually doesn’t even seem possible because of how hot the Knicks are but at some point man um you know one of the things underlying things of last game is we didn’t shoot well overall you know and and so it’s like yes we won the game got

The heroic performance from Brunson but you know the Die Hard fan the knowledgeable fan understands when you shoot like the way we shot it’s not a sustainable way of winning right you know you can’t the script that was written versus the Pacers is not a script that is written every day in in

In professional sports and so um that’s a slight concern for me and so I’m interested to see how they come out tonight and because the longer I think that OG is out the more obviously the more film you put out there on how to be defended with you know without you know

OG’s Corner three without out Randle being another option so the longer we go the more you know you you’re going to expect from Brunson because it’s not like Precious zuu is going to become a 50% three-point shooter you know um all of a sudden so some of the you know Josh

Hart is is struggling shooting in the perimeter so uh it’s going to be interesting I think you need another outstanding performance from your MVP candidate Jaylen Brunson and you know you hope that Dante dienzo gets back on track shooting wise yes now I will say a key injury for the

Lakers in this specific matchup and and the Knicks beat this is their second and final meeting against the Lakers the Knicks beat the Lakers earlier in the season 114 uh to 109 in the crypto Arena um and so the yeah it’s weird to say weird to call that the crypto Arena not Staples

Man yeah like I it’s it’s strange um but the Knicks beat them in in in LA and so you know you know how it is in the NBA the es and flows you beat a team then the next time they play you they find a

Way to beat you so I hope that doesn’t happen but it it it it happens in the league uh the injury that’s I think G to be crucial is Jared Vanderbilt is out for the Lakers and he is you would say their best Wing Defender um W say he might be

Out for the season so now when you look at their starting lineup you’re looking at ruie haimura LeBron James Anthony Davis Austin Reeds and D’Angelo Russell now D’Angelo Russell is not a good Defender and I I would think based on their started lineup that they’re going to put Austin Reeves on Jaylen Brunson

Uh and and that’s going to be interesting because I don’t know that the Lakers have someone that can defend Jaylen Brunson so I’m looking to see how the Lakers are you know what they’re going to and and it’s interesting because t uh tan Prince has been a

Starter but in tonight’s matchup um um they have that’s the start line they have haimura James Davis Reeves and D’Angelo Russell so I think Reed is gonna get the matchup and this is this is actually looking like a nice favorable match up for Brunson I don’t think Reeves can guard

Him not at all I I don’t even care that they played you know on the feba USA FBA team this past summer it’s uh re Reeves is known as a score Scrappy he could be Scrappy as a Defender but he’s not a Lockdown Defender so and let’s just keep

It a buck man this is why we talk about Jaylen Brunson the MVP consideration because when you just it’s not only how he elevates the team but he’s a guy that you can’t stop him from getting to his spots so it doesn’t even matter who you

Have on him he’s GNA get to his spots and he’s gonna get the shot off so when I think of somebody like Brunson does it really matter who’s guarding him I mean we can watch anybody I mean the start of the Season he was he was slow to get

Into Rhythm but since then dude has just been putting on a hell of a performance I’m not really worried who’s going to guard him on the Lakers side of the ball and I’m G tell you one thing and let me get to let me get to a couple

Super chats before I lose them since I have the regular chat the Knicks realist thank you for the $5 Super Chat he says we have injuries but no vanderbel is big he’s a great defender thank you for the $5 Super Chat the Nicks realist yeah we just touched on that no vanderbel um

Their best defender and not only for tonight but that’s that’s going to be something for the Lakers to to be concerned about for the rest of the season because the the Lakers best lineup in terms of net rating was with Vanderbilt in the starting lineup that’s

What got them to go far in the playoffs a couple seasons ago um or was it last no a couple seasons ago is is how they uh they were able to make a deep playoff run was with Vander as part of their um you know in their starting lineup so we

Have that know there’s another one here $ five Super Chat from see Anie gaming Network thank you for the follow out Super Chat says would there be any way for us to get Cam Whitmore and if so what would you give ain’t no way we’re getting cam

Whitmore right now he’s on a rookie contract uh he’s just starting his career and he’s yeah he’s been cooking the last five games in like less than like 23 minutes in each game he’s like getting 20 points um outstanding guy dropped dropped in the draft I believe

Alex you can correct me from her I believe it because of injury concerns or was it character concerns it was one of those it was I think it was both I think it was both I think it may have been injury but I think I definitely remember character concerns

Okay out there so right but hey he fell on the draft Houston not giving it up cam Whitmore he’s he’s a Bucket Man I mean what he did in summer league and what he’s doing right now he’s he’s not he’s not on the Block yeah I’m gonna get

To this last Super Chat and then we’re going to get into Underdog picks of the night uh $10 Super Chat from the Legend the one and only Mr Chuck D says doesn’t this make the tournament trophy through gazy as heck if the Lakers don’t make the playoffs and get smashed tonight

Salutes to JD and Alex mutes to screaming a screaming a tonight bandwagoners are worse than haters ah yeah man and who knows Chuck uh maybe the NBA in the future thinks about you know not having the tournament trophy so early because that could play a part

Where you know early in the season you have teams figuring things out um you know you’re not really in sync I think at this point almost halfway into the season you’re starting to see teams pick it up you’re starting to see okay what teams are going to need to make a move

Out the deadline what teams are maybe in trouble what teams have to pick it up and what teams need to turn it around um so there’s a little bit more urgency at this point but I also understand the NBA holding it early cuz you kind of want to

Start the season and kind of add some juice to it and and and add some excitement to the beginning of the season so you bring in more fans so that they can then stay with you for the duration of the Season all this is ratings and business but yeah man it

Definitely doesn’t add credibility uh to it if the Lakers are not even gonna be a playoff team and they won the the tournament yeah I I the way I look at it as and I’ll make it quick I agree with everything that you said JD the one

Thing I’ll add is this if the thing about the the inseason tournament is that it’s just supposed to highlight potential playoff teams it’s supposed to highlight upand cominging teams like what you get from the Pacers the fact that they made it they’re still competitive you get halberton back

They’re still a competitive team it’s just a showcase I don’t really make too much of it saying oh this is like these are going to be the teams that win it I mean it’s a oneandone game the thing you love about the final about the playoffs

The NBA Playoffs is that it’s a seven game series so you get to see the best out of seven that will tell you who’s the best best one game anything can happen I mean we’ve seen we’ve seen terrible teams win in one game and get through it all the way so I wouldn’t

Make too much out of it to me it’s just a way as you said to make more revenue for the league and to highlight some upand cominging teams yep and let’s get real quick to the our Underdog picks Alex I’m gonna have to make it real

Quick so I can catch this game uh so Underdog Fantasy Sign up go to Underdog this play byplay uh stream is presented by Oden dog fantasy get an instant match deposit up to $100 with the promo code KF TV and I definitely love playing Underdog fantasy

And when you look at my picks here for the night again you just sign up uh you’ll get a match up to $100 so you put 50 they’ll give you 50 you put 60 you get 60 they they will match it only up to 100 so if you deposit more than 100

You’re not going to get if you deposit 150 you’re not going to get 150 you’ll get 100 that’s the max that they would go to but yeah I got a Nicks Lakers ticket again you don’t when when you pick you don’t have to pick only a specific game

You can mix it up since we’re doing a big game tonight I decided to do four picks now I will say disclaimer I thought OG would play so I went lower on LeBron James total fantasy points because I thought okay you know OG’s gonna play he’s gonna play well on him I

Don’t know that LeBron James gets higher than 44.7 fantasy points nevertheless OG’s out so I’m hoping that I um that I’m able to cash on that prop uh hire for Isaiah hartenstein 13.5 rebounds and assists hartstein has played well against the Lakers last time he went higher than this number he has gone

Higher in uh the last believe it’s the last three games two two out of two of the last three or all three games so we have that and then I have lower on Jaylen Brunson total fantasy points again I thought OG would be playing he gets a little bit more more usage that

Takes away from Brunson and he goes lower and the same thing for Dante Divan chenzo uh lower than 29.5 points rebounds assist these these this whole ticket was predicated on I felt OG tonight so uh you know you play the whole that’s the fantasy strategy you know you’re not saying that these

Guys are going to have a bad game you’re just saying that they’re not going to hit that number uh but I still think that these are very realistic it could happen so let’s go to Alex’s picks yeah quick just quick I chose LeBron James for higher than 37 and a half points

Rebounds and assist as to JD’s Point without Oobi I think he’s going to go go out there and compete especially since he had the day of rest I think he’s going to go out there and do his job Anthony Davis I chose for higher than 11

And a half rebounds you know how it is I think Anthony Davis is a solid rebounder he’s been rebounding the little bit Daylights out of the game out of basketball this season so far so I chose him higher than that Dante D venzo higher than sixth quarter first quarter

Points I think he’s going to hit that just two threes is all he needs and then some and then Jaylen Brunson higher than two and a half two first quarter assists I think he could do that as well all right Alex thank you so much and with

That we’re going to start the playby playay tonight and let’s get it going let’s go JD Breen let’s go Haim mura hits the jump shot and the Los Angeles Lakers get on the board here we go precious auua gives it to late jayen Brunson and as we talked in the pregame

Reeds does get the assignment on Brunson Brunson drives auua open Corner three no good fight for the rebound Hart Brunson shoots the three that’s no good Anthony Davis with the rebound and here come the Lakers haimura postes up Dante to a cutting James James and no good good defense there by precious

Here come the New York Knicks Brunton one1 against Reed brunton’s doubled swings it out to Hart Hart open three that’s no good rebound Reeves here come the Lakers Reeves out to haimura no good rebound hartenstein here come the New York Knicks Dante in transition he lays it in

And the Knicks get on the ball let’s go D’Angelo Russell picked up by D he goes right he loses the ball picks it right back up it’s 5 seconds in the shot clock Russell to a driving haimura and he lost the ball out of bounds Nicks ball turnover Lakers Aoua out to Dante divon chenel defended by Russell to hartenstein hardstein top of the key gives it to Hart Hart over the screen Hart back to hardstein hardenstein Misses the layup and here comes Reeds transition three no good rebound where’s the foul loose ball foul on Anthony Davis over

The back of precious a Chua nice efforts nice effort there from precious it’ll be Nick ball and here we go brunon one-1 against Reeves backs him down backs him down dribbles turns around fakes throws it up and that’s good jayen Brunson gets on the ball that’s a tough shot no call

And Russell shoots the three rebound hardenstein here come the Knicks Sten chenzo crosses half court shoots the three no good rebound Davis and here come the Lakers Reeves drives to the cup back out to James James defended by auua back out to Reeds Reeds oh nice crossover to a cutting

James gives it out to haimura to the corner Russell three no good rebound LeBron what a block from precious AA here come the Knicks har turns the ball over and here comes LeBron with a highlight dunk come on Josh Hart man you messed up the Rhythm damn

Here Comes Brunson 15 seconds in the shot clock it is 44 tie game heart drives to St chenzo Sten chenzo to hardenstein hardenstein blocked by Davis here come the Lakers Russell one on-one against hardstein Russell drives Russell no good fight for the rebound Davis he goes up for the dunk 64

Lakers aoua back out to Brunson 14 seconds in the shot clock Brunson to divon chenzo for three no good fight for the rebound hardstein to Hart Hart they’re gonna call the foul on Haim MOA so the baskets no good Nicks will shoot it out of

B mix right now two of nine from the field 0 of six from three divon chenzo another three no good and Dante Divan chenzo is struggling to start here shooting and haimura beats Josh Hart Back Door 84 Lakers divon chenzo drives to auua auua goes up and aoua scores precious

Auua Here Comes Russell to Davis Davis mid-range Davis Turn Around jump shot and no good rebound hardenstein here come the Knicks 86 Lakers 6 minutes 50 seconds to go here in the first quarter Brunson stops his dribble to hartenstein hartenstein loses the ball and here comes LeBron LeBron goes up and he

Scores 106 Lakers Here Comes Brunson Brunson drives right Brunson in the lane Brunson goes up and lays it in what a floater from Jaylen Brunson the crowd is is on fire to start the game aiura Corner three no good rebound hardenstein here come the Knicks Brunson to Hart hartenstein in the paint

To Brunson Brunson with the floater no good Brunson rebound a scores [Applause] we’re going to call the foul on precious a Chua Timeout on the floor the Knicks tie the game 1010 5 minutes 50 seconds to go here in the first the Lakers are shooting 33% from the field they haven’t made the

Three the Knicks haven’t made the three both teams are 0 for 11 to start this ball game shout out to the chat shout out to the mods shout out to the channel members Russell whiskey the legend Chuck D John tento Iris I see Barbara Carol in the chat Rico World Peace

Let’s go Eddie Suarez TM in the chat Casey papov in the chat Don Marie hi Don hi Don Margaret Edwards in the chat hi Margaret thank you to Louis Sanchez for becoming a franchise Channel member thank you welcome to Nicks fan TV welcome to the franchise make sure you

Like make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the notification Bell make sure you put it to all so you get all notifications on all uploads from the Nicks fan TV channel what’s going on Kev Boogie how you feeling man Mohammad let’s go dl212 y a little nervous about tonight y

A little nervous or y’all ready a little nervous cuz LeBron is in town LeBron doesn’t have the same LeBron doesn’t have the same uh intimidation factor that he used to and I don’t even know that he he was really an an intimidating uh player for me at

Least I used to remember you know when it was Kobe obob used to come to the Garden I was nervous LeBron LeBron is it’s cool it’s cool it’s cool he’s not the same LeBron as he was in his prime We Ready says nappy ninja oh we definitely

Ready the one how you doing how you doing salute salute salute y the Knicks win tonight ladies and gentlemen if the Knicks win tonight as Point given says we down four players he says I’m nervous against everybody how about this the Philadelphia 76ers that got smoked by the Brooklyn Nets tonight in

Philly yes without embiid but that’s the whole point the whole point is they’re in trouble that’s the point they are in trouble and they are they fall to the fifth seed they pick up their 18th loss so that’s huge if you’re a New York Nick fan because now you want every team

Below you to rack up some losses because we’re hurt we are injured so we need not only do we need to find a way to win games but we need these teams to to to lose some games too and we’re getting ready to resume play here as D’Angelo Russell is at the free

Throw line and shoot two free throws tyan Prince checks into the ball game for the Los Angeles Lakers Russell’s first free throw is [Applause] good how how about precious man got a tough match up tonight and Russell second free throw is good the Lakers take a 1210

Lead you have you still have the same starting lineup for the Knicks and for the Lakers ter uh Taran Prince checks into the ball game Brunson in the lane Brunson left-handed floater and that’s good jayen Brunson here we go [Applause] Josh Hart’s defending D’Angelo Russell who’s dribbling the basketball Russell

Gets a screen from Davis cross score pass Brees shoots the three no good rebound Hart here come the Knicks Hart crosses half court gives it out to hartenstein hartenstein to Divan chenzo divon chenzo down the lane right-handed wild floater no good and hartenstein fights for Rebound and it’s

Out of bounds it’ll be Nicks ball it’ll be Nicks ball bro Brunson is different man holy Brunson oh defended by Prince crossover Brunson tough shot B Jaylen Brunson [Applause] 1412 Here Comes LeBron James defended by auua Russell out to Davis 10 seconds in the shot clock Davis 101 against

Hardenstein Davis step back jump shot no good rebound Hart again and here come the Nicks Josh Hart pushes the ball up the court out to hartstein hartenstein to divon chenzo chenzo fake oh back out auua to Hart Brunson one1 D chenzo shoots the three no good and Dante star a struggle

Here Here Comes re in the lane oh nice defense there by atua not falling for the fake Russell shoots the three and that’s good first three-pointer made in the game comes from D’Angelo Russell as Duce McBride is going to check back into the ball game and one-onone here comes Brunson Brunson

Drives Brunson Stripped by Rees out of bounds it’ll be Nicks ball miles McBride is going to come in for Josh Hart I thought he was going to come in for even chenzo but he’s going to come in for Josh Hart so the Knicks are gon to go small here you have McBride diven

Chenzo Brunson hartenstein and auua for the Knicks Max Christie and Christian Wood check in for the Lakers LeBron Subs out here comes divon chenzo to a cutting hartstein hardenstein no good rebound Davis here come the Lakers Davis one-on-one against hardenstein Davis spins down the lane gu nice defense there from hardenstein picked up

By McBride here come the Knicks McBride one onone to divon chenzo for three Bang three point for Dante de chenzo here we go Darion Prince cut beats Brunson and he scores tie game 1717 three minutes to go here in the first quar as Jericho Sims gets ready to

Check into the ball game diven chenzo guarded by Max Christie gives it out to auua Chua to Brunson Brunson goes right Brunson stops Brunson pops no good rebound on Chua he missed the putback and Anthony oh he traveled Anthony Davis to to Max Christie Christie with the three and one bad foul

From Dante dienzo not a good first quarter from Dante dant chenzo off to a slow start bad foul there as Max Christie is gonna have an opportunity for a four-point play after the Timeout on the floor 20 to 17 Lakers two minutes 36 seconds to go here in the first quarter Nicks down

Three both teams not shooting well Lakers 38% Nicks just shy of 35% Lakers two of eight from three Nicks one of eight from three yeah brushes gotta dunk that man you gotta dunk that boy gotta dunk that i’ have done that man come on shout out

To the chat shout out to the mods we have almost 400 here shout out to jcal I just saw jcal in the chat shout out to you jcal let’s go as we have a Timeout on the floor shout out to the fans here we go we got to try to win

This ball game man you got to try to win this ball game Anthony Davis nine rebounds in the first quarter he’s going to try to get 40 tonight what is this hardenstein already had six rebounds in the first quarter and he is my Play of the day at higher than 13.5 rebounds and

Assist and as you can see Jaylen Brunson is is ready to take on the challenge of having to do more for the New York Knicks but as M takeout says in the chat no one else is scoring no one else is scoring and because of that I need a drink I need a

Drink let me call for a drink I need a drink it’s going to be that type of night make me a drink make me a drink uh with the red bull that I have in there make me a Drink shout out to the chat shout out to the mods Nick fan TV presented by Underdog fantasy as you can see JD’s Underdog picks of ton night we’ll be tracking the pcks right now I’m looking good with Isaiah hardstein right now you know uh let’s see what happens with

LeBron I’m not looking too good with Jaylen Brunson cuz you know he’s he’s off to a very good start Dante divon chenzo I picked him lower than 29.5 rebounds points rebounds and assists I’m looking good there so far cuz he’s off to a slow start however Nicks need him to pick it

Up Nicks definitely need him to pick it up but you know what I like about Dante and I’m hoping that it’s something that I’m hoping Quinton Grimes learns Dante just he keeps going man he don’t care it does not stop his aggression at all and that’s a Shooters mentality as we resume play here Jericho Sims checks back in the boor and you got Brunson

Sims aoua McBride and div chenzo on the court and Brunson Corner three over Davis no good rebound Christie here come the Lakers toan Prince out to Wood Wood gives it to Davis Davis now auua goes from LeBron James to Anthony Davis wood shoots the three and that’s no good

Rebound Sims here come the the Knicks Brunson one-1 to the Lane to the corner McBride shoots the three no good Knicks are one of 10 from three now and Russell Russell gets by Deon chenzo to the Lane wild layup no good rebound Dante and here comes Brunson to divon

Chenzo Dante fakes russu shoots the three Bang three point B Dante Dean [Applause] chenzo Here Comes Russell defended by McBride gets the screen from Prince goes right to the Lane and he’s fouled McBride bumped him BR got to learn don’t be that aggressive on Russell that far out oh diven chenzo

Where was Russell going he hit him with the hit him with the wh shoot the three Bang Russell’s first free throw is [Applause] good shout out to the chat shout out to jcal Eddie Suarez Russell uh whiskey that’s good need some whiskey and to start Jing some whiskey I

See Jak in the chat here comes Sims out to heart to to divon chenzo Deon chenzo drives and he he has a shot block picked up by Prince and here come the Lakers pushing the ball up the court Russell open transition three and that’s good and Russell has 10 points in the

First quarter and the Lakers have a fivepoint lead oh Brunson with the crossover Hart open three that’s good it’s a big three-pointer from Josh Hart Here Comes Russell defended by McBride Russell out to Davis Davis back to Russell Prince fakes out Brunson drives in the lane and he scores Here Comes

Brunson is it too low Hart off the bounds and he the onehanded wood shoots the three at the Buzzard oh no good no good oh you know why I see why I see why here we go here we go let me let me do some adjusting here after one the

Lakers 27 the Knicks 25 why is it doing that hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second here let me see something let me see something save hold on let me let me let me put some let me let me work on

This oh what am I doing nope not that not that not that let go here Nicks play byplay presented by Underdog fantasy log on to Underdog play responsibly 10 trying to fix this here is my mic levels good you guys think the volume is

Good the volume is good are we good we good we good let me check something here as well yeah I think we’re good all right somebody said put Grimes on on Russell to shut him down um let me see who said that Brandon put Grimes on Russ shut him down you know

Brandon I would agree with you only problem is Grimes is not playing tonight Crim is not playing tonight that’s the only problem I would do the same thing too but Quinton Grimes is not playing tonight so um yeah that’s that but Knicks are down too I would say it’s a

Again this is another game you know they were able to get by it by the way cheers to everyone they were able to get by okay I don’t know did that have anything did that have anything in there or was just a Red Bull shout out to the chat shout out to the

Mods but it it’s another game where uh where the Knicks do not shoot well and yet you know they’re only down two after one so they need to shoot better because ah another game like this another game like this it’s it’s hard to win basketball games when you’re shooting under 40% ladies

And gentlemen that’s my only concern but nevertheless it’s it goes to show you the potential of this team they still scored 25 points even shooting that bad but they’re going to need some contributions here to start the second quarter from McBride JJ says no tip from JD yeah man

I don’t know like I’m trying to figure out like where’s the alcohol I don’t know maybe I’m bugging seems too smooth for me and here comes Brunton as we start the second quarter Brunson one-onone against Prince he drives floater who oh off the backboard no good just rims out as LeBron James pushes the ball he checks into the ball game to start the second

Quarter LeBron oh he go went too strong missed the layup here come the Knicks Josh Hart down the lane har goes up and he misses the layup rebound Sims out to McBride McBride open three threo for Miles McBride you heard that CP Here Comes Russell down the lane and

Russell lays it in soft defense there by the New York Knicks 2928 Lakers Brunson to McBride again McBride one1 against Russell he drives left kicks it out McBride had that lane Hart shoots another three Hart no good here come the Lakers LeBron what a hard screen on Dante Divan

Chenzo three-pointer by russu short rebound Sims Here Comes Brunson Brunson gets a screen from Sims Brunson drives left in the lane and that’s good yo already 12 points from Brunson man New York y’all gotta star stop telling tell them you don’t here comes LeBron out to Christie defended by McBride

LeBron down the lane nice pass to Jackson Hayes for the dunk 31 30 Lakers Here Comes Brunson to McBride McBride goes up with a tough floer where’s the foul miles McBride and here comes Russell Russell out to Hayes Hayes to LeBron James defended by Hart LeBron goes left down

The lane and he’s fouled by Jericho Sims LeBron will go to the free throw line for two free throws Magic Johnson is Courtside watching the game what a tough shot from Miles McBride wow shot that over the 7 foot Jackson Hayes precious aoua and Malachi Flynn

Are going to check into the ball game here LeBron’s first free throw is up and it’s good LeBron’s getting ready to shoot the second free throw second free throws up and it is good Malachi Flynn precious atua Jericho Sims Josh Hart and mes McBride are your

Your five right now for the New York Knicks McBride drives right McBride in the lane kicks it back out to a cutting Josh Hart Hart out to auua auua to Malachi Flynn Flynn drives Flynn out to Hart Hart drives he loses the ball and he shoots tough shot oh in and out fight

For the rebound Hart what a hustle play by heart though I mean wow that was not a pretty possession they couldn’t create a a comfortable shot but man you got to appreciate the effort though almost killed himself and LeBron shoots the three and that that’s good and the precious auua

Puts his hand up because he knew he went under the screen and that was not great effort there to get over the screen McBride out to Hart Hart to Malachi Malachi back to Hart 10 seconds the shot clock Malachi goes left Malachi’s fou Malachi Flynn evil Dante gets the foul called on D’Angelo

Russell and he’s goingon to go to the free throw line for a chance at a threep point play the evil Dante who would have thought McBride Sims Jericho McBride Sims and MC uh and Flynn on the court and Malachi hits the free throw Here Comes LeBron LeBron almost

Shot the three but he faked it gives it to Christie Christy in the paint to Jackson Hayes Hayes catches Sim snapping and he gets the foul called on Sims come on man on Sims Falls for a lot of it because he wants to he wants to contest everything

Hey shoots the free throw and that’s good it is 3935 Lakers 8 minutes 20 seconds to go here in the second quarter as they’re going to call a Timeout on the floor Tom tibo is going to call a timeout time out on the floor shout out to the

Chat shout out to the mods Chuck D Iris jcal JJ from State Farm Randy Johnson there’s some interesting names out here T says we’ll be all right Cynthia see Cynthia in the chat Mac Mack thank you for being a channel member in the chat John tento as always Ray

Melendez thank you for being a channel member shout out to you guys in the chat salute to Barbara salute to Margaret Edwards Warner Pinto let’s go Nicks Knicks down four here 8 minutes 18 seconds to go here in the second quarter the Lakers are shooting 44% from the

Field 30% from three the Knicks are shooting 40% from the field 28% from three take it over there and and pour it h um pour it into the and bring it back Sims jumping too much strive thank you for being the channel member shout out to you JT

Rck shout out to you polius JD best hype man let’s go man Damien Palmer Milwaukee currently getting smacked you serious really oo it’s early now looking too good for Mr Doc Rivers what is he 0 and3 0 and2 as a head coach um do want to take it with a

Little bit of of of objectivity in that remember that Clippers team they look like they they look like they you they had to blow it up there for a second the way they started after the the James Harden trade and they certainly turned it around but the thing the difference

There is that was more of all these Hall of Famers meshing together but having the talent to do so the thing with the Milwaukee Bucks that’s interesting is you know what’s crazy how about this we have almost 400 in the chat right thank you very much appreciate

It now we talking now we talking now we talking you know what’s interesting how we can correlate OG into this look at the Milwaukee Bucks without Drew holiday and look at the Knicks with ogn and Obi the Milwaukee Bucks look look at this 8 minutes and 28 seconds in the second

Quarter and the Dallas Mavericks have almost 50 points they’re losing 49-32 right now look at the issues they brought Doc Rivers they feel Doc Rivers could turn around defensively and we’re going to resume play hold that thought we we’ll we’ll talk about that in the next break McBride Do are

Alyut to Sims what a wild play there as Duce McBride that’s a nice that was a nice design play it’s just it didn’t it didn’t it wasn’t as crisp but they still got the bucket Here Comes LeBron LeBron shoots a long three over a Chua LeBron scores shoots the three

4237 and here comes Malachi Malachi in the lane and his shot is blocked by Christy Here Comes the Lakers Here Comes Russell Russell transition three that’s short rebound by McBride here come the Knicks Duce gets a screen from sins Duce in the paint Duce goes up airball picked up by auua precious auu 4239 Here Comes Russell with a Chua defending and you have LeBron picked up by McBride back out LeBron with McBride good defense there by the Knicks Christie open three and that’s good 4539 and here comes McBride gives it a heart back out to Flynn Flynn out the heart heart one1 against Kimura they’re

Trying to find McBride oh Hart with the crossover Hart in the lane Hart and he scores what a tough fadeaway shot from Josh Hart McBride Here Comes LeBron long three no good it’s going to be out of bounds nicely contested there by auua nicely contested there by Precious

Precious done a great job man I mean we we’ve asked this guy to come in and be a wing Defender and he was a backup center I mean come on had to guard PJ Washington Lori marinin last game Pascal cakam and this game LeBron James Brunson checks into

The go ball game Brunson backs down Reed and Brunson scores mind you Austin Reed is a bigger player and he’s backing him down like he little Here Comes Reed defended by McBride gets over the screen out to Davis Davis shoots the mid-range shot and that’s good Anthony Davis

Scores 4743 Lakers 5 minutes 35 seconds to go here in the second quarter you have Brunson hartenstein AA McBride and Hart for the Knicks Here Comes Brunson one-on-one against Austin Reeds oh crossover Brunson down the lane to AA Chua one-on-one against LeBron Brunson 3 seconds in the shot clock Hart shoots

The three no good Laker basketball here Knicks down four [Applause] you have Reeves Davis Prince haimura and James on the floor for the Lakers and Reeves goes up and scores over hartenstein and the Lakers are up six here come the Knicks hartenstein oh McBride was cutting the Nick ining Verizon’s new

Business unlimited 5G plan spacing to score Here Comes Brunson Brunson down the lane Brunson kicks it out Hart Hart fakes Hart drives Hart shoots the mid-range shot no good rebound a Chua to McBride McBride shoots the three and he’s fouled that’s a foul that’s a foul that’s a foul on Reeves

Oh yeah he fou him he fouled him McBride first fre throws up oh BR misses the first free throw come on man McBride second free throws up and it’s [Applause] good inestable says tibs loves these offensively inclined lineups yo McBride all right all right I’ll take it two out of three all right I’ll take it Nicks down four 4 minutes 34 seconds to go presses the true defending LeBron James and LeBron gets the ball oneon-one

Against to Chua he backs him down backs him down re back out to LeBron LeBron goes up nice defense there by CH here come the Knicks McBride one-onone against Reeves out to hardenstein hardenstein to Brunson Brunson double team Brunson to hartstein down the lane McBride shoots the three no

Good oh man Nick’s got to figure out a way to shoot better Prince Corner three airball picked up by a chea here come the Knicks Brunson crosses half court Knicks down four Brunson drives right Brunson gets foul he’s a dog Jaylen Bruns is going to go to the free throw line for two

Hold on Daniel I haven’t lost wait have we lo I haven’t lost yet this season on a play byplay what’s that two to one what does that mean I haven’t lost I did the Nuggets game I did the Sixers game I did the uh did another game runson [Applause] We’re g to take a timeout Brunson with 15 points four assists already here we go baby let’s go let’s go JJ said we got this let’s go J and blunt roof Dr keys on the let’s go let’s look around the NBA the Sixers lost we talked about that earlier that’s

Huge for the New York Knicks and then we have the Cavaliers are up 5538 on the Spurs but what do you expect the Bucks are losing 58 to 39 that’s a huge game right there for us man because if the Knicks the Knicks win tonight and the

Bucks lose Nicks go Nicks are the two seed here’s the other thing in case you guys don’t know guess what chat guess what if the Knicks are the two seed Tom Tibido is going to coach the All-Star Game I believe I I I think that’s what

It is I think I think the team you can’t do it two two years in a row but that means if the Knicks are the two seed I think Tom tibo is going to have to coach the All-Star game I don’t even think Tom tibo want to do

That Cynthia they’re playing the Dallas Mavericks they’re getting smoked by the Mavericks the Hawks are in a battle ATT against the Warriors Bulls are getting stomped out that’s right Daman yeah I think that’s right right you imagine tibs trying to manage minutes in the All-Star Game he’ll probably play the starting five 40 minutes he’ll try to win that game I

Actually think he wouldn’t want a coach you know why cuz he knows no defense is going to be played and that’s going to drive him crazy you imagine tibs getting mad in an All-Star Game arguing thousand arguing calls somehow someway tibs will Coach the All-Star Game and still not

Smile he’ll be dead serious the whole game it’s unbelievable and people make people make jokes about that but it it’s really facts like geez uh oh and as we track the our Underdog picks I have let me see here hardstein has seven rebounds and assists right now Jaylen brunon has 22.4

Fantasy points he’s he’s he’s probably gonna beat that Mark LeBron James is probably gonna beat that Mark too uh now I think I’m GNA cash on Dante for sure I’m gonna cash on Dante I’m feel confident about the Dante pick right now I feel confident about the Isaiah

Hartstein pick right now and I don’t feel confident about Brunson and LeBron it looks like they are on Pace to go higher as of this moment but we’ll see we’ll see I think the Brun one is going to be close Brunson misses the free throw and here we

Go Reeves drives right Reeves down the lane Reeves turns around he’s fouled by Josh Hart Bou is gonna be on Josh Hart come on man here we go here we go here we go Austin Reeves at the free throw line Reeves missed his first free throw

He makes his second Nicks down four 50 to 46 3 minutes 30 seconds to go you have the start of lineup out there for the New York Knicks Dante Dean chenzo handling the ball and brunson’s foul by Prince fouls is going to be called on the Lakers as you have Reeves wood Davis

Prince and D’Angelo Russell on the floor for the Lakers and here comes Brunson Brunson one-on-one against Prince Brunson drives Brunson mid-range shot and that’s good oh my God Jaylen Brunson Here Comes Russell to a cutting reads out to the corner Prince shoots the three wow what an assist by Reeves Here Comes

Brunson to to Dante Dante defended by Russell Dante gives it to hardenstein hardenstein to Brunson Brunson back to Dante Dante down the lane to auua auua goes up he loses the ball reeze down the lane what a layup no good here comes Hart Hart drives Hart goes up for the layup he

Scores and the Knicks are down three Josh HW with 9.7 rebounds Here Comes D’Angelo [Applause] Russell Here Comes Davis [Applause] Davis oh Russell Los the ball gets it back oh nice crossover move by Russell to prince prince shoots the three no good rebound Hart fights with a rebound

Pushes the ball off the court to Dante out to Brunson Brunson one-on-one against russu Brunson tough fade away no good put back by hardstein onepoint game here Davis mid-range shot and that’s good by Anthony Davis and here comes Jaylen Brunson Brunson diven chenzo shoots the three that’s good Dante divon

Chenzo and the game is tied here we go Davis down the lane and he scores on hartenstein here comes Brunson Brunson drives to auua auua goes down the lane auua with the layup and he’s fouled yo precious is playing well man he’s missed a few bunnies but what more do you

Want four points five rebounds 19 minutes I mean tibs is let’s go why is it doing that man like why is my mic doing that I don’t get it come on man why is it doing that and AA makes both free throws here we go here comes Reeves 35 seconds left in

The second quarter Russell one-onone against Hart Russell drives Russell goes up and he scores on Josh Hart Nicks down to 5957 brunton’s double team to Hart to hartstein hartenstein in the lane hartstein goes up and he is fouled by LeBron James fou by LeBron James Chuck D says precious body and

Feet fit tibs and hartenstein makes the first free throw oh man it’s going to be a it’s going to be a game KC says why do I even hate LeBron so much I don’t even know the man 400 in the chat let’s hit that like button man let’s hit that subscribe

Button hardenstein second free throw is Good let’s get a 300 likes here we go shot clock turned off 7 Seconds 5 Seconds LeBron to Russell russu drives russu shoots no good rebounder Chua and the first half is over and we have a tie game 59 59 and after a first half Tai ball game here at Madison

Square Garden two story franchise the Los Angeles Lakers and the New York Knicks wow here we go baby all right so after the first half we have for the Lakers the Lakers are shooting you know both teams shot very poorly to start the game they shot very

Poorly in the first quarter but offense picked up in the second quarter the Knicks Nicks made Nicks scored 34 points in the second quarter Lakers scored 32 points in the second quarter after both teams had a slow slow slow first start but now the Lakers are shooting almost

47% from the field 35% from three seven of 10 7even of 20 which is 35% they’re shooting 80% from the free throw line they went to the free throw line 10 times pretty evly game you know the the the Lakers have shot 10 free throws the Knicks have shot 10 free

Throws and both teams H are at 80% from the free from the free throw line the Knicks however had made five threes to the Lakers seven they’re shooting 29% from three that has to be better their field goal percentage overall picked up to 44% the New York Knicks are out

Rebounding the Lakers by 10 30 rebounds for for the Knicks 20 for the Lakers the Knicks have 10 offensive rebounds to the Lakers three 10 offensive rebounds So and the Knicks only got three team turnovers the Lakers have only turned the ball turned the ball over once so this is a pretty clean ball game as far as turning the ball over and that usually means ladies and gentlemen it’s going to be a close ball

Game down the stretch so Junior kuroma in the chat shout out to you Junior so for the Nick starting lineup we have Dante dant chenzo shooting 40% from the field four of 10 and he’s three of seven from three-point range he has 11 points two rebounds two

Assists needs to shoot a little bit better he’s picked it up he picked it up a little bit there at the end but has definitely has to shoot better um Josh Hart nine points two assists eight rebounds so Josh has eight rebounds in the first half two of them offensive rebounds he

Does have eight points uh but he’s one and four from three so that’s the only negative in Josh Hart’s first half I would say is the three-point shooting um but you know he’s not a great three-point shooter so is anyone surprised mean what are we going to do

Playing 21 minutes out of a possible 24 in the first half you know so it is what it is 104 from three Jaylen brunson’s the high for the New York Knicks 17 points four assists two rebounds eight of 15 from the floor 0 of two from

Three I want to see Brunson shoot more threes there’s no way two shots is not enough for me I need to I need to get four five and a half from here I need four five threes in a half minimum from Jaylen Brunson but he does have 17 points so

He’s on pace for 34 points tonight the Knicks going to need another heroic performance room Isaiah hardenstein has four points seven rebounds one assist three of them offensive he’s only one of four and you can see you know he he’s one of four from the field and a lot of those are

Shots because of Anthony Davis ladies and gentlemen Anthony Davis Rim protection the intimidating Factor you know D has 11 rebounds and a block shot in the first half eight points four of eight from the field you know and and you could see with Anthony Davis presence there’s a

Few opportunities the Knicks had in the paint where they were a little hesitant or they didn’t finish strong because they’re concerned about Davis shot blocking ability press atua with six rebounds in the first half six points perfect from the free throw line two of five from the field only one three-point attempt he

Did did miss that one three-point attempt and auua is not shooting well from three in terms of the you know he’s not he doesn’t get a lot of volume but I do like his mechanics like he does have potential he does have potential from there um so we’ll see he needs an

Offseason work on it and and I think he could be a better a better shooter from three-point line um than than his percentage say at least so far 20 minutes out of a possible 24 from auua auua is on Pace to play 40 minutes Tibido has definitely been leaning on

Him um since randle’s been out and you have to give precious a lot of credit you know the game could have been out of hand with LeBron James LeBron only has 12 points I mean I know I know he’s two of three from the three but it’s only

Two of three it’s only three three three shots he’s four of eight from the field only eight shots like and LeBron played 17 minutes in the first half so like you know w w with the hype of of LeBron and the garden like you you you

Guys know how this could this could go LeBron could have had 20 in the first half but the fact that precious is you know putting enough pressure he’s getting over screens he has that you know that Wing Factory Toronto Raptor you know Wings span uh with Scotty

Barnes and auua and OG you know they call the Raptors The Wing Factory uh he does bring over some of that wingspan to the New York Knicks and man like the guy came in here to play backup center and now since randle’s out he’s had to turn into a wing and a lot

Of people could say he’s actually more um he’s actually more of a wing type at least in terms of body physique he seems you know like that you know tweener four can even play some three um and Tom tibo has mentioned plenty of times that precious has you know great feet uh he’s

Very quick with the uh with his feet in terms of his his his coordination and and and his hips are are are smooth for a guy his size and so it allows him remember remember the conversations we had with Obi toppin in terms of those

Times that we we we said maybe Obi can play the three and the concern was Obie’s hips are a little too tight he’s a little too upright and although he’s an athletic player he doesn’t necessarily have outstanding feet in terms of defensively and you when you compare you

Know Obie and and uh prees they have similar body types and and and height too you know they’re both precious is 68 and Obi 68 so but you see the difference sometimes in in in tools and and measurables and abilities so um shout out to prous he is going to be

A key player and it’s going to be interesting to see his development as a New York Nick as he’s only 24 years old it’s going to be an interesting second half ladies and gentlemen McBride two of five on the field he does have seven points in 12

Minutes one of three from three you know could have shot a little bit better there but it’s only one shot difference there so you take that and uh and when you see the minutes distribution you know three minutes like Tibido went to uh a eight-man rotation here in the first

Half only eight players played and if when you and when you think about it Flynn only got three minutes who knows if Flynn plays in the second half because you know how Tom tibo does in the second half he ramps it up now it’s like when he it’s down the stretch

Tibido does not like to play around when you start the game you know sometime you know Tibido sometimes he’ll give a few minutes to this guy that guy just to see if we get a spark or something changes in the game you got three minutes from

Flynn uh Flynn did score three points in those three minutes uh but he might not play in the second half which means he’s G you’re going to go to a seven man potential seven man rotation in the second half you knowu is going to get a lot of them minutes Bruns

Is going to play a lot in the second half Hart’s going to play a lot in the second half you could see that they’re semi monitoring they’re starting to ramp up hartenstein a little bit um so he probably will play a good amount and then and then McBride and

Sims you know Sims going to spell hartenstein and then uh I think at this point I do think Tibido is comfortable in playing McBride right now uh as many minutes as as he’s playing well you saw their last game McBride almost finished that whole fourth quarter you know

Tibido didn’t go back to demon chenzo until like three minutes left into the ball game so McBride is going to be a key player for the New York Knicks in the second half and and I’m looking forward to his opportunities I think he’s playing outstanding basketball uh and definitely shooting the ball well

Overall okay we have almost 500 in the chat and with that for the Lakers let’s see is anybody let me ask the chat who are you more concerned with in the second half is a tie ball game so we’re starting z0 who are you more concerned with in the second half Anthony

Davis LeBron James or D’Angelo Russell who do you think is the number one key and I mentioned I I add Russell in there cuz Russell took 12 shots he tooks the mo he took the most shot there in the first half for the Lakers and Russell Russell got that green light he

Has that green light has 14 points LeBron has 12 points and Davis has eight points who are you guys scared of not I don’t want to say that way scared of but that that’s that’s crazy talk all right here we go KC says LeBron life changer lamb thank you for being a

Channel member he says role players dupa says ad GD Nation thank you for being in the channel he says Anthony Davis for sure CEO Torres says Russell Mark Adams says LeBron Keenan Lambert says LBJ John Campbell thank you for being in Channel M he says Labron

Labron Labron with an a Rob rich thank you for being in Channel member he says concern for LeBron Seth says LeBron Andrew n says Davis JJ says Anthony Davis Marcelo says LeBron mamb Morena says russu let’s see here de Mario says russu is still a snitch Terry says ad

Nappy ninja says Austin Reeves oh okay 1151 Yankee says Russell Terry says ad JJ says ad lisis hungry says your Mr Burton says LeBron Cynthia what does Cynthia say coach Ruben says LBJ mcmack says we not scared but clamp dowlo down Randy Johnson says Austin Reeds he’s

Sneaky Darius says the refs not a bad answer Cynthia says Austin Reed will be the lot the outlier and Cynthia says Russell D’Angelo Russell okay D’Angelo Russell reminds him little little bit of J.R Smith if he get hot might be a rap octo 8 says Stephen

A oh man y y’ y’all crazy man Stephen A Smith oh man let’s get ready for the second half baby let’s go HP Carlos salute be Keef says LeBron Dwayne Bogle thank you for being a channel member says the refs as well Colton Thomas says ad paulia says Nobody Above the Rim 11 says D Loing yall ready for the second half here we go here we go here we go come on I want this went bad too JJ we need this win man I I I need that two SE tonight you [Applause] see you see you see why the NBA is a

Game of runs we were over here already all hype about the Bucks getting smoked and at halftime they’re down five 6560 Mavericks y’all are trash y’all are trash Dallas God and here we go the second half resumes Here Comes Jaylen Brunson oh one-on-one against Haim Moore Oh

Crossover down the lane goes up to Hart 5 Seconds Hart mid-range shot Fall Away no good and hardstein what the just lost the ball rebound Lakers Here Comes LeBron LeBron defended by dant chenzo he’s double team Davis to the corner Russell shoots the three no good rebound hardenstein here come the Knicks Brunson’s double team Brunson down the lane to aoua Brun oh he goes up he’s blocked by Davis good defense there by the Lakers and LeBron loses the ball he just lost the ball out of bounds turnover Nick ball Dante Tribbles defended by Russell passes it to Brunson Brunson defended by Reed Brunson now picked up by Russell and he’s fouled by D’Angelo russu darving ham is arguing with the ref he felt I don’t know why he felt that maybe that wasn’t a good call like come on man

St chenzo is gonna inbound the ball he inbounds it to aoua out to diven chenzo 10 seconds in Shack divon chenzo gets the screen he goes left goes up to the corner the Hart out to hartenstein hartenstein to Divan chenzo shoots the three at the buzzer no good rebound

Davis uh Davis has 14 rebounds here come the Lakers Breeze in the lane turn around fade away no foul is gonna be called on hartenstein second foul on hardenstein I’m about to I’m about to just say Brunson just take every freaking shot for the rest of the game just take every

Shot I don’t care Here Comes Reeves to LeBron nicely contested by atua but that’s a good shot from LeBron James 6159 Lakers LeBron with 14 points Brunson defended by Reeds diven chenzo shoots the corner three and that’s good Dante divon chenzo and the Knicks take a two point a one-point lead 62 to

61 Here Comes Davis defended by hartenstein Davis down the lane turn around right hand hook no good rebound Hart here come the Knicks Hart pushes the ball and it’s deflected by Russell and a technical foul is going to be called on Anthony Davis Anthony Davis he was fouled by hardenstein

He was definitely fouled by hardenstein I mean the thing is though when he turned around he went to hardenstein like it’s not like hartenstein went fouled him but I get it I get it I get it here we go here we go here we go Brunson to Hart Hart drives left Hart turns

Around right out to Brunson Brunson fakes out Reeves steps in shoots the mid-range shot and that’s good Jaylen Brunson is different and here comes LeBron out to haimura haimura goes up re wide open Corner three and that’s good come on first three from Reeves Nicks up one

Brunson stops his dribble gives it a hartenstein hartenstein now gives it a heart 10 seconds in the shot clock out to Dante Dante shoots the three no good Hustle by Hart Hart gets the gets the rebound to auua auua scores what a second effort from Josh Hart Nicks up

Three Here Comes Reeves drives left to the L he blocked by hardstein picked up by Bron Here Comes div chenzo goes up and it’s bending on LeBron James you knew LeBron was gonna come from behind and try to get the block here we go here we go here comes Russell defended by divon

Chenzo up top to Davis Davis 10 second to shot clock and D Davis is gonna be fouled he got tripped up what a second effort from Josh Hart holy smokes look at a cha Davis is gonna inbound the ball nice pressure there b Brunson and they’re going to

Call a they’re going to call the third foul on Isaiah Stein eight minutes left in the third quarter Isaiah has three fouls Nicks have to be careful here Isaiah has to be careful Davis leftand the layup short rebound by hartenstein here come the Knicks Here Comes Brunson he’s double

Team to hartenstein hartenstein and he’s fouled by Haim Moa what a pass from Brunson he almost wrong wrong one here we go 6964 Nick up five this is a critical moment here in the game hartenstein to diven chenzo divon chenzo drives right right demon chz on the L he LS it in

7164 Russell to haimura and they score in like two seconds on the inbound pass Here Comes Brunson Nicks up five 7166 Brunson one-on-one against Austin Reeds barbecue chicken but look at that look at that Laker defense they’re playing Zone against Brunson Brunson shoots the three no good here come the Lakers Russell fakes

Russell goes in the lane and he scores in a quick timeout from time Tibido Nicks lead is cut to three Timeout on the floor the Atlanta Hawks and the Golden State Warriors are tied 123 to 123 in overtime and here we go 400 in the chat hit that like button

Let’s get to 300 likes shout out to the chat L go tender gotta fix that transition defense says JJ 7even minutes 8 seconds to go here in the 7 Minutes 8 seconds to go here in the um third quarter Nicks up three Nicks are 18 and five at home so they’re looking to

Definitely get another home Victory here the Milwaukee Bucks are losing 7365 as the third quarter starts there so that’s that’s a big game that the Nick fan is watching for that number two seed a lot of pressure in Milwaukee now and if they lose tonight that’s another loss for Doc Rivers and the

Pressure is going to ramp up Eric Ward thank you for being in the channel member shout out to you in the chat much respect to you Vinnie V Vinnie is bugging man Whitaker rright another grind out game ecsm bucks losing yes they are let’s hope they lose when the when the game’s

Over though they’re losing but it’s early in the third bucks and Mavericks fighting says says Caron Thomas this game we should win at home even with the injuries we have been taking care of business so I’m still confident we got this says Brandon McNeely bucks are adjusting to Doc

Dwayne vogle says yes it’s going to be that’s what I said you know look at the Clippers it took some time for them and then they they got it going but again as I mentioned the difference is look at OB look at OG with the Knicks

Look at that impact look at Drew holiday away from the Milwaukee Bucks and look get that impact also the Raptors I know the Raptors weren’t playing well but they’ve they’ve been worse since in terms of their defense they’ve been it’s been definitely worse since OG left so you

Look at that and I don’t know how they’re going to fix it so here comes here we go as we get ready to resume play here and Austin re is going Shane Bader on Kobe Bryant as he he’s contesting Jaylen Brunson shot with a hand right in his eye trying to

Disrupt that Vision in brunson’s ability to see the rim so here comes Brunson Brunson mid-range shot over Reeves no good rebound Reeves here come the Lakers James one on1 against auua LeBron LeBron backs down Ona backs him down backs him down fatal away jump shot and that’s good 7170 LeBron with 16

Points Here Comes Brunson another three from dento 21 points from Dante and the Knicks take a fourpoint L Here Comes D’Angelo Russell 10 seconds in the shot clock out of bounds tip tipped out of bounds from divon chenzo divon chenzo which with the reach causes the ball to go out of

Bounds and that that shot was contested too by auua just LeBron being LeBron 5 seconds in the shot clock here Here Comes Reeves to LeBron LeBron long three no good rebound Brunson another nicely contested shot from machua here comes Brunson Brunson Lakers are not allowing Brunson they’re they’re they’re all up on him

Double teaming him here comes Hart to divon chenzo hartenstein goes up a nice fake from hardenstein as he hit Davis with the fake Davis thought he was going to go to pass hardenstein saw Davis commit to the pass and he spinned off and lost Davis for the easy

Dunk AI haimura down the lane goes up and he’s fouled by Dante Divan chenzo Nicks up six Haim mura is going to go to the free throw line for two shout out to the chat shout out to the channel members Haim Maura’s first free throw is up and it’s

Off ruie haimura misses his first free throw ruy second free throws up and it is good Here Comes Brunson Brunson and he’s fouled he lost the ball oh no there’s no foul it’s a kickball I thought it was a foul just a kickball just a Kickball Brunson gets the ball he’s defended by Prince 15 seconds in the shot clock Brunson backs him down Brunson to auua auua shoots the three no good rebound fight for the rebound Hart gets the rebound Hart drives stops his dribble out to Brunson Brunson one1 against Prince Brunson he’s double team

Hart drives Hart goes up he loses the ball and they’re gonna credit LeBron with the block and here comes the Knicks on defense LeBron drives LeBron with the left-handed layup 7673 Knicks four minutes 30 seconds to go here in the third quarter the Lakers are double teaming Brunson high and here

Comes Brunson Brunson Fade Away mid-range shot and out rebound haimura and here comes LeBron tightly defended by auua LeBron drives left LeBron blocked by Davon chenzo Brunson fakes the three drives goes up chenzo B oh in and out rebound Davis oh my God that could have been a

Crazy momentum play Reeves drives and Reeves throws it away Josh Hart picks it up Hart goes up Hart blocked by Davis Brunson and blocked by Davis again here comes Reeves and Reeves a he’s fouled holy what a sequence of basketball ladies and gentlemen and now they’re going to review for

Flavor come on man with this soft are they going to call that a flagrant JJ says that might be a flagrant common foul is the call on the floor wow Davis only has eight points he has 16 rebounds and a couple block shots unbelievable Davis has four blocks and

16 rebounds Reed’s first free throw is up is good that’s a big call in favor of the Knicks that they didn’t call a flag gr LeBron is upset that he was look look LeBron is not even looking at Darin ham did you see that look at LeBron LeBron

Is not happy that they just subbed him out he was shaking his head didn’t even look at dingham there’s something there’s something going on there and Reeves hits both free throws and the Knicks lead is cut to one 7675 3 minutes 30 seconds to go here in the third

Quarter McBride checks into the ball game for Brun well no he doesn’t he checks into the ball game for HART Here Comes Brunson Brunson one one on one against Prince oh nice crossover Brunson one-on-one Brunson goes up Brunson oh my God what footwork from Jaylen Brunson and the Knicks take a three-point

Lead three minutes to go here in the third Davis to Prince defended by Brunson out to Reeves Reeves drives right Reeves to a cutting Hayes Hayes back out to Reeves Reeves drives re fakes Rees blocked by a chew here come the Knicks Brunson McBride Corner three no good on how to hit

Those and he close games I like yeah those are timely open looks see because those are the type of plays that if I’m Brunson I’m like you know what I’m just gonna shoot yeah you can’t afford you you we need you know that only one in 10 Americans AMS of fruits and

Vegetables we need Deuce as an ad popped up on my screen and that’s why you heard the sound but um we need Duce to hit his shots and right now Duce is two of six and one of four from three the Knicks are shooting 28% from three seven of

25 Bruna himself is 0 of three from three Josh Hart is 104 and McBride is 104 I mean we need Nick is gonna have to figure this out I mean at this point you know it’s two minutes 40 seconds to go into third you’re just gonna have to grind it out I

Think JJ said that someone said that you just got we just gonna have to grind it out because it’s you know it’s pretty hard at this point in the game to um it’s going to be difficult right now to just turn the clock yeah tell him to give me another drink Here take that okay yeah JJ I agree grind grind says Cynthia Chuck D says the only player who can compare to JB is Barry Sanders High Praise from The Legend Chuck D how you doing Jonathan Carney how are you how are you how you doing shout out to you Bulldog Brunson says Russell

Whiskey ag1 Works Bulldog Bulldog Brunson let’s go Nicks says TJ I agree TJ let’s go Nicks Nick’s gonna have to Nick’s gonna have to find a way they’re going to have to find a way wow stamman says bucks came back and the Bucks are up 83 to 75 the Dallas Mavericks are

Frauds you guys are frauds at home just so you just so you understand in the first quarter the score was 44-20 after the first quarter in favor of the Mavericks 44-20 and since then the Mavericks have scored 31 points and we’re almost done with the third quarter what frauds they’re down eight here

Unbelievable but hey bucks are fighting Gotta Give Them credit Jackson Hayes at the free throw line here for two free throws first free throw is up and it is no good almost 500 in the chat let’s get to 400 likes here we go here we go here we

Go Jackson hay second free throws up and that’s [Applause] Good here comes Brunson defended by Tian Prince Brunson gives it to McBride McBride tries McBride in the lane McBride left handed layup dou McBride confident on D’Angelo Russell 876 New York McBride to the free throw line for three come on Deuce come on Deuce de’s

Free throw is up and it is good nothing but the bottom of the net Make Some Noise Here Comes Hayes out to LeBron LeBron defended by auua Russell to Prince to Hayes for the dunk nice sequence there by the Lakers 8178 under two minutes to go here in the

Third quarter McBride handles the basketball gives it to Brunson Brunson k isolation one-1 against D’Angelo Russell here comes the double team Brunson fouled that they what that’s not an N1 the ref is calling a side out how is that not a continuation how I mean I guess because

He had the ball came back down so he had to bring it back up all right side out here come the Knicks Brunson to auua auua to divon chenzo to auua auua goes up and he scores precious auua auua defending LeBron James Here Comes Prince fakes out divon chenzo

Prince contested by atua no good atua is playing defense here come the Knicks Brunson transition three bang Jaylen Brunson from down to the MVP and the crowd is champing defense LeBron one onone against AA 10 seconds in the shot clock Here Comes LeBron and they’re going to call the

Foul oh precious yo auua is busting his ass on defense kidding me Jackson Hayes back to the free throw line 8678 Nicks Hayes shoots the free throw and the first free throw is up and it is [Applause] good Jackson hay second free throw is up and it is good so Hayes Hayes hits both free throws Nick’s lead is down to six points 8680 under one minute to go here in the third quarter Brunson oneon-one against reason here comes the double team because they

Know they can’t guard him here comes Brunson Brunson drives D chenzo wide open no good can’t ask anything else from Brunson found divon chenzo wide open Reed shoots the three that’s short rebound divon chenzo and here comes Brunson he look look they they’re getting ready to double him already shot

Clock about a second difference nine seconds 8 seconds Here Comes Brunson to McBride McBride goes up Fade Away jump shot no good and Brunson has 25 points after three and here we go ladies and gentlemen the third quarter is over look at them Lakers double teaming Brunson why you got to double

Team him for why you gotta double team him for Jaylen Brunson getting the Superstar treatment after three Nicks 86 Lakers 80 here we go this is it this is it this is it 12 minutes left in the ball game Underdog fantasy see 12 minutes to go let’s see how we doing on these

Picks well well I’m divon chenzo right now has exactly 29 Points rebounds and assists so he’s going to go higher than that Isaiah hartstein has 12 rebounds he has 11 rebounds and one one assist is that what he has he has 10 rebounds two assists so he has a total

Of 12 I have him going higher than 13.5 so I feel good about that all he needs is two rebounds two assists he just needs to go over 13 and a half so I so I’m going to cash that LeBron right now is at 34 total fantasy

Points so he needs to and he’s at 44.7 that’s going to be interesting I don’t know he might go higher he might go lower Jaylen Bruns is definitely going to go higher than 49.5 he has 44 total fantasy points so there it is those are the four

Picks you have 12 minutes to go ladies and gentlemen 12 minutes to go here we go 12 minutes to go Dan the Knicks clows it out can they get another win without OG an anobi without Mitchell Robinson without Julius Randle without Quinton Grimes can they get another home cooking [Applause]

Win this six team Against All [Applause] Odds might get another victory tonight on a nice Saturday night in New York City National TV against the Lakers and the Nicks go 19 and5 at Madison Square Garden this would be another huge victory for the New York Knicks if they’re able to pull this game off

You’re talking about a team where the Lakers rested Davis and LeBron because they wanted this match up more they wanted this match up more than the Celtics they had the Celtics on national TV but they rather play tonight against the Knicks we get ready to resume play here

And this fourth quarter begins Here Comes LeBron down the lane LeBron with a left-handed layup over a Chua and the lead is cut to four Here Comes Brunson you have Brunson Hart McBride auua and Sims on the court for the Knicks and brunson’s double team out to McBride McBride with a terrible pass

Turnover Prince trans position three and that’s good what are you doing Deuce what are you doing Timeout on the floor five 0 run by the Lakers what was that Duce what are you doing my man what do we what are you looking at man it’s like what was you looking at

Looking like Daniel Jones man or Zach Wilson like who are you passing it to man give me the drink another drink David G says that’s why we need Malcolm broget well I mean let’s be fair there like he didn’t run point he just made a terrible play he didn’t run point there

You have Brunson on the floor um and he’s been playing off he’s he’s been playing off ball so Tibido although he’s the guard Tibido doesn’t really have him playing that role uh he he he he and then you know in Julius when Julius was there Julius was

Running the offense and then if you notice right before OG’s injury OG they were they were going to OG in terms of running the offense to Randle a combination of Randle and OG with McBride on the floor so Tibido what is this the that’s the thing but what about

The the Red Bull no more Red Bull so I got to drink this straight up like this is there coke coke put some in there matter of fact you know what no yeah put some in there yeah that’s too much we have 500 in the

Chat let’s go to 400 likes $2 Super Chat from laidback 91 is Jaylen Brunson is Jaylen Brunson the best point guard let’s see you got in the East who you got who the starters thank you um you have Hal Burton yeah he’s the best point guard in the East without a

Doubt without a doubt did you know that only one in 10 Americans consume adequate am without a doubt these stupid ads without a doubt I think he’s the best point guard in the East I mean look at the way they’re defending the Lakers are sending double teams to him behind the three-point

Line I mean I’m gonna tweet that here we go here we go here we go here we go all right Nick’s gonna have to grind this out man we we have to find a way and here we go hartenstein to Hart Hart over the screen to a cutting hartenstein hartstein down

The lane hartstein he where’s the foul called oh my God and hartstein missed it rebound Lakers Here Comes Reeves 10 seconds in the shot clock Reeves goes right Reeves to Hayes Hayes gives it to LeBron LeBron goes left LeBron Fade Away mid-range shot and that’s good what a tough shot by LeBron

James and the Lakers Take the Lead 8786 Brunson to McBride in the paint McBride brings it back out McBride goes right right out to hardenstein hardenstein to a cutting auua Auda fakes LeBron Chua turns around auua and and they called the travel LeBron is reaching and reaching they don’t call the foul here we

Go re drives re down the lane and he scores over Josh Hart and the Lakers take a three point lead the Knicks haven’t scored largest lead in the second half for the Lakers here comes a double team again oh my God har wide open Corner three Bang

It’s a big three-point shot from Josh Hart tie [Applause] game here comes Reeves oneon-one against Josh Hart ree goes left re picked up by atua ree loses the ball picked up by LeBron LeBron 5 Seconds to shot clock LeBron goes up and no good rebound hardstein Here Comes the

Knicks Brunson long three no good rebound divon chenzo and he throws the ball picked up by heart to divon chenzo seven seconds in the shot clock Brunson oneon-one Brunson drives brunson’s fouled they can’t guard him stop playing BR is going to go to the free throw line for

Two and brunson’s here in chance of MVP brunson’s first free throw it’s [Applause] good Brunson gets ready to shoot the second free throw second free throw is up and it is go here we [Applause] go here comes re one-on-one against Brunson gets the screen from Davis he takes the screen

Gives it out to Davis back out to re re shoots the three that’s good Brunson late there to get to Reeves onepoint lead 9291 it’s been a great ball game so far Here Comes Josh Hart to hartenstein back out to Brunson Brunson gets the screen from hartstein one-on-one against Davis

Brunson drives Brunson goes up Brunson oh my God and he scores they can’t stop him here comes Reeves Reeves 10 seconds in the shot clock re gets the screen from Davis he goes left he drives left he goes under the basket picked up by hardstein fat8 shot over hardstein

Score oh my what what a soft touch 9493 Lakers Brunson 15 seconds gives it out divon chenzo shoots the corner three bang score on that double team the Gard is off fire the crowd is chanted defense 96 94 Knicks Here Comes Reed gets the screen from Davis one1 against Hart out to

Prince prince defended by divon chenzo goes right in the lane and he scores over hartenstein and the foul wait is that a is that a free throw shot hardstein has five fouls Prince free throws up and it is good so the Lakers take a onepoint lead you have auua Hart Brunson th

Chenzo and Sims on the floor for the Knicks and Brunson here comes the double team out of bounds off Reed’s leg Brunson 10 seconds in the shot clock out the heart heart drives Hart to divon chenzo five seconds four seconds divon chenzo step back blocked by Christie Here Comes Hart chrisy drives

To prince prince oh turnover turnover great effort by Sims what an effort by Jericho Sims going out to the perimeter contest tan tan taan Prince tan Prince’s three-point shot which caused the turnover Nicks ball Nicks down one here comes Brunson one onone against Reeds Brunson another double team Hart Hart drives Hart

Mid-range shot no good the Lakers are going to die with everyone else but Brunson to beat them brunson’s either going to have to shoot over them go Kobe or just trust his teammates and just pray that his teammates make shots Reeds drives to the corner Prince shoots the three and that’s good 196

Lakers and Brunson drives Brunson loses the ball Here Comes Davis to Christie to prince prince turnover Nicks ball Nicks down four Timeout on the floor fourpoint game sold out Madison Square Garden Oh my God you know what pisses me off is is Brunson gonna even get a chance is Brunson gonna get a chance because the Lakers are not goingon to allow him to beat them the Lakers are not going to allow and Dwayne he’s going to look tired because he’s getting double team every

Play and he’s trying to figure out how he can get a shot off and that’s by design by the Lakers it’s unbelievable unbelievable I mean that’s why I said brunson’s either going to have to go Kobe and just eff it and just shoot over the double team who cares or just gonna

Have to stick with it and pass the ball like he’s been passing and hope that Josh Hart can because right now what they’re doing is they’re passing the Lakers want Josh Hart to get the ball so Josh Hart has to make the decision of am I shooting or am I driving here’s the

Problem the problem is when Josh Hart is driving off the double team he’s actually allowing the Lakers to come back and get set into their rotation from the double team off Brunson so Josh hard either has to go straight to the basket and go aggressive or shoot the

Shot but that’s what the Lakers want so now it just puts more pressure on Josh Hart to make the correct decision number one and number two if one of those decisions is to shoot the basketball he has to make it he has to make it he has to make it the Lakers have

Designed here a defensive strategy to get the ball off brunson’s hand and so that the ball can find Josh Hart so Josh Hart has to make the correct decision and listen doesn’t mean that that’s Josh Hart’s fault you know it’s not his fault that Julius is out it’s not his fault

That OG’s out but right now he’s the guy that’s going to have to make a play here because the Lakers are not going to allow Brunson especially with a four-point lead they are not going to allow Jaylen Brunson to beat them unless like I said Jaylen Brunson goes Kobe and

Says F the double team f a triple team I’m gonna figure out a way he has that ability to do so but let’s we also have to be realistic I mean if he’s getting double team at half court what else is he like what is he supposed to do you know

When you when you when you’re trapping someone at half court somebody is open that’s why that people don’t do that as much in the NBA because it usually allows someone to get a wide open shot but with this Nicks roster right now being out it doesn’t matter for the Lakers

They don’t care Here Comes Brunson and there’s the double team again look see there’s the double team out the heart heart open three heart and no good see what I said look what I said see what I said can’t go wrong with Jay I’m telling y’all telling y’all man here we go I

Love Brunson gives it to Sims and here comes Brunson Brunson and here comes the double team again and here comes Brunson look the Nicks are lost turnover turnover and if I’m Tibido I might think of even putting McBride in this ball game put put someone else that can shoot

His jump shot Here Comes divon chenzo defending Austin Reeves Reeves goes left Reeves goes up Reeves no good rebound or Chua if I’m the Knicks you got to play fast go go go diven chenzo to Hart back out to divon chenzo D chenzo out to Brunson Brunson 10 seconds here comes the double

Team again Josh Hart out to divon chenzo Long three no good fight for the rebound auua auua gets the rebound auua to divon chenzo Brunson oh Brunson in the corner oh Brunson on the drive Brunson goes up oh here comes LeBron LeBron one-on-one against to Chua

LeBron backs down you know you know the fade away’s coming you know the fade away’s coming and nice defense there by precious nice defense there wow nice defense there by precious Timeout on the floor Nicks down four Tom Tibido might have to make an adjustment and and and get McBride in

There just to put another shooter this is good good good good film for the front office good film from the front office oh man they are not GNA let Brunson beat them sometimes you have to make tough decisions and right now right now the Lakers are trying to

Neutralize Josh Hart’s impact they don’t mind him doing the hustle play but they’re gonna force him to make a decision and you see he’s hesitating and you see with the Brunson turnover that discombobulates the offense because now Brunson is a little unsure of where to go with the

Basketball here we go Nick’s got to get a stop here auua defending LeBron five seconds four seconds LeBron long three no good out of bounds outstanding effort whatever happens outstanding effort from AA he’s going up at the highest point contesting everything and Tom TI is gonna call a

Timeout Tom TI is GNA call a timeout shout out to the chat shout out to the channel members shout out to the mods here we go somebody SC here we go yeah that who who made that point let me see Above the Rim Above the Rim says you know Quinton grind’s being out hurts absolutely absolutely absolutely Above the Rim absolutely absolutely here we go can the Knicks do the Knicks have one last run in them they are down four they’re just double and triple team in Brunson Here Comes Brunson Brunson down

The lane Brunson loses the ball picked up by Reeves here comes LeBron 10 seconds in the shot clock LeBron defended by auua picked up by Brunson Here Comes Reed Reed shoots the thre that’s good the largest lead for the Lakers 10396 Here Comes Brunson brunson’s by himself out there

AA out to Hart Hart to divon chenzo divon chenzo to the rim to hartenstein hardenstein Misses the layup Prince open Corner three no good rebound to Chua two minutes and a half to go look at the double team and where’s the foul where’s the foul auua open Corner three no good fight for

The rebound Brunson to auua down the lane auua goes up and no good rebound Davis 10396 LeBron 101 against auua 8 seconds Here Comes LeBron LeBron drives LeBron stops LeBron scores ninepoint lead time out on the floor well well well what do you going to do what are you going to do Lakers

Showed a little bit of a blueprint here wouldn’t be surprised if more teams now follow suit it was was fun while I lasted says Vex Prime Sports and here comes Brunson inbounds the play to hartenstein Brunson shoots the three Brunson no good picked up by Reeves and LeBron drives to the Lane

Out of bounds Laker ball 10596 1 minute 41 seconds to go here in the fourth Nicks need stops and they need to start shooting some threes David gets the ball 15 seconds in the shot clock and now McBride comes into the game now now you bring McBride

In the game here comes Josh Hart defending LeBron Hart LeBron Falling Away tough shot way off Here Comes hardenstein hardenstein got to bring the ball up that’s how much they they’re all over Brunson here comes divon chenzo divon chenzo and he’s fouled by LeBron James 10596 one minute 14 seconds to

Go here comes Hart to hartenstein to Brunson Brunson oneon-one against Anthony Davis Brunson drives Brunson goes up and he misses nothing going down for New York man here comes Reeves out the prince Davis has the ball now 10 seconds on the shot clock under one minute to go here

In the ball game Lakers up nine Davis shoots the three no good Sten chenzo pushes the ball up the court stenzo scores Nicks went seven minutes without a point almost seven minutes that is unbelievable 10598 Here Comes Reeves timeout Lakers 10598 we’re good though we’re good I

Mean it is what it is we’re good you know Lakers were smart in in in in in that strategy Lakers are smart they came up with the right strategy you know Josh Hart five of 16 Jesus Christ I think Alex did had a great night on the

Picks at least I think he had three out of four yeah three rotations players out Dwayne what are you gonna do you know um tough tough you know the Lakers knew if we play straight up defense against jayen Brunson we’re not going to win tonight say n we’re going to double Davis

Tes Lakers decided Bruns is not going to beat them that’s why they double and triple teamed and nobody else could hit a shot that was the difference in the game Lakers decided I mean Lakers are double teaming Brunson as soon as he cross half court so what are you going

To do it is what it is you know this is and and then Tom tibo took too long to make an adjustment right he could have went to McBride earlier just to add just another shooter give give the team a chance um not that McBride is Ray Allen

Or anybody like that but still like we don’t have much options right now so it’s like McBride’s the next shooter down the line should have brought him in a little early you know and that’s what happened re hits the first free throw second free throw is good 10798 25

Seconds to go here in the ball game here comes Brunson Brunson down the lane Brunson scores and Reeves is fouled by Duce McBride had the lead by six man and then the Lakers said all right we’re going to Triple team them so I mean I don’t know what you

Take from this do you take the fact that you need to make a move or do you take the fact that yo we didn’t have our starters like it will be a different Lakers are not you know randle’s out there and OG’s out there Lakers are not

Doing that to to Brunson they’re not they going to leave OG wide open in the corners Brunson goes up and he scores six-point game bro Brun had 10 assists with 33 points and it’s still felt like it wasn’t like it still felt like he left a lot out

There he had 10 assists it felt like he could had 20 if his teammates made shots James gonna call a timeout so that they can advance the ball Nicks down six with 12 seconds to go here in the fourth quarter and then Brunson playing 45 minutes I mean Here we go Stephen A Smith jinxed it man we were doing we were on our way too but remember I mean I said it in the pregame I said it in the pregame ladies and gentlemen I said one of the you know as they show OG on the

Bench one the one of the under talked about things of that Indiana win is that we didn’t shoot well and it’s not sustainable you can’t shoot 40% and 28% from three and think you’re going to win many ball games it’s not gonna happen man as the Knicks fouled Anthony Davis

Anthony Davis going to go to the free throw line 10 seconds to go here in the fourth quarter face the Warriors what you saw tonight ladies and gentlemen is a playoff like atmosphere strategy by the Lakers Brunson scores Lakers Stephen chenzo why are you filing Davis bro like what are you doing

The hell are you giving Davis more stats for oops shout out to the chat shout out to the channel members Nicks are gonna lose his ball game Davis makes the first free throw Brunson with 36 points tonight 10 assists six rebounds Davis second free throws up and it is

Good and the game is over Nicks lose 113 105 tough loss here at the Garden for the New York Knicks they were going for 10 games in a row Nicks fall to 18- six at home as Brunton and LeBron give each other props here with nerch ODT I can treat a migrant when

It’s tough loss tonight for the New York Knicks got to bounce back got to bounce back they shot 41% from the FI 28% from three and the New York Knicks next game is against the Memphis Grizzlies so he’s got a bounce back man Nicks got a lot of home game

The Nicks the Nicks are they still this is wild they play Memphis Dallas and Indiana next three games at home so they have the next game is a must win can lose can’t lose that game um gotta get back on track against the Memphis Grizzlies and then you got a

Nice game against Dallas on National Television on Thursday February 8th which is also trade deadline day so only one game to the deadline because that Dallas game is going to be after yo y’all crazy yo wait but what is the two for this is my first lost it’s my first

Loss what are y’all doing y’all cheating adding my record is not two- two it’s 3 in one tripping unless I’m bugging you know wait did I I do the opening night I don’t know if I did opening night I know I did the sixes and Dem game those were two wins

Um yo you know you know was one thing about me I’m crazy competitive as you guys can see in my energy when I do these things um and it’s just in my DNA as a competitor um as a um someone that played Sports someone that uh you know I’m just competitive so

It’s a regular season game but for me it’s like every game every game we lose it sucks for me like I hate to lose man oh man all right so tonight we have to post game show I’m going to be on the postgame show tonight because CP is at

The watch party so you’ll have me and Alex in the post game tonight uh again CP is at the kftv watch party thank you for the correction thank you thank you appreciate that kftv production team I appreciate that um but yeah Nicks lose tonight listen guys you know just

Just let’s not go crazy and overreact right uh because you have to see how they lost when you make these analysis you have to see how did we lose and is that going to be something that’s going to happen when we’re in oh I did the Bucks

Opener you mean the B oh in the in the um in the inseason tournament right TM was the inseason tournament the one that we were on the road I think it was that one right was that the game that brunon went off that was the game that I was missed

That was the game that I missed um but you have to see how the team lost and the team lost tonight based on a strategy that may not be a applicable when the team has OG and Randle back or even OG like and even OG and Grimes like

People going to forget about Grimes I mean you have Grimes out there on one side OG on the other side Lakers are not doing that like you’re not leaving them wide open I know Grimes could be a little inconsistent here and there but you’re not leaving Grimes wide open like

That’s a different story and so um that’s why it’s hard to like I’m upset but it’s hard to just you know throw away all their success based on this because I they lost because the Lakers decided to Triple team Brunson and put the ball in heart’s hands you know and

And and make a Chua make decisions also offensively because a Chua had a couple opportunities there that he didn’t convert you know those are two players I mean I know a Chua won’t be there in crunch time when the rosters full and then you know who knows we’ll see we’ll

See if Josh Hart is is is getting those minutes as well because when OG’s back you you have you know let’s see let’s see you know Josh Hart may not be getting all those crunch time minutes that he’s getting now um so it’ll be interesting and and so

With that but I but you do even though I say that you do see a little bit of the potential need as they correct it again back to two and two um you do see the potential need for an additional playmaker doesn’t have to be shooter but an additional playm maker playmaker because

The other reason why the the the Lakers triple teamed Brunson is because they knew the Lakers uh the Knicks didn’t have another playmaker in on the court right you don’t necessarily need to have all you know a a court full of Shooters you may need to have another playmaker so

Uh tough tough tough loss here as I have a lot of people texting me a lot of people here damn everybody’s on tips tonight eventually the clock was going to strike midnight and this team would turn into pumpkins all right so here we go we’re

Going to close this out uh the if we can pin the link to the post game let’s do that and then let’s close this out and let’s get ready for post game post game show where Alex and I CP is at the watch party tough loss tonight

But let’s talk about it ladies and Gentlemen let’s talk about it let’s hear your calls in the postgame show let us know your thoughts and let us know what you would do differently you know is is this is this a sign of things to come is

This a red flag for you guys I mean it was a competitive game they went on a drought for seven minutes um you know like it’s just difficult to put so so much stock into this game because of the way that it ended like you know I don’t

Know I don’t know that it revealed so much um what it did reveal is it revealed a lot with this roster in other words if OG’s out there against Memphis I mean I don’t know that Memphis is in a state of doing the same thing that the Lakers are because quite frankly them

Grizzlies they’re trying to get the highest draft pick so against the Grizzlies we may not see that strategy but we may see it against the Dallas Mavericks if OG OG is not back by then and and Quinton gr’s not back by then you know Jason kid might might employ

That Jason kid is a one of the younger coaches that can see you know he was on the Lakers staff too he’s going to look at that film and if OG and Grimes are out against the Mavericks I can definitely see a similar strategy late in the game you know because the Lakers

Really enforced that late in the game they had that in the back pocket you know um and I wouldn’t even be surprised if that was a recommendation from LeBron James cuz the way Darin ham is getting criticism out there I don’t know that that was a Darin

Ham strategy more so that LeBron said yo we’re not losing to that guy y’all bugging y’all bugging right now you know so I don’t know that we’ll see that strategy against the Grizzlies because I don’t think the Grizzlies are really trying that hard these days to win games

But when you look at the Nick’s schedule and you see them playing the the the Mavericks and then they play Indiana again at home after that after the way Indiana just saw Brunson beat them if OG and GRS are not back in those two games I could definitely see this strategy

Being popular against the Knicks like yo y’all got a double and triple team Brunson in the fourth quarter put pressure on the Knicks make Josh Hart make decisions and and and and and make those Knicks you know make the Knicks make shots so that’s what it is there

Um I’ll I’ll say some of those same points in the post game since you know larger audience and all that although it’s a loss tonight hopefully you guys tune in post game link is in the it’s uh it’s pinned to the chat so make sure you hit the link thank you

Guys for tuning in Nick fan TV play byplay Nicks versus Lakers brought to you by Underdog fantasy make sure you guys go to Underdog sign up for instant and match up to $100 with the promo code kftv Underdog fantasy is very very easy to use very

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Sin so I did see that so thank you sin for that thank you for the support um and I did see that you wrote in the $50 Super Chat that you were showing love so I did see that I didn’t mention at the time I got caught up in the game but I

Did see that last Super Chat was a $50 Super Chat from believe it’s John sin uh appreciate the support appreciate the comment seeing you showing love back back to you and and thank you for supporting the channel so uh here we go Nicks L at mad Square Garden will get

Be ready getting ready for post game thank you guys for tuning in thank you guys for supporting we’ll be back I believe I’m going to I’m going to see if I’m back for the Mavericks game so tune in whether it’s me or ck will be back most likely for the Dallas Maverick’s

Game and and and and the Pacers game after that so we’ll definitely be uh be in tune I’ll be you know around more often and thank you guys for the support as we get a $5 Super Chat from Rags Morales says all this proved was we have

Four starters on the bench anyone saying anything else is stupid all this proved was we have four starters on the bench anything anyone saying anything else is stupidity so thank you guys for the support JD here Nick lose against the Los Angeles Lakers see you guys a post game Link in

The posted on the chat see you guys for the next game peace

New York Knicks vs Los Angeles Lakers Play-By-Play & Watch Along | UnderDog Fantasy

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