@Sacramento Kings

Sacramento Kings vs. Chicago Bulls LIVE Postgame Night Chat

Sacramento Kings vs. Chicago Bulls LIVE Postgame Night Chat

I N W He A Out Do it for do some more do do it for when it come to the Kings it’s my faor show do it for do more do more do it for do more when it come to the Kings big hopes and dreams as we cover our Kings never cover the kingdom but we

Loving our Kings and we cover your prayers as we doing our thing big de with the part A Little More on the screen solo together still do it for team never switch up for a dollar or Revenue stream so we always got each other balance out the do more and that’s

The end of the thing ladies and gentlemen more we are Live games above 500 oh it was a roller coaster ride again tonight but here we are the Kings 5 and one on a seven game trip how are we doing on a Saturday nights hey hi I’m rooting for y yeah yeah it feels good to be back in Sacramento tonight

Feels so good so good man after last night little technical issues on the YouTube side when we were in San Francisco everything sounds good tonight yeah it does mics are working the mics are working man what a stretch what a stretch we just got back I don’t know 20

Minutes ago from San Francisco got everything set up here and now we’re live on a Saturday night’s talk about the fact that the kings were able to hang on and get a win on the road beating the Bulls 123 to 115 holy [ __ ] what a range of emotions I felt tonight

Watching this one how you doing pal Brook says beam me up yeah I’m feeling I’m feeling good I we needed to end this week like cuz it’s like you said it’s a lot and we needed to end it on a win I don’t care how they got it got it as

They were the Bulls were chipping away I’m just like okay this won’t be the night this will be the night at the king they call it timeout it’s I cut to 20 and I’m like it’s all right they’ll go ahead and score here and get back on

Track like oh no no no it’s it’s a game all of a sudden it’s a game dece gets so weirded out when I’m like H this is when they lose it and he gets so many goes yeah with that attitude with that energy one I don’t yell like that but two

Here’s the thing with Morgan like if I say anything like oh man they can run away with this one here don’t say say you can’t say why you say that but she’s allowed to be like well this this is over they’re they’re done and it’s like

I mean no they just need to score a basket I I think when it it gets a little tighter is when I get a little more focused like all right what’s the solution base I make it what what’s the solution base okay Coach playoff juice comes out and I’m

Just like dude just relax or right they need to get a bucket here they don’t need to it’s not going to all fall apart and guess what it did not totally fall apart the Bulls cut a 30-point lead down to three oh my God then dear Fox made

Some big plays to that three down the stretch that attack couple of big free throws and the Kings got 41 from D Fox and all of a sudden with all the range of emotions Kings fans have felt this year with more expectations you look at the standings you’re like oh they’re 10

Games above 500 but what’s that mean duy the kings were not 10 games above 500 last season until February 26 when they were 35 and 25 they’re 29 and 19 wow and I feel like they’re star to play some better basketball they are it’s they haven’t strung it all the way

Together yet but we’re seeing glimpses the fact that they got that big lead tonight is because they were playing some amazing basketball so I don’t know I just you go on the road for seven games you’re on the road for almost two weeks can you stop itching like what I

Get it you’re itchy stop itching I know but like you need to be off for the show it’s distracting that is so when you when you’re coughing keep talking wow W no you should really do this to someone that has like a serious problem and should probably take a prescription

But I don’t want to take any prescriptions take a joke if you’re not going to take a prescription take a joke then let me itch and just don’t talk about it no just like you you’re making it worse no [ __ ] Sherlock but it itches anyway what I was trying to say

Before I was distracted you go on the road for seven games almost two weeks you’re five and one with one more to play that’s a great road trip that’s a great road trip fantastic road trip and even the Miami game even though like you lost the game you didn’t like get

Dominated in that game you just didn’t play your best and you were competitive and try to get back into it you didn’t play great ball you’re five and one on this trip dude that’s outstanding it’s pretty impressive and I think sometimes times yeah we just we allow how they win games

To take us out of it being like oh it was a little different in the beginning of the Season than it is right now and and there’s so much improvement even if it’s sometimes losing a 30-point lead but finding a way to win find the way to

Win find the way to close out a game but great teams will close out a game the right way and that’s what that’s the next step I mean that’s what you got to do you’re closing out getting the wins find a way to just close out the right

Way I love all the people joining us live on a Saturday night if you have not done it yet hit the Thumbs Up And subscribe the numbers went up again this month and thanks to you guys for making sure you’re hitting the thumbs up so more and more eyeballs get on this

Channel then people subscribe check us out and then we all grow this community together you’re awesome super chats already coming in tonight before you even start the show Anthony donates 10 bucks saying Bridge toll money you know was bridge to money expense that NBC but thank you appreciate that that means a

Lot Ian donates two bucks saying I’m itching in solidarity with Mo ah thank you Ian appreciate you yeah yeah yeah yeah but um I also have a poll question I I post it too yeah what’s that um kings are five on one on this seven game

Trip you good the options yes love it not bad things to clean up and not buying it well right now at this very moment 65% say yes love it 33% said not bad things to clean up 2% say not buying it can I ask at this point what are you

Not buying um I mean yeah tell yeah tell me and here’s my thought process when I was think like what I mean I’m loving it I wish there was I wish dece Mason would have put it in between yes love it and not bad things to clean up the not bad

Things to clean up is not necessarily a negative thing I’m not even saying it is a negative thing you you had to like you had to somehow beat a Grizzlies team that was down 11 guys right like that’s the game some like know I get it

But that’s not a negative thing not bad things to caim tonight you lose a 30-point lead and it goes down to three and you to fight to win that game you know Mike Brown is going to show a lot of what went down in that second half

Because you have to close out better now the opposite of you you were able to knock down some free throws tonight which is was way better than they have been doing doing you know but you you just don’t want to get in these habits it’s like you want to get to a point

Where if you get a 30-point lead understand the team’s going to make a run if they have any type of Pride but when they cut it to like 18 you go all right let’s get this [ __ ] back up to 25 so D Fox can go ahead and sit for 75% in

The fourth quarter I to no and I and I get that and I and I think I I think we want we want this team to be there y but I’m so glad about this next step of just getting the dub getting the dub finishing off the game even if it’s

Difficult finishing it off us says uh is it us or US he always messed it up five1 should be six0 but that shot like [ __ ] Miami lool yeah assat says don’t accept in Victory what you would not accept in defeat you’re damn right I said that

Said that again on TV two nights in a row two nights in a row I’m like and I sit there it almost feels like our podcast where I’m just like is this aoke like I need I need the chat I need the chat on the postgame show Leandro says

Growth through adversity yep facts facts yep yep yep um bad news sour grapes says sabonis may need to focus on assist against them big boys of Cleveland to get that double double record uh yeah I mean he I think he almost had a triple double last time the Kings played the

Cavs so he he he was great in that game I’m interested to see if there’s anything that happens with Donovan Mitchell if if you guys missed it the Cavs beat the Spurs tonight and Mitchell and Collins got into Zach Collins got into it late with under a minute to go

Zach Collins put his little screen on but also had a little elbow to the face of Mitchell he got right up and went and shoved them they both got ejected I don’t think he should get suspended but we’ll talk about that tonight too um yes shout out to TD donating two bucks 15

Years 43 days ago we came back from 35 versus Chicago never forget that game I said that to Morgan when the Kings went up 30 I’m like you know the kings were down 35 in the third quarter at the United Center and they came back and won

That game Tyreek Gans eme udoka eeme udoka hitting big shots for the Kings down the stretch in that game what long ago oh my God e udoka baby so uh Manny says Trey L is effing nice from three to night yes yes that was fun

God you guys are firing me up shout out to everyone for being here tonight let’s go let’s start the Pod de Mo we’re coming down three two one hit my music they tell you what they know de and mo mo the you know hey welcome into the

Juice and mo podcast recording this on a Saturday night after the Sacramento Kings Road Trip continued on this night in Chicago on the second IE have a backto back against the Bulls team that have been resting since Wednesday how are the Kings going to respond well they

Got off to a quick start in fact dropped 71 points in the first half they expanded the lead to 30 in the third quarter so an easy win for the Kings right you guys are funny of course not roller coaster the Kings started missing tons of shots

They started throwing the ball all over the floor and the Bulls chipped away they got confident they cut it to three but the kings were able to hang on down the stretch thanks in large part to dearen Fox who had a big night 41 points on baby rain’s birthday who sat

Courtside and the Sacramento Kings escape with a win at the United Center 123 to 115 all of a sudden there’s six games in this road trip and they are five and one on this trip it should be noted this is the most wins they’ve ever had on a seven game Road

Trip in franchise history and they are a season best 10 games above 500 they did not reach that Mark until late February of last year each and every one of our podcasts presented by our friends are at Northwest Dix steerers check out trust I’m Duce Mason that’s

Morgan Reagan how you doing oh how you doing Mo that’s what I was waiting for I am great I’m great I’m great feeling good feeling good I love I you guys I said this did I don’t know if I said this last night because it was Friday night I love

Weekend Hoops there’s just something about it and again days don’t matter in the NBA a Monday a Friday it’s like they’re all the same there’s no you don’t get weekends off when you’re doing NBA stuff but there’s just a different type of vibe that I always feel on a

Friday or Saturday night game and I know it’s not even like this was at home at Golden One Center but I love that we get a talk about a win on a Saturday night but how are you feeling about the win after what I just detailed in the

Summary they were up 30 points in the third quarter looked like it was going to be on Cru control they come out of the second half and hit three straight threes herder Fox and monk I believe and all of a sudden they’re up 8252 um and then it went down to three

Yeah where were your emotions at throughout the night I wasn’t okay I mean I definitely wasn’t okay let’s let’s start let’s start from the emotion of where I was wasn’t okay was thinking bad things to got the win oh out of breath out of breath doing the postgame

Show um just some epiphanies epiphanies drove back to Sacramento now I’m here with a glass of wine on a Saturday night and I’m like oh the king got the W and I feel great I feel great now not to say that there’s not a lot of

Things to break down in this one again that’s the most interesting thing that this Kings team keeps doing in these wins they don’t allow us to like talk about the good at the end of the game we’re always having to be like well this was all good but man the all the stuff

That that breaks down at the end it’s like you feel that at the end but my point is what happened in the beginning of this game and creating a 30-point lead in really good basketball really good things happening allowed them to have the amount of screw-ups that they

Got to have to still somehow finish out this game the right way they LED 7152 at the half they were doing some incredible th incredible things the ball movement was great I thought the biggest thing tonight is they came out and pushed and pushed dearon got off to an

Amazing start in this game and I just love the pace and then defensively I felt like they were flying everywhere in that first half I mean the rotations were perfect the on ball defense was good if they got beat their man was there to help and the help helped the

Helper and the helper helped the help it was perfect by the Sacramento Kings Duce and let’s just even start there with the good and especially in that first half and how beautiful the defense was looking you and I were talking about it while watching it in the studio going

Man Mike Brown is going to have so he’s going to be so proud of this defense he’s going to be so happy with what he’s getting at these guys now I get it it’s not easy to do all four quarters at the half Deuce’s key to the second half was

Give me 48 minutes can you continue this consistent great basketball for 48 minutes and you know what the Kings said they said no no we can’t no no why would we do that let’s make you let’s make you sweat a little bit but truly when you look

Back at that defense and you talk about the way it was rotating it wasn’t just like the Bulls were screwing up it was the king’s defense that was doing such a great job of screwing up what the Bulls wanted to achieve what they wanted to accomplish and then on top of that what

It led to was the Kings even playing better within their offense and when I say that it’s because they were able to push the pace have a fat like they didn’t have to set up in the half court as much they just went down into the paint in transition beautiful Vision

Beautiful passes when when this team comes out pushing the pace like that and in addition to that they’re flying around defensively getting stops and getting out it’s nasty and then the shot making was outstanding in that first half too so it was just an amazing combination where I thought Fox set the

Tone with the starters and then you went to the but bench and Malik and Trey ly were just money coming in knocking down shot after shot and so Malik monk all of a sudden with backto back really strong games after a rough January for him and

I don’t think it’s a mistake that like look when Malik plays well the kings are a pretty dangerous team and why were they up and down in January were one of the reasons he was up and down in January and so it was dearn fox now all

Of a sudden I said all of a sudden four times I love it but anyway I’ve been doing a lot of talking the last couple of days okay a couple of turnovers I just noticed one of my crutches I acknowledge it we move on was that a

Crutch that you I did a crutch like I have a crutch on yeah okay a crutch on or using a crutch a crutch on okay yeah a Crut got it anyway um so Deon has 41 points in the game which was great and then Malik tonight finishes with 22

Points seven assists five rebounds he played just under 34 minutes 7 of 14 shooting six of seven at the free throw line it was two of four from downtown but yes I that’s what’s so frustrating about this team because you saw almost like a perfect first half from them

Right the pace shooting offense defense the perfect combination and then the second half they went no we’re just we’re done we’re done with that we’re going to go ahead and not play with Pace we’re going to do a lot ISO ball we’re going to play into the Bull’s hand a

Little bit and oh we’re going to start turning the ball over well and it’s so strange too because they came out in the second half killing it looking good knocking down their shots just went on a big run they started the Third on a 90 run confidence was looking high and I

Don’t know why it is that times that they do this thing where they slow it down or they they go back and ISO just because they slow it down doesn’t mean that the clock is going to run out faster you got to make sure that you are

Still running just as fast as as you know what got you there the pace that got you there to to give you that lead to help you get that lead you got to continue that and I think sometimes it’s a complete mind F right like it just

Screws with them when they have that lead and that doesn’t just happen to the kings that happens to a lot of people in different sports as well but you can see with the Kings why this experience every time of having leads and now instead of losing the game finding a way to

Finish out the game close it out and get the W is so very important in that experience it’s getting better and better whether you believe it or not losing a 30-point lead or whatever but I feel like that is so so much more common

In the NBA if you watch a lot of NBA basketball you’re seeing that against so many different teams you are 30 is a little different of a story in my opinion I don’t know what that means in the in 2024 is 30 the new 25 and 25 is

The new 20 and 20 point lead is new 15 I don’t know you know I had that three for a minute where it’s like just subtract five right be because 20o leads nowadays it’s a joke I mean couple of missed shots turnovers and all of a sudden it’s

Down to 12 you know it’s it evaporates fast yep um but it’s still a big lead and like that’s kind of the next progress I want to see from this team is like that hey you’re up 30 any team that has Pride any team that has a competitive fire is going to try

To chip away a little bit you’re going to make mistakes that’s fine but your mistake can’t go from 30 to three it can go 30 to like 18 but then you need to come you need to come back and get it to 25 and then we chill in the fourth even

If it goes 30 to 10 but then you find that way to really be like no you have you are in control when you 10 to 15 whatever I know these numbers sound kind of funny of like what our standards are and what we want but truly you’ve seen

What in control with a 10-point lead is compared to um seeing teams not in control with the 20-point lead so yes for the Sacramento Kings the next step is to really learn from these different experiences with having these leads and going okay this is what we need to do oh

And this is what we need to do do to close out games the right way yeah it’s crazy looking at the final numbers the Kings I thought did a great job getting in the paint scoring in the paint on the Bulls in the first half the Bulls allow the fewest points in the

Paint in the league and at half time I think the Kings had 34 points in the paint I’m like dude they only allow 44 yeah well the Kings only scored 16 points in the paint in the second half so life became a little more challenging and I thought the king’s defense got

Beat a lot now part of it too is like you go hey give the Bulls credit they kept fighting but I I thought the Kings offense let him down a lot too when you start turning the ball over you you’re screwed you put yourself in a really tough position as a defense

And all of a sudden they’ve got confidence can you keep track of all of a Suds now I’m I’m up to like six I’ve said did you just say all did I did yeah done thank you please just yeah I’ll do six tally marks my God how about if you

Reach if you reach nine I get to slap you how about if I reach one more you can give me a little slap yes but anyway um so all of a sudden you just give a team a little more confidence the crowd starts getting into it they wake up it’s a fragile

Thing because the Bulls were on the brink right like you’re you’re down 30 and the third couple more buckets you might fold up shot M mentally we just going all right it’s there’s 5 minutes left we’re down 35 but when you can look at the end of the third and the Bulls

Could look at the end of the third quarter and go we just went on a 27 to9 run it’s a 10-point game 10-point game you’re in it with 12 minutes to go so the Kings obviously have some things to clean up but like you said Morgan you

Can’t you can’t ignore the fact that they were able to build a 30-point lead by playing the right way so how do you manufacture kind of that for a longer period of time I guess is the question and I think that’s what’s so interesting about anybody going

On and having an instant reaction after a game like this because for us going into the post game it was I’m taking a deep breath going into a conversation that we are going to talk to where we’re going to interview dearn Fox Courtside after he has a big 41-point game but I’m

Feeling all these different motions of good basketball to bad basketball but hey you got the W yeah dearen had 41 points 14 of those came in the fourth quarter we did talk to him a postgame and if you didn’t hear that conversation here’s how it went down and my goodness

Daren okay that was a lot of good basketball happening on early in this one and then we saw what happened there in the second half how did you guys end up pulling this one out yeah I mean honestly we even even coming out of halftime when we we started it on

On a 90 run we went up 28 and then we kind of fell apart from right there uh I mean we have to be better in that instant obviously when you go up like that A Team uh becomes desperate they play harder and uh I mean this team gets

A lot of deflections uh when someone like Caruso is around the ball you have to you have to know where he is and and they made a run but we were able to finish this game out just being able to get stops and and making our free throws

Today well yeah it was a roller coaster ride you guys about killed in here dear 41 points for you tonight though it feels like even defensively you’re just super locked in right now I believe that’s 11 steals the last two games what’s working well for you right now uh

I mean just trying to stay locked in as long as possible obviously we always talk about uh what we’re doing on the defensive end and there are there are stretches where we look like an elite defensive team and there are stretches where we look like a bottom five

Defensive team so uh for me it’s it’s just try to try to stay locked in for as long as possible obviously it’s a 48 minute game however long you’re out there try to stay locked in and uh for me obviously I talked about it before especially when I’m struggling

Offensively just trying try to find different ways to affect the game and if I’m able to get deflections get steals get my team uh more opportunities uh that’s what I do rain sitting Courtside on his birthday dad scoring 41 points did you feel some extra motivation there

Uh definitely just being on the road being able to see my family here um the tickets were free for us I did not pay for them I I we know we we know the person who owns the seat so we didn’t pay for Wow but it was definitely it was

Definitely a great gift uh for Reigns for sure all right dear well excited for you excited for the family go enjoy the win and finish off this road trip strong and stop trying to kill us Kings fans man man man hey jav ja be on us man we

We definitely have to be better we definitely have to be better apprciate you de thanks de all right thank y’all there’s our chat with Daren Fox after the game um what just you oh I you know I my Approach with this if anyone cares about this but I’m like you know what

You just have to you don’t have to do your your typical interview after the game where it’s like so tell us about blah blah BL you know super serious I look up to what they do on Inside the NBA and I see how loose they are it’s

Like just be yourself I’m feeling that way you guys almost lost a lead we’re going to tap into that a little bit my one regret my one regret I I I forgot to ask him about the All-Star Game and part of it is I think I already moved on from

It but I should have been like hey you really don’t care or something like that my bad but but guess what we were in the moment of what just happened it’s not even like we got a a a beat and go oh my gosh let’s make sure we ask about that

As well but also you talk about you know wanting to to just approach it very genuine and yourself that’s it’s easy to when someone like dear knows you and knows your intentions too when you’re like oh my God you guys are killing me in here you’re not like weird Sports guy

Going exactly so no it is and it’s so cool that he was able to you know feel that way uh a few things from that interview too I love that it’s a very humble thing being like we did not pay for those courtside tickets just making sure everyone knew and it’s like

Wouldn’t carry the way you guys are loaded hon I just figured like hey you make millions of dollars you probably have a way to get it that’s one but two the javel McGee thing at the end that he had to say about like you know javelle

Getting on us about um just when we are struggling and going through these moments and we just got to make sure we are finishing off games the right way we’ve talked about that before javelle McGee may come on the floor and make some really bad mistakes that time T

Like he did tonight and not add enough when he’s on the floor but something you hear behind the scenes all the time with javelle is you know his veteran leadership his Championship uh resume and gold medal you know Team USA all these different things that you think

About that are very important to a team like the Sacramento Kings well you mentioned that and this is from a couple of games ago I believe it was after the Memphis game when they got the win and man maybe it was it it I you know what I

Don’t know exactly what game it was it was a recent game where they they should have stomped you know an opponent late and I just it kind of goes with tonight’s game here’s what javel McGee told G man after the game good teams respond by getting the win great teams

Respond by blowing teams that don’t have their stars out immediately and uh resting the stars and then that fourth quarter is is the third string guys going out there um but we still got a lot to go to until we become a great team but we are playing great basketball

As of now I believe on this road trip we’re 3 and 0 y uh we got four in a row as of now also so as as long as we stay focused uh keep getting stacking these wins um we will become a great team so that was jvel McGee after they beat

Memphis so that was right his point is like no good teams find a way to win we found a way to win tonight when that team was down 11 great teams get it done get it done and let the other guys play and this is another example that tonight not so much that

The Bulls were super short-handed of course lavine’s been out that’s another thing he’s out four to six months after needing surgery here but you’re up 30 you need to find a way to get it done but I thought that was interesting that fox brought that up javel has been

Getting on them a bit about that yeah the other thing that we should talk about with dearon Fox we talk about his 41 points for sure we will get to that I just think defensively this year is the growth we have seen from him has been

Outstanding he’s near the top of the NBA in both steals and deflections last night he had 11 deflections I try to put that in context for people SGA is number one in the league coming in tonight in deflections at 3.6 per game Daren had 11

In a game he is coming into tonight tied for second in deflections in the league with Alex Caruso last night he had a career high six steals he followed it up tonight with five in the last two games do the math 11 steals for dearn Fox Steels is

Not always a great indicator of some great defense but he is putting tremendous on ball pressure he’s playing the gaps well I love how physical he plays defensively if he has to defend a bigger guy he’s ready for the challenge dear has been fantastic defensively he’s

Taken a jump this year what’s jumped out to you about the steps he has taken defensively his timing and understanding of who he’s guarding if he wants to poke the ball away if he wants to make sure he’s using his chest and bodying up

Somebody if they if it’s you know a a a different size guy depending on what position they’re playing whatever it is understanding too that he can use his wingspan to his Advantage because he’s also super quick with his hands and he’s super quick with his feet but you think

About the way that he can use his arms and time out where he needs to be in a passing Lane to get a steal from far away or just getting his hands up taking away the vision of a point guard um but making them think twice when they put

The ball on the floor because he’s so handsy so active you’re seeing him get up and guys on a whole different level and it’s so under control and when he’s pissed off oh my god do I love the way that he gets up guys and when he’s

Feeling it after making a deep three oh my god do I love the way that he gets up and guys it has been so fun watching the way that he plays defense but I think his defense has also encouraged others to take a leap on that end of the floor

And the Kings still have ways to go defensively as a team we saw the best version of the kings in the first half and maybe the worst version in the second half of that game I was looking today before the game I’m like hey what’s what’s you know defensive rating

Right there they came into tonight around 17 I believe last year they were 24 offenses have gotten way better this year too but last year there was a dramatic split on their defense at home versus their defense on the road coming into tonight yeah let’s go back to last

Year last year at home they are 29th out of 30th in defensive rating at home at home on the road eighth okay so 29th at home eighth on the road this year 26th in defensive rating at home on the road eighth again it’s weird it’s weird I

Remember asked Monty McNair the Kings GM at media day I was asking him about that like discrepancy like what what is that like you showed flashes and he kind of brushed it aside as like it he didn’t really put much stock into it he said don’t act like you know Analytics I know

I know well guess what guess what mon guess what nerd um I’ll give you some numbers they’re doing it again this year it’s interesting this is not just a one season thing it looks like they play better defense at times on the road how do you explain it I’ve tried to get

People to explain it to me I don’t think there is really a legit explanation besides theories of okay maybe this team because they’re on the road they’re not they don’t have the home crowd behind them they don’t have the same juice they have to kind of manufacture

Their own energy and a way to do that is to play defense get out the go and shut up a crowd I I don’t know but it it is kind of a dramatic difference we’re seeing two years in a row and that’s consistent eighth on the road in defense

And in the bottom half near last in the NBA at home yeah it’s it no one has the answer or the explanation behind it and that’s okay too I feel like that sometimes when you get a lot of data and analytics numbers thrown at you it’s like what does that mean and just

Because you can’t put your finger on it doesn’t mean that there isn’t something else to it now there could be nothing else to it but I think with this now that you’re seeing it happen back toback years it is pretty interesting so yeah for the Sacramento Kings the way that

They lock in play defense together and it really does start with someone like dearn Fox getting up and guys like the way he has been I I feel like they do have better defensive moments this year than they did last year though do you agree with that yes but I also feel like

They’ve had worse defensive moments and like lapses than they’ve had la like last year it felt it felt more like it would be something of a miscommunication or just not understanding the geometry of the floor and being in the right spot where this year even if it is those

Things it feels more like a mental lapse where like they’re not engaged and they’re not thinking about it where last year it was they wanted to be there they understood they need to be there but they were learning to get there this year it feels like sometimes

It’s like I’m just out there what am I doing there’s just too many of those lapses yep yeah um my description let’s talk about dear’s offense tonight 41 points for him he down 13 of 24 shooting he’s five of 11 from downtown in this game

10 of 12 at the free throw line I want to pull up his shot chart in this game too just to kind of see what the balance was so dearin tonight if you pull up his shot chart like I just did it’s on the screen he was seven of 11 in the paint

14 of his points came in the paint eight of 13 from two-point Range Five of 11 from Beyond the yard he was 10 of 12 at the line to give him those 41 points pretty good balance from dear getting to the rim get in the mid-range and then knocking down some

Threes I love it I love it I I thought I mean what did he end up finishing from three he ended up finishing five of 11 I’ve said it three times in the last two minutes well say it one more time and I’ll slap you just kidding five of 11

And I I know for some it’s there’s Still Moments where you’re like why did he take that one or whatever tonight it felt very much in rhythm in the flow of the game it felt W with a lot of confidence even he he knocked one down I

Believe on Caruso toward the end of the game and then came down tried hitting another one where I didn’t love the idea of him taking the shot but he was feeling the momentum of the last shot and sometimes you just got to try it you

Got to do what feels good do what feels right and then once you try it out and it doesn’t work go back to what always works and what always works for Deen Fox is him attacking and him attacking tonight especially toward the end of the game when the team needed him him most

It was just absolutely beautiful especially in the mid-range or floater or in the paint I mean it was just in that area I was quickly looking at the schedule to look at the last 10 games because I feel like in the last 10 games we feel like the

Kings are playing better basketball of course they’re five in one on this road trip but if you go back to 10 G if you go back to 10 games that includes a Milwaukee overtime loss the Suns loss the loss at home to the Pacers then the win over the

Hawks Warriors Dallas Memphis lost to Miami wow so all of a sudden they have won six of their last seven um anyway I want to go back and look at their stats defensive rating offensive rating in the last 10 games because we we we feel like it looks

Better right so where does it kind of Stack Up in this 10 game span where they’re playing better basketball in the last 10 games Morgan they the kings are ninth in offensive rating at 11 18.8 for context that’s where they wor about last season 18ish that was the

Best offensive rating in NBA history last year the difference is this year all these other teams are crazy offensively taking a mad leap yes so they are ninth in that stretch defensive rating during that stretch 15th okay oh so middle of the pack defensively and Ninth offensively in the last 10 games

Record during that 6 and and would argue it should be 8 and2 if you just close out Milwaukee and Phoenix yeah insane no it really especially and the reason why I think when we talk about Milwaukee and Phoenix cuz I know some people are like well can’t you say that about any game

It’s no it’s the way that they played almost those entire freaking games and yes the way that they couldn’t close them out just showed experien Star Play players verse uh a team that is still trying to figure it out when they face adversity so it feels like they’re

Starting to figure it out though when they even face adversity and things go bad against some of these teams that they should be beating if they’re doing what they need to do celebrate it be excited even if it’s not the prettiest thing in the world there’s still a lot of pretty things to

Celebrate so we mentioned Fox with 41 points tonight the Manus sabonis did not have like a monster scoring night at all he had 13 points but he also secured his 31st consecutive double double just crazy I mean his streak is starting to push some pretty amazing streaks I think

We showed a graphic on TV the next step he’s two away from tying Dwight Howard after that to Westbrook kg and then Kevin Love had a streak of like 56 games or something which is crazy but sabon is at 31 consecutive double doubles this year and he recorded his 14th triple

Double of the Season 13 points 14 rebounds 10 assists Morgan he did have six turnovers tonight I mean that’s and that is happening a lot for him some of the offensive fouls IL legal screens illegal screens um you know I think that would be the only place where I’d be

Like oh man I wish he could clean that up it’s not easy when you got those but that shouldn’t be six you’re right it it it no and shouldn’t be six it’s like how can you make that even four like where where can we find a place to just like

Keep knocking those turnovers down um but I think he’s also been doing oh that one turnover when he did the behind the back to Davon Mitchell and then it ended up going out God on Davon Mitchell but they called it Kings ball Billy Doan finally finally challenges it okay okay talk

About it NBA NBA we got to clean this up and I’m not just saying it because it was a bulls thing I I’m saying this in general there you when challenges first happened it was like you need to challenge it like challenge it we got to these officials now are dragging a

Little bit they’re like yeah are you thinking about it uh they’re like slow motion they all I start acting like sloth were also do you want to sub someone in and there was substitution yeah I think I do Harrison bars they give them an hour and by that they’re running 17 different

Angles on the big screen the coach and the crowd’s like yeah challenge it and then they challenge it it’s like no the whole point of this is you notice it’s obvious you challenge it we review it we decide to overturn it we don’t you keep the game moving instead you delay the

Game too much to allow these coaches to get 18 different looks then you got to go review it it it takes too long but you’re right going back to the turnover that I’m like turn love you man I love you man the behind the back pass in that

Situation made zero sense because what is also Davon Mitchell going to do in the low post right like it was and and it was again I I love his passing ability I love I love situation when he is beyond the ark and seeing Kevin herder back door cut and just like his

Nonchalant just like bounce pass to Kevin herder for an easy two love those assists I don’t question it for a second but that one it was just like those moments and adding up to your six turnovers it’s like hey just yeah and it felt like a big one too it’s kind of a

Momentum shifter as they already kind of had some momentum you’re like oh no you’re giving them more at this moment yeah so anyway it was it’s something that I would love to see from domas and again we’re talking about someone who ended up with a triple double tonight

Was showing some amazing dominance early on in the game but I felt like him along Ong with everyone else the defense shifted in that second half and domas wasn’t felt as much as he was his presence was really felt in that first half second half I needed to to really

Have him in there more and I think vvi also did a good job of stretching the floor a little bit more taking domas out yeah vich is he hit a couple of the jumpers he ended up being one of four from three but 24 points for him he had

12 rebounds and really quick twoo before you get to anything else just cuz you’re on the poll um Alex Caruso a stat I saw I thought you said vich was stretching the floor is that I did okay yeah I didn’t mean to jump around okay no no

You didn’t jump around at all just because you you because you went to vich and I wanted to finish Alex kuso going into this game 23 blocks in 2024 okay he had two more tonight so he’s 25 blocks in 2024 just incredible activity a lot

Of Kings fans in the chat a lot of Kings fans on social media going man that Caruso guy would be great with Sacramento um yeah you mentioned that tonight he filled up the the stat sheet seven points six assists five rebounds three steals two blocks and then dearn

Giving him credit when we were talking to him as well yeah I mean he’s a deflections king he was on the all defensive team last year I I don’t know what the Bulls are trying to do as a team you know they wanted to move LaVine they couldn’t move LaVine and then it

Comes out today that he’s elected to have surgery on his foot he’s going to be out four to six months well no one’s trading for Zack LaVine they’re stuck with him and they’re going to have to deal with that they’re going to have to deal with the fact that he’s been hurt

He makes 40 plus million it’s going to go up to 48 in the 26 27 season when he’s got a player option I think they’re probably stuck with it unless someone like Detroit wants to take a chance on him to see if they can you know but he’s

29 years old too you know you feel for him but you know like d rozan is an expiring deal uhhuh Caruso is on a team friendly deal making like 9 million a year if he’s truly avail what kind of Market does he have because tell you

What you go oh he’d be perfect on the Kings the guy would be perfect on any playoff team because even if he’s 64 whatever He’s listed at get he plays bigger right you can he can switch he’s like the ultimate middle linebacker out there great help Defender as Morgan

Mentioned the blocks deflections King he’s tough the one knock on him and you saw it tonight right is health is and he’s been relatively healthy this year but what did he do what did he do at the end of this game you know you saw with

Him holding his um whether it was his thigh or whatever it was and then he tried like looping around dearon Fox at the end of the game and he’s like holding his leg barely making it through and I’m just like I even turned to you and I said that’s why that’s the only

Reason why so yeah comment of the night nominee from Kyle 10 games over 500 for the Kings imagine if we had some allst stars on our team it’s a good point the kings are 10 games above 500 without All Stars it’s one of the most inspiring

Stories maybe of the NBA season at a team of just a bunch of I mean this is just kind of rag tat group of guys together without any star power I mean I don’t even know where they got some of these guys they’re not they’re doing it

Fifth in the West 10 games above 500 without All Stars these other team team have them there’s teams behind them hey Dallas has an allar how they do tonight you know oh hey hey Steph you scored 62 points how’d that go You Lost to the Hawks in overtime in overtime just love

Shoving that one in their face something else though with them really quick with them being snubs I was talking about this with someone tonight I was saying you know if anyone’s into movies like if or just how about pop culture you saw the the whole like oh my God Margot Robbie

And Greta Gerwig were snubbed from an Oscar even though Barbie was like the highest grossy movie in of all time whatever and there was more chatter about them being snubbed as Oscar nominees right and with this and domos and dearen fox being Allstar snubs this year I love that this conversation

Around them has led to more and more people being like no they are snubs you’re right more National people being like yeah I could see dear being in there even though I’m like did have you also seen what do is doing and they’re like I don’t care dearen he’d be fun for

The allur game I’m like sure either way I love the conversation around it whether it’s unfair or not I’m glad that it’s creating more of a buzz for those who don’t know we hosted pre and poost game on the Kings broadcast the last four games the last two of which this

Back to back the Warriors run a back to back the studios are at in San Francisco so like the Warriors broadcast is happening the same time as the Kings one so walking around the office you see the Warriors guys like Bon Hill love um Festa aili local product who play in the

League and then the Hall of Famer Chris Mullen was there Morgan was talking to me about running into him in the break last night and so tonight I actually went into their Studio at one point and I see and Chris mullen’s in there I’m like man did someone really leag did someone really

Say that sabonis is like Troy Murphy and I don’t know Chris Mullen I mean at all and I was just talking no I mean I’ve interviewed him on when he was with Sac for he doesn’t remember me at all it’s fine so we don’t we have no Rapport yeah

And he’s looking at me like who the hell is this guy like yeah I heard you say that I heard about you saying that and he goes oh man and he started like criticizing sabonis he goes honest he goes you know the comparison’s probably more like David L and I

Went and now I’m getting a debate with Chris Mullen about the him as a Defender and what he can do versus what he can’t do but just know I went at Chris Mullen today about his weird sabonis take I was cussing out M fesus and Bon in the break

Room the other night I was like what are you guys I’m like literally calling them out I’m like I’m calling out a Hall of Famer I said do you even watch basketball I walked to the bathroom tonight and I I saw the warrior score I’m like I go bante Steph’s got to score

50 to even have a chance against the Hawks we just oh imagine because the NBC Studios for away games that we have to go to are in San Francisco a lot a lot of Warriors fans oh I was talking [ __ ] on the way out tonight I am and what I

What I love about some like when they’re they’re rational fans like you can have a real basketball conversation but then there’s so many in there that are like full-blown Warriors fans where if you tell them something they take offense or they don’t believe you I’m like no no

You guys I I watched the league every night like what you just watch your one team that’s why I push back on Mullen tonight even when he said David Lee I’m like I you know David I actually liked him as a player I think he made an

Allstar or two maybe but I’m like sabonis is an all NBA guy multitime Allstar one of the best players on the Kings and like look the numbers the wins like are we really debating this but dude sabonis has a RP around the league like I don’t think players like him much

And I think part my take on it is I think players get annoyed going up against him he elbows elbow elbow elbow D when he when he’s trying to clear out space he kind of hooks with that elbow a little bit he plays physical he’s just

Kind of he’s probably not fun to play against I have zero justification for the WAP create your space but I I go I just look at so many guards that find a way to create their space with the little off arm or a little bit of

Whatever thing that they try to do that would be deemed an offens of foul and my whole point to this is good for everybody it’s a soft ass League man they don’t like a little physicalities bonus plays tough and these these people cry about some players don’t like them I

Mean and I say that because of the voting for the allster the player V like sabonis was ranked down by the players there’s so many times where like I’m like this guy this player on this other team is creating the SP off arm off arm but guess what if you’re getting away

With it you found something that’s worked for you and refs aren’t seeing it keep going he’s my type of guy he plays hard some people don’t like the people who play hard all the time well no it’s true you know the guys that are just non-stop like well in a pickup game I

Always hate those people you hate me then I know no I know one way I know one way I play hard so oh my God I’m like stop playing defense on me like we’re in a pickup game let me shoot a three so that was fun tonight to to talk some

[ __ ] I I walked out of the studio time after the win I go there I don’t even know some of these people because I’m never at the office I don’t work there all the time and so I walk through it I go imagine scoring 60 plus in a game and

Losing such a dick where I’m not oh I am because they talk but I don’t care let them talk like that oh one more thing because you turned this on on the way back to Sacramento you turned on some like Warriors chat where this guy is just cussing flipping out calling

Steve Kurt all these different names all these different things G Park so my point is though when I heard that I go if the kings ever start winning multiple things or getting really good I am never going to lose my perspective so you can go somewhere if you’re out there and you

Want to go and have some certain standard and perspective and and you have a championship coach but you’re mad that they’re not doing what they need to do this year I’m just letting you know right now I am staying rational I am never ever going to be doing that it’s

So cringe and weird we’ve got a lot more to talk about um I want to talk more about perspective too because of where the kings are at at this point before we get there we got to acknowledge a bench backtack nights where it was a little

Different of a bench unit tonight I was a little disappointed Kesler Edwards didn’t get more of run tonight you know I just thought like I thought Kessler played really well in that game last night he did and he deserves some additional run because of how he went out there and played his

Ass off but he only played like 6 seconds tonight the Kings Off the Bench played Malik monk Davon Mitchell got some run again Trey ly javel McGee got 6 minutes and 53 seconds and then 6 seconds from Kesler Edwards also Sasha did not play again but a cool scene

Chicago dude they came out for him big time hundreds and hundreds of Sasha fans in the building because there’s a huge Bulgarian population in Chicago he was taking pictures with fans before the game it was just really cool to see that anyway back toback nights where the

Bench plays well Malik monk dude just looks more like himself again you know it’s like when he’s attacking getting in the pain and these teams are adjusting they’re seeing how effective that sabonis monk pick and rle is yeah they’re reading his passes better they’re putting more attention on those

Guys and he’s making better decisions there is one where he was driving getting a paint touch and sabonis is right there he likes to drop it off to sabonis sometimes well the defense is on him they’re paying attention to him and sabonis and monk did a fantastic job he

Saw Trey l in the corner fired a pass to the corner L hit the three that’s great offense but in addition to that when they’re starting to take that away Malik is looking for his he’s got a nice little fadeaway jumper inside the key that he’s been

Busting out a little bit more often I thought he looked great tonight and Trey was awesome what jumped out to you about those two I mean Trey ly’s knocking down his threes he finished with five from Beyond there which all five in the first

Half I was just about to say all five in the first half and I I saw something about that being a new career high in a first half for him his before was four in one half of basketball so um having that tremendous love that he added that

Especially even I love the heat check one he had the Deep one he came he pulled out from Deep yeah you know and he was just feeling good and feeling it I thought his teammates did a good job of finding him but also creating this extra threat to keep to allow him to

Have a better look from three and that’s I mean how many times have we talked about this team like chucking up threes and we’re like this is a good three-point shooting team we’ve heard Mike Brown talk about it like hey if they are open I want them to shoot it

Totally get it but sometimes it’s not the best three and I say that because it’s you could do a little bit more on the offensive end to create something better and I felt like that was created for TR tonight and then you talked about Malik Monk and the energy that he brings

Off the Bench and just playing so much better he’s playing so much better because he’s not being as predictable and he talked about with us the other night after the game we talked to him Courtside and he was like you know I know teams are figuring out my pocket

Pass so I’m trying to stay a little bit more away from that doing what I can do and tonight he had tried one of those pocket passes and right away someone on the Bulls kickball you know still remained King’s basketball but I thought it was interesting I was like yep yep

That’s the one don’t do it keep trying to continue to keep growing your game speaking of of that here’s what Malik monk was talking about with us last night after the win court side we got Malik monk standing by right now in Indiana yeah and what a game for Malik

Monk Malik new month new you what what what was working so well for you tonight you said it new new month new me Kan can’t dwell in the past had a had a had a tough uh two we stretch um but it’s basketball it’s a lot of games left just

Watch a little film um and get to my spots I knew they’ve been um playing my pocket a little bit so I had to switch it up um and get to the mid-range and that was working for me tonight uh Malik I got to ask you about two of your

Teammates Fox and sabonis I mean the fans were a little upset about it we’re upset about it somehow they don’t make the allstar team I felt like it was almost the ultimate disrespect to your team what was your reaction to the fact that fox and sabonis did not make the

All-Star team uh I wouldn’t I wasn’t um surprised man cuz a lot of people be sleeping on sack so uh we just got to keep waking them up man we keep waking them up it won’t it won’t be like this for long I love that I love that line

From Malik monk we keep waking him up won’t be like this for long but to your original point just adjusting a little bit being effective in the mid-range not being so predictable it’s been good to see him bounce back the last two games for the Kings because again when he’s

Playing well it doesn’t have to be 20 and night but I need Malik creating when he had that six point zero assist game against Miami I’m like oh Kings aren’t going to win a lot of games if that’s what Le’s doing Off the Bench didn’t win that one and tonight too he also

Finished six to seven from the free throw line can we stop for a second and talk free throws do it let the Kings missed 10 free throws against the Pacers last night disgusting they are last in the NBA in free throw percentage coming into tonight 72.8% from the free throw

Line last year they were 79% at the line not fantastic but not 72% we talked so much about them closing gamees games sometimes being able to close games is not just hey going to stop defensively or oh you got to run your offense it’s making some free throws they would have

Beat the box if they knocked down free throws they have to be better as a team knocking down free throws tonight not perfect 82.8% though 24 of 29 hey we’ll take it we’ll take it slash looked better and hopefully you keep going up from here love seeing made free throws um

Just enjoy Improvement right and because we talked about it before the game how that could be if that is the reason why you are losing games that is one of the most deflating ways to be losing games and not only within the game is it deflating and like

The crowd gets out of it you get out of it it’s in your head all those different things but like if you start seeing that at the end of the game that you could have had 10 more points you could have had 12 more points whatever it may be

And it would have helped you actually win not going to be able to sleep at night I won’t be the Kings raised it to 73.1% someone in the chat who was it Tay was wondering yeah but how many attempts are they getting per game well probably not enough uh but they are attempting

22.2 free throws per game which is 19th in the NBA um in the last 10 games like little look at a little 10 game sample size um they are getting 22 and a half so about the same and they’re making 16 so they they just have you can’t leave points on

The board and especially when we start talking about a couple things closing out games right these teams that make a run a little bit and then they’re forced to foul you or you start getting to line then you start clanking free throws talk about a momentum shift last night

Against Indiana when they started to kind of get back into it a little bit the kings were missing some free throws and then the crowds into it then they hit a three or something you’re like woo it’s getting a little nerve-wracking in here a bit so you you have to be better

In that regard and then like literally just come playoff time points are at a premium you know close you got to make your free throw so even if you’re not going to be um you know 90% the line can you get back to closer in this last

Stretch of the Season get closer to that 80% Mark yeah they can they they’re better than how they’re shooting Deen Fox should not be down to like 71% at the free throw line like he is right now he was up way higher I think he was like

78 so that’s just got to be better yeah and hopefully you’re just going to see these little improvements more and more and that’s why even going back to um our YouTube poll leading into this chat I I am curious where the pulse is and then I’ll go about it okay so the poll

Question kings are five on five- one on this seven game trip you good 66% of people say yes love it 30% said not bad things to clean up in 4% see not buying it yeah I just I from what I have experienced from what I have seen even

If you are seeing this team lose some leads you’re seeing them close out games and whether they’re closing out games the prettiest way or not the prettiest way it never feels fluky or lucky and I think there’s a big difference there because it feels like they’re still

Doing the right things to hold on to a lead to Fig or you know hold on to finishing off the game with the lead to finish off with a win and I’m just hoping game by game there’s more Improvement there there’s more improvement with the free throws there’s more Improvement of understanding okay

Keep this pace going and I I’m curious if it’s like not sustainable if that maybe is the case or if it really is just a mental thing shout out to everyone hanging out with us on a Saturday night hit that Thumbs Up And subscribe I mean we’re on hours after

This game ended and you guys are still here hanging out with us it means everything so cool hit the Thumbs Up And subscribe just helps us grow we have more of the podcast coming up we do need to get to the moment of the game we need

To give out our players of the game still and we need to talk about perspective about where the kings are at at this juncture of the NBA season but we should mention tonight we’re presented by our friends over at Northwest Exteriors I love Windows yes I do I love

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Simply the best trust Northwest better thank you good job thank you mhm now back to the podcast all right Morgan Reagan couple of questions for you yeah who should the player of the game be dearen Fox do you think the Rock and soulle player of the

Game today is De fo and I I can already tell by your smile that like that’s who it’s going to be well congratulations to Trey L for having a good game but his teammate dearen Fox for having a better game dear hey baby rain oh my God the cutest baby

One year old one years old now is it one year old or it’s one year old it’s one year old he’s Oney old yeah he’s one year old and he’s sitting Courtside United Center hanging out watching his pops dropped 41 points dearen also had five steals four rebounds four assists

He did on 13 of 24 shooting five of 11 from downtown 10 of 12 at the free throw line and did an interview with us after the game that’s cool that’s cool that’s worthy of him being a rock and soul player of the game I check out rockn

Diner in Sacramento just six blocks from Golden One Center you want breakfast for dinner who doesn’t yeah go to Rock andas Diner they got breakfast lunch dinner and during Kings games go watch the Kings game there I don’t know maybe their final game of the road trip on

Monday go there watch the Kings take on the Cavs you’re getting hooked up if you tell them you listen to do someo podcast 25% off apps 25% off drinks all during the game so just go there yes exactly so dearen Fox are rock and so player of the

Game and it’s good to see him have a nice outing hell yeah it is so fun H What A vibe and what a Vibe for him to do that in front of his son on his birthday he had that bad game against Miami it’s so funny anytime he has a bad

Game like is he hurt and then he comes back against the Pacers has 25 six Steals on 11 of 21 and then tonight 41 points five steals steals oh anyone uh the deog crown tonight too second consecutive one yeah he’s playing some really good defense and I haven’t given much thought

To like hey all defensive team I think it’s tough to put someone on all defensive team when they’re defense is just at best mid pack but with or without it been playing some really good defense this year that and I mean if you can’t even get the

Recognition of being an Allstar too when you’re doing what you’re doing that’s where I go well whatever he probably won’t get it but he’s my Defensive Player of the Year Bart in the chat says I would buy Morgan concert tickets over Taylor overrated Swift oh my God what if

I just sing all of her songs it’s You it’s you summer that’s I don’t I don’t oh is that it’s her song that was me trying to like sing it well I don’t know the people who get bent out of shape about you know there are Taylor Swift conspiracy theories right now about how this that

The Chiefs are in the Super Bowl because of Taylor Swift it’s like a big conspiracy theory that the NFL is doing that love a good conspiracy theory like that but um yeah I mean she’s she’s definitely generated hundreds of millions of dollars for the NFL so why not make sure that she’s

There anyway I don’t know how we got there oh we were talking to the commenter who was mentioning your singing yeah dear’s been playing much better basketball I still think he is he is banged up it’s just he’s fighting through it and that’s what he does and

You know over the summer when we interviewed him on the podcast he did talk about playing through things and you know there’s a fine line you got to be careful because you don’t want it to linger you don’t want it to you know get worse or anything but I

Mean you’re watching him tonight you’re like this guy’s just a tough guy he just plays through it and some nights are not going to be his night but last couple games he looked pretty damn good yeah I love where Mike Brown has helped him take his game and I say Mike Brown but

The entire coaching staff and whatever else is going on in his life that has helped him kind of just go in this Direction with basketball and his game what is the sh Jeweler’s moment of the game Kings win tonight 123 115 they led by 30 in the third but we’re able to

Close this out even though the Bulls cut it to three Fox at 41 season High 10 games above 500 um there’s so many assists in this game that brought me so much joy I feel like your moment probably is just fact that you got to work with me the last four

Games not my moment but honestly what a joy well obviously so much fun no not because of you it’s just it’s so much I had because Deuce is talented talented you are very talented no you are it was very fun it was really fun working with you K moment of the game

For me was seeing Morgan smile Mr derp we finally acknowledge one of your 8,000 comments um toward Morgan Tonight wait you got it you got to smile I will say this hold on Morgan before you do your smile I want you to give him a good

Smile cuz he wants one yeah walking a fine line because Morgan I’m wants you to appreciate her basketball wisdom yeah how she performs as a broadcaster and when you’re kind of like hey you yeah she’s like so but you just be nice to him he wants a smile give him a

Hey hey doll give him a smile huh ready yeah Dad yeah that’s really nice of you do you just spit too I was trying to look the grossest I could look for him him and my beautiful Dame smile is that sexy enough for you okay moment of the game chat do you

Have a moment from tonight’s game that jumps out to you more than another Morgan you mentioning all the assists God they had some beautiful off ball movement in that first half Kevin herder had a couple of nice cuts to the basket yes I loved um there’s so many different

Types of assist throughout this entire game yeah and you talk about name them name them name them name them uh some of the ones from domas sabonis he finished with ten assist and I love the way that he was just really finding that bounce

Pass to get to the back door to a lot of different back doors from Kevin herder and other teammates but then you had Davon Mitchell with that football pass to Malik monk down that was a beautiful one he also had a lob to Malik Monk remember the dunk the AL yes there were

So many of these Davon had four assists in 13 minutes damn so many exciting assists tonight that I absolutely loved and yeah I just um I I could say the assist as a whole tonight but I just feel like that’s a disservice maybe because was there like a better moment

Yeah I’m trying to think it had great block he came over I and we talk about how good the defense was at at times tonight and Malik just came over his timing was absolutely perfect where his feet were but then on top of that timed out how to block the ball perfectly

Forget who it was on I just had an epiphany about what last night you know we were on the road and I didn’t write down the moment of the game and while you were saying that I remembered what it was what was it it was Fox’s Steel on seum oh yes we

Haven’t stopped talking about that Ste they beat the Pacers but that was one of six in that game yeah career high six uhhuh that was last game what a great we’ll put that in a moment jar we would have forgotten that one um tonight God what is the moment

Fox’s clutch three to make it a seven-point game that’s a great one yeah he had a couple of just big I mean he had 14 maybe that’s it Jaren another outing at the United Center where he was dominant 41 points for him he had 14 in

The fourth he had a little bit of like an I’m [ __ ] nice type of game right yes and he had that last year love it there we go couple of nice thank you moments so 7 game Road Trip Deuce you got from Luke read an old random moment of the game Deuce okay

You don’t have to beg me here’s our moment jar we officially now have shake it 48 moments you know tonight was game 48 of the Season kings are 29 and 19 you’re not mixing it up any better by spinning it we had to come up with a better jar there you

Go is Caruso getting on a plane with the King says Cory that’d be nice I think he’s gonna be really expensive what are you willing to give up for Caruso that’s the question makes n million a year the Bulls are gonna be like yeah give me

Picks he’s too essential we we love him okay okay okay um milkshake Bob says not a moment of the game but glad Keegan hit that big three to help hold off the Run Keegan did not have the best night I mean he was in foul trouble missing

Shots he had a nice dunk early on but that three was pretty big all right here’s a moment of the game okay this is a good one okay happy New Year says wow 1231 at Memphis kings1 123 to 92 we wow we had a couple of fun ones

Fox on jaw post up remember he had that turnaround post up on jawar okay bucket that was sweet and that was a good one that was it you can’t read your handwriting dce Fox on jaw post up Fox on smart I don’t remember what the fox

And smart play was you got to be better at this up here it looks like Ryan plus verse plus minus everyone plus oh everyone was a Plus on the plus minus that says everyone yeah everyone okay let’s let’s get another one maybe I have better handwriting down here okay just write

Out a sentence a full sentence this makes it fun does it here’s another one okay January 10th at Charlotte they won 123 to 98 first backtack sweep of the SE season sabonis jam on Nick richards’s head I don’t remember that um I do want to talk about the back toback thing

Because this is good if I’m not mistaken the king started the year 0 and four on the second night of back Tob backs yep something like that after tonight second I have a back toback in Chicago three and four on the second night back to backs that’s a that’s good perspective

Another thing that they are improving in love it I love that that makes me happy the flight’s not bad from Indiana Chicago is about an hour and 20 minutes from Chicago to Cleveland their next opponent an hour and 20 minutes so that’s the good news for the Sacramento

Kings we’ll talk about the Cavs game in a second but let’s talk perspective for a second because as much of the season’s been and it felt like a roller coaster where you’re going God they’ve had some weird losses right the Portland game always comes to mind the loss at home

The Charlotte comes to mind the losses to Milwaukee and Phoenix but we’re sitting here the kings are in the fifth spot in the NBA’s Western Conference there’s a little more separation between them and the next closest team in the west of suns they have a game and a half

Lead on the Suns Pelicans they’re three and a half up on the Dallas Mavericks who lost tonight they’ve lost a couple in a row the Lakers actually beat the Knicks tonight but the kings are still up on the Lakers by four and a half if I’m not mistaken yeah so there’s some

Good in there but the kings are 29 and 19 they are a season best 10 games above 500 last year they did not reach that Mark until February 26 when they were 35 and 25 wow I feel like they’re 10 games above 500 and they still haven’t played their

Best basketball yet I think they’re capable of playing better I think we’re seeing the flashes of them playing better the perspective I have is dude they’re still they’re 10 games above 500 and they haven’t even reached the best part of their season yet it’s a great

Perspective and I don’t and I think you are pretty dead on with your perspective in your thought process I feel good I I I think that’s no and it it is it’s interesting because the first through the first 20 games of this season we were like okay

What is their identity going to be how are we going to Define this team and we said it inconsistent and we said the record isn’t bad they’re still getting some wins but it just wasn’t feeling the same now you’re starting to see a little bit of improvement and on top of just Improv

Improv basketball or an improved individuals you know Kevin herder playing better Malik monk figuring out whoever else whatever you’re it’s translating into more W’s it’s translating into finding a way to close out a game and pull out a win yeah it’s positive direction so they’ve won six of

Seven during that g that stretch of them being six and one through seven games last seven games they are 10th in off offense 10th and defense okay so top 10 in both love it but yeah I I think it it definitely looks better and it it helps

That just more guys look like they’re playing better yeah you know it’s not every night where everyone’s dropping 20 or something but you’re seeing more good and I think that’s huge Harrison Barnes even with just 11 points tonight it’s like him contributing even if it wasn’t

His best game in the world it doesn’t matter that’s the type of night that you’re going to need from different players along this roster on any night you know like you don’t need everyone to just drop you don’t need dear and fox to drop 40 and

Then domas sa bonis have a 30-point game and a triple double within that and then that’s how you’re going to win every single night we’ve talked about this so many times in a lot of these games seen it be a complete team win is so important not only for the team morale

But you just see a lot of better basketball consistently being played throughout a game when that is happening love what I’m seeing right now agreed finish strong Monday let’s go against the Cavs team that Morgan has been red hot a Cavs team that after this win against the Spurs tonight wow the Cavs

Won 13 of 14 games and they’ve done it in an interesting way where they’ve been short-handed until recently you know Darius Garland had his mouth his jaw wired shut Evan Mobley was gone and they started to take off a lot of guys stepping up for them during that stretch

Now Mo’s back now Garland’s back they are the third seed in the Eastern Conference right now sitting at 31 and 16 everyone’s talking about the Nicks right now Knicks have been playing some really good basketball they’ve won 15 of 18 people are sleeping a bit on this

Cavs team that’s done it shorthanded and you look at some of their wins recently the Cavs have done it coming off a win over the Spurs they beat Memphis and Detroit so bad teams they also have a win over the Clippers they beat the Bucks they beat the magic Hawks bucks

Again the Bulls the Nets the Spurs the Wizards so there’s some ant teams in there but they’re still winning and they were doing it while banged up they’re a very solid team the Kings did beat them earlier this year and one of the most exciting developments in that game was

The job that Kagan Murray did defending Donovan Mitchell it was early in the season one of the real first glimpses of we saw him go oh wow he can guard a guard he can guard Mitchell scored while being defended by Keegan he scored five points on two of 10 shooting dud it

Again Five Points and Mitchell’s been on a tear and that’s and as you you look at some of Mitchell’s numbers like even tonight you see 31 points in this win over last 10 games he is averaging 30 points a game damn um yeah he’s been good along with eight assists six rebounds

So you’re hoping Keegan can really stunt his game slow it down um you’re obviously not going to stop Donovan Mitchell he’s a very good player and he’s on a tear and the team is playing really well together but how can you make sure that you are I can stop

Him Kean you you can stop Donovan Mitchell yeah I think I can like he’s he’s cool but I think I got him he’s cool cool but I have I do have a Keegan thing I want to talk about tonight too what I saw R tweet this and I just the

Image of it makes me kind of laugh it’s so cute so you know it was if you watched the game tonight you would know I think if you took a shot every time they showed baby rain on TV tonight you would have been blacked out by the four minute Mark

Of the first quarter worth it yeah I mean baby rain is so re said guess who was the first person to tell Rainey happy birthday at midnight and the person said definitely you I know a yearly tradition starting when I see one R says yeah for sure me

And D but when they landed Keegan followed dear into the room to say happy birthday to rain at midnight you guys Uncle KS happy birthday rain that happy birthday rain melts my heart follow him just to say happy birthday birthday to a little baby to a little baby never going to remember

Our our sweet KS sweet sweet KS Uncle KS just absolutely I love their little relationship it’s cool dear and and Keegan super tight really cool and I mean it’s a great relationship for both them to have not only to make each other better on the basketball floor but you

Know when you’re around people that you enjoy and that you like and that are that yeah godamn sweet cute it was cute really cool let’s get to some questions too Adam says any chance Donan Mitchell suspended a game for his hit and ejection tonight against Zach Collins

Great question so late under a minute too in this game Zach Collins decides he’s gonna set a screen of course Zack Collins pretty tall guy pretty tall lifted That Elbow a little bit to connect with Donovan Mitchell who did not like that at all he went to the

Ground popped right up and kind of did a shove to the face of Zach Collins kind of hit neck face players ejected I don’t I I saw the screen grab Bleacher Report came out and of course they they they had it like this so like if we screen

Grab it actually here you do it to me you’re like like you’re hitting me okay wait is it this I thought it was here okay no that’s perfect for a screen grab so they caught that screen grab got it but what you did to me was you just

Went like that you just kind of pushed me well Donan Mitchell just kind of pushed him away he didn’t punch him yeah the screen grab made it look like he punched him okay watching the replay you’re like yeah he kind of pushed him I don’t know I don’t think it’s suspension

Worthy who knows with this league I have no idea but I expect Donovan Mitchell to play coming up on Monday a couple people were asking too hey what’s going on with Sasha and Alex lend Sasha is still out he’s questionable tonight dealing with the ankle yep I don’t know when he’s

Coming back who knows Alex I mean he’s healthy he did not play you know he did Mike Brown did not play javelle McGee last night against Indiana they had a smaller lineup out there especially without Miles Turner they don’t have much size Jaylen Smith was out too McGee

Did not play um they just went small tonight javelle McGee did play I I don’t know I I think when the Kings get back in the town I want to ask Mike just kind of his thinking with the backup center spot like where what makes him choose between Alex Len

And javel McGee and I get when McGee’s got it going right he’s vocal out there he can block some shots he and Malik have a nice connection that Twan game sure but there’s obviously mistakes he got pulled tonight did not go back in the game I feel like Alex sun when he’s

Gone out there has been pretty good yeah so what what is it especially when he came back from injury what’s the deciding factor yeah well and I think I don’t you know I want you to ask because I feel like Mike Brown for the most part is very

Transparent yeah but at the same time like we’ve heard with some of these rotation rotational uh conversations it will be like well he was on the list to play that night or hey I like to mix it up throughout the year with my bench guys where I will give them five games

Just to just to keep them engaged see what they have he said that’s something he’s learned from Steve KK yeah so interesting would love to have more clarity on that um but you know sometimes I just don’t give a [ __ ] if they get the win but when they don’t get

The win is when I have questions convince 16 says can you ask Mike to save the challenge for the fourth quarter man I I I think the challenge thing might be one of the worst things in the NBA these coaches just aren’t especially when you give them the chance to maybe

Have two I’m like I don’t know like if I’m a coach I am not using a challenge in the first quarter yeah unless it’s like more my I left my key guy in there who’s got two fouls early he picked up a third and I I think it’s

[ __ ] I’m using it but like some of these challenges coaches you I’m like what are you doing is this changing the game is this Shifting the momentum it’s the first quarter you’re down four like just play save it for later I want that later I want to use that in a tight game

Late stages of the third qu the fourth quarter maybe a foul situation out of bounds call whatever that’s when momentum really matters don’t be what’s the point using the first half uh emotions yes for sure but it’s also challenging too and it’s more challenging on the road because you’re

Not getting the benef I’ll tell you this if there is a play that is questionable and the opposing team is looking up at the big screen they’re not getting it on the big screen okay at home there’s a little bit of an advantage there because you’ll have have

The the staff in the production room like be playing it so the coaches can look up and see it and then they have the coaches behind them looking at it it it’s a tough one it’s a tough one for sure reaction from the crowd we do have

Some people wanting to chat real fast can we get to a couple people before we call tonight sure let’s do it um we of course have a Discord that you guys can join to and talk throughout the week our Discord Community is growing and growing

I’m going to drop a link in the chat so people could check it out just be nice but we also have a voice chat where Manny is there Manny hi Manny who’s a bulls fan but kind of roots for the Kings too hi Manny what’s up DUS Mo hey

If I don’t see a de Mo be miss a beamus Christmas beamus album at the end of the year I’m gonna be disappointed Christmas beamus I I think we’re at to Workshop the name a little bit Mary beus a Mary beus we we’ll figure this all out we’ll get into

The we’ll figure it out but I need a Christmas album for I like you like you threw a Christmas album out let us deal with the creative you’re good you’re good I love it you go what what do you think about the game tonight I mean they were killing that

First half they had the Bulls on the heel they kind of let them back into it in the second half uh but they did what they were supposed to do at the end they didn’t they bent but they didn’t break and at the end of the day yeah I know

People are going to complain about that little the Run and the only thing I’ll say about the runs is I would love for them the way that they stop the runs be more defensively and less turnovers than necessarily uh countering with the offense like that’s great too but I felt

Like they still were having turnovers during that period they still were kind of being sloppy um but at the end of the day like I said they didn’t they bent but they didn’t break and to me that’s progress that’s that’s a win you got to take the

W a W’s a w is a w at the end of the day so with you so with back toback game you know it’s it’s all those things so at the end of the day you take the win and you move on to Cleveland and for the

Bulls it’s they should have sold last year they should have sold at the beginning of this year when ball was hurt again they held on to Zack leine now you see he’s out to the end of the year and they’re not going to end up his

I mean nobody wanted him for what they were trying to get for him anyway at this right now he’s injured again so well man let me ask you this let me ask you I hope that they oh yeah yeah no that’s where I’m going that’s where I’m

Going hold on hold on okay what you’re mentioning Caruso what’s What’s it gonna take man what what hey as my dear friend the Million dooll Man would say everybody’s got a price right great impression dece it it was not very good but I tried my best I love

That kid man he’s my he’s been my favorite Bull since he got on that team I mean I like a bunch of those guys but he’s always I like I I always thought he was worth more with the Lakers than they gave him credit for yeah uh he’s just

He’s he’s one of those guys that if you at the if you didn’t see the game and you just look at the stats You’ be like H whatever but you gotta see what he does for that team while he’s on the court he does a little bit of everything

And he would fit phen there’s no way he would fit like a glove on this team I know that I know that man you’re dodging I I’m asking what’s it going to take is it is it going to take multiple first for Alex Caruso I don’t I think that’s a

Bluff I’m I think that’s what they’d like yeah I’m hope this is what I’m hoping D I’m hoping that the Zach injury is like I hope hope he gets well all that good stuff but I hope that’s kind of put them into like moving the timeline and panic up we’re like look

This is a wash again let’s just get what we can get let’s get as many picks for him let’s send to Rosen let’s send all these guys let’s just let’s just break it up and get what we can for them get some draft picks you’re G you know

You’re gonna probably get more for D roen on a contending team I think uh vovik has a lot of value still I hell I’d love to see him being side by side with domas but oh no no no no no you don’t think so vich can’t guard me I mean that’s

That that is not a defensive front court at all that I want to see no no no I think him and I think him and sabonis together it’s a it’s not I’m not saying he can guard a lot of people but I think if you put them where you can move you

Can put him at the center and move sabonis to that power forward position I think it can work as a tan if this was Shark Tank I would say hey I’m out I’m out I appreciate it love it but this is not for me I’m out kusoo for sure fits

Even D rozan fits on this team yeah I agree I like d rozan too Manny thanks for checking in as always man we’ll talk to you soon thanks guys love you um I did want to give one shout out because we haven’t talked much blls tonight besides like hey they got back

In the game oh yeah and D rozan ended up with 24 points seven rebounds six assists did not shoot it well but God got to the free throw line a lot 14 of 15 at the line but the real guy I want to talk about Kobe white man and it’s a

He’s a player that I don’t think’s getting enough love this year the guy averaged nine points a game last year he’s had an expanded role and you know what the guy is getting buckets I love the energy he plays with he finished with 26 points in this game 10 of 18

Shooting four seven from three and I believe 19 of those points came in the second half of the game he really sparked the Bulls on that run to get him back in the game and I just like seeing the the growth from him I I think people

Don’t realize he’s still a young 23 he’s 23 turning 24 my age it’s crazy you know we’re JZ and Jers oh my God don’t if you can’t even like get it right then like don’t try okay we’re JZ we’re jenz we’re Jers you don’t get it okay like I

Honestly I’m I need to go play Roblox in a few but um anyway yeah we’re just young and people doubt us anyway Kobe white fantastic job from him I mean he’s someone too that you got to make sure that you are game planning for and you look at the way that he has

Just improved his shooting and everything else I just think his another guy that brings that energy alone to this entire roster and I hate to Sidetrack us for a second but I do feel like you Millennials and even Boomer like you guys are so dismissive of us as

Jen ear it’s just kind it’s offputting you know what you would do by now with me you be like why are you continuing this bit oh my God it’s not a bit cuz you’re not executing you’re old as [ __ ] like stop okay uh you need to watch your mouth

Okay oh oh hey hey look who it is decided to just pop in here let’s welcome to the show he’s in the dark but he guess what the lights are bright you’re on with du and mo coach Nick what’s up deimo how are you why are you in the dark my

Man I don’t know well I do want to say the why not have the Kings win tonight why not fire the laser fire fire the laser I wish the laser was on so we could see your why not be famous at go Center I’m always famous you’re always famous dude

And like everyone’s buying you Pizza you’re never going to have to pay for dinner again what’s it like being famous so far it feels like what well anybody calls me coach Nick because they always say why not why not win why not like the be why not fire laser and when they say

Hey Nick who made you you say Deuce made me deuce made me famous Nick you don’t have to don’t don’t daddy dece made me famous no we’re not calling him that don’t call him that don’t call him that okay uh Nick seriously though uh you told us last

Time we talked to you and by the way why don’t you have any light on um okay well I do want to say I will be at the King game February games okay okay I can’t wait for that real fast so I’m glad the lights on I did want to ask

You this you last time we talked to you you said you were getting ready for basketball practice how’s Basketball going for you it’s good you know basketball practice is going we’re just starting to warm up now oh how’s your game coming good what have you worked

On well I do want to say well I I pretty much well I do want to say is excuse me Morgan is that what you wanted to say is that what you wanted to say you wanted to burp in my face you s I’m here asking about your

Basketball and you say I do want to say and you burped and then you excuse me hey I do I do want to say my tournament is a March okay that’s good to know I’m glad your tournament’s in March would you would you come do here’s a you have to

What what’s you have to tell us the specific dates March we have 8,000 games that month so if it’s possible we can try try to make it it’s on March 17th on on St Patrick’s Day you expect me on St Patrick’s Day to come watch you play

Basketball could you come Morgan uh you know what Nick we’re going to look at the schedule okay and we’ll get back to you okay yeah it depends what time we have a Stockton game that day I just looked hey I’m GNA make sure to play play defense okay I need you to score

Some buckets too though and hey by the way you you burp in my face again you I swear Nick you burp in my face again I’m coming for you you know what I’m you know next time I see you you know what I’m going to do

What are you going to do I’m a burp in your face no we don’t do that remember Nick you don’t do that to him he doesn’t do that to you we call it a day okay okay all right sleep beam sleep beams sleep beams did Carlin fart too like what is

Happening it smells like can I be honest it smells like a burp and I’m I’m a little concerned that it came somehow the technology allowed Nick’s burp to come through the computer oh oh my god dude that was funny unbelievable heard a little bit of yelling got some

Dark lights you got a burp I was like what is happening man man that was fun tonight’s been fun it’s fun it’s really fun it’s been a crazy stretch of games um doesn’t end let’s get some final thoughts final thoughts um it feels like it is never ending but

But like truly never ending every single day tomorrow I’m so excited to have half day off and um it’s going to be nasty outside that’s fine I will curl up in a ball not do anything and just be still and I’m so excited for that but my

Whole point to that I have so much fun even on all these nights that are busy and it’s work and all those things and it just I love it I love hanging out with all of you on a Saturday night I love winning basketball on a Saturday

Night just good things right now it’s fun and I love feeling this way I’m glad you can open up sometimes Millennials like don’t feel they this is an annoying B My Generation this is an annoying B My Generation we just are a little more expressive in in touch with

Our feelings I’m going to cuss again okay Boomer anyway anyway my final thought tonight 10 games above 500 if I would have told you if I would have told you before the trip hey the Kings they could win six of seven on the road you’d say sign me the f I don’t

Care how they do it just get it done they have a chance at that and even if they go 5 and two on that’s a great road trip then they come back home for the Pistons you take care of business hopefully I’m excited about it it and on

A personal level I just had a lot of fun the last you know I I’ve gotten more and more TV hits this year which is super exciting for me I’ve been working to try to get to that point where I get some reps and this business is a grind

Sometimes and you just sometimes you do everything right and it still not work out but now I’m like oh I’m starting to get some more touches is great and the fact that I got four games in a row and I gotta work with Morgan four games in a

Row it just felt good and I’m super happy I’ve got another one for Kings OKC on Super Bowl Sunday and they have one more after that and who knows maybe I’ll get some more down the road but I’m like dude to have four games in a row where I

Could show people what I can do consistently it was if it was really gratifying so all the people I mean I’ve never had more people like Duce and I have done shows together but I don’t know if it was the stretcher shows if people just enjoyed what they were

Watching so many people reached out out text DM message comments all these different things just thank you for all the love and the nice words because even King’s Reddit said some nice things it just it it takes it takes effort and time to actually say nice things about

People and to to spread positivity and it but like it’s really nice getting feedback um and some of the feedback and the love just so appreciated just thank you and we’ve enjoyed this entire week together thanks for taking over my final thought just adding to it it was mine

Adding to it I don’t just interrupt your final thought no you have I would not do that definitely your kind of thing to do we like to listen my genen y any uh seriously we appreciate you guys so much for hanging out if you have not

Done it yet I know you guys have been in the chat but go into the comment section drop some comments give us your thoughts on this road trip what you saw tonight your favorite parts of this road trip drop in the comments below share the podcast we appreciate you guys so much

For hanging out with us we’d love you guys but we got to go happy Saturday night thank you so much we’ll see you later and mo de and and what they and mo de and mo de and mo the

Deuce and Mo go over the Kings rollercoaster ride of a win in Chicago, how they got up by 30 points and how the lead went away, Fox with another big night, the impact of the bench, how they’re feeling about the 5-1 start to trip, perspective on where the Kings stand now that they’re a season-high 10 games over .500 and they look ahead to the Kings-Cavs game.

0:00-LIVE show starts
6:10-Pre-Show starts
16:25-Podcast starts with reaction to Kings win over Bulls
29:40-Our chat with De’Aaron Fox after the game
33:50-The Kings mindset in some of these games
35:50-De’Aaron’s growth defensively
38:10-Home vs. road defense for the Kings
41:20-What Fox was able to do offensively
43:17-The Kings trending in a good direction over last 10 games
45:25-Sabonis with another triple-double
49:57-Caruso’s impact and what’s the Bulls direction?
51:55-What would the Kings be like with All-Stars on the team?
59:28-How the Kings bench looked vs. Chicago
1:02:58-How chat with Malik Monk
1:04:30-We need to talk about free throws
1:08:00-How fans are feelin after this 5-1 start to trip
1:11:00-Who is the player of the game?
1:15:19-What was the moment of the game?
1:22:50-Perspective on where the Kings stand
1:26:35-Looking ahead to Kings-Cavs
1:33:32-How NBA coaches uses challenges
1:35:56-Mani the Bulls fan checks in
1:41:56-Coach Nick checks in
1:46:12-Final Thoughts
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  1. Maybe Fox should get an All Star Snub every month, or just leave for a 7 game road trip more often…

  2. Caught a bit of the pre-show on NBC, was nice to see you are the same there as you are here.

    Out of curiosity, was there any reporting on the 400-500 people who came to see Vezenkov ? Look forward to when he starts playing regularly and this number will go into the thousands 🙂

  3. I watched the bulls broadcast after our live broadcast. I really appreciated how complimentary and knowledgeable of our team and players they were. Just wanted to share that with everyone. Despite our allstar snubs, the league seems to be taking notice.

  4. Deuce superstitious inference that Morgan’s attitude about the Kings impacts their chance ti win is chef’s kiss hilarious. Mo’s rash and the itching that results from it could possibly be cured by a whole lotta fog! 😁

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