@Dallas Mavericks

The Dallas Mavericks Identity Is Their Problem + Does a Mavs Trade Change Any of This?

The Dallas Mavericks Identity Is Their Problem + Does a Mavs Trade Change Any of This?

On today’s show what is the Maverick’s identity actually and would a trade fix any of this mess Regin I’ll get into all that and more on today’s lock on Mavs I’m Luka and this is lock on Mavericks Mavericks NBA chions it’s good and the Mavericks have won the

Game you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you’re are locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member NBA channel manager for the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Making lock time

Ms your first listen today the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day leave a Fest star review like the video and comment anything below let us know in the comment section which trade would help fix the Mavericks this year let me know

Curious today’s epode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs that help you find the most qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at loock NBA lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply and joining

Me from 1053 The Fan what you got for me regie atula cookie cake stink I want you to know that off top big big cookie cake hater Reggie I found that out over the weekend that’s right not into them give me give me the give me the quick reason reason you’re

Anti- cookie cake apparently cookies don’t scale like we get to a size that big and it it’s not like you’re getting the worst of both things right you’re getting usually it’s bad icing so you’re getting the worst of the cake and then the cookie is not like as good as any

Other cookie that you get it’s like the worst version of cookie it’s too dense we’re doing we’re doing bad things here guys it’s like you’re doing too much but not enough at all to to to bring me in yeah it’s just bad my theory on the

Cookie cake is that a cookie the best kind of cookie are like they’re they’re like crunchy on the outside you got the little like they’re crispy on the outside and the inside is gooey with a cookie cake it’s just not it’s not you don’t get crispy enough in in certain

Areas and you don’t get gooey enough in certain areas and so it’s just just solid yeah just there it’s just there and so the cookie cake of the Dallas Mavericks that’s where our conversation went to the other night after the Bucks game many I I bet many of you I bet many

Of you had like a deep philosophical conversation after that game because it was it felt like it come to Jesus moment for some especially for some maps fans the text I was getting the comments I was seeing I had to take I had to take the night off so it wasn’t a postgame

Show we’ll talk about the Mavs versus game and we’re talk about is it system or talent in that game because you saw some of it work in the first quarter and then just completely get torn apart the next three quarters and so is it about the talent disparity between the Bucs

And the Mavs about the system we’ll talk about that I want to talk about if a trade fixes any of these problems Stein had a couple of reports about the Mavs over the weekend so we’ll talk about that we’ll talk about kozma PJ Washington some of the other rumors I

Think we have a good idea about what they’re going to cost and so we’ll we’ll talk about that and see if any of these fix the Mavs and then let’s let’s start here Reggie okay the Mavs lose another game over the weekend they are currently sitting in in the playin they’re in e8th

Place 26 and 23 they were 25 and 24 last year through the same number of games yeah so and it went South last season quickly and we saw it and we went how we saw how South it went for them this team though is different they’re different

Team they went out and changed a bunch of players so yeah you can’t just say oh it’s just the same team as last year it’s not they didn’t have Kyrie at this time last season now do they have Kyrie at this time this season not not necessarily but what is

The Mavericks identity right now that team we watched the other night what is this team’s identity and what is it actually yeah I was like I think you know what my my next statement is going to be it’s like all right what is that’s why I wrote that that’s I wrote actually

I wrote what is the M’s identity actually not you were like let me let me preempt Reggie and like cut out about three minutes of this podcast no it’s just like there’s there’s what they might want to be but ultimately what they are is a team that has some other

Stuff and then it’s like LCA go get us a bucket when we need it right like that’s ultimately what they are still when we talk about the identity of this they’re a three-point shooting team that’s always part of it because they don’t want to clog the paint which obviously

You shouldn’t when you have someone like Luka and when Kyrie is playing that can get downhill and so they’re they have some guys around the perimeter that can knock down threes but they are not you know consistent knockdown Shooters and so that’s going to falter at times and

Then you’re just going to you get back to we have a superstar we’re going to throw our Superstar at you a whole bunch and when that works it is so damn fun and when it doesn’t kind of tough and frustrating their identity is what we

Haven’t seen yet to me like what if they were healthy their identity right now is an injured is an injured team that can win some games because of that the variance on the offense is what is what you were saying earlier yeah is like if

They can hit down if they can hit those threes like they did in the first quarter against the Bucks you hit those threes boom you got this like you could you can win any game but then as soon as that starts falling apart their defense can’t hold up enough because they just

They haven’t been a good defensive team they’re still not you know good defensive team but but they haven’t been healthy enough to even see what this team is and you hope it doesn’t hold the Mavericks back in any trade discussions or moving forward I don’t think that it

Will all signs point to the Mavericks know that they’ve got pressure on them it actually probably like motivates them more to make some kind of a move because of how tough It’s been and how injured they’ve been and all that they need some guarantees this is the thing that I’ve

Been on for a while you just need some guarantees that you know some players that you’re not all right let’s hope that they grow into a bigger role worked out for Derrick Jones Jr worked out for Dante XM then he was hurt hasn’t worked out for Grant Williams you know like you

Can’t and or it has it hasn’t worked out for Josh Green either right so you can’t all right everyone we got to hope all these guys going to a bigger role and then you’re like all right I hope all these guys get healthy Kyrie exom all

That that hasn’t happened you got to get some guarantees and so you know we think moves are happening but their identity is also like it’s all Luca Luca is the game plan like you said Luca can get you a bucket and I don’t think it’s even I

Don’t think it’s even to the point where all right if we can’t get anything else then Luca can get us a bucket fair enough yeah right like yeah it’s just luuka like you were watching that Bucks game and all the games ever like Luca is pass is is shoot first he’s not pass

First you watch the difference between him and joic and they’re very different players yeah Luca can be a pass first player for all the for all the listen listen if you’re from Slovenia he can be a pass first player for sure and he can work in a system that involves ball

Movement and all that we’ve seen it we’ve seen him you know try that and play with other point guards and he plays with Kyrie well and all that but they just don’t have the options to do that and so he has to be this shoot first go get a bucket that’s the first

Option that is the first one right it’s not promote everybody else and then Luca get a like get a bucket and in in in his defense not saying that you’re like attacking or anything but in his defense it does seem like even the kickouts and passing works better when he is shoot

First because you see LCA donic with like the late kickouts with late uh you know cross drawing and it seems like that is even like that is even more more effective in getting those guys the wide open shots that ultimately seem to help them when they do knock him down but

Yeah it it absolutely is again a word that we have gotten really comfortable with in the basketball space particularly as it pertains to LCA Don is Hilo Centric right like this all revolves around what Luca is capable of doing and you you said the key words Jason kid said this offense Luca donic

Is the offense and that’s for better but then also there’s instances where that’s for worse is that by Design or is it because of the talent chicken or give me the chicken or right is it because the Mavs don’t have enough Talent it see with the injuries

It seems like it with the injuries it definitely seems like that they have to go Luca first because who else is getting you a bucket even Tim Hardway even Hardy Josh Green like those are the names I just mentioned yeah yeah the tough part about it is like if you if

You go hey we’re running a play for insert player here that is not Luka donic who is it the fan base revolts talk less of like the reason reasonability of making that decision yeah you you don’t have players that that get into that play So that’s fair

But I think there was one time me you were talking and you were talking about the idea of maybe their mindset in trying to play around Luca gives them the talent that they ultimately have right you’re looking for certain types of players and that shortens this Talent

Pull even more in what you’re trying to add not that they’ve done incredible in adding those types of players but this might be a little bit of both which of course is a little bit of a copout answer but I mean in the immediate it’s definitely like they don’t have the

Talent to to run the system it’s this question lends itself to something that I was looking at over the weekend there are seven players in the NBA seven players in the NBA that average more than 25 minutes a game okay and they’re they score under 10 points get under

Five rebounds and under three assists a game oh like this is going only seven in the whole league uhuh the Mavs have two of them there it is yeah yeah Josh green and Grant Williams both at like 26 minutes a game and they are both basically eight points three rebounds

And like essentially two assists each for both of them and and derck Jones Jr is at 10.1 points so he’s only out of this because he just hits that 10-point threshold there and like you said some of it is by Design the Mavs have designed these These Wings to not have

Not have this huge role because you do have a Luca and you have a Kye ideally and and a Tim Hardway Jr fact factors into that too they take a lot of shots so there’s not gonna be there’s not a lot of production there’s not a lot of assists there’s they’re finishing these

Guys are finishing plays right now they’re not finishing enough plays and the Mavs are not creating enough and so some Sometimes some of it is the map system lends itself to these guys not having production but some of it is just cuz they’re not you know like the other

Players on this list are not All-Star player or like really good players put in bad situations you know torian Prince Dorian finny Smith is also on the list which I I found kind of ironic uh balal kabali Isa aoro teren man those like all the players that you would expect right

Kind of in this list of the uh you know guys that that run out there but don’t really bring like an elite skill necessarily to to the game it’s helpful like all those guys can can do helpful things but what do they really bring to

The table yeah and I think the the clear flaw in that is you know if you’re building your talent in this way you’re not leaving yourself any level of upside because I imagine LCA donic while he en enjoys playing with the basketball I imagine that he’d be willing to give up

Some of that for a more diverse offense that has a little bit gives them more consistency elsewhere and all those types of things but it seems like they have locked themselves into and of course some of this is understanding where you have been prior and the you

Know the ways in which that stifles what you’re ultimately trying to get to right like they’re is a history here that you’re working with but yeah it’s it’s it’s definitely limiting in what they’re able to do some of this I think is the system and so in a little in a

Little while let’s talk about the system versus the talent but before we do that let me tell you about the trades the trade rumors are coming up you thought I was going listen at home you thought I was going into an ad read right there I

Was not I was like all right what do I have to buy now no no I was I I’m I got one more thing okay uh let’s talk about if a trade fixes any of this we’ll talk about some of the rumors and all that and more coming

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To get 10% off your first month better help lockon NBA shut it down let’s go thanks everybody for hanging out with us on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day appreciate each and every one of you for checking out the show and

Listening today we are five day a week in every post game unless they rip your hearts out D Mavericks podcast on here got Reggie on Monday slightly biased with me on post games Dana Larson joining weekly as well all right Reggie let’s get into this next question does a

Trade fix any of this all the problems we just mentioned the Mavericks ident in and of itself is a problem like that like knowing who they are and like what they are it seems to be a problem right now but does a trade fix any of this

Some of the rumors over the weekend Mark Stein says that you know Dallas has frequently been mentioned as a potential Suitor for both Washington’s Kyle kosma and Charlotte’s PJ Washington two names we’ve talked about on this show over and over again and that the Mavericks are prioritizing power forwards over small

Forwards to try and address the size and defensive shortcomings I think both of those guys would help those issues in different ways it seems like though that you know Mark had his podcast over the weekend he talked to Jake fiser friend of the show as well Stein friend of the show too

Both think that the Mavs would have to give up a first round pick and one of Hardy green or omx to get Kyle kozma so I think they would have to do that and then League sources say that the Hornets have you know they they want to pursue

Josh Green from Dallas if PJ Washington was to go to the Mavericks or anywhere that they really want to get him and so my question is which which of these ones which of these trades would you do which one are you looking at going all right

It would take the first round pick plus a Hardy a green and an noax or Josh green and maybe some other stuff for PJ Washington it’s an interesting it’s an interesting conundrum yeah it it is interesting but I think I have found myself in the year of the question mark

As I feel like I have dubbed it for the mths right they have a lot of guys that are question marks and they just continue to be question marks Josh Green is one of those Jaden Hardy is another one I’m a lot more comfortable now letting go of the question mark right

And so with that being the case both of these are more interesting to me and you asked earlier I don’t know if you intentionally wanted to get into this at at this moment but yeah I think I think both of these uh help your identity in

So much as either one of those players gives you a definite I know what they are bringing even if I’m not going to call in like an elite skill set that’s being brought to the table you know K kosman is capable of scoring the ball and so especially understanding Kyrie

Irving not gonna show up to work sometimes not really like bashing him for that but it’s an understanding it’s a reality of the situation right um if he is out with somebody that you can trust to give the basketball and expect him to get some points we’ve seen him do

It multiple occasions right like that that is something that is very valuable especially when you have Tim Hardway Jr you know that sometimes he can do that to a high degree but it’s all it’s not it’s not a given right and so I think that is something where when you have

That available to you you trust that your coaching staff will give you will then be able to say I can trust that that is there and I will use it that is the Assumption right I understand all the things that are happening now besides that PJ Washington I feel like

Defensively gives you a little bit something more consistent right and so that is something that now you can make some level of adjustments because you know that that is going to be a standard I like both of them I imagine and maybe this is like maybe this is the the

Nigerian immigrant in me I’m like oh the cheaper option seems a little bit better right like the the PJ or sorry the uh the the PJ PJ for Josh Green right whatever else they ever thr and especially because you know that you still have work to do right and having

If you if you were able to have more access to these first round picks once you get to the offseason when maybe these deals are a little bit easier to hammer out having a little bit more ammo to maybe put together if you need to do things seems

Appealing to me um and then also I the idea of adding Kyle kosma I I understand that like he has some defense to him for some reason it just does not land enough with me to then you watch have you been watching him on the Wizards like yeah

But and this is the thing I try so hard to not judge him on this because I don’t I don’t I think the Wizards have a no Defense Zone I feel like as an organization you go there that’s the terrible name for a scheme a no Defense

Zone it is not it’s not a serious organization and so I can’t blame anybody for not playing if you played defense then you looked around you you’d be like why am I doing this you know but still like yeah I I don’t have I don’t have the I don’t have that comfort in

The idea that KY kman comes in and gives you a significant change to your defense so were you ever in a class in school where it was like not cool to do the homework where everybody around you was like did you do it no dude my vocab

Homework like oh my vocab no just you know you blew it off and it just wasn’t like I’m sorry I was dork and I was in advanced classes I apologize dog like that’s those were the people I were hanging around they were they were getting the work done in fact I was the

Weirdo for not doing enough so yeah I do not relate to the question now you’re slumming it over here with us I love it I didn’t try that much in school and you did look here look here we are right here same place in fact you’re you’re

Here every week right or every day I just pop in on Mondays you know so I feel like you won swe the analogy didn’t land on try hard regie atula over there that’s right that’s right clearly I’ve shed those uh shed those uh for all for

All the Slackers out there though if you ever been in a class where where it was cool oh where it was like oh if you tried hard people would look at you funny it that’s that’s defense for the Washington Wizards it seems like and uh there have been people that are saying

You know I even saw a couple locked on host tweeting about this that the Wizards are the worst team in the league and that the Pistons are are taking all the the heat right now cuz they’re losing streak but the Wizards are worse yeah no I’m I’m sure the Wizards the

Hornets all them looking at them like hey Detroit thanks for losing 20 plus games in a row because nobody’s ever gonna think about us PJ Washington I think helps build your foundation a little bit he’s he’s a little younger 25 years old he’s a little cheaper like you

Said cost-wise and then also cheaper uh just salary rise wise across the board he’s got 16.8 million then 15 and a half then 14 million that’s cheaper than kozma starts at 25 and ends at 19 over four years kma’s on longer kma I think kma though brings you scoring in a way

PJ obviously doesn’t he’s averaging like 13 points a game he’s at like almost 16 points a game last year only does he have that but then also it’s it’s a lot of it is assisted as well so like none of this is going to happen in his on his own yeah PJ has

Scored 40 in a game though like he he’s had some moments where he comes out and you’re like oh man there There He Go like he scored 40 a couple times in his in his career and so he can get his own bucket you don’t get 40 just by

Finishing shots unless you’re Klay Thompson on the Warriors like the only way that if I had to pick one of these right now though I think I’d go kozmo that’s that’s that’s where I’d be I’d be happy be happy with either one of them but I’ve been on Kozo for a little bit

Because I think that he comes in he’s played with stars before too he’s played with LeBron and AD yeah PJ has played with with lamelo ball it’s not the same it’s not the same as playing with LeBron or a Luca and H being in big moments

Like that but I do think one interesting thing is you hear people talk about about PJ Washington they talk about him like he’s a pro right like he has that’s true yeah like he has that mentality and that is not to be ignored and not to be

Um scoffed at especially when you look at the way that this organization is not to say like it’s not professional but adding someone who is young but then already has that it’s not that’s one less thing that you have to worry about gonna come gonna do his work gonna you

Know give you what he’s supposed to um and I think that matters but I I hear you on the kozma thing and then also like it I wonder if do you view this at all as why are you putting why are you putting Band-Aids on a defense that is

Not good when we could just lean all all gas no breaks on this offensive thing yeah because if you’re giving up kozma I don’t think that you’re trading Tim Hardaway in that necessarily none it doesn’t sound like the why would the Wizards want him and so now all of a

Sudden you’re talking about Luca Kyrie Tim Hardway kozma all right now we now we can go all gas no breaks and you’re not losing a ton defensively if you you know depends on who you’re giving up if it’s Hardy enough first now now you’re talking I think at that point fair

Enough coming up let’s talk about that Bucks game and let’s talk about this Mavs team is it the system or is it the talent curious what you what you think about Jason kid we’ll talk about that and more coming up today’s episode brought to you by FanDuel FanDuel sports book has all

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The Bucks I was exhausted I didn’t want to talk about the Mavs anymore and so then we went to a bar instead and didn’t I didn’t do the show and we talked about cookie cakes that’s that’s that’s what we did that’s that’s that’s what you get

That’s a good time that to a bar and some cookie cakes full disclosure to the audience that’s what reie and I did mm Mavs lose 129 to 117 to the to the to the bucks first quarter though looked like looked like it was going pretty

Well for the Mavs they were up 44 to 20 they were knocking down their threes you felt all right here we go this MAV team they’re taking advantage of this Buck team doc River still hasn’t won a game as the the Bucks Head Coach but I was

Sitting there and I sent this to all the sub texter I’m not getting fooled by this by the first quarter not getting fooled by it it’s not fool me once shame on move fool me 110 times not going to happen I was not fooled at all second

Quarter they completely give it all the way back and you they were up by 20 at one point in the second quarter and you looked at me there in the game like you know if you’re the Bucks don’t you just say like let’s just cut it to 12 by

Halftime and I was like it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter if it’s 20 25 12 five anything this Mavs team can blow a lead at any point because the especially with the players they have and they have in this game their defense just can’t keep them afloat and then

Their offense wasn’t scoring enough and what did they cut it to at halftime they cut it to five five aided by a little bit of uh LCA donic picking up one of these you know one of those techs which was uh fun to see uh no and I don’t

Where do we where do we even go here right like where do we even go from here where I want to go here is with that with that game in mind is the map’s problem especially when they’re missing players now they we’ll give them we’ll give them they were missing Kyrie live

Missing exom like these are fundamental players like starter starting level players to what you want to do but thinking about this whole thing and those guys being out and everything is the problem for the Mavericks the system or the talent did the Mavericks just get completely outworked by the talent with

Giannis and Dame and Middleton and you know Bobby poris like did they just get beat or is it the system because it just doesn’t seem like when the Mavs first option of offense goes away they have any other they have any other like things to go to yeah I mean like it’s

It’s paron partiel but it’s it was in this game in particular there more system than anything right yes um live by the three die by the three is making it as plain as possible Right like that’s that is the most simple way of saying this they they were out here and

They were knocking down threes when the threes are going you can see the energy up and one of the things that they did incredibly and I’m surprised you didn’t mention this first quarter knocking down threes but also defensively they were great they were they were building the

Wall on Giannis which is as we understand is like the Baseline of how you have to defend him they were doing a good job of like just packing the paint not letting the Bucks get inside and the Bucks just happen to be missing shots as well fantastic you love to see that

Right now when when that started loosening up when you see the shots not go the weak side defense is really where it started to tell that was where I saw it right you can see the guy on the ball is still giving effort but then there’s

A lot more gaps there’s a lot more spaces a lot more places for back door SC cuts and all those types of things and then you know it just falls apart in that instance and this is a this is not a team that is talented enough to be

Able to play individual defense and so you need to be able to do the system of everybody’s playing everybody’s on a string everybody recovers in a right way and when the shots weren’t going which again points to the system offensively this is the one way that you have

Especially for other people to add in Luca can go get his but then when you don’t have that everything else falls apart yeah that feels like uh it feels like a a failure point that is too big in your in the way that you go about these things Jason kid after the game

Was asked about you know Mavs are up 25 at one point they ended up losing the game by a lot and he said I think we had some turnovers there we had the take foul the technical foul our composure we have to be better he’s talked about

Composure so many times and he doesn’t take any blame for their composure like ever in this and to me this is the system the system of all right let the players figure it out you can’t also have like a young team and then you can’t have you know like play young

Players and have a have a young team and like also expect them to just figure it out right it’s almost as if they’re they’re playing like they’re this veteran everybody’s been around forever they’ve got winners all across the board like they’re playing like that when they don’t have that roster especially in a

Game like this right when you have Kyrie and you have you know guys other guys that have been around for a while it’s different but Derek Jones Jr Grant Williams has been to you know to titles and you know has been yeah he’s been to finals and all that yeah um Luca’s

Obviously played Tim Hardway though no not a lot of playoff experience Josh screen not a lot of playoff experience Maxi has Jaden Hardy none Dwight Powell you know some with the Mavs like there’s there’s not like a bunch of veterans across the board where you go all right

We can trust these guys right and so to me to me that this loss even though they were completely out talented the system failed them in a lot of ways seven of 25 from three in the second half and that’s why they couldn’t get anything

Going I mean that’s it right like you if it’s all about making these threes if there’s no level of like adjustment either made or available that you do not allow yourself much room for Success the composure part of it though the composure part of it in this game

Especially the refs were not giving them a it didn’t feel like a fair whistle for the Mavericks and anytime that happens the Mavs lose it they had the play where Luca got kicked in the stomach and the nuts in the same play and Maxi got hooked and they didn’t call anything

They went back and reviewed it all and they said it was incidental contact they had he had all kinds of weird plays like that and that stuff happens and the Mavs just break down when that happens and Jason get even mentioned after the game he said we lost Luca there for what did

He what was the exact we lost Luca there for a minute and then he came back I mentioned that to you like it looks like they’re dead but Luca will always come back the problem is all the other players don’t join him they they stay

Lost they they lose it when he loses it how much of the composure thing is on kid I mean a significant portion at this point especially when you consider like okay the idea is you’re talking to them whatever and I don’t know maybe they’re not maybe the message is lost on them

But the tough part about it is that that’s your job like that you it’s incumbent upon you to figure out a way to reach your team um and I’ve talked about the ways in which and I think we’ve talked about the ways in which okay there might not be the guys to do

This and be some level of self-starters or like a general on the floor that’s going to make you know get them you know to that place and so this is where I think you being the ultimate accountability on this team needs to find a way to get that done and I

Understand I’m saying that as if it is easy I’m sure it is not but yeah I think you pointing out the fact that n never is the conversation in post games pointed back towards kid for himself that that ends up being a little bit uh I don’t know jarring is the right word

It’s like hey I understand they they’re not keeping their composure and you have challenged them but at some point there’s got to be some level of reflection on how you go about this and responsibility on him this is a thing I’ve I’ve given Jason kids credit for a

Lot of things this season this is one thing I will never give him credit for because he doesn’t think that it’s part of the the head coach’s job and he just you got to ask them I’m just the coach we’ve seen that so many times and okay

If your players aren’t taking the Reigns of leadership remember a couple weeks ago I asked them the question about defensive leader said we’re still looking for that guy all right if they’re not going to do it then it’s it comes back to you right and to build up

Those leaders and to get LCA to a point where we don’t lose him every single time fouls aren’t going his way right like one of the big credits of Jason kid is that he’s supposed to be able to communicate with Luca and and tell Luca things because he respects him and you

Know he was a player players coach and all that you’re supposed to be able to tell him the hard things and Luca has not taken that like taken a step forward in in that area it felt like he did at the beginning of the season and it just

Seems like it’s gone backwards uh the more he gets frustrated the injuries have piled up that’s been a huge thing obviously and I’m talking about injuries to Luca himself like he got he got hurt he said he felt a pop at his ankle in this game came back like what you know

No one ever questions Luca’s like fight back he he fights back more than anybody but yeah you just you lose him in the you lose the confidence when the refs and the calls just start going the wrong way for him and you know slumps his shoulders and goes back and he’s gonna

Come back and get you a bucket when you need it but you you’re Los him right and especially when we talk about the fact that he’s he is the offense he is the system if you lose the system you’re losing your system for we lost sistem

For a few minutes there let’s just go ahead and reboot this and get back and now you’ve lost you know you’ve lost your lead or you you you found yourself down yeah that’s that’s really tough but yeah yeah he I mean at this point I’ve tried to be like unreasonably fair in a

Way with jayon kid understanding that you know it’s not going to be as easy but ultimately there’s got to be you got to figure something out right like this is part of having the job and honestly if if this was a you know just a

Nebulous a a coach X or whatever yeah in a vacuum situation could you not say in some ways that maybe they are losing the team losing the locker room if with not seeing the message being internalized say it was someone named I don’t know Adrien Griffin say it was somebody with

That name like say say it could have been somebody like that yeah bucks made that change now is it gonna help them or hurt them in the end I don’t know but we’ll see what happens with it overall uh yeah no this is this has been a you

Know these games like this I feel like when the Mavs lose like this it’s another one of those just bad losses that are on that’s on kid to not have this team prepared and to have other options and other things to go to and to

Not just like throw your hands up and be like well you know we missed threes you know and you know just didn’t work and D he said this on what happens when threes stop falling you know we missed some bunnies who normally have made there D

Jones missed a couple of dunks you know and all that and you know took our best shot out there in the first half and end up being a positive and then I’m it’s frustrating I’m frustrated I’m frustrated with this first shot does if the first hay maker doesn’t land

We’ll see i’ say and if you don’t have the first if the first one doesn’t happen for you then what other options do you have and the Mavs have not been the other options have not been utilized or at least even attempted it seems like

So there you go let us know in the comment section would a trade fix any of this which trade do you think would fix any of this and help the Mavs take a step forward we’ll be back tomorrow slightly and I will have the Mavs versus

Sixers post game there’s a lot of guys out Joel and beid is definitely going to be out in this game so this this becomes a winnable game for the Mavericks so if you checked out then back CU they’ll probably win this game because this team makes no sense so come back tomorrow

Guys thanks for listening to locked on Mavs peace out Boom

The Dallas Mavericks are struggling, but are injuries to Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Dereck Lively II, Dante Exum, and more the only reason Jason Kidd’s Mavs aren’t playing well? Would a trade for Kyle Kuzma or PJ Washington

Nick Angstadt @LockedOnNBA & Reggie Adetula @1053TheFan discuss the Dallas Mavericks identity issues and if Luka Doncic, Jason Kidd, Kyrie Irving, and the Mavs can fix it. Would a trade for Kyle Kuzma or PJ Washington help?

0:00 The Mavs Identity is the Problem
10:30 Trade for Kuzma or Washington?
20:30 Kidd’s System vs Talent Issue

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  1. When kidd got involved, he wanted 3 & D players . But kidd has not proven successful with his coaching? Now the mavs are syuck with suspect shooting and defense

  2. Injury luck has been terrible this year, but I hope that fact doesn't spur the FO into just running it back. We need some kind of trade. I'm not super high on Kuzma, but he might be the best option the Mavs will have. Especially if we get him with Deni/Gafford.

  3. People don’t want to hear it but Miles Bridges at the price you can get him at can change this team in a significant way as long as they also add center depth with him.

  4. I hardly ever watch any NBA but the Mavs, but when I watched LAC vs. The Heat today, I saw immediate off-ball screening, movement, rescreening… it felt like I was watching a different sport or league. There is no way in hell the status quo under Kidd can be seen as competent coaching systems bc there are no systems being run

  5. If the Mavs don't trade for at least 2 players we can pack it up for the year.


    Or, in a blockbuster trade with Washington, Dallas acquires;


  6. Let’s be real – we are a flawed team: talent and coaching wise. I say we tank and grab another top ten pick to develop or trade. Fire Kidd too. Our offensive scheme is to jack up threes but when that stops working there’s no backup plan; that falls on coaching.

  7. Mavs have too many one dimensional players that are only really effective in one or two situations. A Mavs team minus Kyrie, Lively and Exum is simply a poor roster cut and dry. It’s not often poor rosters compete with some of the best teams in the league. The only reason the game was winnable was due to aberration 3 point shooting. And when the regression hit the FAR superior talent won out. FO has a lot of work to do, we are more than 1 piece away

  8. There is a key reason why this season is going so bad: injuries.
    Second reason is the refs and how it affects us mentally. Third is probably Kidd.
    None of those gets solved with a trade

  9. That’s Kidd’s signature coaching style, to coach the way he’d want to be coached and that’s letting the players figure it out on the court.

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