@Toronto Raptors

Peep Darkos reaction when Scottie defers to GTJ for the final shot of OT

Seems like he’s upset that scottie didn’t try to go for the winner as the play was drawn up for him.

by Apprehensive_Ad_2770


  1. Whatever his issue is, he’s gotta do better. If you end up passing it out that’s cool but at least make the attempt to drive

    I don’t like this at all

  2. The_Mikeskies

    Well, whatever was drawn up, it wasn’t that.

  3. I mean it was so obvious. The most likely explanation is that he was tired and he knew it (hence him saying he was gonna pass out of the time out). Ofc that’s not what the coaching staff wants, they want him to take it.

    Dude is asked to do a lot, but he started looking gassed even before regulation is over. We either have to get an OG replacement so he gets less tired, or he really needs to focus on conditioning this summer

  4. jjkiller26

    Pretty obvious to anyone that watches basketball that scottie fucked up whatever idea of a play darko had here lmao

  5. slicksonslick

    Looked like a pretty standard play to get your star the ball in a 1 on 1 ish situation at the end of the game, but Scottie just passes it to Trent.

  6. slamdunk23

    This sub is really having a civil war over this.

  7. nin_culus

    the issue wasnt the pass, its him winding down the clock, its like he expected a double that never came

  8. Several_Repeat_5447

    He was up against Lu Dort. That iso wouldn’t have went anywhere.

    Would’ve been better to get him on a better matchup.

  9. honestly based on scottie’s game the last few years, what is he going to do above the 3 point line vs an elite defender? half court isolations are still tough for him

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