@Milwaukee Bucks

The Milwaukee Bucks run out of gas against the Utah Jazz | Bucks lose 123-108

The Milwaukee Bucks run out of gas against the Utah Jazz | Bucks lose 123-108

Hey what it do welcome to another new episode of Locked on bucks on today’s show Yannis out of the kmo has continued his spectacular play but the Milwaukee Bucks ran out of gas in the fourth quarter against the Utah Jazz losing 123 to 108 this West Coast trip has been

Tough on the bucks but we’ve seen some small ball bucks rotations in the first Young Buck to crack Dock’s rotation seemingly we’re going to dig into that and a lot more on today’s episode of lockon but You are locked on bucks your daily Milwaukee Bucks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day you are locked on bucks part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day I’m Camille Davis you can catch me weekly on the technical file

Podcast as well as find some of my work over at cheese head TV and pack a day pod joining me is longtime voice of of the Pod and founder of Brew hoop. comom Frank Madden we appreciate you for tuning in and we thank you for making lock on bucks your first listen every

Single day we are free and available wherever you get your podcast as well as on YouTube today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates that you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon MBA again

That’s lockon MBA to post your job for free turn and conditions apply now Frank tonight the Bucks seem like they were in control second night of a back to back they were in Dallas last night they’re in Utah tonight the game started off well for the bucks they

Go into the third quarter up by or up go into the fourth quarter up by 12 then that fourth quarter came and they just seemed to run out of gas the Bucks were outscored by uh 40 to 13 in the fourth quarter and the Bucks just went cold

From the field it seemed like nothing was was going the Bucks way come to fourth quarter in this game yeah I mean because we’re recording tonight and not yesterday this will take on a much more negative tone but we should really think of it holistically like one of the signature wins of the

Season on Saturday night coming back from 25 down and just blowing the Mavericks off the court in the fourth quarter and tonight the reverse right like I mean I don’t know I I don’t even know if I can like I mean literally you can’t like architect a worst quarter of

Basketball the ba I mean out scored by 27 points it’s like inexcusable and not okay and you know you blew a chance to win uh or get a great win right I mean they were controlling this game throughout most of the second half was like leading 10 to 14 points and then

They just completely like go the rope and um you know but again the context of it being the second night of a back to back y you’re missing Brooke you’re missing Chris um and damee was you know a question mark for the game with the ankle injury looked like he tweaked it

On a dunk right at the end of the third quarter and um you know it’s kind of one of those things it’s like I mean I know everybody wants to get mad after a loss and figure out somebody to be mad about I mean I guess we can say like would

Have been nice to see you know some of the young guys maybe some some more than like eight dudes on the second night of a back toback when the team looked really tired um but uh you know as far as the guy the guys who played I mean

Giannis 48 points on Saturday night yeah 33 and you know just the playmaking load the decision making for the vast majority of the night 13 assists um you know like you really couldn’t have asked for more I thought his defense was really good for the vast majority of the

Night you know anchoring the the you know a lot of those small ball units so um and Bobby poris obviously who’s been the target of a lot of complaints um you know he had 27 tonight and um again like nobody was covered in glory in the fourth quarter and uh

Pretty much everything got picked apart at that point and they just couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn so yeah I mean we can be pissed off that they couldn’t pull off the two and two nights they had a great chance to do that but the flip

Side is you saw a great effort great resilience on Saturday night and you just got kind of the the reverse end of that on on Sunday night with you know a team that looked tired playing at you know that’s not mile high but it’s the kind of the second highest altitude

Building um in the league so I mean this is this is have a number of these back-to-backs coming up as well and again Bucks have generally been a very good back-to-back team but tonight it just felt like you know again they needed a 36 minute game not a 48 minute

Game yeah they just didn’t seem to have it tonight and you mentioned the fact that they pretty much rolled out a eight-man rotation throughout this game in the postgame doc mentioned he probably needed to add another guy into the rotation tonight he said he should have G given Robin Lopez some more

Minutes tonight because the guys just at this point aren’t ready to play that type of of defense for these types of minutes consistently like these are playoff minutes that he’s giving guys right now and they need to kind of work up to that but to your point as well

About Giannis like I just want to give Giannis his flowers again because this man has been playing outstanding he was he had 48 points like you mentioned last night 20 a 28 from the field tonight he was 11 to 15 from the field super efficient looking for a shot getting

Buckets and still able to involve his teammates 13 assists tonight and honestly he could have had like 20 assists half the Bucks not gone so cold because it was really interesting watching how the Jazz played Giannis we saw the Bucks last night against the Mavericks roll out uh a trapping defense

Where they were making Luca get the ball out of his hands they were blitzing him they were coming he didn’t know which way guys were coming on the backside guys were rotating really really well uh it was making someone else besides Luca beat the Bucks and tonight the Jazz

Pretty much were like we’re running the same make somebody else outside of beanis beat the Bucs tonight because as you mentioned no Chris no Brooke Dame was out there we can talk a little bit more about Dame in the next segment and his performance that we’ve seen and the

Ankle tweak and all of that but Giannis did what he could and the Jazz were doing everything they could to get the ball out of his hands he was still able to find ways to score and guys were knocking down their shots early you mentioned Bobby AJ Green is somebody who

Knocked down quite a few shots early on and then got a little cold as the game went on but hey second over back toback like you mentioned altitude really hard to play but um I thought Giannis was spectacular and you could even see him getting frustrated at some points in end because

You could tell he really wanted this game like second out of back toback people always say you’re at a disadvantage for good reason but this was a game where the Bucks were in control through the second through the third and the fourth quarter it just

Like I said see like guys just ran out of gas a lot of front tired legs going on there but Giannis did what he could and I just want to give him his credit because we mentioned a couple weeks ago I believe that his name should

Be talked about a little bit more in these MVP conversations with embiid going out uh for an extended period of time we might hear his name more but just wanted to give Giannis some credit yeah and um I mean he’s the rock right the night tonight like Dame you

Know kind of a good example obviously tonight the injury tough to tell how much that was weighing in on his performance um five out of 18 I mean again it’s like obviously that’s just not good enough like I think you can predict you’re probably going to lose

On a night where you don’t have Chris or Brooke and Dame goes five out of 18 like you know Giannis is going to have to give you 60 or something you know in in theory if you just are told that Dame’s G to struggle that much so um so yeah I

Mean that’s the thing night in and night out it’s like you know if Giannis scores 27 and shoots 50% from the field it’s like oh well that wasn’t that wasn’t Peak Giannis right like that’s that’s an off night for him um and this weekend obviously was just kind of underscoring

Just the the level that that he’s at right now um and again like we saw tonight him consistently hitting mid-range jumpers um started off really well at the foul line I he was nine out of 10 at one point only hit two of his last five and again you know everything

Just kind of going against the Bucks including Yannis free throw shooting which which has been not great for a little while now um it tailed off a little bit as well but uh overall I mean the playmaking what he was doing defensively um you just can’t say enough about it and I

Think again the same same is true in Dallas um you know just his is the level that he’s at in terms of reading defenses um you know he had a couple passes tonight that were you know again just kind of vintage Peak Giannis type type playmaking and for a guy his size

To be doing this again this is not there’s no real precedent for a guy who can be his size dribble pass scorer the way he is he’s he’s one of one and um you know like that that play in I think it was early in the fourth quarter when

Um you know he went on the break and I think it was dun and seon like both just tried to wrap him up in transition he just kind of powered through them and banked it in for for an and one I mean what do you what do you do

With the guy and and I think the Jazz defended him probably pretty well like right for the most part sending tons of early doubles and making him have to try to make plays and um obviously for the vast majority of the night it worked and as you said could have had even even

More assists but you know it’s not like the Bucs shot poorly from three right you always were in the second type of back to back that you’re just not going to have legs and and whatever and they were 37% Jazz were 39% so the three-point line was not like the the

Huge you know differentiator here um you know Jazz only had eight fast break points um but the tail of the tape and the paint um you know last night bucks dominated the paint even though they were small tonight it felt like especially over time you felt the Bucks

Lack of size with broke out 50 to 30 differential in the paint obviously a lot of the Bucks low paint numbers is disted by the fact that they were pushing the ball out of giannis’s hands um consistently and he was having to make a from mid-range and and kind of do

Different things but um yeah unfortunately um you know and the offensive rebounding for the for the Jazz as well that’s been something that has been marketly improved since uh Adrien Griffin’s departure was Defensive rebounding and tonight um I think the Jazz were like 33% offensive rebound

Rate which is you know on the very high end of what you’d want to see yeah so um so certainly the second chances I think hurt as well and kept the Jazz in it and and ultimately you know again it just felt like um kind of things just got

Completely out of hand there in the fourth quarter and you know the crowds was was in it and the Bucks just kind of folded um yeah you know felt felt almost like watching like a young team even though it’s basically kind of more of the reverse um but it felt like the Bucs

Were just kind of like you know that if that was not a second Ed back toback you’d be like Bo like that team’s just wasn’t ready for for what the jazz came with um and I I mean obviously they weren’t right I mean minus 27 and one

Quarter is is absurd it was basically a flip of the second quarter when the Bucks essentially did the same thing toh to the jzz yeah they were plus 16 in that second quarter the fourth quarter really sunk them but we talked you mentioned the fact that the Bucks were

Playing small ball this weekend of course without Brook Lopez that’s going to be a big option for you want to take a look at how they were looking with that and how the Jazz posed a interesting dilemma for them with the small ball lineup and also just talk a

Little bit more about D and his performance that we’ve seen this weekend up next when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help find the right

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Enjoyed what I’ve seen in these small sample sizes just looking at this weekend in itself we know doc mentioned that he wanted to go small earlier on but foul treble caus him not to be able to in the game prior to this weekend but this weekend no Brooke lot of jiannis at

The five Jay at the four even some Chris at the four and I’ve enjoyed it and against Dallas that’s a match up where you’re like hey going small really works out here because they were without Lively so they were smaller as well but against Utah a team with a few seven

Footers some size there it was glaring uh some of the the weaknesses of going small against a lineup like that you saw guards really crashing and trying to get as many boards as they could but yet and still like we mentioned the Bucks were still outrebounded on the glass but

Early Returns on the small ball lineups how are you feeling about them Frank I mean they typically you know and when we say small ball you know we’re talking about lineups with no Bobby no Brooke right no no Robin in this case too um and I think historically returns

Have generally been pretty good and look I mean I think there’s limitations to playing Giannis as as the five you know I don’t think you want Janis playing Center against you know joic or embiid or something like that you know for more than kind of small stretches um there

Are things you can do certainly on the offensive end to cause problems when um you know when you have those types of matchups too but uh but I think there’s there’s limitations to it and I think you know you see it in a weekend like this um I thought you know it enabled

Them to probably you know do the kind of scrambling trapping defense that we saw against Luca and again Luca still got his um but he’s turned for turned it over nine times and the Mavs turn it over 21 times so ironically doing the thing that Adrien Griffin in the summer

Wanted to do Force turnovers um tying a season High last night and then tonight um you know 16 turnovers and again I thought especially in those first three quarters uh you know they were able to force turnovers and and G the jazz you know kind of speed up the Jazz at times

Um only three steals so it wasn’t necessarily all steals um but again I thought that was part of what the Bucs defense did well was was forcing turnovers um but yeah I mean I think you look at it right I mean Walker kler was plus 22 in in 27 minutes you know I

Think s game plus minus can be deceptive but I think that does reflect the fact that when he was in he’s I mean he’s the only kind of big guy who plays like a big guy really on Utah I think Markin in and Olen caus problems and sort of

Different ways because they’re more perimeter oriented bigs and it’s hard to contest them you know they get their shots up especially Markin in when there’s smaller guys on them he can just shoot over people um but yeah I just felt like the size kind of became more

And more of an issue we saw the allees over the top um and you know again it’s kind of like the first few quarters I was I was kind of like amazed at how well the Bucks were defending so it’s sort of one things where it’s like well

I can’t I mean the the defensive numbers tonight were bad but you know they defended I thought very well for three quarters so it’s like are we going to you know say that like they’re all trash now because because of one quarter it’s like yeah I mean I guess

You know take your glass half full half empty however you want to take it right um it’s late and I’m tired Camille So I’m just not gonna I’m just not going to let this ruin my my weekend um especially after last night and you know again just some of the circumstances of

Today but again I mean one and three going into Phoenix on Tuesday night um you wish you’d had an extra day of rest probably to to give guys a little more time to to rest up but you know obviously you expect to have Chris back um certainly hope to have Giannis back

Who knows with Dame right like ankles are funny guys will kind of play through stuff and then miss a game just because something swells up so um it didn’t seem like when he tweaked it on that dunk over Kessler I mean it didn’t seem like there was an obvious like turn of the

Ankle um so I guess we’ll see and I don’t know I don’t even recall if that was the same ankle that that he was actually listed as having the issue was okay so um and that’s his plant ankle as a as a righty right that’s like the the foot that he’s

You know typically jumping off of when he’s driving to the basket so obviously it’s not great uh so yeah I mean you’re kind of now staring down the barrel of a a one and four road trip here and then you come back and you know

It doesn’t get a whole lot easier um get the the Timberwolves at home on on Thursday so um you know that that is far from a gimme as well um and then you get the Hornets after that at home okay that’s nice but then you get the nuggets

At home the heat at home um and then you get to go to Memphis which probably a good time to go to Memphis these days but um you know we’ve seen it right like you know you think you have a game Road game and uh not so much and the buck I

Think at this point why they’re a 500 Road team so um you really can’t take kind of any these games for granted and obviously Utah’s you know they’ve they’ve been much better these last couple months um but you know they also hadn’t been setting the world on fire

Late you know four and six their last 10 yeah so um 16 and seven at home but um you know this you had this game there right this game was there for the taking in spite of all the the circumstances and um you know unfortunately couldn’t

Quite make it a two for two weekend yeah there are some people I know who are going to point to the referees and say the refs are why the bugs lost this game I can’t have like the refs were not physicality yeah yeah and it didn’t feel like the

Calls were being called the same on both sides of the ball but what it boiled down to me was one I mean the Bucks went cold in that fourth quarter you losing a quarter by 27 points it’s going to be hard to overcome and then we mentioned

Dame shooting when he went for that dunk he got blocked the last time down prior to that when he went up for a layup and it made me think of this piece I saw about NBA players discussing what it feels like to dunk and if dunking was

Painful um which was a question I always had because the idea of just slamming your hand against a metal rim always seemed like it was painful and it was interesting hearing older players say like as they get older like they don’t try to dunk as much but sometimes you’re

Forced to dunk because you know if you dunk you’re gonna get your shot swatted so seeing Dame come down with the layup get it swatted come back down dunk and then tweak his ankle uh it was one of those ones where I’m like yeah that’s that’s that’s you’re getting up there a

Little bit Dame like we know you can still hoop and everything like that but but um it’s unfortunate especially with the SLA games the bugs have coming up you mentioned the fact that when they get home they have the Timberwolves uh and they have the Hornets and the

Hornets are the second I have a back toback for the bucks there so they have Minnesota on Thursday the Hornets on Friday and it’s a lot of basketball coming up like the Bucs are going to need that All-Star break uh to come for short just to kind of give them some

Time to to settle back down get a little bit healthier and for Dame in particular I don’t expect him to shoot 91 % from the field consistently like he did against Dallas that 10 of 11 night was outstanding he was hitting some crazy shots I enjoyed that don’t expect that

That’s unrealistic but him shooting 28% from the field like he did today 13% from three in the game especially when you don’t have Chris and you don’t have Brooke it’s really hard to overcome so uh for Dame I just hope to start seeing just more consistent stat lines from him

Like I think with having a Giannis who we’ve watched for years and you see him night in and Night Out be pretty consistent with his scoring output uh you can forget how special that is uh especially watching Dam and it’s no slight against Dame I’m not trying to

Cast any dispersions upon him but uh it’s been a lot of up and down play from Dame so far this season with the understanding that he’s getting used to a new system getting comfortable offc court issues but looking at it like it’s it’s it’s hard to overcome these types of

Games yeah and I mean There Was You know the story about what kind of he’s been going through I mean we’ve all known that he’s been going through a divorce since the start of the season and um you know I I I can’t relate to what it’s

Like to be an NBA basketball player you know you’re already on the road half the half the season and then when you’re home you know now he’s he’s not with his kids um and so it’s it’s obviously kind of a a I’m sure a huge adjustment for

Him um but you know and now the injury piece on top of that so uh um yeah I mean the Bucks are hanging on by a thread to the two seed in the East right now but I mean you know with the embiid injury obviously it’s going to be hard

For Philly to kind of keep Pace um probably for too much longer but you’ve got Cleveland and New York right behind you so um you know you lose on uh you lose on Tuesday um I think the the Knicks if they win another game they’re

Going to be then tied with you in the standings again you have the tiebreaker against them because of head-to-head but um um yeah I mean I think this has sort of been like when I think about the um the kind of push and pull about like should

We Panic should we not panic that’s been going on with Bucks fans sort of all year I think you know the people that were kind of just like H like give Adrien Griffin time like why are you guys worried you know a lot of that was

Just I predicated the fact that you were just sitting in the two seed like all year long right and it’s just like well pra is where we’re going to where we were going to be even if things went pretty well um and we didn’t have some of these concerns so

What’s the problem and it’s like okay well now like you just are beginning to see how tenuous you know your position is especially given the fact that you had that really easy schedule now it’s getting more difficult now you’re having to kind of pay the piper and and face

Some of these good teams and you’re taking some else you know and you’re losing some games like the Portland game that you shouldn’t or games you had chances to win like like this one tonight um so let’s just say we should be doubly happy that they I don’t want

To say stole the Mavericks game but you know anytime come back from 25 points down Ian that’s not that ain’t normal right I think I think the Bucks what was it 26 they came back from against the Blazers which I think I think that’s the biggest comeback in the NBA this season

So um and 25 is now the second biggest yeah so they have the two biggest comebacks in the NBA this season and we can argue you know how much of that is like well you know don’t dig your own grave in the first place but um you know

I think the Mavericks teame was a good example like I mean what did they start like seven for eight from three and you know I was kind of just saying like they they really were taking those those body blows and kind of like okay hanging for

A while and then they had that big drought and it you know got really out of hand but yeah I mean credit to them right I think certainly we always talk about you know in this day and age obviously no no lead is safe with a

Three ball and all that um but uh you still have to go out and do it and it’s very tiring to have to engage defensively especially when you’re trapping and running around the court and doing that which I think in that scenario you know it’s probably good to

Be smaller because again you can cover more ground um than you would if you were playing you know a Lopez brother in the middle the entire time so um so I think it worked there uh but again like to me I came into the seasons you know

For me the Bucs defense is all about pitches like how many different pitches you have how many different things you can do you know dog was talking about putting in the trapping or whatever it’s like did they really not have any idea of trapping when they had Adrian Griffin

Like I felt like they were playing some pretty aggressive defense at time so um so again like not that you want to over do that but yeah you’re probably going to have the ability to defend as a zone at time you probably need to be able to

Do some trapping at times right when one guy is really killing you so um you know we’ll see overall the defense has been better since doc or well since Griff departed slot and then pry and then now Doc have have returned but um you know

Again I I always hesitate to kind of go too much into small samples we talking seven games now and they’re three and four in those games you know so um it kind of is what it is but it is a ironic but in the losses it’s really been in

Many cases not not you know tonight was a bit of mixed bag of both obviously everything kind of went bad in the fourth quarter but you know it’s been the offense actually that has lost them probably more of these games when you look at kind of what’s happened it’s

Been some of the really the the offensive dry spells that have really hurt them more arguably than than even the defense but um I don’t know is that progress I don’t know Camille uh but hope they can hope they can get both of those things clicking at some point and

Uh in soon yeah we’re going to see we’ll keep our eye out on that and some something else to keep an eye on is the fact that we’ve talked about daname we’ve talked about Giannis we mentioned that there was no Chris tonight there’s been no Brooke this weekend but there

Has been AJ Green AJ Green has been the first Young Buck to crack Doc’s rotation and is that a sign of things to come we’ll talk about that next happy Super Bowl to all who celebrate from FanDuel America’s number one sport book if you’re like me Super

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In some uh some playing time against the Mavericks yesterday today he also got some some tick got some first minute uh first quarter minutes this uh game against the jazz tonight and prior to the game Eric n posted a question that he had to Doc just asking him about hey

How have you gone about trying to get to know the young players on the team better and also figure F out how you can use them in game and Doc had a really interesting quote that I wanted to read he said that’s been the most difficult

Part honestly like you come in and you know all the Vets like hell we’ve played against them all the young guys half of them I’ve never seen in my life or even spoken to and then I’m trying to figure out if they can play so you watch and

What little bit of film and when they played with AJ I’ve watched him shoot the play goes in every time so logically you say let’s throw him on the floor against the Mavericks he had what six minutes last night a plus 16 whatever that was I mean even my daughter noticed

That and she was cheering for the maths so yeah it was good slowly we’ll start using one or two of them for sure I think one at least can help us I said that in my first presser and I think it will be more than one really because a

Couple of them are just completely different guys and will use them in that way so with AJ getting in and Doc talking about I’m really learning how these young guys are playing do you think that we do start seeing some more of these young guys introduced into the rotation under doc

Now uh I’m skeptical let me say that um doc keeps saying he’s going to need at least one of them um I mean probably the the the greatest reason for optimism is just the expectation that you know there’s going to be injuries and you’re going to need to kind of just fill in

Bodies that way um you know I think credit to to AJ you know he kind of gave them a spark when they were down on Saturday night and then kind of similar tonight you know showed some good understanding with Giannis running hand off um and just being that kind of you know

Immediate threat off the catch um even had like some few a few good defensive possessions although he eventually did get conned into a three shot foul against Jordan Clarkson I think late in the third quarter um so again I mean he’s you know I kind of said this last

Year when he was offense playing ahead of margin on Bo champ like just feels like he obviously his physical tool set is not what you know some of the other young guys have clearly like Andre Maran obviously um they’re taller stronger more athletic um but you know I think

AJ’s got generally got a pretty good sense of where he’s supposed to be you know he is the stereotypical coach’s son right so um so I think and again like if you want to ask why is he playing it’s because he makes shots and that’s easy

To easy to understand kind of what that means and um you know again he’s not a good Defender the onoff numbers are horrible uh but he at least doesn’t you know go to the wrong places and you know in some in some ways for coaches I think

A guy who you know gives a good effort and is in the right spots even if he can’t really make an impact um at least it doesn’t necessarily throw off everything else on your defense um so credit to him but as we’ve been saying I mean I don’t you know there’s not going

To be a set rotation for just 30 straight games there’s going to be injuries different guys are going to get chances um but I think certainly I would say certainly the the trend for marjon I think is definitely an obvious negative one and um you know I think he’s

Certainly probably the top of the list of guys that I could see being traded at the deadline as a sweetener because again like you know it’s only year two but yeah um the the the shine will come off you know former first round picks pretty quickly if you know they can’t

Earn minutes or whatever but I mean his numbers this year are not bad right I mean he’s shot the ball well I think he’s for a long time was had the best you know noff rating of any of the bench guys which you know isn’t saying a whole

Lot but I think he was like roughly break even so um so yeah it’s just uh it’s it’s tough I mean that’s just the reality of the league and you know if you’re not if you’re not on a trajectory where it’s obvious how you’re going to

Help the team then you know John Orr has to make a decision like does he cash that in and can he improve the team with h with the move that that ships AJ out or ships uh Mar out so yeah um so we’ll

See but I I don’t know I think I think a night like tonight they could have really used Andre’s defense and energy just especially the way things were going in the you know in the fourth quarter but again like it’s not like you’re going to dust him off in the

Fourth quarter and he’s going to be a difference like it’s you know you would have liked to see him earlier give him a shift in the second quarter and hopefully if he’s got something then then you can do more in the the fourth quarter but um but also the other hard

Part is you know when they’re doubling Giannis like Andre Jackson isn’t generally the guy that is going to be the problem solver for that right it’s you need shooting and that’s obviously he’s made threes at a good rate this year but he’s obviously not a guy you

Look at as a consistent threat yeah I think it’s going to be es and flows throughout the season for sure like Griff was known to Be a Player Development type of guy and he gave the young guys some tick some burn doc more a little bit of a old school guy running

With the vets and he mentioned part of that is because of him coming in middle of the season going with guys that he knows figuring things out with the young guys as it goes on but one thing that made me laugh and I’ll say this we can

Get out of here but with uh Griff as the Player Development guy it’s interesting like we’ve heard the Vets talk about how they the team just talking about how they were coached about trapping and understanding and you can see the defense looking better because they’re

Able to understand it a bit better and I I do Wonder uh if the vets were having a hard time grasping what Griff system was and how they should be playing how that must have been for some of the young guys as well um in their communication

So if they have a better understanding of where they should be how they should be playing I do wonder if that ends up getting them at least a few minutes with Doc under doc uh to see what they can do but time will tell time will tell and

The next time we see the Bucs it’ll be on court on Tuesday evening 900 pm. Central Time start against the Phoenix Suns it is a national TV game so buckle up hopefully the Bucs can end this West Coast road trip going two of five or two

Or three on this five game trip so that’ll do it for us here make sure again that you go check out lock on sports today once you’re done with lock on bucks and for Frank and myself we’ll catch you later

On the second night of a back-to-back, the Milwaukee Bucks lost to the Utah Jazz 123-108. After being in control throughout most of the game, the Bucks were outscored by 27 in the fourth quarter. Giannis Antetokounmpo continued his stellar play, racking up a 33 point, 13 assist double double in the loss. 

Camille and Frank discuss the game in the context of the weekend, Damian Lillard’s play, the Bucks small ball lineups and if we should expect more “young Bucks” to crack the rotation. 

0:00 Intro
1:32 Fourth quarter collapse
4:43 Giannis has been HOOPIN!
14:00 Small ball Bucks
19:53 Damian Lillard’s play
28:30 AJ Green in the rotation? More young Bucks to come?

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  1. Wished they would have played some of the younger guys tonight knowing it's a back to back without Lopez and Middleton. Doesn't make any sense to me. Beauchamp and Jackson are capable players to log 10 to 12 minutes.

  2. Doc Rivers …. From the golf course 🏌‍♀⛳ … To the Bucks 🦌 … To the ALL STARS 🤩 … Back to the golf course 🏌‍♀⛳ when Assistant Manager Jeo Prundy takes over this CHOCK OF CHOCKERS … Doc has a horse shoe up his ars … Only in NBA … Give Jon Horst GM of the year, no one can pull a stunt like this 🏆

  3. Giannis is a fraud. And is a cancer on that team. He cares more about his worthless brother taking up a roster spot. Keep losing

  4. Dame injured his ankle? So Giannis needs to sit out as well? Cause Giannis plays through injuries all that time. Anyway, yesterday after the Bucks beat the Mavs, i was like don't be shocked if Dame goes 4/15 againt the Jazz. Dude went 5/18 and 1/8 from 3. Is this a surprise? This dude literally is unplayable. Almost every night. Yo. Jon Horst better figure out how to get rid of this dude.

  5. When Dame plays bad its causa he's going through stuff🤣🤣🤷🥱😢🤔. When Dame makes a few shots it's Dame Time. I'm so done🤣🤣🤣

  6. Remember lillard wanted miami only trade you guys took a risk He really dont want to be there his game been horrible most of the season horrible shooting no defense.

  7. As a Celtics fan I gotta say… “we warned ya!” 😂😂😂 Doc doesn’t play the bench or anyone who’s young! We lost a ring in 09 because of that reason. Starters got so tired they couldn’t rebound!

  8. This is why Dame as a All Star Starter is a big joke! Mitchell and Brunson play a lot better than Dame TBH! He shouldn't be on a ASG East roster at all.

  9. Man I thought Boston media was bad 😂. Our locked on show is the only one I can stand watching. The rest of them are terrible. They will complain about everything. Had the nerve to question if JB deserved to be an all star!! Then they wonder why he didn’t really like Boston early in his career!

  10. They're burning out already. The push to win at a high scoring pace is catching up with them. We'll see .

  11. Finally AJ Green gets minutes, no idea why it takes coaches so long to play their best players, he got tired though cause he's not used to playing that many minutes, the more he plays the more in shape he'll be for more minutes and be hitting 3s at the end of the game

  12. Why is marjon not playing anymore ? It's probably because he's on the trade block and one of the dumbest things I heard from the buck's. Fanbase is Trade Dame. Is that the most insane thing you've ever heard?PS. Buck's announcing team Stop trying to convince me that AG Green is some great shooter Unless I actually see him , do it during a game He's just a guy Nothing special

  13. You are to soft on Doc Rivers. True only a few games as HC…BUT historically Doc CUDDLES his main star and the hell with all the other peasants. Embiid, Harden, Simmons…Paul the list goes on. Sorry no Chip here for sure!

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