@Golden State Warriors

Stephen Curry talks 60-point Performance in tonight’s loss vs Hawks, Full Postgame Interview

Stephen Curry talks 60-point Performance in tonight’s loss vs Hawks, Full Postgame Interview

Uh Steph obviously not the results and what you wanted tonight but still had a moment to make NBA history now you’ve told you’ve tied Kobe Bryant rather uh as the second player to scor 60 points over the age of 35 don’t want to date you or anything like that a second game

Of a backto back what what type of Zone where you in tonight you know trying to get your team this Victory and having such a phenomenal performance uh that’s pretty cool I didn’t know that is that that was his last game yep that’s special granted we lost

Um it’s just one of those things you kind of feel as you go knowing we’re on a back to back coming in late trying to uh you know do whatever you can to keep our team in it just make shots take what the defense gives you force the issue if

You feel it I think in that fourth quarter we’re very decisive on just trying to get me you know good looks creating some confusion thankfully a bunch of them went in I wish that last one would would have went down had a good look at it but it’s frustrating

Obviously not coming away with the win knowing a couple plays here a couple plays there it’s a different outcome and you know we’re celebrating individual performance like that but just asked to the frustration of our season Steph you had another 20po quarter that’s up to 45 now the most in

NBA history how do you determine when to just take over and then when to facilitate there’s a kind of a subconscious feel of the game though and you can be more aggressive to get to your spots and you might not see as much resistance and it’s just a matter if you

Make or miss the rest of it just feeling the flow of the game and um I think at a certain point when you have you you hit a couple and you get good looks at The Rim you’re going to kind of come back to those with the mindset of being aggressive the

Score and you know there are certain games you know we don’t really have we didn’t have much going Lester played well uh shot the ball well uh but from three like we were struggling a little bit as a team so there is a certain point when you see

The score see the fourth quarter like let’s let’s let’s go stepa two questions what it mean to you you uh when you come out on an opposing field and uh see fans start to turn actually cheer for you as you do what you do and second of all how’s your

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ helped you as you navigate through a tremendous career uh being a dad uh being a parent and also now uh moving into PJ golf as well um my faith it guides me and everything it’s not really it results on you know what happens on the court

They’re just blessed to have this stage to shine a light and and you know hopefully be some type of inspiration to anybody that watches me knowing I’ve been giving some amazing gifts and trying to use them to the best of my ability whatever I do um and to your to

Your point about being in an opposing Arena and having the turnout that we do and the support you know it’s easy to find energy you know with that type of response and I never take any of that for granted knowing you know the ball will stop balancing at some point

And this is definitely special something that uh you know ultimate gratitude every time I get the step foot on the floor do you I mean does it feel like it was wasted tonight what you did in some ways I mean is that too strong a way to put

It or you can describe it however however you want I any game um that you have like even way back when I first had 54 in in the garden we lost it’s that’s the only feeling that you really worry but obviously it’s it’s a fun ride when

You’re shooting the ball the way that you are and trying to you know get to the finish line and like I said have a have a w to show for it um you know if that last Runner goes in it’s a different story but um it sucks to not have something you

Know to show for it especially the way we all fought given everything we had in the tank um you know with with with the back to back and everything that we we went through how bigger picture where you at right now with with like where you guys are uh I mean it’s tough

Because I mean you look out we had we’ve had some of the guys out and kind of revolving door you know he wigs goes out of half time JK fouls out fourth quarter I think at one point it’s really cool to see a different look I was out there

With Trace Lester G and Brandon bimy like if those guys are taking steps and building confidence I’m pretty sure if anybody asked would you be out there with those four guys at some point in in the regular season you probably would have said no but we still had a chance

To win like that’s the challenge of this year is it was a entirely different fiveman unit that we had never seen you know all season so you’re trying to adapt and um and and allow that useful energy to to help us you know try to get

Over the hump so it’s been the nature of our season all year um what it was supposed to look like hasn’t really materialized for consistent stretches but again that’s the you can only be in the present that’s the challenge that we have to make this season salvageable

Uh know we’re still four games under 500 you know I’m I’m still motivated just got to you know stick with it you had the quote a couple weeks ago kind of the insanity quote that was taken as kind of you know you may be indicating you think a trade

May may need to happen I mean it’s deadlines you know nearing at that at this point where I mean do you think something I mean the rest of that quote was it’s up to us as players to perform play at the level that we’re supposed to so that those conversations and

Decisions maybe a little easier um and obviously I’m not a GM I’m not in that position where I’m getting asked that every single day my job is to go out there perform um the close you get to it it’s a nature in the NBA you can’t be

Naive and act like you know calls aren being made wherever it is but for us as players in the locker room you have to be able to control what you can control um and until it’s you know set otherwise or decisions are made like it’s up to us

To go out and and perform and and hold our ground as a team that’s you know a legitimate team that can win and if you’re not then you approach you approach things differently um when the opportunity presents itself Steph um you got an opportunity to work out with Trey over the summer

And um just what are your thoughts on what you’ve seen him as a player grow and of course the city of Atlanta they say that he’s been snub as an All-Star just your thoughts on his growth and um him being left off the All-Star team he’s continue to get better perform

His numbers um you know Allstar is there’s a lot that goes into it from the votes from fans media coaches it’s a competitive element you know at each position trying to you know be selected every year I told him after the game it’ll all come back to him if

He continues to approach the game the right way play with joy don’t let it build any type of resentment um because he’s not acknowledged I’m sure there’s a couple injuries on the East and it might not be the way that he wanted to get in but he’ll be there in Indiana being

Represented um and like I said if you continue to approach the game the right way if you continue to work at your craft you continue to do what he’s doing it’ll come back to him um my first year or the year before I first made it you get that snub tag it’s

Kind of like a chip on your shoulder and it’s a motivator um he can use it you know that that energy but I’m sure he’ll be there last one Sam uh circling back to Lester for a second how have you seen his game mature recently know he’s getting an opportunity to

Play and you saw tonight he plays with ultimate confidence uh he can shoot the hell out of the ball he’s taking defensive assignments and you know that one-on-one matchup serious and trying to impact the game that way using his energy in the right right direction um he played amazing

Tonight played amazing yesterday you know taking what’s what’s there for him uh and just playing with ultimate confidence however many minutes he’s out there whatever he’s asked to do so it’s uh it’s great to see guys rewarded for their their patience and their hard work behind the scenes that

Nobody really you know gets to see great thank you

Golden State Warriors vs Atlanta Hawks – Full Game Highlights | February 3, 2024 | 2023-24 NBA Regular Season


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  1. Said it last year .. Klay hasn’t evolved as a scorer he plays the EXACT same . Maybe worse since he’s older and slower . Dray is a better team player he doesn’t take unnecessary shots based on past accomplishments he’s a pass first and without him the warriors were struggling more he’s their playmaker so I’d keep him before I keep Klay

  2. Steph playing by his self either there going to trade at trade dead line or they going wait till end of season to make trades

  3. Klank will be the first domino to fall. Steph and Draymond can still get another chip. Moody has been READY to take over the 2! The only reason why Moody hasn't started for Klank is Klank himself. Klank: "You want me to bench me?"

  4. It pains me to say this, but Klay Thompson has become a liability. He looks washed up. Bad shot selections, bad misses, and very little on the other end of the floor. I'm at the point where I cringe when the ball is passed to him because I know he's going to shoot it and probably miss.

  5. 🔥know ll get some heat for this🔥by PRAISE JESUS CHRIST for thst courageous media person to HIGHLIGHT 💡Stephan Curry’s FAITH in Jesus Christ ⚔️🛡think the battle has always been with the NBA commission and also COACH KERR (Lebanon)- 🪢ties that bind us – and the spiritual battles therein – closer than they appear. ❌the ONLY TRADE thst will benefit the warriors – is REPLACING Steve Kerr

  6. Amazing game Curry!! Team gotta step up. Disappointed to see Klay only had 10 . Does Klay shut down when Curry turn up???

  7. day 1000000 klay doesnt do anything but try to shoot 3s, he doesnt try on defense. and can be filled with effort and not floppin ur hands every play. i dont wanna hear about his 1 defensive play. we need effort all game on d and he literally never ever does it. and when he does you can clearly tell night n day

  8. That's the energy of Black Hollywood lol, Everybody shows out in Atlanta. Don't know if that's a good thing or not 🤔 great atmosphere!

  9. First of all, Kobe didnt need over time to score 60, and second Kobe actually won the game which is what matters after all.

  10. Curry legit needs help and no one is consistently stepping up. Podz, Klay and Kuminga need to put in mad reps.

  11. Question: Did you know a couple years ago, this warriors roster was pretty much a guaranteed finals trip? Just these three (Klay, Green, Curry.) Isn't it crazy how time flies?

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