@Portland Trail Blazers

Portland Trail Blazers vs Denver Nuggets Recap | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

Portland Trail Blazers vs Denver Nuggets Recap | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

Got stre it’s he got the stre what’s going on everybody welcome into the Blazers uprise post game show here on a Sunday night it’s the final game before the trade deadline the Blazers have 3 days off and given that it was the final game before the trade deadline

Malcolm brogen and Jeremy Grant both set out this game we’ll talk about if we can read into that at all later on in this stream we’re going to have content preview in the trade deadline over the next three off days but as far as this game goes Eric the Blazers compete in

Denver for the second game in a row lot of good things from this game but they do end up losing as the Nuggets go on a 23-2 run late in the third early in the fourth and put the Blazers away uh this was a game as I said

Without without Grant but the Blazer still showed up Blazer still competed they had a nine-point lead they were up 80 what was it 84 to 75 something along those lines and uh just could yep could not hang on but they did some impressive things in terms of building that lead on

The road against the defending champs DeAndre Aon massive game for him maybe his best game as a Blazer we’re going to talk about DA’s improved play as of late we’ve been able to talk about it recently but this might have been the best game of his season he had some

Dimes he uh had some takes to the rim scored efficiently against niik yic 13 for 19 for8 and 27 points nine rebounds four assists good game for him Anthony Simons 8 for 18 he had 26 points nine assists six rebounds passed the ball really well scoot Henderson Off the

Bench almost has a triple double he did not shoot the ball well three for 16 but did have 14 points nine assists eight rebounds three turnovers so there’s some good and some bad to talk about from him tonight and Chris Murray got the start in place of uh Jeremy Grant and 4 for

Seven for him eight points in 20 minutes he had some good performances there was of course some struggles Jabari Walker two for eight um Justin maniah gets 10 minutes off the bench D Rath plays 13 minutes including sometime next to Aon so we’re going to talk about that little

Lineup combination that we haven’t seen this season and tamani Kamar hits a couple threes and was a team leading plus 10 in this one so we got a lot to talk about in terms of breaking down this game but of course we are going to focus at some point with trade deadline

Talk and once again this postgame show is brought to you by bet us you can receive a 125% deposit match with our link down in the description box below with the Super Bowl a week away we’re going to take a look at the updated lines for that as well as some trade

Deadline stuff that Eric went into on a video that he dropped last night good job on that video Eric thanks yeah and if you guys haven’t watched it feel free to check it out but we’re going to take a look at those lines a little bit in

This show as well that’s what we have on tap thank you guys for tuning in and ton and we got ton yeah it’s going to be a pretty jam-packed show man um it’s funny before going live with the stream our chat is just already drunk we got people

Saying this aan was the worst player on the team tonight we got people say saying stuff about scoot as if he hasn’t been efficient the last five games and our chat before we went live was much more negative than than we were feeling like I don’t feel bad about this game

You know that run sucked and we’ve seen the Blazers have bad late game runs like that but it’s kind of different when you’re on the road in altitude against the defending champ so Eric like how are you feeling about this game was this a good loss uh what are your

Thoughts um I don’t know if I’d say good loss but I I was pretty pleased with the way they they came out um I feel like they just kind of lost steam when you don’t have many go-to scores uh especially without sharp out there if sharp was there they could have

Left two out of the three guards in there at all times and maybe found a way to not have such a long scoring drought uh in the four into the third uh beginning of the fourth quarter um and so uh yeah I mean it’s tough cuz Jabari uh was really bad tonight uh

Chris uh I thought had some really good moments um we’ll get into all that but um I I just I felt like we just didn’t really have a lot of options outside of eighton and the two guards in terms of scoring or getting a basket when the

Offense is uh breaking down I thought for the most part up until that moment they did a really good job of moving the ball and getting good shots and they were getting everyone involved um and especially trying to get Aon involved everyone was making an effort to get him

The ball and that was really cool to see and Aon was taking advantage of it and uh man um I just I don’t know what you can do with their they’re double teaming ant 5 feet behind the three-point line and uh you can’t play eighton and scoop

48 minutes all alt together so um you’re going to have minutes when players are out where you don’t have guys that could take advantage of those double teams and I thought um eventually Denver’s defense just wore down on us um but I I feel like we played pretty well this whole

Game I I’m not I’m not really that upset about it yeah during that stretch there was some some defensive lapses that are kind of inexcusable I thought they did a good job defending before that you know what I mean it’s hard to put together 48 consistent minutes with a young lineup

Against a team like Denver obviously coming off a championship um but this is the type of game where I think Shaden sharp you know if you’re just looking at this roster long term this lineup long term if they trade Brogden and Grant this is the type

Of game where Shaden sharp would be the guy I think would be thriving off the attention given to ant um and being able to take advantage of some of the backside defense when Denver was sending two guys ant way um and the thing is is offensively like despite scoot having a

Lot of shots that rimmed out like he was three for6 they still had a nine-point lead in the in the third quarter right Denver turns it on and we just we had a a stretch where we struggled man I mean if if you take out that run we’re winning this

Game by by double digits um and that’s where as this young Corp gets a little bit more experience a little more reps a little better hopefully they don’t have such bad LS where A team’s going 23 to2 run again them so that’s where I think

This this game was a positive for me I think when they ended up going on that offensive lull that they had I don’t think it was just due to them stagnating like some of their previous second half offensive LS that they’ve had earlier in the season like there was a couple posss

Where I thought they moved the ball well and just couldn’t hit a shot and they’re battling on the offensive glass all night long um and and the thing is is I’m okay with saying you know some shots didn’t go if you’re working to generate high quality shots that’s always been

The difference is I I never like using the we didn’t make shots excuse when you’re settling for tough shots and not trying to move the ball not trying to work for better shots if you’re working for better shots and then you’re not hitting them then you can say you know

What we just missed some shots that we could have hit especially Scoot and we’re going to have to get into scoot pretty soon but scoot’s been efficient the last 10 games aeromancer shout to his him for this stat had a 61% true shooting percentage that’s efficient

Offense so you know it’s nice for scoo you can look at this not like man this is just another game where he’s just horribly inefficient recently this type of game you can look at it like an outlier and he still passed the ball well three to one it’s just a turnover

Ratio rebound the ball well so with scoot with ant those guys did have some plays where they struggled you know a had four turnovers but I think they did a really good job setting up Aon throughout this game and that three-man duo was Simon Scoot and Aton I think

Looked really good together and would have looked even better if scoot just hit some shots that he had been hitting lately yeah absolutely uh I felt like that’s kind of what happened there at uh at the end of the third quarter scoot just didn’t make some shots that he was

Hitting earlier um in the or not earlier in the game but um over the last few games he’s hit more of those shots and uh I I didn’t think he forced any shots that he shouldn’t have taken and uh I’m I I already have issues with with chat

And this it’s so ridiculous I I hear I’m just seeing of course it’s Gregory dunden and uh this time it’s Kyle Neely talking about how ant just ISO the whole game didn’t pass the ball at all like what are you guys freaking talking about in the first half we had our highest

Assist total of the entire season we had 19 assist assist at halftime we had 29 assists for the game yes we we didn’t have we only had 10 assists in the second half dude I am so sick of Gregory Dundon saying he didn’t say something after he says it you just said I

Completely agree with you uh Kyle Neely after he said Aunt didn’t pass the ball like it just man yeah I mean not to just box score watch but if a dude has nine assists had to have passed the ball at least nine times to set up his teammate for a good

Enough shot that they made it you know what I mean a took 18 shots in uh 38 minutes and 42 seconds of play that’s a pretty low shot rate for being the clear number one option offensively on the court so I don’t really understand having a problem with ant in this game

He tried to get teammates involved sometimes it was to his detriment he had a few turnovers where he was trying to get his teammates involved but I just don’t understand the The Narrative chasing in chat today man um and I don’t understand having such an issue with him to say that he didn’t

Pass the ball in a game where he got nine assists in a game where part of the reason Aon played well was a was doing a good job setting them up and unfortunately ant was injured earlier in the year and then when ant came back Aon

Was injured so those guys are still in my opinion in the chemistry building stage and they’re finally I think starting to gain some chemistry I think that’s part of the reason why Aon has started to play better is because he and ant are getting more used to each other

And ant draws a lot of attention that Aon can then exploit and we saw that take place throughout the majority of this game so I don’t understand any comments saying that ant doesn’t pass the ball and selfish is blah blah blah blah blah because that’s literally not

What happened and I feel like people at times just get too caught up in chasing a narrative that’s like anti you know trading Brogden you know they’re against trading Brogden so they’ll try and fit anything into that narrative or they’re you know against ant they’re not an ant fan so they will

Come in here after a game where I think ant distributed the ball pretty well and he had nine assists and they’ll say he didn’t pass the ball so end of the day stop trying so hard to chase narratives I’ve been critical of Aon all season long but it wasn’t a situation where I’m

Chasing that narrative Aon today played really good aon’s been really freaking good lately okay I don’t have enough Pride to where I’m just going to try and nitpick any little thing that Aon does wrong during the course of a game I’m just going to look at his entire game

And give my honest thoughts and not get so caught up on chasing a narrative aon’s been really good so I I just ask that people try and do the same with ant because that is not how he played this game at all YK well Kyle says scoot was

Just feeding ant over and over scoot needs to learn to be the man main ball handler hit ant as two guard for better shots for ant they were the same they they were both hitting each other they were both doing a good job they were both they were both hitting Aon an

Incredibly amount of times they were both doing that like I don’t I don’t understand saying one was doing it one was the other and we don’t have to Pigeon them hold pigeon hold them into being this guy has to be the one this guy has to be the two because if

Anthon’s the one you see how much attention he’s attracting off double teams if scoots the outlet to pass if aon’s not open scoot can pack a 4 on3 situation and he’s doing a much better job of doing that than he was earlier in the season and that is why they’re

Playing together better because both aunt and Scoot are both looking for Aon a ton they’re they’re literally trying everything they can to get the ball to eight in almost every possession like that they need to or that he’s he’s open and then whichever one has the ball they’re

Doing a really good job of getting the other one open shots it it’s it’s going both ways like I don’t understand making like being hard on one of them and not the other one yeah because only one of them is seeing an incredible amount of defensive attention the other one still

Isn’t there yet scoot should probably get there eventually but right now teams are fine letting scoot try to take over versus Anthony no team is letting anr do anything uh that he he wants on on offense like I so I I just don’t understand criticizing one but not the

Other yeah and and let me just say this so scoot had one made shot in the first half it was a open three in transition guess who passed him the ball guess who passed him the ball chat do you remember who passed him the ball

On that one shot that he made in the first half okay it was Anthony Simons and the reason why scoot was so open if you go back and watch the clip is two people ran to the ball two people ran to Simons because they were worried about what

Simons was going to do Payton Watson in transition was matched up against scoot Reggie Jackson should have taken ant but Payton Watson left scoot to go guard ant it got Scoot a wide open three ant made the pass and it’s a perfect example of some of the attention that ant draws

That gets teammates open shots and he made the pass DeAndre Aton had five buckets within 8T in this game that were set up by Anthony Simons that were set up by Anthony Simons I like the way Scoot and aamp played off each other today um and I think that could be you

Know the back quar of the future and seeing those guys start to play well off each other and then incorporate Aon in that I think is a really really good sign a ant was pretty efficient tonight Aton was very efficient tonight scoop missed some shots but I think took good

Shots there’s there should be nothing but positives regarding these three players in the way that they just played in Denver against the defending champs and I just don’t understand nitpicking this guy and that guy so much that it’s turning into a negative because I think those three collectively

Were really good tonight I think scoot missed some shots that he has been hitting lately so you can excuse that the other thing scoot did was really good he set up eight and2 he had you know what nine assists as well those guys combined for 18 assists and seven

Turnovers you’ll absolutely take that obviously next time you hope this scoot just makes more shots but he’s taking the red shots right it’s not like he was forcing a bunch of dumb shots the lot shots just went in and out that’s fine that’s going to happen that happens to

The best of them that happened to Dame that’s happened to ant that’s happened to literally any good guard scorer in the league before and you can kind of excuse it because scoots been shooting the ball so well so there’s nothing but positives in my opinion from this game

From Simons Aon and Scoot and I really don’t understand the negativity and you guys know that I’m not afraid to criticize players or criticize things this is maybe the most baffling postgame show of the year in terms of chat with some of the criticism for any one of

Those three guys we’re trying to be positive about all three of them like we’ve been I’ve had my I’ve been critical of scoot we’ve both been very hard on Eon this year um but this is why we’ve been hard on Aon this is how a needs to play right and it’s going to

Make it when Aon goes back to not not playing like this because we all know he’s capable of it now like anyone who hadn’t seen this from him in in Phoenix or whatever now sees like oh wow Aon can dominate games he can be that dominating

Player he can actually drive to the hoop off the dribble and dunk the ball like wow this is incredible um so if he if he Resorts back to not doing that that’s when we’re going to get frustrated and be hard on him again but as long as he’s

Playing like this uh I’m I’m totally fine with them not I mean we we were wanting to trade him for an expiring contract and all that kind of stuff I still think it might make sense long term but I I understand it’s not going to happen and uh I’m I’m totally fine

With Aon on this roster if he’s doing stuff like this and also his passing has been greater uh lately too and if he can be kind of a weapon in that short rle with an occasional pass and an occasional just put his head down and get to the rim um that’s that’s

Uh it’s just it’s very uh it’s very intriguing uh when he plays stuff like that or plays that way and we’re we wanted to be positive about him we want to be positive about Scoot and people just come in here and I don’t know like it’s weird because we’ll be we’ll be

Told we’re negative again right yeah there’s some people that have just completely given up on him people that saying he’s not ready I mean all he’s done over the past 5 to 10 games is prove that he’s ready for a bigger role and it’s not as simple as is scoot ready

Or not that’s to black and white right and growth is on a I almost said a linear curve but it’s it’s going to be up and down okay and one down game doesn’t prove anything because I saw somebody at the start of stream saying like see this is why we need Brogden

Look at how scoot shot today even though there’s really no correlation with that because a lot of scoots recent good play has come with Brogden off the court and it hasn’t seemed to be much of a correlation between playing with Brogden and playing without brog for scoot lately he’s just simply getting better

Because he’s he was 19 years old as a rookie during the course of the season and he has talent that He had to figure things out that’s why I wasn’t concerned he works his ass off so of course he’s going to improve over the course of the

Season that’s not due to anything more than just scoop being young a rookie with a good work ethic and talent that’s going to happen so I I don’t like trying to chalk up one bad shooting night from scoot when he’s been efficient lately to Brogden being out because I mean he he’s

Played a lot of good minutes lately with Brogden off the floor and at some point scoot’s going to have a bad shooting night he’s not going to shoot over 50% from the field every game for the rest of his career as much as I wish he would you

Know so at some point need to take a step back realize that you know scoot he had some shots going in out he had a couple misses that were maybe you know not so close on threes where he hit like the side of the rim but that’s going to

Happen it’s like he’s been shooting almost 36% from three since coming back from his injury since he started wearing the goggles and that’s good enough that’s good enough like for a rookie right with the shooting questions that he had and the shooting slump that he

Had at the start of the Season where he was two for 24 so I think people just need to take a breath on you know scoot going three for 16 I think people need to stop stop trying to criticize ant no matter what happens on the floor

And that’s it and that’s it so I mean it’s like the dude the dude has nine assists and sets up teammates all game has some turnovers because he’s trying to set up teammates and coming in here and saying a is such a black hole on offense is just factually incorrect

That’s not even an opinion that just literally is is is not even true it’s not Beed out by anything I can go back and find 18 to 20 plays where aunt made a good pass to a teammate because while he had assists he also has some passes

To players that then miss shots okay so I I just don’t understand I don’t understand coming in here and just making it out like Aunt never passes the ball when that’s clearly not true that’s misinformation and name one player in the entire NBA that doesn’t occasionally shoot the ball

When you’re a good scorer like it doesn’t mean you’re being a ball hog Anthony is like our only good scorer in this game like like I know Aon and and Scoot have been scoring well lately but like anthon is the only consistent guy this year that’s in scoring so like you

Need you need the guy to like take over and take some shot sometimes like you can’t always you can’t just pass the ball every freaking possession and every time he shoots it doesn’t mean he’s being a ball hog like he was definitely trying to get others involved his first

Couple shots in this game were all off of pass and the ball got moved around back to him and he was open and Chris Murray made a really nice play on a kick out where he pump fake drove into the middle of the key and pass back out to

Him uh that’s not a isoing or ball hugging like that those are like good all all around like all the players were touching the ball like I just I don’t understand man like it just it doesn’t make any sense the frustrating thing for me too is most of the time when he isos

It’s like five or six on the shot clock nobody is moving and everybody is guarded and that’s literally his only option mhm and it’s just I don’t understand how people don’t don’t realize that you know um that’s the thing is is in this offense especially without Jeremy

Without like Malcolm he’s going to have to play in isolation a little bit and that’s fine he can score the ball it shouldn’t be a situation where we never ever have a possession where anyone ever isolates okay we’ve been super isolation heavy so we have spoken out against simp

Relying all the time on isolation and pick and rolles right like you need to sprinkle and some other stuff you need to be harder to guard than just constantly relying upon that stuff I think this game offensively was you know us at least until that Denver run being

Somewhat tough to guard cuz we mov the ball we ran some good pick and roll like we we mixed it up a little bit played a little bit in transition you know scoot got that open three in transition for example example that’s that’s a team that’s harder to guard but it shouldn’t

Be something where oh a isolates and misses a shot and it’s and it’s the worst thing in the world because a lot of times he’s forced to he took I’m going through all his shots right now he ended up taking at least two shots with three or less on the shot

Clock and a lot of the other shots he missed were like off a pick and roll or him turn the corner like he missed a shot at The Rim that he should have made at the end of the third you know what I mean it’s like those shots are fine and

He’s 8 for 18 with nine assists that’s good so what about that nice pass an had on Drive Baseline all the way out to the top somehow SE scoot wide open for three um and that was in the second half so yeah yeah I mean like he he missed the

Shot where he’s trying to draw the foul with you know 6:30 in the fourth where he drove it Aaron Gordon off a pick and roll that was off a pick and roll that was an ISO a lot of his misses weren’t off ISO um and when they were it was

Because the shot clock was low I so I just I don’t understand man it’s just I think it bothers me because I think people are be a lot of people in this fan base have become extremely unfair towards him yep so they just don’t like him it’s

It’s stupid yeah it’s it’s yeah I don’t I don’t understand so nine assist for ant I thought he had a good game he did miss some shots late during that run where he tried to get the offense going you know what I mean and it’s like

If we’re on a stretch six minutes we only scored two points I kind of want it I kind of want ant to take it upon himself to try and snap the offense out of that funk because you could tell that the team was collectively losing confidence offensively starting to

Second guess things starting to second guess the next pass you can see them go into a little bit of a shell during stretches like this and you want your most talented scorer like an Anthony Simons in the past it was Dame to try and get the offense going again to snap

The offense out of that funk and during that stretch ant made a couple passes to Da like da missed a floater I think it was off a ant pass might have been scoop but um you know you kind of want your guy to take it upon himself before that

Stretch stretch Eric where they started struggling cuz a finished one for six from the field he was 7 for2 he was great just like the rest of the team when they ended up building that nine-point lead after that struggled just like the rest of the team so you

Know but but I want a being aggressive when the rest of the offense is struggling because he’s like the one guy in a game like this that can CRA on shot and like start to get things rolling again otherwise it’s a bunch of guys you know scoots starting to create a little

Bit but it’s a bunch of guys that need to be set up by someone who’s gonna be that guy to set him up it was ant for for a good part of this game so everything kind of falls back on him to do something in the first place so when

He tries to do something that’s not him being selfish or him being a black hole that’s him trying to live up to his responsibilities within this offense yeah so a couple things from chat Taylor Packer says he started five or seven then went to 7 for 17 not sure

Where he ended I understand why people get frustrated with his cold stretches okay uh so who was here’s my question do we do we just not want anony to shoot at all should infy not shoot the ball like what are you trying to say like I don’t

Understand what do you what do you what is your point should he not shoot the ball is that what you’re saying when or when should he shoot and then Kyle Neely says wow one and six in crunch time almost like what I was talking about Simon say been either the

First or second in every single category in terms of offense in crunch time for the entire season so to cherry pick one game to prove your point either way one and six he was not ball hogging and by that time the the game was Out Of Reach

Once we got down double digits anyway like it’s he was trying to make plays like it it’s just it’s weird Taylor Packer says how’s it’s difficult to understand that people get froz frustated at a lot of Misses in a row you’re way too emotional about this

Topic right now the whole team had a lot of Misses in a row and people were singling Out Ant that’s why the whole team missed a bunch of shots they had like two points in six minutes but it’s an a problem it’s it’s it’s it’s we’re going to use it to pick

On Ant after he was great throughout the first three quarters of this game and it’s on him to try and break the offense out of that funk like he missed five shots in a row he was still efficient he was still people aren’t coming in here giving him credit for making three out

Of four shots earlier in the game or let’s see five out of seven shots he started this game on I don’t understand that 18 points on 26 shots I’ll take it scoot had 16 or 14 off 16 shots like and yeah we’re criticizing ant for being

Scoot took 16 shots and made much less of them got to the foul line what the same amount of time yeah how how many times did he how many free throws did or scoot shoot in this six in the first just like just like Anthony which is

Good that six free throws and a half you know he’s been get into the line more and that will help make him more efficient when he misses shots but go yeah so scoot took two last shots they had the same amount of assists they had uh same amount of free throw attempts so

You can’t say one got to the line more than the other or whatever yet we see comments that say one person was great tonight and the other was horrible like hey it just it doesn’t make sense I’m sorry that we’re getting emotional Taylor but it does make us emotional

When we hear crap like that in chat like if you want to say they both could have done a better job of this or they both could have or you were happy with the way they both played is is fine but when you criticize one for doing something

That the other is doing as well or vice versa it just it’s weird man it’s weird has a different bar than the rest of the team says Taylor I mean if if Dame last year had this game the talk wouldn’t be as loud I don’t think but I

Mean this is what people criticized Dame for that I thought was a little bit unfair um a was a was good in this game he missed five shots down the stretch here’s the thing and here’s the other thing that frustrates me Taylor since you don’t understand why this is

Frustrating as a streamer that interacts with chat okay like like we’ve always said For Better or Worse we’re always going to interact with chat we’re always going to inter interact with Community we’re fans we talk with fans that’s what makes us different and law you love it

You know some people don’t don’t enjoy it as much when we get focused on what’s being said in chat but basically our postgame shows especially in a season like this are just a giant conversation okay is how I view and and ant when he isos gets 100% of the blame for

Isoing there’s no blame for the other four guys when they stand around guard and don’t screen for each other don’t try and give an a different option other than to ISO like it’s not just on the guy who’s isolating to me you can’t really blame a

Guy for trying to do something out of isolation when his four teammates are just standing around in place not moving at all completely guarded what’s he supposed to do pass it to the defender that’s guarding him you know what I mean like he has to ISO and create something

In that sort of situation I don’t don’t think there’s enough criticism for guys off the ball when they isos because they a lot of times they don’t move and I’ve seen plays where you know I don’t know if it sets or whatnot but like ant will feed teammates when they move it’s not

Like ant just completely ignores off Ball action or anything like that and ant fed guys this entire game so that’s where I think the criticism over him isoing I think is unfair to him because nobody ever thinks about it from the ball handlers perspective when you got four teammates standing around

Completely guarded and no other option it’s also weird that like earlier in the season when we get blown out or whatever we hear oh there’s nothing they can do about it they just don’t have the talent and then tonight we don’t have sharp we don’t have uh Robert Williams

We don’t have Brogden we don’t have Grant and they play a really solid game I think and just I mean it’s tough to play second night or second time in three knights in elevation against uh the defending champs too who are basically fully healthy right now um and

I thought they played a really nice game for the most part and I’m not going to kill them for missing shots or whatever you know like oh Jabari Walker and Chris Murray couldn’t overtake like Aaron Gordon and nicoa yic like oh man that’s man we suck so bad yeah like the same

Some of the same people that were saying earlier in the year what is what is bip supposed to do he’s got no Talent on this roster and like and we play like a great game and then they’re like well everyone sucks they can’t beat Denver like I don’t like I just I don’t

Understand yeah it’s contradictory in a way like that’s the thing with the the stagnation I thought for the most part we did a good job moving the ball tonight we had 29 assists on 39 field goals that’s like 75 that’s actually over seven yeah that’s about 75% of our made

Shot right yeah on our main shots on the season Weist 57 to 58% of the time and and the excuse has been well this roster can’t move the ball any better they don’t have the Personnel to do so and it’s especially it’s a narrative that’s especially used towards the youth

On this team right but in a game without Brogden without Jeremy Grant against the defending champion on the road a mile above sea level and altitude which is tougher to play in we got 29 assists on 39 field goals we move the ball well that’s why I’ve never

Bought the roster excuse for being unable to play anything but ISO ball if anything if anything if you don’t have ISO players or you know one or two guys that can do something in ISO but you know can also play off the ball you shouldn’t be relying on ISO and it’s

Just as simple as you drive they rotate you kick to a shooter if they get closed out on too hard they can pump fig Drive score or they can swing the ball when they’re getting closed out on or obviously they can shoot a three if the close out’s not there like it’s basic

Basketball principles all these guys are NBA players all of them can play basketball off each other outside of isolation and pick and roles I do think guys off the ball need to move a little bit more in freelance especially when like a has the ball because a lot of

Times they just kind of stand around and expect him to do something and that’s basically his only option but this roster is capable of playing like more than a team we saw it tonight and they they move the ball 29 assist man like no veterans yeah 29 assists when it’s not

Like they made 45% of their threes right they made 35% of their threes 46% from the field efficiency wise they were like okay today they weren’t great that they still have 29 assists they were good I think there were six of 10 in the first quarter from three that

Helped a lot um yeah and I just want to say something to Randy poell in chat um like Randy I mean honestly like sometimes you annoy the crap out of me and it seems like you just want to contradict everything we say no matter what we say we could say water’s wet and

You would be like no it isn’t but at least at least you usually have stuff that backs up why you feel that way and all that kind of stuff so I just want to say yes thank you Randy for being you’re still in here after we’ve had several battles and chat

And all that kind of stuff and you’re still bringing factual information instead of making up stuff so I just wanted to say yep yep um um but yeah in terms of the offense man I I just I don’t understand what we could have done differently in this game

Outside of uh yeah maybe move a little bit more like we were doing in the first half but when players just start missing shots there was one possession we had like four offensive rebounds on and it ended with eight and missing like a Chip Shot uh two foot or whatever and U I’m

Not saying um I’m not saying that uh Aon should have made it or anything what my point is like those shots were falling earlier in the game we got like several good looks at possession and we just didn’t um and then uh we we just wanted to make

Sure uh I don’t know I just I feel like the rookies um in particular did did a pretty good job in this game outside of just missing shots and and I I I’m not going to kill him for that like it it’s a big moment to play against the defending champs when you’re

Rookie and uh scoot had a great game on Friday um he just didn’t make the shots he was hitting the last few games it’s just it’s it is what it is man like I I don’t know I don’t know I’m not I’m not usually they just miss shots guys but

Tonight I feel like that it was you know yeah um yeah scoot okay we got a scoot hater in chat I’m gon to call him that because he has said multiple times he’s done with scoot he’s given up on scoot waste of a pick okay this this fox 250 dude in

Chat says scoot been missing shots for over two years now it’s almost like he’s an 18-year-old 19-year-old teenager playing against Pros bro have more patience it’s 2 now we now he’s 20 now he’s 20 but H dude why are you so impatient with him why are you so impatient a lot

Of rookie guards struggled with their efficiency scoot’s been very efficient lately he’s gotten a lot better A lot better during the course of the Season just have faith because here’s the thing here’s the thing with scoot he works his ass off and he has talent and

He has athleticism he just has to figure out how to properly use that athleticism and he slowly maybe not not even slowly he’s figuring it out he’s figuring out how to use his athleticism his jump shot has been better he’s been shooting almost 36% since he came back with

Goggles there’s a good chance he just needed freaking contacts that he wasn’t wearing before when he started two for 24 from behind the ark to start the season right so just have some patience with him I don’t understand like almost every comment I see from this from this

Fox guy is is something super negative about Scoot and I’ve been saying all year long it’s funny because I had somebody on Twitter say like basically I’m paraphrasing but basically telling me that I was saying scoot was a bust earlier in the season bro I’ve been so defensive over scoot like in

Terms of I’m not concerned about him after games where he goes like One for 10 right like I’m not concerned about him here’s what he needs to get better um I’ve described what he’s struggling with I think pretty accurately in my own opinion all season long and it’s like I

Understood why people would be frustrated with scoot like a month ago and maybe saying things that were a little bit over reactionary but were concerned I understand that I don’t understand it now after he’s been playing the way he’s been playing because the way he’s been playing is the

Exact type of improvement that I wanted to see out of him I wanted to see him start putting together efficient games in entire games and sometimes he unfortunately doesn’t get the chance because he doesn’t play a bunch in the second half but he started to put together performances that I was hoping

To see out of him and it’s not like they’re against Detroit or really bad teams he’s been doing it against some pretty solid opponents I don’t know what else you could have wanted to see out of scoot the last 10 11 games or so so at

This point it’s like okay well he showed Improvement maybe it’s not to the level that we all expect but it’s some Noti noticeable Improvement so that’s more of a reason to remain patient with him because of the Improvement he’s shown and it’s clear that he’s working hard

Even during the season and I think he’s going back on defense yeah I mean I don’t know what that is but um he’s he works he works hard off the you know he works hard on his game okay so at this point he’s showing enough Improvement to

Just sit here and be like okay well I’m I’m just going to remain patient with him he just turned 20 he’s playing the point guard spot which is arguably the toughest position to play as a rookie coming into the league and he obviously has talent he obviously has talent and

He’s starting to Showcase that athleticism his athleticism didn’t just randomly disappear from the G League Eric he just didn’t know how to use it in a way where he was under control at the highest level in the world he’s starting to show that it’s he’s still he

Still has a long ways to go but he’s still very early in his career and I expect him to look even better a month from now and a month after that and then next season I expect him to break out actually like I expect him to be a good

NBA player next season given what he’s shown lately and guess what if he still has some Growing Pains next season he’s still only 20 years old for more than half the season scoots just scoot’s like six years away from being in Prime okay we don’t need instant gratification every

Single game in order to not feel negatively about scoot yeah for me uh two of my main concerns were I thought scoot was going to come in and be somewhat of a legit passer right away and I felt like early in the season his passing was all over the map um some

Passes were good some were terrible um didn’t really seem to have a good feel for for his passing um I think that concern has been squashed a little bit I think his passing has been much more consistent the last couple weeks um and then my other concern was it just looked

Like he didn’t know how to drible a basketball sometimes um and he’s done a much better job of of just handling the rock better and and uh you know not just losing the ball or not carrying it um or earlier in the season he still carries

The ball a lot I’m surprised he doesn’t get car called for it more often but uh he’s doing a little better job of just being a little smoother with the ball um and uh so those those two concerns since he is a point guard were part of the

Reason why I was frustrated with him earlier in the season because I expected him to at least be able to dribble the basketball and pass the basketball because those were supposed to be two of his better skills coming in as a rookie um and uh so the only real concern I

Still have is his defense and his effort on getting back on defense and that is a huge problem right now because they’re on one of his turnovers where he thought wath was rolling to the basket and he threw a pass to the middle of the key

And it went right to a Denver Nugget all four Blazers other than scoot ran back on defense scoot just stood there and did not move after he turned the ball over and that is inexcusable ible in my mind you have to even if you’re not

Going to get back into play you have to put your head down and Sprint back as fast as possible and he is doing that very very often on on defense it’s been more often in Denver he’s had some problems he’s had some problems but earlier in the season

Transition but a lot of times it was like he’d step up and try and make you know deflect a pass or take the ball three quarters you know like in the back court when he should be getting back and like there’s some execution stuff or stuff that he’s

Trying that isn’t the right thing to try which in my opinion is still better than not trying at all and that’s the problem the last two games is there’s been a lot of possessions where it’s like he’s not trying at all and I mean we got a lot of

Home games coming up like it’s inexcusable I absolutely agree with you um you can’t excuse that I do want to see if it’s still a problem at home because then we’re going to have to have like a more I think an even more legitimate conversation about what the

Hell’s going on there yeah cuz I mean I don’t are the coaches just not seeing it or something like I don’t know what how they’re missing it if they’re not but um yeah he and so to be fair what you were talking about earlier in the season I

Think might have been a little bit of what you were saying that like and chat saying this too like um because because the Blazers like tman and and players like that were full court pressing Thal was doing a little bit um and I think maybe scoot was confused on whether he

Was supposed to full court press or get back or whatever um and so there’s two that that’s one thing but what I am specifically talking about is him like when a shot goes up on offense or he shoots the ball on offense or commits a turnover he has literally the last two

Games multiple times just stood there and not gotten back on defense and not even tried to get back on defense and I just I don’t understand that because like you said he seems to work hard and play hard all in every other facet of the game I don’t know what that is um

Causing that U but that absolutely needs to be coached out of him um I don’t I don’t know how you send a message when we only have like eight or nine players available or whatever but um like at some point some sort of message has to be sent that that’s not acceptable

Whether that is or not but outside of that I’ve been very pleased with how scoot has been progressing and just learning how to run the offense I I mentioned this earlier but um I feel like uh he’s doing a good job of playing off of anonine when he gets double

Teamed and attacking when he gets the kickouts um and and I think that’s a key thing because uh Kyle Neely mentioned this a few minutes ago in chat that he wants to see a or uh scoot take over the ball uh handling duties and setting up the

Offense in crunch time and uh that’s fine to want that but wouldn’t it be better if Anthony draws the double team and kicks the Scoot and then scoot H can attack that Advantage the four and three Advantage no know knowing he has someone wide open out of the for whether it’s

Him off the dribble or one of his teammates and then also um he can he can use his decision- making he can use his burst to get into the defense before they have a chance to recover um and and kind of mess up their rotations and

Stuff like that um like I would like to see that utilize more I don’t necessarily think it’s like oh well you have to play scoot on ball or you have to play anon on ball I think it’s good to have both of them being able to do it

And both of them eventually being able to play off ball as well well um because then you can do a whole a whole lot of things um and it Kyle says it takes ant out of the play but it doesn’t necessarily uh because you can swing the

Ball and when it gets back to ant it’s a lot harder to double team him then but I do completely agree I’ve said this multiple times when Anthony is getting double teamed and it’s a problem and they’re they’re having trouble getting into their offense run anony off ball screens

And that if he’s if he’s doing it off ball it’s almost impossible to double team someone off ball unless you’re leaving someone wide open and you can do that so yeah uh the the the way I just want to kind of talk about that sort of

Action a little bit um if you’re passing it to ant when he’s coming off and off ball screen it basically can turn into a deao pick and roll right because he has the ball coming off the screen once he catches it and then that big man can

Roll but the def defense isn’t going to be able to set up in the same way and if they do try and set up in the same way where the guy guarden the screener let’s say it’s Aon um is is playing up at the level of the screen then Aon can back

Door and since ant doesn’t have the ball with two guys on him since you know he’s coming off an off ball screen and somebody else has the ball it’s actually easier to give Aon the ball rolling out of the AY trap because you have the angle and we’ve seen it with like

Malcolm Brogden and a couple of the lobs that he had to DeAndre and where ant ran off his screen and he threw it over the top to Aon and Aon had you know dunks you know the Philadelphia game is a good example of that you’re able to have a

Little bit easier of a time taking advantage of that coverage um and it’s harder for defenses to consistently trap that so when when if a struggling with double teams and our offense is yeah you know but like struggling to to create right um I would like to

See us switch to running them off a a pin down running them off a curl and then seeing how the defense reacts and seeing if we can get him a little bit more space make it a little easier on him when the offense is struggling um

And then seeing if we can get Aon to slip out of that and get a backd door lob over the top to him because that’s the thing when this offense starts having these second half LS like they had during this 23-2 run is they struggle to get easy shots around the rim

So that’s where I think you got to adjust uh when the offense is struggling you got to start running more of that action that has been a criticism of chony is he doesn’t adjust fast enough during the course of a game um but that’s the type of action that we need

To run a lot of especially when Sharp’s back because Sharp’s really good coming off of it Grant if we still have him Grant can do some things off of it and Aon you know if he slips behind the defense behind both Defenders on that action is a really good lob Target so um

I I 100% agree with you that sort of action would be good to utilize a little bit more and uh so Kyle says um and off ball would get much better shots if scoot draws doubles the problem is scoot I mean at this point of his career is

Not going to draw the same double teams that aon’s getting so they might hedge a pick um or try to trap him occasionally to see if he turns the ball over or not but he’s not going to get the attention far as far out because a lot of teams

Are going under screens they’re not even worried about double teaming him or whatever they want scoot to shoot right now so it’s just not going to result in the same action yet now hopefully scoot gets to that point or finds a way to attack the defense constantly so they

Have to adjust their defense but as of right now you can’t just say oh let’s run scoot in the same way we run Anthony and he’ll attract the same defense and we could run then anrey off ball in the same way um you have to do something creative like like um if

Anthony if he has the ball and he’s passing to Aon if he just Sprints to the basket off the double team like CU they’re turned towards the B away from the basket so they’re like flat footed backwards Anthony’s going forward if he just Sprints between them you could

Maybe do some give and go actions between Aon and him if scoot has the ball and he’s able to get the ball to aen at the top of the key aon’s now shown for a couple games now on ability to swing the ball to the the opposite

Side so if you have Anthony on the opposite side maybe you can get him some threes that way so maybe maybe there are ways to get Anthony the ball more um just from running the same offense um through eighton in the middle um but I I

Just I don’t think it’s going it’s quite as easy right now as just run the same offense but have scoot with the ball instead of a y um I think people think too black and white in terms alike this player needs the ball in his hands this

Player needs to play off the ball like if Scoot and ant develop to their full potential they both will play off each other and I think in this game they both played off each other I mean scoots only made shot was a catch and shoot three

Off a pass from ant in this game right and I think uh some of scoot’s best drives have come when he’s able to attack off the catch compared to like having the ball in his hands off the dribble and the defender starting to Sag on him because a lot of times when he’s

Able to attack off the catch like the defender isn’t necessarily like right in front of him five to six feet off and hard to beat normally he’s shifted towards the ball so there’s a little bit more of a lane there that scoot can use his athleticism and his speed to attack

Right I think the key is scoot has to continue to improve as a catch and shoot three-point shooter but there’s no reason why long-term scoot can’t play off of other guys um I think scoot coming off of corls could be a guy that’s dangerous right I mean I would

Love to see us set some back screens for Su Scoot and try and get him a backd door law because he can certainly jump you know what I mean so um there’s a comment in chat that says scoot is not a natural two he’s a one he’s the ball in

His hands to play his best don’t think moving him off ball is the best way to use him um it’s it’s never as simple as like this guy always has the ball in his hands this guy doesn’t because even if you have scoot is the one bringing the

Ball up when he gives up the ball he’s off the ball and he’s not going to be responsible for literally every single play um I think I don’t think scoot will be at his best if you just Spam him like triple double Russell Westbrook was you

Know what I mean and even at times that Russ would give up the ball and be off the ball so scoot has to continue to develop both on and off the ball and I think the best version of both ant and Scoot together are two guys that can

Play off each other with chemistry can draw multiple Defenders and then find a guy like eight and find a lob Target or you know open up shots for each other just like ant did on scoots 1 three in the first half and that’s why you need multiple Dynamic players and if you have

Ant and Scoot in the back court it’s not even something where like you have to pigeon hole one or the other as a as point guard or shooting guard they both can bring the ball up they both can play on and off the ball they both can

Initiate they both can run the two and you play basketball like that and you just go out there and you play um so that’s how I view having two Dynamic guards like that yep what do you think of dr’s point that ant’s dropping 25 but he isn’t helping his team to win I

Mean how is dropping 25 not helping you have to put points on the board and I don’t think people realize how awful this team would be without the defensive attention you seen you know like a night like tonight if if anony wasn’t there uh like we’re not we’re

Getting blown out by 40 tonight because uh who who would who would fear them I I just doesn’t make it doesn’t make sense I don’t know and we’re we’re not a good team like this is the same stupid crap you hear from National people and fans from

All over the US that don’t watch the Blazers oh Dame wasn’t a winner right Dame’s best player for like 10 years was CJ McCollum and three years was freaking Lamarcus aldrid like what how does that mean Dame can’t win like it just means that he didn’t have very good very good teams around

Him and when he had like a fraction of a good team he made the Western Conference Finals like it it makes no sense like it like I just I don’t understand the argument it’s like we’re just making stuff up to criticize people for no reason yeah I

Mean Dr dr’s driving me crazy because apparently he hasn’t heard us talk about the attention that a gets and the way he set up teammates today he had n assist and his attention makes things easier on other guys on the floor because D has a comment that says just because he scores

Doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to do anything else it’s not that he’s not doing anything else offensively he can do it all like I don’t understand he could space the floor off the ball as a legitimate three-point shooter and guess what when he’s off ball Defenders don’t leave him

As much as other guys so if you have scoot um near his half of the floor scoot’s driving lanes are going to be a little bit more open he’s not going to have Defenders just completely leaving a guy like Jabar Walker to dig in on his drives and it looks like an’s doing

Nothing but just the threat of him as a three-point shooter makes things easier it’s called floor spacing okay gra top five in the NBA a runs off a screen from Aon and Defenders overreact because they respect an’s ability to score and Aon gets a backd door lob ant doesn’t get an

Assist ant doesn’t get a bucket he doesn’t get points he never touches the ball but the fact that he draws attention opens up something else for the offense and that’s why I think it’s it’s silly to sit here and talk about a guy that can score the ball who who

Defenses guard the way they guard ant and say well that’s all he does because there’s so many things that open up off of his ability to score and he’s progressing as a playmaker he had nine assists today and a lot of th those double teams he’s he’s done a better job of passing

Out of them than I think Dame did at the same age so I I I don’t like it when we sit here and look at ant the way that Dro in chat is looking at ant by the way Dro is a really good friend of mine but bye Dr you’re pissing

Me off man yeah see you yeah um he’ll be back next stream or later like he’s he’s done for the day I’m I’m sick of Dr man I will gladly debate Dro in a voice chat and he he’s saying ant’s checked out he only can score in like all this crap like

This freaking annoying I didn’t know Dro was one of those man anyway let’s thank some donations shout out to Oscar member for 24 months says you think Grant and brog and sat because possible trades we’re going to get into that more in a little bit but Eric do you think little

Teaser do you think it had something to do with the trade deadline well I for one thought they should have arrested him after what whatever game that was last week I think it was the Laker game or no what game was it it wasn’t the Lakers um what game was it where like

Malcolm had 29 it was Philadelphia or something I don’t I don’t remember there was a game last night where Malcolm played really well I said he shouldn’t play until the till after the deadline again um and then uh the um I don’t know Grant had a back issue I

Don’t think Grant’s being traded but I feel like this was the right decision to set both of them since we don’t play Thursday I mean it could have just been a coincidence that they were both hurt but you don’t want either hurt just in case you trade trade them yeah um and

They should be at least Fielding offers for those guys if they’re not doing that then I don’t know what the heck we’re doing but um I do feel like it was the right decision to sit them and now we don’t play again until after the deadline and we can um we can

Rest assured that they’re not they didn’t get hurt in this game uh because that could have happened yeah yeah well that wasn’t a teaser that was like the entire point but thank youor yeah yeah I just we gotta get a couple things out of the way but yeah I

Do want to go in on that um thank you Oscar for the member message Michael Kroll $5 donation says if we trade brogen I think scoot can have an Anthony Edwards type of rookie season not trying to make unfair expectations I think he can do it um Anthony Edwards I mean is a

Pretty high bar especially at this point point because his rookie season is like what 70% over um you know I mean Anthony Edwards has become arguably a superstar in the league 25 and a half five rebounds five assists like he had some shooting questions coming into the

League and as a rookie uh you know 42% from the field 33% from three for for an Edwards I just think he’s a little bit more of a pure score and less of a playmaker than than scoot so that’s where you know scoot’s been a little bit more inefficient this year’s a rookie

Than Edwards was but is more of a playmaking threat so as a as a legitimate point guard but if he can have anything that resembles Edwards rise to start him I’ll be happy yeah um yeah I mean I know Anthony Edwards is you know obviously one of the

Best players in the NBA so I don’t I mean hopefully scoot be like that um but I think the more important thing rather than just say like oh he could be this player or he could be that I think it’s painfully obvious that he needs the keys

Like give him the keys and see what he can do and that’s exactly why I’ve been saying and you’ve been saying for months uh that we need to trade Malcolm Brockton it’s nothing against Malcolm we need to give scoot Henderson the keys and let him soak up as much of this as

Possible let him see what he can show as much as possible and just let turn him loose completely the rest of the season um he can still come off the bench and play 30 minutes or whatever if that’s how chony wants to do it but just let

Him in these fourth quarters learn on the job um how to how to play in those situations and how to attack the defense and all that kind of stuff so I I would I I think he could show a lot more kind of like what sharp did at the end of

Last season um and I think we should give him that opportunity yep you could have made the case that Anthony Edwards wasn’t ready to play more than 24 minutes a game was a rookie he played 32 though yep and look at him now he’s honestly like he scored the

Ball a little better but like efficiency wise 52% true shooting percentage scoot’s 48% um but scoot the last 10 games is 61% so if Anthony Edwards who’s ready to play 32 minutes as a rookie then I guess scoot is but I mean I just it’s not

About if he’s ready or not it’s about is this good for his development even if he’s not ready because guess what often times and this applies to all of your personal lives you can grow from uncomfortable situations okay you can learn from failure negatives can become positives believe it or not um hopefully

You guys understand that um because it’s it’s a good thing for personal growth like you don’t just want to be only put in comfortable situations that doesn’t cultivate growth as much as being put in challenges situations well and I would take that a step further and say games like this are

Monumental for growth because not only do you have the ending where you you know have some failures and you make some bad plays you don’t hit shots and you end up losing a game but you also have film now on look what you’re capable of when you play the way I want

You to play so if you’re a coaching staff be like look how the ball was moving in this first quarter we 37 points on the defending champs and we were doing it the right way this is how we need to play so you have some good

Moments yet you can show this is this is exactly what we need from you and this is uh then we also have some like in the second half it got away from us and this is what you need to improve and do this for for the whole game instead of just

The first part of the game so I like these kind of games and also this is now I don’t don’t remember if this is the second game or the third game we’re both brogen and Grant were out I think it might be more than two but I feel like those

Games have been like some of the more fun competitive games that we’ve had and people are worried about if we trade those guys we’re not going to be competitive um I thought they competed their butts off tonight and I I was really happy with their performance yep in the shot Bruce Davis

Remember 15 months says hi Tori hi Eric I respect you Eric opinion I respect Eric’s opinion I’m glad you respect Eric’s opinion I respect Eric’s opinion too thank you Bruce I appreciate you um shout out to Eric and all his crazy opinions crazy respectable anyway uh this postgame show

Is uh well actually let’s just take a take a minute on that um anything else you want to kind of wrap up from the conversations we were just have well Kyle says I honestly like ant I just really want him to play off ball more I think he would be so much better

Um I do think he needs to mix both I don’t think he should be one or the other and that’s that’s I think the problem that I have but but I don’t think it’s an amp problem Nate Jones if we had him on here um you know Dam’s friend SL old

Manager agent or whatever it was um he will tell you and he screams on Twitter all the time that Anthony needs to be the one and have the ball in his hands no matter what and uh he says it’s not a knock on scoot he just thinks

Anthon is much better at the one so like it’s just weird seeing people have different opinions on that I I think it should always always be a mix of both and not like one or the other or heavy on one or the other but Anthony has shown an ability to create create he’s

Now shown ability to pass and playmake he’s shown an ability to attract a ton of defensive attention and all those things can be used positively it’s it’s a little harder to use them off Ball but that’s why you got to mix both of them so you still get the defensive attention

And the defensive game planning loaded up for aony but then if you run him in a different way in the game sometimes then the defense is going to be confused on how to how to play when they’re thinking he’s going to handle the ball more so you got to have

A little bit of both but I don’t think you want to just like make one person the point guard and one person the shooting guard and and always have it that way well the goal should be Outlet the ball to either one of them as fast as possible the goal should be

After every rebound even after every made bucket give it to whoever whichever one of those two can get the ball up the fastest and give you a chance in transition or on the fast break and then at the very least maybe you crossmatch the defense or you put the defense in a

Position where they’re not um completely set up and ready to guard in the half court and then you can run some action out of that and then you have opportunities right and it might be you get the ball out quick to ant who pushes

The ball up fast and is able to get it to scoot and scoots in a little better position to maybe attack off of that than if you just like got the rebound stat waited for scoot to come to the ball hand it off to him and then

Basically the defense start run back and set up and then now scoot goes and tries to attack in that same situation so uh it’s it’s something where I want this team to run more I think this team has been good when it’s pushing the pace and

When you have two guards that are as dynamic as scoot Henderson and Anthony Simons you should be able to consistently put pressure on the defense in transition you should be able to get the defense on their heels and Scoot had a had a comment I think it was after

Last game where he said you can’t guard me if you’re on your heels right the goal should be to get the ball up quick and get Scoot and ant opportunities to attack when the defense is on their heels because I think we’ve seen good things from both in situations where

They can attack quickly whereas both an open three tonight yeah yeah exactly exactly so if the defense is already set up it’s a little easier to guard so that’s kind of a philosophy going forward that I want to see fully employed consistently with those two

Guys and even sharp if he’s in if you got sharp at the three then you got three guys that you can give the ball to that can push um you know sharp I think is a little better as a lane filler lob Target swing the ball to him he’ll

Attack and he’ll go dunk on someone um but when if Sharp’s in with both Scoot and an that’s more of a reason to put put the pressure on the defense in transition because of Sharp’s ability off of that as well that could be extremely Dynamic long term and that’s

Also part of the reason why I want to see uh Jeremy Grant and Malcolm brogon traded and then just start those three guys the rest of the year to see what that looks like to see if they can find some consistency in terms of pushing the

Pace and making defenses pay for it um anyway and you know what you didn’t even mention Tori shanen sharp I just mentioned shanen sharp oh did you I I didn’t I just talked about shanen sharp as a lane filler and as a no I meant on ball on

Ball oh oh on ball on ball okay on ball yeah look at what happened when he gave him on ball duties at the end of last season right um so yeah you could maybe run both Scoot and infy off all at times yeah or

You know if one of them’s out or on the bench or whatever um sharp shown an ability to handle the ball in those situations and run pick and roll and get to the Lane and stuff like that so you have three guards who can all do it and

So Gregory mentioned in chat um that some players are Combos and some aren’t Klay Thompson can’t play the one but Steph can be the two and come off ball screen or Personnel matters but in this case we have three guards who none of them are Klay Thompson none of them have

Like clay barely some of his games you know he score like 40 points and dribble the ball four times you know like he’s a catch and shoot guy or like a postup guy on smaller guards and things like that so we don’t have that guy which I think

Is a good thing because you can use all three of them in multitude of ways and you can you can really open up the Playbook and do a lot of different things in my opinion and uh that’s part of the reason why I’ve been frustrating with the coaching even though it seems

Like they’re getting better and all this kind of stuff it’s hard to tell whether that’s just natural improvement from young players or just if the coaching staff is really doing that but at some point they need to find a way to make these three guys um off offensively

Dynamic and not towards the end of the 30th in the in the NBA and offense like there shouldn’t be any way possible that three guys who can handle the ball and create are are that bad at defense and now you mix in a center that’s all of a

Sudden scoring like 20 and 10 every game and and seems pretty dominant inside is taking it strong to the basket like that you have like four weapons there and and you’ve had Grant too on this team whether he’s yeah a lot of dynamic offensive players right

So like now and brogen’s the type who can be on ball or off ball as well um so yeah just that’s why I’ve been frustrated so much with this coaching staff is they haven’t found a way to make our offense a little bit more dazzling with the amount of weapons they

They should have and then you hear the well what are they supposed to do they don’t have the Personnel or whatever and I’m not saying that’s what you’re saying Greg in this situation but um a lot of people have said that as an excuse for out stagging their offenses when it’s

Right last in the league so yeah it’s just it’s just weird that like we we have we’re talking about all these things that we could possibly do yet we’re still are we still 30th in offense like I I don’t I’ll last week or not but

Uh but yeah it’s still got to be near the end if not 30th we’re 29th oh nice who do we pass Memphis oh Memphis Yeah Memphis we’re still not as highly ranked as Detroit yeah for all the people that always worry about us becoming Detroit

Um yeah I mean there’s just a lack of creativity that you have a lot of pieces you can be creative with and the thing is Eric we talked about these guards right and how dynamic they can be we haven’t even mentioned that they’re all three phenomenal athletes they all three can catch a

Lob literally it should be a case if you start all three of those together you can set a back screen for every player in the lineup and if it’s there it can be a dunk you know so I I that’s part of the reason why I

Want a different coach than chy I don’t think he’s going to be creative enough with those guys as he should be but anyway enjoyed the conversation so far leave a like on the stream we got 232 people in here only 41 likes likes help us out it’s the easiest way to support

The channel we don’t ask for likes often um so when you can just leave a like so we don’t have to ask for him but I’m asking right now we appreciate it thank you for hitting that like button um and this postgame show is brought to you by

Bet online bet us bet us crap I keep saying I keep saying um bet us you can bet online on any sports you want with bet us they got Super Bowl props for you bets we’re going to look at here on BET us right now the ners Eric we looked at

This a week ago okay right now the ners are now twop Point favorites they were onepoint favorites a week ago which is interesting over under still right there at 47 47 a half you also got some coin toss bets that you can get in on here as

Well team calling coin toss will be correct like they got multiple coin toss bets here let let’s see what other Super Bowl props they have I clicked basketball I need to click football by the way Blazers only have two games this week Thursday and Saturday and uh so two games before the

Super Bowl for the Blazers and then now we’re into Super Bowl week with that game a week from now we’ll either be uh celebrating Tor or we’ll be super mad slash I think you’re going to be ready to give up Sports maybe um uh and then uh got the trade deadline

This week man what a week this is going to be yeah it’s going to be a phenomenal phenomenal week like you can bet on everything on BET us you can bet on the exact score at halftime right which like obviously it’s really hard to predict

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Could hit on with bet us but it’s always fun Super Bowl time to look at the props that are available you got cross Sports props right um which are interesting NFL golf what will be higher Travis Kelce receiving yards are highest scorer at the uh Phoenix

Open um which is which is kind of fascinating so I just enjoy going through and looking at all these can’t go through all of them so you guys have to go in your own time over to bet us with that link sign up and take a look at it but yeah some fascinating

Fascinating props Eric Jack Tilly says will you guys go live on trade deadline day with 100% tune in yes Jack we we do it every year we we should have advertised it more but yes between 8 9 in the morning on Thursday we will be live we’ll also be

Live if any trades by the Blazers occur before now and yeah yeah we’ll have more information on that in a little bit uh I haven’t seen this first TV advertisement BMW vers Kors light Kors light is the favorite you got vers helman’s you got drumstick vers Uber Eats nerds vers

Oreos I know a big thing you know on Super Bowl day is people love the commercials cuz this like the one time of the year that there’s actually effort put into TV commercials so you can even get in online for TV commercials so shout out to B us make sure you use that

Link in the description box below for your Super Bowl prop needs gives you 125% deposit match man that’s something that like there’s got to be a lot of people that already know will the order the commercials like yeah send us some inside yeah I mean maybe we just got to

Sit down and go through the commercials from every Super Bowl right and see if there’s any pattern to what types of commercials play first or not and then I don’t know maybe you can make a really educated guess on one of those lines oh man uh Zack says Trev yeah Trev

Trevan would be the guy to know like you know Trevon always if we ask him for like anything right to go figure out anything trevin’s the one that’ll go and figure it out quickly so Trevon is there any pattern to Super Bowl commercials let us know I know you can figure it out

In like 10 minutes um you can also get in on Gatorade color too Jack Tilly yeah um you can also get on Gatorade color uh they got a bunch of fun stuff over there at B us shout out to them for sponsoring the channel my high says 49ers can’t win

Without the refs what do you think of that Tor scared me that’s just a not good take it’s not a good take why can’t they win without the refs who what game are you hurt by that the ners won cuz you’re definitely hurt by something in the past greatly helped

Yeah like what what game did the ners get the benefit of the doubt from the refs in the past that you’re hurt by I just want to know he says I met Kansas City what that’s a pretty big I absolutely agree hell [Laughter] yeah oh man maybe you know what though

Maybe I won’t blame if maybe I wouldn’t blame the refs I’d blame Taylor Swift right like just kidding I don’t obsess over Taylor Swift there’s too many NFLs fans that obsess over Taylor Swift like why I don’t understand why people are so emotional about

It I don’t get it I’m not going to be sitting there blaming Taylor Swift this is a good question for you Eric Jimmy Gillespie says how many hours in Vegas is safe for a man in his 30s that has six kids back home in an angry wife that has a mean left

Hook have six kids [Laughter] Jimmy I mean we got Philip Philip Rivers in chat how many kids did Philip Rivers have 10 or 11 I think that dude had a whole compound man like yeah a whole a whole football team 11 that’s so funny see here’s the beauty of Las Vegas

In my opinion and why it’s my favorite City it can be anything you want it to be so if you want to just go and have fun and not get in trouble or whatever you can just hang out at you know Sports books and casinos and have like some wonderful food and all

That kind of stuff or you can get into as much trouble and as much Shenanigans as you want because there’s everything there so I I don’t think it’s a matter of how much time you can spend there um it’s just a matter of what kind of

Person you are if if you’re going there looking for trouble you can’t spend any time there because you’re going to get in trouble like within a few minutes of getting there if you’re going there looking to just have fun and and not get in trouble like with your wife or woman

Back home with the mean left hook um like then you’re fine in Vegas I mean I wouldn’t stay more than like five days or something but yeah that’s that’s about it have you tried telling her that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas yeah that’ll go over well Probably anyway yeah I’ve been to Vegas once in my life Zach Collins rookie summer league stint so didn’t get into too much trouble didn’t have too much money to lose at the casinos so uh just kind of went there to walk down the strip and enjoy the open alcohol policy that

Was fun that was fun I wish I wish I was going to the Super Bowl man but instead I’ll be on Twitter you guys will see me emotionally melt down one way or another okay that is coming without a doubt a week from today and I’m looking forward to it

Looking forward to it yep I’ll be in Vegas in April nice y nice you go once a year no I haven’t been I haven’t been since before Co I think Oh weird I think it’s like 2017 or 2018 was the last time I went interesting when in April are you going

Uh the 8th through the 12th I’ve already told you about this I don’t remember your schedule I got too many things to remember man um yeah it’s uh my daughter’s turning 21 and we’re Tak yeah I remember something like that yeah yeah okay so the dates like set

What date it has to be but yeah so am I going to be solo streaming or like streaming with Rich cuz they play on the 9th 11th and 12th yeah have three games that week um ditching me before the end of the season well I told you the 11th they’re going

To Thunder Down Under and I was just going to go to a Sportsbook and watch the game and do the stream with you so do the stream from the sports book well I might maybe not the sports book probably got music playing though I get us copyright yeah and drunk people that

My stream that’ be kind of funny though that would have to be on the whole stream just for a little bit or whatever but yeah yeah interesting interesting that’s funny cuz the 9th 11th and 12th are the last three home games of the year the home game before that or right

Before that they go on a seven game road trip and then they end the season on the road on Sunday April 14th this schedule is kind of weird with Road and home Eric did you know that we don’t play on the road again until March after tonight yeah wow a lot of

Games to go to yeah um it’s a seven game home stand and then of course you have the allstar break which is like eight days off in between that I guess it’s more like seven days off yeah like it’s like six days off Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday THS yeah seven

Days off seven days Z says me getting in a bar fight live would be awesome that would be awesome that would be awesome yeah guys if we get to a hundred likes Eric will get in a bar fight that’s what our content’s going to become when we tank this

Year AJ says do not look up Thunder Down Under uh you didn’t know what that was AJ that’s hilarious if it yeah I’m guessing when I was in Reno uh couple years ago it was I think it was quiet enough to maybe do it from this one of the sports books but

Yeah in Vegas I don’t think it would be quiet enough the background noise would be too loud yeah yep I agree um jail Blazers uprise yeah Eric streams from jail yeah we need you to go on some Adventures just for Content yeah sacrifice your freedom for

Content go to jail uh I can’t wait till there’s a team in Vegas I’m sure you can’t that’s why we call Vegas Eric’s favorite city oh dude look I got Luis Nunes uh saying he’ll meet me in Vegas and help me in my bar

Fight so I got I got one person on my side hell yeah Lou let’s go I won’t be there Louise so thank you for stepping in no but seriously if you want to come watch the game with me at a sports look or something i’ I’d be down that’s Thursday April

11th wow Eric and I have a huge thing in common Vegas yeah even even Kyle rocks with Vegas everybody loves Vegas the conversations like these are when I really love chat it’ be awesome though to be like getting drinks from uh like from the sports book and being live on

Stream I think that’d be fun yeah that’d be interesting I might I might try it man that’d be a little scary for me but although you handled yourself pretty good on the thoughts fired stream so it’d probably be fine I was so happy though I know I know I may be on

Vacation I’ll be happy right I think so I mean I hope so like the Blazer season will almost be done so will we be happy that the Blazer season is almost done I don’t know I guess it kind of depends on where we’re at we literally got 32 games

Left kind of we’re still watching like Brogden and and we like play our way into the eighth best Lottery odds cuz we’re playing them in April God that’s disgusting if we have to talk about a game where scoop plays 22 minutes in Mal play guys it’s time for

Ton since we brought up lottery odds I I finally remembered the perfect way to like avoid this hypothetical because I don’t want to even think about that at all we’ll go in four days oh my god dude yeah I mean next postgame show will’ll know basically is where we’re at I mean

Three days off and then trade deadline day so let’s look at the draft lottery John F wants me to broadcast from the Thunder Down Under show um sorry to inform you I don’t think I’m going to be attending that show I’m going to be going out on my own while my

Wife and daughter go to that show I don’t even know what that show is and I don’t know if I want to know you know what chippendale’s is nope oh I’m very wholesome Eric like I don’t know these do young people not know these things is

It just like an old thing yeah okay yeah yeah so well you know like cabaret shows in Vegas right like you know what that is Cabaret no like chicks dancing like like ballet like strip but no kind of ballet but kind of more like um seductive ballet yeah exactly sounds kind of

Interesting yeah um but yeah it’s it’s like that only with guys instead of girls oh well that that’s not my you know my speed but yeah uh you know if you’re into that I respect it um okay well now I think I have an idea anyway

Now I think it really is time for ton uh it’s the same old story Eric same old story Portland you know they lost a couple games they’re trying to dance their way to the top of the lottery odds but they’re struggling um but that Golden State pick could get better soon

Because they just lost in overtime to Atlanta which is the team that’s right ahead of in ahead of them in the lottery race Atlanta’s won four in a row Atlanta’s finally winning some games they’re only a half back from being ninth which once they reach ninth then

I’m starting to be like oh that’s a that’s a big jump in the top four odds you go from 14% basically to over 20 that’s a six percentage Point jump um he basically be a one in five chance we lose their pick but it could be ninth

But man I’d be nervous I’d be nervous like worst case scenario is their pick jobs to the top four and we don’t you know I’d be worried about like a couple teams including Golden State moving up and we fall to seven I really hope that’s not the

Result from this year of losing and being 20 games below 500 yeah but we’ll see let’s simulate the lottery and scroll from the bottom as we usually do 14 Lakers to New Orleans at 13 you got Utah to OKC at 12 you you got Chicago moving down one spot which means somebody moved

Up into the top four and I don’t know who what number was that 12th whoever was 12th moved up Eric that is Houston OKC via Houston OKC Houston Houston keeps their pick because it’s top four protected I believe right wow yeah I think so we I need to memorize the

Protections on these picks manad at 11 Portland gets Golden State’s pick at 11 so at least they get that pick at 10 Atlanta at nine Brooklyn to Houston so they don’t get two top four picks right cuz Brooklyn’s is unprotected I think right yes correct yeah so they could get

The top two picks technically in this draft which is but they have n nine in the top four that’s yeah pretty kind of what we’re hoping for right yeah exactly exactly at eight is Memphis at 7 is your Portland Trailblazers 7 again jeez 7-Eleven man

We have not had the best luck in ton this season it’s been pretty rough need to have somebody keep track in like a spreadsheet of our lottery results and see if we’re having worse luck than last year because maybe that’s a sign that we

Need to keep all our vets and go for the plane right Eric yep yep at six exactly yeah just based on ton Sims that’s it at six is San Antonio at 5 is Washington so Detroit doesn’t get screwed at 4 four is Detroit at three is Houston on Chrome this doesn’t slide as

Easy as it does on Microsoft Edge Microsoft edges better at two is Charlotte and at one is Toronto OH SAR is pretty good for them yep they get SAR Charlotte gets I don’t know who Charlotte would take Charlotte who can Charlotte take and pass up on the Brandon Miller’s looking like the

Second yeah I mean Brandon Miller all the rookies have been looking good lately like men’s been looking good lately sco’s been looking good lately so was Brandon Miller it’s pretty cool um this little rookie surge here but Charlotte at to I mean I mean topage if they passed on

Scoot I have a hard time seeing them take topage I feel like they could take Rea shet too bro did you see R’s game today no he went like over from the field and over from the foul line did he yeah he really struggled he’s been struggling with the shot

Lately I don’t know who I just I mean who would they take I’m so I’m just the draft is so much fun this year because there’s no consensus I have no clue mock drafts with Lottery over the offseason like doing a Lottery Sim to determine the order and then doing a

Mock draft Eric that’s going to be more fun than maybe any other year if we just pick based on who we’d pick because it’s going to be chaos like yeah like here I would take go ahead cuz like last year it” be like one’s W be for sure two is

Scoop for sure yeah three is either a men or Brandon Miller depending on which one of us was three and and then we both had a s five like I mean I think like Cody Williams here at too does make sense for Charlotte though yeah for sure

And then three see taking Ron Holland yeah Houston I feel like could be a Ron Holland yeah it’s like an emate type player yeah although Ron Holland and amen do they fit together long term H Houston I see going topit actually maybe but man’s kind of already a big point guard

Yeah damn this draft is so fascinating yeah so who would you I mean I have no idea at three but I don’t know they already have Jabari Smith and the problem is they got players at every position yeah well that’s why it doesn’t make sense I was thinking about

This yesterday too why the heck were they trying to sign Brook Lopez last summer I don’t know like when they had they’re trying to block shanon’s progress like like it’s exactly what we’re talking about right now with the Blazers you know like it just doesn’t make sense to have vets on

That team but yeah I mean it like I know they’re better this year but I mean for what like bringing in Dylan Brooks and Fred Van vet made him better for what like they’re not going to win a championship if they ever win a championship it’s not going to be

Because of those two guys I don’t think and they could always sign role players when they’re ready to try and win a championship this year would have been better for them to be a little bit worse and drafting here at three so I don’t know I don’t know

Um at four or three I mean Reay makes sense cuz he’s like a three or four and can shoot so could play off the ball like you know what I mean mhm although if there’s a star available I see Houston if they have like the third pick

Cuz they get lucky and move up I see them being at the Forefront and I could see them trading the third pick for a start imagine that you can’t win that way though so yeah yeah um at four let’s just say Reet three to Houston at four is Detroit

Which topage makes zero sense for them too Salon I could actually see that did you have Cody Williams going too okay and R three at four I mean call me crazy is there a chance that they could go like Reed sheeper at four I mean it’s Detroit so yeah I mean

He Reed Shepard would be a really good fit role player fit around their key pieces I don’t see Holland being a good fit with assar and with Cade I don’t see topit being a good fit the problem is is like they have creators that struggle to shoot right I mean like

Dillingham yeah and Dillingham he went off yesterday did you see him yesterday yeah yeah dude oh my God just a shot making his good defensive team too he’s a sniper yeah um he’s legit uh while we’re talking about him I need to read something for you go ahead

Um so re sent me this he sends he also sent me stuff regarding Dillingham so I might did he yeah yeah go ahead all right so there’s this thing where this person had these metrics let’s see what the metrics are um it was uh played at least 15 games assist percentage greater

To or equal to 24% um or maybe I’m reading that backwards 3 point field goal percentage greater equal 35% um three point attempts per 100 possessions greater than six height um greater than or equal to 6 foot one uh but also smaller than 6’3 um so he’s just looking for like

Smaller guards I guess yeah and then first round picks box plus minus of less than uh 10 and then less than 10 dunks made total so he doesn’t dunk the ball at all yeah and the list of players that it came up with that fit these metrics

And I mean this is very much cherry-picking but the list was Davon Mitchell Trey Burke Wade Baldwin Aaron holiday Kira Lewis Jr Payton Pritchard and in Holiday again so that’s basically six players that were all somewhat highly thought of that didn’t do anything in the NBA really or

Haven’t really done a whole lot but they were all like no they were all great college players right yeah so it’s very cherry-picked and um none of them other than maybe pton prit I think are as Dynamic of jump shot makers as Dillingham um and Dillingham is younger

Than a lot of them were in college right like wasn’t Trey Burke a two-year guy like he wasn’t a freshman when they went on that final four run I don’t think um multiple years when he was on made this list he was a freshman oh okay um I mean it’s just

Here’s the thing here thing anything with like metrics like that I’m not going to put too much stock into because with Jaylen Williams there was like four key separate metrics that he was all read in and it was like the list of players that are read in all four of

These metrics included just a list of all bus yeah and then look J look at Jaylen Williams you know what I mean so um I think you can you can craft you could come up with a list of full of guys that you know make it look like

Dillingham’s gonna be a star or a bus if you have like eight different things that you’re filtering by well I think the key to here is a lot of those guys were the guy on their team and Dillingham isn’t even starting on Kentucky he’s coming off the bench and

Reeves I think Reeves is scoring what like 19 points a game or something and they got Wagner and and Reed Sheard too so like I I just I wonder if he was on his own team if he like wouldn’t even be close to some of those pck you know what

I mean yeah yeah I agree 5050 with what you think they would do and what you would do Dillingham yeah I think dillingham’s the best player so yeah yeah yeah maybe jacobe Walter there but we’ll go Dillingham four okay so five Washington I think that’s Ron Holland probably sure because he defensively he

And kabali like the two and three would be something else uh long term and both have offensive upside um I actually love that for Washington um because kulali shooting the three ball well too so you don’t really have like a problem with both your wings being non- three-point

Shooters and you know you can kind of hope that Holland sheds that label at some point so five Holland to Washington 6 San Antonio gets topage they get topage so then we’re sitting there at 7 Eric with SAR topic re Shay Cody Williams Ron Holland and Rob Dillingham off the

Board I think we had to pick jacobe Walter then right man yeah oh God God yeah another guard another guard and we keep brogen too and then would you say jacobe Walter isn’t ready to play any minutes at all is the excuse even though we spent the seventh pick on him

Um I mean 5050 with who you think they would go with if you had to guess and what you would go with what do you think the what do you think the pick is I know javone loves salon and I have a sneaking suspicion that uh schmidtz does too um and

Uh we’ve heard multiple times from Cronin himself um that they want to focus or put an emphasis on making sure they’re scouting better internationally so I think uh ton might be the guy yeah I agree with that not just not just cuz I want to yeah Salon

78 is Memphis so we got salon off the board dude I mean they could just use a score like a sixthman scoring guard right like jacobe Walter I feel like makes some sense there although they have Marcus Smart behind Desmond Bane and jaw so like I think they’re going to

Be ready to win again next year so maybe it’s a player that can help him win but like who is that they need shooting they need offense um let me see it’s kind of hard without seeing The yeah I’m just looking I think buellis might be the solution there they have players at every position but he can play a 3 four and has size but I don’t know if he’s NBA ready or or or Eric or that’s Dalton connect I don’t as much as you connect I

Don’t think he’s making his way into the top 10 I think he’s going to be still available in the teens I think he’s a auto pick yeah I’d be surprised if he falls out of the lottery someone who I am completely out on but I can see Memphis taking yeah um

That um I think would fit considering who they just traded a couple days ago uh Donovan kingan you’re completely out on kingan yeah why um I just I was expecting more from him this season I feel like he’s just been really sluggish and slow and uh oh my I just I

Feel like he’s not quite as mobile as Walker kler and I wasn’t that high on Walker kler either we hated Walker kler me and you and I just I I know he’s got some Rim protection skills still um and he’s he’s better than some other options

At Center but uh I would I would take Missy over over kinging and I just I I don’t know like I I just don’t really see him being able to do because like he he scores a lot of his points off of uh posting up smaller guys and stuff I I

Think he’s going to have a tough time scoring in the in the NBA do you think considering their need of offense do you think maybe they would reach a little bit on Philip palowski there uh maybe because he he’d be a decent fit with uh with um Jaren Jackson

Yeah but uh yeah um Phil palski has also he struggled against good teams and good defenses this year um more so than worse defenses so maybe that comes into play as well see I feel like that’s a lot of guys on this list yeah except Dalton

Connect yeah you know what I mean like I just gotta give that dude credit for producing the way he has man like he didn’t have the greatest game last night against Kentucky but I mean like he gets guarded like a superstar like yeah but you know you know that like players like

That like you compare them to being this year’s hakz right but hakz went what 18th or something um pods went what 19 or yeah and probably shouldn’t have you know yeah yeah but I’m just saying like th those kind of guys always get ding for age um and and they should they

Shouldn’t but I just think teams just focus way too much on uh you know oh he’s young he has more offside than connect or whatever so I just I think yeah mid late late Lottery is when he could come into play I just don’t know

If a team would take him over any of these other guys what’s interesting is Memphis hasn’t been shy to take some older players you know lvia Rody yeah for sure but that’s been in the 20s not not top 10 they haven’t in top 10 the

Only guy they took in the top 10 I guess was Z Williams when they traded up but they should have stayed at 17 and taken Trey Murphy who was a little older so yeah yeah um I okay so who’s who’s your answer here

Then uh I want to dra do it to 11 and see what we have at 11 for us I don’t mind the balis one is that was he still on the board yeah yeah I think Bellis is a good good pick for them I’ll go with Bellis too like upside they have depth

And opposition so they can take a swing on that um okay so Bellis at eight so nine we got again at three they took re so at at 9 you got jacobe Walter still on the board re Shepard still on the board I think they take Walter yeah

That’s just another well I I think they they maybe move on from Jen green then yeah and then have like him a man and cam Whitmore as their long-term Reay off well ree is he the three then Walter could be their six-man scoring guard once they move off Van vet

And Jaylen green though so yeah I think jacobe Walter does kind of make sense um they just they got a lot of pieces but jacobe Walter at nine okay Atlanta 10 are we saying they trade to jont maray I feel like they keep them yeah uh I don’t

Know I think we almost have to trade him but if no one’s offering anything for him I don’t know what they do yeah um chat who at 10 for Atlanta this is this is where it does get tough I mean I they draft uh buffkin last year so they

Still have him in the wing yeah um if they move on from capella I could see them going after a center they need a two-way small forward though yeah and there’s really not one there’s not one right here though yeah so I mean they could honestly they could experiment with moving Jaylen

Johnson down to the three and drafting a four but there’s really not a four either you got like filipowski and a lot of guards yeah that’s the problem that’s the thing with taking salon at seven I don’t think would last to 11 yeah like this is where

Like Atlanta I think would take Salon mhm um I could see them I could see them going like Tyler Smith yeah or Ryan Dunn yeah which would be great for us yeah I I agree um so who do you who do you say then I could also see them

Going filipowski feels like such a hawks pick I don’t like it I mean see this is where I just this is where I’d just be like Dalton connect at 10 yeah you know what I mean like V was Atlanta I’d just take Dalton connect and that’s your three and you know at least

He can score and do some things is Kevin herder he’s better than Kevin Her he’s better than Kevin her though um or Reed Shepard I guess if they move on from deante can Reed Shepard play the two though yeah I think we can I mean he’s played a lot of two this year okay let’s just say Reed Shepard then all right I don’t really know all

Right so at 11 it’s Portland who are you taking we got um SAR topic Reay Walter Williams Shephard Holland buellis Dillingham and who did I not say somebody else was taken oh Salon cuz we took him at 7even so those are the 10 off the board so who at 11 for

Portland can I say chomi chomi went back to rise stock into being a top three pick next year all right so just I’m just going to list some names here uh so the highest ranked on tank ofon here if we’re looking at that castle filipowski Isaiah CER Donovan

Kingan not interested Missy is like I’m yeah Missy I’m probably more interested in for us I mean like Kier I like as an upside guess if you want to take a guard but yeah so you’re taking connect here if you’re if you’re the Blazers you have they call you up and

Say Tori here’s the draft board we’re we have the 11th pick you get to pick we’re we’re letting our our best fan pick our draft pick for us U you get to choose Tori are you taking dalon connect chat help me out in this scenario who should I take

Chat toss the name the name you need help no no I’m just I’m just curious I got to think about it for five minutes in those five minutes I might as well have chat okay I’m not going to think about it for that long real you

Know in real life but we got five minutes on the clock chat who we taking no dillingham’s off the board Dillingham is already off the board Taylor is is trying to get me fired from the fan base with Zach Ed um hoodie me man we are not chat’s

Not helping me man no try to give chat a chance to draft our next player you know and says you can’t let YouTube chat decide the future of a yeah see they’re all trolling so then who I take then they’re gonna you know nitpick that player to death as if they would have

Drafted someone better but the suggestions are hoodie mellow and Zack Edy and Mario honia and honia and an and Hunter Dickenson oh man you guys are crazy bronny James yeah um a lot of people saying DJ Wagner and saying we need more guards yeah no chamchi went back in the scen see until

Chamchi commits I’m going to say chamchi went back cuz I know like it with this Golden State pick with the people on the board like Eric’s going to take Tomi so there’s no conversation there this is more fun dude I’m telling you right now if we take a

Guard take I’m not saying it’s bad if we take a guard here because we we already got salon so there’s a lot of guards on the board yeah I’m I’m chilling right now I think Isaiah Coler is being severely underrated right now and I I would just take him if if we’re gonna

Take if if we’re open to taking a guard well who would you take say your like I I think I know my answer by now because chat has not moved me at all yeah I know you’re taking connect um I mean I would love to see some workouts uh Castle’s actually shooting

The ball really well lately um his last eight or nine games um but yeah still I don’t know it kind of scares me a little bit um I know it’s I know it’s stupid but I’m probably taking CER here uh I I just I think he’s one of the few people left

That you could still see becoming a star and if we’re just shooting for home runs um I’m just going to continue to take my shot at that yeah I if he wasn’t a guard yes yeah I you know I think connect has a chance to be a

Star yeah I don’t think he’s I don’t know I don’t think his upside is what Isaiah colier is and he’s older so is it it’s probably more than likely that he reaches that level but he’s high floor plus some like sneaky upside MH I just take connect and I just go into next

Year you trade thel you go into next year you trade Brogden okay you go into next year you have you know if you still want to if Jeremy Grant’s still here you can still start him at a three and you start like scooting ant and you have sharp Off the Bench but

Playing like 32 minutes a game or you can start sharp at the three if you trade Grant or want to move him back to the four right and then you know the other guy in that winging equation is connect and we need shooting yeah and I think he he’s good in

Transition he’s a movement shooter he’d be a really good con actor for scoot I think yeah um he’s a he kind of fits he has some sneaky athleticism okay so I think he would be like a good role player in our system I think we maybe

Need that archetype of a guy that can just be like a lights out three-point shooter and then like attack Closeouts and make a play yeah um and then like run with guys in transition so as Conor says it’s a connector get it yeah connect um defensively I have questions he

Supposedly went to Tennessee to try and improve defensively right but he might be a better defender in the NBA when he’s not asked to do as much offensively if anything going to the NBA is down downgrading his offensive role um it normally is for a lot of guys

But like it’s downgrading it in a way where it’s like not downgrading it because it becomes tougher for him a lot of the shots he gets in college I think he’ll be able to get in the NBA mhm so you’re just if anything maybe it’s slightly easier on him to be a Defender

Because he can put more effort into that side of the Court you know I I don’t know like connect’s just interesting in in a number of ways I’m taking him to to be that like shooting Wing Off the Bench nice um sleeping on Tyler Smith I don’t I

Don’t think we’re sleeping on him it’s just he’s weird he’s he’s so boring as a prospect to be like he can kind of shoot and like has some athleticism like might be a decent Defender and what else he he legitimately the night game I went to

They were begging him to drive more they were begging him to attack the rim and he just he doesn’t I mean still really raw but yeah like he could be good but if we’re taking salon you’re kind of just doubling up with a worse in my opinion a worse version of

Salon and when we have Jabari and Chris Murray and maybe Jeremy like it’s just Tyler Smith 11 just doesn’t really speak to me like I’d rather get get a wing um a wing shooter that can play some three and that’s where I see connect like I think connect is legitimately like 66

So um we’ll see what he measures obviously but I for the record I do not see Trey Murphy at all with Tyler Smith I don’t I don’t either I don’t I I mean I understand it like Trey Murphy was mostly just stand shooter in college but

He was more I think more of a shooter than Tyler Smith is and Tyler Smith you can say he’s shooting from the NBA three-point line so it’s a little you know different but I think his shooting has gone down Murphy’s also to me more of a wing and Tyler Smith’s more

Of a big yeah I mean Tyler Smith could end up being good it’s just yeah yeah I’m not I would I would maybe take a middle of the first round I don’t know if I’m taking him 11 though yeah I just think I I’m more bullish on conects upside despite

Him being four years older Taylor Packer says is the big board going to be this much of a mystery on draft night or more of a consensus form I know this draft is more mystery than most but will it be this much of a mystery I think uh

What what usually happens is so there’ll be some players between now and March Madness and stuff that have big performances that kind of solidify their spot like whether that be someone in the top five then becoming a top three Prospect um or someone like in the 20s

Bumping up to like Lively at the end of last season really started to play well and move from being in the 20s to into the lottery type guy um or middle Lottery um and then you saw kabali uh just shoot up draft boards I don’t know if anyone expect him to go

Seven necessarily but uh we saw that um but like so I think you’ll start to see guys like distance them distance themselves with some of the performances and then also now that all the players have to either uh go to the combine and measure and do all the

The um what are they anrio what what’s it called anthom metric yeah uh all those things um that’ll definitely create some Buzz both negative and positive for some players being shorter or taller than they thought um and then um yeah so I think and then you start to

Hear about how players are doing in workouts and things like that and that also helps you get a little bit clearer mind so there’s always pieces of the puzzle that helps you get a little clearer piece but like uh a couple years ago when it was the the Paulo banero

Draft um like we knew there was a top three we just didn’t know like what the order of the top three was going to be right um so there’s tears yeah and so like I think it’ll kind of form into that but I still like a guy like Ron

Holland I have no freaking clue you could go first or he could go 10th like I really have no grasp on where he’s going right now it’s just so weird that there’s that many players I could name like a a dozen players that are like

That for me yeah I mean if if Holland could shoot he would be the number one pick in my opinion yeah maybe SAR over him but that’s cuz he can defend at a really high level and he has a really quick First Step uses his body really

Well on finishes which he’ll have to do in the NBA like that’s an NBA skill that he has um it’s just this shooting dude he’s 24% from three yeah um so that’s that’s the thing if he could become a three-point shirt I could see him being a borderline Superstar is just

Somebody that can attack the rim like I could see him being like Jaylen brownish in a way yeah um I think that’s actually a pretty good comp for him but we’ll see we’ll see um that shooting is just the the thing that’s knocking him down draft

Boards so and then a lot of guys buellis isn’t shooting the three ball well and that’s why he’s fallen you know guys that you expect to come in and be like respectable three-point Shooters haven’t been and they have skills or intriguing things in other areas you know Bella 611

Can kind of handle right um the expectation was he was going to be a shooter at that size and that was why he had some number one pick buzz and he has not been a shooter and he’s you know kind of been a little bit of an

Afterthought in a lot of games like he had a three- game stretch here he barely did anything um so if he improves his three-point percentage he could rise again but that’s why you have a lot of uncertainty because there’s so many prospects with question marks I think

The prospects in my opinion with the least amount of question marks are SAR ree topit has question marks with his shooting ability and ability to like you know um if he not a good enough shooter will he be able to create and get downhill and make his playmaking come

Alive because he’s not like an elite athlete so he has question marks Cody Williams I think has doesn’t have many question marks compared I think it’s not the least amount of questions I like the only question is is he as good as his brother and is he a star or role player

Like those are basically the only yeah also I think you could add more muscle like re Shepard’s pretty safe that’s why you’re seeing these guys rise Reay Shephard Cody Williams right I also think connect has fewer question marks than some other guys that’s why I have them higher on my

Board and he looks like a star in college can he translate that same scoring ability to the leag um at the very least he’ll be a really good shooter role player that can attack Closeouts so higher floor not many question marks maybe sneaky ceiling that’s why I like

Connect um the thing is Eric that I want to figure out before the draft which one of the four centers that we could take with the Golden State pick do I like better and I already kind of have a feeling but it’s filipowski clinging Missy and

Kware there are no centers at least on this big board until Zack I’m not going to put Zach in that conversation so filipowski kingan Missy and wear you can almost group together in terms of evaluating them and trying to figure out which one of those four you like better

So that if you want to go center with the Warriors pick you just take the best one left because I do think all four of them will be still on the board at the Warriors pick um I don’t like filipowski didn’t like last year didn’t like him this year I agree with your

Sentiment that it’s going to be hard for him to get to the same shots in the league it’s going to be hard for him to be a guy that can put the ball on the floor in the league his three-point shot is a bit too inconsistent for me um

There is Major red flags with his ability to translate his game from college to the NBA um I think he could be a role player I also think he could be the next TJ Leaf you know um and so Shan Kar says omir uh he could definitely enter this

Conversation as of right now we just don’t have enough to go on so he he’s definitely someone that can iner this what’s funny Tori is I I like Don Holmes better than any of those guys yeah I mean I think donon Holmes belongs in that conversation

Um but I also think we might be able to get him at 34 yeah so like do we we not going to take him at 10 or 11 so like I think Don into the first round he’s been too productive I just I think I think nonf freshman prospects that

Produce are going to be valued more than ever connect is one of those guys um mcer is one of those guys I could see mcculler moving up into the late Lottery and I think donon Holmes is one of those guys because donon Holmes is producing at like just statistically an insane

Clip and doing a bunch of different things the only question is is he a can he play center consistently like the other four guys have legitimate you know filipowski is list is 7 foot kingan’s definitely Center like all these guys are legitimate centers Missy is the most

Undersized but he makes up for it in other ways um is Don Holmes a center I was watching a Dayton game a couple days ago and donon Holmes had the ball up near the top of the key crossed the dude over got all the way to the rim scored

Next possession hits a three goes back on defense blocks a shot grabs the ball takes it down and dimes out a teammate for a Layin and and then like got another block on the other end I was like oh my God how is this guy a SEO fic

Like it’s just crazy I don’t get it at all but uh he’s one of those guys Eric cuz Dayton’s going to be in the tournament he’s one of those guys where Dayton win some games will rise like he he has a chance to be one of those tournament Darlings mhm because it’s

Going to be hard for teams to match up with him too yeah um I think he just probably needs to be a center to make that combination of skills truly special I mean we know his measurements so like unless he grew or something we know he’s

A little 9 foot one standing reach can he bang with some of the bigger bodies I don’t know yeah I don’t know I don’t know but but like every other big has question mark I have homes hirer than those four as well but that’s why I want

To trade like brog to the Knicks where we get either the Dallas or their pick because if we’re sitting there at like 24 or whatever I think that’s where we could still get homes and then we can just take best player available at 11 you know yeah I think Missy out of the

Four that we were talking about is the guy I’d have highest right now yeah out of those four I completely agre I think he has a chance to be like all defense caliber Center yeah he gets off the ground so dude he’s one of the quickest leapers I’ve seen in

A center position I don’t know what his wingspan is but it seems like he has like a crazy wingspan um he’s not skilled but I think he could be like Nick Claxton yeah 2.0 so I wouldn’t mind taking a guy like that in like maybe he could be you know our

Starting center that’s like Nick Claxton but maybe a little bigger that can bang with some of the bigger yeah and like is a really good lob Target for our guards so honestly like this Warriors pick Falls to 1314 I’m looking at Holmes but I’m also looking at missy yeah there

And I I don’t think we would be bad either I just I he’s a little too skinny for Center in the NBA but we just like just have some intriguing skill set he’s the guy that’s like if he can improve everything like he could be a star you

Know you know what I mean but also does he do any one thing well enough to justify drafting him in the lottery yeah so I don’t know I don’t know anyway uh any other prospects that you’ve had a you know new opinion on let me know you got J Jaylen Tyson finally

Made it onto this mock draft I’m telling you watch out watch out for him yeah been saying that Tyler come on you know that’s not true funny though I mean do I have any Gonzaga have I talked about any Gonzaga players all year in terms of the draft we haven’t even talked about

Gonzaga at all this year because they have nobody worth drafting yeah they’re not good although they got screwed by the refs last night I don’t even want to talk about it um but yeah Tyson watch out for him and then uh Devin Carter is producing and defensively is

Impressive I think he’s turning himself into a first round Prospect Chi also Rising man on this this pinkathon board so Chi is just tough because there’s not like it’s so hard to find new stuff on him you know yeah I don’t I don’t think Trey Alexander ends

Up being a first round pick I think he could go undrafted I think he on this board falls out of the first round I think almana has a good chance falling out of the first round I think um McCain’s been solid but I don’t think he’ll go first round Dylan Jones tus BR

Like a bunch of these guys I feel like could slide out in place like Devin Carter chomi um and then there’s uh drawn Holmes is the other guy like and maybe maybe Hunter Salis maybe Hunter Salis as well like could replace some of those guys so anyway that’s Prospect

Talk so we will be live again tomorrow on our second channel uh and then Thursday we won’t have Blazers ESS live because that will be a trade deadline day maybe we can make two Pips at the end or something yeah yeah I don’t know I don’t

Know that could be that could be a fun way to wrap up the trade deadline stream just on the main Channel but yeah our second Channel Link in the description blaz PR live we’ll talk a lot of trade deadline stuff we might have a stream Wednesday night as well here on the main

Channel it’s like a trade deadline preview a lot of times we like to have a live stream the night before you know the draft or to trade deadline to kind of preview it and go like fully in depth and just talk about you know every hypothetical trade Target candidate

Across the league uh so stay tuned for that we’ll be doing that on the main Channel if we do a preview um we had uh so cronin’s been the GM for two previous trade deadlines and uh his first one we made a trade Friday before the trade deadline which is already passed and

Then we trade we had made a trade Monday and Tuesday that year um the Tuesday was kind of minor but um we did not make a trade after that and then last year we made a trade the night before the trade deadline that Wednesday where we traded

Uh Josh Hart and then we kind of waited to make it official till the next day and rope the thy trade into it but um it was announced that night and then that was when that KD trade and stuff happened and then we thought we weren’t going to get much uh um we

Remember last year we heard rumors about them turning down wisan for Payton and then uh we thought Payton wasn’t going to get traded but that was one of the like last ones that was announced yeah and we end up getting Kevin Knox yeah yikes brutal brutal man hate it

Um will be better yeah we’ll of course go live with any trades that happen between now and then and then like we mentioned earlier in the Stream all day Thursday we’ll be here breaking down every trade across the league and hopefully we have some cool Blazer news to talk about yep

100% um looking forward to that stream on Thursday though I’m building the graphics for it right now so make sure you’re around 8:30 a.m. approximately in the morning on Thursday for our trade deadline stream if I’m up a little earlier and have the graphics done maybe

We’ll go live even earlier and just hang out for like 5 hours is normally how long those streams are so set a reminder for yourself do you want to make any predictions we got time for that maybe maybe tomorrow on Blazers uppr live we can make those predictions that could be

A fun way to to do the stream is what are our predictions yeah we’ll do that tomorrow on our second Channel blaz live as I said Link in the description box below and uh with that being said that’s a wrap once again this post I bet on for

Bet us uh Eric had a video yesterday where he went through a lot of these props over at bet us so you can go check it out he talked about multiple trade targets and some of the lines on it uh so make sure you check out that video

And you can get in on this action with bet Us by using R Link in the description box below for 125% deposit match that means a $100 deposit will give you $125 on top of that courtesy of bet us the reliable secure sports book 247 customer service

24-hour payouts shout out to them for sponsoring the postgame show and with that being said we’ll catch you tomorrow on Blazers of PR live thank you everyone for turning out for this postgame stream the Blazers lose 112 to 103 against the Nuggets but there’s a lot of good from

This game and uh it was a fun conversation recapping this thing and I’m looking forward to seeing what the next postgame show look like after the dust settles from what could be a Monumental trade deadline or could be absolutely nothing we’ll see what Joe Cronin does we have content ramping up

To that day so check that out with that being said we’re out of here we’ll catch you next time until then as always peace out go Blazers

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  1. I had to work and couldn't watch the stream, is it a good or bad sign that both Brogdon and Grant were out tonight?

  2. Jabari took one of his 0-5 three's, and stood there for awhile hoping the shot would drop. Meanwhile Jokic had a flyby and the world's slowest leak out. EASY llayup in transition. Simons & Ayton's big nights can't hide some really bad fundamentals. This team needs better coaches.

  3. Ant's sniping right now. Targeting system dialed in. I think your chat is working hard to get under the Blazers Uprise skin. Nice work chat lol

  4. So who are we going to get for Brogdon and Grant? I hope they get rid of them and give them a better opportunity. So we can start giving our young guys more chances to play.

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