@Dallas Mavericks

Jason Kidd, Maxi Kleber & Luka Dončić | Post Conference vsMIL | 02/02/24

Jason Kidd, Maxi Kleber & Luka Dončić | Post Conference vsMIL | 02/02/24

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  1. Maxi had a great game, and its good to see him back healthy. Yall shoulda had Grant's bum ass on the podium, this dude is a fraud. He needs to explain why he he's so horrible.

  2. I’ve seen enough Jason Kidd has to be fired he was a good player but awful coach the amount of times I’ve watched games to hear the announcers say they blew another 20pt lead is stupid fire him now I WANT CHANTS OF FIRE KIDD because this is ridiculous

  3. Doesn't matter who they trade for, Kidd will play the wrong players. Bucks scored 75 straight points in the paint as their come-back rally. But Kidd stayed with small-ball, leaving Maxi as the lone Bigg (played well) then Powell when he sits. So the Center had onlyl 6'6" dudes for help D in the paint. That's a choice.

    Meanwhile Holmes on Wed had 10 RBs (4 offensive) vs Gobert/Towns, 11 points in the paint, stripped every ball that came near him etc .. the Maxi/Holmes 2Biggs look was great, as far as paint presence. KAT had to hit a ton of 3s late to pull away. But that Maxi/Holmes duo beat Pelicans couple weeks ago m, as well.

    But when Kidd does something good, why can't we see that again? Why can't Kidd make in game adjustments? GO BIGG SOMETIMES, AS A CHANGE OF PACE!! ITS NOT Rocket SCIENCE!! GEEz! Nico has to fire Kidd, if not, Mark has to fire Nico. If not, Miriam has to fire them all. The Bucks literally just fired their coach last week. Championship move.

  4. “We had some turnovers” you don’t blow a 25 point lead by having “some turnovers” you lose that lead by having a complete meltdown

  5. And also Luka chatting straight cap, if you look at the clip when Luka hurt his ankle, he legit fell on his own ankle, the worse Giannis did was give a tiny shove accidentally while trying to recover the ball

  6. Get KY outta there, all he do is get injured, always hurt…this team suck ass…idk how they gone fix it..all these bum ass players

  7. Blame Cuban, the new owners, Nico, and Kidd for letting Luka take all the heat as the racist NBA and their media vultures attack him. Notice he stopped scoring after he got 40 points because he doesn’t want to be attacked. The Dallas Mavericks organization should be ashamed of themselves for how they’re treating Luka. Cuban always has something to say about everything. He’s garbage for not defending Luka.

  8. They had the same collapse last year after they went up by 12 against the bucks. I swear this is the lowest iq most inconsistent team I’ve seen in awhile. Jkidd looks like a bench player as he just standing there.

  9. Trade Luka to Denver. Save Luka from Kidd and the Mavs organization.. it’s not hard but this organization seems to not have the sense for creating a team. It’s not easy. Kidd isn’t a good coach whatsoever.

  10. Get Adrian Griffin or Bud for Jason Midd, we have all seen enough, Kidd just cant coach and adjust to this team~

  11. serious questions. 1. What team does Grant Williams play for? because for the Mavs it is not safe. 2. What's the point of winning by more than 25 points in the first quarter? and 3. until when will Kidd continue training?

  12. very intrigued with what we do at the deadline or if we can get anyone of significance as a buyout guy. i don’t support kidd as our coach but it’s another year of injury after injury and role players not stepping up. we can’t keep wasting these prime luka years

  13. You know what's so infuriating about this team. They're so damn predictable. When we had the 26 point lead If I had it I would've bet a million dollars that we were going to lose the game. I knew it cause I've watched sooo many games where they blow a 20 point lead in 6 minutes. We have a better chance of winning when we're trailing the whole game. Making 3 pointers CAN NOT be a game plan. They see the other team making a run yet instead of attacking the paint to stop the bleeding they almost double down on 3's.and chuck up 3's 7 possessions straight. They start trailing by six and then only then they realize it's not working and they try and attack the paint. Once you allow a 32 point swing regardless of who the other team is you can't stop that freight train. Especially the Bucks. It's Kidd. How do I know this. After they squander the lead and Kidd takes a time out. Puts THJ in and the first possession THJ chucks up a 3. Any other coach would've told the team during that time out that the next guy attempting a 3 is going to the bench for the rest of the game. Shot making is not a game plan.

  14. Dude basically shrugged and said Giannis went 20/28, like it's not literally his fault their team got that many FG in 😂. The only time this team wins is when they play extraordinary, depending on their talents performing well that night, like having 60+% 3pt shooting which the other team's coach can't really do much about, and even then win by less than 10 pts after leading for 30 at some point. When Carlisle left, they already had a system in place, but more freedom, cause Kidd let them do whatever they wanted to change, so they went to CF. Now they have an even better roster than back then and manage to perform like they're the Hornets. The coach got everything and more in the offseason from upgrading the positions from last year to building a legit team chemistry amongst the guys and we've really ran out of people to blame except their head coach. At the end of the season, Luka's gonna take the media blame for their team success, his reputation damaged and Kyrie is gonna eat more "toxicity" headlines. But hey, he's just the coach, watching the game from the sideline like the rest of us guys.

  15. Everyone is so down on JK; but honestly, he’s playing w/ two mid level contract starters + a rookie & KI who seems to always be hurt… These are all good players, but not starting caliber players. This comes down to the Mavs front office doing a terrible job building around Luka. I wouldn’t be surprised if LD pulls a LBJ and leave once his contract is up

  16. Three issues in this game stood out to me:

    1: the team is having time management (to me, coaching) issues at end of periods. Examples: in this game, they did not wind down the clock at the end of the first half before taking a shot paving the way for a last second Bucks three pointer; they also refuse to make players pick up the ball deep in their end of the court with less than five seconds remaining on the play clock, so the clock doesn’t start running until the opponent is already in a position to score with time left on the clock (e.g., in this game they let Giannis pick up the ball at half court so he could score in 3 seconds play clock time (when there were only about 4 seconds left before the ball was thrown in on the opposite end of the court but it was allowed to bounce to or beyond mid-court without starting the play clock).

    2. The coach is reluctant to use challenges when it appears there are clear miscalls, and those failures seem to prolong opposition runs. Too often coach appears to me (admittedly not an expert) to just be acting as a mere spectator instead of using tools to help influence the outcome of a game. Sometimes this level of reluctance appears to be a level of disinterest in the fact a bad call was possibly made, and that drives me nuts as a fan. I think coach needs to study Popovich.

    3. Grant Williams. Is he hurt? Why is the coach playing him in crucial situations that seem to doom the Mavs chances to win? Why was he given a four year contract? Is Luka getting as fed up with his bumbling plays as it appears he is?

  17. I don’t blame the coach, I think the mavs have no composure sometimes and it effects their ability to give effort. Also the role players need to be more consistent but once everyone is back healthy I think we will be fine

  18. Uau, Luka is brave! He is talking that judge's have not done good job? Doesn't he knows that the judges is forbidden to talk about them couse they are the untouchable?

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