@Miami Heat

MHB Postgame Show | The Miami Heat Don’t Have Enough

MHB Postgame Show | The Miami Heat Don’t Have Enough

Feel like Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami welcome welcome welcome to the heape podcast post game show I’m your host from Carlo I’m very sad from Carlo Naas with me today inter turn Pablo’s back he’s in undisclosed location Washington DC up guys undisclosed in Washington DC yeah he looks like he’s in some sort of

Atast at least we know he not hungry I mean are we sure though this man leads the league in snacks for 15 year olds um to my right we got the reality check Master Tiffany Meeks hey I’m I hear I’m I’m missing Tracy Chapman for this so yes same are

The gram I guess the Grammys are on today right correct they are they are we’ll get out of here quick so we can all catch the Grammys bottom left saic TS coach Lou how’s it going everybody you know this morning I got up early I went to

The gym then I watched my Liverpool Reds play the most important game of their season our Liverpool our Liverpool Reds and they they laid a [ __ ] egg against Arsenal at Emirates and then that he did this so I’m not I’m not doing so great I’m not doing so great l oh finally last

But certainly not least the great my goat sioban hello people how are th we’re hanging in there I’m sorry Lou looks like a Lou looks like a young wrestler in training like one that you would expect to be racist but it’s not right right right like he walk out

He walk out at all white but all son his tag team partner is Junkyard Dog you know like he’s holding the family accountable but looks like wild L look like he look around when he listen to rap music when it come up looks like that guy that they look

For old tweets and they find one that oh yeah that’s definely that’s my sole job that’s what I do my business that’s what I run that’s when you that’s when you’ve reached Peak like personality when people are just like searching your at with words you shouldn’t have said

Please leave me alone about it the last three days have been ridiculous men are ridiculous [ __ ] these people we’re going to talk about basketball today the Miami Heat fall to the Clippers in listen my gut reaction to today is the heat don’t have enough and the reason and that

Might be obvious to a lot of people hear me out no go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead they played I don’t think they played bad they played hard they you know they got pretty good looks I think a lot of the game uh a little

Too much J Rich for my taste but ultimately I kind of understood their process against a team that is clearly better than them and I don’t really know what they could have done to not get this outcome because James Harden just absolutely punked them and kawh Leonard

Is absolute at this point he’s playing at a level P George didn’t play well and I thought Miami’s game plan defensively was pretty solid I mean they they practically held the Clippers did they hold the Clippers under 100 I think 103 around there whatever that was all fouls

And free throws and stuff like in reality like the defense has found some life they were going from Zone to man to this to front all this everything they threw the kitchen sink they played with urgency which has something that we have all been critical of since the start of

The season and yet the Clippers were more physical than them they kicked their ass on both ends of the floor and I don’t know how you can leave this game thinking anything other than like there is an ocean between Miami and the best teams in the league and again Jimmy lost his matchup

Bro and he’s been trying lately so I know that everybody’s making fun of me like you’re stating the obvious today felt a little different because they played I think the with the kind of effort that you expect like a good team to play with in a big moment

On national TV trying to stack wins together and at home at home you know what I mean and the rain died down so they at least had a semblance of a crowd because if you’re not from in town Miami had a really awful rain event today there were tornadoes and [ __ ] all over

It was pretty bad um right next to my house oh did did you get one no I was driving down the street and then I I I had to go pick up a address for my girl somewhere at an undisclosed location undisclosed location and then as I was

Coming back I was like damn what is this bus sign doing in the middle of Coral Way I was like Coral Way is the funniest Street for and then I’m like I’m like what the [ __ ] is and then I see like two tree like fullon tree branches in the

Middle of the stream like some [ __ ] went down right here what Lou like what is it that I was like I’ll be damned what’s what’s happening in Coral Way but yeah I mean Bon I I’ll I’ll let you start like that’s where I left tonight and I I I’m

Curious to hear what you think because I think you have been one of the most real people about this team from the start so do you do you agree with how I feel I do and I’ve felt oh it’s weird because I felt this way mostly from the jump but

I’ I’m also someone who’s like been pretty you know loud on record with how I felt about what we did try to do offse acquisition wise um but also with that like what I did think the what is here I guess could do um but even with that

Still have admitted and always believe that we still needed more um and I think you see it like you said they were out physical you know the Clippers have great size like great positional size at every important position in all of the positions it’s not tight it’s not just

You know zubac being large James big ass Barrel chested Kawai got the shoulders and The Traps of a God and like the hands of a behemoth you know like they just are strong all around and you know given their given the strength in their sizes or whatever they’re able to do um

And to make the lives of some of our key people uncomfortable like me me and Tiff were talking and you have like Paul George down there battling bam but like like giving him you know like seriously yeah like really defending him you know like giving him a good a good go of it

Um and so yeah you know I I come away feeling the same that you did I genuinely don’t think that they played poorly I’m still not a proponent of some of the um and we didn’t even double like we weren’t doubling every possession it was it was a lot of kind of

Opportunistic um back turned sneak up on them type of doubles but if they’re not if they’re not completely closed this is the type of team with the type of Firepower who can get out of it and and hurt you once out of it um I think haime

Hasn’t been um who he was pre- injury and we can probably get into that a little bit later but it’s odd you know how much that they miss that and that they need that so you know I I I I genuinely believe that like you said

They need more even kind of on what can be considered one of their maybe not best but better days Tiff let’s get a little tactical here so Miami starts with you know they play a lot of Zone Tiff and it looked really successful pretty similarly to the first matchup

That they played against the Clippers and like the first matchup that first match up I hated it the corner no but what that’s what I’m that’s where I’m getting at like early success they had early Success With The Zone and then the Clippers were and I tweeted this out you

Know in the first quarter I go ah it’s looking good now they’re getting turnovers but the test comes when the Clippers start swinging the ball to the corner when Mii starts loading to the strong side of the ball and then That Swing Swing to foul Norman we just don’t

Have sorry g go ahead so they do that go ahead right but we we don’t have first of all like I said I feel like sometimes our IQ goes out the door that’s one two we don’t have good closing speed so it does like we just see we get frazzled we

Don’t have good closing speed and then by the time you get out there one you’re falling for that hard and leg kick out which happened like three times we just don’t use some that’s what I mean like they switched the Zone up right so like yeah they they were they were getting killed

From the corners but then they they stopped and then they were going more man and that’s when Harden absolutely cooked heith and stuff so it’s like what’s this like that’s what I want to ask you like where’s the Sol sh it’s not here not on the team [ __ ]

It’s not here and I’m not trying to be I’m not trying to be funny but it’s like your best defenders are high Smith Jimmy um bam and then if Caleb is how depending on how he feels he was awesome today he was but those are your but those are your better

Defenders that’s a but that’s a problem because if you look at it this way there they’re all banged up some kind of way they’re all they all don’t have the foot speed they had last year or the year before that like there there are certain things that happen to the body year

After year we’re not we’re not good enough and that’s okay because this is the team that they brought out so I’m not saying anything that nobody can’t see like we played better in this game than we did in the last game the defense looked better the offense looked better

To some extent and then nothing happened but it’s kind of like you can’t keep going Jimmy or bust this is this is go ahead I like the defense today like I I’m I’m cting yeah yeah I thought it looked good I mean they had that problem

And I thought that when and that’s kind of what I wanted to get to is like they have this problem and they go away from it and they were finding Solutions I mean and at the end of the day like there is no like Harden killed them

Again they they kind of held him under 100 points like they they did Superstars and players of that caliber are going to have those moments Miami just didn’t have their guys do that on offense but I think genuinely like tactically like they adjusted well I thought Caleb was

Awesome on Harden I thought he was the only guy who was worth the damn and I don’t know I at least and that’s what makes the Lost Tiff so like uh to me because I thought that they look good on that I I thought they look like like

Good and they were they were like an ocean away right before you go to somebody else and I think I said this to you it looked good but the problem is you need a guy to add to that and by a guy I mean like

You need a guy who is who’s a guy who steps out on the floor and Kawai goes [ __ ] [ __ ] if I’m matching up on Jimmy you have to stay tight to this guy like that you got you need another guy that no no like we got to be like at some point

You have to be honest and look at the landscape of the league and look at the teams that are clearly in contention they have guys they have dudes yeah you need Duncan Robinson but you need him for a particular type of thing you need a dude who bust in the door and

Everybody on the other team goes [ __ ] he healthy like that’s what you need you don’t have that so when they start loading up on Jimmy and they start throwing the bigger bodies and the traps and all those things and when we swing the ball we don’t we don’t have a guy we

Got we got we got teammates who can make things happen there nobody’s fearing any of our guys they’re not well said they’re not I mean and and it’s part of the physicality it’s part of a lot of things that are kind of like symptomatic of

Them this season um Lou let’s let’s go a little bit to their offense because that’s really been what’s been aing them for the last four years tonight a lot of I think he’s in like the last like few games or whatever the last you know four years really the only

Time that offense has been good in this build was when Duncan had a the best non-step shooting season ever even with that all we were doing wasam D were and and they had four other guys shooting 40% I believe o hero redacted and some other he do and GOI and GOI were all

Shooting 40% from three That season um so what a what a ride oh and Tyler and Tyler they they were really good said yeah so Lou so tonight a lot of Josh like I think the Clippers did a really good job of kind of helping off the right guys and I

Thought Josh played well I thought Rosier played okay until the Clippers kind of matched up a little bigger on him what did you see on offense that I mean there just so much that and I don’t want to be a revolving door about like how their offense SS but you know for

Sure it’s it’s frustrating you know I actually so today it’s interesting because I I hear all the concerns and it’s something we’ve known since last year like let’s keep it honest like the team isn’t good enough we need Jimmy to be Jimmy okay we get that but I thought

Today they played I enjoyed most of the process I’m not going to say everything was perfect but I do feel like today was them missing a couple of shots as well um I I like the intention that they’ve been playing with recently offensively a little bit like it’s a little more

Consistent it’s not to say it’s good guys like look at like you know the ti Point like look who we have look around the league it’s just not good enough I agree uh but considering what we have I thought Rosier in the first first quarter specifically did a very good job

Of just making tough shots and kawh Leonard was on the other side today playing like it was 2013 2024 defensively at least and he was he was a menace for us uh against us so it was just tough to get shots off but I I do I didn’t think they played

Bad today offensively I think Hyman missed some bunnies himman hasn’t seen a three-o I think he saw a three-o in today but he’s been a little hesitant the lead yeah it’s it’s just you know the offense isn’t really um today in particular I felt like it was a a make

You know I think today was a Mak or Miss game and the other team made more tough shots than we did like let’s keep it honest like we you know we we we shot bad and there’s at least four plays in my mind where the Los Angeles Clippers

Got a shot off with two or three seconds or 1 second on the shot clock and it was double team or contested step back threes and they went in none of our [ __ ] went that that’s what I’m saying I I they were eight for 30 from three today

27% and and um Kawai shot a double team three from like 30 feet out it went in Harden did it two times Paul George did it Norman pal did it like it’s different you know what I’m saying like all of our shots like the the the talent that we do

Have wasn’t hitting it today Rosier was 0 for five um I thought Richardson didn’t play that bad but I thought I thought Josh played great yeah yeah I thought I thought he played good today it was he’s he’s it was just too much I mean he was too fre

From three but I thought all I thought have that’s not him at this this moment he wasn’t shooting contested he was shooting open he was shooting open shots and he missed and I’m okay with a guy is taking what the defense gives him and he’s like you

Know yeah it’s just it’s just you know considering the team team that I have that we have sorry the team that we have like this just isn’t you know it is what it is I felt good with the way they played on both ends today I thought they

Tried hard they played good I wish bam would just be a little more [ __ ] aggressive sometimes and more intelligent it’s not even the aggressive part it’s it’s the IQ part that’s been bothering me because I don’t know what’s gotten into him lately where he sees seven-footers on him and he’s trying to

Post these guys up fam first of all they’re seven feet second of all they’re European two things not going well for you like they’re strong as [ __ ] like let’s keep it a band as [ __ ] like he’s not moving none of these guys but he’s yet still trying to post them up pivot pivot

Everybody knows what’s his go-to move like bring him out space it out and get use your quickness to your advantage once you post them up you completely negate your quickness and it’s it’s shooting it’s shooting you and the offense in the foot I put to what say

Keep saying G I put a picture in the group chat pull it up really quick please keep saying what you’re saying there’s a handbook to stop bam there’s like a handbook yeah the handbook is let him shoot and so Jimmy was doing Jimmy things like Jimmy was feeling a

Particular level of like activity and then come second half and like Terrence man and people are damn near face guarding Jimmy that if you if you bring the the the picture up there’s a play where it’s Terence man is damn near face guarding Jimmy oh that’s annoying it’s a broken

Um Terence man is Dam near face guarding Jimmy um James Harden is playing Josh Richardson kind of like zoned up not really on him Kawai is off in the corner with with Haywood and PG is out here guarding Terry rier and iisa Zub box is just a golf away from bam who’s just

Chilling at the kind of top of the key and until Terry got like was able to shake free of Paul George if this like this what it felt like the Clippers were cool just kind of sitting in this bam daring bam to do something and until

Terry right here at the top of the right um Wing shook free to get something but even that it was a handoff Paul George fought really really hard over it and so while zubac is in this drop Terry couldn’t even get a clean shot off because Paul George was on his HIIT from

Behind as soon as Terry would have gone up Paul would have hit it from you know hit it from behind and so it’s like when we’re talking about them offensively and this kind of like lack of dynamicism and people who feel like they are you know

Kind of to be worried about people feel like they can just hit their men like be you know steady on who they have and I’m bam I’m sitting 19 feet off of you what what are we gon to do I’m cool with living with this until y’all pull me out

Of it and even when you pull me out of it I don’t really know that I believe it do it again let me kind of you know see you do it again and like back a little bit to the defensive plan I’m looking at some of the clips that I P and there

Were like pieces in the zone that I still have issue with kind of how we’re moving we’re letting like the center go up unescorted um screening the top of the zone and so it’s pulling the wing help trying to dig a little bit but then James got that lob over Kevin Love to

Terence man because Kevin is just splitting you know these two really really far out people um I don’t know I I I I me but that’s a that’s an issue of like if the zone is breached that’s going to get given up right so the idea

Behind it is like that can get breached because if they do that cut is going to always be there right and then they changed it when bam came in they had bam come like bring the screen with him a little bit wasn’t to the level but like

Enough to kind of St me the the forward dribble but I’m sorry offensively I you know back to what everyone’s saying I what so your point about like this the stuff I mean I that’s a time where they do Miss Miss Robinson because what you need is kind of a guy

Yeah and who’s going to threaten the drop because Rosier has not been a like good he has been a shooter he’s not zubac you know and we can go back to it as the example like that’s deep so if PG fights well you got to make sure and

Even if you get a step I mean Jimmy’s in the paint like you’re you know Harden can can stunt in like everything that you said so the way that you beat that is you know movement shooting which Tyler and Duncan both provide and Duncan moves very hard off those handoffs very

Quickly and very there was another play where they something similar happened Bond and it was Josh and Josh ran really tough and Kawai jumped the gap between the screen and Josh and if I have never seen anybody do that faster it was I had to rewind it because robotic bro so

You’re like a TV runs at like X frames per second it like skipped the [ __ ] like he teleported crazy it was [ __ ] crazy and I was like he washed and his his screen navigation for somebody that big is it’s [ __ ] stupid like Kawai can play 10 more years just being a

Defender like his offense doesn’t even need to do nothing because he’s just but he’s also and again this is a like we harp a lot on Jimmy this was probably one of the toughest matchups he’s gonna get all year yes like having a deal with the gauntlet of kawh Leonard and Paul

George that’s not an easy Gauntlet they switch you got a smaller guy and Terence mat who’s still a very physical and capable Defender that’s not easy make the make fun about Harden’s defense Harden has been one of the best post defenders in the NBA since like

2016 and where does Jimmy like to be in the [ __ ] post there was several times where like Jimmy opted to get kawhai off of him and get hardened on a switch and he posted him up and and that’s like yeah exactly the other thing so they they they at the

End of one of the quarters I don’t remember which one they get Kawai in the action because rosier’s handling the ball kawai’s on Jimmy and Jimmy wants him to switch that and then so that Rosier can flip the ball to him and they get Kawai at the three-point line and

Jimmy doesn’t have to deal with his help the issue is is that now Kawai switches on to the now that ball handler has to make the pass and I just thought it was so funny how this team on purpose brought Kawai into an action with a guy

Who is not Chris Paul with the ball so it’s crack it’s got to be correct I mean I I like I said I understand like the Thinking and they just Miami lives off of Pablo Miami lives off of Finding small guys you know in these kind of games and finding a switch and [ __ ] mauling them and to Jimmy’s defense in the Eastern Conference Boston’s filled with those guys New York has those guys

Philly has those guys Clippers don’t got those guys like we like luk said it’s [ __ ] Terrence man and listen Jimmy got some of his on on Terence man and stuff like that but like Luke Canard ain’t walking through that door you know what I mean like there’s no Westbrook is

The guy that he picked on a lot in Russ and he did and and let me tell you something Russ they just said fine we don’t got to play Russ that much and Russ didn’t play a lot and that’s just where do you go you know what I mean

That’s called Talent right there they have a they have a team they got high players they gotam it was they got shot creation from the three-point line right they got a squad two of our best players can’t create a shot that’s they come in is Norman PO is

Norman pow like their he probably best offensive play I told my I told my dad as soon as as soon as I saw the first court I was like Norman Pal’s gonna kill us today bro because that’s what he does every time like just instant offense and

Off the Bench if H is not providing that we don’t got nobody doing that sorry you got on uh what you got on Miami’s kind of offensive process and like that they can’t they couldn’t hunt they couldn’t do anything and it kind of discombobulated Jimmy a bit that second

Half adjustment by Tyron Lou was just like it was the most simple thing but it worked Priceless because they just made it for that the heat had to win without Jimmy being the guy they they just they took Jimmy out the game they didn’t by just single him out it was like let

Everyone else will score don’t let Jimmy get in a one W don’t let Jimmy get into the post they just that’s why Josh Richardson shot a lot of shots in that second half they were it was anyone else but Jimmy and and the process just looked like normal Miami Heat basketball

Like like it looked like us for for the past five years like scored 96 points like it’s just like you’re gonna you’re gonna hold the the opposing team to like under 110 you’re going to play great defense like the defense was pretty good in my opinion today but you’re not going

To score 100 and this just feels like regular Miami basketball to me like I I thought we could have won today and this would have been a signature win by the way the game was going I knew they wer and then I and then that second half

Started and I just saw that Jimmy wasn’t wasn’t producing Jimmy didn’t really produce until like Midway through the fourth quarter T what you got and I I got a question for you guys because the defense was pretty good today how are you gonna keep this level of

Defense and bring Tyler and Duncan back into the fold you’re not don’t ask that don’t ask questions you know the answer it Tiff Tiff is that a rhetorical question Tiff that’s not even thought what I thought you was gonna ask oh that I’m not gonna lie as soon as she said I

Got a question I almost had with this defense I was like I know where it’s going you need this defense yes you can’t be you can’t beat anyone without this this defense like even with it like they even with it it’s a struggle they lack the bite like they don’t have that

Like that Kyle and PJ gave you right that that like [ __ ] you you know what I mean G Gabe exactly we got Trev and Ma your worst defender on the floor you weren’t doing too bad ask you know what I mean like [Laughter] um the three on the right feel a little

Vindicated right I’m sorry guys we are the strongest soldiers but seriously how do you maintain this level and then you need to still ratchet it up a notch right so the defense was pretty good but going into but coming back from Allstar you still got to ratchet it up or you’re not going

Anywhere so how are you going to do that bring those guys back in because truth be told how many schemes and scams can you run to try to win like it’s go ahead Bon so to the schemes and scams part I it’s about like moving the pieces within

The schemes and scams to kind of like help it be like I don’t want Tyler at in any of the top positions of the zones I would rather Tyler be the one of my bottom two forwards who I need you to be quick I need you to cover this wing and

I need you to Sprint back down here corner and rebound Duncan dun and Duncan was good Duncan was cool in the bottom of or as one of the bottom fours because he’s like preemptive Duncan pays attention like Duncan does his work kind of beforehand but but even to that because now you

Have Tyler chasing down to the corner man and Norman pow beat uh beat [ __ ] Jimmy from the right corner off two dribble drives and if that’s happening to Jimmy you’re probably going to get similar results to your point point to even with Tyler so yeah I don’t know how

Much you know hiding you can do right can we bring this comment up by kinhi 0739 oh [ __ ] G that’s you go ahead answer that that’s really like pchi says the difference is Duncan and Tyler can out offense or bad defense without them they can’t score enough no I mean they

They don’t look so good with those guys in here and and I think ultimately like this is not you know and I think sometimes I’ve been guilty of it too because i’ I’ve really like pinned this on Tyler um a lot but it kind of dawned

On me today that the problem the call is coming from inside the house and these these issues are not fixed by Rosier they’re not fixed by getting rid of lowry they’re not fixed by getting rid of Tyler they’re not fixed by starting Duncan it’s a fit issue no it’s it

Starts at the top and it it today is the day that it like really became very apparent to me that the problem is Jimmy and Bam and all these other guys are playing worse because of them because when Jimmy plays like Michael Jordan everything looks fine because everything works but when

He doesn’t play like Michael Jordan none of it works and none of it makes sense should you expect him to keep playing like Michael Jordan and the only season it worked the only two seasons well really it didn’t work in 2020 because if I don’t know if you guys remember before

The lockdown they were getting their ass kicked by their Hornets at home and they look like ass that defense sucked they were not doing great they got lucky it’s what happens in January and February like that’s that’s what happens every year guys like we run out of steam

Because we have I it was it was you know what I’m saying but like what I’m saying is we we deal with 77 injuries everybody gets overplayed by the time we get to this point these guys are like uh like they’re like SpongeBob it water I need

It but it’s rest like they need rest these guys they’re 14 playable guys on the team it’s not like they have you know it’s not like they’re like some of these other teams that like the 14th 15th guy you’re just like can this dude play in the NBA Miami’s not like that

Huh Thomas Bryant Orlando Robinson Orlando can play play like these guys like Orlando and I mean I maybe Drew Smith you know I wasn’t sure that was there yet but for the most part every other year I mean like Gabe Vincent was their [ __ ] 15th

Man one year and you know Max was the 14th guy you know what I mean so right A lot of times like they’re good you know what I mean and like so it’s not even like they have more depth than most teams in the sense of they have like

Guys that you can play and that are like competent NBA players but what I’m saying is that at the very top yes like Jimmy and Bam are not like these A1 offensive players in 82 games and you I think today you saw it’s like Jimmy’s solution to stuff is like I’m just going

To bulldoze this guy and that wasn’t available for him today solution is I’m gonna wait for a hand off and there was a play Lou speaking of your like kind of complaints about bam he gets like he gets like the ball you know in the mid block they

Overhelmed for some reason and had to jump and he’s like below the rim as he’s trying to lay the ball in the ball’s super short and I was like there’s no you you that was a score you [ __ ] up you know what I mean having a lot lately

And that’s just like that is the story of their team it’s Jimmy it’s it’s there was one possession where Jimmy has the ball and he’s sizing up a dude for [ __ ] 15 seconds cuz I counted Josh makes a three at the end of the shot clock to build them out and I’m like

What NBA offense right there what’s going on here like what are we was that was that the did it did that play with Jimmy did it start like on the right side and it ended up in Josh in the corner on the left side CA it’s Jimmy

Called the BAM screen Jimmy’s not going to use the screen Jimmy called the BAM scream two rejected thinking he’s gonna get Paul and Kawai to converge on him for the double he can get it to B and they didn’t so you created no Advantage they fall for they they didn’t fall for

The banana in the pip I I got I got a like man this uh statistically I know earlier in the year it’s still feels the same way Jimmy bam pick and row is awful it is by far the worst pick R it was the worst to it’s not even that

It’s probably the worst high volume pick and roll it’s it is it is actually it was at least in like December but it’s not even it’s not even that Jimmy doesn’t have a wiggle it’s that they’re they’re not shooters they’re not scary they’re not threatening the drop it’s

Like all right if you know Jimmy doesn’t deal well with length once he gets to the rim so all right bam doesn’t deal well with length either when he gets to the rim so you just dro the big and they did that they ran L the one time I sorry

Tiff the one time I liked it they ran a hornet and Bam was the screener on the right and I think Josh was a screener on the left Jimmy goes to the BAM side gets a switch then bam rescreens at like the elbow and Jimmy gets downhill he gets

Plumbley and he he like bullies him and gets the basket they got to run multiple things this is not a this is not a group that you’re just like this is not Dwayne Wade where you’re just like figure it out right you take a screener and you go

Wherever you want you know they’re not like that it’s it’s not yeah go ahead I’m sorry Pablo uh I was just gonna say it’s just like how Tiff said it’s just they don’t like at the end of the day they don’t have that guy who’s going to carry

Them on offense like they don’t have a like let’s say like a Shai don’t have an ant they don’t have a they don’t have a a super talented gifted offensive player that’s going to get you a bucket at every time and they’re trying to make Tyler hero that guy and it’s not working

And then Jimmy can’t be that guy no more because he’s getting older maybe he can do it on spurts but and to they gets someone that’s going to be that offensive main piece that you know is going to be there every time consistent the offens is probably won’t look

Better no I’m just reading I’m reading all the comments but like none of them fit like Tyler doesn’t fit Jimmy doesn’t fit bam doesn’t fit none of them fit like it’s not people pointing out T Tyler saying it’s just Tyler because everybody saying oh it’s no it’s

Everybody it’s all of them it’s been five years no one is no one is acquest to this is is what I’m good at let me do this to help the team this is what I’m good at let me do this to help the team it’s it’s a combination of all those

Things and then it’s like you got 99 year old Kevin Love who’s having to hold this team together with glue that one pass you know the one oh the one pass to Jimmy oh yeah no it’s thee Thee the oh but he had one Ka almost got yeah but

For I don’t know how Jimmy got it but he uh but it’s there’s just problems and it’s Pro you know what’s funny because we complain about this all the time it’s been problematic every single time and then for some reason they’ve been finding a way to figure it out in the

Playoffs so you know what I’m gonna be real honest Tyler ain’t been there bam and Jimmy can figure it out they’ve done it before they can do it again but you can’t at some point your luck does run out in the postseason y they got nine

Lives and we don’t know what we don’t know which one they’re on I think the the best way to put it is to Tiff’s Point like Jimmy I don’t know if Jimmy and Bam don’t fit offensively I agree defensively we know they fit but that’s the problem half of your build is

On one end of the floor the other half is on the other end of the floor and it’s what I’ve been saying for years it’s not that I’m a proponent of trading Tyler it’s not I’m I don’t give a [ __ ] about that I’m a proponent of getting an

Identity I want to win Dam it it’s not even that if Tyler is what gets you that identity then so be it whoever it is it doesn’t matter as long as it’s obviously not Jimmy and Bam because we know their identity should be defense like let’s keep it honest guys

Like we’re not gonna come out here and score 120 every game and beat people our identity is to beat people like this with 103 points that’s probably to damn much if we had somebody else that’s not but that’s not sustainable anymore and Zack low talked about this on the low post this week

Have you seen the Knicks you got to be a good offense but OG and the Knicks have size they have positional size at every floor and the so like the the the Miami [ __ ] is G and wait finish finish what you were saying about low first no that

Was it that you just says that you know you cannot like nowadays like all these teams that are contending they have the Lakers were really the last team that won a title that their offense wasn’t very good and their defense was great like nowadays you need you really need a

Really great offense and you can survive with an okay defense I think Denver is a is a really nice recent example you know what I mean and stuff like that but did you just move like did you just my camera my camera’s my camera’s glitching out I changed the camera what

Is going where are the snacks wait I’m like are you in a ho what what happened are we getting pranked you know what’s interesting G Shaq said some Shaq said something like that on the TNT show like a little while ago in the whole the defense wins championships uh Shaq was

Like be good offensively and you can be so so enough defensively and someone like me that is a tough pill like that’s a tough piece of reality that kind of just is what it is but to is what it and to the point about like kind of

Everything’s fit you when you had Nas on the Pod n said and we’ve all been saying Miami is probably all of Miami’s top people are probably a Peg too high like a a notch too high and my my thing kind of with the Jimmy thing is if it’s not

Going to be someone who is like Head and Shoulder not Head and Shoulders if not it’s going to be someone who is like clearly more Dynamic offensively than Jimmy then it at least has to be a legitimate one be as Jimmy is if he’s not gonna have someone who’s like

Clearly kind of better than him the second person has to be at least at his level so that they can kind of play off of each other in a way that doesn’t drain the two of them and like you know kind of Miami doesn’t have that and I

Feel like the postseason the reason that we have postseason success and I could be wrong but I just feel like teams go smaller like teams get smaller kind of towards the postseason and like we’ve been able to with our small group our small big group or whatever like hold those groups down

In the grand scheme of the regular season when there’s like length everywhere when all of these things kind of are what they are we don’t have like real length not under the basket not on the wings and so all of the [ __ ] that we do do well that we have to exert again

All of this energy to do by time Midway through the third rows around we’re we’re zaap and then the fourth quarter comes and then hopefully we have like some adrenaline um to to kind of run off of but it’s we we just play such a taxing brand of ball because of talent

And size deficiencies and it’s been that way for four years they make they really make a lot happen with a mismatch and I think that considering how this team came together you know remember they were they were you know the way that this happened was Dwayne Dwayne leaves

And the identity of the organization fell apart and they go 30 and 11 and they sign these guys to four-year deals and now they’re stuck with them and Hassan and the way they got Jimmy they were capped out they traded Hassan for harkless and redacted to split the Hassan deal

Because they needed to get under the hard cap to get Jimmy because they had no cap space right and then they traded harkless with a pick to the Clippers by the way Clippers started harkless I’ll never I’ll never forget that that he gave them a pick and a starter I’m still

Mad at that and they got Jimmy and that’s how the build started they built through the draft they built Through The Bargain Bin of undrafted players that they can afford and they were capped out and they never really got to not be capped out so the way that they built

This team was imperfect from the start they they maneuvered their way into contending out of what at the time Zack low called the most Bleak situation in the NBA so I want to give while kind of scolding the organization for their mistakes in 2016 in 2017 you know they

Made they made wine out of water and SPO is also making wine out of water every year because this group does not fit and they have not been able to do the things that they have to do to get the right guys to make it work and I think the one

Year that they did and I know that I’m probably going to get annoying by saying this the team in 22 was the best team that they’ve had and ironically it didn’t make the finals everybody got hurt PJ was perfect that was the last great PJ year he was perfect Kyle that

Was Kyle’s last great Kyle year Max was coming on the scene Gabe was coming on the scene Tyler was in the perfect role and it was lightning in a bottle because that’s the one time that you could still have him in that perfect role before his ego and before like the situation got

Out of the control of the organization politics of it the politics of the league and that’s not to sit on Tyler like this is not what that’s about because he earned a starting spot because he played really well and and this is not to do that but they made it

Work that year and everybody got hurt and then since then they have been reeling and last year was a miracle and I think that wanting them to repeat that I mean it was a miracle we sat here they beat Milwaukee we were stunned bro all

Of us we and us that have done two-hour postgame shows we started the show we did we were they took our [ __ ] they took the words out of our souls because we couldn’t believe what we saw it was it was like it was out of Legend it was

[ __ ] that we might never see again and here we are again waiting for that miracle that might never come as they lose to the Clippers on this wonderful Sunday thank you guys how do we get one more how do we get cap relief how do we get back to a place where we

Have wait because they’re not they’re not sending P which by the way unfortunately I agree with them not trading picks the way they’re trading because they draft so well and I think they’re like wait a second we we draft really well why do we need to trade these picks when we could

Just we could just just get a guy but that also wasn’t always the philosophy it was Chang and that Chang LeBron that changed po LeBron because they were not this pre- LeBron and they have invested and I think Ethan said it they’ve invested in coaching and scouting because they understand that those are

The most sustainable things to them and the league is changing and the way the cap is changing and the way players move is changing they don’t change via free agency anymore Bango they they via trade right and they that’s how they acquired Jimmy that’s how they acquired Lowry

Both those guys they acquired over the cap that’s how guys get moved nowadays so you need good young players under contract and you need bloated contracts to move that are low impact like Kyle kind of like Duncan Tyler’s a little too high impact so there and also Bon the

League operates as an overthe cap League now all the teams that have cap space are bad why because bad teams want cap space to absorb salary to get picks to get picks for teams that don’t want to pay tax but every good team operates as an over the cap team because it makes

More sense you keep your guys you give exceptions you trade now with the new second apron rules there’s a lot of new minutia about taking more salary than you give out if you’re passing apron we don’t have to get into that but the league is in a different place and I

Appreciate everybody for rocking with us for almost an hour here on a Sunday I do have to go so I’m I’m cutting us off a 47 minutes I love to my panel I love you guys uh uh yeah we’re we’re we’re here we’ll see next week I will be doing pod

Tomorrow I imagine uh chat says go Arsenal hell no F you babypool Liverpool lifers you will never walk alone I very sad Josh richardon I love you as a person hate you as a sports fan and uh we’ll see you next time

Giancarlo Navas is joined by Tiffany Meeks, Siobhan Beslow, Coach Lu, Pablo the intern as the Miami Heat fall to the LA Clippers 104-95

• Miami’s improved defense
• Do the Heat have enough?
• Kawhi is a monster
• Jimmy Butler’s problem scoring


  1. We expect a team built around jimmy to work without him or while he's not caring…why? That's why we look good in the playoffs and not in the regular season. The difference is Jimmy.

  2. G overdribbling. Then took the ball and went home. Is there a drinking gane for Kyle mentions?? Yup we need a personnel tweak. Perhaps JJJ can get right and we'll just flow suddenly. Rozier is coming around at least. Looking forward with optimism.

  3. Jimmy always call for the screen to reject it while sizing the defense for 10 secs have me sick all the time smh 🤦🏾‍♂️

  4. That play where Bam was unguarded by Zubac at the top of the key. What he needs to do is put the ball on the floor and drive on him. He’s quicker than him.

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