@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons were CLOSE to trading for Zach Lavine?

The Detroit Pistons were CLOSE to trading for Zach Lavine?

Uh I did want to talk about Zack LaVine though because this Zack LaVine Saga stuff over the past couple of days uh we had heard that Zack LaVine to Detroit was a real thing and that came from Zack low on his podcast saying that you know you know

The Pistons and the Bulls you know this this could possibly happen over the next couple of days we learned today from Casey Johnson that boam bogdanovich and Joe Harris were names that the Bulls were asking for and we all know Zack LaVine clutch Sports Rich Paul they got

Involved and say you know what Zack they’re gonna send you to Detroit do you want to go there or do you want to have seasoning ending surgery obviously he if you look at the Optics he he elected for surgery versus coming to the Detroit Pistons um don’t

Known that to be true um and terms of him saying like you know I’d rather have surgery than go to Detroit no one has you know come out and said that but I mean you can kind of like look at everything that’s transpired over the past like two three days yeah um my

Question to you is were you on the Zack LaVine train were you trying to talk yourself into it saying like hey you know this is a 255 and five guy former Allstar a player that could pair next to Kade Cunningham and take more pressure

Off of him were you in that camp or you is strictly against it because you saw that $250 million contract and he’s 28 years old yeah there there you go I I and it’s hard because I mean especially for Pistons fans and just Pistons media you don’t really have the right um to

Sit here and be like ah I’m okay with Zack LaVine not not trading for Zack LaVine but at the same time it was me talking myself into it because when he’s under contract to like 2025 2026 or something like that he’s got like a player option so that’s G and it’s for

Like 40 plus million dollars but the other part of that is for Zack LaVine to me he’s not he’s he’s a needle mover given they won six games but if you put Zack LaVine on a championship team what option would he think he’d be like let’s

Be let’s be real here I I would think Zach on a championship team would be like a third option that’s where I would lean on a good on a good squad yeah I I think that’s why the Lakers I know Adrien wowski when he was talking about

This last month he said you know the Lakers view him as like a third option next to Anthony Davis and LeBron per and they don’t like that that contract and I think that’s that’s another thing I think a lot of Pistons fans they look at it they like dude like he’s an All-Star

He can get you 30 On Any Given night that’s not why Pistons fans I don’t want to label all Pistons fans but a majority of Pistons fans on Twitter they’re looking at the contract and the last year of his contract it’s like 48 million and if you do want to move him

He has a trade kicker on top of that like sh the rich Ball and clutch sports like those contracts are airtight yeah he got paid and I think that’s the Bull’s fault the Bulls didn’t have to give him that fiveyear deal they didn’t have to do that and you

Watch the Bulls they look a lot better with kobby white running the show says a lot don’t it and he’s making a like 10 times less than Zack Laine is so yeah and I don’t want this to be like a you know because we didn’t get him no

This is how we we’ve and I know you felt this way but with LaVine it’s number one this team needs uh they need to be better defensively Zack line doesn’t solve that and the other thing is if you go out and trade for Zack LaVine I don’t know what the trade

Package would would consist of but to me this feels and I have to watch here because I I do have a a f a found respect for this player when he was traded but a Blake Griffin esque type of deal where you’re in desperation mode

You go trade for a a prior Allstar and they both have had had injury issues now Zack LV over the last couple years has been healthy um but you look at the start of his career he’s missed a ton of games and he’s going to miss a majority

Of this season now so it it it smells like a trap it’d be tied up to a contract where it’d be hard to get rid of him so I know it sounds crazy a team that’s won six games to say no to Zack LaVine but it really is true like it it

Is very very true I think they the Pistons they they Sav themselves a little bit here just by this and I know Zack I I truly think he had no interest to come to Detroit I don’t know what the reports say I think part of me is is

Thinking like no way I now I’m going to Detroit and I think it’s best for both parties that way I do and know a lot of Pistons fans on Twitter today are like you know Troy can’t Troy Can’t Make a Deal uh you know you answered my prayers

Like whatever I know people whether it’s on YouTube whatever social media platform they’re funny as hell like some of the stuff I read has me dying all day um I know you mentioned Blake Griffin and I I think when you look at it contract wise you could make make that

Parallel but what I would say to that is I think when Blake Came Here Blake was like all right I’m the captain now this is my team he put the team on his back had his best year statistically throughout his career um the Pistons were 6 SE at one point Blake was scoring

25 at night um I don’t know if you trade Zack LaVine he has that same mindset because throughout his career he hasn’t really been that Alpha that it’s my team now um when they brought in Demar de Rosen and Nia vuich you read articles of

Him being upset that it was a tight game and he didn’t get the basketball down the stretch like to me like when I read stuff like that I don’t want that going into a young rebuilding Detroit Pistons locker room with guys like Kade Cunningham and Jade iy that are very

Impressionable right now because they’re they’re still very young I don’t want them feeling some type of way and neglected because you have a guy that has a really big ego thinking he needs his 25 touches a night and he needs to be averaging 30 and if he’s not scoring

30 he’s upset but you know if they he scores 12 in a win he’s pouting you know like I I think culture-wise it to me I I look at the talent the talent’s there but I think contract wise the stuff you read about him um being upset when he

Doesn’t get the ball if it’s a tight game just think there’s a a lot I would go to on the list and kind of like put an extra like yeah I I don’t need that on my basketball team right now I get it

He was a name but I I think it’s a big red flag that you were the only Suitor for Zack LaVine out of all the NBA teams in the NBA especially with especially with the new CBA and you know the way contracts are I think it was a red flag

That you were the only team that was actually betting like you should like look to your left look to your right and you don’t see another team betting for you probably not a good deal and you’re poting about Blake Griffin I I I agree I think Blake’s leadership clears Zack LaVine clears him

By a mile and that we just got done talking about how this team needs more veteran leadership I think Zack LaVine that would be that would be that would you’d be moving backwards like Blake Griffin you remember in his tenure too like he yeah he had a career year but there was games

Where he’d have 148 and8 they’d win you see Blake he has no problem with it like I I think Blake the difference is too Blake makes other player especially at that point in time made other players better Zack LaVine is not going to do that and I I don’t think what Zack

LaVine brings to the table besides scoring solves any issues like that they currently have I just don’t and you have guys that you think are going to be better scorers that are going to take the next step I just don’t I think Zack lven would would stunt the growth uh of

Of guys like Kade and and Ivy um and the rest of the guys I just do um so I think at the same time like I said I think they kind of avoided a potential bad situation and you’re spot on with that like if you’re the only potential Suitor

Something’s wrong like I Zack LaVine I think it’s a blessing in disguise that he’s he’s not coming to Detroit I think the Pistons got away and and they’re they’ll be better off I know it sounds crazy but they will be I mean the the asking price for him I I think was

Pretty low it even got to the point where they’re you reading reports that the Bulls were willing to attach uh you know guys like Patrick Williams who I know a lot of Pistons fans are in the draft process they were really high on him out of Florida State you know they

Willing to attach guys to get off his contract so to me that’s another red flag like you’re willing to part ways with a young promising player just to get off his contract because they’re having buyers remorse right now and like I understand that um you know the the

Lonzo ball stuff that happened with them it’s really sad because I know I remember you and uh Adam talking about it when you guys were on the morning Woodward show like you guys were talking about like hey can the Bulls like get to the Eastern Conference Finals because there there was a time

Where you know the Bulls were like a top four team in the East yep but obviously the stuff would happened with lzo who knows if he he’ll ever play basketball again um you know nicoa vuich has fallen off a cliff in terms of just efficiency he’s getting older demard Rosen he’s

Getting older um I’m just waiting for this team to just sell dead line and I don’t know um if they’re going to do it they remind me of the Pistons uh when you know Pistons fans were calling for rebuild and they just wouldn’t I think they’re going to get to a point where

When they do want to rebuild they’re not they’re not going to get anything for the players that they have no remember there was a point in time where uh there was there Donovan Mitchell remember when he was being traded and and pistons strs were like no thank you uh me and Adam

Had discussions too on the morning show just talking about that I I remember looking back on it now like there were better options available that Pistons fans and it’s not like a bad thing I just think that’s that was the point in time where people had that much faith in

What they were building like they had that much faith in their young core like I’m good on Donovan Mitchell I I think we’re we’re building something he’s too expensive looking back you’re like I would trade the farm for a player like that like it’s funny how things change

And I think going forward you’re right like it’ll turn from you know they want Pistons fans want to rebuild and now it’s going to get you what can we do to get hell out of this rebuild even if you have to make a desperate trade like trading for Zack LaVine because I there

Were people out there I I I saw that wanted ja Zack LaVine and and I can’t fault them too much but it it’s getting to that point where where desperation is kind of lurking in and people will take anything anything that is qualified as an upgrade they’ll take it right now

They’ll take it and you gotta watch when you’re desperate because that’s how you get tied up into these these terrible contracts which longate a rebuild or you just be stuck in this Purgatory of mid which Pistons we we just got out of a couple years ago and then we seem to get

Worse but who saw that [Applause] [Applause] Going no

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Jeff Iafrate they reacted to recent news of Zach Lavine electing to get season

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