@Oklahoma City Thunder

Nick Gallo Appreciation Post

Nick has done a great job of managing post game interviews as they’ve gotten more chaotic this season. Pretty soon he’s gonna have the whole roater barking while he tries to ask a question lmao

by GooseGang412


  1. safetycommittee

    Fuck Yeah! I saw the team coming out of their hotel in Portland last year. I yelled out “Gallo” as loud as yelled “Luuuuu.” I forget how he started. Hasn’t he been around since day 1? Was he a journalist or podcaster?

  2. Great dude I love him. I love the whole crew now even Fisher grew on me.

  3. Considering the amount of distractions he’s subject to during the pre-and-post game interviews, Nick does a freaking fantastic job. The questions get a little routine at times, but the players are also giving routine answers – there’s only so many times I can hear “0-0 mindset” or “credit to this team for trusting in me” before I tune things out.

    Having said that, the players to genuinely seem to enjoy having fun with Nick, with JWill even dusting his suit off pre-game the other night and smiling. Such a fun team from the top down.

  4. blacksoxing

    Two things:

    – The dog barking is clearly some Ted Lasso shit with him acting like Nathan, where he just wanna join in. I told my wife he’s going to one day turn heel and join Antonio down in New Orleans!

    – Nick has such a deposition that you just wanna make fun of him in the most loving way possible. My wife last night said that he probably keeps cats at home. I feel like overall I want Nick to stick around as long as possible as he obviously is great at his job, but he’s not taking it SERIOUSLY like others probably HAVE to do in that position. He’s instead that stat nerd who is just having fun. It’s almost like Nick and Paris model Michael and Chris as two folks that are good at their roles but aren’t sniffling their asses about it.

    It’s very….Oklahoman in a very roundabout way and is as natural as wearing jeans with a dress shirt to an important event. You just don’t understand unless you lived that life…

  5. captwombat33

    100% guaranteed he has an account that follows this sub and we contribute with him daily.

    Could he be intellectualsavant? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. we got some of the best announcers in the league

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