@Milwaukee Bucks

I completely agree with Giannis, u guys thoughts?

I completely agree with Giannis, u guys thoughts?

by lalalalalanznzn


  1. Onlyplay2k

    Giannis internally: Takin it one game at time.

    Really only thing you could do.
    Criticize but don’t panic.

  2. Everyone in the locker room? Yeah probably.

    The dumbass doomers that post immediately after any loss and don’t know how basketball works? Well that’s a bit of a different story sadly

  3. GlizzyGone21

    Hell yeah.

    It’s been very fun to see some of the changes being made and there actually being buy in.
    1-3 record with doc not at all desirable but these aren’t the same types of losses where the team looked lost.

  4. Henchman_2_4

    So many people in this sub didn’t watch the bucks until we won the ship and it shows. We had what, almost 4 other opportunities to make a run before that season? It’s a process. You don’t win every game. It truly doesn’t matter what the record is. Giannis is having one of his better seasons ever and if everything gels around him we will do damage in the playoffs.

  5. Tremor0135

    Exactly. This team will be judged in april.

    I honestly believe that Dame is gonna show up in the playoffs. Usually all of our guys lost the shooting in the playoffs except Khris for the most part, and the teams would simply triple team Giannis and make him pass the ball.

    Dame will be that difference maker, and our defense will get much better. Not elite, but much better. It is the lack of effort and chemistry that is still missing.

  6. Kevin_Jim

    Find someone to believe in you as much as Giannis believes in his teammates.

  7. SwagTwoButton

    I couldn’t agree more and am completely sick of all the doomers in every thread. Do the bucks look great now? No. But I’m not going to hit the panic button because we lost a second leg of a back to back in the 4th quarter when Danes playing hurt and two other starters are out.

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