@Boston Celtics

LIVE: Celtics vs Grizzlies Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs Grizzlies Postgame Show | Garden Report

Can you say hard hats folks hard hats lunch P steal to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a failure look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for can I call the John what are we apologizing for

What do we say what do we Do okay everybody welcome into the Garden report Sunday night Edition Marcus Smart return Edition after the Celtics defeat the Memphis Grizzlies in a blow out I think as we all expected 131 to 91 this was about as lopsided of a of a talent discrepancy as I think

You’ll ever see in the NBA there’s been a lot of blowouts over the years but you could this was one of those games where you could just watch and see that there was one team that is playing for a championship and there’s one team that I

Think uh we’re looking for to fill the roster outside the the TD Garden earlier today shirro and Bobby welcome in obviously the the big story tonight is not the Celtics win it is uh old friend Marcus Smart look at shirad look at shirad smiling grinning from year to

Year his buddy’s back my guy is back he back he’s back marus made his return tonight um to the Delight of everybody in the TD Garden a lot of uh lot of Celtics fans there but also a lot of Marcus Smart fans there regardless of

What jersey or I guess in this case what um stre cloth he’s he’s in um not playing tonight due to the finger issue and it’s been a tough tough year for him in the Grizzlies but I want to bring in Bobby who’s uh inside the arena right

Now and sherad who’s also inside the arena but Bobby we’ll start with you because I know you got you got some some places to be um just thoughts on on the return and what can you tell us from being there yeah I lived up to the hype obviously him walking in everybody all

Smiles looking for him whenever they bump into him you just kind of Imagine A Brighter look on anybody’s faces and uh he gave a great press conference before the game uh we can dive into that as the show goes on some interesting comments through out there but you know I was

Looking around for him before want to go talk to some guys in the grizzly side to you know see what it’s been like being his teammate this year and so I’m talking to John Gillard who who’s their point guard tonight I feel a big pat on

The shoulder I’m like oh there he is and then we walked over and uh you know did the press conference there so it was cool um the Ovation was massive after the tribute video they did the heroes Among Us for him tonight as well which I thought was a really good idea

Obviously he probably did about as much Community work in Boston as any Celtic uh in recent memory at least so he was all High Spirits he walked into the locker room greeted Tatum greeted Horford um you know even Phil prey to just show how long he was with the

Celtics one of his first teammates he had a long conversation with him in the Celtics room and you know right now he’s just being patient with everything obviously The Season’s been a disaster for Memphis he’s out for quite a while now with this finger injury and you know

The one thing I’m interested in still is he part of this team going forward obviously all the reporting has been that he’s gonna stay they’re gonna keep him for next year he has another year left on his contract um but they get blown away if someone really wants to make him part of

Their playoff push I know maybe you consider that if Memphis especially I mean they have a little bit of a uphill battle to get where they want to in terms of contention contending here and is he parted that long term ultimately they’ll have to ask that question at the

Deadline I don’t think he’s going anywhere but obviously he’s been connected to the Lakers been connected to the bucks at this point so it was good he got this return and without being moved it stunk he didn’t play but this this environment lived up to the

Hype there’s no doubt about it shro yeah I mean that you knew that he was going to get a pretty good Ovation but I I don’t don’t think we could have expected it to be consistent as it was I mean there were the two standing ovations

When there was a hero among us and then did the tribute video but even throughout the game there were times where the the crowd really you know they they wanted to show him some love and and for Marcus you know think about all that that he experienced both on and off

The court in Boston and for him to have a moment like this A Night Like This uh was really good to see and as as much as I know he a competitor it was kind of nice that he didn’t play uh so that there was no game dynamics that you

Would have to bake into the conversation it could be all about his return and the love that that he got from Celtics fans and the organization uh I thought that the Celtics did some really really classy things that here Among Us uh that was really really that was really nice

Really nice and you know me and Al Horford before the game we were joking about uh whether Marcus would cry or not and I was he’s totally going to cry you may not see it right like he was shro he was kind of turned away exactly and that

Was intentional you know Mark as soon as he saw it just you saw the back all of a sudden turned to where he knew the cameras were because again Marx has been around a block he knows his building he knows where all the cameras are at and

He knows where they’re not they can’t see his face so he turned his back looked at his bench you could tell he was emotional and that’s good to see uh because that to me it embodied what he was as a player in Boston he was a very

Emotional uh high energy guy from from the be very beginning uh to the to The Bitter End uh you know and as the Celtics kind of progress and go on without Marcus you can’t help but uh understand and appreciate what he brought to this organization and how so

Many of the foundational elements of who they are were rooted in having a market smart around for nine years uh so uh it was great to see them show them the kind of love that I think he deserved uh based upon what he did as a player both

On and off the court here in Boston uh and you know you wish him the best of luck healthwise and you wish that team would pull B better I they were one of my sleeper teams this year and I guess they’ve been all they’ve been as sleep

All damn season with injures been coma exactly this that is not that is not quite how I envisioned it but with all the injuries that they’ve had though it’s understandable I mean shro that starting lineup tonight Gillard hippen uh don’t even know number name hey Bobby you know what

I was talking to some folks from the Grizzlies and they were just like there might be maybe two guys in who played tonight who will not be in a summer league team maybe this could this could literally be the starting lineup of the Memphis hustle if all was right this

Year we had that conversation too this like Isaiah Thomas can’t get a 10day on on this G there’s got to be some some guys are there with some NBA you know experience you know what at this point Jimmy they might as well just lock up that top 10 pi lock up the

Top 10 pick Isaiah Thomas would totally screw that up you know he was singlehandedly win them like six or seven games and they have no business winning I’m always yeah what do you think of the tribute Jimmy oh the tribute was good I want to I just want

To say this is a comment that we got here of course no zanis he’s not a smart fan this might shock a few of you uh watching John zanis isn’t on the show tonight because he was at the game he was as a fan and I think I may have seen

Him on TV in a Marcus Smart Jersey I can’t confirm that but it looked like somebody so Marcus Marcus so he was sitting right to the left of us here at the media section he was in the section of the left here and we look over in the fourth

Quarter and we’re like where is he and we look at the opposing Baseline and he’s kind of like traing along like the grizzly sideline I’m like is he going to say hello to Marcus but he was he was moving up he was doing the classic move

Jimmy sneak up to some uh the fourth quarter wow it’s a veteran move I’m surprised well done the last thing John Zenus needs is better seats I think the guy has uh had the the best access of anybody in New England when it comes to sports moments but yeah he’s at the game

Tonight and just goes to show that yeah I mean and it’s not just for John xanis but for for everybody on this show too we’ve obviously been critical of Marcus smartt just like we have with everybody but that doesn’t take away from our respect we have for him and our

Understanding of what he’s done for the city what he’s done for the organization over the years how difficult it was for them to make that decision to go ahead and trade him and you just you just can see uh a classy organization in and putting together not only just the

Celtics tribute but what you said earlier sherro the hero Among Us that’s something that I don’t I don’t think uh I’ve seen that uh when it comes to a player making a return before and Char probably could back me up that I don’t I don’t think so I don’t think there has

Been anything like that and and you know that the thing about Marcus uh that there’s so many things I I really really loved about having him here but I thought in his pregame press conference there was a a moment that he got into that I I think really it speaks to to

How he feels about the whole process and that is he had no issue with being traded in fact he said on multiple occasions he would have done the same thing that was unbelievable wasn’t it but you know what the thing is the point that he made and it was the point that I

Had issue with too was that they could have at least giving him a heads up that this was coming I mean they literally went from like at 900m being told that the brogen deal was not gonna happen till like 9:07 Marcus is gone there was like literally yeah there was like no

Time elapse between when they went from the the deal that didn’t plan out to this new deal and Marcus you know that was the only thing that he was a little sore about and Hur was that he didn’t get any kind of advanced notice that they were looking to move him because

You know there’s no way that deal came together as quickly as it did unless there was some preparation on the front end uh and I think that that was the thing that that hurt him the most that they were clearly you know open to the idea of moving him uh way well before

They pulled the trigger on that there’s no way you can pull the trigger go from Brogden trade falling apart to the smart trade coming through just the way it did there’s no way yeah and of course Zack kimman memphis’s GM said over the summer that smart was a guy they were

Interested in a while who they had conversations over for a while before that night and as far as I know I think the notice about the trade that smart mentioned over the summer too when we talked to him right after the deal I think that was a bit of a

Miscommunication now I don’t know exactly how it went down um but I don’t think the Celtics ever under equivocally told him there’s no chance you’re being moved maybe it was like nothing’s in the works right now or you know now yeah I don’t think that was his issue I think

Them telling him that I don’t think he he’s smart enough to know that’s always possible his issue from my understanding was that when they made the decision to move him they just made the decision yeah they they I mean a simple text saying hey buddy look I hate to be the

Be bad news but you know the broen thing fell apart and mhis really really loves you and we’re GNA we’re going to trade you uh give me a call or something like that to at least give him a because I think for Marcus part of the the issue

That he had was he gave nine years to this organization and yes he was paid for but you look at the foundation that they’re working with now this is a team that when they’re at their best they’re Elite at the defensive end of the floor

Marcus had a lot to do with that um Marcus there are many nights you think back to when he those first few years where he basically shamed his teammates in playing better defense because he was playing at such a high level and it went from being shamed in playing great

Defense to an expectation that collectively you would play uh defense at least whatever your capacity to play good defense was you would at least come close to reaching that Max potential and Marcus brought that out of a lot of guys and so I I I understand why he was a

Little bit you know um not happy with with just being traded without any heads up because he felt he had invested enough in his organization where he deserved that courtesy um so I I get it but at the same time you know I go back to Bobby what we were just talking about

Earlier about him saying I would have done the same deal if it were me that is some serious uh just kind of um understanding who you are in this whole NBA ecosystem uh because you know there’s a lot of guys who would never say that I would trade me for anyone

Even though you know damn well that they are like maybe fifth best player on their roster and there’s at least 50 guys that their team should trade him for if they could uh so I I I I like that that just kind of really self-reflection that Marcus had about

Just his situation and understanding why Brad and Brass did what they did I think we have a clip here from Marcus talking I’m gonna give it a shot here and see if I know what I’m doing in action oh wow I mean you know um it was it was you know

Like I said uh between getting married and the wedding and and everything excuse me personally that I’ve been dealing with uh it helped it’s helped me cope it you know it it definitely hurt but it didn’t hurt as as hard as I thought it would uh because of that um

You know and um like I said I’ve understand business and I understand this business and um and I tell people to this day if it was me I make the same business decision as well um all I asked was that you know could have gave a

Heads up or just a simple hey been here nine years we just want to let you know this is what’s going on perfect you know at the end of the day I’m a businessman as well and um so that that’s what it was the hurt uh really come from um you

Know um but like I said I was able to to keep my mind off of it um there’s no ill will towards the organization towards my teammates towards the coach and staff I love everybody and I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to play with those

Guys right and and that was and he’s you know what Marcus said there was consistent with what uh everything I heard from his Camp over the summer or after the deal went down that the deal itself didn’t bother him the fact that he didn’t get any kind of advanced

Warning after having been here for nine years that that was going down that was the issue that he had yeah and I guess that’s like the that’s the ugly side of the business of basketball right sh and that’s why you know it it I think sometimes we need to understand that it

Goes two ways in in sports you know sometimes the players get a lot get a lot of uh hate uh if they leave a team and if they choose another team for and free agency but just as quickly they know they could be traded so loyalty

Goes both ways and and I don’t think Marcus smt is is saying that the subs aren’t loyal to him he’s just saying that you know would have been nice to maybe have a little bit more of he probably feels that he he was do that after yeah time here and I think that

Yeah that was I think his biggest issue that he felt that based upon being here nine years uh that if you’re going to cut me loose give me a heads up you know if it would have happened during his second or third year or even fourth year

It’s just like yeah they they did what they did I haven’t really invested much in this city in this town in this organization but that was just just the opposite he had invested tremendously in this organization uh and this city and and this and the people around here and

For him I I don’t think it’s out of the ordinary or or frankly an outlandish request or desire that if you’re traded to give you a little bit of advanced notice that you’re about to be moved right Bobby um anything else on smart I know you wanted to get get your thoughts

In before you went back into the locker room and I know you got you gotta go talk to Joe I think so yeah on that uh I think what he told us throughout exactly when we uh talked to him over the summer was that I knew I was going to get trade

At some point it wasn’t going to be brown or Tatum so he he didn’t know exactly when it would be he didn’t know it would be so soon but he always had an idea in his mind that guys don’t spend the rest of their careers with a team

Quite the same way they used to and he was prepared for it to come at some point but it’s it’s obviously a lot of regret they came close in 2022 they had a lot of long runs he would have loved for him Rob Grant all the guys that went

Out the door this summer to be part of what they were going to do eventually on this title run but at the same time I mean the Celtics have kind of moved on I mean there wasn’t a lot of enthusiasm for talking about him yesterday it was

More on focusing on winning this game and getting things right for this season and it was great to see them do that tonight you know winning by 40 there was a little run during the second quarter where it looked like it was going to be get a little dangerous there but they

They overall just took care of this team and walked out the door with a win here fairly easily and it was funny uh down in Memphis smart gave them a big speech for what Sant OD dama said was 10 minutes before the game trying to you know get them prepared for what the

Celtics do and give them a little tips and tricks for playing them and I asked uh their coach before the game about that and he was like yeah he did it again so you know that’s smart like there was obviously a belov side to him

In that room and then I think there was also an overbearing at times side to him in that room that you know maybe his voice got a little bit tired in there maybe it was time for some new leaders to take take over namely Brown and Tatum

And uh they’ve obviously done a great job with that this year I mean there’s never really been a point thanks in large part to Drew holiday obviously Jimmy that um they we’ve said they need smart right now like they really miss him at this point and you know talking

To some fans we did a video tribute with some fans um over on all access they kind of feel the same way it’s like know thank you for the nine years but it’s probably time and I think smart probably feels similarly like there’s some regret that it couldn’t work out that it

Couldn’t go the full way to the you know entire career spent with that team but um it was a good N Run nonetheless I think he ended up being in terms of everything the defensive identity off the court leadership one of the more impactful guys of the last you know

20ish years here um and you know I don’t know if 36 is going up there sherro probably not but no Bobby well I don’t even know close that’s about as close as you can come to getting it 40 go up there too if 30 if 36 goes up Bobby’s gonna be

Ask I’m out here guys we’ll see you in a bit maybe hopefully yeah possibly all right we’ll get we’ll get more of your thoughts on the game when you come back Bobby because there he’s not coming back yeah he’s not coming back jimy stop lying to cornette the cornette the number 40

Cornette talk scared him away that’s f it did he was totally shook it was a don’t look at the box score if you’re Luke cornette tonight that’s one thing you probably don’t want to do but um shro let’s let’s reset here so we got Marcus Mart talk out of the way and and

I know you guys probably uh you got probably have dinner plans with him later tonight but regardless um there’s a game uh aside from that and again like we’re not gonna get too wrapped up in in the fact that they won because I think uh if they didn’t win uh you know we

Have a very different conversation all hell might have been broken loose might have broken loose tonight but what can you take from this game you know their players it stood out too obviously they they did get to go to the bench tonight um more more than uh a lot of games so

We got to see again we got to see some Morada we got to see Jordan Walsh a little bit right Hower got you know 23 minutes although he’s kind of in a little bit of a up and down part of the Season you could say but um aside from

Listen the obvious 34 from Tatum he was on from start to finish tonight and some really just again I said this earlier it looked like a team of G Leaguers they were playing and I think Tatum kind of got into that little bit of a Groove and

And he was he was feeling the flow out there doing the bull dance uh six of 12 from three and 34 points for him um but you know what else what else can you take from this one I I think for the Celtics the biggest takeaway for you

From this besides obviously getting the win is the fact that you were able to get the win without having to significantly exert some of your core guys I mean Jaylen Brown did not play uh which again for a game like this you’d love for that to happen uh to give him a

A full night off and Tatum LED everyone with like just under 31 minutes played everyone else played in the 20s or teens which is great for a game like this where you clearly better than your opponent in every way shape and form uh like I mentioned to you earlier you know

They were joking about how this Grizzlies team that we saw out here now the majority those guys are gonna be in their summer league Squad and if that’s what you rolling out against a team with the best record in the NBA guess what you are going to get your ass kicked if

They play even half as good as they’re capable of and I and again the Celtics this was not by any means their best game but and they still won by 40 uh it was just it was just a matter of them literally deciding whether to turn it on

And keep it on long enough to make this game a non uh Challenge and they did that uh if you’re looking at individuals you know I love how porzingis just basically had a mismatch and they exploited I mean the dude had 26 points it looked like Bully ball it did it did

In fact there you porus was like 10 for 17 shooting and of those seven misses I would say at least three three of those right at The Rim shots that he should have made uh and again you start going down the the roster of guys I mean you

Know Tatum obviously was was great I thought kayada did a lot of good things and his you know we had eight points and nine 10 minutes OA brette did I thought some positive things as well you start going down the line and this was just it

Was just a good win uh against a team that you should be able to empty the bench uh and as you mentioned earlier Jordan wall um give it up for Jordan Walsh first career points for Jordan Walsh you know we got a lot of w I’ve seen him I’ve

Seen him play a couple of g-league games and I’m I just got a feeling this is a guy that can help them now I think I I really think he’s a guy not not I’m not talking about playing like 10 15 minutes I’m talking like giving you a good three

Four minute stretch where he plays good defense maybe forces a turnover helps you spark like a 10 run or a 12-2 run by just his effort and energy doesn’t score all those points but does a lot of those little things that help you kind of get

You going uh I I would love to see him thrown out there for three four five minutes every now and then uh but to Joe missoula’s credit though he’s got a very clear vision of what he wants this rotation to look like and it’s really hard to argue that he’s he’s wrong

Because they’re winning and they’re doing it now where he’s not having to overexert his core guys to Victory uh this was a game that again and Tatum played 31 minutes and that felt like it was probably maybe four or five minutes too much yeah he didn’t he he didn’t

Need to play that long right but but that’s but again for me it’s like these are the kind of problems that when you’re trying to be a champion you’re gonna have you’re gonna have like oh my gosh we’ve got some really good players I got to figure out how to cut back

Their minutes or I gotta figure out how to get guys who aren’t playing a major role or significant role how can I get them on the floor and put them in positions of impact where they can do things that can be a difference in the game and get them comfortable and

Confident that they can make a difference when they’re out there uh and and that’s you know Joe I I think he’s getting better at that uh I don’t think he’s great at that yet but I he’s definitely trending in the right direction as far as which buttons to

Push uh and levers to pull in order to get these guys you know playing at a relatively high level I’m glad that you brought up porzingis because I don’t think we can talk about Marcus Smart’s return and not talk about the guy that you know came back in that field and and

I think tonight again another example of why that they had to make that trade right when again maybe Marcus Smart didn’t get the call because they were like okay he’s available we got a strike this deal is happening right now we’re we’re doing it and and I don’t think

Anybody would take it back that’s for sure know what we know and knowing how well this has gone so far and I I I do wonder how porzingis uh approached tonight’s game knowing that it was Marcus Smart’s return knowing that he’s the guy that that came back and I wonder

If he sat there tonight and I I think they panned him and I think I saw him him clapping along for the tributes but that’s got to mean something to him to see how you know two things one to see how important Marcus Mart was to

This team and I wonder if he’s ever been on a team or ever been in a situation where he’s been on the court for a tribute or a return especially of that caliber because he’s been on teams where let’s be honest it didn’t end well yeah for him whether it’s the Knicks whether

It’s the Mavericks you know Washington just you know he did his thing but it’s Washington you know what really mean he’s not put it this way he’s not getting a Marcus SM tribute video anywhere he goes so yeah I wonder if when he sees that if he gets a different

Appreciation for Boston or what it means to be to be playing here not that he doesn’t appreciate already and I also wonder if what’s he feeling any pressure to to be the guy that came in for Marcus SM before and if and if not does that

Change things when he says oh wow this guy really was a fan favorite and I I sort of have an obligation to sort of you know play with that same intensity be that uh player that fans want to watch and want to get behind I don’t

Think that that was ever a factor of him before today or before the triv or anything like that because they play two very different positions and they have two very different roles that they are tasked with playing for Zing is to me he’s got one of the best jobs of any NBA

Starter in the NBA he’s making Max money as the at best third option on the team that I mean I mean think about working for a company where you make you know you what ever the CEO makes that’s kind of what you’re making but you’re like

The assistant VP to the CEO it’s just and that’s it’s it’s a great situation for him uh and if you’re presus I think you’re clapping not only to just say hey Marcus you know welcome back you’re thinking thank God they had Marcus Smart on his roster so that they could get him

Get me here and and that’s to me if you’re presting is I think that is what you think about more than anything else is you have an opportunity for the first time in your career to play on an elite team compete for a championship and no

One is looking at you as okay you’ve got to carry these guys on your back in order for us to get that title uh for him he just has to do play his role and most nights his role is to be a factor offensively uh be I think his role needs

To be bigger to be honest I think you know what it’s trick It’s Tricky though with him because you know you you you say that and it makes sense but then you look at Dereck white it’s like what doesn’t Dereck white have a big Ro and

What about Jaylen I mean Jaylen is you know we we I think some well I know sometimes we definitely uh take what he does for granted uh the fact that he can go out there and get you pretty much 20 more 20 points every night and never

Really be the number one option he’ll have like maybe a five six minute stretch where he’s the number one option but that’s it uh and he still manufactures a tremendously high amount of points even though he’s not consistently that that guy uh so I I think poring is is

Cool with whatever role that they ask oh he’s cool with it yeah my only thing is that I think he needs to be more aggressive sometimes I’m not saying tonight because different situation but there are games where I’m like well if they’re not gonna go to him he needs to

He needs to go to the ball himself you know what I mean like they tend to forget him and I don’t know if that’s a Joe issue or if that’s a Tatum and brown thing but you have this guy in porzingis that is one of handful of players that

Can kind of do everything that he does allinone and there are games where he go you know eight field goal attempts you know what I mean it’s like that those are the games I’m like damn like they probably could have used him more on offense at least absolutely and that’s

And and that’s one of those things I I I consider that just part of the the learning and growing process that you have when you’re a new guy to a team that’s already built to win at a high level that has already won at a relatively high level you’re trying to

Get in where you fit in and I think for Brazilians there’s some games where it just absolutely crystallizes itself and makes total sense and other games where he just seems kind of lost in the fog of what exactly they need him to do uh in

Order to be impactful but at the end of the day though um if you’re the Celtic the thing that you are most consumed by and concerned with is him being healthy because you know if he’s healthy uh you have a tremendously great opportunity to go very deep in the playoffs because

More nice than not he’s going to be one of the mismatch that you can exploit uh and and this you know this game against the Grizzlies was a perfect example of what that looks like they had no answer for him I mean he he had 26 points but

He could have easily gone on for 40 if they really really wanted him to and he wanted to be assertive because I didn’t think he was very assertive I think he just took kind of what they gave him and they didn’t really have much of a choice

But to give him what he wanted because he’s bigger Longer better around has better touch around the basket than the guys that were trying to defend him and I use the word trying loely they’re not very this is this was not a very good Memphis team obviously with

Injuries and stuff like that so um poring day what you supposed to do get you 26 and call it a day yeah and and again like that’s and 26 eight rebounds two blocks I mean though that’s just another day at the office you know and

And again I guess my only thing was I wonder if he saw tonight kind of unfold and and was just like damn like that that that’s real that’s kind of like a real love situation that they had for this guy and like I think he had a I

Think he already had a great appreciation for the organization but I think that’s just like another example of it of seeing that and now I wonder if anyone’s going to ask him something similar tonight just you know thoughts on the fans reaction and being the guy

That sort of was traded for him I think that’s interesting little wrinkle but it’s obviously not you know the storyline tonight um well keep it keep in mind the teams that he has played for recently I mean you he played for the Washington iards uh I call them iards

Because W’s they should be no W’s in their names exactly lizards and so you play for them you play for a Dallas team that was a one of the the big Underachievers that year and so for him I think the appreciation is being with an organization and being with a team of

Players who are not just talking about winning but their actions that dictate that they are about winning and obviously they’re going to have their hiccups along the way they’re gonna have those games where they suck and they lose to a bad team uh it happens to everyone uh all the great teams it

Happens to but what’s the consistent dynamic or blueprint for what they do night and night out and more times than not this year they find ways to win and have lots of different guys contributing to that success including quing so for him you know um you know that tribute

Video is is great because Markus been a lot to this organization and trading him so that he can get to Boston means a lot to him uh so I porzingis I think he’s good with all this man because if you if like I said it goes back I mean you’re

The assistant Junior CEO but you’re making as much as the CEO yeah right resist to the regional manager exactly you’re the regional manager but you’re making as much as the CEO yeah how can you be mad about that and everyone is profiting the company’s doing well everyone everyone’s getting

In line for that Christmas bonus exactly exactly so yeah it’s a forus has a great life man we we we talked briefly about the bench some of the bench guys one guy that I think slowly but surely here is becoming more of a a regular name uh among Celtics

Fans is kayada I gotta say kayada man limited minutes tonight but making those minutes count if I’m Bobby I’m shaking in my boots right now about my here’s this is the thing about kayada I I think there are certain matchups certain rosters where kayada can be a little bit more

Impactful than Luke uh Luke is a good ball mover Luke really you know when he’s out there he’s very good at being kind of that conduit between you know the hockey assist and the person who actually makes the assist uh he’s very he’s very good in that role and you need

Guys like that when you’re talking about winning games but there’s some nights where you just need a guy that’s gonna bang you need a big who you need a big who’s gonna play big uh and kayada is that guy on a lot of nights now he’s gonna make some silly fouls he’s gonna

Jump for trying to block shots and Al the shots that he has no business jumping for because him me merely being out there is going to intimidate some guys who are gonna hesitate to shoot uh he’s got to get smarter in that regard but if you’re the Celtics I’m warming to

The idea of having them both uh because I think there are certain matches where kayada should be playing more than Luke and certain matches where I think Luke should be playing more than kayada uh that’s Joe’s call to figure out how to manage those two because they are two

Very different types of bigs and I would like to see Joe do a little bit better job of utilizing each of their strengths because there just seems to be a lot of what I call empty calorie games bluk where it feels like you know it feels like you’re drinking diet a beverage

Where it’s just empty calories taste isn’t great you’re not getting any calories it’s just literally something that’s a little bit Sweeter Than Water uh and I don’t want that for my backup bab I think they’re nice where kada should play more than Luke and I just don’t think Joe feels that pressed to

Put him out there what do you think Joe sway Su Joe sway what’s going on fellas how we doing better now that we got you in the building how’s it going oh you’re sweet Jimmy I’m good man I’m doing good and uh just to piggyback on that for

Sure shro I I just think he’s still obviously still a bit raw right the the fouls is still a concern um you know but once he gets that down once he can uh be one of those defensive guys and obviously make clean blocks and clean stals I think he will be a problem

Honestly I mean you look at the other night I mean one of the few uh good things that we saw from the Celtics team against that Lakers matchup was how quickly this guy was flirting with a double double I mean he doesn’t need a

Lot lot of time out there to go out you know grab rebounds create uh opportunities for the Celtics Second Chance opportunities and also hey you give him the ball in the paint where he’s comfortable he’ll dunk you know what I mean he’ll dunk on anybody in

Front of him like he has that that muscle he has that confidence for sure and uh yeah I mean that’s just it’s just parts of his game that you’re not going to get for someone like Luke but Luke is has been um productive you know there’s

There’s a reason why there’s a you know there’s minutes for Luke on the rig and I think a lot of it has to do with what shirro just said in sense of uh ball movement you know making the right play being in the right spot a lot of the

Times but defensively in terms of cleaning the glass and being a force in the middle I think that’s where Kay gets the upper hand out of the two yeah um Joe S you didn’t get a chance to to give us your Marcus thoughts we did we did give we did give

Him about 20 minutes to start but just just give us your take on uh what you what you saw there tonight and and anything after the game um I just thought it was really cool to see most of the lower bowl most of the lows uh guys that had tickets in the load

Sections just hanging around just to watch Marcus talk to other people you know like he kind of took Center Court there and uh dapson pounds long talks with Al Horford uh Tatum a little bit you know and then just sort of like that final salute man I thought it was really

Really cool for fans to just stick around just so they could say thank you one last time and that I didn’t see that I didn’t see that happen yeah yeah I figured you know they they want to went to commercial right after the game but yeah after the postgame interview uh

After most of the players well all the players really uh were in the back he stayed out there for a little bit just greeting a lot of the Subic officials and uh you know people within the organization that maybe he didn’t get a chance to say hi to he took that moment

And it was really cool man I want to say like I don’t know shro what would you say like 300 four 500 fans were still just hanging around obviously it was a lot obviously they have like zero to no chance of even sh in that making icon

Shro shro was getting ready to get on to Hop On Hop on with you but I had to work with you J me yeah my bad my bad like that’s cool man like it’s not it’s like he’s going in the crowd giving everyone high fives and all that but no people

Just wanted to just take in that moment you know uh because who who knows you know the Memphis Grizzlies obviously only come here once a year so who knows next time they’ll see him and I just thought it was a really special day for him and you could tell he really

Embraced it Marcus is gonna be back here someday it may be as a player it may be as a coach Marcus will be back in Boston yeah he’s beloved by the organization right I mean the way I mean tribute videos obviously they there’s a there’s a special group of people that get that

Uh from this sou this organization but from with Marcus I feel like they go A Step Beyond when they salute what he’s done for the community with the hero amongus award like I I love that moment for Marcus because um you know sherro I’m sure you can attest to this when he

Started doing stuff in within the community he didn’t announce it you know he didn’t put it out there it kind of just picked up steam on its own because he did it just for the the kindness of of his heart you know he was doing a lot

Of stuff was really behind the scenes that no one that that very few of us knew about I love that yeah one of the one of the first times that I got a chance to spend some time with Marcus was was up in Maine at some type of

Event I can’t remember exactly what it was but he was talking then about having a foundation and how he wanted to get back and this was like his rookie season uh and you know I I think back to that conversation a lot of things that he talked about wanting to do he made

Happen uh for a lot of kids and he did it with as you pointed out just way with very little Fanfare very little attention and that was intentional uh because it really wasn’t about shining a spotlight on what he was doing but it was about helping people and what he

Learned though uh was that you kind of got to bring a spotlight on that so that you can attract other people to put a hand in to help with that work um and he’s really he’s really intentional about just making sure that he’s doing his part uh Beyond just being a

Basketball player uh and and and you know if we’re going to keep it totally 100 it’s not like he’s had nothing but great experiences when he’s been in Boston he’s been very clear about the not so great experiences but he doesn’t allow those experience to take away from

What he feels his mission is which is to help others in a way that goes above and beyond him simply signing a piece of paper or a back of a jersey at a game uh and that’s the thing that I’ve I’ve always appreciated about him about his Focus has always been on something

Bigger and greater than himself um and he makes that happen now having said that we also agree on the fact that when the Celtics made the decision to move him and get porzingis that was a great deal that was too a little too damn tempting to pass up if

You’re Boston and I love the fact that he is honest about that about I would have done the same deal too very few players have that that kind of self-reflection yeah but sherro let me ask you this though you think that’s that that’s changed in the last like

Three or four months because if you ask me I feel like it has like I think this as time has passed and he sees what the Celtics look like now it’s kind of like oh I get it now you know what I mean because I I remember the first uh the

First time we got a chance to catch up with Marcus right after the the trade happened he was sort of like Hey listen if they think that’s what’s best for them then I’m not gonna I’m not gonna fight that which you expect but you sort of had that sense of like maybe he’s

Thinking porzingis you guys really think like he’s the he’s the answer and then obviously he sees what they look like he’s like oh okay I get it now you know well I I I think for Marcus his his memory was like you do realize that I

Was locking this dude up at 6’4 and 72 73 I do realize that right but what Marcus I think eventually realized that yeah that’s true but you’re also the defensive player of the year you’re also one of the best players at you’re at that particular part of the floor in the

NBA the rest of these guys in the league they’re not that good and guess what he puts them on the grill on a regular basis right uh there’s there’s there’s not a lot of players that you see pora’s match up with that they outplay him and it’s a clear mismatch more times than

Not he’s going to get the better of whoever is trying to guard him uh and so I think as the season were’re on and Marcus is yeah doing what I think any former teammate would do you’re GNA watch your former team play You’re Gonna you’re gonna check out those clips you

Are going to be following them on IG and and all their social media platforms and you’re G to see all those clips and you’re watching porzingis go to work you’re watching him hitting folks with 227 and four five blocks and and just doing all these things and more than

Anything else they’re winning they’re not just playing well they’re winning more than any other team in the NBA and the thing about Markus he understands as a competitor that’s ultimately what all this is about what can I do to impact winning right is my presence giving this

Team a better chance to be successful than my lack of a presence and Marcus as much as he helped the Celtics while he was here and he definitely deserves credit for for that porzingis is getting them further down the road porzingis is giving them an an Avenue of growth that

They just weren’t going to have with Marcus uh and and so for him I think it’s just part of just his maturation and embracing the fact that you know I had a hand in helping them build this but they’re looking to build it bigger better stronger more diverse and I basically

Was collateral damage for that to happen they had to move me in order to get better uh and and and and again that’s you know that’s just kind of how is he gets it he absolutely gets it um all right that’s sherro at the at the game

Joe jimy you don’t like you don’t like the center spot okay no I think I should be in the left I want Joe way you’re front and center everybody knows that I don’t hate it but nobody pass the ball to the center anyway so Wings we got it

We we’ll keep taking shots Center I’m in the middle you were a sports coach tonight so we’ll give you I’ll man the middle that’s yeah man the middle go get some rebounds we’ll keep shooting so we got sherro in the building Joe S in the building Bobby Manning was on the show

To start he’s in the building getting some more postgame sound John xanis was also in the building folks there he was that’s why he’s not in the podcast he had his Marcus Smart Jersey on no he had a custom Marcus Smart I said Thank you Marcus AC no I’m just kidding you know

John’s gonna kill me I I left that out there it was facts no no John sers is at the game pretty good season he wanted us to give a shout out to rob from Portland Maine who came down and introduced himself to John apparently wanted to be

Seen with JN which is rare but he yeah he like sniped him I guess and just like ran all the way over to say hi to John Rob and his two daughters big fan of the show so you want to say shout out to Rob appreciate the support um and we also

Want to say shout out to our good friends at FanDuel who are our our favorite sponsors of fandel sports book and right now you can get $200 in bonus bets if your first bet of $5 or more wins on FanDuel that’s Boston and guys officially a week from now we will

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Sign up for FanDuel sports book get that five dollar bet in all right win it that’s key you gotta win the bet and then you’ve got you’ve got $200 in bonus bets to use on probably I don’t know a thousand or 10,000 different bets that you can make on

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And hopefully win but yeah the the props on the Super Bowl are awesome I mean anything you can think of there’s a bet for Gatorade colors the the popular pop prop one but you can even better I think you probably even better on the halftime show what’s what’s the first song what’s

User coming out to you’re you’re a big Usher Guy come on Jimmy I know I love Usher but man I don’t know it I I nailed the Katy Perry one like nine years ago no like did you I did the I had the tiger she led with and I freaking nailed

It I would say I watched that halftime but I was really upset that day so well at that time at halftime so I was like you know what yeah I’m gonna uh this cool off and not watch Seahawks one yeah that’s what I’m talking about oh your Seahawks Seahawks oh never mind I’m

Thinking of the uh I’m thinking of Lady Lady Gaga right atanta yeah I wasn’t watching that one either I wasn’t watching that yeah um but anyways I don’t know like I would say like Yeah by Usher just get the people going I feel like that would be

The second one you know what I mean like he’s gonna come out and do one and then right when that beat drops everyone loses it so I feel like that’s like the second you don’t think it comes out to just like I just feel like the people start

Get going off the bat I don’t know we’ll see that or OMG maybe I don’t know OMG I’m going to go OMG right yeah maybe OMG does he play nice and slow that was like his OG like that’s s if he does it’s like a verse because it’s a really slow

Song it’s not it’s not the choose I I wonder if M Middle School Dance Vibes right there I wonder if Lil John makes an appearance that that’d be cool that’d be that’d be dope sometimes you can get a a guest or two all right we’ve gone too long John’s gonna hate us all Boston get your get your sign up in there and get in on the font it’s it’s always a lot of fun on Super Bowl good food good good action I I got the ners I’m I’m gonna stick with the Niners I know that betting against the Chiefs Probably sounds crazy right now

Because they’ve been figuring out how to win games but I don’t think the Chiefs have played great football this year and I I’m just gonna I’m gonna lean Niners it’s not it’s not a lock but I’m gonna lean Niners and that’s that’s what I’m gonna stick with I’m going Chiefs are

Chiefs are you momes guy Mahomes believer I I I like him he’s he’s a phenomenal player um but you know um yeah I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going Chiefs I mean Mahomes p is kind of kind of one-sided there right right yeah I feel like they’re gonna have like that

Like third quarter where they like break away or something I don’t know Taylor Swift gonna be like going nuts Taylor the swifties will be watching I mean not that like I’m not one of those people that’s like get her off my screen type thing but like I just feel like it’s

Just it’s in the it’s in the cars no I’m not let me say this showing her gonna be on for like like 90 seconds for the entire game that’s how that’s a prop there only I don’t think they can do that the ners totally the ners can the Niners can

Prevent it from happening by by not letting Travis Kelce score a touchdown so it’s really up to them to keep Taylor off the screen good luck for that all right back to the game Joe sway Marcus Mart Marcus Mar side anything anything stick out to you tonight we talked

Porzingis earlier we’ve talked some kada um obviously Tatum you know I guess we really haven’t talked about Tatum that much but what’s really really to say he beat up on a g-league squad and and he did his thing this was practice this was like glorified practice real yeah we had

A little bit of Horford tonight um anything that stuck out to you that that you want to get get in here before yeah I mean like through the throughout the course of the game I kept thinking about what Missoula was saying in the sense of um you know picking out

What works best for the team you you know I mean like reading opposing defenses and making those adjustments on the Fly which is a lot of what these um what the big conversation is as Missoula said happened in practice where the players you know in in Missoula sort of

Said hey sometimes what you what you see before play starts it’s not the same thing that what we see so I thought that was interesting for Joe to kind of let us in on that conversation a little bit right uh talking about it in practice and then seeing what they did out there

Tonight especially with uh identify how Memphis grizzli just didn’t have that rim protector so how many times were their lobs you know especially in transition where you just knew Grizzlies just couldn’t get back there to defend that so I thought the did a really good job of identifying that and just keep

Continuing to do it until all of a sudden it’s a 20 point lead 25 30 point so on and I think that that’s a lot of what moua’s been talking about it’s like pinpointing uh weaknesses and attacking it and continuing to do that throughout the game and I think that obviously

Against a team like this very very short-handed Grizzlies team it’s easier it’s much magnified however this is something that has to be the norm for the Celtics regardless of who they’re playing so for them to not let up show that the message was delivered like I

Don’t care if you guys are playing an actual g-league team like you have to do this every single night and of course you look at what happened against the Lakers that wasn’t the case so I like that obviously and I like um see seeing Tatum’s defensive awareness I

Thought stood out as well uh jumping the passing Lanes in that first half and just identifying you know tendencies that the Grizzlies would continue to do I was going to say wait because you you you segwayed perfectly into this clip that I want to play from Joe so we’re

Going to take a listen to it now so how did you feel about the response uh I thought we did our job but uh the game went how um it was supposed to go from the standpoint of I thought we played well um we executed and I thought we we

Came with the right mindset so um you can’t not appreciate the times where you just come in do your job and get out and I think it’s important you know uh but the mindset Remains the Same like you know whether it’s a win or a loss it’s

Still unhealthy to stay attached to it so we got to get better and I think that’s the healthy mind frame that we’re trying to stay into you know yeah man it’s perfect yep that’s it remember how Tatum talked about a bad day at work this is a great day at work

This is when it’s like everything is going your way you’re like wait a minute what’s going you’re putting out fires left and right like that like you know what I mean and like everything is just like wow look at the lights at the office head on walking down that

Sidewalk you’re not like dressed out on the on the way out the deal it’s usually like a Thursday or something but yeah if you want to use that metaphor then that this was this was that that day this is a great work day for the Celtics for

Sure shro it sounded like Joe just said yeah we busted their ass just like we were supposed to basically exactly and he he did it in a very politically correct you know way U but that this is what you’re supposed to do though that team is trash they’re trash and that’s

No disrespect to the organization it’s just that they’ve got so many injuries that they have been devalued to where they’ve got basically a subg league team of players out there there this team I don’t know if the way they’re constructed they’d finish in the top

Third of the G League to be honest it’s it’s they’re that bad they’re that bad and and there’s no disrespect to the players at least well you’ve got you’ve got like five six seven guys in the rotation who should be like the basically the 11th and 12th guy on most

Teams uh and they’re starting they’re playing Major minutes and you know you find out why these guys don’t have these big fat multi-year contracts because that’s not who they are and so Joe was spot on and just basically saying we handle our business and that’s something

That this team we know is susceptible to not doing when they feel that they’re playing an inferior opponent uh the Lakers the other night that team was garbage and yet they handed you a fat L why because you didn’t give them the respect that a team in the NBA should warrant every

Night if the team is bad and you’re playing them show the world why they’re bad don’t get don’t let them off the hook don’t let them gain confidence you know Austin Reeves looked like MVP Austin Reeves out there oh that should never happen he look like he looked like

He was the best player on the floor and with all due respect when you’ve got most of your guys healthy at best he should be maybe what the fourth maybe fifth best player maybe maybe but to to be better than everyone that you had out there come on that’s that’s just embarrassing

Two of two of the top uh uh best greatest 75 NBA players on that were weren’t playing they were on Ste Street closed R so you got to take advantage of that this ain’t preseason this a exhibition this isn’t no the End season ter this is a regular season game uh so

That was that was disappointing and embarrassing all at the same time but did the Celtics credit they didn’t allow that’s the other thing that they they’ve been very good at they have not allowed setbacks to linger they may lose a couple games in a row or three out of

Four every now and every blue moon but you don’t get the sense that they allow whatever they don’t get right to stick uh and that’s again again that’s part of being a really good team uh I know that after the Lakers lost there was a lot of folks jumping off the Green Team

Bandwagon uh you know that this team isn’t this they’re not that da da and that’s great for them because when you’ve won the way they have sometimes you need the haters to remind you that you ain’t really all that yeah sometimes you need to hear those voices about they not that nice the

Clippers are Milwaukee best seven sometimes you need to hear that stuff to be like oh really hold my beer I’ll be right back oh that’s how you feel that’s how you feel yeah you know that’s been the knock on them sherod though that has been the

Knock over the last few seasons is that they don’t get up for the they don’t get up for the little games right not that they don’t get up for the big games they might still lose a big game but that doesn’t mean they didn’t get up for it I

Mean there’s a couple exceptions Milwaukee obviously is one that sticks out but we’ve seen it before a team comes in their best player sits or the best two players sit and then like that’s a l and and you think oh this other Are Gonna Roll no they’re gonna

Get rolled because they they they they Sleepwalk they they they they don’t they can’t get themselves fired up for it yeah roll up smoked out the building the other team with this circumstance though Jimmy like this is the one that sticks out because this wasn’t this wasn’t news that dropped

Like an hour before tip off they knew about four or five hours before the game that no LeBron no Anthony Davis the team had a meeting and then they still you know what happened still happened so like you know when Gary went out there and asked that question like which

Obviously it’s a great question because it’s like the same day you have this meeting it’s like hey make sure this doesn’t happen and then they let it happen you know so I I I just think they between the between the between exactly like yo deflecting at his best it’s like

Man like tell me you’re uncomfortable without tell me you’re uncomfortable you know what I mean like you just didn’t want to you didn’t like the heat you know so you deflected but something tells me about the way they responded which I doesn’t surprise me but again

The way they did it though in this game against the Grizzlies between the conversation that they had in practice and and just having a a really tough um scrimmage whatever kind of practice they had you can just tell that you know this is the result of that you know these

Guys really really uh had a lot you know to iron out Saturday at the hour back Center Um what about I know you jumped on when we were talking about uh kayada a little bit joose I don’t know if you got to finish your your a little bit yeah just I mean we know that whether it’s kayada cornette brette whoever it might be

These These are end of the rotation guys maybe not even in the rotation when the playoffs come around you might have a situation where you need to go to one of those guys what’s he showing you over the last stretch of games here that he’s been able to get an opportunity to play

In and to see a guy now that see maybe make you think well maybe maybe we don’t need to do anything at the trade deadline not that they’re going to do anything crazy anyways but is this team becoming more solidified where you know the trade deadline could come and go and

They might be the same exact team and that might not be horrible that might not be the worst thing that might just be you know what yeah this is our team and and we’ve seen enough from you know 7even n 10 guys that were good with

It I I don’t think they would be in a that spot if that were to happen to be honest with you you know you’re seeing the um the continuity you’re seeing the way these guys really cheer from one another and I think there’s a lot uh to

Be said about that for a team uh with championship aspirations uh kayada is a great example of someone that um you know wasn’t quite sure if he even stick on to the team and then to see his growth in the last two three months you could tell like the team really really

Cheers him on you know when he’s in there and Jordan Walsh scores his first NBA points like everyone is on their feet in the bed well obviously the crowd helps as well but like I just think all that matters especially when there’s been so many nights where guys you know

People who you don’t expect to have any playing time are starting you know you know moments where guys have to contribute you know and I think guys remain ready like you know the whole Stay Ready crew because of the the way this this roster is designed you know Al

Not playing on the second line of back to backs and you know um uh porzingis is missing a handful of games so I think all that helps because they they obviously W stay ready and two you’re seeing the growth in between you know guys nine and 12 or whatever at the end

Whereas we always knew going into the season that the top six were solidified and easily the the better top six across the NBA but those spots between seven eight and N I think is now we’re starting to figure out you know as we see you know Lauser coming to his own

And uh Pritchard you know is still St trying to find that consistency but you’re seeing guys you you’re able to plug in and still get results yeah it’s funny you mentioned Hower and Pritchard you would think that those guys Hower Pritchard Luke those are your first what three guys off the

Bench you know or you know with Horford alide um not a not a ton from those guys tonight um I don’t know if that’s just the way the game went or the subs just went a little bit deeper into the bench and they didn’t really need to to to do

As much but is there sherro I mean when you look at Hower and Pritchard specifically because those guys are going to get more consistent playing time than than luk will are they reliable are they are they reliable on a night and Night Out basis we know what Hower can do we know what

Pitcher can do I would say to to uh we know what both those guys can do but can we can we rely on them to actually do it when it’s gon to matter uh no and I think part of that is because I don’t believe they’re going to be leaned on

When it does matter I think this I think some got to play Off the Bench well yeah but they don’t got to play much they don’t got to play a lot they don’t have to play a meing role I I I think you’re going to see uh you know depending on

How they play you’re going to see their minutes reduce as we get into the playoffs which is understandable you want your best players out there for most of the game while recognizing that they’re going to need breaks along the way in order to be as fresh as possible

Down the stretch so to me their their playing time they are going to dictate their playing time the better they play the better chances they have to be on the floor for significant minutes um but when a game actually is on the line l in the fourth quarter and you need to stop

You know I think a Hower might be on the floor to some extent if they really you know they need a three ball to kind of either sty run by the other team or or they need a bucket of some kind he might be on the floor in that situation uh but

They’re not he’s not gonna be on the floor because they absolutely got to get him a shot they want him on the floor because your options A and B and C might break down and if he’s D then get him to rock and see what he can do so I don’t

I’m not worried too much about them in the bench because I just don’t think they’re going to lean on the bench as much as they’ve done in a regular season yeah I mean we saw that last year right moula was putting out like a seven man rotation pretty much you just showed

You how much trust he had in particular guys and obviously we saw in that uh Series against the Heat that R Williams was on the out was on the outside of the circle of trust right so I mean I just think when it comes down to um playoff

Basketball Missoula is not afraid to say hey I’m not going to play you I don’t trust you out there you know so it wouldn’t shock me if you get the same type of approach this year this time around but obviously you have a much tal much more tal much more um Dynamic team

You know group of guys where you don’t necessarily have to go eight deep every single night you know but hey that that’s what happened last year I’m not saying that’s gonna happen again this year but it’s a strong chance that that will happen with Al being the six guy

You know um Hower I think is proven himself so I think he’s he’s a lot for that seventh but that eighth maybe it’s prer in one series maybe it’s not you know in another we’ have to wait and see yeah I mean I I listen the bench is

Always going to be the question mark I don’t even know what Pritchard has Pritchard had any playoff role in his career not not much of one so I mean it it’s interesting because remember eay like like went to him and believed in him all of a sudden that towards the end

Of that um postseason run and then he had like what that that huge game one against the Warriors in the finals and he kind of just you know kind of faded from there but some some some experience though I mean not a lot of guys on this

Team can say they they bald out the way he did in in limited minutes in that game one matchup where something obviously went off and uh as Draymond Green remembers it something that never was was destined to happen again it didn’t throughout that series but pet

Did have a part in that we’re talking about uh the sou ex bench Jordan Walsh scores his first career points tonight it was one of those crowds that you could tell they just kind of were were in a good good mood no matter what so I think yeah but people love people love

Jordan Walsh man like I mean yeah I mean they made sure they let him know that they understood it was his first career two points on the dunk um sherro went on earlier to say that he thinks Jordan was is a future perennial Allstar in this

League no he didn’t say that but he does think that Jordan Walsh can have some kind of effect I think mostly on the defensive end I’m going to go to a a Joe bite here on Walsh to see I have no idea what he said but we’re to find out right

Now I mean even before that I think what stood out is just his growth as a player and understanding the the most important thing is defense and I loved his uh defensive positioning and his defensive physicality and uh his instincts and I think that’s gotten you know a lot

Better uh since the beginning of the year and I think that’s a challenge for any young player is like really buying into the fact that regardless of what you think you are offensively or how it went in college you know you have to play defense you got to learn defense uh

And he’s he’s done a great job of that and uh then it’s fun for him to you know he got his first two points in the garden and uh like you said he continued to play the right way I there you go I mean Joe and I are

Watching the same thing good good to know um I I just I just think that when you get to the playoffs you are going to have to win a game at least one game where none of your guys that you’re banking on all season are going to lead

The charge you’re going to need someone to do something that’s unexpected unpredictable and significant iFly impactful uh and I think Jordan was could be one of those those wild cards that again we’re not going to be talking about him much the rest of the season but they’re May night where you know

Maybe one of the backup reserves isn’t feeling well or has some type of Health ailment that they’re dealing with and he’s on an active roster and you know one of the Wings gets in early foul trouble and Jordan Walsh comes in there and plays really good for like three

Four minutes stretch uh and that puts that is the recalibration that they need to go on to win the game and even though that that’ll probably a night where Tatum has 30 and jayen have 25 those who watch the game will remember the surge that put you in control of the game was

Sparked by The Rook uh and I think that’s the role that that he could potentially have going forward because again I’ve seen him play you know like three or four G League games he’s good yo I mean young fell is nice I me he can ball uh and he’s athletic out there he’s

Ridiculously athletic he’s way more athletic than I thought uh that’s probably Jimmy that’s the one thing about him that I did didn’t anticipate would translate as well at this level that from what I’ve seen I I knew he wasn’t a great shooter but I thought he

Was a solid athlete and was just kind of one of those guys that does a lot of different things pretty good but really hadn’t figured out what is he great at at this level uh his athleticism is going to allow him as as time moves on

To get on the floor and and do some things that his talent hasn’t quite caught up or his skill set I should say hasn’t quite caught up with the athleticism and that’s okay off because right now they don’t need that from him it’ll come in time but right now I you

Know I would love to see Joe figure out a way to get him he doesn’t have to play every game but find a way to get him out on the floor you know with these last you know 30 some OD games they got um I’m just texting with Bobby he is going to

Um he is going to jump back I just told him he’s gonna jump back on he’s finishing up or Tatum’s talking right now so we’re going to get Tatum’s reaction on Marcus Smart Knight and um I guess maybe some some other comments from the game um speaking of that I got

I got another clip here let’s see what Al Horford had to say about old friend marus SM yeah um it’s special you know it was special um to to be able to share those moments with him um I I knew that you know the crowd was going to be you

Know very grateful and appreciative and uh and and they were you know they were great they really showed their appreciation and um and it was nice to see not only Marcus but also you know his wife um and and and you know and the people that were uh along with them you

Know that they were kind of taking everything in appreciating the moment and uh and feeling the love you know Boston you know has real love um you know for Marcus and um and even though he’s on another team it doesn’t change you know how how we feel about him as

Our guys and and also the you know the fans show how they feel about him as well there you go of a number of years toss this common this is this is based on our p p and Pritchard combo Stand Out game against Milwaukee that that’s what I do game yes

So yeah been there pitard has been there to some extent so we shall see said that was cute yeah I remember we got K I got the I love I love prer man and I love when people stick up for him uh he’s is a feisty dude and I like

Feisty guys uh I just wish I just wish he did what he’s capable of doing more often he’s a good shooter he’s a what’s preventing that I wish I knew uh because damn show is an opportunity because he’s getting opportunities to do that uh to me when I

Watch him play I don’t I don’t think it’s so much the side is the contract sod is that is it being comfortable knowing that you know you got some security for the next couple years I don’t think he’s ever been comfortable Joseph yeah I don’t think he knows what that feels

Like um he strikes me as someone who even when he is comfortable he’s thinking about man this really isn’t quite as comfortable as it should be this could all end tomorrow yeah no I I think he’s just a guy that you know when

I look at him play and I look at his his shot making he’s very much a rhythm guy uh and sometimes it takes him a little longer than it should in theory to get into a flow get into a rhythm the thing that I I do like about him though that

He’s able more times than not it’s not an issue is his defense he’s a little guy who doesn’t really get kind of beaten up and and blasted the way most little guys do and I think part of that is because he’s just a little Bulldog I

Mean you trying to post him up he’s not having that um if you’re trying to you know just shoot over the top of him he’s gonna cow your space and make it uncomfortable for you uh to me in a lot of ways defensively particularly when

Guys try to post him up he reminds me of Drew holiday a smaller version of Drew holiday because Drew holiday has been able to show that he can hold his own with damn near any player in the league I mean Joel embiid was having issues

Putting him in you know putting him on a block uh you know this season which is should never I mean the physics in your head tell you that should never happen Jo lmb 260 some change Drew holiday nowhere near 260 maybe not even 200 U but he

Makes him work yeah and and that’s that’s the beautiful thing about Drew holiday and just kind of come in Full Circle to our our buddy Marcus Smart Drew holiday is essentially a better version of Marcus Smart when you look at the thing okay zis wow on Marcus Smart [Laughter]

Night when they reti number that’s not sh because Marcus is a hell of a player he’s a really good player but Drew we think about this Marcus I’m not disag I don’t know shro maybe a couple years ago well well well let’s look at it this way

You talk about playmaking you talk about shot making you talk about under the ball defense right today forget I mean if Marcus were were not injured Drew is probably a little bit better than him and you look at the fact that Drew yeah Drew is a par and and again

There there’s no shade in that I mean that’s just like saying well you know what uh you know Jaylen is is is a good player but you know there’s some guys who are better I mean and when you talk about Marcus Drew is a guy that’s probably better than him I

Mean he respects and and and to and again to me there’s no shame in that because that doesn’t take away from Marcus being a great player it recognizes what the Celtics were able to get in Drew holiday which is a really good Championship player guy who’s already

Got a chip and I think I think Drew is the guy that’s probably making the biggest sacrifice out of everybody exactly and and the fact that you got your te Drew is not even talking about you got his teammates talk about the sacrifice which means something is happening in practice and we’re not

Around that they’re just like damn Drew still got some stuff in the bag that he ain’t even pulling out the Woodworks let me ask you I’m sure watch watch in the playoffs though he’s gonna have one of those games where it’s just like oh like that’s what Milwaukee’s missing you know

Like he it’s probably gonna be against Milwaukee yeah it probably is because you’re gonna be like Dame Lillard huh okay yeah let let me ask you something they don’t win that trip without Drew like he had such a big part of that he did he did his defense was phenomenal

Phenomenal Jim Jimmy you about to ask something yeah I ask him you can you can go first right then Jo I’ll get your opinion too we there was a quote that came out last week late last week maybe from Brogden and basically the short of

It was that they asked him about I get maybe his feelings in in Portland he said you know I like it here I’m not trying to get traded it’s nice to be in a place where you know you’re appreciated essentially oh sh the shade was real the shade was real the shade

Was real a thoughts on that how is that different than what why is that different with Drew holiday why is what different with why so I imagine what maybe what brogen’s saying is that in terms of sacrificing sacrificing role being sort of switched around I’m I’m I’m not saying that it

Isn’t different but why why is it different why should holiday not feel the way uh brogen felt I guess because Drews appreciated Drews appreciated Brogden appreciated because Brogden was part of a team that was built differently than the one that Drew is Bill think about it when brogon was here

You had him you had Marcus Smart you had Dereck white uh and this was Dereck white pre I should be talked about as an All-Star Dereck white but you were seeing signs that Derrick was trending toward being a very impactful player so you had three very impactful players really vying for one position

Essentially uh and they looked at the big picture and it’s just like okay Marcus is a staple uh he ain’t going nowhere and Derek white we traded for Derek white and we had to actually give up something for that was like the one that’s like the one trade that Brad made

Where they actually gave up some legitimate Capital as far as first round pick stuff like that uh and flip to this year with Drew holiday is Drew holiday is Dereck white who’s competing with them who’s who who’s challenging them for minutes ex exactly so if you’re Drew you’re appreciated more so because

You’re not fighting for attention it’s like being it’s like trying to even though he’s not getting let’s say he’s not getting the looks on offense though like that’s okay with him he’s more of a defensive minded guy any Marcus was in a three-headed battle to be prom King Drew has no real

Competition to be the prom King so he’s feeling much love because there’s he doesn’t have that Dynamic at play um so I I I get the difference uh now back to to Malcolm’s comments uh he spot on they didn’t appre the dude was was he gets

Six man of the year and you trade him that’s that’s that stuff doesn’t really happen that often um but the reason he was traded was because as the playoffs rolled on even with him being hurt and not knowing how much you’re gonna get out of him uh even when the idea of him

Being healthy I think they realized that we’ve probably gotten as far as we’re going to get with him and we need as much as we like him we really need to add a stretch big we need to add someone who can actually kind of be almost like

Relief vow for the offense and so you you target porzingis who you knew was was someone that was clearly available um and when that didn’t work out you moved on to plan B to get porus which was Marcus so yeah you know yeah I mean

He’s got a he’s got a good point in the sense of what happened over the offseason because let’s face it between Brad Stevens quote saying that oh we have to mend that relationship because you know the the collapse trade with the Clippers that fell through and all that

Stuff but in reality it was okay how can we cash in on this chip that we have like that was their goal like we’re going to we’re going to strike someone big and Brockton has to be a part of it so yeah you’re not going to feel appreciated because you feel like I

Wasn’t really part of your future you just sort of wanted to use me as a chip to improve your roster overall so clearly that’s not the case right now in Portland however when you look at the way the game was played how things how the season played out you wonder if

Brogon thought that going into the season he’d have a lot more say in how things were going as a veteran as you know a point guard has been in this league for a long time respected you know in this league and on top of everything he thought he was gonna be

Playing for eoka so there was a lot of uh you know uh what I thought was going to happen didn’t happen you know a lot of the expectations that I think that Brockton uh the way he saw this thing playing out in Boston obviously didn’t

Play out um the way he saw it but I think I don’t think it’s just about the way the season ended I just think it’s the the way the decisions were called shots were called and all that and of course the the offseason you know it was

Like do you guys even are you guys even considering me as part of your future and rightfully so Brant you know they probably weren’t you know it was it it would would have been worst case scenario brogen’s back uh if you think about the way the somethings approached

The offseason in their trads can you imagine Jo way he’s back angry Rob he’s back angry Marcus out Rob out like be much this would be a very different season for the Cs that’s why it’s good to be proac boys sometimes it’s hard to make those trades and make those

Decisions but you want to avoid shout out to Brad for making those tough decisions man because see the future way there’s no way that stuff’s easy if you’re breast Bobby quick comments on Brogan’s comments before we get back to tonight’s or did you already talk about this uh some other episode I

Don’t think we did BR no I haven’t hit on it yet we all hit on it so why don’t you give us your your take I still don’t get the retrospective complaining about how things went down here because it was all good right up until the very end he

Embraced the six-man role and he won it wasn’t like he wasn’t appreciated I mean people must have appreciated him to vote him as the Sixth Man of the Year yeah and you understand the gripes over the trade aspect of it now the roll thing and the appreciation I feel like there

Was plenty of appreciation here if anyone wasn’t appreciated again we said it over and over again Jimmy it was Derek white took one shot in crunch time but postseason that’s why I’m cracking up guys sorry that’s a funny comment the Steve Jobs turtleneck I think it’s sharp well done DJ Daniel

Sorry yeah one of the fans we ran into tonight was uh praising your mustache Jim he said keep it up is this Rob from meain no different one different wow tell us tell us about the next big thing on yeah yeah so yeah yeah yeah what we

Expect to hear at this at the meeting this week new color iPhone no all right Bobby we waited for you we want to know um what can you tell us is dope around for Tatum Tatum reaction and Marcus or just in general what do we got no Jason

Obviously just took in the crowd reaction and he’s seen in a couple different situations now just how much AG relation you get from the fan base here after you’re done especially if you have a long success career you talked about seeing you know jerseys go up in

The Raptors and um you know being around obviously kg and Pierce to some degree but just being a guy that he played with for as long as he did seeing how that gets you this treatment here in the city is I think just another layer to Tatum starting to understand the experience

Here a little bit right and he’s talked about that in several different interviews him starting to get the expectations and you know sort of how fans interact with this team and even just living here for as long as he has now so I think it’s another layer to

That I found Al Horford’s comments great on him as well yeah we got we got Clips on both so I’m gonna play Tatum first then I’m gonna go right on oh we already played Al so I’m gonna just play um Tatum’s comment yeah yeah it just goes

To show that you know if you when you put this jersey on and um you respect the game and respect uh the organization and respect the people that came before you by you know essentially um giving it your all every single night you know when Pierce

And kg and smart um you know when they all came back for different reasons the the reception and the love that they got uh you know when you do all those things the fans they appreciate it and they uh they know how to show their appreciation whoa Joe S is gone lost Jo

We lost him it’s a 30 second clip Joe S damn it can’t take a break Dam shortest clip ever damn it 30 second clip Jo thought it was about to be like an inauguration speech I thought it was like 45 at least you know there’s a little stop camera button you can click

You know how you know what Tatum does with his uh uh like I thought it’ be like at least a 45 second clip those are the comments that mean probably you mentioned it we’re we’ve we’re waiting for those types of comments for years and years and years we thought they

Would never come over the last couple years starting to hear it a lot more and um yeah it it it it it’s nice to hear players in the moment appreciate it not after the fact not saying oh you know I didn’t realize it until I played on you

Know team X Y and Z after but understanding how special it is and I think a guy like porzingis is a great example of that coming from a the opposite uh situation and seeing the difference um so it’s nice stop smiling yeah right right that was the thing

Tonight there were obviously clashes and hard times and bumps and people had their gripes with smart at many different points but tonight I just think showed that even his biggest detractors looked at him and said he works his ass off he played so hard and he meant well

At the end of the day with everything he did and you know Tatum and brown both talked about that it wasn’t always smooth sailing with him as teammates U Brown especially and you know I asked him before the game about the comments he said in Memphis Jimmy that really

Surprised me I was surprised Brown put it out there as plainly as he did that he couldn’t stand Marcus at first then he learned to love over time you know smart said tonight that was Mutual like they did not get along early on in in their careers and you know now they’ve

Called each other brothers and you know all the stories of brown going down the Smart’s mother’s funeral and all that and you know the way they keep in touch to this point that you almost feel like one way or another and Tatum obviously said it right after the trade

Happened there could be a reunion down the line who knows how it is who knows in what capacity but it feels like this is one of those things much like Horford that are is going to come back around and maybe it’s years and years down the line here I don’t think it’s anything

Imminent but there feels like there’s a connection that is gonna push some motivation retirement home somewhere end up in the same same place yeah and Horford said like this was the first step for him given his own experience moving on from Atlanta and being in a couple different spots this

Return home is the important step really the first step he called it to um actually moving on and it’s gonna be difficult I mean they’re in a rough spot Jimmy it seemed like one of the big things Brad said obviously right when he made the trade was we’re sending him in

A good place like he’s gonna be able to win here he’s gonna be happy here and you know I think everybody catching up with him today felt that he’s in a good place that he’s happy that he’s at ease with what went down and he expressed

That too but it really starts like last year looks like they’re starting from Square One to a large degree yeah I mean it’s unfortunate that it happened for him but that’s the way the cookie crumbl sometimes so next year you know they got a trust front office to get things back

In order and yeah they need some luck too I mean in injuries happen and what happened in johnar sucks you know straight up nobody saw that coming and when he came back to the team Bobby they were fired they were R and and things were looking good for them and it just

That’s what the coach said pregame they were finally getting it together and then just all fell apart I mean it’s not even an exaggeration everybody’s hurt on that team everybody yeah every single player including the defensive player of the year they had 13 players on the injury report tonight it it really is

Something that I’ve never seen before and and Sh out I mean you’ve watched a lot of basketball I can’t imagine you’ve seen a team with a roster that looked that much like it didn’t belong on an NBA court no I mean you don’t see this

You you only see this in a preseason how many how many players how many players did Google be honest I’m not I’m not going to answer that question oh man I’m not going answer that question and look at each other like y who’s this yeah yeah Ser what’s his name like crazy it’s

Not even I hate to say it’s not even really worth looking up some of these guys names man but but good for them I mean hey great great great for those guys to get that opportunity and whatever happens whatever that’s as much as we’re going to talk about uh the grizzly situation

But there is another team that deserves our attention and our discussion because some breaking news tonight oh as W announced that Joel embiid Wen I’m sure amongst a number of other reporters announced that Joel embiid will undergo surgery to repair a torn meniscus in his left knee there is

No timetable for his return but they are not expecting and this is just I I would say that and they’re not expecting him back anytime soon and I think Bobby I think you tweeted that you think he’s done for the year I think he’s going to

Miss the season the prognosis as Dr fnn and others have written for miniscus repair surgery is at least six months I don’t know why they’re being vague in their characterization and the injury here I’m sure did they stay torn they described as a displaced flap and every you know medical expert on

Twitter semantics everywhere else is saying it’s that’s a tear um and if repair and again this is being reported in a couple different places the surgery is going to be repair here that is a longterm sucks absence and and you’re talking about a guy who has had a long

History of issues with his yeah lower extremities his knees and legs and stuff so it’s it’s devastating to them absolutely devastating um so yeah man especially because um you think about the last three years and I feel like everyone sort of had this thing in the back of their mind where just like

When’s that next injury G to happen because you know it’s just historically that’s just what happens with bigs right especially when they have a history when they’re super young I mean his rookie season was delayed because of foot problem like you just sort of can see

Miss his first two years Joe S two years right you can just kind of see like okay this guy’s not gonna have one of those 15 16 year careers but how much is he going to you know once he hits his Prim which clearly he’s in right now you know

How how are the Philadelphia 76ers going to take advantage of that and I’m starting to wonder if we’re we’re coming towards the end of that of that window that mvp window if you will where he was a candidate tear he won it last year you know and it’s like man like how many

Years is you know of highlevel MVP caliber basketballs left in a beat after this big bigs don’t get the age gracefully they never get the age gracefully it’s always or I should say more times than not some type of physical ailment that derails what otherwise would be an impressive career

And and Joel unfortunately you get the sense that that may be the path that he’s starting to go down right now uh with this injury uh and for Philly you know it’s a devastating bow because this was one of the better teams that you’ve had in recent years that actually looked

Like a team that could make a little noise that could do a little something something um that ain’t happening without Joel you can still win some games but you’re not you’re not going to go far in the playoffs without him you’re not built for that no no it’s a

Damn shame I mean it feels like they they’ve been unable to just put a championship caliber team around embiid at the same time he’s been able to be healthy and last year obviously had just unreal season that was the closest can’t expect him to to be doing to putting

Those numbers up just to get just to almost get by you know just just to get to the second round of the playoffs he has to put together historically good season and it’s just too bad that they weren’t able to find the right pieces to

I mean listen when I say it’s too bad I’m not losing any sleep over it it’s too bad for them I don’t give a rats ass what what happens what good things happen to the 76ers but I will say that it it is a shame to to almost waste the

Talent no no one thought you did Jimmy but yeah we we it never crossed our minds Jimmy never crossed mind very clear that I don’t give a rat’s ass about the 76 such a nice guy yeah uh but you never want to see anyone get hurt

And certainly you know I love to see huge fan of greatness hot take all the greats I want to see them play at their Peak as long as they can that’s why I was pissed at LeBron and Anthony Davis didn’t play on Thursday I want to see

Those guys come in here and I want to see a good a good match people pay a lot of good money and they have a lot of interest in you know histo you know these are historically great players SM Mor want to see smart too of course yeah another historically great player in

Bobby’s mind um but that that is just the reality of it so the Celtics maybe catch a little bit of a break there I mean the Sixers now I mean just checking out the standings what are they fifth or sixth they’re they’re fifth in the standings it’s tight in the middle and

This are right behind them and and they could end up now you’re looking at a this is probably the team that played you toughest this year p on the come up you’re saying maybe Boston Milwaukee Cleveland Nicks and Indie are going to be like your your your top five teams

Assuming the Sixers kind of slip a little bit here which I I again they give them credit they had a hell of a win uh I think it was F Saturday night or Friday night against um was it Utah anyways hell of a win without embiid but

They just can’t they can’t keep that they’ll be in the mix they’ll survive but the upside and the threat to Boston isn’t quite there as it was before and they’ll you know they’ll reshape their play I’m sure they’ll go smaller I’m sure they’ll use Harris a bunch more who

Can be formidable if he’s Pro you know propped up in the offense there and they have plenty of ammunition to make a move um now who’s out there in terms of centers know Clint capella could could potentially be available if they send out the money is that what they want to

Go all in on here that’s the tough decision they’re gonna have to make do they wna still try to compete this year or do you kind of take that step back and say next year we’re gonna go all in and that might be what they prefer to do

Here especially since they have more assets this summer so this is potentially your biggest threat in the East that is out of the picture now here so it is uh it is big news and of course then not ruling him out I saw that aspect of the report here too they

Believe he could return at some point this season but again if this is a repair like oh if they get to the second round of the playoffs maybe he comes back finals yeah something like that yeah you know you’re looking at Cleveland now you looking at New York

You’re looking at Milwaukee if they can turn things around under dock here but this is as much of a sign as ever that the East is wide open for the Celtics to take control of now and that shows in the standings here too they built quite

A large lead on the one seed over uh the number two Knicks or number two Cavs whoever it is at this point bucks so there’s a Runway of the finals here Jimmy and they have to take it and tonight was you know even though the competition on the other side was as bad

As you can imagine the fact that they took care of business as smoothly as they did here in this one Tatum with a great game um bench guys stepping up moving on from that bad bad Lakers loss it was good and again you have winnable games rest of

The week Hawks uh Wizards in the heat again on Sunday so keep building on that standing Hawks on Wednesday Hawks on Wednesday game before the trade deadline yeah that’s true we’ll talk about we’ll do we’ll do a little trade deadline prediction uh after Wednesday night’s game but I think we’ve gone long enough

Guys uh hour and a half tonight I want to thank everybody for jumping on sherro joose S Bobby The Big Three reporting live from the TD Garden where else you g to get this type of coverage again we want to thank hey hey Jimmy that’s shaj podcast actually but oh no that’s yeah

That’s true yeah we’re but appreciate you though I wasn’t I wasn’t compling I wasn’t complaining about that well you guys are my big three how about that but shout out shout out to shad’s podcast as well you heard that John all these three guys he did not no way he’s watching

This John who’s John yeah John’s not uh John’s not on this show so he’s not he will not be give me John podcast coming soon yeah coming soon but uh catch sherro on seen this for four years it’s coming just keep wait waiting sherrod’s got his podcast Joe sway’s got his

Bobby’s got his you can find them all on clns again we want to thank um our sponsor fandu Sportsbook get $200 in bonus bets if your first bet of $5 or more wins you want to go to Boston and guys do it this week because

The Super Bowl is in a week you’re going to want to have that bonus bet money available to make you know you can make 200 prop bets if you want I wouldn’t suggest going about it that way but certainly you could um a lot of different ways to go with it but again

Thank you to FanDuel thanks to everybody um who watched us um wherever you are at home on the road um want to thank uh just want to say thanks how about that we’re all thankful um Sunday night Celtics win what is the uh here we go 13191 Celtics over the Grizzlies and we

Will see you guys guys all Wednesday wait a second we got an outro don’t we where’s this outro here we go boom outro peace wait am’s got an outro for us I think no he doesn’t he said he was going to work on an outro he had a phenomenal game

Phenomenal forit out I I think it’s an option that did not sound like a chair it was a freaking chair it does sound like a chair

The Garden Report goes live following the Celtics game vs the Grizzlies. Catch the Celtics Postgame Show featuring Bobby Manning, Josue Pavon and A. Sherrod Blakely as they offer insights and analysis from Boston’s vs Memphis.

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  1. Sherrod – I'll never assume a win again, even against summer league players. Did you watch the Lakers game?

  2. I feel like all the rest for Marcus will do him well. Next year he will be back to his prime self and Memphis will be good again

  3. Does your boss tell you he's gonna fire you before he ultimately decides to makes that MOVE NO! BUSINESS IS BUSINESS & we love Marcus 💚 but the whole notion of feeling sorry that he was moved the way he was moved is a thing of the past. He's fine with it and were fine with it. We will love Smart 4L. Maybe he can come back after Tatum wins a chip or two.

  4. I was there. During the game they kept chanting “we love Marcus” and towards the end around late 4th quarter they was chanting “thank you Marcus”. Fans rly showed him lots of love

  5. 38-12 vs 12-38
    I feel bad Marcus had to break his making the playoffs streak because he is 100% a playoff player. He has no fear. He has no misgivings. He makes the plays that matter when they matter most. He will take the last shot of you give it to him. #36 deserves a spot in the rafters for what he brought to the organization and what he did in the city.

  6. Damn, Queta dropping 8 and 8 with 2 steals and +18 in 10 minutes is crazy. Dude has a high motor. He looks like Embiid out there, lumbering and really big and athletic, minus the jump shooting, soft touch, and wild flailing falls off Embiid.

  7. Now that we’ve got all this excessive Marcus Smart ball washing done, I’m still concerned whether or not we can beat upper echelon teams in a playoff series. Is Joe Mazzulla able and willing to call timeouts, make offensive and defensive adjustments , and Stop the hero ball and the Three-point, chucking and ducking, Because if not, it’s going to be a failure of a season.

  8. They couldn't have gave him much heads up. They had like 2 hours to pivot from the Brogdon trade failing.
    They maybe could have gave him an hour tops, but also… Do you want to tell him that if the Memphis trade falls through too and then he is pissed and still on the team.
    They didn't want to trade him, they ended up having to… I wish he was here over Holiday still. Holiday is fine.. he shoots a little better from 3 but Marcus Smart was better pretty much everywhere else on the court

  9. 2008 bench was huge in winning 17th banner. They were reliable and clutch. This bench ain’t it.

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