@Dallas Mavericks

Mavs Trade Josh Green For PJ Washington? Why the Mavericks NEED To Make A Move | NBA Trade Deadline

Mavs Trade Josh Green For PJ Washington? Why the Mavericks NEED To Make A Move | NBA Trade Deadline

It is NBA trade deadline week and we are going to have all of the juice when it comes to the Dallas Mavericks right here so this is the time to lock in subscribe turn on the notifications that way you don’t miss any of our coverage Coop and

I have you covered all week long do not miss out starting right now Harrison grab and Jeffrey cooperstein with you diving right in here a report from Mark Stein Coupe is that the Hornets are interested in Josh green in a potential trade for PJ Washington which is one of the players

Dallas has been linked to really going back to the off season but also leading up to this trade deadline as well yeah the way it was worded was kind of interesting he said if talks go anywhere so he’s not saying that the Mavericks and PJ Washington uh and the Hornets for

That matter an active talks but if that was to be on the table the Hornets would want Josh Green going the other way and Josh green has kind of gotten it together especially on the offens event lately let’s take a look at his last 10 games here 13 half points per game 48%

From three so he’s kind of putting it together there on the offensive end yeah I mean this is probably his best 10 game stretch offensively of his career I would say uh there’s no doubt about it now I think the problem is is you’re hoping with Josh Green he could become

This I I think Elite’s too strong but a good two-way player the defense has not been there recently minus 80 in his last four games alone now I’m not going to sit here and say I’ve watched him on every single possession of the last four games to deeply analyze how he’s playing

Defense but I think naturally this is what makes the elite two-way players good is they bring it on both ends of the floor and it just seems like now there’s been a little more emphasis for him offensively that the defense isn’t what it you know has been in the past at

Times either so you can kind of look at it a couple of different ways yeah he’s playing better than ever offensively but is he one of these reliable defensive Stoppers that you kind of need right now probably not and of course plus minus is a very you know subjective stat where

It’s not all his fault that he’s minus 80 but it’s all not his fault either so it’s kind of a thing that where you have to look at it and say he’s minus 80 in his last four games which means the Mavericks have been outscored while he’s

On the court and over I think plus minus over time is a better stat so a four game sample size isn’t insignificant and he just hasn’t good on the defensive end lately frankly All Season he’s just kind of been averaged there so he he obviously has upside that we’ve seen and

That’s why the Mavericks gave him that three-year contract extension before the season started but the consistency on both ends of the floor just isn’t there yet to make Josh Green an elite two-way player in this league yeah I mean the framework of a deal would be interesting

Like I would for sure do a one for one from green to Washington I just think Washington gives you more positional value right now that you need uh the question is is how much would Charlotte ask for in return so this is what we cooked up Josh Green R Shawn Holmes and

A second round pick like if it’s something where you have to give up a first in green I probably would not do that for I probably wouldn’t either yeah I think this is the framework the Mavericks would be operating out of and frankly I would consider it if I were

The Mavericks but I’m not sure that they want to part with Josh Green for PJ Washington so this may be all a moot point but if if if the Hornets really do want Josh Green in the uh in the return this is kind of what I think it would

Look like yeah and look I think p J Washington has proven for longer that he’s a better player is that Gap huge I wouldn’t say it’s huge but he does give you scoring at a position where you don’t really have any at least at a consistent uh point in time right now

Which is at that four spot uh Mark Stein reporting that the focus for Dallas does continue to be at that power forward spot that is PJ Washington to a T he can stretch just enough to the three-point line as a threat out there um you know

So I I don’t think it’s a perfect fit by any means but I do think he it just one for one and in this case it kind of is because Holmes in a second really isn’t worth much would be an upgrade just on position value alone because you have

Guys who can play the two and the three like Tim Hardway is obviously going to continue to play a lot you could give Jaden Hardy you know 10 extra minutes per game or something like that so um I would do this trade t for trade P for

Pass would this be the top trade I would pursue would this be the trade that I think puts Dallas so much over the top that they’re all of a sudden a Conference Finals team I would not say that do I think they’re better at least on paper I

I do think that would be the case yeah I think it certainly improves them and it gives them another it gives them a Bonafide third scoring option Tim Hardway has been that for the majority of the season but you can see that he gets cold I think PJ Washington gives

You a little more consistency on the scoring end so when guys like Luca and Kyrie Miss time you can rely on a guy like PJ Washington to go out there and get you 25 t for trade P for pass let us know what you would do with this trade

Idea and don’t forget to get signed up with prize picks listen the Super Bowl is almost here and this is the time to sign up with priz picks go to priz CNS use the code C LNS to get a deposit match up to $100 it’s daily Fantasy Made Easy while

You’re waiting for Super Bowl Sunday to get here play with the NBA with college hoops we got this little three player entry going on Kyrie Irving to return tonight going to go less on his points probably going to be some Rust there still dealing with that finger injury uh

Luca he’s been going nuclear we will’ll go more there uh and then Tyrese Maxi we’re going to give him the more as well especially with Joel embiid out 10 to win 50 on this three-player entry you can get up to 25 times your money with the six player entry which is the max

Two to six players you can crossover Sports uh do within the same game within the same sport however you want to do it priz clns code clns you just select more or less on statistical categories and if you connect on all your players you cash out okay this team

Is in a bad way they’re in trouble man um eight seed right now Kyrie is set to return tonight so that’s good news but three and seven in the last 10 yeah it’s just like really like you can kind of simplify it like this coupe since did

They start 4 and0 or 3 4 and0 they’re under 500 since then they’re 26 and 23 overall so they’re 19 and 20 uh or yeah 19 and um yeah 19 and 20 that uh uh since that start essentially and uh that’s not good man like they they’re

Just not a very good team right now I think it starts here as well Jason kid was talking about Lucas Gage the other day and we’re going to get into some more in-depth numbers that’ll kind of open your eyes but here’s what he said that is a concern because it’s a long

Season and when you’re playing him 43 46 47 minutes and asking him to do everything and also be involved in a lot of the plays on the defensive end which he is this year that takes a toll on you mentally and physically and Jason kid’s absolutely right and he’s talked about

This multiple times they cannot continue to rely on Luca to play 45 minutes a night and score 45 points a game yeah I mean you wonder with that statement there’s kids sending a message to Nico and Cuban whoever and saying hey we got to get someone in here is he sending a

Message to Kyrie like hey dude like you got to playing um I think kids got to hold some of this as well like I get it when he’s out you’re not as effective but if you yourself are admitting this is not sustainable then you got to stop

Doing it like you just have to cut his minutes back if and if it’s clear then you’re not a good enough team in that case then I think that’s where that comes in because Jason kid knows and we saw this when the Mavericks don’t have Luca they are a disaster on offense

Especially when Kyrie is not playing um so he feels the need to play Luca those 45 minutes to give him any chance to win whatsoever and I understand that but at some point the gu going to get run down yeah well and here’s the thing too Coupe

As we look at Luca and Kyrie’s numbers together they’ve only played in 38 of 77 possible games together which is crazy to think about it’s one thing if he’s playing 44 minutes a night and you’re stream together wins but it’s another one he is and you’re not winning abut

Like it reminds me of Harden in Houston where they asked him to do a ton those teams were winning 60 games a year and he had enough around him where like you know Eric Gordon was a really good role player Clint Capel was a really good role player he had Russell Westbrook for

A stretch Chris Paul and arguably the prime of his career for a couple years prob should have made the finals that year in 2018 yeah and Luca has some help but his key Sidekick is out you’re still asking the usage rate to be that high but you’re not

Winning so it’s almost like is the juice worth the squeeze like you’d almost just rather scale back his minutes and hope that guys get healthy in time because if you just keep doing it he’s just he’s going to be gassed for the playoffs man like it’s just not a sustainable model

Absolutely and just touching on this Duo together I we have you know 38 games worth of data now to say that they’re they’re great players but does the duo actually work together they’re 17 17 and 21 when they play together four games under 500 I mean they’re we know they’re both

Great players cuz we’ve seen greatness from both of them in a Maverick’s uniform but are they great together I think the jury’s kind of out still yeah I couple things here one I’d like to track how many of those games were last year because it was such

A mess last year I almost don’t even count those fair but I the questions I had when they made the trade for Kyrie were this one can he be trusted and that’s twofold off the court that’s been a check it’s great Che that box good for kyri two um is he

Reliable is he going to play games no that has been an X like you can’t even say oh no it’s been an X and then three do him and Luca work together I would say that’s in the undetermined categ they both at their best need the basketball now can they each sacrifice a

Little bit and make it work can you stagger their minutes if you’re Jason kid where they each get a decent stretch where they’re on the floor by themselves I think you can but when you’ve played less than half of the possible games that you’ve had together and for take

Last year’s stretch out of it too like you’re probably talking about like 25 meaningful games together yeah like it’s it’s but again that goes back to point number two where Kyrie’s availability was a major concern when they traded for him and that’s proven to be accurate I

Don’t think it’s fair to say it’s been a resounding failure I also don’t think it’s fair to say it’s been a success either oh no if you had to pick one you’d say it’s been a failure because they missed the playoffs last year which you made that move hoping to make a run

It wasn’t just about last year but you did not expect to miss the playoffs entirely when you made that I that’s completely fair to say and two coming into this year and we early in the year this did look like a top five team in the west but that has not been

The case for about two months now so yes sure I think the jury is still out is a fair response but if you had to put it in one category or the other you’d have to lean failure like they’re below 500 when they play with each other they

Missed the playoffs last year that the eight seed right now Kyrie’s missed a bunch of games it it’s it’s hasn’t been great if we being completely H even though the numbers individually look good it’s about winning it’s about winning the ball games and they just frankly haven’t done enough of winning

Here uh I wanted to get to this from Brad Townson of the morning news so shout out to him I just kind of wanted to put some numbers together here so the Mavericks have made at least one pre- deadline deal seven straight Seasons so I I think that would tell us the

Mavericks are going to be active I do think they’ll make a trade again it comes down to how big is that trade exactly and then this one is just mind bling 132 player games lost to injury this season ironically enough that doesn’t even rank top five in the NBA

Maxi and kyri are probably what 70 of those Maxi and Kyrie Luca Lively missed a big chunk drick Jones Dante almost a month yeah exactly so they they’ve had a lot of Manpower Miss to games this one’s interesting as well when Luca scores 40 plus points this season the Mavericks

Are 9- one he scores less than 40 they are 14- 17 that’s an interesting one cuz they used used to kind of be the opposite where when he had to carry them it’s cuz they would still lose because he didn’t get enough heal so that’s an interesting stat typically and that’s

Usually the case historically with these BigTime scores like I remember Kobe for years when he would score 40 plus the Lakers were like sub 500 I mean it did take Luca 73 to win by five against Atlanta it’s neither here nor there speaking of Luca the usage rate this year is

36.4% first in the NBA by over 4% you’re just not going to last that way man it’s just not going to it’s not going to last at all and we and he’s always going to be a high usage guy we know that absolutely but you got to you got to get

That number down to the 30% range at least and we talked about Kyrie 47 of 73 games not including the two that he was forced to sit out last year because the maps were tanking at the end of the season so it it’s the these numbers are

Kind of interesting and it even makes me think more so that the Mavericks are going to make a move here before this deadline yeah I mean look if you want to have any chance of doing anything this year and again I’ve been on the record saying this I don’t think you should

Make a move to go like all in it’s you don’t need to make another Kyrie trade no but you also I I think it would be borderline malpractice if you just stuck with this roster like call me crazy I’d almost rather sell than do nothing I

Don’t know about that I’m just I it you’re telling me if you could move Josh Green for a first round pick you wouldn’t consider it I I versus doing nothing I I’m not saying that’s my preference outcome I’m just saying if you don’t think you can make a run this

Year a first round pick in the offse could be very valuable to have to trade for another yeah but that’s just a bad message to send to Luca that you’re going to sell off an asset in order to to build for the future cuz you got to

Please Luca now I get it and I agree with you I’m just saying I think standing Pat’s the worst thing you could do yeah I don’t think they can stand Pat I think they have to get they need to make a move to improve this team uh

We’ll see what happens like I said seven straight Seasons they made at least one pre- deadline trade so I think it’s coming I just don’t know what it is I will say this the Mavs even though they do have good reporters around their team to mcmah Mark Stein both do an excellent

Job they also are very good at oh they just made a trade out of nowhere oh yeah like like Kyrie that was out of nowhere no one knew yeah I mean people knew Kyrie was getting traded and the Mavericks were going to be among the suitors but it when when we found out

About the trade is when everyone else found out about the trade so yeah it was so like there could my point is there could be a trade for a player we haven’t even discussed yet no doubt that just comes out a left field between now and

Thursday so will the Mavs make a move at her before the deadline why for yes and for no history suggest yes I think yes and another reason I think yes too Coupe is uh Stein also reported that Gordon hayward’s not getting bought out yeah Gordon Hayward G to stay with the

Hornets if they don’t trade them they’re they’re not buying them the Hornets are interested in signing him to an extension as well in the off or uh reigning him in the offseason excuse me so yeah something to monitor there I guess hey not moving so if you’re

Holding that hope for oh we’ll just sign him which even if he did get by you’d have to compete with other teams doesn’t sound like that’s even a real possibility like maybe Kyle Lowry is but like is that a needle mover not really not really no not really MAV Sixers

Tonight no Joel and beid probably Kyrie Irving you gota win you need to win this game man probably Luca gotta win this game no embid you need to you gota you gotta you got to get to the all-star break at least playing 500 dude like you

Just got to you got to make all these games are becoming more and more important they got to find a way tonight no doubt about it hit that subscribe button we’ll have you covered on everything over the next few days you’re not going to want to miss out peace see you Guys

The 2024 NBA trade deadline is just 3 days away and the Mavericks rumors surrounding the deadline are never-ending. NBA Insider Marc Stein reports that Mavericks GM Nico Harrison would have to trade Josh Green if the Mavericks were to make a P.J. Washington trade with the Charlotte Hornets. P.J. Washington rumors with the Mavericks date back to 2023 NBA Free Agency, where the Mavs expressed interest. Could The Mavs do it this time and put him alongside Dereck Lively in the Mavs’ frontcourt? Harrison Graham and Jeffrey Cooperstein discuss all the latest Dallas Mavericks news and Mavericks rumors on today’s show!

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Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving’s stats when both of them play in 38 games:
Luka: 31.6 PPG, 8.4 RPG, 7.7 APG, 48.4 FG%, 35.4 3P%
Kyrie: 25.0 PPG, 5.0 RPG, 5.5 APG, 49.2 FG%, 40.5 3P%

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You can get entertaining & informative NBA analysis & NBA updates if you follow @chatsports on social media:

Dallas Mavericks stats ahead of the 2024 NBA Trade deadline:
Mavs have made one pre-deadline deal 7 straight years
132 player-games lost to Mavericks injuries in the 2023-24 NBA Season
Luka Doncic Scores 40+: 9-1 | Luka Scores less than 40: 14-17
Luka Doncic Usage Rate: 36.4% (1st in NBA by over 4%)
Kyrie Irving: Played 47 of 73 games in Mavericks tenure

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– 4 Trade Ideas To FIX The Dallas Mavericks Ft. Lauri Markkanen, D’Angelo Russell & Alex Caruso –
– Mavericks Trade Rumors On Dorian Finney-Smith + Mavs & Wizards Trade Ft Kyle Kuzma & Daniel Gafford? –
– Mavericks Trade Targets With Kyrie Irving Injury Ft. Spencer Dinwiddie, Kyle Lowry & Malcolm Brogdon –

Projected Mavericks starting lineup vs. Philadelphia 76ers
PG: Luka Doncic
SG: Kyrie Irving
SF: Tim Hardaway Jr.
PF: Grant Williams
C: Dwight Powell

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Mavs head coach Jason Kidd on Luka Doncic’s usage rate:
“That is a concern. Because it is a long season and when you’re playing him 43, 46, 47 minutes and asking him to do everything offensively — and also be involved in a lot of plays on the defensive end — that takes a toll on you, mentally and physically.”

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  1. Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving’s stats when both of them play in 38 games:
    Luka: 31.6 PPG, 8.4 RPG, 7.7 APG, 48.4 FG%, 35.4 3P%
    Kyrie: 25.0 PPG, 5.0 RPG, 5.5 APG, 49.2 FG%, 40.5 3P%

  2. Dallas Mavericks stats ahead of the 2024 NBA Trade deadline:
    Mavs have made one pre-deadline deal 7 straight years
    132 player-games lost to Mavericks injuries in the 2023-24 NBA Season
    Luka Doncic Scores 40+: 9-1 | Luka Scores <40: 14-17
    Luka Doncic Usage Rate: 36.4% (1st in NBA by over 4%)
    Kyrie Irving: Played 47 of 73 games in Mavericks tenure

  3. Mavs head coach Jason Kidd on Luka Doncic’s usage rate:
    “That is a concern. Because it is a long season and when you’re playing him 43, 46, 47 minutes and asking him to do everything offensively — and also be involved in a lot of plays on the defensive end — that takes a toll on you, mentally and physically.”

  4. I like Pj, and I would want Pj on the Mavs, but Josh, Holmes, a 2nd for Pj isn't moving me enough.
    I guess if Mavs had extremely limited assets, don't get me wrong, they don't have much, but when including a young player. In my opinion, Pj isn't gonna move the needle much. It'll probably shake, but it's definitely not gonna move. So I say NO to that trade.

    I'd rather look to trade Josh and a 1st to Washington for Kuz and Gafford. That'll definitely move the needle.

  5. I really hope Kyrie is missing games to keep him healthy and available for the playoffs because I’ve always wanted Kyrie with Luka since he was with the Nets but my fear has been proven right; He’s not playing . Kyrie is NOT hurt . That’s what the media says, but HES NOT HURT .

  6. I laugh so hard when people try to hold others guys accountable for defense and suggest why they’re inconsistent but then overlook what Luka does defensively. If Josh Green took as many shots as Luka he’ll probably average 25ppg. For instance, Josh Green shoots the ball 7 times per game, Luka is at 24. Luka is averaging 35ppg, that’s 1.46 points per attempt. Josh Green is averaging 8.5ppg, that’s 1.21 points per attempt. So he’s not that far off from where Luka is.

  7. onlyy move is either Deni ,kuz, gaff, baggs get 2 of 4, Pj is to short and not very good have any of you wanting him even seen him play, probably not or wouldn't still want

  8. PJ is worse than Green, that's would be helluva stupid move… Only target this trade windows should be Avdija, maybe (only maybe, because they would probably need to give to much) for Kuzma…

  9. Josh is 24-50 in his last 10 games from three (48%). Please STFU you blithering idiots. When you play on a team with Kyrie and Tim you aren’t going to get a lot of shots. The defense is disappointing but he’s hurt. Hell the whole team is. Trade Irving and Hardaway and get back more defense and dramatically fewer chuckers. That’s 35 shots better given to Josh, Hardy, Exum and lively. 55/M better spent on
    Guys who can get stops.

  10. I like PJ , I'd preferred him over grant this past summer. But i would 1st see if you can get deni,kuzma,gafford, and if you can't. Then try to get bridges,PJ, and Richards from the hornets. If im going to give up josh,Hardy,Omax and draft compensation

  11. Green is the point of attack defender. Best energy on the team, often a great passer(usually in the air).
    Green hustles, defense is mostly about that. I would say the answer is that he is guarding the other teams best player much of the time. So he may not be a point of attack defender but would be be considered a good defender if he had less responsibility on the D.

  12. Got to give up some O to improve D. IMO. if we want to improve O then go get BB from Pacers 1st choice, Hayward from Charlotte maybe offer Green, Holmes, Williams and second pick for PJ and GH. BB from hawks would work if we go to Hawks and offer Williams, Green, Curry and first pick for Capala and BB from Hawks.

  13. I'm damn near at the point where I say let's just see what we can get on draft night (hoping to land another Derek lively type or a ready to play now player) leaving us with nice depth at 2 and 3
    I see no need in trading away our young talent I think we just one year away it hurts but I am a #MFFL HERE TO STAY NEVER WILL GO ASTRAY (FEEL FREE TO TELL ME WHAT YOU GUYS THINK) 💙

  14. Mavs is done again and i told all podcaster this will hapen…and this is now true no playof again and luka play best basketball in his carer this franchise is big peace of 💩💩💩

  15. Let’s get rid of grant Williams
    He’s definitely been the biggest disappointment for this team.

  16. There is no one move that's going to suddenly make the mavs a serious championship contender this year. A trade is only gonna be as good as the assets that you have to give.
    Just wait out the season and turn over the roster in the summer. We'll have several more first rounds picks to deal out, and Hardaway and Holmes will both be on expiring deals. As much as it sucks now, that makes a much better group of assets than anything we can offer right now. Best case scenario is us getting knocked out in the 2nd round and finally firing Kidd. With those additional assets plus the young players we have, we could make a 3/4 team deal to bring in a host of players that fit better around LuKai & still have enough to trade for a 3rd star at the wing after the fact.

  17. Have we considered who it is that Green is having to guard? He generally gets the tougher guard assignments.

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