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Corey Kispert vs Deni Avdija PostGame Interview | Miami Heat vs Washington Wizards

Corey Kispert vs Deni Avdija PostGame Interview | Miami Heat vs Washington Wizards

Go out a little sluggish a little rusty and uh we got to tighten up I feel like that’s where our games a lot of time run away and uh if we can fix that and be better than that we’re going to be uh be able to win more

Games Danny it looked like you guys had a lot of good looks in that third quarter especially when shooting went a little bit cold do you know what the theme is there when the looks are kind of the ones that you want and you’re playing good defense on the other end

And things just aren’t falling sometimes you just got to go through it I mean we have we got good Shooters uh confident Shooters I feel like if if you have a open shot everybody wants you to take it and that’s the mentality we got to we got to

Have and I feel like we did it tonight and some balls didn’t go in but we’re going to continue shooting we’re going to get better um I believe in the group Believe in Us and um yeah that’s about it for either of you guys what was the

Focus on defense it looked like even even if you didn’t you know fluster them that much you kept them at a low shooting percentage uh yeah uh um Challenge and uh kind of play on your toes with their best players make them uncomfortable um you we held a lot of guys that are

Really good for them to a pretty good a pretty good number um you know but they’re really good at getting to the line um they’re really good at converting those kind of pain points and um rebounding yeah we got beat pretty bad on the boards too so when they get

Second and third chances uh Team guys are too good in this league to give those chances to and they they ended up converting on those [Applause] defens um I feel like um we trust more our guys in guarding oneone um we help less uh we count on on

A last last guy on defense to come in help and then rotate from there I feel like it’s been really good for us we bumped up our physicality we’re boxing out better and um honestly like I’m really proud of the group like we we like we we defended really good today I

Think so uh shuts didn’t go in for us it was a close game versus a good team physical team I have a lot of opt like optimistic stuff from this game like seeing the group kind of being physical and guarding I mean it’s good yeah and

They kind of bounc off what Denny said like as a team we have a lot of bad habits that have built up over the last two years that we need to fix and um it’s not going to happen overnight it’s not going to happen in a week um but I

Hope you guys and the fans can see how we’re kind of unwinding those bad habits and putting a much better foot forward um and that happens with you know our defense first and we’re not changing much of anything really there’s been a few tweaks that we’ve done but that’s

Really it and we’re putting more of an emphasis on that side of the ball and um yeah it’s just it’s it’s a belief like Denny said it’s conf confidence and it’s just kind of a focus towards that side of the ball first um and then you know

We’re scoring enough to to play with these teams um over the last five games that’s that’s without a doubt Denny what did you think of Cory’s scoring night what can you say I mean he did he did everything tonight um he was confident he was decisive um and I give

Credit to him because you know I think he knows that too and and I and I don’t care to say the truth I feel like uh this these last couple games he uh he shot the ball uh a little bit less than what he uh used to I feel like and he

Still kept shooting it and he still kept shooting it still believing in it he’s a great shooter and he knows that and I feel like that’s a big big big step for him to uh that he did today is like continue shooting and he had one of his

Best shooting nights that I’ve seen him shoot so being able also to put it on the floor and like guys close out to him because he’s a great shooter is being the next step being able to go downhill and finish and you think he did that

Tonight and I think it was a it was a great night for him and for our team honestly about that defens teamate dribble bask talkow yeah um it’s exactly right it’s growth um teams are starting to guard me a certain way and it’s been a considered

Effort of mine to like take advantage of that and to grow my game to make me even tougher to guard and you know Miami’s defense like you said is tough they’re physical um they’re really good with um you know getting deflections and being disruptive and the whole thing with them

Is is just being um being aggressive and like not sucking guessing yourself and if you have an open shot you got to shoot it because that window’s going to be gone in the blink of an eye because they’re that good so um coming out and being really aggressive and trusting my

Instincts and uh ended up turning out pretty good tonight um uh for me and for the team we had a lot of great shots and a lot of them didn’t fall I mean shooting 26 from the three is not characteristic of us and um if we get

Those kind of shots the majority of nights we play we’re going to be in really good shape thank you thank you guys

Corey Kispert vs Deni Avdija PostGame Interview | Miami Heat vs Washington Wizards

Corey Kispert vs Deni Avdija PostGame Interview Miami Heat vs Washington Wizards

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