@Phoenix Suns

How Can the Phoenix Suns Use the NBA Trade Deadline To Become Title Contenders?

How Can the Phoenix Suns Use the NBA Trade Deadline To Become Title Contenders?

On today’s episode of Locked on suns are the Phoenix Suns contenders to win the NBA championship right now where do they stack up within the upper tier of NBA contenders and with the trade deadline looming how do they get a little bit closer or a lot of bit closer we’ll

Break it down let’s go you are locked on suns your daily Phoenix Suns podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team Team every Day we are back this is locked on Phoenix Suns we are part of the locked on podcast Network I’m your host Brendan clean a credential media member covering the Suns for the past seven seasons riter ATS and the host of the just basketball show wherever you get

Your podcast a big thank you for making lock on Sons your first listen as the trade deadline near happy Tuesday welcome to the show if you have not already hit follow or subscribe wherever you are finding us get a new show in your feed every single Monday through

Friday bonus shows along the way become an everyday and get locked on to the Phoenix Suns all season long joining us as he does every week is Brandon DZ he is a writer over at Bright Side of the Sun and we are going to basically debate discuss break down where the Suns reside

Right now within the hierarchy of the NBA how close really are they to a title and obviously this week and potentially the buyout Market is their only chance to get there if they are not there already so we’re going to break down what options we like what we don’t like

And more Today’s Show brought to you by the FanDuel sports book make every moment more right now new customers get $200 in bonus bets if your best bet of $5 or more wins visit lockon to get started okay Brandon let me just start it with a very simple question that I’m not

Sure where you stand because I did a show last month early last month basically where I broke down why I don’t fully think the suns are a championship Contender and some of the things that they needed to accomplish to get there more with the big three coming together

We’ve seen them take huge steps forward do you see the Suns as one of the top contenders in the NBA to walk away with the championship this season my short answer is is yes I think they still have the Firepower they saw the talent and obviously they they have

Their issues just like any other team but I I think the with even with the way this team’s constructed now a lot has to go right but I think they’re absolutely a contender and uh they’ve shown us flashes of why they are but uh throughout the show I’m sure we’ll we’ll

Go back and forth debating uh you know their strengths and weaknesses and what that kind of tallies up like out to as far as like where they stack up with everyone else but yeah at this moment in time I’d say yes they are contenders uh they got some work to do

Though so let’s just give an overview right so they are six in the west they’re two games back from the five seed is it safe to say they’re probably only going to get as high as five does that feel like a reasonable Benchmark here I think home court should be the

Goal whether it’s four you know three or four that should be the goal now as far like are they going to hit that are they going to try that hard and go that uh hard for those spots in the regular season I I don’t know but I think yeah

Somewhere in I to me it’s less about what they try to do right and I I don’t know the reason I said that is because I just think the top four teams have enough of a lead on them and are playing good enough basketball that I just don’t

See an easy team to be like they’ll fall down yeah and it’s always tough it’s unfortunate because like like I don’t want to like throw injuries on anyone but there’s always like it’s a long season and teams can get cold really quick and vice versa this I think this

Is a sun scene that can get hot pretty quick so uh I agree though it does seem like that those four teams are kind of set in stone at like at this moment in time but this league changes so quick like just just a month ago when you’re

Were talking about this team just Outlook uh how things are now versus then a lot has changed so I think uh a lot can change in a month I’m not going to Ru it out but yeah I think if if they get that up to that four to five range

That’s that’s kind of the goal yeah and look you’re right 32 games to go that’s a lot every team has months that are good months that are bad injuries can change things obviously you know the Clippers probably in particular are going to be circled by

A lot of people people but again I I just I think five is probably like if if I’m in that locker room and I’m trying to be realistic that’s that’s my goal and then you know see what happens from there but I’m going to put spot here

Real quick I got a question for you if you had to pick one of those four teams to collapse out of that top four who who are you going to roll with uh Minnesota their offens is is just not very good so to me that’s the easy one

Even if they stay healthy I don’t know if they’re going to be able to get anything done at the deadline they’ve already fallen a little bit from like a clear number one to now it’s a top three that are all tied in the L column so to

Me it would be Minnesota just for that reason is on a nightly basis it’s an uphill battle for them to just win games honestly a lot of nights yeah I’m right there with you I was just curious what your your take was on that yeah and and

I but I look I kind of think they all just stay there to be honest that’s that’s where I was really going and the suns are five games back from four right now let alone six from three so it’s it it would be a pretty impressive comeback

Up the standings they are ninth in net ratings sixth in offense 15th in defense and the defense one it’s like really you know a matter of what day you happen to look at it because they could have a good performance and with how much the middle is is just clustered right there

The ranking could be 15th one day 12th another day 18th another day even if the rating of how much points they’re allowing doesn’t actually fluctuate that much so you know take that with a grain of salt but couple things that they’re doing well on the defensive end they

Don’t foul and they’ve they’ve really held steady at not allowing teams to make shots like I know that sounds uh basic but just in terms of field goal percentage allowed and things like that it’s been a fairly solid season and they’ve risen lately in terms of how

Well teams are shooting um at The Rim against them which is a good sign so that’s all to say the biggest reason that I would put in front of them as an answer of why I don’t quite think that they’re a title Contender right now is I just don’t think that their

Defense is good enough there was a you know I think anybody who watches this team night in and night out the Atlanta game the Pacers game before that with no halberton obviously these are all on the road but look put Dallas at home on Christmas um I know that was a different

Version of health of this team but there are just too many examples to point to of knights with unacceptable defensive performances 32 games is still a lot but that that’s a big ask of the talent to just look better when we’ve seen Now 50 games of this and and it has been too

Inconsistent uh there was a stat going or a list going around from Matt Moore on Twitter this week Brandon that or today on on Monday that was uh the top fiveman units in the NBA sorted by net rating that have all played like a certain amount together

And the Suns had two in there but the one with that actually had the big three instead of Gordon the defensive rating was the worst of any of those top lineups so you compare them to like the Clippers had a couple in there or uh I

Think the Pacers even had one and no matter what team you were looking at the Suns had the worst defense with their best Five Guys on the court of all of them and that to me kind of speaks for itself so that’s where I’m looking at the

Deadline is can they get even a a one piece would be awesome but potentially multiple between the trade and buyout markets to just have better depth from a defensive standpoint that that’s if if they can do that and you ask me again in a week I might already flip my answer to absolutely

Yes exactly right it’s about getting better defense without sacrificing ing offense and finding those pieces it’s it’s pretty tough there’s not a lot of options out there with with how limited they are but I think there there are some guys that can just help just in terms of just being playoff rotation

Guys to to come in and and you know I I hate to keep saying it but just this burn six fouls you just need more bodies and there’s going to be injuries and you just don’t know what’s going to pop up and and just over the course of the

Regular season it’s a lot different of an Outlook than it is over a seven game series because you’re making so many in in series adjustments and I think that’s one thing that vogle in this this coaching staff like you you ask me if they’re a title Contender I think a lot

Of it hinges on what they do uh within those playoff matchups defensively because that that’s where they can win a championships if they make the right adjustments defensively uh in their in their particular matchups I I’m confident I have a lot of confidence in this offense like I don’t think in in a

Half court setting in the playoffs like they’re built to destroy just about any defense they face I think uh when they’re clicking on all cylinders we’ve seen flashes of it and starting to get a little more consistent at this point so I think if

You can find a way to junk it up a little bit on the defensive side and really take teams out of their comfort zone offensively uh kind of like what we saw the Dallas prime example of what Jason kid did against the Suns uh a team that was much better than them during

The regular season had arguably more talent but they they really won because of coaching and adjustments they they made and they had the best player in the series and I think the Suns have three guys that could be the best player in the series potentially uh so it’s I

Think coaching is kind of an underrated thing to look at in terms of we look at the Personnel so much but what adjustments are they going to make in the playoffs and what pieces are they going to have to do with that because if you don’t have the pieces then you can’t

Really do much with it so finding that right combination of you know acquiring whether it’s like you said one or two guys and implementing the right strategies to to to win games in the playoffs that’s that’s what it comes down to for me so next let’s talk about if there is some level

Of offense is just going to be this team’s best defense and maybe leaning into that not more but finding more stability one through eight or nine just on offense how far can that take this team we’ll get there next first Today’s Show brought you by the FanDuel sports book happy Super Bowl

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Brandon that seems to be the guy that people are circling the most and there will be a lot of Ripple effects of if that move happens obviously plenty off the court obviously plenty of fans who have expressed their frustration with the idea of that there’s salary cap ramification can they or can’t they

Resign him how much do they have to give up there’s plenty of time to get into that if it happens if it doesn’t happen whatever the case that I made about bridges though Brandon is similar to what you were just kind of saying on the other side of the break

Just before we went into it is to me he is sort of a better Eric Gordon and by that I mean somebody who helps you much more on offense than defense yes he makes you a bigger team and that can have some value but I I’ve never watched

Miles Bridges even dating back to Michigan State and thought wow what a stopper you know that’s just not ever been how he’s played it’s not really what his role has ever been so you get him to be better on offense much more than to be better on defense I wonder if

You have any thoughts on what that tells us about this team because that seems to be their number one Target and as much as you and I sort of seem to be somewhere on the same page that the defense should be the priority that doesn’t signal that defense is their

Priority right now yeah it’s it’s an interesting I guess uh way to look at it because I I do think he could help defensively in in some to some extent in terms of like if you’re looking at their other options right like his athleticism and I think in a role where

He’s if you if you get him to completely Buy in 100% And he and he’s more focused on being that that glue guy than I could see a world where maybe more of that energy is expended defensively and they do lack a lot of athleticism and size like you said like

Like their best lineups offensively are pretty small so I think there’s that side of it just playing Devil’s Advocate like where I think the size could help in athleticism and the quick quick twitch I mean I don’t even think that’s Devil’s Advocate though I think what you’re saying sounds like probably how

They’re thinking about it right but I guess the question is like do you think CU this is the other part right if it’s him you’re already asking vogle to one even if everybody let’s say Booker and Durant had 82 healthy games didn’t happen but even that would have

Been a pretty incredible coaching task to get them all Championship caliber in 82 games even in one season that’s rare for a team to come together that fast now Beal did miss all that time so they really had like 60 games to get it figured out and then you’re going to

Bring in this huge wild card with whether you care about them or not a bunch of off Court distractions that are going to come from it at least in the short term right right around the time you acquire him and you’re going to have to say hey guy you’re going to play a

Role you’ve absolutely never played in your life to win a championship for a bunch of teammates you didn’t know until a week ago go to work do it Buy in like that’s that’s a lot to to to assume will just happen to me it is tough and I agree that’s that’s

Kind of the main drawback is far as like the on court stuff is like how do you implement someone that’s going to have that much of an impact to a team that’s still trying to figure out who the hell they are like it’s it’s a really tough

Juggling act that they’re going to have to figure out quick if they do uh pull the trigger on that and I think uh it’s it’s definitely going to add to some more Growing Pains maybe uh I think for him specifically because like you said it’s a role he’s never really played and

And he still wants to get paid right like he’s looking at the summer and thinking I don’t get paid for playing 12 minutes getting a couple Steals and knocking down some open threes I get paid if I put up numbers and that’s how he’s been playing in Charlotte this year

Is scoring more than he ever has taking jumpers all the time doing kind of whatever yeah and maybe from his point of view just trying to if he shows he can buy into a role where he’s making more of winning plays and sacrificing and he’s already shown he can get those

Empty stats or whatever I don’t really like to use that because it’s just playing on a bad team and an expanded role let’s just say that like he’s shown that it’s not his fault they’re bad but he’s playing differently because of it right yeah exactly so if if he comes on

To the Suns and is impactful and helps him win a championship by doing the stuff that maybe he’s not really known for as much then that I don’t think that’ll hurt him in the open market I think more of his off court stuff and the pr hit is probably what holding him

Back more than anything at this point just but if he can go and and help give them a boost offensively and add I like I said just the size and athleticism that’s just something the Suns don’t have and there’s not really many options that that make a ton of sense that uh on

Both sides of the ball so I think I kind of I get it from from that point of view as far as trying to find a guy that can come in and help and add some Flash and maybe a little bit of uh life to a team

That relies so heavily on the mid-range and like they don’t have a ton of dudes that are going to throw like try to throw down every single dunk possible uh Grayson Allen kind of one of them Drew Eubanks I guess too but uh they just

Don’t have a ton of guys that are going to try to attack at The Rim like like he would and I think that quick twitch just grabbing those re offensive rebounds generating new possessions that’s what I think they’re looking at more more so than him coming in being some defensive

Stopper so I think they’re probably try trying to focus on getting him and then also hey can we go get a royce O’Neal can we go get someone Tory Craig for the the 12th time I I don’t know I don’t know what they’re thinking but it could

Be a package deal where they’re going to try to get him to do one thing and someone else to focus on on the defense but we’ll see gotta say um I I will take a w i i don’t think Tory Craig’s done much in Chicago this year I know he was

Hurt in and out of the lineup um would rather have him right now than some of these young forwards who can’t even play minutes uh so still confusing why they let him doubt press the Tory Craig Button James Jones yeah hopefully not him but like

Look I think so your point right I think is a part that I maybe didn’t put it as much stock into like I talked about bridges on the show yesterday I’ve talked about him a long time ago when the thing first came up more as the off court

Stuff there is an obvious argument that is impossible to refute that just getting somebody as talented as him to add one more playable guy to your rotation would go a super long way and I think that I mean it’s like yeah duh so you know if they get him as far as the

Offc court fit goes I’m not going to sit there and act like they got worse or that it was stupid but I think one of the things I said as we can transition in the last segment here when I went through through a little bit ago and we

Can go through some of the names too that you just mentioned that show I did a month ago of how can they get there one of the things I said is they need to be ready to lose trades right to give up maybe nir little who I think still has promise I’m not

Sure why he hasn’t gotten back into the rotation at all since getting healthy um I think other teams could value him he’s under contract for a while and more second round picks than you maybe think you should give up to get somebody who just happens to be a better fit

And when I think of better fit I do think of the defensive end so we can get into what the other names are if they fit that mold and maybe you could do that and bridges or some other buyout option and maybe start to form a full rotation here rather than just putting

All your hopes on again this guy to be everything for you so we’ll get into that after one more break first Today’s Show brought to you by betterhelp who are bringing therapy straight to you sometimes we all need the opportunity to get something off our chest big or small certain things can

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NBA all right let’s close it out Brandon so which of the other options aside from Bridges excites you the most because I think people listening know some of the names that have continued to linger although I’m backing off of Delon w a little bit after watching what he looked

Like against the Wizards on Sunday um people know what I who I’m maybe gravitating toward but who are you excited about as a potential maybe a backup plan to Bridges or somebody they could get on top of getting Bridges where’s your head at so let me preface

With this excitement is a relative term I’m these are names I’m excited about in terms of just being realistic here so obviously I think Bridges is like the name that makes them uh gives them the highest ceiling in terms of any potential move they they could make just

Under their current cap limitations and everything like that but I think uh another Wing that kind of I’ve seen kind of mixed reviews it seems like some some lean towards acquiring them some are kind of off but I think it’s Royce O’Neal from Brooklyn and I I get it it’s

Not the sexiest name it’s not someone that’s going to come in and and really change the entire Dynamic of the team but I think that’s kind of the point right you’re just getting a guy that will come in and serve his role without changing much of what they’re doing and

Do what he does better than those backend guys on the roster so to me like I don’t look at what he’s doing in Brooklyn right now I don’t care it’s it’s it’s essentially irrelevant to me we kind of know the type of player he is

And how he what I look at is like how is he going to fit next to the three stars how is he going to fit next to uh you know just how is he going to play in a secondary playmaking role which I think he has a little bit more of that

Than people think like he can he’s not a playmaker by any means but he’s not a ball stopper either and he can he can dribble he can pass and he can shoot uh he’s not a score he’s not going to do much offensively but he’s he’s just a

Guy that you can throw in for 10 to 15 minutes in the playoffs and uh you kind of know what you’re going to get where they have a team filled with guys they don’t have a lot of those so that’s that’s one name uh I know it’s not extremely great ringing endorsement but

It it is something they need and whether that’s with Bridges or without him the way I would look at it with him that I’ve been maybe having to check myself with is it’s like those little glimpses when maybe early in the season it was nir little maybe second third month of the Season

Chimi metu maybe recently if you’re me K Bates dipp although obviously I’m I’m reasonable he’s not not going to be lifechanging but those little flashes where you think wow they’re F like just do that more you’re just trying to find guys who do that for 15 minutes right

Those little times when we’re all excited just do that for 15 minutes rather than for 30 seconds like we normally see it with the guys that they currently have and you’re talking about a playable rotation guy in the playoffs and I think rosanil could absolutely be

That I mean like you said with his playmaking he’s averag three four assists both years in Brooklyn we know he’s played with KD as everybody likes to point out when he comes up um I would say how well did that work out for you to watab different conversation

But look yeah like he’s he’s been in playoff battles he’s he has a 69ine wingspan even though he’s a little shorter than you would think at 6’4 I think he’d be I think he’d be great I’ve been wondering I’ve seen him listed sorry to cut you I’ve seen like I need

To do like a ESPN 30 for 30 on this because I’ve seen him listed at 66 64 65 like there’s it just depends what site you go to and it’s that’s something that keeps popping up so we need to figure we need to get to the bottom of

This but I I will look up the all the NBA draft measurements are on I don’t know if he was at the 66 I think basketball reference he’s like 6’4 it’s just I was I found this just doing like researching an article for him and I was kind of like what’s

Going on here like this doesn’t add up but but uh does not look like he was at the combine in 2017 because he was uh such a is he undrafted late late second round pick something like that so he didn’t yeah out of Baylor yeah yeah he

Did not register his his measurements so maybe the world may never know but adds to the mystery I’ve been wondering this about them you know Eubanks is playing better lately bub has established himself as somebody who can play I think you know we’ll see if if it continues if

He can stay healthy how does he look in the playoffs matchups wise everything you know not a lock but a guy yeah do they still need a big do we think that in order to get through playoff rounds they AB like if if they don’t get one either on trade or buy out

Like it’s a failure to you is it that level I think so I I think they absolutely need another big I I don’t trust J banks in a playoff series I think they need another body down low and Andre Drummond’s a name that’s popped up I think it makes a lot of

Sense there’s some series he will not play there’s some games he won’t play and that’s totally fine you just need I think they need that flexibility like we the the one thing you don’t want to do is the same thing we I feel like we do

Every year with the Suns is like if only we made this trade for this player just as a depth or it feels like it just happens every year I think I’m not saying Drummond’s the answer to their prayers but I think there’s going to be moments where if nurkic is injured or if

You know foul trouble hits or there’s they’re playing a team that’s big and they they need size and rebounding he could be very useful for a team that could I think especially playing like alongside all these Stars just Rim running and just you know grabbing every Everything near the rim uh he’s an

Excellent rebounder and a playable rotation piece and again it goes back to the whole thing where they just need as many of those as they can get so I yeah I think they need a big if they don’t get one I’m not going to sit here and say it’s a complete

Failure because they could still make other moves but I think it’s something that could come back come back to bite them uh come play off time absolutely I mean even for the simple reason of you know you have to go through joic the Clippers are now a big

Team somehow they just became that obviously the wolves are clearly a very big team and you just can’t afford it’s one thing to say like how much do you trust Drew Eubanks in 12 minutes and we can all disagree or agree on that but what happens when it has to become 30

Because Eubank because nurkic gets four fouls in the first you know 10 minutes he’s on the court now you’re just forfeiting a game really like it gets it gets that Bleak pretty quick so I think they need somebody but at the same time like every seems like every summer

All these NBA teams just ignore backup center and then it gets to February and everybody needs one and wants one that’s why you see guys like hartenstein and plumbley and stuff getting actual paydays as backup bigs because teams I think some teams are realizing like hey that actually matters so I don’t know

What’ll happen you know um it seems like it might be Drummond Richards or bus like I don’t really know who a third name on that list even necessarily is that that’s actually available from what we’ve heard and I don’t know who’s available so I you know we’ll see

But I don’t think there’s any I know some fans still do but I think it would be a waste of of assets a waste of energy to pursue any more ball handling unless it happens to come like an O’Neal Guy where okay yeah he can do that too but that’s not why

You’re getting him but the idea of like a guard playmaker point guard whatever to me like I I think we’ve seen enough to know they don’t need that yeah I think unless someone falls into your lap that’s like a buyout and it just the Stars Al line and it works

Out financially then sure but it should it should it be at the top of their list no I think they have more pressing needs they need defense they need size uh they need you know just physicality in general so I think uh yeah if someone Falls with them sure but it’s not

Something I think that they like you said that they should waste assets on or make their priority and I think a lot of people were that train early on now that everyone kind of sees what the big three looks like and at full strength and how the offense can click without that uh

Yes it makes it pretty dependent on Booker to uh kind of be the engine of the offense but I think it’s a lot easier when you have two guys like be and Durant around you so I think yeah there’s there’s definitely some other options that they should

Prioritize I’ll just Echo one more thing before we wrap here that you said at the beginning on on the defense and it could it should happen whether they get some of these players we’ve been talking about like I’ll throw Jan Tate out there again Jake fiser has continued to

Mention the sun’s pursuing him that would be another step below even like a royce O’Neal but again somebody who I just think fitwise could give you 10 good minutes and and you wouldn’t have to worry um no matter who they get what you said about like the junking

It up and the more creative defensive schemes and some of the coaching cuz it’s not just about who they get like this team is still jelling I would expect and hope that there’s still a level they could get to if they didn’t get anybody at the deadline they should

Still get better cuz we’re still seeing it all come into place here but that’s been something during this stretch where the big three’s gotten integrated together that we really have not seen much of at all that we were seeing like that Wolves game uh that they blew out

Minnesota at home or the Thunder game even some of that stretch like in November they were playing a lot of weird zones and box and ones and using KD in interesting ways and kind of trying to insulate nkic and all this stuff I don’t know if it’s just been

Like let’s focus on one thing at a time but that’s something I definitely want to see because I agree with you that’s kind of a no-brainer they’re going to have to get funky with stuff because their talent I mean Frank vogle said it at media day they’re at a talent

Disadvantage on defense that’s not going to change on Thursday from one trade so I hope we see the Vogal Playbook get opened up on Def down this stretch run no matter what happens this week yeah and I think it will I think the there’s also a chance they could be

Trying to hide as much as that as they can without giving away too much uh I do think they’re TR they’re still trying to win games at the same time so it’s not like you know I think some fans take that a little too serious like oh

They’re hiding so they’re not doing any like they’re still they’re still trying to win they’re still doing their schemes but I think there’s there’s some stuff they could definitely pull up their sleeve uh come playoff time to to throw their opponents off off especially when they play against teams that they could

Potentially match up with in the the first round of the playoffs so uh yeah I think vog will definitely and that entire staff like they’re they’re paying them pretty well so they they better figure some stuff out come playoff times it’s it’s a pretty stacked staff a lot

Of smart people a lot of basketball Geniuses so uh I actually I really do trust them I think if if they can make some moves uh to help give on the Personnel side that they can make it a little more interesting on the the defensive side they’re not going to be a

Defensive stopper or team by any stretch but I think they could do enough to win games with how deadly that offense can be let’s go David fizdale get it together come up with the game plan let’s go miles Simon what have you been doing this year get the defense together

That’s uh that’s our charge no matter what the deadline brings all right that’ll wrap us up for the day more to come there will be trades and I’ll break them down from a sun standpoint I’ll break down all the latest rumors and more as well keep it right here follow

Subscribe wherever you are talk to you tomorrow

The Phoenix Suns may not be upper tier NBA championship contenders yet, but they aren’t far away.

Brendon Kleen of @justbasketballfans is joined by Brandon Dueñas of Bright Side of the Sun to break down what the Suns need, whether Miles Bridges is a solution, and who else the Suns could target at the NBA trade deadline to improve the roster.


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  1. Are you guys drunk Royce Oneal is terrible id take Okogie over him. Eubanks sucks. As much as a bad look Bridges is his the only difference maker. They need a tough ideally with lenght defender for Paul George or Kawhi and or Aaron Gordon. They need a 6’7-6’9 wing ideally. A PF that can defend/rebound to mve kd to the three

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