@Chicago Bulls

Should Chicago Bulls should trade Alex Caruso, DeMar DeRozan at trade deadline? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Should Chicago Bulls should trade Alex Caruso, DeMar DeRozan at trade deadline? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Sham Shir earlier today and then the clip went around NBA Twitter stated the following about the bull situation and specifically about dear D Roan okay hit me quote they’ve talked about an extension have not been able to get a deal done will there be a contender before Thursday that tries to go get

Demar D rozan I think the Bulls are going to be open for those calls end quote that think the Bulls will be open for those calls is the part that my Bulls fan brain hears and thinks oh maybe that sounds different than what we’ve all just made an assumption to be

They’re not trading tomorrow I I didn’t hear that I got it differently what did you how did you I didn’t hear the Hope in that I heard the oh well Shams would think that you know of course because it’s Shams yeah of course you would think you’d be open to

Making those calls if he had said something like the Bulls are thinking about or the Bulls are or something a little more definitive like that that didn’t sound like it was just simply his opinion then I think my hope would have been a little higher okay but as of now

Just knowing how the Bulls have done and seeing what they’ve done I I can’t put myself in that in that hope category when when I hear statements like that I Think It’s tricky because it’s just so hard to like guess what ik is thinking at this point I mean this season has

Obviously not gone gone the way that they wanted but they played a lot better of late but Z out for the season and Tory Craig was out and Patrick Williams is now out for an indefinite period of time and Kobe White’s been playing 47 minutes a game and dear’s been playing

66 minutes a game and Vu has been playing a lot but he’s missed time so it’s like it’s kind of hard to really guess what ak’s full evaluation is because everything that we’ve heard was basically I see what everybody else sees and that was when they were 5 and 14 and

Then they started playing well and so it’s hard to kind of it’s hard for me to imagine AK has seen this most recent stretch based on the evidence that we have which is that he touted 14-9 at the end of last year being a reason to run

It back part two and um so it’s hard for me to imagine he’s still feeling that way about this team when they’ve just gone like 18 and 13 in the last 31 or whatever it is um I do think though that when you are thinking about these trades

And I think dear specifically it’s not just like what could you get for dear okay it’s not just like in a vacuum cuz there’s a lot of other factors here one do the Bulls still want to make a play and push I think the answer is clearly

Yes so like he is worth more to the Bulls to try to continue that play and push than maybe he would be to a team on the uh you know on the Western Conference or whatever it is like those guys are probably going to be looking

For him to be their second or third option and so that’s like a bit of a different story but it’s hard to imagine them really coming with an offer that’s like okay AK can’t say no to this because it’s so much um so I think it

Really just comes down to into this this idea that like the Bulls players right now are more valuable to the Bulls than they are to anybody else and yes I think they’re now in a position where they kind of have to take calls and and listen to what’s out there but I still

Don’t really feel like there’s any real incentive for the front office to actually do anything because like Zack being out doesn’t change who they are on the floor right now I mean he just hasn’t been playing and they’ve been playing well without him so see like I

Think that all makes sense the way I’m looking at this is maybe the Bulls front office is finally waking up to a certain reality which is especially on the heels of the Zack LaVine news that we got a couple days ago continuity should be dead with this

Group should be dead there’s no reason that it should still persist Beyond this season even if they want to play out the final strings on the freaking Titanic this season good for that quartet they were Honorable Men went down with the ship ak’s going down with the ship great

Start building a new boat next season and demard Rosen and the stuff that you know Shams mentioned it again today with the contract extension talks and the fact that they’ve went nowhere MH if you know that you’re either going to try to trade a just had surgery Z LaVine or try

To reincorporate a just had surgery Zack LaVine into this group next season while facing the reality that this group clearly has a ceiling what is the benefit of paying and most likely overpaying a now 35 36 to Marty Rosen to stick around Beyond this season to me it

Makes no sense because they want to continue to compete at this level but this level this level is the ninth seed I I hear you and I agree with you but I think that’s the thought process and so to me like when you talk about this Zach

Thing and I went back and relistened to our uh post like reaction show or whatever it was emergency podcast um because I was like I was just kind of thinking more about what we’re talking about and it’s like the incentive to change anything I just don’t know that it’s changed all that

Much right now because Zach was not a part of the plans he was always the one that was going to be shipped out he was the only Domino that they wanted to push over and now they can’t do that but to me the challenge now becomes okay what

Do you do with the rest of the roster because as much as people want to think that okay we can just ride this thing out with Zack into the summer and trade him then I highly highly highly doubt that Zack LaVine is getting tra this summer okay he is now having another

Surgery teams are already worried about his health he’s got 3 years left on his contract he has not proven that he can stay healthy he’s now another year removed from being an All-Star it’s just like all of the momentum is now pushing against Zach being traded and it already

Like even in some of the ways that it wasn’t fair now it’s becoming Fair like he is an injury risk now and he does make more money next year and he is still under contract for three more years at 138 million I just don’t see another team being willing to take him

On let alone giving up picks or assets to do so like I think there’s a world where the Bulls get off this contract they’re going to have to attach two or three picks in order to do it and that’s not worth doing it it’s not it’s not

Worth doing it but if if you aren’t going to trade Zach now something has to give because it’s going to be very difficult with uh dear in free agency with Patrick in free agency like the the salary cap situation right now is not very favorable to the Bulls and the only

Way that they could really have Justified or even been able to bring everybody back was by moving Zach to create space enough to do that right and now they’re they really can’t do that so I think more than the on the court stuff this year what I’m trying to say is that

This Zach thing and not being able to trade him prevents them from continuity in some capacity because it’s going to be very difficult to bring all those guys back maybe they figure out a way to do it maybe they dump Lonzo uh maybe they get off of Javon Carter’s contract

And that kind of opens up some more space but unless they get real value deals they cannot bring those guys back and even if they do even if you’re getting Patrick for $15 million Which is less than what he’s probably going to get and Demar for $20 million which is

$10 million less than what he’s going to get you have no space to bring in anybody else you’re literally running it back again again and that is insanity to me yeah but again it drives with what they have been pushing and what they have been striving towards for this

Whole time which is to be the ninth or 10th seed and get a playing game and I yeah I just I think in spite of the Zach thing not really affecting the team on the court this year the salary cap questions and the ramifications of him

Not being able to be traded now yeah I think that really does change some things and so if the Bulls don’t do anything at this deadline I think they are going to be in real trouble and basically it’s going to force them into doing what they’ve done last summer and

Before that which is like continue to invest to overpay for a guy like dear just to bring him back and now you you’ve bled another year off of Alex kuso’s contract where he loses value because you know two playoff runs for a $9 million guy is worth a lot more than

One playoff run and so they just they continue to not learn from their mistakes and I don’t want to like get too far over my skis by like criticizing that for stuff that they haven’t yet done but like this is what we know this is what we know this team will do they

Will overpay to keep their guys they will strive to be the eighth or ninth or 10th seed and they will go for play in over anything else even if it means bleeding dry the value of all their possible assets to be able to set themselves up better for the future

That’s what we know this team to do and so until they do something else I don’t see why we wouldn’t criticize them for that oh all right I’m hot today your little something there buddy I told you guys of that over theread in the comments is here telling will to

Breathe get yourself in there man I I think I I still feel the same way about Demar as I felt I don’t I never believed he was coming back I still think he wants to leave yeah and I think that’s what it’s so far apart in the contract

Because I think he’s like well give me more money and they’re like we can’t do that and or they don’t want to do that and he’s like well whatever then cuz I in my heart of hearts I think he’s at a point in his career where he’s like okay

I’ve made all this money I’ve done everything I’ve ever wanted to do except win like that and now I want to go home now I want to get close to home and I want to go win I really think that’s what he wants to do and everything I’ve

Seen him do and even when he says things like man I don’t plan for the future I just do it as a daily well when you’re trying to sign a contract you saying give me extra money that’s for the future I know that that’s my point that’s exactly what we’re saying the

Same thing but he knows what he wants to do in my opinion I and I don’t think it stay here uh with the Chicago Bulls which is why I’ve been on board with you know fine you know we can trade him we can get something for him that’s fine

But you will had say and I don’t want to take this from you but I do want to hear this later but I think Marque has said like you guys are okay with him walking like it’s not a big deal if if uh dear just walks like it doesn’t hurt as bad

Correct I think that is not the worst case scenario okay um but one more thing on on that before I get into the Demar thing which is that like there’s a reason why the Bulls paid V $60 million over three years and the reason is because even

If even if he wasn’t like worth that much money like two other teams and a mat pet came out go ahead even if he wasn’t worth worth that much to other teams maybe he could have gone to a a better scenario a better opportunity for him to win a championship so it’s not

Like the Bulls could just say we will give you $1 over the mid-level exception and you will take it because that’s the most money you can get it’s like no we’ve got to pay you $20 million to stay here versus $12 million to go to a winner correct and so I think that’s

That’s the run the risk that you’re running with thear is that you’re not necessarily just going to like beat out the next closest offer it’s like you’ve got to overpay to keep this guy because the alternative is yes less money but it’s like a more you know more potential

To win and so that’s why you’re asking about letting him walk in free agency to me I mean if they give dear a similar offer to what they gave V this summer so okay let’s let’s lay out the options here number one you keep them because you can’t get anything for him number

Two you trade them maybe it’s two second rounders maybe it’s like one mediocre first and ak’s got to get on the podium and say look guys we just traded our best player all we could get was two second round pick sorry but that was you

Know we weren’t sure if we were going to be able to keep them this Summer that’s the best we could do not something that I think particularly casual fans are going to be super excited about say I’m cool like go ahead go ahead I mean yeah

Um and then the third option would be okay you can’t get anything that you can really sell to your fan base at this trade deadline you don’t want to lose him for nothing so now you’re looking at a threeyear $90 million offer or a 2year $75 million offer something like that to

Where he can’t say no because it’s so much money and so he takes it and then maybe a year down the line he asks for another trade and so to me like it’s probably not as bad for specifically like the cap stuff and like starting over and like cleaning out your books

For him to just walk where now you just are off of that money you don’t have to worry about it obviously it would be better to get something in return now and maybe it would be better to get him back at a reasonable number but if those two options aren’t available to the

Bulls to me letting him walk for nothing is better than way overpaying to continue on with this same group for two or three more years because that’s the alternative because the only way you get to retain him is to we overpay so that he doesn’t go to the Lakers for you know

The mid-level exception because that’s like a more compelling option for him as somebody who wants to win basketball games okay uh raging Oracle in the comments disagreeing with the notion that the Bulls should let him walk or can let him walk saying you can’t let dear walk unless you’re going to run it

Back with the same team let him walk lose 22 mil in usable cap space via trade um I mean but it’s not usable cap space because they are above the cap right now right and unless they do some other stuff to like get below the cap

It’s not like just letting him go this year opens up $28.6 million in cap space that they can use to sign somebody else correct and and and to me like that’s that’s not enough of an argument to overpay him to keep this all going it okay so it doesn’t work out beautifully

Where by letting Tomar walk you now suddenly have this c space you didn’t have yesterday it still signals a new Direction like raging also said well if you let Demar W it mean it signals a full rebuild yes that’s the point that’s what they should do and a full rebuild

Can still include keeping pieces like Kobe white and I dumu and D Terry and Julian Phillips and you know maybe Patrick Williams if he gets healthy and gets his [ __ ] together but like it sucks that right now Zack LaVine is the most untradeable player in the NBA really sucks but that shouldn’t

Prevent the Bulls front office from still recognizing the reality that they’ve built for themselves and if they can recoup some sort of assets for Demar right now but before Thursday to set themselves up for a different path forward than they should and when it comes to what you get in return if

You’re the Bulls front office asking and taking actually taking calls on Demar trades from teams who want him for a playoff push on an expiring deal only expiring deals back you know like I I wouldn’t want them taking on multiple year contract players no matching

Salaries for a Demar trade if it’s a two second round picks great guess what you can still use those you traded two second round picks to get Julian Phillips correct last summer hey Julia you still owe some second round picks in addition to the first round pick that

You owe the Spurs rebuild that draft cupboard for the love of God yeah there are a lot of options that they can do to actually rebuild and help themselves you know before they even get to the all-star break and still be a team that’s competing to try to get to a play

Like they can still do all these things honestly and they have like you said the most untradeable player in the NBA and they also in my opinion have the most tradable player in the NBA and Alex Caruso so they’ve got both of these things but the trigger has tried to be

Pulled on one too late in my opinion and then the trigger hasn’t been pulled on one at all so yeah that they they put themselves in in some really terrible situations here that’s exactly where I was going is like they’ve put themselves in this bind because of their like

Desperation to be that ninth or 10th seat every year if they were willing to understand that like maybe that’s not the aspirations that they should go for then now you can make that Demar trade last year when he actually was really positive value and you get more than two

Second round picks for him or maybe now you actually do trade Caruso at the peak of his value instead of waiting until next year when you know his value will slide I mean it just will it’s not like a knock on carus or anything but like

We’ve seen that that same movie with Vu we’ve seen it with dear we’ve seen it with Zach now like if you wait too long it’s not like well we could maybe get the same kind of equivalent value this offseason that doesn’t always work that way and in some cases now the Bulls have

The most untradeable player in the league as you guys say um they’ve lost on opportunity to really maximize value on dear and like that’s fine but it’s the fact that they continue to do that and not learn from those mistakes and not capitalize on what few opport remain

Because they still want to go like full boore for the playin and yes they they do have those options that you mentioned like those are available to them but they’re not available if they’re unwilling to go that route I think that’s the real issue here is that they

Continue to not be willing correct to open themselves up to value and I think that’s where you’re always going to be in a losing proposition if you refuse to accept value when it’s given to you you’re just you’re never going to have value or or pulling it or or going for

It way too late at the same time so putting yourself in the corner where everybody knows you have to do this and you’re like great we’re doing this and then they try to undersell you because that’s business so yeah not pulling the trigger and then waiting too late to

Pull the trigger is exactly what a it’s exact same thing with Zach this summer it was oh yeah let’s shop Zach around cuz next year we’re not really going to be able to bring back toar and Patrick so we got to get ahead of this by moving

Zach but we’ll only do it if we get three first round picks and a good Prospect okay nobody’s willing to give you that okay now he looks terrible the first 15 games and ask for a trade and nobody wants him and then he misses time

And now it’s like okay well maybe we can get just pure cap relief okay now actually we’ll hold on to him for a little bit longer okay now he’s getting surgery now it’s like you’re you’re watching this unfold yeah and it’s I’m not going to say sit here and say that

Like the same thing’s going to happen with Caruso because I do think they’ll still be able to get value for him yes but if we’re talking about like I’m just going off of what I’ve heard like I don’t want to go on anybody else’s reporting here like what I’ve heard is

That the Bulls could get a pick and a player yeah and that’s the kind of value that I’m not sure will be there this summer maybe you could get just a pick or just a player but I don’t know why you wouldn’t do That like May

The Chicago Bulls are facing a tough decision at the trade deadline, but is it really that tough?

The Bulls currently sit at 9th place in the Eastern Conference and have lost Zach LaVine for the rest of the season. Should the Bulls be looking to compete or looking to get some assets back for their expendable veterans like Alex Caruso and DeMar DeRozan? The CHGO Bulls crew discusses on the latest episode of the CHGO Bulls Podcast.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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