@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors vs. Brooklyn Nets 4th Qtr Full Highlights | Feb. 5 | NBA Highlights 2024

Golden State Warriors vs. Brooklyn Nets 4th Qtr Full Highlights | Feb. 5 | NBA Highlights 2024

Bridges cam Johnson with Claxton and cam Thomas are all double figures but kena’s point is right and they have not been very efficient play with the defense kaminga will be fouled he was going to Duncan yeah he’s he’s still energetic young at heart look at him he’s got the chain

On and he does put the whammy on but Looney gets the rebound Clay didn’t have a good look at a three and there’s plenty of time to shoot with five dominga on the back down at three kaminga mid-range see that time he saw the help Defender coming just went under him made sure he didn’t turn it over his vision awareness much better there and

Then once he’s into his shot he’s rising up no one can stay with him O’Neal in open three Brooklyn has missed 13 of their last 14 shots this group has been been phenomenal keep adding to the lead you’re just getting Great Looks you’re thinking about your shot selection theega that time ran into

Johnson just lost the handle tried to Clay ball screen cam Johnson konz give me that then You’ got a foul in the back court now this is interesting that he turn that one over he’s fouled yeah if kaminga had thrown it ahead or tried to psky they his foul

That would have been a clear fou but was thrown backwards that’s his fifth foul that’s a great play by Smith C Johnson did pick up his fifth foul and that time konz draws the charge a few more charges exactly you can step in there be a little Boulder clock at 10 Rooney is doubled on the Baseline clay C without the ball perfect they’re patient they’re making the Nets work defensively Here Comes cam Thomas tough floater Looney defended they couldn’t get the rebound man has been everywhere Defensively shot clock at four you know what Smith wants to do and pmy is going to be called or no it’s kth went one of three from the line so all right pretend you’re challenged and then you got a t for arguing okay so he doesn’t shot free throws but

Someone made one point okay if it makes you feel better go with that a nine-point lead in the ball n and a half remaining of the [Applause] game the jamski missing that three and den witty will track it down Warriors have not had a three-point night at all three of 19 from

Deep dominga went for the steel pona has bailed him out cyc it to a wide open Royce O’Neal yeah Brooklyn’s not going to stay cold forever they went through a stretch where they missed 13 of 14 shots they just kept moving the ball that was a great offense Warriors couldn’t keep

Up as def is three of nine on threes the rest of the Warriors are 0 for 10 see if clay can kind of get going here they doing it with defense they been do it with better half court execution missing and Looney got the rebound but 18 of 56 in Atlanta Steph

Had 10 of them the rest of the team was eight of 33 aight 0 for 10 well you’re in good position can you keep the lead in witty driving draymond’s back in and for a wild Miss there you’re winning the game with your defense you are you’re holding

Brooklyn to 38% shooting and Draymond laying it up and everybody’s focused on Steph kones is over there the defense was there Draymond got it and the Red Sea parted think the wars have any problem winning a defensive game the offense has come along since Draymond came back but

They got to start stopping people and O’Neal has hit a couple threes now saw him do that for Utah for years yonz attacking down gets all the way to the rim anytime you don’t see Nick Claxton keep going s some really good ball screen to get guys downhill O’Neal again three in a

Row so O’neal He had started the game 0 for six that’s weird I had a feeling about him I was watching him in warm-ups he hit like 23s in a row they didn’t catch it cleanly shot clock at seven four because he committed a foul I was just watching it he was

Just sitting in the [Applause] [Applause] lane shot clock at five and Draymond little rip through draws the foul and Ro towards five minutes here in Brooklyn stop three in this five-game trip Curry down the lane to flip it up and out and then GE Santos missed the layup got the rebound still 10 to shoot step for three

Back iron rebound battle psky oh and then he was cl had him outnumbered down there he was so aggressive to but he got hit pretty hard looks like he’s in pain well this is why I have not liked in the last for terrible things to happen so Brandon went up well he’s

Pulling him down any hit him that might be a flagrant to flant to cuz watch his left hand first or his right hand pull him down on the shoulder and then you get this swipe in the head in the head yeah that’s so okay step cutting step

Finishing Oh piny is amazing so is Steph Curry just reading the defense the biggest lead grows to 12 now don’t fight your Defender if you don’t have to they’re going to play you up top like that about 62 points in the paint Bridges driving Ro O’Neal’s been

Hot in the fourth quarter bangs home another three War his points in the pain is had to be high they’re only four for 21 from three-point range well steps four of 11 and the rest of the team is so for 10 execute the final four minutes Claxton is out the Meg it in

Catch it cleanly but he did save it back out to Draymond at two P jamski checked the shot clock and the runner off iron Santos hustling but nice rebound Mel Bridges Draymond wanted P jimsky to set that screen say what rice O’Neal is raining threes he’s scaring the Warriors now he

He’s got five threes all here in the second Half the me’s got D witty again be patient shoot over him he Santos look what I found the Warriors are just attacking the offensive blast and two grook and Nets are having to keep one guy off well they they don’t have claxon anymore I mean you got to play this game

Differently the final three and a half yeah cam Thomas cam Thomas driving and Draymond fou 38% shooting cam Thomas hitting a couple free throws and he got a six-point lead in the ball they have been here so many times this year they played 33 clutch games and turnovers

Have been a problem and then the foul after another clutch game have we had one of these before this year 34th clutch game inside 5 minutes plus or f plus or minus five points where play the most in the NBA they’re 15 and 18 in those games so far

Tic Tac tow to kaminga it’s perfect offense Draymond knew they were going to double team step so you don’t even get to set the screen just slip out of it and make a play You’re Going four on three ridges Corner three and kaminga soaring for that [Applause] rebound You’re Expecting hard doubles on

Step again no Claxton so that’s why kaminga was able to get inside so Easily the repost kaminga on Den witty JK go do something and that’s a great identification he will might lead the stretch it doesn’t always have to be jumpers as cam Thomas gets Inside they’re going to let Steph move without the ball Ando jimsky bring it up so’s got the handle to be a one careful with Miguel Bridges though Elite Defender Steph on cam Thomas Steph driving Draymond screen and Steph went right to the rim no Clon no problem and it’s perfect don’t bring a

Screen up there so they don’t have a chance to double just let him beat his man off the dribble let Draymond wall off the help Defender new season High 68 points in the paint Draymond blocked that Smith missed the layup ksky you’re playing the clock and the [Applause]

Nets got the eight-point lead winding down to a minute 20 Steph on the handle Steph little floater the foul of the field goal 70 of their 105 that’s how they’ve had to win the game tonight [Applause] no threes no problem tonight Royce O’Neal finally misses gets his own rebound cam

Thomas free throw Warriors are catching some good fortune here finally on the [Applause] road you’re up nine you’re playing the [Applause] clock he Santos doubled on the Baseline and then four in this half so far and they had seven in the first quarter amazing Bridges driving don’t commit a foul [Applause]

There Step W [Applause] handle the jsky to a cutting coming and exclamation mark that one back that was nice well the Warriors after overtime losses have now gone 4- one on the game after every time you think mentally or emotionally they’re crushed they always have a response and the response tonight was

10998 and warriors are

Golden State Warriors vs. Brooklyn Nets 4th Qtr Full Highlights | Feb. 5 | NBA Highlights 2024


  1. πŸ’–πŸ€πŸ‘ Congratulations, the Warriors won. 🎊 Good Job. πŸ€πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€ Steph Curry πŸ† MVP πŸ‘ Good Job! πŸ‘πŸ€

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