@Miami Heat

The #MiamiHeat are Playing Stone Aged Offense in a High Tech Offensive League 020524

The #MiamiHeat are Playing Stone Aged Offense in a High Tech Offensive League 020524

This is the Big O Show this is the Big O Show stop in California you bring a raincoat a gas mask uh do you br like how many things do you take to protect yourself over there gashes what do you got going on there I I got no problem with California except for the traffic in LA and the traffic I guess in San

Francisco that too I forgot the traffic holy they got a lot of stuff going on in California man that is crazy stuff you know what’s even crazier some guy named Matt Moore I thought he was a quarterback you know what I mean but apparently the guy also

Works for the Action Network and he and he says we’re rumored to Kelly linic and his expiring contract at 32 years old tell me it’s not true he’d have had interest for a while and and figure on a shortterm basis they need to get more height in the power rotation they’ve

Made this kind of move the last couple couple of years they brought in Dwayne deadmond didn’t work it did initially Big O if you remember they brought in Cody Zeller didn’t work in the playoffs but did initially they need more height they need another big man so that when

Bam who’s not the biggest big man anyway goes out yeah the Kevin Love thing works Off the Bench but they need a little bit more bulk the thought is Kelly gives them size Kelly can be a stretch four and get it done also there’s always been a Fascination and as you know bigo

They’ve always brought back players they’ve always looked at guys that they felt fit in the system that they knew were heat culture type of guys so it’s a matter of what the Jazz can get for him I think it is possible if the heat can come up with the resources that he do

Not have a lot of chips left right now but as I wrot to my Sunday hollum at the Sun Sentinel I think a little bit more bulk in the middle just to have it just in case is needed and I think a point guard who could defend quick opposing

Point guards is needed also for that defensive presence so Thursday might not be a huge day if it is I’ll jump right on the Big O show but I think that there are small little ancillary moves that would make the heat nominally better and when you’re in eighth place nominally

Better to get to sixth place is Meaningful is it worth it is it worth what kind of chips are we talking about are you giving up thing I’m not giving up another first round pick I’m not I didn’t like giving up the first- round pick for Terry Rosier so it’s just a

Matter of if you think you can’t resign Caleb Martin and you’re going to lose him for nothing is there something more you can get at the moment that would be the kind of guy I know you’re a Nico yic fan to a degree but again this is a live

In the- moment team something like that I think it would be a smaller piece the problem will be matching contracts once you gave up that Kyle Lowry contract you don’t have a lot of money to make it mesh right there so look that’s a smaller piece might be part of a

Multi-team deal but that’s what I think this is the kind of stuff also that can happen on the bio Market I’m not saying Kelly’s gonna Force his way out of Utah but depending where the Jazz stand in the Western Conference race he might say hey final year of a deal want to finish

It on my terms I’ve been the good soldier so as much as the trading deadline February 8th on Thursday for the heat I would look at the March 1 buyout deadline because I do agree I think the Heats moves now after the Rosier trade will be mostly in the

Margins you know Ira again see here’s my thing I I don’t know how much that those kind of moves are really gonna make because you know I’m watching this team last night and you’re eight of 30 from three-point range this team cannot shoot threes it’s just not a team that’s and

This is a league of Threes well like you you didn’t have hero and Duncan Robinson so that’s a little bit of an exception kind of game to a degree I understand overall the percentage actually is not bad this year they’re not shooting enough of them they’re not always

Shooting the right ones but I just wrote that at the Sun Sentinel is this this offense here’s the problem bigo in an offensive League you’ve got to be offensive I understand winning in the muds SPO wants to play with defense you know what you’ve seen this in football

Where you could have the great running game but you gotta have the passing game you’ve got to adjust to the times the heat right now this Heat roster this heat system put it in the 90s you got a great team put it in the 2020s and

You’ve got a problem the heat are still too stuck to use their word in the mud it’s an offensive League it’s a three-point League you can’t keep shooting these two-pointers they’re trying to convince Tyler hero not to that’s Terry rosier’s game that they traded for they are playing Stone AG

Offense in a Hightech offensive League I agree I I I don’t so why do you keep burying yourself in the abyss why not just get the hell out of this already dude why why do you keep putting yourself in this position why not get out of these contracts Why not start

Moving forward you you’re actually doing a decent job job of drafting and developing you’ve got a young core let’s let’s move ahead let’s let’s start getting players that fit more of what you’re going to do you’re gonna have to go through a rough patch but it’s it’s

Almost I get it we’ve had a nice run here but that’s because the chef in the kitchen maximizes all this but he does things that nobody else is ever going to do you’re never going to win with this kind of team it it’s just it’s obvious

Dude just watch it night and with or without Tyler my brother or with or without Duncan they’re still not good enough in the three-point area overall as a team they don’t have enough and these guys aren’t efficient enough as a team at times and you know you you and I

Have been talking about this lately that and I’ve been I’ve been harping on this for a while that I want uh bam to play Closer to the rim so he can become more of an efficient player because that’s who he is if he’s never going to develop

A three then dude get back inside a little bit more it’s almost like they they go against the grain on everything it’s a two-point team certain players really don’t play the way they should play I I I I really don’t understand this to me there’s there’s no method

Behind The Madness of what’s going on with the Miami except bigo how many teams a season after they make the NBA Finals blow it up so so what we have to do here big always talk about this was 2020 NBA Finals was 2023 2022 Eastern Conference Finals one shot from the

Finals was 2023 NBA Finals Fool’s Gold that’s the thing yes you can’t you cannot point to me Big O many teams in many sports after getting to the championship round or the championship game Who within a year will blow it up so that’s part I don’t want to say a

Problem because we sure as hell enjoyed the run to the NBA finals last year who knows it might happen again so that’s the thing you have to say to yourself was that fool’s gold this team will never acknowledge that this team I don’t know if this fan base will

Acknowledge it I just find it hard to believe bigo that a year after making the NBA Finals a team would just go ahead and blow it up I I think that’s almost unprecedented do teams stay together too long absolutely do teams stay stuck in the middle mud too long

Absolutely there’s nothing worse than mediocrity especially when you have lotteries when you have drafts when you can make that move where you can get cap space so it’s almost like the heater carrying this 80 pound Stone in in tow because they found a way last year even

Last night B maab asked the question well you guys have been through adversity before and it becomes a crutch well we did it last year we can do it again and you know what bigo I might still be doing Acura pimber Pines reports from the playoffs in May and in

June you just don’t know what this team but I understand if you look at this team’s offense the 27th scoring offense in the NBA the only team scoring fewer are the Portlands and the Charlottes and the garbage teams so that should tell you something but instead spos sits up

There last night and talks about the defense coming around and you sort of shake your head because you’ve lost eight of the last 10 games but that’s who they are they really should be the Raptors because to a degree these are the Miami dinosaurs they are still living in a prehistoric scoring age

Thinking it can work sort of worked last year so I guess you got to give them you always say this on your shows even when I’m not doing my Acura pen Pines segment you always say you have to respect what the Miami Heat have done because they

Always find a way so I guess for now we have to respect the system of they’re gonna try to beat you 10299 hell tomorrow’s game against Orlando two teams that can’t score I don’t know what the over under is I know you’ll give a line at some point point

But you might want to consider the under yeah no and listen this is a weird dynamic because covering sports for a long time you think you’ve seen everything right and then all of a sudden something happens that you have never seen before well in a way we’ve never really experienced this because it

Is fool’s gold and then it isn’t because it’s Fool’s Gold because we all know deep down inside if you’re objective with yourself the Miami Heat have zero business winning a title zero they in fact they have zero business being in the NBA finals or being in the Eastern

Conference Finals the last four years zero business but yet here goes Eric spola doing the amazing the phenomenal the what you never expect and maximizing the talent just like what he did with 31 and 10 and the scrub arinis where he almost got those guys you know into the

Playoffs this guy’s been doing this for years now so that’s the part that’s not Fool’s Gold because you happen to have you know a great front office the best coach in the NBA and but you look at the talent and you’re like okay there’s you know because I’ve been I said from the

Moment you you acquire Jimmy if you don’t find that other Superstar you’re not going to win a a a title and sure up you haven’t been able to find that other Superstar and that’s why there is no other title we know what titles look like they used to come with two or three

Superstars with it right that’s how that’s the that’s what we’ve seen every time they hang up a banner there’s two or three Superstars tied to that team and that Banner we don’t have that with this team and it’s the weirdest Dynamic we’ve never had this kind of dynamic

Well maybe the one year I guess wood struck with the dolphins maybe that’s about the closest I can get to it this is a weird dynamic that the coaching staff and the front office do enough to keep you interested even though you look at the inventory and it makes no sense

Whatsoever you maybe even maybe even the Chad Pennington playoff year when his little Dink and Dunk game got you to the playoffs and you thought you found something when it really was right that wild cat fooled people for a couple of games yeah something like that yeah yeah

Although you know what that’s still flukish where this is four straight years yeah Woodstock flukish this is four straight year and big old that’s the point I’m trying to make is this as much as you’re a Gambling Man I don’t think you’re betting your your retirement fund on the heat not making

It out of the first round or even into you you just don’t know with this team so the expression we always use with the heat is benefit of the doubt they have earned the benefit of the doubt but are they playing 2024 style basketball no they are not they are trying to get

Their way to fit in somehow square peg round hole to still make it work and it might and they did win seven in a row at one point this season and they were eight games over 500 at one point this season and they did seem positioned so

Maybe it comes around maybe it doesn’t but I do agree with one part you’re saying and this was even true of the 11 and3 and then 3011 finish which the Willie Reed team and those players this team is mismatched and I think they know that but you know what it’s hard to

Create the perfect team the Lakers don’t have the perfect team now the Warriors don’t have the perfect team so at least they’re trying like with the Rosier trade to see if they can make something happen and maybe it is Tyler going out and maybe it is Jimmy when they sit down

This summer going yeah there’s no twoe extension Jimmy you’re either gonna play it our way or will play it a different way people who are just only listening bigo shaking his head right now I totally get that so that’s the thing I do think you have to let it play on

Warmart time I don’t think it’ll be that detrimental for the future because you can trade Tyler in the offseason you can work something with Jimmy if he doesn’t want the extension and like we say you can still turn to the young enough kids in the bams and the haime hakz is and

You will find your Kevin loves you’ll find your fill in pieces also but right now it’s hard to Envision them threading that needle to get deep into the playoffs with this offense and this approach this style unless playoff Jimmy Butler reemerges from the dust like he does at times and team three-point

Because they couldn’t shoot threes last year they could last year in the playoffs boom so last year was G Vincent to Mau maybe it’ll be Josh Richardson this year maybe it’ll be Hayward heith or Caleb Martin doesn’t seem possible but I gotta tell you after that first

Play and loss to the Hawks no one was high on the heat then nor were they in the fourth quarter against the Bulls in the winter go home game and then Max stru gets hot so hey it only takes a moment but we’ve yet to see that moment

I agree by the way the Gabe Vincent signing didn’t go well for the Lakers it’s Kendrick nun all over again a guy who plays well with the heat had an injury pass shows up the injuries are non-stop Kendrick nun basically never played for the Lakers before he was

Dealt to the Wizards Gabe Vincent the same situation there is talk right now that Gabe Vincent might get traded because he’s on a favorable contract at Thursday’s trading deadline so there might wind up at the end of the day be no Gabe Vincent era and that’s how shows

That shows how you know hard it is to get someone else’s project to work in your system the perfect example is that he had two guys leave this off season gab Vincent didn’t work out for the Lakers but you know what Max stru is worked out fantastically as a doit all

Player playing shooting guard small forward power forward for the Cavaliers so it is that sort of hidden Miss kind of thing that he’d load up these guys some guys hit like a Max stru some guys turn into Kendrick nun or now maybe Gabe Vincent by the way what stru is doing is

Actually rare for one of those kind of heat-free Agents usually the heat project players who’ve gone elsewhere mostly have struggled another turnaround story to a degree now is Derrick Jones Jr is starting for the Mavericks and playing well but he also went to Chicago into Portland and did it right away so

With very few of heat these heat project kind of guys wind up thriving somewhere else because they need the heat system Max streu was always different he was more of his own man and and he was the kind of guy you could see that hey this

Guy knows it he’ll adjust to the system of Cleveland he’ll adjust somewhere else he gets it that makes him a little bit different you know sometimes um you’ve got to deal with a players body and it’s worth it you know Joe Burrow’s been injured several times in a very short

Career with the Bengals what are you gonna do get rid of one of the best quarterbacks in the league no you’re not going to do that well the Philadelphia 76ers have one of the best centers in the league and he has had a long injury history and Joelle has picked up another

Injury yeah and it it’s it’s it’s a weird dynamic because sometimes you see that in different sport hell we have it here with Tua you know like what are you gonna do get rid of one of the best quarterbacks in the league it’s it’s it’s hard to do those kind of things and

With embiid now that this is devastating you know for the Sixers but again what are you going to do you got to kind of live you got to take the good and the bad you got it’s sort of like Tyler it’s sort of like Tyler in the playoffs he

Can have great seasons and then the playoffs two years in a row he goes down in the playoffs can’t make it to the finish line and you wind up losing a key component so it’s not only players who get injured it’s when they get injured and are they there for the biggest

Moments that’s what matters most yeah and the embiid one is probably gonna bury the Sixers now oh oh right I mean they were great record with him two and 10 without him you know they traded Harden because they wanted the Maxi and be chem R now they sort of need Harden

Who looked very good by the way last night for the Clippers so you know what you build your team on something hey it’s the same in every sport injuries at the end of the day will kill you these all sports are based on Superstars the NBA is the only sport where you only

Play five at a time so losing your key component means that much more what do you got going on in the Sentinel so folks can check you out you know what people don’t understand when I WR to ask Ira I take from the mailbag the questions people ask the most so the

Other day I answered the question should Tyler Off the Bench we’ve spoken about it in her accurate penber Pines reports and other people and people got back to me it’s not fair why are you pointing to him so today I rais the other possibility might Terry Rosier Off the

Bench be a way for this team to go to get another defender in the starting lineup to get someone who works better with Tyler hero you know look Terry came in obviously was told he’s going to be a starter but things change you want to maximize it so in my ask Ira I

Investigated looked a little into that and you know what if you remember Big O after the All-Star break last season that he changed it up Caleb Martin was starting they started Kevin Love I think you play it out to the all-star break which is six more games and I think then

Yeah when you get a week off I think Eric spoler has to go into the laboratory and to use his phrasing has to look at everything and anything for that stretch run that was so productive for the heat at the end of last season so maybe that’s a possibility and then I

Wrote my seemingly once a month story why can’t the Heat score and I spoke to Bam and Kevin Love and Josh Richardson because you have so many weapons here Jimmy score and Tyler can score and B can score and Hae hakin can score but they can’t score and at first they’re

Telling us there’s too many injuries now they’re telling us there’s too many scorers gotta figure that out so it’s what you and I spoke about yeah the the only thing I don’t like in this conversation is too much accommodating for Tyler herro I’m kind of tired of accommodating Tyler herro they can

Accomplish anything without Tyler herro with Tyler hero they’re not accomplishing anything great we are hanging on to the scout out in the bubble and we’re all waiting for that moment to come back and that moment has never come back uh the kids never cross that threshold as defensively the kid

Has never crossed the threshold of being uh reliable and especially durable uh to me I’m kind of tired of trying to like you just said now you start well Terry Ru doesn’t play well with Tyler well Tyler doesn’t play well with anybody okay because they don’t accomplish

And and and bigo and and the point to that being the point to that being if you give a guy four years 120 million you’re married you put a ring on it that’s the difference and once you put a ring on it you can’t walk away from it

Because if I’m Mickey Arison and Nick arrison I’m saying like wait wait a minute you guys made the decision to give this amount of money to this guy make it work so the decision with Tyler is not a now decision the decision with Tyler is a year ago decision at his

Working extension once you paid for it once you put a ring on it hey you’re wedded to trying to make that work you can you can wed Kaa all you want dude you can still put Kata where you want to put k out and just say hey yo brother I

Need You Off the Bench from here on out you’re better suited Off the Bench I don’t care may and maybe after the All-Star break we see someone like that but either way he has to be a prime component of your rotation at 30 million

A year I have no problem with that but I think Off the Bench is the best place for Tyler hero Tyler herro since the bubble has never proven to really be that Difference Maker you must have in the starting lineup because he’s just he doesn’t bring it defensively to add some

Balance and offensively he’s still too inconsistent as it is so you know to me I I just would rather have him off the bench and let’s see if Terry and the rest of these guys and by putting him off the on the bench I have a better chance of bringing somebody off the

Bench that actually will give me offense and defense at the same time maybe set a better Tempo to start the game I don’t know I just I’ll I’ll talk to SPO I’ll tell him what Big O thinks yes please SPO put his ass on the bench follow him

On Twitter at Ira heatbeat catch his work at the South Florida sun cental make sure you subscribe Ira is always thank you my brother we’ll catch up next week catch you next week in our Acura Penbrook Pines report thanks bigo thank you sir and of course the great people

At Acura Penbrook Pines they have got it going in on 15601 Pine Boulevard just off of I75 and Pines they got a large selection there they got a brand aot a lot that is loaded with a bunch of brand new vehicles and a lot of a lot of certified

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And that is Craig Zen Acura of pimo Pines This is the big old Show this is the Big O Show

Big O Talks with Ira Winderman on possible return of #kellyolynyk to #heatculture, #HeatNation and #foolsgold #NBA talk

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  1. No point in time this season, have the heat been better with Tyler herro. Herro could be in the lineup or not, the offense is still offensive

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