@Los Angeles Clippers

Clippers have won 25 of last 30 games: Should Kawhi Leonard be in MVP discussion? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Clippers have won 25 of last 30 games: Should Kawhi Leonard be in MVP discussion? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Skip skip I think that’s I think that’s tough I don’t think it’s high at all I think it’s relatively low because he doesn’t have the numbers and you know I am skip that’s again regardless of the spot yeah um you know you got you got

You got uh joic averaging 2612 and N I think you got embiid you know he’s hurt right now but averaging like 30 you got Luca donic averaging 35 10 and N or n and 10 yes like skip you’re not going to 244 and six is not going to get it done

For the MVP Giannis is averaging 31 and 11 you’re not going to get MVP over those guys with 24 4 and six regardless of what your team’s doing if he they’re number one in the west I mean I it would be cool it’ be great story hey they got

A great team they’re doing great things but the MVP of the league is probably one of these other guys that’s carrying their team statistically and that’s usually who it goes to so I would think it goes to yanic joic shy gildas Alexander I mean it could go to to to

Luca but you know I don’t think they’re playing well enough right now for him to get it yeah this is the beginning of the MVP situation for Kawai the beginning today on this show this is going to start the momentum to carry him into the MVP race to a whole another level and

What I mean by that though skip is is if they win the West that means that they probably are going to be a top four in the league record-wise they’re going to be in the top four if you go Boston Milwaukee Minnesota then the Clippers I

Think that’ll be that top four he plays on both ends of the floor though so when you start talking about outside Giannis the other guys that have the potential opportunity and beats hurt so he’s going to lose he’s going to lose on that yes Kawai Leonard has been known to do what

Rest not play loow manage well he’s played 43 out of the 47 games this year so that’s the whole season to me he’s played the entire season thus far now when you start talking about the 246 and four he’s shooting 45% from three there’s only there that that that says

That he ranks fourth to fifth in the league he’s fourth yeah okay at a 45% clip mhm pretty good I think it’s Prett Sensational and the team is winning and so you get that eyeballs and you get that momentum going in this situation so

I think the odds for him to win it is pretty good I don’t think that’s I understand what Richard saying typically you look at you go guys absolutely he’s averaging 30 oh my God you just do yeah but he’s lights out eff ficient across the board yeah and when you’re fishing

Across the board and you lights out you can’t give it to nobody in Boston I mean yeah uh uh uh give it to Yannis you you could give it you could give it to Giannis but like 311 and but what we’ve always seen is people get

It’s one of those deals get tired of giving things to the same people in the NBA tired of giving it to the same guys all the time now Kawai is remember what I said the Clippers are on the something top four in the league record wise and

They won they’ve won uh 25 out of the last 30 Y and I tried to tell you skip when you said it wasn’t going to work just wasn’t and I know you’re still waiting I know you’re still waiting you’re still waiting but there’s nothing to wait for this is what they’re going

To be in their coach and Ty L said give me 11 games and I’m going to tell you what it’s all about so yeah I do believe kawh lyard is going to be right at the top of the heat when this race comes down to the end so do I so Richard this

Is Lamar Jackson all over again in to me because there’s no way Kawai is going to have quote unquote MVP numbers unless you start going second level and third level to the the Beloved the honored the adored 40 90 Club you were alluding to it kesan where you shoot 50% from the

Field you shoot 40 plus per from three and you shoot 90 plus% from the free throw line he is right on course he’s at 89% from the free throw line but he’s on course to to join that hallowed group in the he’s shooting 53 from the field and

45 from the three yeah and to your point that’s fourth in the league in three-point shooting even though in overall attempts he ranks only 24th in the league so he’s not gunning he’s he’s not shooting the way Luca shoots where he’s just going to jack up a whole bunch

Of shots he’s going to make a whole bunch of shots but if if you watch this team the way I do if you Watch What Happens the driving force on this team is Kawhi Leonard and this team will go as far as kawhai takes them and to kishan’s point he’s already played 43

Games if you look at the first three years he was a Clipper he played total games in Seasons 57 52 and 50 so he’s already at 43 he’s just going to blow past it he’s going blow past that yeah and trust me on this because I know on

This one he is as healthy as he has been since his rookie year in the NBA and he worked his tail off he does not post about it on social media like a lot of people do but he worked his tail off in the off season to get this healthy

And he has no plans to be avoiding all the backto backs I’m sure they’ll pick one here and there but the point is he’s been playing backto backs he’s been playing higher minutes than usual he’s been playing his tail off the way he worked his tail off in the off season

And if you know about the like like Kean said if you look at the second level stats on defense he’s been top 10 in individual defensive win shares the whole year he’s 11th right now but but he’s on the verge he’s on the edge of the top 10 well that’s Sensational when

You can lead your team in scoring and and be so efficient this is like Kevin Durant stuff in efficiency yeah it almost seems like y’all are describing jannis atmo because their record is better in Milwaukee so you’re talking about what they could be with the clippers but they’re not they’re third

In the west so Giannis is averaging 31-1 always in the running for defensive player the year and so that’s what your MVP looks like that’s that it 244 and six is not impressive even with the 45% threo he doesn’t shoot that many so cool

It’s a it’s a high stat fourth I got you 29th in field goal percentage not top 50 and assist not and so you’re you’re 20th in scoring it doesn’t just it doesn’t sound like MVP numbers to me it it sounds like when you’re say hey he’s leading his team that’s what Giannis is

Doing they go as he goes that’s what they do in Milwaukee they go as Giannis goes if Giannis is off and they he doesn’t play well they’re not going to win a championship in Milwaukee okay so I hear what you’re saying but it just doesn’t Matter’s Point there’s burnout

On Giannis as the MVP and there’s no burnout on Kawai because this is all new and again the Clippers have been way better than I thought they’d be this quickly because James Harden has completely accepted his role as the orchestrator and the assist man and Westbrook Westbrook you know what if you

Watch closely and like if you look last night or yesterday it was in Miami his role is actually shrinking and I’m I’m waiting for the other sneaker to drop because we’re going to hear something from Russ if he doesn’t get to play any more minutes but he’s good he seems to

Have accepted the six-man role even in in smaller portions than I thought he would I thought he’d still get to play 2 he understands he understands the bigger picture I understand the statistical side of the game yeah uh Richard you you like that there’s no question about it

But when you start to think about as I said to you the train is just now being loaded and it will eventually go down the track by the time the MVP race is finalized it’s just starting a day this is the first conversation that I can think of about kawhai Leonard it should

Potentially having outcome on the MVP race now when you think about Giannis he has amazing numbers there’s no question about it what a coach got fired okay so that’s going to ding him a little bit plus the burnout GNA ding him a little bit more and Kawai is continuing leading

His team where people didn’t never think it was going to work they always thought it was going to fall apart he thought he wasn’t going to be able to play 43 to 47 games he would have probably played 20 games thus far this year all of that is

Pluses for him yeah you have to factor that into the decision process as the voters start to cast their votes later on in the year now obviously there’s again go ahead sirry no no go go go right ahead sir you I I just don’t I I I

I I I mean the only reason he’s in the MVP conversations because we’re putting him in there and unnecessarily because his numbers don’t put in conversation with him it is unnecessarily because because because there’s nothing that says that about his numbers if you look at the MVPs the previous MVPs the

Numbers are there you look at Joel embiid’s MVP season had 31 and 11 you look at yage is 26 12 it’s what I’m saying is when you talked about Lamar Jackson’s MVP candidacy it was his team was dominant they were the number one seed they had the best record in the

National Football League it was Far and Away they they were obvious so it it still his numbers weren’t there but his team was the number one team this isn’t the number number one team in the in the NBA and so they’re not even the number one team on their side of the conference

And put in conversation in the confence Aver there he’s 20th in points though that’s what I’m saying so you’re you’re talking about not the best team in the NBA and he’s not scoring the most so if you said he was the best team in the NBA

And he didn’t have and he had these numbers I would be like okay I can kind of see where you’re coming from not really but we’re talking about guys that are putting up massive numbers and and and helping their team win games to a to the degree that their records are better

Than the LA Clippers and we’re talking about the whole point is should he be included not that he won this is the same conversation we tried to have you have with us about Lamar we didn’t say at the beginning why would he be included because his efficiency on both

Ends of the floor things that he’s doing the team is a winning 25 of the last 30 they’re hot as Fish Grease that that’s why this is why this is the same conversation in a different sport with a different why having this conversation about sgaa because team is number one in

The west having a much better season in Kawai L because we select to have a conversation Richard that’s why we’re having so what I’m saying that that’s what I’m saying I’m saying this conversation applies to anybody on a winning team who whose record is top five in their in their conference and

You know that they’re the best player on their team they should be an MVP conversation that isn’t how it works guys sure in Oklahoma’s region Texas Arkansas Oklahoma they’re having that conversation they are but we’re having a conversation about Kawai based on what we saw yesterday afternoon based on what

We saw in the last 25 games based on his statistical numbers that we continue to keep talking about 89% from free throw percentage that’s one tick what is that he he makes another five free throws he’ll be at 90 he’s at 53 and 43 I mean

53 and 45 he hits all the targets that’s all we’re saying so does SG sgaa is 316 and seven number one in the west but I’m just trying to understand what is the point of putting him in the conversation when his numbers don’t put him in the conversation Richard I have tweeted

Numerous times because I’m an Oklahoma City fan SGA MVP question mark I probably tweeted it for four or five times over the last month because he is right in the thick of it they had a nice win it shouldn’t have been this close it took two overtimes to beat Toronto

Yesterday at home in Oklahoma City but they did and they’re still hanging right in there tied with the t-wolves at the top but the Clippers have caught both of them in the loss column which is shocking to me and remember with 30 odd games left if the Clippers stay on this

Pace and win 25 of their last 30 games I’m just throwing some numbers out there that they’re they’re going to be in a a battle to get to the top of the top like that they could two games behind OKC in in in Minnesota in the wind COL two

Games behind that’s it they they got 30 some odd games to go we’re not saying today we’re saying tomorrow I just think he’s officially entered the discussion yes yeah he’s only entered you’re forcing him into the discussion numbers don’t don’t put him there well you just

Be ready to pay me on tomorrow in what Thursday what is that Thursday you got you you got to pay me on Kansas City Baltimore I did not you just forgot about talking about you no I Baltimore no I did there was no bad it was 100% I need

The tape I we got to start pulling tape on these D I know I bet I did not bet I bet you tomor to win the MVP buddy please pull tape on it please guys pull the tape we will pull tape on that but up next could flag football ever replace real

Football in the NFL the way some people are talking about we debate Next thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

The Clippers defeated the Miami Heat on the road Sunday afternoon. Kawhi posted a game-high 25 points and 11 rebounds. The Clippers have best record in the NBA since December 1st, which prompted Skip Bayless, Keyshawn Johnson and Richard Sherman to weigh Kawhi’s MVP odds.

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Clippers have won 25 of last 30 games: Should Kawhi Leonard be in MVP discussion? | NBA | UNDISPUTED




  2. All snubs aside or just that some good/great players being left out, it sucks cuz there are so many good players that we will have this. Still also a “good problem”

  3. A "ranDu"m thawt 🤔… the biggest knock against The Klawminator was his health and now with it b'n in gr8 shape and teammates that are growing to figure out the chinks in their armor, it doesn't matter to him unless they get that ultimate prize🏆… hello Sherm, of all the ppl you compared him to aren't Champs except Giannis n Jokic. Those are the only ppl that probably should be compared to, imo, nah mean. Joel is still recovering from the shot in Canada by The Klawminator, who's attitude 2wards the get'n to the finals is, "I'll be back!" 😆 🤣 😂

  4. Why are 2 non Hall of Fame Ex NFL guys giving opinions about the NBA MVP? I have watched every Clippers game & we are going to win the Larry O’Brien Trophy, Kawhi doesn’t care about the MVP.

  5. There genuinely may not be a single player more valuable to their teams success than Kawhi Leonard

  6. Sherman doesn't understand that with Kawhi's efficiency rate, if he shot as many shots as Luka, SGA, or Giannis then he wld AVG more than all of them, but instead of chucking up shots, he does everything he can to win and impact the game. If you ask me, that's the MVP.

  7. Is this what the NBA has come to? PURELY based off numbers and Points per game🤦🏻‍♂️Kawhi doesn’t chucks up a bunch of shots every night like the other candidates like Keyshawn said, it’s not that he can’t, he’s just so efficient and not a ball hogged

  8. Wherever Kawhi is, that will be my team since Spurs. Sherman Only know score stats 😅. Kawhi can be the best, most efficient both offense and defense. SGA, Luka can't be in Defensive conversation. O course Gianis and Embid can do defense because of their height but KAWHI defensive efficiency is different. He can defend any opponent position. Just remember how he locked up Giannis on Raptor days.

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