@Toronto Raptors

Raptors Trade Deadline Preview!

Raptors Trade Deadline Preview!

What’s up basketball fans welcome to the rat Port it’s time to talk about the Tron Raptor trade deadline preview yet once again I’ve got a special guest with me Greg introduce yourself I’m Greg hubard from the gbst toown clink yeah it’s uh it’s it’s good to

Have you here man and also guys I want to give a quick shout out to his channel he’s about 24 subscribers away from a thousand so if you could do me a favor and do him a favor head to his channel and hit the Subscribe button I’ll link

It in the comment section below so let’s get right into’s classy move classy move we thank you I appreciate that so um we’re going to get right into today’s video um I want to start with Bruce Brown that’s a name we’ve been hearing a lot of what are your thoughts about

Trading him there are some fans out there that actually believe that we should keep him just because it’s hard to find good role players so what are your thoughts on just potentially treating Bruce Brown and what are you looking for in return for in a Bruce Brown trade yeah so I

Don’t care what they do if we keep Bruce Brown great if we move Bruce Brown I understand why because he’s worth a lot more at this juncture to other teams I would imagine with that amazing contract and the CBA stuff that is coming right so here’s a 10% cap increase so uh teams

That want to drop down below an apron or the luxury tax threshold before summer 2025 there’s going to be a lot of them uh even billionaires kind of have limits to what they’re willing to spend on their you know their ball teams and stuff like that so uh yeah so I expect

That they will want not just competitive players to join their playoff bound teams but players that they can have the option this year and next of taking off the books to do other things so and and I think if you put him beside you can’t trade him beside players but you can put

Him beside picks we we should be actively trying to sweeten the pot to move Bruce and put the extra picks that we just got we have so much flexibility contract wise and everything probably in a three- team deal that brings us young players and dishes out picks just to be

Like come on guys let’s get this done you want to pick you want to pick come on like get bring us young get that Oprah meme going you get a pick you get a pick everyone get the development then gets to the Scotty Barnes window instead of having to start guys from scratch

From the draft Yeah so absolutely you do make a good point there because U Messiah also hinted at the fact that he doesn’t plan on keeping all the potential picks the Raptors have this um Coming draft and I see potential because it’s a top six protected so there’s no

Guarantee that the Raptors will keep their own pick but we’ll see what happens I do agree in the sense that you want to have players that are already in the league and kind of just being able to contribute right away next season or even depending on whenever we trade

Bruce brown but I think the idea should be to you know you want you want players that are in the NBA not because because you want those players to potentially support what you have right now which is Scotty Barnes Emanuel quickley RJ as opposed to drafting someone who may not

Be ready for another two three season so I think that’s a great idea I would ideally again we’re being greedy here we’re you know we’re Raptors fans and we’ve got MSI jury running the show so we’ve got every right to be greedy just like he is um if you can get a decent

Prospect and potentially a heavily protected first or even an early second round pick I think that would be awesome return for Bruce Brown um any any last thoughts before we move on to our next play s where just just that we are both admittedly wearing tinf hats and the

Flexibility that we have as a team in terms of draft capital and player contract values combined with skilled players that other teams want for playoff runs for sure up and down our lineup at various values um yeah I just think anything we say here skims the surface of what they could do and

Ultimately msi’s playing a game of hot potato that he doesn’t care if he wins or loses like even if we get stuck with all the stuff we just have now yeah you’re not really losing you’re winning you like you got to return for for a player instead of having them walk when

Probably the writing was on the wall they talked to their agents and they probably figured we’re not going to be able to go with the core that we have going forward MoneyWise no absolutely and you did make a good point about money as well um again unlikely that um

Um I kind of hinted at this in some of my trades of teams potentially getting rid of some salaries and then potentially declining his team option and signing him to a cheaper deal but a longer contract to a four-year deal perhaps that works out for both sides

Again we’ll see it’s like you said we always try to predict stuff that is going to happen potentially going to happen most of the time we’re wrong anyways but let’s talk about Gary Tren sorry guys due to technical difficulties here we just got to had to cut the

Recording uh my internet is notorious for being terrible so let’s get into the Gary Trent TRS once again so Gary Trent there’s a lot of mystery as to what’s going to happen with him where do you see the Raptors going with him are they going to move him at the trade deadline

Do you potentially go into free agency and try to sign him there knowing that you’re going to have competitors such as the Detroit Pistons that may just be willing to throw a large chunks of money at it what are your thoughts on Gary Trent when we talk about young players

That we could Target that have NBA experience that fit our window that have proven skill sets that are thriving in the NBA and still have potential Gary Trent would be on that list so for me with the new found money I’m not necessarily gonna rush to move Gary but

He’s on a list of players that other teams might want so certainly they’re going to hear offers that’s that’s all I could say and Gary’s Worth to me like you see RJ coming in at 28 million everyone was complaining but the truth is like in a few years that’s going to

Prove to be a very valuable beautiful contract so I think Gary IQ for the same kind of numbers none of that shocks me how how about you um Gary Trent is a very interesting player like when we talk about him like you’ve seen him being benched last season this season to

Start he was coming off the bench so he’s been one of those players that’s been super professional respectful he’s not like he essentially when you talk about the type of players that the Raptors look for he really fits the mold of how he carries himself right in front

Of the media you don’t see him running to the m media and complaining about his role nothing like that on social media he’s been super professional in terms of that I do worry though I do worry heading into free agency if this is going to be a situation similar to Fred

Where um like I said I use the Pistons a lot but um I don’t I’m not exactly sure how much salary cap a team like the Utah Jazz have but they’ve liked Gary Tren for quite some time they did ask him for um when the Raptors were rumored to be

Interested in Rudy goar so I worry about teams like that that might throw a little bit more money towards Gary then you have the obviously tough decision do you match that offer and bring him back on a big contract that you weren’t initially planning on signing him for so

Again I just don’t think if the Raptor where to ever trade Gary I think his value is going to be at an all-time low just because he’s had a little bit of an up and down season right he’s been shooting great from the three which is actually something the Raptors clearly

Need they need a lot of three-point shooting and he fits the timeline really well but also you’ve got to worry about are you going to potentially pay him 22 25 28 you know you don’t know how much teams are willing to throw out there so that’s my only concern about Gary Trent

I do believe I think the Raptors ultimately do end up keeping him but let’s see um let’s talk about some of the other players now there’s all sorts of interesting names if any chance we see someone like a yak or Dennis being moved at the tree deadline uh so I’m

Just going to be quick with it my gut tells me no on Dennis although teams again would really like him I just think that it’s not a mistake he came to our team for the mid-level exception we’re darkos coaching and the second one is yak I was originally when we move SE

Yakum move OG move precious I was like let’s move Yak to a team that’s competing too but I think a lot of the people that comment on my channel convinc me like uh grooming a center to to do what Yak does uh like his skill set it’s not saying that he doesn’t have

Holes in his game yeah but especially for a modern big but they’re hard to they’re hard to groom so if you I don’t think that’s a hole that you want to take away yeah yeah I agree and we’ve seen it right I know people were slandering Yak last game that was his

First game after quite some time coming back from an injury but we saw how bad the Raptors looked on the defensive side teams attacking the paint constantly and the thing is if you are going to trade yakob then who is the immediate Center that’s going to come in right now that’s

Going to be starting caliber Center so I think that’s what I worry even if you do draft one we know that centers normally take anywhere from three plus years to five years even up to to fully develop so that’s not really celebrated Mark Gul

Who is at the end of his career when he led us yeah to a championship with Twinkle Toes by the way with his feet not just with his big body yeah so I mean I don’t believe yakob has uh reached his potential at all yeah like I

Think he’s he hasn’t capped out yeah so it’ll be interesting let’s see where yako p i mean Dennis I actually feel like we could potentially move him I know some people have mentioned his close relationship with head coach Darko um I think maybe if they don’t move him

At the tree deadline they could potentially look to move him in the summertime I know Messi has this thing where he values his players very highly and also just respects some in the term that you signed a guy in free agency you don’t want to be one of those teams that

Constantly can I mean we know at times the Raptors have had their challenges convincing players to come to Toronto right so now you’re all of a sudden going to be treating these guys away at the trade deadline it doesn’t players fans do not realize this players do have

A reputation of you know these kind of things around the NBA so I don’t necessarily think the Raptors will and I also just don’t I personally don’t see it maybe during the summer time with Dennis but in terms of some of the other guys some of the other names a dadus

Young expiring contracts and then there’s Chris bu who BL Murphy was reporting apparently is going to have a new home after the trade deadline what are those three players going to be after the trade deadline do you think there’s could we potentially get a second round pick for uto Porter he a

Very cheap contract you know even though he does have his injury concerns he’s still a very productive flare in any contending team would absolutely love to get him on the cheap so well it’s funny you mentioned Blake because I actually was like I felt like a a girl at like a

Taylor Swift concert the other day cuz he tweeting me back about uh Maris Noel had just made been announced to the g-league allar team yeah and so I said hey yeah they’re they’re load managing him and my intent was that they were making sure he’s going to be ready for

This game but at the same time it serves the purpose of having a legitimate reason to rest him and give other guys minutes and we’ve been seeing these four guard lineups yeah at the 905 and they don’t even have Maris in there right now but they they’re

Experimenting and I think that this is another reason why going back to Dennis I don’t necessarily see it but if anyway Blake would have certainly better Insider information than I would in terms of what teams are doing out there his list of guys that could move all

Have value I think you just named two guys with rings in bue and Otto yeah so yeah like if they move I’m not shocked I do think I think Otto could potentially net you a second round pick and thus young I it’s going to be one of

Those sit package these guys all up do one big deal I I agree but then the thing is what do you like you have to if you’re packaging up the adus young is what at $8 million Auto is $6 million so my math is bad 14 plus whatever Chris V

Is making is uh 2 you do brown to one team you do brown to one team this is in my white whale video it’s like a fictitious thing but it illustrates a point you do brown combined with any picks you need to sweeten the pot to one

Team right you can’t move players with him but then you have another team that you deal with or two more whatever you want like I’m I’m not [ __ ] paid to run a head office but then you do a second team that you can and you’re you’re what you’re looking for is

Expiring contracts I think and young players that can play now like we talked about yeah and that allows you to move to a second playoff bound team so Brown to one second playoff bound Team guys that you just listed that Abol teams want to go to the playoffs and I really

Like the Sixers as a partner because Nick has coached a lot of these guys yeah yeah that’s true too and and there were some rumors just a few days ago that Bruce Brown could or 76ers could be interested in treating for Bruce Brown as well so uh quick question is your dog

Telling you to stop talking about Bruce P he’s like hey he’s not going anywhere maybe he knows I was giving her that snuggle and now she wants it again yeah hey dogs know sometimes you know they have these six sents tot sometimes but um yeah it’ll be interesting to see what

The Raptors do um personally just to kind of finish off this video here um what does your ideal trade deadline look for look like for the Toronto Raptors if there’s one player besides Bruce Brown who’s getting moved or would you rather prefer them to keep guys like y Chris

Otto and that and just let them go into free agency I know Chris is under contract but I think that with the moves they already made it shifts like it’s a great you kind of want to get the unsettled turbulent Waters done with so I’d love

To see another move now I think right now at both levels like I said they’re using load management to some to see a bunch of guys the guys we’re seeing get minutes now are guys we are assessing to decide which ones we want to keep kind

Of like Detroit did with all those bigs they’re they like took a look at a whole bunch of guys with their guards Ivy and Cunningham and then they decided okay these are the bigs we’re going to keep beef stew got a contract you know what I

Mean that kind of thing I think we’re doing that right now with our guards so uh I think we can expect some of those guys to be guys we invest in staying and some of those guys to be moving alongside contending uh players on our

Team that can help a team be a contender yeah absolutely um I’m I’m a little bit skeptical not because um I think the Raptors um Greg we lost you there again are you there oh keep going you’re good um I feel like with the Raptors just because we’ve heard so many trade

Deadline um rumors the previous years and then nothing ends up happening besides one minor trade I do believe the Raptors office even though they’ve made some major trades this season I maybe see besides Bruce run I I feel like we’ll see one minor trade I just don’t

Expect a ton of change but we’ll see like you said people seem to get mad when players like jillen McDaniel get minutes right but the reason they’re playing these guys is not only to kind of showcase to other teams what these guys can do it’s also to see for

Themselves that what can this player really do with you know when they’re giving play Jaylen has shown that he can be a hell of a cutter he can hit open three-point shots and he’s a decent Defender with a really unique frame so I mean Jaylen fits our window too and and

Yeah totally they’re they’re going to look at this and the other thing is we’re talking about Bruce Brown being the best contract we can offer the thing is it’s like the game of hot potato If Messi gets stuck with Bruce Brown and they’re looking at running a lot of

Guards with agile bigs in the middle like yak’s not a good example but like guys that play with their feet and help defense like if that’s what they’re looking at which is what they’re doing at the 905 right now consistently like game after game they’re doing that right

Um and we’re looking to play with our feet remember Nick nurse talking about precious auua against the a couple years ago complaining about calls where precious was beating and beating guys like that to the spot hard and two and by game three the whistle change because

The refs started calling it the way it is it’s not about where your bodies meet it’s about who has that spot and with their feet so this the marcusa thing again absolutely so we could be keeping BR Bruce and not upset about it because

He’s a great guard and I I did um I forget who mentioned this s i I don’t know how to pronounce his name on uh his full name but on Twitter he was saying that if the Raptor thank you my pronunciation is horrible so thank you so he was stating

In an article that if the Raptors don’t move him now what they could potentially do him do is treat him during draft Daye you know and then there’s always there’s always a million ways you can go with that maybe move up in the draft said the same thing sorry to

Interrupt no that’s okay so yeah exactly there’s so many ways and then also he said that if they go into the summer the Lakers can offer more picks not that I expect you know two first rounds from the Lakers but if they the Lakers currently only have one first round pick

Which is I think 2029 right so maybe in the future in the summertime looking fast forward four months or whatever I forget what I forget what month we’re in I still have a hard time believing we’re in the year 2024 but we’ll see the Raptors will definitely have a lot of

Options not only in the tree deadline but during summertime as well so we’ll see what happens Greg any last words before we end the video off here yeah just celebrate your team remember to celebrate your team and every s i I’m yet I’m at the g-league all the time I’m

Yet to see a shitty g-league player so when we talk about these players just be in awe of them and uh be respectful absolutely I agree I agree there’s been a lot of negativity around the Raptors the last two years let’s be a little bit more supportive guys so that will be it

For today’s video Greg thank you so much once again guys if you’re watching head over to his channel 24 subscribers away from 1,000 let’s goad and get 1,000 subscribers guys so that will be it Greg thank you once again and thank you for watching guys I hope you have great day

You’re welcome okay

The NBA trade deadline is fast approaching and I have a special guest with me today and we discuss which players from the Toronto Raptors is likely to be traded and what kind of return will the Raptors be looking for come the NBA trade deadline. Make sure to like this video and hit the subscribe for more Raptors content.


  1. I absolutely care about whether they trade Bruce brown this deadline ! There is no need for “good role players” for this team – his contract runs out well before our competitive window will theoretically start : the key will be using the FRPs we acquire to draft a Bruce brown type player that will mature when we are competitive , not pay them 20 M a year when we are not

  2. I totally agree with the idea of overpaying for what you want.

    I disagree with the idea of trading picks to lock in the end of your contention window thinking it makes you better in the short term.

  3. There’s increased speculation by various NBA insiders that this year’s trade deadline will be relatively quiet many of the big names on the trade market before and during the season have already been moved. It’s unlikely any star players will be traded and a majority of teams don’t have a lot of incentive to make a bold move before the offseason.

  4. They trade all the good players already who is left to be traded now they are revamping the team or what ,I am disappointed with Massia decission

  5. Waraich showing love to Ghubbstown..among other Raptor youtubers, is a great display of Raptor YT sportsmanship. Good to see.

  6. Gary has regressed he is only worth 15 million at most. If a team wants to north of 20 million let them. With the new CBA if teams go to high on a regressing players other teams will be able to swoop in and get players at deals once other teams hit cap maximums.

  7. this team needs a solid center that can rebound and defend. its horrible to see them getting beat up by OKC last night on rebounding.

  8. Offer Gary a 2-3 year with player option last year at $15 mil per if he wants to still go to FA trade.

  9. I talk to Jak and Denise if they are good with role and team keep. If they want to be moved help them to go to better place.

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