@Sacramento Kings

Why Do Teams Shoot So Well Against the Sacramento Kings? | Locked On Kings

Why Do Teams Shoot So Well Against the Sacramento Kings? | Locked On Kings

If you’re ever experiencing issues with your jump shot or just going through a cold stretch play against the Sacramento Kings you’ll find a way to start hitting your shots the Cleveland Cavaliers go crazy from three-point range joining the long list of teams that just seem to always get hot shooting the basketball

Against Sacramento we’ll discuss what it is the kings are doing or aren’t doing that’s leading to that plus Damon sabonis makes a different kind of History tonight it’s all right here on lockon Kings you are locked on Kings your daily Sacramento Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team

Every day and now ladies and gentlemen it is that time time for another episode of Locked on Kings hello and welcome into lockon Kings your podcast hub for Sacramento Kings coverage all season long today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs which helps you find the qualified

Candidates that you want to talk to faster you can post your job for free at locked on NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply my name is Matt George I have the privilege of being your host here I’m a Sacramento

Sports Anchor and reporter for abc10 news and my abc10 duties have brought me to Las Vegas for Super Bowl 58 coverage I am doing this podcast from my hotel room I’m so sorry that this episode is getting out so much later than the I mean the game finished hours upon hours

Upon hours ago some of you probably were waiting for the rest of Monday to hear this podcast ended up going to bed and are waking up on Tuesday hearing this podcast I apologize for how long it is taking because of the responsibilities and the coverage here at Super Bowl all

The games that the kings are playing this week which includes the their two home games coming up on Wednesday and Friday and then their game on Super Bowl Sunday in the afternoon against the Oklahoma City Thunder I will do my best to get the locked on Kings podcasts

After those games out as soon as I possibly can but obviously Super Bowl is a chaotic time covering Super Bowl is crazy I’m very very excited very very happy uh to be here but the the upload schedule and things is just going to be a little bit different because of the uh

The Super Bowl coverage just for this week so bear with me on that and I was doing as best as I could I was inside Allegiance stadium for opening night of Super Bowl which is essentially just a gigantic media event where the came out first and the 49ers came out afterwards

And while everything was going on I had my laptop open in front of me with the Kings game on and I watched the same way that you all watched the Kings just get torched from three-point range they fall to the Cleveland Cavaliers 136 to10 to end their seven game Road Trip why do

Teams just seem to shoot so well against the Sacramento Kings from three-point range it seems like every other night if not every single night the kings are getting tortured from the perimeter teams just can’t miss against Sacramento the consistency is Sacramento and the Kings defense so what is it specifically

That is leading to teams shooting as well as they are against the Kings well I’ll I’ll I have two kind of theories that are kind of combined that I’ll get to later on in the podcast one of them I’ve talked a lot about over my history of hosting the lockon Kings podcast I’ll

Get to that in a second but to set the context for you the Cleveland Cavaliers shot 56% from Point range tonight that’s absolutely ridiculous 23 of 41 now to put this into perspective the Cs are 19th in the league or at least we’re going into this game 19th in the league

In three-point percentage at 36.2 so they had a they they shot 20% better from three-point range tonight than they normally do which is just absurd they also average only 13 made threes a game again they had 23 so they made 10 more threes than their average tonight against the Sacramento Kings and they

Averaged 37 attempts per game tonight they shot 41 so that number they didn’t shoot a a boatload more they were just making significantly more than they normally do again this is a consistent theme with teams that play Sacramento that being said maybe the Cavaliers are

A bit of a special case right now why because the Cavs have been on a roll period tonight’s win is their 14th win in the last 15 games like they are torching it right now so Cleveland is playing well they’re on a hot Street and that carried into tonight with their hot

Shooting at home against the Sacramento Kings so to to put this into perspective too like Sacramento this isn’t just a every once in a while problem like the Kings coming into tonight’s game were 29th in the league so second to last in the league in in opponent three-point shooting percentage opponents are

Shooting an average of 39% from three-point range against the Kings the only team higher than them is the Charlotte Hornets and their opponents are averaging 39 0.9% from three-point range against them I’m imagining that that 30% or or rather 39% for the Kings probably went up a couple

Uh percentage points or at least decimal points because of how well Cleveland shot tonight but the kings are one of the worst teams bottom two in the league in three-point shooting percentage so this is a clear issue with this Kings defense even though they’ve overall improved in defensive rating overall

Improved in in points per game allowed they are still getting TCH from the perimeter why I said I have two theories the first one I’ve talked about a lot which is opponent confidence this is something I’ve talked about before this season before last season before the Beam Team before the playoff drought

Even had a hope of ending right this has been an issue for the Sacramento Kings that I would say for really two decades teams come in against the Kings knowing that they’re going to get good looks whether it’s Shooters who have been having bad games recently thinking okay

This is my opportunity to bounce back to players who are getting an opportunity or relative unknowns going for career highs and we’ve never heard of them before and they have a career night against the Sacramento Kings how many times has that happened over the course of the last 20 years right you you

Couldn’t count it on like 20 hands it just seems like it happens all the time against Sacramento confidence has everything to do with it like you see these you see these players come into these games and these teams come into these games knowing okay the Sacramento Kings are

Going to give us good looks we’re going to get good opportunities to score from the perimeter I know I’m going to get mine this is a perfect opportunity I have this game circled on my calendar because I know I’m playing the Kings tonight I have a great chance to get

Mine confidence means everything for a shooter and consistently Shooters come into games against Sacramento with confidence at a Skyhigh Point like they are not afraid to Chuck up a lot of shot shots early when they see them dropping it’s just a Snowball Effect for the rest

Of the game right it’s it’s happened too many times so that’s part of it the other part of it is uh and this was pointed out by uh Greg from the king’s Herald we’re having a conversation about this during the game on on Twitter tonight it starts with perimeter

Defensive breakdowns for the Kings right the Sacramento’s perimeter defense is poor to where their guards and their wings get blown by too easily players get downhill and essentially what opposing teams are doing against the Sacramento Kings is exactly what the Kings offense wants to do nightly it’s

One of the pillars of M Brown’s offense it’s uh paint touches and spray threes basically he wants the ball handler or he wants the ball at some point to get in the paint get around the rim and then to spray out to someone who’s open on the perimeter the kings are not afraid

To let it fly but they don’t just want to Chuck up threes in isolation or just moving the ball around the horn they want to attack they want to get downhill get potentially something at the basket draw on the defense if nothing’s there touch the paint spray it out and

Hopefully there’s a an open Corner three or an open Wing three with the shooters that the Kings have that is exactly what is being done to Sacramento on a nightly basis so it’s like a it’s like a case study in how opposing teams are playing against Sacramento offensively is the

Philosophy that Mike is trying to implement now this is not Mike Reinventing the wheel right this is not something that Mike thought of like a lot of teams play this way they want to get downhill get inside spray out for open threes it’s kind of a fundamental offensive style and system

In basketball in in the modern NBA so it’s not like the kings are the only team that’s trying to do this I’m just saying the kings are trying to do it and most other teams are doing it against Sacramento successfully on a nightly basis so I think it’s a combination of

The amount of confidence that Shooters and teams are bringing in offensively to matchups against the Kings and that’s a reputation that this team has had over the past two decades that they still have to break and still have to get rid of and perimeter defensive breakdowns leading to paint touches and spray

Threes and Sacramento just does not have the length to defensively to close out enough to contest shots enough when they’re scrambling they just don’t have the size those 68 69 610 wings that can still disrupt a shot or frustrate a shooter and and disrupt them enough uh

To where that shot doesn’t go in even if it’s a a relatively good look so it’s I believe a combination of those two that being said right the Kings lost by 26 points tonight this was a really successful road trip for Sacramento a really successful road trip to go five-

Two on your longest road trip of the season a seven game Road Trip that’s awesome that’s what good to Great teams do right you find a way to win more often than you lose on the road in this case you were well over 500 on the road

During this road trip and really this Cavs game was the only game during this road trip where Sacramento looked kind of outmatched where they didn’t look like they really had a chance the game that they lost in Miami they played well enough defensively to win that game they

They did they played well enough to win in Miami they just found a way to lose that game or or they allowed the Miami Heat to snap a seven game losing streak against them right some of their wins were ugly but their wins nonetheless I’m not saying the basketball was perfect

During this road trip by any means but if you canot play perfect basketball for more than a handful of games and come out of a seven game trip 5- two you have to be feeling really really good about that the kings are now uh 15 and 12 on

The road three games over 500 on the road anytime you can be over 500 on the road you’re minimum a good team and then the Sacramento Kings at home are 14 and8 and now we turn our attention to that right the Kings have a a brief two game

Home stand here this week two very winnable games one of them even more so of course against the Detroit Pistons and then you have the defending Champion Denver Nuggets coming into town on Friday you’ve already beaten the nuggets in your building granted they were short-handed that night and on the

Second night of a back-to-back so that’s not going to be an easy team to beat they’re probably looking for a little bit of Revenge and of course we’re going to see the class classic battle between Damon sabonis and Nichola yic and both of those names we bring up a lot on this

Podcast because domas is doing a lot of things things that only joic does and now domas has actually caught joic in a very significant area uh of of note statistically this season I’ll talk about that plus the different kind of history that domas made tonight in just

A second like I said at the top of the show today’s episode of the locked on Kings podcast is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for your role that’s why you have to check

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Apply today’s episode of Locked on Kings is also brought to you by betterhelp if you’ve listened to the podcast a lot you know that better help is not just a great sponsor of the show it’s a sponsor that I’m very passionate about because it has everything to do with mental

Health and therapy something that I take very very seriously therapy is something I started doing uh and going and seeing uh my therapists back during covid time and over the years I have improved mentally tremendously I’ve even improved physically because of the mental weight that was taken off my shoulders and and

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Loss that means domas will not care about the numbers that he put up even though once again they were monster numbers offensively not the best scoring night for domas the past couple of games past couple triple doubles domas hasn’t done as much in the scoring column as

Maybe the Kings would have liked that being said 12 12 points 19 rebounds 15 assists domas nearly had a triple double by the end of the first quarter y’all like he is just that impactful of a player this is his 15th triple double of the Season that is significant for two

Reasons the first reason that now ties two-time MVP and defending NBA champion Nicola joic in total triple doubles this season yic is a triple double master he is a unbelievable able just uh box score attraction right you just know that that joic is going to fill up a box score to

A level that we’ve really never truly seen before a level that’s already put him amongst the greatest bigs of all time here is damont sabonis who’s been right behind him over the past season and a half now is equal with him in triple doubles now do I think domas will

Finish the season with more triple doubles than Nicola yic no not really maybe he does there’s a very good chance that he could ncol yic I don’t think cares about being caught just like I don’t think Nicola yic really cares too much about the NBA game period at this

Point in time in his career but I I mean it’s still safe to say that joic will probably finish with more triple doubles than domas but domas finished with more double doubles than joic last season he continues to be number one in double doubles 32 straight double doubles now uh with tonight’s

Performance and in addition to those 15 triple doubles tying Nicola yic that also sets a new career high for triple doubles in a season for domas last season domas finished with 14 triple doubles he’s at 15 and we’re in the first week of freaking February there’s

Still so many games to go we’re not even at the All-Star break yet and he’s already passed that total in addition to that tonight it only took damont sabonis 20 minutes and 29 seconds to record his triple double that is the seventh fastest triple double recorded in NBA history I think

Nica yogish if I’m mistaken is the the fastest ever and he did in like 18 minutes or something crazy like that but domas I mean just the amount of History it seems like every single time I record a lockon Kings podcast now I’m saying domas did this and made this kind of

History or domas is on this kind of historic pace and here we go here’s a new one domas not only is recording triple doubles still he’s recording them faster than he ever has before and faster than most players have ever in the history of the league and yet somehow this guy’s not an

All-Star yes I’m still beating that dead horse yes I’m still frustrated about that empty calories whatever those are the calories that I need in my life if domas is going to keep putting up numbers like that transitioning back to kind of a negative conversation but but a conversation that that I’ve had before

And I’ve talked about before and it kind of perplexes some people every time I watch Donovan Mitchell play spider Mitchell Donovan Mitchell play and he he of course had a fantastic game for the Cavaliers tonight I think back to one of the biggest draft blunders that the Kings have made now that’s saying

Something because the Kings have had a ton of draft blunders right not taking D Lillard and taking Thomas Robinson instead uh taking Marvin baggley instead of Luca donic right like go down the list of the amount of mistakes that the Kings have made in the draft during their playoff

Drought you would think the 2017 draft wouldn’t be considered a mistake why because that was the draft that they took dearon Fox fifth overall of course taking dearon fith was not a mistake at all that’s their franchise guy that’s the best draft decision that they’ve

Made in a long long time maybe with the exception of Tyrese halberton that being said though people forget in the 2017 draft after the Kings had the fifth overall pick they also had the 10th overall pick in that draft that was the pick that they got from the New

Orleans Pelicans as part of the DeMarcus Cousins trade what did the Kings decide to do with that 10th overall pick they decide to shop it they traded it to the Portland Trailblazers who used the 10th pick to take Zack Collins and the Kings got 15 and 20 they took Justin Jackson

At 15 Harry Giles at 20 as much as we love Harry in here in Sacramento those are two busts did not work out here are some of the names that were available still for the kings that the Kings could have taken at 10 Malik monk which that one doesn’t sting too bad because

Malik’s obviously here in Sacramento so he got here eventually Donovan Mitchell who was the guy that I wanted the Kings to take it 10 in that draft and the Kings would have had their back court set had they taken Fox and Mitchell in the same draft uh bamat bio we know his

Connection to Malik in his connection to dearon and their Kentucky ties and the Kings would have loved to have had uh an entire career of of one of the best defensive centers in the league so far in bam OG anobi a player that the kings were interested in and aggressively

Pursued in the trade market before he was moved to the New York Knicks Jared Allen who the Kings face tonight a good Rim protecting Center and the Kings could always use Rim protection Kyle kozma a name that the Kings have been connected to for years and are still

Considered to be in the sweep Stak for at the trade deadline this year and Josh Hart one of my favorite players in the league one of the best re rebounding guards in the league a defensive guard a Powerhouse just a hard Workhorse type player that could come in Off the Bench

A player that this king’s team could absolutely use there’s so many players in that draft the Kings could have taken with the 10th pick Donovan Mitchell being the best of that group and instead the Kings decided to trade that pick for 15 and 20 and we know how that worked

Out I just think it’s interesting context like we will never look at the the 2017 draft is a bad draft because the Kings got dearn Fox from that draft but it had the potential to be so much better and I’m just reminded of that every time we see Donovan Mitchell play

Today’s episode of the lockon Kings podcast is also brought to you by my good friends over at sacyard Community Tap House a week from tomorrow or today depending upon when you’re listening to this next Tuesday lock on Kings watch party number two Kings versus Suns in Phoenix it’s a

Tuesday night game 7:00 tip off come by get some drinks enjoy watching hopefully another Kings win in the beam being lit with your fellow Sacramento Kings fans you’ll get 10% off your tab just by showing up and mentioning the locked on Kings podcast the first one was a complete success the place was

Completely packed you don’t have to pay anything to go other than buying your drinks and your food from the food trucks that are out there there’s plenty of room plenty of TVs even if it’s chilly outside they have their fire pits going on so you can sit out there uh in

Comfort and watch the game as well interact with me interact with your fellow fans some other kings media members that I’m I’m hoping will drop by and we nice enough uh to drop by last time it really was a fun event really was cool for me to be able to host it

And I’m excited to do it again hopefully this one’s as successful as the last one was but even if you’re not able to come to the watch party but you want to look for a place just to have a drink and enjoy some time with friends or family

Zach yard is perfect for you and I emphasize family specifically because they encourage you to bring your family it’s not one of those joints where it’s adults only or anything like that right bring your family they have a patio area with lawn games uh for you to uh for

Your kids to enjoy uh they do all sorts of parties and things out there as well plus family also includes your family with Tails your dogs they love to have you bring your dogs as well check out sacyard Community Tap House your home for the locked on Kings listener and

Locked on Kings is brought to you by FanDuel happy Super Bowl to all of you who celebrate from FanDuel America’s number one sports book of course I’m here in uh Las Vegas ready or getting ready still feels like we’re a long ways away and I’m many working days away from

The uh the Chiefs and 49ers clashing but one of the best parts about Super Bowl in addition to finding that great spot on the couch in front of the TV all those delicious snacks and Super Bowl foods that you enjoy is betting on the Super Bowl there’s so many fun creative

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Spread bets there’s so many different ways for you to play on FanDuel and right now new customers can join today and you’ll get $200 in bonus bets if your first bet of $5 or more wins so put $5 down on something involving the Kings and Pistons game on Tuesday or yeah on

Wednesday excuse me like just take the money line the kings are going to be heavy favorites they absolutely should win that game at home just take the Kings put $5 down even if you barely win anything because the kings are such big favorites and the odds aren’t that great

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Lockon to sign up that’s lockon make make every moment more with FanDuel an official Sportsbook partner of the NFL so a couple episodes ago it was after the Chicago Bulls game uh I talked about Alex Caruso and how much I want the Sacramento Kings to try and

Target and go after Alex Caruso here at the upcoming trade deadline which is this Thursday by the way oh God yeah I’m GNA have to cover the trade deadline and do a trade deadline podcast while here in Las Vegas too ah it’s going to be

Crazy but I’m going to do my best to get you that content of course Alex Caruso is a name that’s pretty much at the top of my list for the Kings to go out and get well according to Adrien W narowski this morning the Bulls want a quote

Unquote OG an anobi type package for Caruso now just a reminder OG was traded by the uh Toronto Rapters to the New York Knicks a couple of weeks ago for RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley and a second round pick so a established starter a really really good six-man who basically

Can be a starter and I think is a starter there uh now for the Raptors and a second round pick on top of that so two really solid young to Prime players and a second round pick now I think OG un anobi because of he was an expiring

Deal but because he is younger and entering his Prime and and and things like that I think OG has more value than Caruso does Caruso is going into next season the last year of his contract he’s got one more year worth 9.8 million technically that contract is partially

Guaranteed but with how valuable uh Caruso is I don’t see any team cutting him before it’s fully guaranteed so might as well just say one more year at $9.8 million so it’s not necessarily a rental but it’s not a long-term contract either I just don’t think the Bulls are

Going to get as good as the they can ask for and want but that doesn’t mean they’re going to get as good as the uh the OG package that the the Knicks gave up to get him that being said the Bulls might be in a situation where they go

Okay if you’re not going to give us that if we’re not going to get what we want then we’re not going to move them and I would understand that completely that’s why I say the Sacramento Kings might have to make one of the those like the best offer you’re going to get type

Offers and really put the the the Bulls to the test a little bit I still go back to the package that I discussed which is essentially one starting caliber player and a high protected first round pick like a top five protected or top 10 protected I don’t think Lottery

Protected is good I think it would be like a top five or top 10 protected first round pick and then maybe throw in a second there if you really want to so instead of getting two solid impactful players and a second round rounder you get a starting caliber solid impactful

Player in this case more than likely Kevin herder and a future first round pick that has some pretty light protections on it I I don’t know if the Bulls are going to get better than that for Caruso a better offer than that maybe they will I’m sure he has other suitors I know

Other teams are interested in in in in getting him I don’t know how much more the kings are willing to include in that deal MoneyWise I don’t know if it works for them to do Davon and Kevin hder and a first round pick I’m certainly I don’t know I go back and

Forth on like part of me would be okay giving up two SEC uh two first round picks to get Alex kuso here that’s how good I think he could be and would be here in Sacramento but two firsts for Caruso just it seems like too much of an

Overpay I go I I go back and forth with that maybe you can share your opinion on that but more of more more likely than not it feels like the Bulls aren’t going to move him because they’re not going to get what they’re looking for but I still

Think the Sacramento Kings could put together a very competitive offer that’ll at least make them think a little bit and maybe they have already and the Bulls have already turned it down and the kings are moving on to other things but I would love to see

Alex Caruso in a king’s uniform like I mentioned a two- game home stand now for Sacramento after a very successful 5 and2 road trip pistons on Wednesday nuggets on Friday if you can go two and0 during that stretch amazing one and one is the bare minimum expectation

Especially with one of those games being against the Pistons and then the thunder on Sunday a Super Bowl Sunday matina again I will do my absolute best to get those postgame pods out for you as soon as I possibly can Sundays is going to be tough because I’m going to be busy all

Day for actual Super Bowl that day so we not might not get an OKC postgame podcast until Monday morning if I’m being completely honest with you but I will do my absolute best plus Thursday’s trade deadline if anything goes down or even if nothing goes down I will do my

Best to have lockon Kings podcast for you as usual on trade deadline day I appreciate your support can’t wait to have you join me on the next episode of lockon Kings until then my name is Matt George you’ve been listening to the lockon Kings podcast part of the lockon podcast Network

Matt George breaks down the Sacramento Kings loss in Cleveland, where they allowed the Cavaliers to shoot 56% from deep and knock down 23 three-pointers. Plus, Domantas Sabonis makes a different kind of NBA history.

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Why Do Teams Shoot So Well Against the Sacramento Kings?


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  1. Because the kings have absolutely nobody to defend anyone on any given night they are lackadaisical on d most nights which results in open shots early making contested shots late which is why moves need to be made now to address these holes particularly on the wing

  2. The Kings desperately need length, a 3 n D player, but so does the rest of the league. All I see Monte doing is……adding maybe a fringe player (like Kessler Edwards) because he is not going to jeopardize his cap flexibility, assets, and the overall chemistry he is trying to build here. The priority MUST be Malik Monk and resigning him. He's going to be a player on free agency that many teams will target.

  3. I'm a pretty "glass half full" kinda guy, so about the game….

    I was impressed the way the kings kept shooting pace the first two quarters with the Cavs.

    I know the game ended lopsided, but we did get within 10 late, but then the Cavs just shut the door.

    Last road game, long road trip, I feel like this road trip was a success in terms of wins and losses

    The Cavs were just on fire all night long, Donavon Mitchell is a monster, the man shoots on a dime, barley even stops to look at the basket, it was just impressive

    Plain and simple the Cavs just out-shot us, it happens, I can't be mad about this one.

    It is good to see HB and Kevin letting loose and getting their groove back, it's also nice to see Kesslar getting some good quality minutes, I like a lot of what I have been seeing lately despite the obvious letdown in the paint defensively. It will be exciting to see if they clean up that part of their game…

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