@Golden State Warriors

Warriors/Nets Postgame, Steph, Podziemski, Santos, Coach Kerr Reaction | Feb 5, 2024

Warriors/Nets Postgame, Steph, Podziemski, Santos, Coach Kerr Reaction | Feb 5, 2024

I think a win is great A bounceback game after that OT Heartbreaker where Steph had 60 I don’t know if I wanted this but I’m sure the Warriors are pleased that they got to turn the page on that loss to the Hawks we got to introduce our

Crew we’ve got Hall of Famer Chris Mullen we’ve got NBA champion fesa aili I’m carth Burke and we have Brandon psky waiting in Brooklyn after this one pods if you could hear us you’re in the starting lineup tonight what goes through your mind when you know you’re starting a game

Say that again what goes through your mind when you know you’re going to be a starter uh it’s the same thing uh is if I’m coming off the bench I pre the same way I prepar the same way I played with you know Clay Draymond and and Steph and

Jonathan enough uh when I had started before so you know whoever I’m out there with I just try to make a positive impact and um you know today just uh you know rebounding playing defense trying to limit cam Thomas to as as little bucket as possible and I think

Collectively as a team we did that f it was a really tough first half for the team tough scoring what was the difference between the first in the second half for the Warriors yeah I think uh a lot of catching holds in the first half on offense uh just kind of

They’re switching and their aggressiveness kind of just threw us out of rhythm a little bit um but you know just halftime coach was just like let’s just move the ball they want to overplay we’ll get back cuts and all we need is uh one player to uh to create a rotation

And then the Domino fall from there and then we just play Warriors basketball of uh you know ball movement and I think in the second half we did that and um you know we play some uh good defense end the third quarter and to start the fourth P congratulations on a great game

Tonight 15 points 11 rebounds for you the only other rookie with the double four double doubles is WN Bama congratulations on that talk to me about we understand about your fit here with the Warriors style of play uh and how you fitting around these veteran players yeah just you know understanding

Who you’re around but also bringing the confidence that it that got me here um so it even mix to that and just kind of knowing how to play bball can get you a long way as crazy as that sounds um but if you just know where to be and be in

The right spots and you know make the hustle plays like GE Santos tonight he was incredible um he really gave us that lift in the third quarter and you know coach finished with him in the lineup and um that’s stuff we need from our young guys Lester played really well but

I wanted to say uh Molly I was at your uh High School uh yesterday getting shots up um there we go yeah young Bay Ridge Brook the another boy BS all right that’s what’s up hey how’s your head too by the way PS tough fall right

There can you hear me say that again how’s your head you a tough fall during the game how’s your head oh it’s great uh you know it isn’t more fitting than it’s for a rebound right um just kind of creating extra possessions for my team

Um anything uh to get the win we were struggling a little bit trying to string some together um so I think tonight can be a St of that hey one more question because I want to ask you about these rebounds you led the team tonight with

In rebounds with 11 you led last game with 11 as well you are 6’4 there are bigger bodies around you how did you become so tenacious on the glass um I think I think it’s a little bit of you know positioning kind of knowing uh the rims in the NBA um where

The ball’s going to bounce you know depending on the range of the shot and then you know offensively uh just kind of watching my teammates through workouts through practices you know their common misses you know if they have a soft touch if it’s going to bounce you know just around the rim from

Three or it’s going to be a long miss all those kind of collective things and you know you can’t do anything in a game of basketball without effort and hustle and heart and I think I have all those qualities and so you put all that together and it doesn’t matter the Size

Doesn’t Matter your athleticism um if you want it bad enough you’re going to do it there you go pods thank you very much well spoken for a rookie you’re showing a lot of a lot of poise out there appreciate you thanks P thank you guys I appreciate you

Brothers all right there you go the Warriors getting this win it felt like one they needed they are now two and one on this road trip what stood out to you guys because at halftime we were talking about how this was not a pretty game but

It doesn’t have to be pretty to get the W mlly well halftime we had helmets on right both both both teams were thrown up bricks and we said which team was going to go in halftime and regroup that was obviously the Warriors came out in the third quarter dominated that third

Quarter Jonathan kaminga was fantastic uh and what I really saw uh during the second half was tremendous second effort both offensively and defensively pursuing rebounds they had 60 rebounds tonight 72 points in the paint they weren’t making a three-point shot so they made the adjustments to go in in

The paint especially when Nick claxon was ejected uh but also second efforts they contested a lot of shots now cam Thomas we talked about pregame game was a guy who could get 40 he was 4 for 21 Mel Bridges one of probably their best

Player 5 for 15 now a lot of that is you know they’re going to miss some shots but I thought the Warriors did a great job of making everything tough uh contesting twos and threes and for the most part did a pretty good job keeping

Him off the free throw line so I thought the second half offensively and defensively Total Domination by The Warriors I thought the Warriors had an emphasis coming into this game after last game shooting the threes and the 50s they came in with an emphasis saying

They want to drive and get to the rim and they did that in the first half the problem is when you drive you have to move the ball from one side of the F to the other side to be able to drive the weak side because when you come down the

Floor the defense is packed on the front side so if you try to drive right there you run into problems you turn the ball over you get bad shots up because you there’s no space right there so the adjustment in the second half for the Warriors was moving the ball from side

To side Draymond was a maestro in the second half he was getting the ball at the top of the key moving to the other side finding guys for back cut Jonathan kaminga was special in the second half he’s getting to the point now where he seems Unstoppable and I don’t want to

Get to the point of this game where I don’t uh uh celebrate Steph Curry’s makes in his threes because he is phenomenal he’s the only Warrior that made a three tonight four threes for Steph he’s staying on the heater from last night you wanted him to stay hot

Carth he stayed hot you wanted a clutch win got a clutch win and what I love I also got to give a shout out to Guy s GE Santos because his energy his effort his rebounding diving for loose balls I think is his his energy really changed

The whole thing for the Warriors in second half and we listening to the broadcast Fitz brought up Steve cerr recently said they lost their grit this is a gritty win on the road if you were going to tell me the Warriors are going to go four for 22 and have 24 assists

You’d think they’re going to have a tough night but they made the adjustments I thought their energy and the effort was consistent throughout uh and they got rewarded with a nice Road wi there you go I was going to ask the question before you brought it up the

Warriors were four for 22 from three how many of those four uh three-pointers did Steph have I just say four-pointer sometimes you just got to give a four yeah step had all of them in this game uh we just well stopped turning the ball over they played a very aggressive

Defense in the first half trying to take away our threes I think I was the only one that hit one tonight which is weird but it it opened up stuff in the paint in the second half so we just slowed down a little bit picked them apart um

You know and then half court offense and then our defense was great BP JK GE Santos obviously we know what Draymond does every night uh everybody stepped up and made contributions on that in yes seep you had all the teams for three-pointers and when threes weren’t

Following as a group you guys hit 72 points in the paint with way this Net’s defense was you know guarding you where were you reading that allowed you guys to be so dominant from the inside game yeah you just have to go away from pressure that’s like a a really cool

Basketball concept uh we like to shoot threes we have a lot of guys that can do it but if you know they’re going to try to take that way other things are open and again it’s just every game it’s just matter how do you win this particular

Game and that’s that’s how we could do it I mean you’ve been in this league for very long you have so many fans that come out what was it like to play at Barclays we saw you kind of engage with the fans in fourth quarter where the

Opponent in their arena is cheering you on God is good in in the sense of what basketball has you know allowed me to do and experience um we work so hard to play at this level like you said been in this game for a very long time that you

Have this type of response on the road like I never take it for granted it’s something that is truly special and like you know that at a certain point you know the shoes are going to get hung up and you’ll miss it so I love this environment I love you know performing

And like I said I don’t ever take it for granted well our defense was was really good good um you know they I know they missed some Shots tonight that you know they they’ve hit last few games I mean they they’ve been pretty hot from three they

Definitely missed some open ones but I just thought our defense was um was pretty solid and then we made a lot of second effort type plays GE Santos was amazing just um getting on the floor for loose balls getting offensive rebounds generating extra possessions and uh you

Know obviously Steph and Jak K kind of handled the offense but um it was a really good team effort mentioned you you closed with over clay which is obviously not to to many why did you go with that chice it’s the game is you know you

Just you know if a group’s playing well you just stay with that group you know that’s kind of a general rule and uh so we stayed with the group because they were they were really um competing and making plays and and they had the momentum so I didn’t want to stop the

Momentum this is kind of new to Clay though I mean you haven’t closed with them several times recently how are you kind of seeing him take that he’s fine I mean you know this is a a season where you know he’s had a lot of ups and downs and um you know he’s

It’s it’s not easy um you know for a guy who’s uh been so good and you know Hall of Fame player um to deal with you know the injuries and and uh it’s not it’s never easy for for any player getting older and and um but he’s he’s he’s mentally

Tough he plays through everything um you know I’d like to get uh some of our depth back uh so that we can you know give him a little more rest and you know maybe not play him on some backto backs try to you know ease

The load that he has um but uh klay’s going to help us win plenty of games going forward that do you think that maybe some play struggles have to do with the how much he’s been playing yeah yeah he’s played a lot and you know this was

Our third and four nights and um so it’s um you know it’s all part of it but um everybody has struggles during the season and and um you know you just have to play through them and um you know I thought he did a good job tonight moving

The ball and on the glass and and his minutes were good and uh so he contributed and um you know it’s just there’s a spotlight on him because of how great he is because of the career he’s had um so I don’t think that should be the story tonight the story should be

We won a game on the road um you know against a team that’s been playing well and we had multiple guys step in um you know with Lester and and Moses and G like that’s the story of tonight’s game is you know um those guys coming back

And really contributing to to a win way you guys have been struggling times lately Steve how good is it be to win a game like this where like you said it’s not like you guys shot the lights out or really you know easy at any point you

Had to kind of grind it out from start I mean for us to go four and four for 22 from three and and when um is uh I don’t know when the last time that’s happened but um Raymond for sure will be on that you know like Thursday you know he’s got

He’s busy the next couple of days I guess um no we’ve it seems like every game is like this for us you know we um we’ve hardly had any blowouts in either direction um so every game’s tight and I think you know if our guys um can build

On this we can we can recognize what it takes uh to win these close games and it’s a lot of grit you know that’s what was so impressive about ghe tonight is just you know the multiple efforts and you know he was going after every rebound and and loose ball and Diving on

The floor and that energy is contagious the whole team felt it so I thought I thought ghee was just fantastic there was one specific possession where uh I think he he got two offensive rebounds and then psky gets I think it was his 10th of the game and you know Clon gets

The play right turns into a four possession uh how just was that kind of a microcosm what you’re talking about that yeah yeah you know though that play I mean he made a good cut to I think originally almost to get a layup on the play and you know he’s he understands

The value of finishing Cuts we had a lot of guys tonight who would start to cut and stop and they’re switching everything and uh we we got nothing going so um you know against a team that switches like that you have to cut you have to be around the basket and make

Sharp you know Sharp Cuts and swing the ball reversal and um the game changed as soon as we put him in in the first half cuz the ball finally started to move how much the focal point was Pace in in the second half yeah that I mean it was it

Was Pace but it wasn’t necessarily Pace you know trying to throw the ball ahead and and get quick shots it was the pace of our cuts and the force of our Cuts against that kind of switching defense if you’re kind of jogging through stuff it’s really easy to just switch and stay

In front so I thought the the first five minutes of the second half really set a good tone our guys were much sharper and and um harder with their Cuts I know every team’s different but the Heat last year they played probably as many if not

More close games as you guys are playing they wrod that all the way to the finals they talked about it over and over why is playing close games now if you can get to a play the playoff why does that help well I think just the experience of

Of uh being in a tight game down the stretch but recognizing you know what it takes and and um you know there’s a reason you know people talk about heat culture it’s a you know it’s about competing it’s about you know fighting scrapping for every loose ball every

Rebound and um you know we all you know want players doing that um but it’s easier said than done you know a lot of players it doesn’t come naturally for them to see the the cut to see the rebound to see the loose ball and to be

A step ahead and um so that was um you know the the value of ghe tonight was he was that guy and he just he set a tone s okay you bring back in the second half yeah yeah he’s fine you know he’s coming back off the injury and the game was so

Small um the way Brooklyn was playing when claxon would go out they played five small guys it it just didn’t it didn’t feel like a you know great night for Dario what’s your assessment of the team this far I’m what’s your assessment of the team th far since

Return we’re making strides for sure you know um I don’t know what our record is since he came back probably four and four or something but um we’re making strides I can feel it I think the team can feel it um you know Draymond is just an incredible player he’s so smart he’s

So good defensively and he does so much for us on the offensive end with his passing and screening and so I like the direction we’re heading with with him back thank you guys how did you how did you approach your your minut tonight uh sorry how what how did you apprach you’re just

Your tonight uh man like uh everybody here always say like be ready for when you have the opportunity to be there and to be in the court and and play so when I saw like that I having like a couple minutes in the court I was like I got to

I got to bring another energy to the team especially def defensively because uh I feel like we we needed more like this energy on defense so I was there like I got to bring that for the team like like I don’t care like how many points I’m going to I’m going to do

Or like rebounds I don’t really care about that I just want to go there and help the team to win and like every time that I got a a couple minutes or like I’m going to be there in the court and I’m going to be doing that helping the

Team to win doesn’t matter what key for you to stay ready you know uh like my family yeah my family is always like talking to me about that uh it’s not it’s not easy to be in another country like uh you know but but with the Warriors like with the Warriors

Organization they make me feel like like a I am in a family you know so uh I feel like in in the sports like you always got to be ready because your opportunity comes like you never wait you never you’re never like waiting for your opportunity the opportunity just come

And you got to be ready and my family was like I think the biggest key like talking to me every day and like keep you doing your things keep you working out hard and when the opportunity comes like God’s seing everything and you’re going to you’re going to be ready for

That what is the hardest part for you in terms of being away from from home how do you deal with that uh like the culture is a little bit different uh especially be away from the family and you not be there in like special moments but that’s one thing like everybody in

The basketball and the all the sports pass through it so I think like it’s tough but you got to you got to know that that’s how going to be what do you think about how you guys played overall today uh I feel really good like I I see

Like that we we can be like a a really good team if we keeping playing that way because nobody can stop for us like I was I was saying in the other interview like we got Stephen curk for me is the best player in the world so when you

Give him like wide open shots and you facilitate the game for him he going to win the games and you just got to be there on defense like working hard on defense and on offense let him let him work he gonna he gonna play and he gonna win the

Game Ro game today but obviously a lot of Warriors fans a lot of support what did it feel like to play in that atmosphere uh I was feeling like like we was playing at home to be honest because we we have a lot of fans in here and

Like uh it’s it’s good when when you hear like you’re you’re doing a good play you like the ball is in the in the floor and you dive and you go grab the ball and everybody’s like uh oh yeah let’s go let’s go you feel like okay

Let’s bring this energy and you like hype it up you know uh Steve came in here PR defensive effort what did you see on that the floor especially early on when the offense yeah I think coming into the game um last game we played them cam

Thomas I think had 40 if I’m not mistaken um so big emphasis on you know stopping him and uh male so you know me and Jonathan took those two matchups head on and I think collectively uh we did a good job of funing everything to to Draymond and for the most part we

Were able to clean up their misses and um you know I think uh G and um Lester did a phenomenal job Off the Bench of you know providing that spark that we kind of needed um that lifted Us in the second half um in terms of the second

Half what do you feel like shifted for you guys yeah I think in the first half we just uh caught the ball and we were just holding it kind of confused on uh their kind of their aggressiveness and their switching and um so a lot of time

We we just caught the ball and hold it and U it was easier for them to just load up to the ball and um play in the gaps um as um the athletic team that they are and I think in the second half all we needed was to you know to get by

One Defender and uh make someone else rotate and the Domino’s fall from there and um I think we did that for the most part and uh we did a great job of sharing the ball in the second half whated yeah I mean um soon as G got the

Rebound kicked it out I immediately kind of just looked for Steph because I know he’s running around somewhere and pitched it back to him and just kind of doing my thing I just crashed the glass and jumped forward and got it and tried to go back up and you know he found me

Pretty hard um but you know it’s basketball at the end of the day stuff like that’s going to happen um but you know we’re we were able to you know close it out did tonight kind of feel like like a home game with the crowd here for me personally you know I got

Some family here um but it was pretty surreal moment for me just cu the last time I was in the building was draft night um so to be able to play here um you know just eight months after I got drafted pretty special feeling but yeah

It did kind of feel like a home game especially um when Steph got to to roll in late in the fourth three straight first Warriors St yeah I mean just kind of me doing me um you know not really much of a numbers guy per se in terms of like what I’m

Trying to get to but um when you play the right way you play hard

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  1. 9:42 that's bullshit how many more wins would they have had if actually did that early in the season. He has constantly stuck with the vets vs and klay struggles. Much like that game vs Sacramento in Sacramento when moody was playing well. I don't believe a word this dude says anymore

  2. There's global warming, flooding and draughts, violence all over the world, racism and women haters such as the crazy MAGA crowds, but Steph Curry says "god is great" because he (Steph), shot 29 points and his team won.

  3. i swear BP is born to do these press conferences. guy is a natural. no other way to say it. if you don't watch basketball and you heard this guy talk, you'd never guess he's a rookie. the composure.

  4. Season would be hopeless right now if we didn’t have starter level minutes from 20 year old rookie Podz and 21 year old Kuminga, currently at a level which you could not have predicted coming into this season.

    GP2, CP3, Wiggs, all out right now with injuries. Moody and Loon both normally major contributors but got very limited minutes. Santos and Quinones both contributing major minutes in the fourth showed much poise.

  5. just try to block the shot of the e opponent everygames not giving a foul that senseless or nonsesns and im sure they will make a big win that is the luck of warrios block shot defense

  6. The funny part about Pod is his supposed strength of shooting has kinda sucked (basically, league average at 3s). Biggest surprise: finishing inside / at the rim + the rebounds.

  7. The Warriors offense is going to look "clunky" going forward. The Steph / Klay 2 man split game isn't going to work and they'll look to shut down Steph and leave Klay. So, it's basically Steph running off screens, Steph PnR and Kuminga ISOs.

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