@Utah Jazz

whole team is krizzed up ⚡️ #nba #shorts

whole team is krizzed up ⚡️ #nba #shorts

Uh Chris gives our team a Swagger Chris talks a lot he pumps up his teammates he has great banter with all of his teammates he has great banter with me he gives his personality gives our team a lot of energy energy is at a premium this time of year you need to

Find life sources um in different ways and Chris does that with his with his wagger and with his mouth and so I think like his personality is bleeding into the rest of the group his trash talking has rubbed off on some of his teammates and our team like they don’t

Talk a lot of trash to the other team it’s like they’re talking trash to our own bench sometimes to me um like I’m seeing a different side of guys like Simo even Lowry um and I think Chris deserves a lot of credit for that


  1. This is why the jazz is going to win the championship. They aren't a Carl, and John reigning over the team. It's everyone who is a good back up for the other.

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