@Brooklyn Nets

Golden State Warriors vs Brooklyn Nets 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Feb 5 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Golden State Warriors vs Brooklyn Nets 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Feb 5 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Rebound Mel Bridges Draymond wanted P jimsky to set that screen say what rice O’Neal is raining threes hey he’s scaring the Warriors now he he’s got five threes all here in the second Half the mea got din wty again be patient shoot over him he Santos look what I found the words are just attacking the offense and glass and and two brooken Nets are having to keep one guy off well they they don’t have claxon anymore I mean you got to play this game

Differently the final three and a half yeah cam Thomas cam Thomas driving and Draymond fou him 38% shooting cam Thomas hitting a couple free throws and he got a six-point lead in the ball they have been here so many times this year they played played 33 clutch games and

Turnovers have been a problem and then the foul after another clutch game have we had one of these before this year 34 clutch game inside 5 minutes plus or f plus or minus five points Warriors play the most of the NBA they’re 15 and 18 in those games so far

Tic Tac tow to kaminga it’s perfect offense Draymond knew they were going to double team step so you don’t even have to set the screen just slip out of it and make a play you’re going four on three ridges Corner three and kaminga soaring for that [Applause] rebound You’re Expecting hard doubles on

Step again no Claxton so that’s why kingo’s able to get inside so Easily the repost kaminga on Den witty JK go do something and that’s a great identification he will might lead on the stretch it doesn’t always have to be jumpers as cam Thomas gets Inside they’re going to let Steph move without the ball and po jimsky bring it up so’s got the handle to be a one careful with Miguel Bridges though Elite Defender Steph on cam Thomas Steph driving Draymond screen and Steph went right to the rim no Clon no

Problem and it’s perfect don’t bring a screen up there so they don’t have a chance to double just let him beat his man off the dribble and let Draymond wall off the help Defender new season High 68 points in the paint Draymond blocked that Smith missed the

Layup ksky you’re playing the clock and the [Applause] Nets got the eight-point lead winding down to a minute 20 Steph on the handle Steph little floater the foul of the field goal 70 of their 105 that’s how they’ve had the win win the game [Applause] tonight no threes no problem tonight boy

So Neal finally misses gets his own rebound cam Thomas free throw Warriors are catching some good fortune here finally on the [Applause] road you’re up nine you’re playing the clock Santos doubled on the Baseline and then four in this half so far and they had seven in the first quarter

Amazing Bridges driving don’t commit a foul [Applause] there Step will [Applause] handle pky to a cutting kaminga and exclamation mark that one back that was nice well the Warriors after overtime losses have now gone 4- one on the game after every time you think mentally or emotionally they’re crushed they always

Have a response and the response tonight was 10998 and warriors are

Golden State Warriors vs Brooklyn Nets 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Feb 5 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


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