@Phoenix Suns

Charles Barkley says Bradley Beal needs to come off Suns bench

Charles Barkley says Bradley Beal needs to come off Suns bench

The one and only Charles Barkley from NBA on TNT and Charles joins us here on the Arizona Sports Line Charles good morning how are you uh good morning guys thanks for having me hello Chuck you’re always welcome here you know that Chuck um let’s start with the Phoenix Suns 50

Games in 19 games together with the big three I still think there’s a great deal of mystery on what this team actually is at this point I know it’s still a growing process but I’d love to get your current take on what you’re seeing from

From this group of sons and and and how together they have things Charles well I agree with you uh the jury still out I think you have to look at the big picture says okay are we on a level with the Clippers and the nuggets

And that’s a hard no right now you know uh in my opinion the Clippers are the team to beat and the Nuggets right behind them uh the Suns you know because of injuries they’ve been a little inconsistent uh I would love to see a couple things I

Would love to see them go out and get another big guy but I would love them to bring Bradley Bill off the bench because you know I think uh it’s tough for all three guys to do what they do best when they on the court together they kind of do my

Turn your turn type thing yeah they do I would love I would love to see them bring a a a service of point guard in play at a much faster Pace with KD and and book starting and I would bring uh bill off the bench for instant offense

When one of those guys come out now I think you can play them in the in the last in the fourth quarter because you know you but I don’t think you can play them the whole game together I think they play too slow uh but I think if

They got a serviceable point guard and they played at a faster pace and B Bill Off the Bench and finish the game with the big three uh but I do I think they need one more big guy in my opinion before they can compete because you have

To say to yourself okay we’re probably the third best team if you even if you want to be really really positive because I’m not sold on Minnesota and I think OKC is a little young but you have to ask yourself uh I don’t know if we

Can beat the Clippers or the nuggets and that’s what you really gonna have to do uh in the playoffs yeah the Suns yeah their fourth quarter numbers have been really really bad some of it might be fatigue but the turnovers are are crazy and out of control uh what do you think

Where do you land on the this team needs a point guard debate Chuck I I think this team definitely needs a point guard for a couple reasons number one I think they play way too slow but also they have they in my opinion they have a really difficult time because you know

Bill and Booker are not really point guards and what’s really going to happen when they get in the playoffs they got to put like say hey let’s make these guys working bringing about ball up and down the court make him use up the shot clock get in the offense late and then

You’re going to be rushing yeah so I I definitely I think they need a point guard because you know the point guard his only job we don’t need a point guard who go out there and try gunning we just need him to do two things push the pace

And get the ball to Booker and KD and Bill when they’re in the game we don’t need a guy who going go out there and shoot it a lot but I think they need to play at a much faster Pace because you got nuclear weapons out there and uh and

That’s really nice to have but it it it doesn’t work when all three of them I tell you because give you a perfect example when when the Clippers made to trade for James Harden we all said it can’t work with Russ and James Harden together and Russell did one of the most

Selfless things he said you know what I’ll come off the bench and ever since Russell start coming off the bench that team has been pretty much unbeatable and I think it would be the same way with the Suns because you know first of all Bradley’s gonna have to check his ego

Because the most important thing is winning because he’s a great player but it’s really difficult for all three of those guys in 48 minutes now I can say they can do it for the last five or six minutes but for 48 minutes it’s tough to get all three of them involved and

Bradley would actually benefit when you know he said okay when we take ktie a book out the game I’m the second option and uh I that’s so they definitely need a point guard in my opinion Charles Barkley NBA on TNT Hall of Famer joins us here on the Arizona Sports Line uh

Most of the reports in terms of rumors getting close to the trade deadline Charles about the Suns have to do with Miles Bridges um he’s probably going to get traded we know about miles bridges on the court we know about his off the court uh issues that he has dealt with

But he is playing playing NBA basketball there seems to be a lot of suns fans that are against this u in in a pursuit of a championship what what do you say to Suns fans who maybe feel that way that they don’t want to support a guy

With those kind of things on his uh on his record yeah that’s an interesting uh thing uh he has a lot of baggage I think they need to you know who I would love to him go get somebody like the kid from Toronto Port portal you know a big guy

Who’s active who can shoot a little bit who’s just going to play with great energy and great effort Jacob poal I I forget how to pronounce this game it’s portal or pole uh purle P there’s no R but somehow there’s an r in the pronunciation Chuck so it’s not totally

Get yeah so uh you know somebody because I do uh because Bridges to me uh because he’s like only six6 six7 yeah because you you going to need somebody who going because you got to think about this you going to have to play against uh

Zubot uh the other big I forget the big kid I watched the I watched the Heat play I watched them play the Heat last night uh they got another big guy and one thing I do I just think that the bridges to me I’m not gonna get in all

The ethical th stuff to be honest with you but I do I think they need another big body because you only need somebody and what the one thing you don’t need is a guy who’s going to be like cuz listen Bri is a solid player but he going to want to

Score yes and is he going to is he going to mop around when he doesn’t get the ball the last thing you need don’t need is a guy who like even though he can be a good player but he ain’t gonna get no shots because you got those three guys

They gonna get all the shots and rightfully so you know you need a guy like Mar West was the perfect teammate I’m just going to play defense and rebound the ball cuz me Dan and KJ going to get all the shots Mar is never going to complain he’s never going to mope

Around because I use this term a lot when I’m talking about basketball the last thing you need is a floater and people said what do you mean by a floater I said that’s a guy who’s on your team who’s a good player who’s not gonna get any shots more than likely but

All he got to do is all the dirty work that’s not a that’s not and that’s a really important thing to have on the team because there’s only one ball out there and listen if you’re playing with Katie Booker and Bill you ain’t going get no shots that’s no you’re not you’re

Right that’s why I was very disappointed in um Aiden I said man he’s in a perfect situation he’s a big dude who’s athletic he gonna get 16 18 points but all he got to do is play defense and rebound and the Suns would have been unbeatable but

He’s such a baby he’s like well I’m not getting in the shots I yeah that’s cuz you’re playing with KD and Booker you’re not going to get any shots and if you get Bill you definitely ain’t going to get no shots but if you just play

Defense and get a lot of rebounds we would be unbeatable because you need when you have guys who are great offensively like those guys you just need players who gonna do the Dirty Work and if you got a guy out there like I ain’t getting no shots uh they want me

To do all the hard work because defense and rebound are the two hardest jobs in sports in the NBA and you got to have a special guy who says hey you know what we going to win if I just play defense and rebound we’re going to win and Aiden

Didn’t want to do that and that’s why he’s up in Portland sticking up the joint this would have been a perfect scenario for for if like you what all I gota do is play defense and rebound and we’re gonna win right that’s a perfect situation for a guys for certain guys

Yeah and and you’re right it’s just it’s so hard for basketball teams to commit to that common cause of winning and when you get it I mean I can’t believe the Clippers have that of all teams these guys who have all kind of had checkered reputations for different reasons and

You got a guy like Kawai now in a year where there’s a games limit on the MVP voting he might be the front runner so I I guess what I’m getting at when you look at the Clippers are are what does it tell you about how much that matters

About Collective buyin among a basketball team to make something special happen you know it’s it’s such a great Point first of all this guy kawh Leonard he is ridiculous to me I’ve never seen a player I said this on the air a month ago I’ve NE never seen a player and I’ve

Been in NBA almost 40 years I’ve never seen a player who can mince that much time and still come back and play great like normally like and I’m talking about years he’s missed probably three years and you know normally when guys come back they they’re not the same he’s the

Same he’s ridiculous and unbelievable and it is so to me right now Joker Kawai Bronson are the three Front Runners for MVP in my opinion but I want to say something about what you said uh guys buying in when I first got to Phoenix nobody cared about anything but winning

And it it it was really a refreshing thing because obviously me Dan and Kevin were going to get the line share of the attention and rightfully so because we were the three best players but we had so many guys who didn’t care about anything but winning and we got to the

Finals and obviously the Bulls were better I can’t take that away from them but I remember having a conversation with Paul Westfall uh going into the in the middle of the next season and he says how what you think I says man we’re going to have

A hard time winning this thing he says what do you mean I says you know coach we got guys bitching about playing time we got guys bitching about who’s uh who’s making the most money and beh this is behind the scenes and I said so I know exactly the point you’re

Talking about buying in y like my first year we were like hey let’s I because I told the guys when we first got together I said hey guys this is what’s goingon to happen we’re going to get to the finals and we’re going to play the Bulls and they looked

At me like are you crazy what are you talking about already I said let me just tell y’all something I personally think you guys can agree I think I’m the best basketball player in the world I don’t think anybody’s better at basketball than me they just have more help I got

Dan Mara Kevin Johnson Mark West say sa balos Oliver Miller all those guys I’m good now I said I’m good we’re going to the damn finals all we got to do is stick together together and nobody care about anything they’re like let’s do it and we get to the finals and obviously

The Bulls beat us like I say my next year coming in Dan Marley I’m not talking about him we had other guys on the team opening up restaurants I’m like that guy don’t deserve a restaurant so true I was like Dan Marley Dan Mary has earned the right to open up

A restaurant Kevin Johnson’s probably earned up the right and if Charles wanted to open up a restaurant we should do that if we had two guys open up restaurants I’m like that dude do not deserve a restaurant at all fantastic Charles you’re the best so

True no this is true story then we had I’m and I’m sitting I’m sitting around on the bus and on the plane and guy’s like yo man why am I not playing more and I’m like uh cuz you’re not that good you’re a role player and then be like well why is this

Guy making this much money and I’m making this much money I’m like cuz he’s a you know you can’t say this cuz he’s going to split on the team but I’m thinking to myself uh he makes more money than you because he’s a better player but but but but but see that’s

What happens that’s what happens when you have success yeah when you have success everybody starts thinking instead of like their friends like yo man you should be playing more you know you should be making more money your agenty that to you instead of so the

Point I want to make was that you know the Clippers clearly are buying in they know that Kawai is the most important player by far then Paul George then James Harden but the ultimate sacrifice in my opinion has been Russell Westbrook when that guy you know they played like

The first four or five games with those two together and I think they were two and four somewhere in that range then Russ being the selfless do this say hey you know what Tai I’ll come off the bench and like I say I think I saw a

Record they’re 25 and four that 25 and five the last 30 games because I watched him play the Heat last night and I’m like man this team might be the team to beat because I yeah I think the Clippers are the team to beat in the west and

Denver’s a close second the only other team I think can get in the conversation uh is the Suns CU you know like I say they got those three nuclear weapons but it’s hard to play three nuclear weapons together because there the uh cuz the other two guys you know they’re just really

Standing around so I think that I really do think they need a point guard desperately in my opinion Charles always a pleasure to have Standing Ovation again for you my man thank you so much for joining us today Charles Hey Hey listen hey when bad players start

Opening up restaurants going Happ on the team words to live by Charles the of fam joining us on the Arizona sports line thanks for watching Bley and marada click to see the latest Bley blast and hit the button in the middle to subscribe to Arizona Sports

While on with Bickley and Marotta, Charles Barkley said Bradley Beal needs to come off Suns bench.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports

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  1. I always wondered what could have been if Richard Dumas would just had kept sober the next few years. Would the Suns have two straight championships? He was so good in that 92-93 season.

  2. So the Suns need a big switchable guy who can play defense, rebound, set picks and not cry about attempts. Are there any poor mans version of Rodman currently in the league? lol

  3. Swear Barkley is allergic to being positive about the Suns. Not to mention he snubbed Booker from a ASG spot

  4. Beal should 100% start, out of respect. He already plays most of his mins with the bench anyway.
    Agree w Chuck that we need a PG for pace and to control the game so we don't blow 50 pt leads in the 4th.
    We have a problem with lazy passes.

  5. Sir Charles biggest suns hater of all time I never seen a former player hate on his own former organization as much as this man.👎

  6. Tbh getting brad was a panic move that I don't see working, and I'm a KD SUPERFAN SAYING THIS. But his contacts is what handicaps him. Like yeah sure u can bring him off the bench but are you paying A BENCH PLAYER $40-50 MILL A YEAR?! What PG can you trade for can u get that you would start over beal that's worth getting and possible to get? Maybe a Jrue Holiday, but then who do u have that would match contracts or make a team give up that type PG

  7. Barkley watches less NBA than my 6 yr old. Might as well talk basketball to a wall. Donut boy hates KD is on the Suns and that Booker will go down as the greatest Sun and erase any memory of Chuck.

  8. The do need another big wing but weather Beal starts or not is nothing. Why risk upsetting him.
    No point guard needed.

  9. Barkley hated the Suns the day we got KD. He can say all his jokes but he’s just down right jealous. I’m sure had he won with the Dream, he would not have been Finals MVP.

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