@Detroit Pistons

Killian Hayes requested a trade from the Detroit Pistons?

Killian Hayes requested a trade from the Detroit Pistons?

But speaking of Monty Williams and speaking of his favorite player Killian Hayes um so James Edwards this week and reported that Detroit was close to trading killing Hayes before Williams arrival but Monty wanted to work with Killian he thought that there was something there you know from afar uh

Monty admired Killian’s game so my question to you is do you think it was a mistake not letting Troy Weaver try to get something for Killian Hayes this summer to be honest with you I I do understand Monty side although we disagree with it because hindsight obviously uh he played well down the

Stretch of of last season so playing starting at guard and playing significant minutes at during that stretch of course that was Pro but the unfortunate part is that is probably the highest value you’ll have of Kate or excuse me of Killian that is the highest value him playing the way he played then

Last season that was the highest value you would have gotten for Gillian Hayes now that we’ve that’s the gamble that Monty took and that’s why at the end of the day Monty’s a head coach he does not work in the front office and Troy it’s Troy Weaver’s job to understand that

Like you’ll be like Hey listen Monty I get you want to work with him but if we’re going to trade this guy and we we took a Marcus Sasser and we think he’s a tremendous be a tremendous player we have to trade Killian like he he is this

Is the highest value he’ll have and you know you take into consideration Monte Williams and I think it’s backfired and now it’s came back to bit bite them in the ass like killing Hayes’s value is alltime low he’s getting dmps he doesn’t play so a Spurs a San Antonio Spurs are

Gonna come along and be like hey let’s take him off your hands from scra for scraps when when I think regardless it wouldn’t have been great but you would have a better offer last off season given how he played to end the year so

Yes I do think it was a mistake it was a it was a big mistake um to listen to to Monty in that instance I get why he’d say that maybe there’s unlocked potential no looking back on it yes it was a big mistake yeah I like I I had

Conversations with you know Corey Woods you know uh former co-worker of ours and break love Cory yeah love Cory shout out to Corey guy works his ass off um I was like if Monty can turn Cameron Payne into a quality player I I was intrigued to see what he

Could do with Killian and you know at the time we didn’t know that Monte Morris was going to be out for you know half the season like he was healthy um like you mentioned you trade up to get Marcus SRA who is a you know combo guard

If you want to categorize him that you can play a little bit of point guard and shooting guard um and you kind of look at the roster you’re like yeah there’s a lot of point guards on this roster but I understand it from Monty standpoint like you um maybe there’s something there

Maybe there’s some um potential that you know Jerick Jack and myself can work with him obviously we know we’ve watched Killian for the past four years what I’ll say about Killian Hayes is great defender good passer the offensive game just hasn’t come around yet and I don’t

Know if it ever will he might just be a backup point guard and that is completely fine like if he could just be like a a Marcus Smart type of player on a another team as a backup I think that’s okay and some players are that

But um it it’s funny because we get news today that his team wants to he wants to be dealt he wants to be traded because he’s not getting playing time he’s not getting dmps and uh there was a sports book earlier this week I want to put this on the

Screen um and they have his top 10 odds uh you imagine the Spurs like they’re obviously a favorite I know people are going to go down to the Shanghai sharks and laugh like how that how not number one I know some people are going to say

That but I mean like the five NBA teams that are favorites they need point guard help right now uh and the the the European teams two of those teams he’s already played for he’s already played for chalette and he’s already played for the number six team that’s where he

Played before he got drafted not chette yeah like Chet he played Chet yeah like he had played you know for Chet when he was a teenager but like the fact that you know a a Vegas sports B Shay High sharks is number 10 man like I don’t know I know

Some people are gonna laugh at that I know they are but I don’t know I I I I just kind of look at the whole because I wanted to put context to it because like you know Monty said like oh it’s Monty’s fault while he’s still here like well at

The time like we didn’t know Monte Morris was going to be up in the year like if Monte Morris was 100% he maybe they do trade him maybe they’re like hey we got Monte like we don’t really need Killian Monte’s a you know proven veteran backup point guard but he gets

Hurt and I think that’s a big reason why Killian did get to stay in my opinion anyways yeah I think at this point we you know what kilan is like in and he he is a backup point guard and even for the Marcus Smart comparison like what Marcus

Brings on the floor leadership wise on top of his three-point shot which is actually improved during his late years in Boston like he became a a respectable catch and shoot uh three-point shooter like he brought value and his defense like he I mean the guy won a defensive

Player of the year so like the even the kilan Hayes thing like he’ll never win a defensive player of the year so because before I fell victim to that early on I’m like I looked at the Marcus Smart uh Arc and I’m thinking man like I didn’t

Think he’d win a defensive player of the air but I’m thinking maybe he can be a respectable role player he can provide and be tough on defense and it just isn’t the case like he’s such an offensive liability that you just can’t play him like and he doesn’t have the versatility

Like an assar Thompson or the athleticism that assar Thompson has like where you can kind of get away with it and assar is much more versatile but the Killian hay thing is the Spurs make the most sense because of their obviously with Tony Parker and their their history

With developing foreign players um and you go play with Victor but uh I I just I don’t know like I don’t even know if any situation could make like you’d think on this Rost with the opportunity he’d have he would have a better opportunity to grow but maybe what he

Needs is to be on a team be a ninth eighth man and just be kind of insulated by NBA veterans and like he doesn’t really you don’t really notice Killian because there’s other players there’s there’s other things happening he’s probably playing 10 15 minutes A Night

Like the Pistons I think it it’s over like they I know his team came out and said he they want him traded well guess what buddy like yeah we want you traded too I think it’s just a bad fit and I think we’ve we we’ve seen enough of

Killian Hayes we have at this point it’s almost like you have it’s like the the baby was born at the hospital and you tried to take him back to the hospital and be like can you take him back like that’s what the you know his team his

Former team when he played as a teenager being on that list means like no you you got Killian he’ll be in the NBA um but he’ll be at best a seventh man and eighth man I would say not even a seventh man like I think we what he is

Now what is what he’ll always be to me yeah I think a lot of people in the comment section right now like do it effortless said you know Killian has had four years to get better and he hasn’t gotten any better offensively and I think that’s 100%

True when he was here as a rookie you know uh he had to play with theand wght which I get why Casey did that you want you want to put a vet out there just in case you know he he freaks out because he’s a rookie but he’s had every

Opportunity to take the keys and say this is my team and he just hasn’t done it um it it it’s weird because you you look at him and he’s a pretty big guard like he’s a six5 guard and like sometimes he plays like he’s 56 like he

Just does not play his size like I I thought when the Pistons drafted him I said W you’re getting a a 65 200 pound guard that just going to be able to bully opposing point guards um you know getting to the basket but like he he hasn’t really done that he’s got like

These like weird floaters he still can’t finish with his right hand he’s so leftand dominant that like it it’s almost like he won’t finish with his right he just won’t do it it’s always left-handed so um I think a change of scenery to your point would be good um I just don’t know

How much playing time he’ll actually get obviously when you get traded they they’re gonna want to see like what he can do uh but I think at the end of the day he’s probably going to be on the bench or at best in the G League at

That’s just what I think his career may be and know I’m probably going to get hate for it after this live stream’s over because people think I hate Killy N I just don’t hate him I’m just realistic I just think as a backup point guard I

Think that’s going to be his role in the NBA and I I just don’t think he’s gonna be a starter on any team yeah the the I mean the confirmation that that’s true would be he has more he had more room for error here in Detroit and still

Couldn’t develop so when you go to another team the the the the the Rope you have to make mistakes or the the room for error will be significantly less so why why would you think he would he would drive there um I I think for Killian his his opportunity was in

Detroit even his first year that was the I believe that was one of the last years with Blake he got to play with veterans um and it just didn’t work out like I don’t think Killian mentally has he doesn’t have the mentality to be a a foundational franchise player he never

Had he never he never had it uh even coming out he’s just he has all the physical tools right like 65 like he said 200 lbs good handles uh left-handed but again he can’t finish much with his right hand uh he like you said he plays

Smaller than he is like he doesn’t it’s not like he’s posting guys up being six5 200 pounds against smaller guards he’s shown flashes defensively but especially in today’s NBA if you can’t score at an NBA level there’s no room for you there’s guys all over like look at

Marcus Sasser I mean he comes in right away and he’s a bucket like there’s guy and he he’s a good Defender too like there’s there’s more where that came from unfortunately for Killian so even if he goes to his his next destination like at best he’ll be the back end of

The bench but hell I mean after a while he might just be waved and he might just be a free agent I mean who knows um and he might be in a g-league situation or playing overseas to be honest with you I don’t know about Shang High I mean maybe

A little disrespectful but who knows he might join Jimmer forette I mean who knows [Applause] Hell [Applause] Yeah

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Jeff Iafrate they discussed the recent news of Killian Hayes wanting a change of scenery

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  1. You might want to take a look at Hayes last 2 months last year he was horrific and nowhere near playing good. He had a few good games sprinkled in with garbage. Also his d is extremely overrated

  2. I don't see how Hayes has trade value. At best he might get a 2nd chance for a team that just lost their PG, and there more than a few of those guys out there in D league.

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