@Miami Heat

Miami Heat vs LA Clippers FULLGAME Qtr Feb 06, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season

Miami Heat vs LA Clippers FULLGAME Qtr Feb 06, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season

St it is won by Miami they’ll have it to the dish Morris the Cat open it up a track get it to Marcus Mor in that game last month reverse layup baskets early in the game how Miami coming in with some certainly Health has been a problem

The NBA’s most games Miss 100 because of those Miss games third not going to be there not that the Clippers play Martin left Al l in the corner this is where L find Butler in the corner for three and now the Clippers res Morris catches

Cover and they the game where he got hit and just moments remaining as allar break deflection interception make us do for a veteran player Paul George with Martin top side theow effects pick out of Bio R his foot hero back the other way aest going [Applause]

Up the defense lays it up on Butler and does puts up a wild Center averaging 18 turnovers but going forward it has been an issue on the Baseline of thewe leavs and draws the conu foul on Terence man her basically made 48 out of 503 12

66% has provided a little bit of a GL a run Butler contested three ahead of the six George weed his way down the lane Clippers offense starters for the Clippers have scored in Salt Lake City a deep possession George in the corner Morris is open for the Trippers finds Ola Depot

On the wing about him there in Miami for you it’s Lou Williams as in 2020 was being comfortable with his do it off the P here is you brought it up one thing that’s been to ensure that little bit I want to go back real quick you

Said there on top of it he’s just a winner B Crome okay well then with that franchise being the best a lot of space tries to use it to get they took their time they got you up that passing Lane and ultimately that’s Whoppers can go

Two for one here whips one in the corner G fix it for three can’t get an inch pulls a trigger on to them fion three-point play good for John Hill a little cont away from the line of the lane back for now much Rel up and

Then on the back side here comes and that time it paid off have a couple of days off after to with us on Thursday rouy is Duncan Robinson miss two Miami out of putting the body on the off between a pair of Defenders whistle foul

To see him his story has the ball gives it back to stru end up at Powerhouse Big 10 school maybe there’s I went to Kansas here’s maybe date myself a little B what you saw wor reflective of Canard has to fire one up late for to 8 m

Thre so his ability comes heavy expectations that H his game suddenly wall looks off his def GS a Bullet Pass from a corner to an open probe that time and forc the defense wall e right to patum on the wing for three hero tries to they take a

Lot and don’t make a still got it to him him to the of line good wanted to do was use his Dribble is The Zo this is the udon and getting ready he is going to be for eth TI in this I mean you see what the Nets are doing shoot regie could he bail him out one more time out of bi six of the last over the other way easy lay up

Inside SL to midf flight hero to beat Strong Drive of the rim out of Bio that up so he can get right into the to the line the Clipper defense in that middle points and six rebounds Jimmy Butler hard to tell the last time these two teams met Orlando he

In regards of the ball sent from the field hero a position a 16-2 run too can’t come on to 26 points a game one more coming try to because of some injuries Clippers who Trail 59 to room to operate if you give remind you that

Those are tax DED three for six from the three highly athletic if he gets a shorter player now George is on that list as well ball fake goes back to Robinson D in that category over the last 10 games in a top three defense George tries to

Stops if you want to gain some momentum going to the second half do that as we see off the window no Jackson bats it up pointu into the corner that’s a tough [Applause] sh has not followed Lowry who seconds separate the two timer Hill finds man on

The wing Butler unable now in this game halftime adjustments yeah but he’s shooting 50 balls they’re beating us to all the 5050 balls Paul George misses on the first shot of this it’s the effort in which you’re repeated effort difficult shot but nevertheless difficult yes but a

Play in the back of his mind but he do have to fan that a bi will go able to win the game down in South Beach tonight with a non get a quick word from Cedar siai to be number one in California and way man Dallas Dallas 71 uh early 11 assists

Player set a career high or possessions probably an high watermark with 18 but when he was just dominating be loosen up essentially five straight games in line for a three-point play you see on the drive right here by Reggie I didn’t want to [Applause] see and the long way to go we were just talking about how great Reggie’s been shooting or I miss a free throw we said I stick dangerous practice are in the game jumps off the iron s side steps a diving Lowry five with ease that time by Lowry because you

Pick up your four F good for us Utah to the drive over 40 times man relocates rebound poked around the corter for three ask and you shall great but what you think what we’re seeing to BL now watch do right here he comes off the Pick 10 to four and his quarter

Defensive end by the clips they hav scored bolra I have but I mean you think about it strip the Clippers making some noise here in the time Martin chases it down Butler is to do in this league eight he hasn’t had a losing I’m just listening to you heck of

A game by my at all no idea and then George gets it right back power the time here Jackson peels off the allow Z kind of set Chase hero all the way out for unfortunately for us man one to shoot with just the Swiss army knife for Little Euro one two

Leg is important that’s when you can play now it is down to single digits the timeout Eric sper came back Butler misses inside Clipper we saw us some urgency to rebound Zoo love get it back here are them taking pride in their individual they’re just two for 10 here it’s funny how

Quickly and the ball is bouncing your way n to shoot for George but this seems like it has Down Easy layups and open shot to shoot for George for the lead they are out in front by [Applause] two this one is long and the rebound

Batted back and a foul and when you need basket you don’t want to wake up there break opposing this going to be a tough possession for the2 senior dropped over soon and the Clippers are back out that Reggie gave by right there and indeed Reggie Vis in this third quarter but

They had an opportunity here tonight Mrs voting daily at in a ball game I mentioned it there’s only been who takes a seat 10 point7 rebound beautiful hesitation Distance by bam to be able to get he can see 25 minutes for the two halves here for from him probably trying to buy

Him 16 yet to score here in this FR scored here at 81 passing the ball in the middle to kind of collapse Clippers can go two for one here Mendo here But George pulls it in over Utah feeds to Hero 18 at the turn then Trail it was a play player to drive and pick up that foul George comes in needless to say the copers have been hanging their hat on all the horn and a foul to start this Miami led

By as many as 21 got stops him in effect knocking in that shot in those games but just pointing out stru hard close out by but gives it back over to wall wisely to wants a whistle not going to get it moment 1041 to play soon that time he

Could have very easy picks up ol theot pop to their offense right here what you don’t want to do is continue to twst mismatches but also giving now puts Miami out in front by with just moments left to play in favor of Miami here in this fourth quarter uh in regards right

The beginning of this quarter I got to create it from myself to the line well the tri part is great post game show with Jamie maio I think with Luke 2 it’s also to Here by Iden his brother offensively these last two games most 17 18 team just around those

Guys but they’re you batt against oh bam bam before this one is over we still got along by hyund that back door you’re going to get beaten Miami was for four to open up that was a key as challenges Zoo off the window oh my the evil eye drive you had

To help free throw I want to be clear that’s a that’s a conduct F the cour oh call it on zoo coming off the screen and let’s see Vincent now here attacks zoo inside on the baseline or who made the Call set that line change have long gain momentum got it back to play in the game and then John W has a provokes a jumper oh a thr here by the Clippers down the center on the floor and streu out [Applause] byen from the line to the Lane changes

Check in at the next dead ball allowing him to get anything now you see what he’s put line for a couple of free and now it’s been a cat mous but he didn’t two bomi has done a good job at the time these two teams played there you see doesn’t really go

Hunting for shot sometimes turnovers that used the of L good defense there by the clips two consecutive turn for three to make him pay he does you don’t see a lot of close outs like that on the butler was able to recoil Thursday the Clippers head to

Denver for aing on the valley SC form with them and coming out of the time elbow nine to shoot for Butler one to do comes up with another play for the for two and who’s been you find your Rhythm and it’s not NE line there you see it

Miami has been first quarter beginning of the second quarter extended it to the 21 now he’s left for 18 is as big of a gap I in the Motor City whistle offensive foul by sacrificing his body to the Miami brass they say he’s their of Victor dep take Depot to come along it’s

Got 1069 7 they have made life very difficult for the PO George 24 points let see some magic that the game is in the bag or seconds to play for overtime not the helping hand we were looking with have pass the ball with relatively where that pass to

To a open man allowing that pass to get zipped right inside a play very very very talented Kam listen we knew offensive Focus defensive team really don’t I went up to be nice but he was he wasn’t no well you know 110 to 100 Miami coming a team with

Momentum 18 Miami will sweep the season the out score of the Clippers in the fourth quarter drawing board before they take on the de if you wanted to know toss a tap it is one by Miami they’ll have it just out there Jackson the drive the dish Morris the Cat upon receiving

The ball was able to drive open it up attract get it to Marcus Mor talk Clippers saw him put 31 in that game last month reverse layup you get those easy baskets early in the game not get some open jump shots how Miami coming in with some good struggled a bit different

Areas certainly Health has been a problem is second in the NBA’s most games Miss 100 thir starting lineup or core group because of those Miss games third from Miami pace of play is not going to be there not that the Clippers play when you play against the Heat

Martin left alone on the corner this is where like Delow great ball movement here from Miami finds Butler in the corner for three seems to be in the right place at the right time and now the Clippers [Applause] reset hor Catch and Release guys now recover and they every game yeah he had

A couple in the game where he got hit that said they were in the game with just moments remaining as the beginning the pre Allstar break teams that are struggling that’s not going to be the case deflection interception make us got caught in the air which you don’t want

To do for a veteran player Paul George plays a game of catch with Mark topside Delow from behind the three-point line that just now affects pick the butler out of Bio showed off the handle but lost his foot car back the other way a Terence man may have lost it going up

And points a game he’s been getting into painer Miss inside Martin gets beneath the defense slays it up Jackson tries to drive on Butler and does puts up a wild last 10 games with their seven and three opponents are averaging 18 turnovers protect the basketball not just tonight but going

Forward it has been an issue also well drawn up play that time to get Jimmy on the Baseline of the sweep into the P leans in draws the easy two it’s a second foul on Terence man her he had a stretch where he basically

Made 48 out of 53 from 60% Miami 8 of 12 66% just 26 games but has provided a little bit of a t to the Eastern Conference if they want to make a bit of a run Butler contested three ahead of the Miami out in front by six George

Weed his way down the lane Miami the line cookers offense but all five star ERS for the Clippers have [Applause] scored 6123 was the final in Salt Lake City deep open opportunities like that last offensive possession George and MC Morris touches it up top to wall Morris

Is open for the Trane pocket pick but Lowry recovers finds olad on the wing going to startop working that’s what they love about him there in Miami Lou Williams if if it’s not Jamal for you it’s Lou Williams as shouldn’t surprises I mean you got to think about it in 2020

Basketball it was a matter of just healthy and being comfortable with his will still be probably the best to ever do it off the pine as a bio and here is poell you brought it up one thing that’s been imp great job to the medical staff to ensure that and I think

He wanted to change some things up a little bit he put it on the deck and he’s found success in I want to go back real quick you said could make plays for himself for others on top of it he’s just a winner to it so give me some suggestions I

Like okay well then the factor in that did win that trying to angle for Jim Jackson being the best out in front George was given a lot of space tries to use it to get P out three could have launch up something early took their time they got a good

Old a Depot to him which opened up that passing Lane and ultimately still in that two three Zone Clippers can go two for one here quarter as well Oladipo whips one in the corner gens for three for wall can’t get an inch pulls a trigger on it really is congratulations to

Them Ed and send him to the line here for the old fashion three-point play good for John John Wall able to get that body downhill BR a little contact L Here Comes wall back the other way from the line of the lane points of contact for a now much

Rel now look Vincent is backing up and then on the backside Here Comes one on three but he felt he had the advantage and that time it paid off got have a couple of days off after to the national televis game in concert with us on Thursday on a Timberwolves team it’s

Going to be a little grouchy as Duncan Robinson misses 36-32 Miami out of balling rebound instead of putting the body on the off Vincent gets between a pair of Defenders whistle to foul rib good to see him his story the same story about Duncan Robinson who has the

Ball gives it back to streu but this eventually ended up at univ leot another Powerhouse Big 10 school maybe there’s I’m went to I went to Kanas here’s deep the power Big 10 of the 80s and 90s that maybe date myself a little bit teams itself the physical nature in

What you saw looked effective a right time for college basketball Canard has to fire one up late hard to believe he’s the fastest NBA player to 800 made threes three I think it is made threes a game so his ability deal with that deal comes heavy expectations that put for

Pressure on the S H his game suff Heat by four wall looks off his Defender attacking it like a manto man getting into gaps skipping down the lane challenging any at all Bullet Pass from a corner to an open and pow if John Wall just probed that time and forced the defense don’t

Focus enough on how good of a passer wall is Right bounds here in 12 minutes Powell to patum on the wing for Three hero tries to R Great three-point shooting not this year they take a lot and don’t make ni probably could to took a dribble to his left and still got it to him two takes him to the of line good so he knew he had a little space and all he

Wanted to do was use his dribble got him on the elbow all a flag Barrel they they said this is The Zo this is the udon mindset of preparation and getting ready he is going to be Miami free for eight TI in this kind of the Mitchell we talked about lukic I

Mean you see what the Nets are doing poell comes to attack three to shoot Reggie could he bail them out one more time drop to 44% out of Bio six of the last nice shot right there 4740 oh the Deep on the other way up

Ahead of steam and no one was able to stop him easy lay up inside off his Defender oh scissors his legs to midf flight play Jackson ahead to Powell with hero to beat Strong drive with the rim ol of Bio is set up so he can get right into

The to the line because that’s where they feel they can exploit the Clipper defense in that middle a bio 14 points and six rebounds com/ Kia Jimmy Butler outout this season Target tell the last time these two teams met not there rebound batted around Orlando the energy is finding the

Miami Heat in regards of the ball Clippers 40% from the field hereo a transition at 40 Miami now on a 16-2 run saved by man Morris to Zoo from in his last nine games he’s averaging a little under 26 points a game 30 good start

Here is Zoo one more coming he trying to power coming off the bench but because of some injuries 10 to shoot for Morris and the Clippers who Trail 59 to for knocking ball look at this he have nowhere room to operate if you get of the fiscal year should remind you that

Those our [Applause] taxu three for six from the three point with his long frame frame he’s highly athletic if he gets a shorter player now so this is an added area all George is on that list as well hero into Butler ball fake goes back to Robinson Miami has thrived in that

Category over the last 10 games in t in the last 10 games it’s been a top three defense George PR still get a couple stops that it has to start right now if you want to gain some momentum going to the of space if you do that as we seeis a

Bit out of control stumbles recovers off the window noson B It Up 5 And0 that’s Point Le into the paint streu into the corner that’s a tou 7- 46 George 6746 the last couple of minutes the efficiency however has not followed low a two seconds separate the two timers 11 to 20 ball gets downhill finds man on the wing not shy in moments like

This finds Butler unable now in this game two as we go down to KP for some halftime adjustments yeah the heat shooting 50s he said they are beating us to all the loose balls they’re beating us to all the 5050 balls he to pay for it good stuff Christina Paul George

Misses on the first shot of the drawing up something and figuring it out it’s the effort in which you’re Martin is at the ironing was a difficult shot but nevertheless is kicked by Reggie Jackson difficult yes but a play on that maybe that was in the back of his mind

But he do have the Vue reach right there on Dan another a bi will go 49 Miami able to win the game down in South Beach no kawh Leonard tonight with a non-co knocks down the first of two we get a quick word from Cedar Sinai Cedar

Sinai proud to be number one in California and six of six has 18 to lead the way are looking for their first man 13 with 3 and a half minutes the following night how about Dallas Dallas is floating around we saw Donovan Mitchell with 71 uh early1 21 and 11 11 assists with

This record was being broke this player set a career high or you’re going to have more possessions probably off out of Bio now matches hero with the games high water mark with 18 fo yeah yeah back in the day when he was just dominating maybe defense to have to

Honor that and maybe loosen up the will be playing essentially five straight games and counted at a foul and sent him to the line a three-point play now Lowry reached in you see on the drive right here finish that play free throw is good by Reggie I

Didn’t want to free throw line smart Decision down by 15 and a long way to go send it back down to KP yeah you were just talking about how great Reggie’s been shooting whether I’ve got a hot streak going or I miss a free throw he said I stick dangerous report there from Christina dangerous whatever you’re doing whether

That’s in practice or in the game jumps off the iron Miami George recovers it side steps a diving Lowry out of Bio who can guard one through five with ease 44 to play not a smart one that time by Lowry because off of his spot hence you pick

Up your four foul good for us times Miami sent Utah to the drive over 40 times George picked up by Butler for to shoot man relocate Seven rebound poked around the fit here Morris in the corner for three ask and you shout okay now now keep in mind shot was great but what we see what we’re seeing have and feel comfortable offensively line now the rest of the way here in the third now watch do right

Here he comes off the pick the three-point shot right now 10 to four in this quarter more active or having more activity on a defensive end by the clips they haven’t scored ER bolstra I have those maintaining the culture but I mean put a Steve KR you think about

It put in the hours Butler and strip the Clippers making some noise here in Theo says better luck next time Martin chases it down out out a bio I mean you know how hard that is to do in this league Tomlin they were eight and eight he hasn’t had a losing what

Why you laughing I’m just I’m just listening I’m just listening to you Butler gets both free throws heck of a game by my she doesn’t have any Ide at all no idea Lowry back the other way after the steal and George gets it right back power very aggressive closeup

But the Clippers have a lot of time here Jackson peels off the but he didn’t pulled it back out Reggie allowed Zoo to kind of set by the Clippers moris Chase hero all the way out for is good for adabo fam had to put it up unfortunately for us chased out of the

Lane man one to shoot well just a Swiss army knife for rip it right through go to the Baseline and watch a little Euro one two Butler back the other way but he said the third quarter is important that’s when you can put team

At the break of trail by 20 now it is down to single digits of little chess match right right there out of the timeout Eric Pooler came back with to adjust Butler misses inside Clipper oh 7571 we saw some urgency defs Collide now in the third rebound Zoo lead last week in

Philadelphia love to get it back here overall but again a spurred by them taking pride in their individual now Miami has the ball they’re just two for 10 here take the lead it’s funny how quick you’re the more aggressive team and the ball is bouncing your

Way night to shoot for the Clippers have a put forth an effort but this seems like it hasn’t work together on the defensive end to cut down the easy layups and open shot three to shoot for George for the lead first quarter 14- 12 they are out in front by two

11 from the field here in the frame another three for George this one is long and the rebound batted back challenges any and all counted and a foul and one you need only two for six now after that made basket you don’t want to wake up finds a way to kind of

Break an opposing that’s could to be a tough possession for the and dodge a bullet but good help initially to senior dropped over soon plenty of time for Reggie to recover Reggie Jackson now with nine and the Clippers are back out with the right shoulder shimmy that Reggie gave to

Watch this right shoulder by right there well and indeed Reggie vizen fourth against the Clippers here in this third quarter but they had an opportunity at the line just two for four here tonight misses learn how to cast your ballot and start voting daily at when

They have a 20-point lead in a ball game I mentioned it there’s only B number Zoo takes a seat 10.7 rebound it’ll go to the line for a couple of free throws beautiful hesitation it’s Paul George enough Distance by bam to be able to get couple of free throws

Here George in the quarter Jimmy Butler will take a seat 25 minutes for assists and a tle of two halves here four going to need a big fourth quarter from him probably trying to buy him second quarter from Miami he has 16 yet to score here in this Frame third and it’s

A big one ties up the score here at 81 ping in the middle or passing the ball in the middle to kind of Collap Misses everything and now the Clippers can go two for one here would love to finish with a crescendo here but Patum George pulls it be 23-point game and their win over Utah feeds to hero and the Clippers who trailed by 18 at the turn then Trail lead into the fourth quarter George drives hoists a middle even though it was a player in the little lane to drive and pick up that foul and

George knocks down the first George comes in needless to say losing effort is the defense the Clippers have been hanging their hat on all SE of 26 from the strike here ahead of the horn at least right now for the Clippers whistle and a foul to start this three-point turnaround of this game

Miami led by his Benning is 21 Valu the basketball got stops him and starting this fourth quarter knocking in that shot the victories Miami just 8 and 11 in those games but just pointing out first Miss helping side streu hard close out by was thirsty for the three but

Gives it back over to wall wisely CL out by ol Depot feels the contact how wants a whistle not going to get it no mistake they will have their moments 1041 to play what very unselfish play by Nick Paton that time he could have very easy

Hit Zoo picks up all the depot the game and Miami has a little bit more pop to their offense right here the defensive end too because what you don’t want to do is continue to with mismatches but also giving you stayed in front of him the whole way ol

Now puts Miami out in front by way way into the frame with just moments left to play to regain the momentum it’s 70 in favor of Miami here thisth with a change of bodies uh in regards to the Clippers defense right at the beginning of this

Quarter seems I’m going to be guarded so tightly on the perimeter I got a Crea it from myelf here in this fourth quarter but it does send Luke Canard to the line well the triy part is great stay tuned for Clippers live postgame show with Jamie maio or

Canard and I think with Luke 2 it’s also too he’s been able to do that a little bit more this year by identif he’s finding his rth offensively his last two games he gets back to the olol mo 171 18 just off the bench with you know Shooters around those guys but

There this Miami team is going to have in the Eastern Conference of Si you battl him against oh my good Bam Bam you would hear from adabo and hero before this one is over we still got a long time out for the driver ho brought to you by

Hyundai you turn your back you cut back door you’re going to get beat in like to call it Miami was in that same quarter just one for four to open up pick and roll that time bam was able to get open that was a key as for

Stru challenges Zoo off the window oh my they got a tech for it too for the evil OD happened it was a North South Drive you had to help Canard able to get the free throw here he did I want to be clear that’s a that’s a

Su here two in regards to combat field M Court off C it on zoo and Norman pow was coming off the Tren and let’s See de the Vincent now here great ball movement here from Miami streu attack zo [Applause] inside time near the official on the Baseline JT or who made the call 12 points seven rebounds Off the Bench into the fourth quarter but they have lost with that line change have

Lost 26 right now so as we gain momentum bench got it back hero stops the clock 7:05 to play in the game that could have easily been a Miss shot and then John Wall has a de but now they going to reset their offense real estate and left alone that

Provokes a jumper oh the position two three Zone here by the Clippers and John Wall has it for the Clippers delas Center on the [Applause] floor and streu out by Hero requesting a screen the rebound is controlled by Powell from the line to the Lane opportunity right

There changes C Paul George will check in at the next dead ball just staple to him not allowing him to get anything now you see what he’s 21 Butler whistle foul go to the line for a couple of free four quarter scored the first seven and that

It’s been a captain mous started on the right with a left block but he did a little cre Butler knocks down the first of two bamy has done a good job at the he was 10 for 12 the last time these two teams played there you see is one of

Those players that doesn’t really go hunting for shots sometimes get it and then those are the turnovers that five minute Mark used the stratch ahe at times P Ado late inside for the Clippers down by three good defense there by the clips John W and he gives it right back so two

Consecutive turn fourth quarter 14th overall hero for three to make him pay he does down here for the Clippers there by Hero you don’t see a lot of close outs like that on the trigger and then misses short after Butler was able to recoil the Clippers had all the momentum in the [Applause]

Third Thursday the Clippers head to Denver for a so out Valley sport San Diego and streaming on the valley sport takes some kind of winning form with him and coming out of the time right at the [Applause] elbow nine to shoot for Butler rebound poke Skyward Butler as he is want to do

Comes up with another play for the a whistle and a foul go to the line for two and who’s been but then all of a sudden you find your Rhythm and it’s not NE 6 for six from the free throw line there you see it Miami has been had that the end of

The first quarter beginning of the second quarter where hero took the Baton and extended it for the 21 he tried to step out and shoot more threes well now he’s 11 for 18 are doing in regards of being a three-point shooter Clippers down 10497 this is as

Big of a gap I think lightning in a bottle like we saw in the Motor City runs over his Defender whistle offensive foul 17 2018 I Believe by sacrificing his body Jimmy Butler he talks to the Miami brass they say he’s their right there you saw the intelligence of Victor

Dep taking whole unit again waiting for ol Depot to come along it’s got an awful tough on on the Clippers [Applause] 10697 acting they are recovering and they have made life very difficult for the Norman po Willa Thursday Friday come home California Toyota dealers it is Paul George 24 [Applause]

Points see some magic whether I’m watching a game from afar thinking that the game was in the bag or saw Dallas down nine with just seconds to play Force overtime in week on a bio not the helping hand we were looking for fourth quarter that Miami’s been able to pass

The ball with relative assistance they got in the third quarter where that pass to Easy Pass into a open B to get there in time by not allowing that pass to get zipped right inside8 to 100 107 to play Difference A very very very very talented what what what about Brooklyn

And I mean listen we knew offensive in line tuned in focused defensive team he doesn’t know you don’t I went up to nice like it was he didn’t even try to be nice but he was he wasn’t in parties either no surprising no well you know the address

That’s all it really was there 110 to 100 Miami credit to Miami I still think overcoming a team with momentum the Clippers will fall to 21 and 18 Miami will sweep the seiz 18 the out score of the Clippers in the fourth quarter road kou goes back to the

Drawing board before they take on the De

Miami Heat vs LA Clippers FULLGAME Qtr Feb 06, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season
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