
NBA “Most Heated” MOMENTS Of 2024 Season

NBA “Most Heated” MOMENTS Of 2024 Season

115 98 oh wait a Minute Collins B an elbow and then Mitchell goes right at him thatle Trails he has struggled from three so far and continues to do so there is a battle down low from that rebound and it’s ripped away by Marin and D is get into it and have to be

Separated not sure if there were let’s see here I don’t know if there were words before Jabari what’s going on S dun’s in there he he wait he waiting for him he doesn’t want to fight I’m whatever no no harm no foul probably Tech both ways no timeouts

Here for the Lakers they don’t have to foul yet and GRE does I always think how about have a couple of passes go through maybe you can force a turnover now LeBron James is furious furious two huge free throws goes back there again he’s 81% on the

Season oh yeah I I don’t blame them for wanting a little bit more there in that tight window make it and complete it that is Luca Don this guy is just ridiculous nage came over and pushed Grant Williams as a protect for Kevin Durant then going to have to look at

This nkuch came in normally that would just be a a technical foul fo was between Grant Williams and dur and Duran double technical but probably be something more because nkuch was the third party coming you know nurkic knows Grant’s reputation right yes he’s there for the defense but this guy is known as

An agitator and he will not back [Applause] down Malik grips it away good passing Lane uh-oh Wow Mike Brown in the face of in Wong who just ejected [Applause] him look at the top of your screen he is on the floor he is in the path of the

Official runs into Pat conon I thought it was a little boohaha on the sideline initially but it was mik Brown trying to get to the official got Malik monk trying to Bear hold who head to the scorer table they’ll check in at the next dead ball

Cl’s at The Rim that Cavalier lead all the way down to 10 just a little over two minutes into the fourth quarter and now Clon and Thompson pushing shove oh my [Applause] Durant oh now Booker and Grant Williams are tangled up as security hustles out onto the

Floor we had a defensive foul on Grant Williams and we are looking at the Hostile act following the foul personal foul on Williams he just wouldn’t let Booker go Yeahs the bar in the penalty I don’t know about that one Booker to the sunr line shooting Booker and Williams

Still exchanging pleasantries as he steps to the free throw line here ahead to Reed spinning on tap there’s the help and there’s the score lot of extra going on in this ball game in was it a Double T or we just won on jar no just on Jared to what Dylan did

And Vanderbilt wanted a piece of him that listen I understand it Dylan’s our guy make no mistake but vanderville still frustrated over getting pushed out of the air rocket have just lost their focus Tate gallops misses the layup and then Brooks came flying in there and knocking down and fed LeBron James or

Was this a flop did he did he get this hard hit hard enough and oh Dylan did get him wow yeah arals flagrant one on Dylan Brooks yeah LeBron is he he’s upset he thinks it should be should be more he’s given a ear ear PRI to the officials against jannis so they find him quickly Giannis turns quickly oh uhoh the players got players need to stay BBY por right in the mix players

Need to stay on the bench let the coaching staff and the officials s this [Applause] out [Applause] and involved in a little bit of jawing back and forth with the Lakers in that championship game now that was an aggressive takeown trying to prevent Yannis from you know elevating the score 76 [Applause]

Seconds Patrick Beverly bumped down by Isaiah Stewart moris now Marcus Morris and Isaiah Stewart drawing a little bit and Isaiah livers ask the other Isaiah to stay away Isaiah Stewart was right here does give it to Patrick Beverly get to him pretty good there too George you know sometimes guys will sell

It offensive foul on stward is being reviewed to see if it meets criteria for flager fight yanis the Lillard the step left off the reset and he gets one to go just talking about how much he’s been struggling for three buries that as first make and now Smith and Jackson have to be

Separated Lillard ends up making this three and then Jabari goes right back with an elbow at the top of the back of Jackson and then the two had some words for one another and then had to be separated and now the officials are attempting to adjudicate what just

Transpired blocks right there they all came in that one that hell no fing face oh come on that’s a Foul that is a Foul oh away what a play at The Rim oh that’s going to be a Te you say D it three times that’s happen take a look getting downhill elevates oh yeah he’s not going Quietly that was a technical powerl there’s been assist he has been ejected from the game dein Booker just two for eight from the floor and now a foul called on Chris Paul B number three that’s two on Paul and so Durant will be at the line they’re having a lengthy

Conversation right now do you think that they’re on each other’s Christmas list do you think they send each other Christmas cards Scott Foster and Chris Paul going on for a good 45 seconds this has been going now a technical foul Scott Foster had enough he had had enough after a lengthy

Conversation don’t know if Chris Paul had said something different maybe oh he’s going to get tossed there it is Scott Foster says goodbye and now Steph Curry grabs Chris Paul to hold him back from going back at Scott Foster holiday with the chase down and Bane knocking it off of Dylan

Brooks and uh oh now Bane’s going to get teed up good defense here by Desmond Bay but he has a couple of words and gets really close here to Dylan Brooks right there in the official very reliable now Murray’s in the lane going to scoop it

Up no they’re going to call a foul it’s going to be on DeAndre Jordan for a screening foul and DeAndre Jordan is hot third foul on DeAndre Jordan he’s saying it’s a bad call so DeAndre Jordan sits jic went out with a three-point lead 2623 he’s back in now

It’s a two-point deficit so a minus five in the non yic minutes but what I’m saying is the Denver Nuggets defense has been good through three quarters and DeAndre Jordan might get a technical here and he does and they threw him out of the game and DeAndre

Jordan they call a moving screen here and I mean you call that foul on every single offensive possession for every team in the NBA with how little movement there is the bad news DeAndre Jordan gets thrown out the good news in comes Nicole down this his third block he’s going to take it

All a hammer like nobody [Applause] Has [Applause] and they if they called a technical foul on Yannis that’s his second and he would be gone for the game and he seems Unapologetic about it he’s saying so we’re scoreless we’ll stay z0 the first two minutes and then top danels what is

Going on with that wow you got a fullon frankus going on Raymond came in to defend clay this this got out of hand very quickly like that what what was Jade McDaniels doing they were going at each other’s heads that was serious

NBA “Most Heated” MOMENTS Of 2024 Season includes LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Devin Booker, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Jayson Tatum, Draymond Green, Anthony Davis and many more NBA Superstars!

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  1. McDaniels holds on Klay for way too long, but somehow in all the hubbub its Draymond that gets ejected?!🤣

  2. I’m still not sure how Grant Williams was acting like a tough guy here. Or why Kevin Durant doesn’t get tossed. But all right I’m just confused how you can act like a tough guy while walking away from somebody.

  3. All pro sports have gone down hill since the gambling was accepted, didnt we learn anything from the black sox? Take gambling out the game. these clowns are putting hundreds of thousands down and there bonds go deep back to camps, college , and an occasional diddy party.

  4. Does Grant Williams now just think he’s some sort of tough guy? We all know what happened what Jimmy did to him last year for that.

  5. Heated moments my ass , BS . Just a bunch of millionaires who think they gangsta . Show heated moments from 80s to 00s then we talk . This is like watching Karen videos , soft AF this league 👎🏻

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