@Detroit Pistons

Chicago Bulls TRADE ZACH LAVINE to the Detroit Pistons??

Chicago Bulls TRADE ZACH LAVINE to the Detroit Pistons??

Need to make a trade Tony the trade deadline is coming up February 8th it’s either that or we just keep losing games by a small margin or maybe sometimes winning them what will we actually do hello everyone welcome into this edition of just another year Bulls my name is

Tony sepa and I joined by my co-host Chicago Bulls Insider Nick bar let’s get right into it according to a recent article in the Chicago Sun Times the Bulls are not eager to give LaVine away for nothing just to get off his contract contrary to what you’ll see on Twitter

From you know Lakers fans trying to get LaVine for a bag of chips and a couple blown up basketballs uh the Bulls would rather wait around to see if any teams are desperate for a shooting guard and enter the bidding against the Pistons to drive up the price Nick what do you

Think that price is we’ll get one of the core four which is hilarious that they that that’s a thing they at one of the announcers I think like Pistons guys like tagged that they’re they’re five and like 29 um they’ve won 22 games in the past like season and a half but won

On Sunday beat the Oklahoma City Thunder it’s one Detroit team that won on Sunday that’s crazy I I saw something about that too where it’s like do we need to start talking about how that blemishes uh Chad hr’s chances at Rookie of the Year hilarious back to our beloved Bulls

So we’re gonna need Tony definitely one of the core four uh either Cade Cunningham Jaden Ivy Jaylen durren or um however you pronounce his first name Thompson all of them are are I would say on the table because again they’re they’ve won five games this year of

Course we’re going to need we’re going to need a ton of picks now in terms of a preference of which one you know Kate Cunningham would be great but something tells me they’re gonna want to build around him I don’t know I think Jaden Ivy Jaylen Duren

Maybe would be more likely but that it really doesn’t matter because they’re all below average three-point Shooters in a league where you know long range shooting is is is Daddy and we see that now and I think like obviously we’ve improved on that front a bit but I would

Still like to see us you know care about it a little bit more since it is three points are more than two last time I checked we’ll see it’d be nice to have some other suitors but you know I don’t know if anything’s going to change I

Don’t know if we’ll get to move them at all at this point I don’t even think he’s going to play before the trade deadline um you know with this ankle injury so could be a whole nothing Burger but it the only rumors uh surrounding this right now are are with

The worst team of like all time as a squad we’re better than the Pistons that I can tell you but we are in the nine spot Tony so last time we recorded we were in the 10 spot so we’re moving up in the world uh we’re at 22 and 25 last

Time we chatted we just got off of Kobe’s hot streak he’s for real he’s for real and maybe that’s just me having to say this everyone else probably knew this already after a couple brutal years it just took me a little bit longer to

Be like okay yes this is not just a you know it’s not just a fling we are in a full-on relationship this is this is our guy Julian Phillips our rookie um actually we put a rookie into the game against the Trailblazers and he looked awesome it wasn’t just like that he

Scored double digits scored 11 points but it was also that he had a clutch three at the end um to you know to help us close him out and then Tony you tweeted about it also just one of the most disrespectful blocks of all time it

It was fantastic he used both hands like you can’t it looked like he was playing volleyball and like blocking a spike the question of should we rebuild that’s still on the table I think at this point though Zach isn’t going anywhere so that’s gonna muck this up a bit and then

The last item I would say that’s important for this Bulls team right now is that Patrick Williams is hurt and he’s still hurt Tony do you have an update on that Casey Johnson had put out a tweet uh yesterday we’re recording Monday so on Sunday Patrick Williams is

Wearing a walking boot for precautionary reasons until the team returns to Chicago he sees team doctors so I I would guess that’ll be today Monday uh according to Billy Donovan he’ll undergo further Imaging in Chicago Williams saw doctor in La Donovan said the team doesn’t yet have a timeline for left

Foot to heal off of that visit I guess one way to I don’t know sus out I guess how serious it is is on Monday he was ruled out for Tuesday’s game against the Raptors so that usually doesn’t happen usually get you know one of those game time decisions whatever whether he’s

Hurt or not so he’s he’s hurt this sucks uh like you said Nick we if we want to compete we need to make a trade we’re not a super young team obviously we have young players but our stars are aging if we want to compete this year or even

Next year we probably have to start making some moves Purgatory I don’t know how else to put it like it truly is it’s the old uh yeah the old saying that you’d rather be in in first or you want to be in first or last in the NBA

Because there’s nothing worse than just that especially now where it’s what is it seven to 10 get the play in I mean that’s that’s worse than hell it’s been entertaining because they are in all these clutch games you know so like just objectively speaking it’s it’s entertaining to watch which thank you

For that guys in in terms of like are we a playoff team or not do we need to rebuild like that that’s a bit of a bigger question um I mean I think the answer is probably yes but you can make an argument for for the other way and

That’s that’s what you mean like that’s why we’re in this Purgatory so it’s not super fun to be a fan but for a basketball fan it’s been kind of fun by far the saddest part of the Bulls you know playing how they have been this

Year and last year is they are without a doubt the best team in Chicago and oh well thank goodness you know we’re we’re in some close games and we we get to watch some entertaining basketball which is true and I don’t want to like I do appreciate that it’s better than what

Every other Chicago team has been putting out but man is we have a losing record we have a losing record only a couple games below 500 the March continues we’re only what three games below 500 so pretty good compared to hey man we got hey but to end that on a

Positive note though best fan base in the world um despite being just so mediocre to really bad uh on the spectrum of things here the Bulls Bulls are second in attendance in the entire league still people still care about basketball it’s also just a massive City

And I understand that but um It’s Our Only Hope right now it’s our only hope little play in basketball it sounds like so that’s that’s where we are that’s where that’s where we are dude yes the road to being at least the 10 seed continues so like subscribe comment

Follow us on Twitter that’ll do it for this episode of just another year Bulls thank you all for watching as always Bulls fans keep seeing red

Trade Deadline Countdown: With the trade deadline looming on 2/8, the Bulls are at a crossroads. Will they make a bold move, or are they destined to navigate close wins and losses indefinitely? Tony and Bulls insider Nick dive into the trade chatter that’s shaking up the Windy City.

Welcome to “Just Another Year: Bulls,” where Tony and Nick dissect the pressing issues facing the Bulls as the trade deadline approaches. The pivotal decision: to trade or not to trade?

Latest Buzz: According to a recent report in the Chicago Sun-Times, the Bulls are playing the waiting game, hoping to see if any teams enter the bidding against the Pistons for Zach LaVine. The question on everyone’s mind: What’s the price tag for the dynamic shooting guard?

The LaVine Price Tag: Nick Barr weighs in on the potential cost, suggesting that landing one of the Pistons’ “core 4” players, such as Cade Cunningham or Jalen Duren, might be the key to sweetening the deal. However, the challenge lies in their subpar 3-point shooting in today’s three-heavy league.

Current Standings: A quick overview of where the Bulls stand – 9th spot with a 22-25 record. Coby White’s emergence and Julian Philips’ standout performance against the Trail Blazers take center stage. Is a rebuild on the horizon?

Injury Updates: Zach LaVine and Patrick Williams remain sidelined, but the focus shifts to “The Paw.” They provide the latest on his status for the upcoming clash against the Raptors.

Stay Engaged: Don’t forget to like, subscribe, comment, and follow us on Twitter to stay connected with the latest Bulls insights. Your engagement fuels our discussions!

Closing: Thanks for joining us in this episode of “Just Another Year Chicago.” The trade deadline saga continues, and we’ll be back with more updates. Until then, Bulls fans, keep seeing red!

Tony’s Twitter: @jaycTony
Nick’s Twitter: @JAYCbarrs


  1. The Pistons are not trading any one of those guys for ZL regardless of their current record and they have pretty much said so. They have better talent and ZL doesn’t really add much based on what the Bulls would want back. It’s the same reason Indianna New York
    Toronto and LA said no

  2. Sorry.. Detroit isn't giving away one of the 4..Lavine is injury prone, 30 yrsold, and has a 215mil contract. Also Detroit doesn't HAVE to trade for him despite their record they have cap space, a lottery pick coming and players that other teams want.

  3. How about we give you Killian and Monty Williams and you don't even have to give us ANYTHING back! Deal? The idea that we'd trade ANY of that core four at this point is just not – "reality" – just saying.

  4. now what did Lavine ever win? how many seasons did he play at least 80 games.? 45 mill a yr? for 3 more yrs? if bulls Gm n Company they should be giving draft capital back to any team that would take on his contract, the days of trading for Blake Griffin are long over!!!

  5. You can keep Lavine and that contract. Pistons aren't giving up nothing but expiring contract. Don't worry. By next year the Bulls will be offering picks to get off Lavine contract.

  6. These dudes don't really understand trade or market value. Currently Lavine has zero trade value because of his contract and his injury history. Detroit doesn't have to give up any of their blue chip talent to get Lavine.

    Reason 1. There are no other suitors.

    Reason 2. The contract only gets worse next year making it harder to trade.

    Reason 3. Bulls have zero leverage to demand anything. Detroit's season is a wash they don't have to make a move.

    The Bulls should be happy with CAP relief and second rounders. This is the same sutuation as Drummond and Portzingis. Neither garnered 1st round picks or blue chip talent. Both former All Stars still young. Neither had great trade value and their teams had to settle. Just my thoughts.

  7. I know people are high on LaVine but his contract absolutely KILLS his value. He is an above average player that is getting paid Lebron money. Chicago just needs to settle for some expirings and a couple of second rounders so they can get off that contract.

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