@Denver Nuggets

Will the Denver Nuggets make a move at NBA Trade Deadline?

Will the Denver Nuggets make a move at NBA Trade Deadline?

What will the Denver Nuggets do at the trade deadline this year I’m Ryan Blackburn he’s swiper we are excited to bring a little Denver Nuggets trade deadline preview to you uh swio we’ve been very fortunate to cover a great Denver Nuggets team where the starting lineup has been clicking the bench is

Starting to find its way a little bit I’m curious as to what your initial impressions are of the trade deadline this year for Denver and and what they should be thinking about yeah I mean the most important position for Denver are going to be the backup point guard position the powered forward position

Backup and then the center position and I think probably in that order given that backup point guard is secured with Reggie but they might want a little bit more of a defensive minded guard to play next to Jamal Murray which might be most advantageous given the fact that Jamal

Is going to have a lot of responsibility in a playoff setting he needs someone to be able to protect him on that side of the court but the backup power forward blacko chanar not being here has made a really big deal in the overall size that

De nuggets have in dealing with some of those difficult match up remember blacko last year had some really defensive standout match up versus SGA and some other players he’s a very good athlete remember he had that dunk from the free thr line shot the three ball pretty well

And I think he just offers a lot for this team and without him they have really just lacked that 6 fo8 230 225 pound backup power forward to slot next to Payton and then whoever they’re playing at the center position so that would probably be the two things that

I’ll be looking at backup center you want it for a regular season win there are some players they could Target in there as well but I think you’re looking for someone that you could slot into the roster rotation for the rest of the season so I think it’s going to be

Backup point guard back up power forward yeah and like unfortunately for Denver the the market for those guys is not like it’s not especially good for the contracts that they’re able to give up and like why I say that is because the Untouchables in Denver the players that

They’re not really going to trade is basically it begins with the starting five like Denver wouldn’t trade anybody in their starting five right now that’s Jamaal Murray kcp Michael Porter Aaron Gordon niic those are guys that they are not going to move and you start getting into the problem where Denver just

Doesn’t have a ton of tradable contracts right now Reggie Jackson is currently their sixth man but that he makes $5 million zek Nagi is only a tradable salary for about 4.3 million and he has a poison pill attached to his contract so there’s not a lot of deals that

Denver can do for players kind of in that 10 to20 million range which is the most frequent kind of traded contract around the trade deadline right now so it’s going to be tough for them to figure out exactly who they can deal for uh not to mention they don’t have any

First round picks to trade they can only trade about five second round picks or so and then they’ve got some first round swaps that they can throw in there but there’s just not a lot of stuff that they can do so it really just comes down

To how serious do you think these needs are at back of point guard power forward and Center yeah I don’t want to mitigate the series ious just because we saw that had mattered last year Jeff Green uh for as limited as he was at times he had a

Really important job with his roster helping defensively Aaron Gordon in that small ball five lineup having another athlete next to Nika yic on the cut or somebody in the corner that you could trust at times as a three-point shooter or especially as a slasher and then backup point guard Bruce Brown they

Don’t go 16 and four through the playoff without him now they still win the championship but maybe it’s a little bit more difficult you they secure some of those victories one of them versus the Suns for instance one of them versus the Lakers definitely the last one versus

The Miami Heat so I think a lot of this is you don’t want to say that those positions are unimportant because they are but I will say the Nuggets can still win a title and you know not say easily but pretty handily possibly if they’re all locked in step with one another but

I do still think though what is the easiest pathway for the Nuggets they have enough offense they’re gonna have enough offense can they find another Defender to put in the rotation that will help jic Murray and Porter to carry the load offensively as the lead offensive options and then obviously AG

Kcp pton Christian that’s seven and then you got Reggie that’s eight but I don’t know if that is going to be the final eight if they’re able to find another point guard or power forward that can help them to make a championship Run for the second straight year it’s

Fascinating I’m I’m going to take a different TX here because I think that Denver’s offense is slightly more more vulnerable this year than it was last year where they’re they’re lineups were great last year for the most part offensively and there’s definitely a little bit of weakness guys aren’t

Shooting necessarily as pristinely as they were last year and like I I think a lot of teams have started to catch up to Denver and their their style and the way that they play so it wouldn’t surprise me if they might go for more of an offensive option somebody who could be a

A floor spacer in a way to make things easier for Jamal Murray and Nicole yic and Michael Porter to score uh especially because some of the teams at the top that I don’t think Denver expected teams like the Minnesota Timberwolves OKC Thunder and Los Angeles

Clippers to be making up the rest of the top four in the west if Denver’s going to get through those teams those are some really great defensive teams namely Minnesota and OKC uh Denver’s gonna have to find ways to score on them just as much as they are to stop them so I’m

Curious to see how it goes yeah you know what’s funny though I’ve said this for about a year now uh with this new NBA I don’t think beating Denver with defense is the way to go and I matter of fact I’m going the so far you’re not beating

Denver with an elite defense because Denver is going to have an elite defense the issue is is they’re going to be able to get into almost any action they want but do you have on the other end enough players that are going to be good enough pull-up Shooters good enough Rim

Pressure guys can you really make jic feel like he can’t do anything with you in space can you make kyp Aaron Gordon pton Watson Christian Brown can you make them work enough where they cannot stay in front of you or contain you as a player when they lost to the Suns they

Lost because the suns were housers from the three-point line when they lost to the heat the heat shot 49% from three when they lost to Minnesota Timberwolves now some of this was joic makes a free throw that game is over in four and they go home with a sweep but yeah that’s

What happened Anthony Edwards had the best offensive game maybe outside of game two in that series as well so some of this is you might be able to get Denver once with defense but you’re going to need to score at a high level and that’s why I think the best teams

That are going to be facing Denver in a playoff setting might not be at the top per se which are Minnesota U but might end up being some of the teams like the Clippers that are just a high octane offense that can get a lot of shots in

From really efficient areas on the court so we’ll find out yeah to be clear OKC Clippers they are still great offenses as well just they’re doing things well on both ends of the floor which that’s what great Championship caliber teams do so Denver they’re they’re going to have

Their work cut out for them this year so wouldn’t surprise me if if a guy like Calvin boo says you know what let’s try to add somebody let’s try to shake not not necessarily shake up the rotation but bolster the rotation in a way where you don’t know necessarily what’s going

To happen but might not be the worst idea in the world to add somebody new to that Dynamic so I’m gonna throw around uh three different ideas at you and and we can go back and forth on these if you’d like but I’m going to throw three different ideas based off of some

Reporting that we’ve heard based off of some different ideas and I want you to tell me if you like them or not as a nugget uh kind of correspondent here uh Reggie Jackson vaco chanar and two second round picks to the Washington Wizards for dlon Wright uh how does that

Sound if you’re a nuggets fan and Reggie Jackson uh Flo and you said two second round picks just a it’s basically them like taking on expiring salary and then a couple seconds right worth more than Reggie Jackson right now it’s a good question I think it’s more

About fits and and for a team like Denver like you said he may be able to reprise that defensive role that Bruce Brown played a little bit better than somebody like Reggie yeah it’s funny I think Washington would actually have to give something back in that deal I don’t

Know player for player if he is better and he’s definitely not performing better than Reggie Jackson this year so this would just be they’re swapping out to get something that they need meaning they want more playmaking uh because obviously you know P’s not doing the job

Ron kosma and uh uh crisper and Danny and all that stuff but I think for Denver Denver’s like look you know we really don’t need another pullup shooter at this position now D Wright can score a little bit but we really need you for your defense so it’s a little tough man

So I think that they could make the trade if they got something else back in that deal um I just don’t think Delon Wright is just like a better player than Reggie so some of this would just be about fit I do think Washington have to send something back in that that trade

Second Ty idea here with the Memphis Grizzlies Denver sends Christian Brown and Hunter Tyson and gets back Xavier Tilman and David Rody how would you feel about that move I would not love that I would not love that I think backup center is not as important as a elite

Level defensive Wing an athlete so I think the issue is is that if we’re giving up a wing and we’re getting a big David Rody is not playing David R not going to be the flow rotation for the demver more than likely he just remember Michael Michael Malone I believe last

Year said that best don’t play in the playoffs like you know Rody is just the definition of a specialist he just doesn’t do enough so I would not love that trade either just because so now you get out of Christian Brown you got a backup big but is that backup big

Getting closing minutes Christian will at times so then you kind of lost value to reup value for non- yic minutes so I think prioritizing the yic minutes is the most important thing you can do and Christian it uplifts what they’re trying to do in their best skill set more than

He would one of the ideas of this deal would be Xavier Tillman could be a long-term solution for them as a backup five and and David Rody would also provide a little bit more size and physicality kind of in that Jeff Green role that that you mentioned previously

So it’s interesting to think about I think I agree though that I’d rather keep Christian around because I think the the recent stretch that he had like he looks like he’s bouncing back in a big way so that’s what you want to see from Christian heading into a playoff

Run so I think he’s probably not on the table for that reason um final trade for you though Denver calls up Detroit and they ask uh what about Zeke Nagi vaco chanar for Danilo galinari straight up like you say hey we’re gonna get out of the zek Nagi deal

And we’re gonna get back a guy who maybe could play in the playoffs maybe not but you’re not giving up anybody who would have played in the playoffs yeah I mean you get rid of your most tradable contract as of right now so that would be interesting now if Dilo for sure can

Come back and play in the playoffs I think I think that would be valuable uh the Denver Nuggets have enough Wings to fortify uh he’s not going to be good defensively but could be a really good shooter could be a nice Force baser again kind of your Kevin Love mode where

You don’t have a lot of defensive value at all and you’re not even as big as Kevin so you know some of that is it’s a risk like you know do you truly believe that you’re gonna have Danilo on the court at times closing maybe you do you

Know maybe he takes Aaron Gordon spot and it’s like all right Porter kyp Danilo ginari who you leaving open in this situation so it could end up working out I would be okay with it um but at the same time um I just you don’t know if you want to give up that

Contract in that deal but you know they did it then obviously they see or a potential future D be or not Den be able to close on this lineup in for Boston spacing value for the Bas yeah and like one of the the ideas with it there is

You’ve got Aaron Gordon as your five we talked about feel like that four spot like Galla Galla could definitely like he could guard the four or the five in those situations and it just kind of depends on on the matchup physically but he would provide better spacing than

Just about anybody kind of at the the forward spots that Denver could throw out there rather than play Michael Porter for 42 minutes or something like that so I uh I think that there is a a merit to it at least to explore something like that but maybe Denver

Could find something better on the buyout Market uh which is something that we’d also have to talk about too but yeah uh yeah no it should be should be fascinating this year man uh is there a trade that you want to throw out there that that like a guy that you think

Denver should be targeting yeah look man I don’t know what the Nets are gonna what they’re doing right now they seem to be having some crazy expectation for the return but Dennis Smith Jr just feels like a natural fit um he is a good to really good Defender he’s a very good

Athlete offensive Le there’s some upside there you know you’re not going to ask him to be a like crazy shooter or anything like that but I think it’s cheap you don’t need to give a lot and then on top of that man this is a player that can work around Jamal Murray and

Then especially thinking as a slasher and cutter he would be dynamic going towards the rim with jic taking the big out of the paint so that’s somebody that I’d be looking at Theon Wright is also somebody else I’d be looking at as much as I love Monte Morris again I just

Think goes back to that thing you know you need a defender in that role um but I think Dennis Smith Jr D Wright uh they were on Sharp if you could somehow get a deal for both of them that’s what I’ll be looking for it’s interesting that I

Think that Brooklyn is a team that is right for trades and like they could go a bunch of different directions with their team and they’ve got a lot of guys that I think in the right situation you could see working so I’m curious to see how it goes but uh yeah maybe it’s

Dennis Smith maybe it’s uh Dron sharp maybe it’s even somebody like a Roy O’Neal or or going going even more aggressive like ad Dori and Finny Smith that would be very very fascinating um last question I have for you is there a a name that you know that’s out there

Right now on the trade market a big name that uh maybe Denver’s not going to get but this player could potentially shift the playoff race for you I mean LeBron James that’s top of the list put out fielders man yeah that’s that’s top of

The list you know if he goes to New York that changes everything for the future for the LA Lakers and for the Western Conference and then it changes up the opponents uh coming out of the Eastern Conference because James with Jaylen Brunson and Oobi and all that that would

Be a very formidable uh roster um he’s obviously at the top of the list Jimmy Butler I don’t know it’s not true at all because I just don’t see Miami being like we’re going to get rid of the reason why we gone to two finals in the

Last four years would they could do it again for a third year in five yeah I’m not doing that um that those would be the two biggest names on the market Pascal already got moved Andrew Wiggins could possibly be on the move to someone uh for another young starish player and

So Wiggins is another one of those dudes that had to got the experience and he has he’s got it but like he’s also just so far away from where he was just even a couple couple years ago so I’m I’m curious to see like if any team wants to

Take a chance on that and try to rehab his value but uh Golden State they’re 12th in the west right now like they they they’ve got to get aggressive on on stuff like this too so yeah who do you think might be the swing Factor either a

Big star on the market yeah I mean Jimmy’s the one that like it’s like the secret one that people aren’t necessarily sure what’s going to happen there uh outside of that man Deon Mur is probably not good enough to really move the needle for a team and I just I just

Don’t see like especially for Denver like if if hypothetically dejonte Murray gets moved or let’s say let’s say it’s miles Bridges who gets moved to Phoenix like does that change your opinion of the Phoenix Suns in any way shape or form not really to me like they they get

Another guy yeah like they get another guy that’s very tough to to guard and that’s it so I I find it very difficult to see like is is there a guy that the Clippers or The Wolves or the Thunder could get I mean I guess the Thunder

Could get super aggressive in secret but like M there’s there’s a few players that can go out to sure but like I just I just don’t think that they’re going to you know so and if that’s the case then like those are the teams I think are challenging and I don’t think that

There’s anything that they could do specifically that firmly changes their future against the Nuggets right yeah I mean I don’t know what mve wolf could make with outside of trading carony talent to getting like a really really really solid return in for cat um who you know was going to another

All-Star game so yeah I mean I don’t know I’m not saying you know the teams are going to stand Pat but a lot of this stuff I think going to change a lot of Team destinations is tertiary mov to me Boston uh they could easily upgrade their seventh man in their rotation they

Don’t want pton brard uh you know they don’t want Sam Hower they don’t want Luke cornette they want a real seventh option on that roster outside of Derek white Drew holiday Jaylen Brown Jason Tatum and Chris do porzingis that could be a spot um the Mavs they have Grant

Will Willams and maybe they can upgrade from that disaster signing he’s a good player but yeah you know what I mean like maybe they can find a wing just like is Kyle kosma changing your opinion of the of the Mavericks to you yeah they would be tougher for sure but I don’t

They’ be tougher but like I mean yeah you’re just gonna have to you’re gonna have to guard and there that’s not going to change your your opinion on how easy it is to score on them in my opinion so like it’s tough like the West is is

Crazy man there’s there’s so many teams like if if hypothetically let’s say OKC was to trade for uh Andre Drummond like does that change your opinion of them if those backup would be key but no not again still not not long term or at least for Championship ODS no um but OKC

They could be good enough to get to the Conference Finals right now themselves so without anything so and I think the thing with OKC man we just don’t even know what the match up looks like because Denver only been fully healthy and like had you know a

Day of a regular B basketball day once versus that team outside of a back toback and kcp not being there or like whatever and then joic obviously missing the last one and they’ve all been close games except for two of them when NE wi

By 33 and then I think they lost by 21 I believe so yeah we’ll see yeah I mean they’re a tough team uh Clippers will be a tough team TS would be a tough team I think that they’ll all be tough and Denver’s got their work cut out for them

But not sure the trade deadline’s going to change much for any of these teams maybe the buyo market changes something but if only in a very very minor way but how do you feel like fadus young will be on on dinner at the back of for uh he

Would be helpful like he’s he’s one of those guys that knows what he’s doing he could run some pick and roll like that’s that’s a good replication of Jeff Green I think that’s that would be interesting yeah that’s kind of where I’ve been sitting at like what would be the

Bargain B player you could add it’ll probably be Fus yeah hopefully he gets bought out because I don’t I don’t think they’d want to trade for him but that would be an interesting buyout guy all right folks well hey let us know down in the comments below who you think Denver

Should trade for what you think they should do and if there’s a team that you’d be scared about uh acquiring a certain player at the trade deadline we’ll be fascinated to see the comments thank you so much everybody he’s swiper I’m Ryan we’re out

The Denver Nuggets are once again leading contenders to win a championship. With the NBA Trade Deadline fast approaching, the Nuggets and other NBA teams will look to add to their rosters with trades and buyout market signings to make their teams better. Will the Nuggets make a trade? Are they good enough to win a championship without making a move? Ryan Blackburn and Swipa discuss Denver’s options at the trade deadline, present fake trade ideas, and discuss what moves other teams could make that the Nuggets should be concerned about.

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  1. Losing Vlatko this is the only reason the rest of the NBA stands a chance at competing w the Nuggs this season…such a bummer.

  2. I wish the nuggets would maybe trade Naaji for Myers Leonard in the Bucks. Leonard is a solid power forward that the Bucks don't need at all and I think Leonard would be better than Naaji. Leonard can shoot the three and play decent defense.

  3. I like those trade scenerios Ryan. Roddy is a better offensive player than CB. Gallo would make the bench a squad with CB and P-wat.

  4. MPJ sucks period for a guy who dribbles the ball like he has butter in his hands and ain't no dependable 3 point shooter the guy is being out shoot by less 3 point shooters than him in every other side every game

  5. I’d put our starting 5 up against any starting 5 in the history of the game. As far as the bench is concerned, I wish we could land an Al Horford-esque type of player, but I’m not sure there’s anyone out there like that? Santi Aldama or Thomas Bryant might be good options?

  6. Tilman would be a good reinforcement as a replacement for the Joker. Strong player and can score close to rim, DJ he can't play defense, especially in the playoffs.

  7. CB he's been playing very poorly all season, not counting the last game with Portland, also Porter Jr. is playing erratically and doesn't look like Porter from last season. Denver for Porter can get two players or a player and one pick. They would relieve the budget and could combine something for a better playoff

  8. Mpj will need to be traded at some point for this team to progress…

    Denver would trade mpj!

  9. If calv, michael, stan, & josh want a little insider tip here it is (Reggie, Zeke, Strawther, DJ, Holiday, Pickett, Tyson & Multiple 2nd rd pks~~~To Chicago 4 ~~~ Caruso, Dosunmu, Drummond, & Phillips) The money works and the value should as well only Chicago would still have to move 3 other players

  10. He!! No on the delone write trade… i would rather have reggie and Vlatko… zeke and mpj are who we need to trade.

  11. They can try and trade Zeke for a can of coke & a happy meal @ McDonald’s..
    Probably a good deal for both .

  12. I don't understand the idea that they need another back up point guard. That makes no sense to me. A guard that fits better than Reggie alongside Jamal with the second unit does make some sense.The Nuggets are going to play AG as the second unit 5 during the playoffs so getting a back up center might help win some games during the regular season–could be important with how tight the west is–but I don't see that adding real playoff value. I think a longer versatile wing/perimeter defender would be the best addition. If he can score a little and shoot decently from 3 so much the better. Dorian Phinney-Smith would be the prototype.

  13. Am I wrong thinking we can trade a max player for a max player? Or even a max player for a mid level player and gain some pics? Ie MPJ for ___insert max player____ or MPJ for Bruce Brown +_______.? Move Pwat to the starting line up and get a scoring/playmaker to play off the Bench a la Bruce Brown last year.
    By the way, I think that helps CB too… as his problem is him and Pwat are not their own shot creators so without BB the 2nd unit is a bit off this year. I like MPJ. I don't necessarily think we need to trade him..But I'm just asking, can't we get cap relief and BB, or even another max player back for MPJ? Just a question not saying we should

  14. All that for DeLeon Wright??? I think Reggie is the better player. Why would we give so much for a worse player??

  15. We don’t need some1 that just wants to shoot 3s need some1 that likes 2 put there head down and attack the paint

  16. This episode is great. I think it just fun to talk about, but like last year Denver is not making any moves. The next big thing we can expect will happen after the season and after they win their second championship 🏆

  17. A 4 or 5 is way way way more important than a point guard. We have point guards even if they aren't perfect but we dont have any bigs. Joker or Gorden get in foul trouble or worse tweek an ankle they are done. There isnt a legit backup at either of those spots.

  18. MPJ isn't the same player from last season. He's regressed offensively and defensively. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being traded.

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