@Chicago Bulls

Bulls Win in WILD 2nd Half Comeback over Timberwolves

Bulls Win in WILD 2nd Half Comeback over Timberwolves

So I tweeted before the start of the game about how it would be fun to see the Bulls win this game tonight against the best team in the Western Conference the number one defensive team in the league and now the front office will use this as a justification for doing

Nothing at the trade deadline and of course I kid one because I didn’t actually think the Bulls would win this game but two there is no way that AK would use that as an excuse citing this game specifically for why they didn’t make any moves but what may have been a

Joke now has me thinking I could very well see this being the case granted I think most of us have been kind of embracing the fact that the front office isn’t going to be making any moves at the deadline and a win like this almost

But confirms it and in a weird sick way after this incredible comeback game of a win I almost don’t want to see them make any trades well let me reface if they’re going to get good value in return for the trades then great but don’t trade

Some of these guys just to make trades I mean I think that goes without saying but you get what I mean after seeing the way this team competed in the second half and knowing that they have this in them it’s somehow gives us this glimmer

Of hope like man they can do this they can do this if they can just maintain this level of competitiveness and having that edge and tenacity in them the problem though is we’ve been seeing this from the same core of guys for the better part of three years now they give

Us these flashes of what they can do turning things around and looking like one of the best teams in the NBA out there to then completely falling apart and regressing back to what we’ve been used to seeing that’s really the main thing that gives me pause with this

Group is their lack of consistency their lack of effort and tough play for the whole 48 minutes that brings me back to reality and say yeah changes still need to be made that said though we won’t focus on the trade deadline for now and the Bulls and what they should and

Should not do at the trade deadline let’s talk about this incredible game eerily similar to the game against the Sacramento Kings in which the Bulls found themselves down early a lackluster first half filled with bad turnovers poor shooting poor defensive effort and just like in the game against the kings

That even trickled in a bit into the third quarter but luckily for the Bulls since they only dug themselves into to a 23o deficit instead of 30 they were able to successfully come back and win this game and they did it on sound team basketball was some of the best defense

We have seen I know I said that about the game against the Kings where the Bulls played some of the best defense we had seen from them all season this second half was even better I mean you talk about being everywhere and every player giving maximum effort on the

Court on the defensive side and not just effort but playing smart defense reading switches perfectly getting through screens playing great off ball defense the wolves still had incredible ball movement in the second half they really made the Bulls work for it but the Bulls never let up forced tough shots

Turnovers and that turning point in the third quarter where the Bulls outscored the Wolves 36 to 23 they weren’t giving them anything Anthony Edwards was torching the Bulls in the first half and it looked like he was going to go off for a career high at the rate that he

Was going still finished the game with 38 but went cold and was shut down in the second half in large part thanks to AC I mean here’s the thing that gets me it wasn’t just Alex Caruso it really was a collective effort on the defensive end tonight in the second half hell even

Vich was playing solid deep getting the start at Power Forward tonight the Bulls had a season High 16 blocks in this one 16 blocks that was the highest number of blocks the Bulls had in a game in N9 years according to the broadcast crew tonight Vu and Drummond combined for

Eight blocks in total Caruso had four blocks of his own as a guard like listen I have to give Billy Donovan some credit in this game I know I’ve been critical here and there of Billy and I know some fans have been even worse than I have

When it comes to to his coaching but give him credit for this one trying out a new lineup knowing you’re going up against the twin towers and Cat and goar trying out something new because clearly what the Bulls had been putting out there wasn’t working with the small ball

Lineup that they had with no Patrick Williams but second also in taking a different approach with Kobe white on offense in the second half Kobe was a non-factor in the first half and that was mainly because the Wolves were hounding him and not giving him any space to get looks because the Bulls

Were mainly having Kobe play on the ball in the first half which is usually the case and what he’s most com with in the second half the Bulls mainly had Kobe playing off the ball not all the time but far more possessions they did in the first half and because they had him

Playing off the ball in a catch and shoot roll or cutting the basket they were able to get way more out of Kobe getting better looks and it paid massive dividence that and also the fact that Kobe just played much much better in the second half he didn’t looked as engaged

In the first for whatever reason that might have partially been because he wasn’t able to get to the basket and his shots weren’t falling so he might have been a bit frustrated but for Kobe White having three points at halftime exploded for 30 points in the second half alone

Hitting 7 threes going 7 for 13 from Deep 11 for 21 overall finishing at the basket despite being heavily contested and drawing contact but also making the right plays inside using vvi and Drummond in the pick and roll and mean we’ve been talking about how we wanted

Kobe to start taking over in the fourth quarter having the ball go through him more and you saw that tonight Kobe is what helped the Bulls win this game by changing things around in the fourth quarter and taking over the game it wasn’t as much the case in overtime as

Demar did the bulk of scoring and closing out the game in OT but Kobe is showing yet again why he’s the future for this team 33 points five rebounds seven assists now back to the vuich Drumm and pairing in the starting lineup this is the first time we’ve seen both

Of them start we’ve seen them each get a handful of minutes together more recently with guys being out but this was the first extended period of time we’ve been able to see them play alongside together with Drummond playing the five and vvi at the four and honestly

I actually loved it now I don’t know if it would work consistently over time and I need to see a larger sample size of them playing together but it was great in their first start together because with Drummond as the primary rebounder this enabled vuvi to get out to defend

The perimeter more with both of them together you saw better overall Rim protection and box outs you saw a situation where Vu could take jumpers and they actually being someone down low who could grab the board for another opportunity also helped that vuich actually hit some of his threes tonight

But 24 points overall for vu did a much better job finishing in the paint despite having one of the best Rim protectors in the game on him for a lot of possessions was 10 for 16 overall six rebounds and then for Drummond I mean we’ll see if the Bulls end up moving him

His name has been coming out in trade rumors a lot more recently but a game like this certainly helped his stock his trade stock I mean he was putting in work on Rudy goar even throwing it down on him a couple times for a dunk 16 points 16 rebounds four blocks six

Offensive boards alone just a solid stat line a great game for Drummond who brought some life and energy into this team and then of course my guy Alex kuso just love this dude I really hope he’s still with the team by Thursday’s game because you look at his numbers and you

Say well three points he shot one for five what was so great about this game but wouldn’t you know it he was a team High plus 19 in the game nine rebounds six assists two Steals and four blocks just always seems to make the right play the right passes the right reads on

Defense his presence alone in the way he’s been able to shoot threes this SE season helps spread the floor even when he’s not knocking them down like we saw tonight just a great game from Caruso who sparked this comeback with his defensive effort and getting the crowd

Back into the game and then of course Demar to Rosen dear actually had four steals tonight by the way he’s been getting steals like crazy this season but dear 33 points doing most of his damage at the line 17 for 18 from the free throw line 33 points five assists

And only one turnover you know there was one play and I think it was in OT where the Bulls got the ball off a turnover and dear was running with the ball in transition the Bulls were two and you think uh dear is going to try to do some

Risky play where he takes it in himself with two guys on him but he made the extra pass drawing the defense away from Andre Drummond and found him down low on a cut to the basket for an easy two like I know we give Debo a hard time and

Trying to do too much in the closing minutes but we really do underestimate sometimes his IQ in those moments and making the right plays and it’s hard to see the bulls actually finishing out this game in overtime without him anyway last game for the Bulls before the deadline last home game before the

All-Star break they move back to three games below 500 with the Grizzlies and the magic up next two very winnable games we’ll see if the Bulls can continue to make strides in the right direction and also what changes if any we see between now and then to this

Roster I’ll obviously keep you guys posted should any trades happen here you can also check out my second channel the NBA channel for any updates and trades League wide as always be sure to subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one

Reacting and recapping the Bulls comeback win over the Minnesota Timberwolves

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  1. I hear you, Bulls Central. They have it in them. We are playing with some injuries for two years. This year's team is far more solid than last year's with the new additions and drafts and removal of the scrubs. Is patience and continuity a virtue? Can Zo and Zach put us over the top? Can P-Will make the same leap as Coby? Can Coby sustain his rise? Will Jevon finally show up? The thing about these Bulls is they are all a bunch of likeable guys that seem to enjoy each other and respect their seemingly inadequate coach. It's really hard to give up on them. I LOVE the two center line-up, as well. Has the solution for our need for more bigs been right under our noses this whole time? Is this a seismic victory tonight? Do we wait for full health next year?

  2. PG- Coby White
    SG- Demar Derozan
    SF- Patrick Williams
    PF- Nikola Vucevic
    C- Andre Drummond


    PG- Ayo Dosunmu
    SG- Alex Caruso
    PF- Torrey Craig
    C- Adama Sanogo

  3. Give coby and demar lavine's money dey deserve it lavine trash 🗑 trade lavine thats all been saying since day one facts its obvious he was holdin us back fuck lavine im happy wit our line up now jus need to tighten up a lil bit thats all ever since lavine got hurt players are showin there potential facts

  4. Ppl say demar old etc but he more consistent than so called all star lavine smh lavine shuda been gone long time ago amazing he lasted dis long but now every body see's he over payed over rated trash 🗑 clear up that cap space cuz any body we get wud be better than lavine 💯

  5. To be honest, I wouldn't care about any of the bulls that played tonight getting traded, except for Caruso and Coby. Those two make this team watchable. Other than them, Dalen, Phillips, and P Will, I wouldn't care about a fire sale

  6. This game is a true anomaly because the Timberwolves lineup with Gobart and KAT allowed the Bulls to play Vuc and Drummond for extended minutes. There's hardly any other team in the league where that's possible so we should be careful not to take too much from this win. We're just a match-up nightmare for them.

  7. Coby White managed in a handful of games this season to flip me from a hater to me saying he is the future lol

  8. Just when I was about to give Coach Donovan an "A"….once again he wets the bed and freeze out Coby by going to Demar in the final minutes of the 4th quarter and OT. Luckily Demar didn't make Billy look like an idiot.

    "B minus" overall.

  9. We may not be winning no championships but I love this roster. You can tell this group of guys enjoy playing together and they all fight for one another even in tough times.

  10. Coby and bulls need play with that intensity all the time…not just some of the time. Thats been the problem. They proove over and over they already have what it takes…but cant keep it together at all times. Very confusing

  11. The bulls need to officially trade lavine, demar, and vuc. Build around coby White, ayo, and Patrick Williams. There are our core 3 and with the emergence of coby white we don't need lavine anymore. Demar has to go because one he should be with a good contender and two to help the development of Pat will.

  12. Using a one-game outlier out of 50 to say that “This team can do this is” is worse than delusion. It’s incompetence.

  13. Let’s keep Andre and vooch on the floor like this. It’s hard for teams to play against that size. Drummond can push any center around in this league.

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