@Milwaukee Bucks

Doc’s comments about playing MarJon or Andre last night.

Doc’s comments about playing MarJon or Andre last night.

by abr797


  1. tsagalbill

    Love the Pat support. I hope we see the true Pat in the playoffs.

  2. stevenomes

    He’s important yes, as salary filler in any trade

  3. ParistoLagos

    Doc is clueless. When will he realize the treasures he has in his toolbox?  They got rid of Bud because of this same reason, and we are now dealing with a coach that refuses to play young players and only want to stick with veterans.  Doc needs to stop living in the past and understand that the Pat he played against when he was the head coach of the Sixers is not the same Pat in 2024.  We’ve seen what Pat can do, and we no longer want to see him doing unnecessary cardio for 25 minutes without any productivity.  Pat has been terrible all year.  What makes Doc think he’s going to suddenly bring it during the playoffs? We have at least 2 young players that can help this team, and will probably do a much better job than whatever he thinks Pat can provide to the team. Instead of wasting valuable time and resources trying to get Pat going, why don’t they use their time, energy and resources to build up the young players.  Both Andre and Marjon fits the kind of players we desperately need on this team defensively.  Let’s focus on developing them now so that they can be valuable for us in the playoffs instead of focusing on a guy that has no more value for us as a player.

  4. Wonderbread6969

    I’m glad Eric asked the question. If that’s the true answer, that’s a perfectly acceptable route for a coach to take. I know it’s popular to hate on Pat right now, but getting him back to contributing in a more positive way would only be good. Giving players consistent minutes to find a rhythm is the best way to do that. Nobody loved it last year when Marjon got 4 random minutes every 3rd game last year.

    His value is probably super low around the league currently, so it can’t get much lower. If he happened into a big shooting night, then great he helps the bucks and also possibly increases trade value.

    I just hope the other AJ/AJJ/Marjon also get their opportunity to find their rhythm and confidence under him as well.

    All that being said, the 18 minutes from Robin is not great. Understanding we are shorthanded and maybe not wanting to go full game 7 mode forcing Giannis to be physical with Nurkic/Eubanks all game while also having to carry the offense alone. So there’s a reason to play him, but let’s hope they find another way to solve that problem, either through a roster move or adjusting the rotation.

  5. sabertooth753

    Well, for the sake of being optimistic, I can see why he made a point to bring Pat’s confidence back, considering what he has done the previous post seasons.

    Would I prefer him giving AJJ or Marjon a chance these past games? Absolutely. However, based on the playing time AJ Green got these games, I’m positive Doc will eventually give AJJ or Marjon a chance if the time is right and the are not traded. I guess we’ll see.

  6. deevotionpotion

    Pat definitely has lost something. Maybe he wanted Pat to have a game to show he’s useful at least a tiny bit in a trade.

    Just think last night would’ve been the night to pull the plug on the young guys and let the vets get more rest after this trip. Especially after Middleton went down.

  7. CuredPlutonium

    Pat sucks, where is this belief that he’s gonna turn up coming from? 😂😂😂😂😂

    You guys are drunk

  8. yungchigz

    I can understand that tbh but AJJ has just as much chance to be important for us based on what he’s shown this year on both ends of the floor. Freezing him out in his rookie season that was going well as he’s learning and developing into the kinda player we need is not the best way to go about managing the roster imo

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