@New York Knicks

Knicks Reject HORRIBLE Trade Offer From Dallas… | New York Knicks News

Knicks Reject HORRIBLE Trade Offer From Dallas… | New York Knicks News

As we approach the trade deadline multiple teams are interested in quitting Grimes and they want to trade for him and one team actually tried to trade for him recently in the Dallas Mavericks unfortunately for them their trade offer was quickly rejected by the New York Knicks we’re going to break

Down exactly what that trade offer was and why the Knicks actually rejected it so quickly all of this and so much more today if you’re not already subscribed to the channel go ahead and hit that subscribe button now and make sure you have notifications turned on so you

Don’t miss a second of the new content and now let’s get started the Knicks have rejected a Dallas Mavericks trade offer which was absolutely awful now we already know the New York Knicks have been Fielding offers for Quinton Grimes for the last few weeks they’ve been trying to trade

Him Evan forier and a couple of draft picks in order to get another impactful player on this roster now have they pulled the trigger on a trade yet obviously not cuz Quinton Grimes is still a Nick but they have been talking to multiple teams trying to gauge his

Trade value and seeing what type of trade offers are out there for Grimes that they could potentially accept and get another impactful player on this roster one of the teams rumored to be interested in Quinton Grimes was the Dallas Mavericks and recently according to an NBA Insider he noted that the

Dallas Mavericks actually gave the New York a trade offer to get Quinton Grimes on their roster unfortunately that trade offer was so terrible that the New York Knicks rejected it in record time let’s take a look at exactly what that trade offer was from the Dallas

Mavericks shout out to my guys big Nick energy on the app X for giving us the following information Pur Steph Bondi an NBA Insider with the New York Post he States the Nicks rejected a trade offer from the Mavericks the deal was centered around Quinton grime and Grant Williams Bondi notes that the

MAV showed interest but their package was quickly turned down by the Knicks of source stated shout out to Steph Bondi an NBA Insider with the New York Post for giving us this update on the New York Knicks and that trade offer that they received from the Dallas Mavericks

I am not surprised at all that that trade offer was rejected so quickly if I saw that trade offer come on my table for Quinton Grimes I would have laughed turned it down and never picked up the phone again for the Dallas Mavericks at least for a week Dallas would have been

On a timeout after that trade listen I understand Grant Williams I understand we need more sides I understand we are down Mitchell Robinson we are down Julius Randall Isaiah hartenstein is dealing with some injuries as well too so I can understand why the New York Knicks would potentially look at adding

Some more size however after the emergence of press aoua what he’s been doing I think the New York Knicks are less focused on getting a big man and more f focus on getting a position of need which is really a bench player that’s a guard right now that can help

Stabilize the offense once Jaylen Brunson is not there so that’s the player I think that they’re looking at trading Quinton Grimes for a player like Grant Williams is not something that the New York Knicks are looking to do and I don’t blame them in one bit you do not

Trade Quinton Grimes your young player your young asset that mainly is going to be asked for in any type of Allstar or Superstar trade that you make down the road you don’t trade that player for a guy like Grant Williams all due respect for him but I do remember that guy

Saying I’mma hit him I’mma make them both and he didn’t make them both and he said that to my guy Donovan Mitchell so yeah I don’t need another guy on this team that could potentially not make the New York Knicks trade for other players because they remember what he did to

Them in the past I don’t want that on the New York Knicks shoulders I don’t want that player on the New York Knicks and clearly and obviously I don’t want grat Williams on this team there are so many other players on the table that are available right now that the New York

Knicks could get without including Quinton Grimes in the deal that would be better a better fit than Grant Williams would be and it wouldn’t cost you Quinton Grimes whether by accident or not Quinton Grimes has been playing very well Off the Bench his defense has looked great and that has all increased

His value once your value is increased the offers that you used to get for Quinton Grimes no longer matter it’s all about the current offers based on its current value because in today’s NBA that’s all that matters it matters about what you’re doing now because that’s what you’re going to sell teams it’s

Great if you did great for the last few seasons but if you did great for the last few seasons and you’re doing even better now that’s only going to help your case in regards to a trade and I think that’s what the New York Knicks want to have happen right now Quinton

Grimes he is out with a little bit of an injury and when he was in he was playing limit lied minutes he looked good in limited minutes but limited minutes off the bench are exactly what they are it’s going to hurt your value some and I think it might make more sense to

Explore Quinton Grimes trade during this offseason during the summer where more teams will understand their gaps in their teams their rosters and understand what players they want to trade for more specifically maybe they want a young three and D wing and Quinton Grimes might fit that bill perfectly for some

Other contending teams and they might give you a first round pick and a player of impact more than you’ll get right now for Grimes so that’s why sometimes it helps if you’re patient sometimes the Knicks I think are too patient but sometimes patience isn’t always a bad

Thing it’s all about how you’re patient and in what situation and in this situation I don’t mind the Knicks doing that especially if the trade offers that you’re getting are trade offers centered around Grant Williams for Quinton Grimes that doesn’t make sense I get the player

That he is I guess he could help the Knicks in terms of size and come coming off the bench I understand that but for Quinton Grimes have we fallen so far out of touch with who these players are that we’re willing to give up young assets

For guys like Grant Williams has the NBA fallen asleep do we think that the New York Knicks front office has just no idea who these players are and would trade them for nothing do they really think that the New York Knicks would trade Quint Grimes for a player that’s

Not impactful for a player that doesn’t help move the needle for a player like G Williams I don’t think so this trade offer was absolutely rejected very very quickly and that’s because the New York Knicks understand what time it is it’s not time to play games it’s time to make

A statement we’re not entertaining your BS offers we’re not entertaining all of the offers that you think other Pastor genes of New York Knicks would have accepted we’re not doing that if you’re not going to give us a fair offer for Quinton Grimes if you’re not going to

Give us a type of star player and in regards to a quitting Grimes trade then we’re not going to do the deal there’s no sense to make the deal the Knicks look like one of the best teams in basketball in 2024 do they really need

To make a move do they really need to make a massive move right now I don’t think so now I do want them to make a trade because I understand how the playoffs are going to be and I think you need more elite players on your roster

When you get there so that’s why I am definitely in favor of the New York Knicks making a trade especially for an impactful player but there’s the key there impactful player if the Knicks can’t get an impactful player for a reasonable offer then I’m okay with them

Not making a move and I know that may come as a surprise or a shock to some people but here’s the thing I love this team and I don’t want this Nick team to get fleeced or give up a lot of assets for a player that really isn’t the

Player that they need so we have to really understand that and focus on that I want the Knicks to make a move there are players on the board right now that are available that the Knicks can Target Target that will help this team today and in the future we all understand that

But if they can’t get those players for reasonable offers then are we talking about the same thing here because I get that we need to make a move but we don’t need to make a move and force ourselves to give away assets that we could use

Right now for a player that won’t help us now or in the future because making a move just to make a move is not helpful making a move for somebody who’s impactful somebody that can actually help you somebody that can make you better especially in the postseason then we’re talking about something that

Matters talking about this right now talking about a Grimes trade right now with the centerpiece of Trades that they’re receiving on the table is Grant Williams makes no sense to me shout out to the New York Nicks shout out to Leon Rose and shout out to the new front

Office of the Knicks for taking the time to reject this offer in record time because if I was them I would have done the same thing too Grant Williams for Quinton Grimes thanks but no thanks there are other offers out there better offers out there that I would make right

Now and I would include Quinton Grimes in those deals way before I would include him in any deal for Grant Williams but what about you guys what do you think about this trade offer the Dallas Mavericks made to the New York Knicks to try to trade for Quinton

Grimes and would you have rejected it so quickly as well too let me know in the comments Below guys because honestly I would love to hear from you but that’s going to do it for this episode I hope you enjoyed it and if you did go ahead

And smash that like button leave a comment below and of course guys please subscribe to the channel until next time Nick fans peace

For the last for weeks, the New York Knicks have been fielding offers for Quentin Grimes to understand his trade value as we approach the deadline. A number of teams are interested in Grimes and trying to trade for him, including the Dallas Mavericks. Recently, the Mavs attempted to trade for Quentin Grimes. However, their trade offer was so terrible, that the New York Knicks quickly rejected it, making a statement to the entire league. Troy Mahabir breaks all of this down!

00:00 – Intro
00:41 – Knicks Decline Awful Trade Offer From Mavs
01:45 – Mavs Wanted To Trade Grant Williams For Quentin Grimes
03:30 – Grimes Should Only Be Traded In A Star Trade Deal
06:36 – Knicks Rejecting Mavs Trade Offer Sends Message To NBA

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  1. You are missing the key fact. You cannot trade Grimes for Grant straight up. It also about the what had to be added to Grimes to make the money match (Donte or IHart). That would get a resounding NO. Now if the countered with Fournier/Grimes for Grant/Green/ Hardy, more like it. Let’s not over value Grimes!

  2. Well Grant Williams is s better player then grimes.I dont see anything wrong with this fit besides maybe chemistry issues at first and williams could also help beat Celtics with his knowledge of thier plays.its not really bad trade st all in the long hall for the future where u could include him in a package for a star player if available

  3. That didn't take long for the Mavs to sour on Grant Williams. And while I'm glad Leon and Co. rejected that offer, a deal does need to be made for a back-up PG, especially with the way our players are getting bit by the injury bug.

  4. Dallas is ridiculous. NYKs and Leon should respond back and say we trade Grimes for Luka Doncic straight up! How they like that? That seems like a fair trade 😂

  5. So tired of us KNICKS fans talking about trading for a star a superstar etc etc. we haven’t had a legit point guard in decades. We haven’t had the entire city behind us and winning. Let’s enjoy the moment. Sheeesh

  6. Grimes been playing better, he's finally putting the ball on the floor and attacking instead of just shooting like he's scared! Nah Grimes still has a ceiling that will help anyone who has him.

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