@Los Angeles Clippers

Clippers top seed in West: will Kawhi, PG, Harden & Westbrook make the Finals? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Clippers top seed in West: will Kawhi, PG, Harden & Westbrook make the Finals? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Do I want him to win it all in June no I don’t but I I’m going give him a real shot at I’m give him a seven man seven as I told you before start of the season and even now yeah when they acquired James Harden and

I was told that this team is really good and I was told by somebody that knows basketball 18,000 times more than anybody that this team is really good who and they’re and they’re going to win 18,000 times more than anybody anybody cuz you can’t argue with it you got to

Just accepted and be quiet and sit there and don’t say one word because they know what they’re talking about Magic Johnson tell you that well but look so I give him a seven skip right everybody on the team is playing well obviously we talked about Kawhi Leonard having an

Opportunity to win the MVP we talked about his numbers shooting 53% 40 plus from three you know 89 plus from the free throw line but here’s the big wild card and the X Factor that everybody was waiting on to see if it would blow up on them is the James Harden James Harden

With a career high of Threes over 43% for three knocking it down but everybody’s bought in the tyo he told us that the when they acquired James hard just give us 11 games just give us 11 games and now you look up and you look at this team and we were talking the

Other day to Richard and Richard was saying that they’re not even at the top of their own conference well that’s not the conversation anymore because they are at the top of the conference so you start to look at this team and I watched Kawai the other night against uh I guess

It was Miami or was at Atlanta but back to back it was Atlanta the last game M that dude right there he he can jump he can shoot he can defend he got big hands he’s long this team is just incredible to me how they able to understand each

Other in such a short period of time this is not you go I go you go I go anymore at the start it was when they acquired James hard because they were trying to figure everything out remember they started three and seven so they started and but since then they just

Been rolling skip they won 25 the last 30 games and now they sitting tight now 26 to 31 but go ahead 26 to 31 and they just rolling I mean I I don’t see them especially in the west I see them this year for whatever we weird reason getting out of the

West okay so you got them winning it all as of right now as of right now yeah I do as of right now yeah Richard well I don’t go prisoner at the moment skip I don’t I know what the Clippers have been I’ve seen number one seated Clippers teams Lob City Chris

Paul the boys Blake Griffin they were number one flying through the league and went home early Skip and and I know this team is really talented they have other worldly players um James Harden is playing to kean’s point Kean makes a lot of incredible points they’re playing in sync they’re sacrificing they’re giving

You know each other a chance to shine nobody’s being selfish it looks like great basketball and it’s fun to watch but in these playoffs it just always seems to fall apart for the Clippers I don’t know why it’s just the history of this organization it it falls apart

Whether it’s usually in the semis and some team like the Denver Nuggets or or I mean the Minnesota timber wolves right now are playing good basketball or maybe it’s OKC finally gets over the hump with with SGA but I just don’t you know regardless of how well it’s a great

Story Tyron Lou said hey if I just need get 10 games 11 games to figure out the lineup and tweak it how I want to it’ll work really well and he was telling the the gospel right there yep but I got to see it in the playoffs skip before I

Believe it there’s very little that can happen in the regular season to convince me that they’ll win a championship so I need to see it in the playoffs they go to the playoffs and run through I need to see see it before I believe it skip the Clippers teams are known to do

Exactly what they’re doing right now play really well and then disappear yeah so scale of 1 to 10 your faith in them in the postseason would be a three maybe no it’s like six six and a half okay well all right so you give them a I

Mean it’s not it’s not crazy I don’t think they’re they’re too talented to give them a three you know if they weren’t a talented team and it just look like man this just kind of looks like it’s ready to fall apart you know that I would say that but it’s a talented team

With with a great foundation in these great players kawh Leonard has been a two-time MVP but the rest of these guys outside of Kawhi Leonard have not had a lot of postseason success yeah I mean Paul George was ridiculous two years ago in the postseason okay when we talk

About we and went home yeah but but but but but I almost called you skip Richard I hate the Clippers okay and I don’t like Clipper Daryl I cannot stand the Clippers I want to fall on their face skip but I got to be realistic here you got to be

Realistic those Lob City teams and Doc Rivers 3-1 going all this is a different team with a different coach the best a best of availability for someone is staying healthy yeah okay they’re healthy in the past they have not been healthy Kawai lyard hasn’t been there

He’s there this year skip that’s why I give him a real opportunity and a chance because they’re healthy I’m giving them a chance because they have the best coach in basketball and speaking of those Blake CP3 teams I love doc but doc was the coach and and

They had too many flameouts because doc has just had too many postseason flameouts and we’ve talked and talked about it he did win the championship way back when in Boston but listen tyo is it to me and he is working miracles with with what he what was thrown into his

Lap because he figured it out on the Fly and he had to make some really tough decisions that surely some of these players did not like I’m a big PJ Tucker fan and I don’t know if you guys have noticed but you don’t notice him anymore

Cuz he ain’t playing anymore I was also told he would be sitting on the S line too he he wants out he he’s hoping to get somewhere else to some Contender by tomorrow obviously the trade deadline and and I I look at even that bones Highland

I liked him they picked him up from Denver and last year he was getting some run even in the postseason and he’s a talented kid and tyou just said no not on my watch they going seven deep that’s all what they’re doing so he’s got Norman pal coming off the bench and you

Want to talk about a professional score of the basketball Norman pal can just flat out score it however you want to score it he’ll figure out how to score it and he has low ego so he’s happy to come off the bench and then I don’t know if anybody’s watching closely but Tai

Got Russ as in Russell Westbrook to to accept a a much reduced role coming off the bench not only is he coming off the bench but I look back it it’s been all the way back to November 12th since he’s played 30 minutes in a game and you

Remember what Darin ham was doing with him with the Lakers Darin convinced him you need to come off the bench and Lead my second unit but then he’d come off the bench russwood for the Lakers and still played 35 minutes because he’s Russell Westbrook and you you can’t risk

You know setting him off and and making him your sore spot down on the end of the bench so tyo is just saying no if he plays 15 minutes he’s going to have to accept playing 15 minutes and so far we haven’t heard a peep from Russell Westbrook and then he inserted Terence

Man into the starting lineup and the kid can just Flatout play basketball he does all the dirty work for them all the hustle plays big dun big rebounds big defense it it’s it’s a sweet situation that Tylo has masterminded and controlled with pretty much an iron fist

So now it boils down to kawai’s health and as I told you he’s played all season he’s just played all season he just played back to back and played one of his better games of the year in the second game at Atlanta who’s been on fire at home especially and they’re

Dangerous and it was higher scoring and I didn’t love that huh ridic the highlights I’m just that kawhai already has more dunks this year than he had all of last year because he’s healthy he’s the healthiest he’s been since he was a rookie in San Antonio and if he can stay

There they will go as far as he carries them well he could carry them that far all right so now what’s my scale of 1 to 10 and my trust factor in them in the postseason I I can’t go above a four because I I just don’t believe in James

Harden as a playoff orchestrator or if if if you have to depend on James Harden but maybe that’s going to be the the point maybe you don’t have to depend on James because the Sixers got stuck last year in a situation where they had to trust James Harden you remember against

Boston game six and game seven at home first game what did he do hit 50 well he had 42 let me get my game one I think he was he was high in game he had 45 then he had 42 in game four that was back at

Home 45 was at Boston then we came down to they’re right there they’re right in position to close out Boston and in the last two games combined he goes seven of 27 from the floor and one of 11 from three and it was just a disaster like a

Nightmare watching him play because they depended on him well can you argue that this team is not really depending on him because in the end it’s about Kawai and it’s about Paul George and if if all James has to do by the way in those two

Games he had five turnovers in five turn so he had 10 total turnovers in those two games he can’t do that you you you’re going to lose lose playoff games if you have five turnovers as as the orchestrator of the offense so can can

You trust him to kind of stay out of the way in the postseason where where you don’t make him the deciding factor in the game well see when when you start talking about things like that though skip you gotta you got to go back to the first part of your conversation which is

The bench the bench meaning the coaches when you have Ty L and you have Brian Shaw his lead assistant coaching these guys up in doing certain things people respond to things differently depending on where you’re at yeah I’m not worried about James Haren in the postseason

Because I know that those guys on that bench will get him to do certain things just like they got Westbrook to decide to say okay I can play 20 minutes that’s fine I’mma do it this way and my 20 is going to be at high volume and I’m going

Be efficient at doing it and he’s bought in they’ve all bought in so you got to go back to the bench before you start saying oh well I I don’t think he’s going to do it he won’t do it this way he won’t do it that way I can’t trust

Him those are on other teams those are other teams but you know James has a long history of playoff flameouts a long show with different people though there different coaches and different players there’s a relationship with these guys man but are we saying Tyron Ty Lou has a bunch of championships is

That what we’re saying no no T what it sounds like saying what you mean he he has one he has one as a coach is that what a coach right a coach he’s the best coach in the NBA I I hear what you’re saying I’m not arguing that I’m just saying the way

You’re saying that as if this has happened repeatedly and he’s taken multiple teams to championships and just really made shrew coaching decisions to win championships consistently Ty Ty is the best coach in basketball right now there’s no question I’m not arguing that right now but the way you’re talking

About it like I missed something and I’m just making sure I didn’t miss it dude won championships as a player Brian Shaw won championships as a player and a coach and I’m pointing to the bench they re all four of them dudes respect the coaching staff man they listen to those

Coaches that’s why they playing the way they’re playing y’all act like it’s just basketball in the park and they just out there playing that’s not the case not acting like it’s pick up basketball I I’m I’m just saying you’re saying this like like this like these these is

Repeat Champions like they won one with LeBron I believe right yeah LeBron James Ty Ty L one1 with LeBron one with SH and KOB they was 31 player and Brian Shaw one one with sha and Kobe as won multiple with sha and Kobe as a player and also won several with Phil Jackson

As a coach yep they they they have the DNA with Kobe again I I hear what you’re saying but I’m just not I’m not hearing your point because that’s not necessarily he it does he hasn’t coached in multiple championships and won them and so when you’re say to do with making

What does that have to do with getting people because you’re saying it like like what you’re saying is like in these Championship moments the difference in what James Harden has had to deal with and what he would deal with now is that he has a coach that has been in here and

Had success in these moments and I’m just trying to figure that out the coach that has as many championships that’s high that’s you’re telling me that James Harden and kawhai Leonard and and Westbrook and Paul George are going to flame out because they’re not going to get the necessary details from the

Coaches on the bench to execute come postseason is what you trying to tell me because tyou doesn’t have multiple championships as a coach I’m trying I’m trying to tell you that that there there was really no point there that you were making I’m going to say you they’re

Going to play out cuz got Clippers jerseys on I’m I’m going to they’re going to play out cuz they got Clippers jerseys on I’m not I don’t care about the Clippers falling on their face I want them to crash and burn but the reality of it is right now they’re

Not we can’t you can’t prisoner of the moment you can’t it’s not a prisoner of the moment they’re at the top of the conference the other day they were not today they are their main guy in Kawai Leonard if he stays on the floor he’s going to push win the MVP he’s healthy

The reason that they flamed out of the past is because he was not healthy he got hurt in the playoffs okay and then Paul George tried to will them I don’t remember what year it was I think it was 2021 yeah kawhai was gone Ka was gone he

Did he and Paul George tried to take him all the way by himself but you just knew but he couldn’t going to hit the wall yeah he was going to hit the wall but now he got help that’s all I’m saying Richard I don’t like the Clippers I’m

Not advocating for them to win the damn NBA final but I know what I see and the individual that I had this conversation with I trust he knows what he sees as well believe me yeah I’m sure if he if he knew as much as he says he does he’d

Be in Vegas making a lot of money don’t believe everything you hear I think I think he I think he made a lot of money so so Keon when you look at this roster not the coaches but the roster who has championships who has pedigree who who has

He’s got what three championships one in Toronto and two in San Antonio an three championships and two Finals MVP yes he does and the the point is he is the alpha he is the one and Paul George is the one a Paul’s not the guy you know

He’s not that dude he’s not but but he is really good put him in a comfortable position he’s okay with that so they they’ve got the potential is there I just think James Harden I I just I I can’t trust him the way you do and

And and and that may be the case you may not but I know him and I know what he’s searching for and what he wants and I don’t look at the past Behavior because he just he he fought his way out of Brooklyn and Houston and OKC he had to

Leave because of the money I don’t look at those qu his way out of those places yeah but I don’t look at it that way he’s at home he’s in a different place now and he certainly plann and displ that on the floor on the floor to me all

Right okay up now we got to get back to the Super Bowl we touched on this in our opening segment of the show but which quarterback has the most pressure on it the greatest quarterback ever Patrick Mahomes or Mr Irrelevant it’s a good question thanks for watching Undisputed

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The LA Clippers hold the top spot in the NBA’s Western Conference thru 49 games. Skip Bayless, Richard Sherman and Keyshawn Johnson decide if the Kawhi Leonard, Paul George, James Harden and Russell Westbrook led squad can finally reach the NBA Finals.

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Clippers top seed in West: will Kawhi, PG, Harden & Westbrook make the Finals? | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. Wheres all the hate skip gave to harden and westbrook when they got traded to clippers im waiting to see his energy of bashing them showing clips of westbrook missing…. oh ok ill wait smh pathetic

  2. I want the clippers to win it but Sherman right we gotta prove it in the post season CURRY ALWAYS BEEN IN EVERYONE WAY HES RULED THE West hopefully since golden state out of the picture we can go all the way

  3. What did Sherman say wrong? He have them a 6. That’s totally fair. I have a bet for them to win it all $500 to win $8000. I got it in when the trade went through as a long shot bet. I feel the same 6 or 7 out of 10 confidence.

  4. I can't believe that they're glossing over one very important point. Ty Lue & PG led the Clippers to their FIRST EVER CONFERENCE FINALS in team history after a 50 year drought! That's gotta mean somethin' right?

  5. Khawi 24 ppg
    PG 23 ppg
    Harden 17 ppg
    Powell 14 ppg
    Westbrook 11 ppg
    Zu 10 ppg
    Mann 8 ppg
    Theis 7
    Coffee 6 ppg
    Mason 6 ppg
    If we really add PJ Washington 13 ppg
    The clippers share the ball

  6. U can't say lakers didn't show love to Westbrook, when they gave him 30 plus minutes coming off the bench, he just didn't fit 🥱

  7. Kawhi helped bring the Larry O'Brien trophy to Toronto and no one thought that was possible. He is about to help the Clippers do the impossible now. Go Clippers!

  8. Sherman is an idiot! He sits up there with that stupid look on his face and gives bad takes. He can't even talk without fumbling over his words!!

  9. Magic Johnson skip?……magic has failed at everything he's done in basketball bar playing, failure as a coach, a horrific in studio analyst and a dreadful GM.

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