@Miami Heat

5 Hidden Gem Trade Targets for the Miami Heat | NBA Trade Deadline + Miami Heat News

5 Hidden Gem Trade Targets for the Miami Heat | NBA Trade Deadline + Miami Heat News

Y’all read the title of this video so let’s get right into it the title of this article is last minute trade Target list for every NBA team now we don’t care about every NBA team cuz the trade deadline’s tomorrow so you know we got to focus on the Miami Heat and also I

Posted a video yesterday where I reacted to an article giving a realistic deal for every single team so if y’all are interested in that go check it out but today we’re going to focus on a mi heat I know this guy has a couple names here

So we’re going to kind of look through those I got the basketball reference up and the contract situation so let’s get and I should I should also say this article is from Dan favale that’s a new guy never heard of him let’s see what this guy’s about good Lord does this

Look like the face of a man who knows B I don’t think so but I shouldn’t judge a book by his cover says he covers Bleacher Report host Hard Knock podcast and endlessly Lobby for small ball lineups gez this guy must love the Miami Heat then the way SPO runs those small

Ball lineups uh let’s see what this guy what’s his name Dan F let’s see what this guy’s good God okay Dan I don’t have the best hopes for your article and ball knowledge based off of this photo right here my guy but who am I to judge

Let’s go ahead and get back into the article let’s search Miami Heat and go down to where you got us and in the photo they have a picture of sadique bay and Duncan Robinson sad Bay is a guy that I’ve liked a lot we’ve heard him

Linked to the heat for some time uh but for some reason it doesn’t seem like he can stick to a team and he’s not shooting all that great this year anyways the first name that they have is Simone fonio so maybe not the names that

A lot of y’all expected to have but as my guy did post in the first sentence here he said giving up a first round pick for Terry Rosier assur assuredly means that Mi heat won’t do anything seismic for the February 8th deadline I think that’s potentially true but again

I think seismic is a bit of a relative term do I think that he could get demard de r rozan or vich or Caruso any of any any of the bulls or or maybe someone like Dorian finny Smith maybe they could pull off a trade like that would that be

Considered seismic I don’t know now he does have his explanations here for all these guys but I really don’t care what he has to say because this is my video but the first guy he does have is Simone FIA who a lot of you may not know but I

Certainly remember him because if y’all didn’t see there was a game last year versus the Utah Jazz where I think maybe oen was out and Walker Kesler was out and Mark I don’t remember but this guy from Teo comes into the game and lights it up we’re talking a Hall of Fame

Random scrub heat killer worthy performance where he had like 37 points in the first half now it wasn’t it wasn’t that bad uh but he lit up the heat so just off of that game alone I know the boy could shoot so let’s go ahead and pull up the basketball

Reference here and my guy is Italian I was thinking he might be Italian so you know I got to like my Italian Brethren uh and the guy is 68 small forward so we like that decent size 28 years old so not super old uh and let’s check out his

Numbers for this season in which he is averaging nine points per game 45% for field and 39% from three on 4.7 attempts these are numbers that we love to see now I do remember he was a little bit of a bigger guy uh only weighs 209 so so

Not not too big actually I just had some questions about his speed I hope he’s not like a slower Kelly linic but a guys like Kelly linic and Myers Leonard I I hate that build those are mostly like your big slow 611 Shooters uh this guy

Looks like he’s a little bit smaller so hopefully he’s a little bit more versatile I’m not going to sit here and act like I know what his 40 yard dash is uh but I love these numbers uh let’s see the rebounding obviously the rebounding isn’t great uh three and a half rebounds

A night uh but only averaging 23 minutes per game so uh not a guy that has a huge role in Utah but again that’s a team that has a lot of bigs they got John Collins and marinan and Kesler like you know we were all saying earlier so I

Think if he wasn’t an expanded role maybe he could be uh put up some real decent numbers in at 68 uh although they have him listed at small forward I could see him maybe being the starting four for the Miami Heat because he’s a lot bigger than kayin Martin and he’s

Shooting the ball phenomenally from three again 39% oo I absolutely love those numbers also want to go here and I want to pull up his contact situation Simone fonio did I spell it right I did and okay he’s on the last year of his deal so not not uh anything crazy

MoneyWise uh $3 million you can match that with like a Thomas Bryan and Drew Smith uh maybe give some second round picks to incentivize them obviously you don’t want to give up your better assets like hero or yovic or first for him but if the Jazz are looking to move on maybe

They like Caleb Martin I don’t think I trade Caleb Martin for this guy unless the Jazz attached some picks to that uh but overall this does seem like it be a very nice fit for the Mi he the next guy they have here is Santi Al Adama of the

Memphis Grizzlies and the main reason I know Santi Alama is because that’s my boy’s name shout out Santi goed gaming y’all know I shout out my boy all the time he does Battlefield content on YouTube so if you’re interested make sure y’all go check it out and Santi Al

Alama 611 power for so you know we love the size uh 23 years old so very young which I love in this heat system because what even if a guy is not young the heat can develop them but especially when they’re young you know the heat development staff is top tier and they

Really bring the most out of these guys uh in this season uh fonio uh Santi Alama is shooting where’s his uh his numbers here 10 and a half points per game 43% from field 35% from three so his three-point shooting is slightly below average but he does get up a lot

Of them four uh four .8 attempts which is something that we really like to see cuz there’s always the potential when a guy gets to a new team you know sometimes that Fresh Start really does a lot for them and really can improve their shooting that hasn’t happened for

Terry Rosier although he did have a great game last night versus the magic so let me not get on Terry this game this video uh but you love you love to see the the six almost six rebounds from Santi uh and obviously just having a 611

Guy what did I say 611 having a 611 guy that can stretch the floor even if it’s only 35% 35% is fine obviously when you’re talking about what would they have to trade for for him let’s let’s see what his contract situation is but you’re not talking about trading for no

Star you’re not going to get anyone perfect so 35% is is more than than fine and he is he is under contract uh $2 million this season with a team option for 3.9 million next season I do think that is not not that bad a number if

You’re the Mi heat so if you were to get sany and he plays well you have another nice player on uh under a very nice Sun contract for next season kind of like the Heat have with Caleb Mar and maybe if the heat trade C Martin for an

Upgrade this year maybe they could trade San Alama next year for an upgrade cuz that will be a very nice contract so I love San Alama and if he was to come here he would either be a backup big or maybe he could also start at the four

Which again is kind of what I’m looking for the next guy that got listed here is Naji Marshall who I believe is on the New Orleans Pelicans and he’s another guy that I think is pretty young not young 26 years old uh it’s his it’s his fourth year in the league obviously

Never had too much of a role uh especially this year getting a almost a career low 18 minutes and nights averaging 7.4 points 36% from three and 44% from the field you love the three-point percentage 2.2 attempts isn’t great but again he’s a guy that

You know can at least get him up and again he’s 67 they got him listed at small forward I’m sure he could play to three or to four so that’s sort of very clearly the uh the idea of what this what was the guy’s name Dan favell

That’s what he thinks the Miami Heat need which is true so maybe Dan does know a little bit of ball cuz that’s the exact archetype of player that I would like the mam heat to go after as well uh so obviously nothing stands off on the

Stat sheet here as they want for most of these guys uh but you do love the fact that his three-point percentage is pretty decent uh and I know his name from the anonymous player prob betting at that doesn’t sponsor me so I won’t say their name I know he’s put up some

Numbers in the past so he’s at least UHA uh capable you know of playing very well uh in his numbers this season yeah only making $1.9 million uh which was a team option that was exercised so uh that’s a yeah that’s nothing you’re talking chump change I believe Drew Smith makes

Exactly that amount so if you’re able to trade Drew Smith and a second round pick to the to the Pelicans maybe get some more depth with Naji Marshall that’s a fine trade for the Mii heat uh just something else to kind of Shake It Up

Which I’m a fan of next we do have sadik Bay who I was very confused why the Pistons even traded him a couple years ago because that’s the team that was rebuilding I thought he was a nice young player he’s currently only 24 years old so I was a little concerned why they

Would want to move him especially before they traded him to the Hawks he was averaging 15 points A Night That season 35% from three only 40% from the field so not great efficiency but again not a bad play we talking about a guy averaging almost 15 points a night now

This season there has been some drop off he’s at 13 points per night uh 41% from the field but much worse uh 30% from three which is awful now I don’t know if that’s his true shooting because last his last full season if you take a with

A Atlanta and Detroit combine he was 36% from three and that’s on five attempts a night so not a small sample size where he’s shown that he’s a very great shooter he is 35% for his career but it is a small career he’s only had like

Three full seasons plus a half of this season uh and he’s at 35% so I’d like to believe that if he was in a new situation he could get those numbers back up if that’s the case he’d be a better player uh but still 13 points per

Game wow 6 and a half rebounds that’s a lot especially since he’s only 67 you know so we’re not talking you know like the 611 Santi Al Damas or the 610 uh you know Simone fonos I think he was 68 but still a little bit little bit on the

Smaller side so I love to see those rebounding numbers from him love that he’s a villain NOA guys you know villain NOA turns out those dogs but again this is a guy that you’re talking about would add some nice depth to the miam Heats uh and sadik Bay’s contract situation can’t

Be too big right uh sadik bay this season is making $4.5 million but this the last year of his contract so ort to be a rental again you’re talking if you can get Thomas Bryan and and uh Drew Smith packaged up wouldn’t give up Caleb Martin for him I hope that’s not what

This guy Dan faell is saying uh but they have some pieces they can move just to get this done get some more depth not a bad trade uh but probably not my favorite here so far the next guy they have is Utah wab who is best known for

Getting dunked on but he’s also known for having a very good season with the Brooklyn s a few few years ago and truthfully I haven’t heard of him since so let’s see what that boy is doing this season this season Utah wab is averaging 3.7 points per

Game on 32% from the uh from three 36% from the field oh Those are nasty now he is on the Phoenix Suns that team obviously has a lot of star power up top who’s getting most of the run and I see Utah is only averaging 13 minutes T

Night he’s only played 28 games so obviously hasn’t played a ton but if you do go back with was it last season yeah last last few seasons good but if you do go back last season when he was with the Brooklyn Nets you talking a guy that was

Shooting 44% from three on 2.3 perents per game uh only average 5.6 points but again the 44% from three is incredible and you’re talking about a 69 they got in small forward I think he could play power forward maybe even some Center here probably all these guys could play

Center under SPO system no matter how tall they are but again a 69ine player who is shooting 44% from three is amazing because when you want a starting four next to Bam that’s the type of guy you talking about someone that could stretch the floor and that’s where utab

Wab is was I don’t know because he is at 37% for his career but again he’s a guy that look 11 minutes a night 5 minutes night 14 minutes a night he’s never played over 16 minutes per night which was his career high last season so if he

Was with the Miami Heat he probably would have another small role right you got to think they wouldn’t start him over Caleb maren and if you talking to has a big Off the Bench you still got Kevin Love ahead of him maybe Hayward heith so maybe he’s sort of just an

Insurance policy but if he can come here and light it up he would be an amazing amazing uh piece here uh and let’s check his stats here Utah watan and this year he is making $2.3 million a season with a player option next season wow which he actually turns

30 so he’s on he is a bit on the the older side compared to the rest of the list obviously 30 is not that old uh and even if he was to pick up player option 2.6 million not a big deal uh two any 2.6 million expiring contract is a is a

Really great uh tradable assets I think so uh I’m assuming this guy’s mostly saying the the same thing yeah he’s talking about fio shooting alama’s three-point percentage here threes he’s talking about again threo percentage so this guy Dan favel I believe that was his name he does know a little bit of

Ball so I’m sorry for giving you from some slack at the beginning here uh but overall these are some nice pieces and I hope the heat do make some sort of move because although they played great last night versus the Orlando Magic it’s clear that this team still needs

Something to shake it up so I I don’t want them to just sit idle even if it’s a small trade like this like these to get some more depth I do think it does really help them out in the long run although I would still consider trading

Tyler hero to get some depth on this team but that’s besides the point let me know what y’all think down below and make sure to leave a like And subscribe if you do enjoy because it does help me out a ton and I’ll definitely have some content up on the February 8th trade

Deadline and I do want to shout out the Bas and Sports Network they are doing a 24-hour live stream from Midnight on February 8th all the way till I guess midnight again when the deadline’s over my guy George will be hosting most of that but you better believe I’m going to

Be popping in a ton throughout the day so make sure y’all tune in to the Bas Sports Network for their live stream on Thursday February 8th and I guess the heat do have a game tomorrow versus Spurs I’ll probably cover that too so I’ll see y’all after that peace out look

Pull up in your city trying to get that Dead face do it on my own I don’t need no dead weight had to kill them off yeah I need a has space you know this homegrown don’t offend

NBA Trade Dealine Targets for the Miami Heat. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Kyle Lowry, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news
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▬ Music Credit ▬
Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
YouTube Channel:

Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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0:00 Intro
1:24 Simone Fontecchio
4:40 Santi Aldama
6:43 Naji Marshall
8:13 Saddiq Bey
10:20 Yuta Watanabe
12:58 Closing Thoughts


  1. Santi Aldama would be my pick from this group. He's young and I've seen him do great things against the Heat.

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