@Toronto Raptors

Scottie Barnes deservingly named All-Star injury replacement | Trade Deadline predictions & more!

Scottie Barnes deservingly named All-Star injury replacement | Trade Deadline predictions & more!

On your Wednesday episode of Locked on Raptors it’s been a dark and trying time for your local basketball team but its best player is an allar we’ll talk about Scotty Barnes making the All-Star Game look ahead to the trade deadline and so much more coming up on today’s show thanks for

Hanging you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of lockon raptors part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day it is Wednesday February the 7th and I’m your host sha Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you

Can find all my work over on that website that’s mean and not very good at Woodley Shan you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us over on the locked on Raptors Discord server a place that is not mean and is very good link

In the description it’s free to join it’s a great little Community we got building around the show and it should be a pretty fun place to be on trade deadline day and an even more fun place to be after the trade deadline when there’s no more fake trades for me to

Slap down like I’m primed to kembe Matumbo uh come hang out we love to see you over there in the Discord you of course can find the show for free wherever you get your podcast on your audio app of choice follow subscribe rate review tell a friend etc etc and we

Are on YouTube you can subscribe to the YouTube channel hit the little notification Bell when you do you get a heads up every single time The Show Goes live little notification on your phone that says hey Sean’s talking drop everything you’re doing and you can come

And watch the show so thanks in advance for doing that as we inch closer to 4,000 Subs over on the YouTube channel Today’s Show is brought to you by our palover at game time download the game time app create an account use the code locked on for 20 bucks off your first

Purchase and we are of and running here as we bring in our guest for today one of our faves who the last time was on this podcast we were talking about Scotty Barnes not being an Allstar it’s Katie hindle Katie what a world four days have made a world of difference do knee

Flaps what isn’t it cin beads out oh and he’s it’s something is wrong something’s up with his knee flaps which I only remember because it’s so gross of a word like I feel very sorry for Joel embiid but to read about KNE flaps it just makes me I don’t want to read about

Um no I’m I’m stove for Scotty I went on the radio uh the other day we were talking about this and I feel like it’s a great it’s it’s always a little less shine to be named sorry I’m still thinking about KN flaps um as a replacement me too don’t

Worry obviously you want to be you want to be selected but uh I think because this is a a nice reunion with somebody like Tyres Maxi who they both were in The Rising Stars game their first time at allar I think that was two years ago three years ago yep two years

Ago who who what his time really uh true three seasons two years yeah I don’t know and now Tyrese Maxi is exploding and you know such an instrumental part of that Sixers team and I think in terms of their trajectory Scotty’s not quite there yet but he I think he’s well on

His way so it’ll be nice for him to be in the AL like he might he’s not going to play a ton of minutes but just to you know rub shoulders with someone like that and see how impactful and important it can be uh I think it’s good I saw I

Watched the video of them announcing it on the bus he looked a little bit shy about it but he’s still cute Darko loves a big excited announcement it’s it’s he loves an Accolade I like that yeah it’s great be excited about stuff it’s cool and yeah sure he’s an injury replacement

But as we talked about last week uh you know you could very easily make the case that there should be 15 slots on the all-star teams in 2024 considering the growth of the league expansion and just how Bloody talented everybody is now and so I don’t think there’s any shame in

Being an injury replacement oh wow you were the 13th or 14th best guy in the Eastern Conference great uh you know just like a horrible horrible distinction to have of course no it’s uh it’s very cool and I think you know among the candidates I’m sure your

Mileage varies as far as you know the the winning aspect of it all I tend to value that you know more often than not when I’m looking at the All-Star game uh maybe that’s because the team I like has usually been pretty good over the last

10 years and so it’s easy to sort of have my biases also confirm my Allstar uh selections but uh you know so I understand you know the Cavs fans who are out there upset about Jared Allen I understand the ktie hles who might be upset about Jared Allen um you know Trey

Young is not my cup of tea as the other All-Star replacement filling in for Julius Randall as well but I don’t think you can argue against the statistical case for Scotty Barnes and it is a nice sort of bouquet of flowers to throw a guy a guy’s way after what’s been a

Pretty trying season it’s been very disjointed the Raptors are certainly not a team in the Lexicon unless you’re pulling up the trade machine and for his leap to be so pronounced and so undeniable and so so like statistically clad when it comes to like the catch on metrics to be warranted warranting an

All-Star nod it’s pretty impressive uh Katie what about Scotty’s jump this year to Allstar which I don’t think this was like the highend outcome right was okay Scotty’s gon to improve this year but is he going to be an All-Star that feels like a little bit far-fetched a little

Bit sort of pie in the sky what about his leap to you has been the sort of most satisfying thing to watch there’s lots to choose from there’s just a million things he’s better at I’m trying to remember I should have really looked the stat up before we started but what

Was it he was in like the top five of something in the NBA like a lot alongside Giannis and clay and I want to say someone else it was a three some kind of three-point stat like free mixed with uh other sort of like he’s got all

He’s on those like fad young Graphics of you know 14 points eight rebounds six assists or whatever but like Biggers scaled up more yokichi and Yannis numbers right um for sure so no there was a specific like no there was like a specific uh Echelon of like the company

He was with in the NBA terrible podcasting um but I think to me I think it’s that he has put everything together so well and he has also like persevered through a lot of um you know shakeups on the roster and being asked to kind of bear

This burden of being a team leader which he doesn’t have to fully step into yet because I think you know his maturation is still coming but he seems to be taking this on pretty gamely like his it’s really reflected in his play um he’s trying things out he looks really

In control he looks super confident uh I think it’s just been that’s been the biggest pleasure for me to watch yeah I I think the sort of turmoil if that’s the word for it of like this team this year and the constant changes of who he’s playing with what are the

Priorities of the team um you know how are they mixing in Pascal SE yakum to start the season how does him leveling up in his role take away from Scotty all this different stuff the fact that he has still maintained like across theboard improvements on both ends of

The floor in basically every area of the floor is like extremely impressive the burden he has been carrying on a not very good team for him to sort of scale up the the usage to scale up the efficiency with that usage to scale up his playmaking uh you know

Responsibilities to also become this sort of blocks and steals wizard as a backline Defender it’s when you put it in the context of what this team has been a team that has twice as many losses as it has wins a team that has gone you know through complete and utter

Change and overhaul especially over the last month obviously since the OG trade but even before that there was The Cloud of uncertainty and all that stuff too hanging over the whole team it’s just when you boil it down and still look at across theboard jump ups in every

Statistical category through all of that it’s kind of remarkable like he last season had a 20.3 usage percentage and a 52.4 true shooting percentage that was well below average true shooting on you know about average usage he scales up to 24.6% this year it’s a pretty big jump

In usage and his us his true shooting has improved to around League average of 57.5 you don’t see that often the scaling up is always the hardest thing and he’s managed to do that it’s uh it’s quite remarkable and I think a totally earned honor for him um on this note

Like him sort of now clearly being the dude on this team you know I I wonder you know how much easier the All-Star case would have been to make if he was the main guy all season long as well it’s an interesting sort of what if if

They had just kind of gone into this year with him as the number one but from here to the end of Theon Katie 32 games to go uh what are your sort of hopes and dreams for Scotty Barnes for the rest of the year I’d like to see how the

Tumultuousness of this season which I know we’re going to get to um affects him and his ability to be this steady state player and to like be the kind of anchoring barometer for the team because I do think that’s what they need and also if he’s being asked to be the

Number one guy and be the leader and this is his team as we’ve heard you know the front office say over and over again you need somebody who’s going to be able to play like that and I think in the last in his entire tenure as a raptor

He’s had vets to lean on who take that responsibility like he he could afford to waffle and kind of you know feel his Growing Pains a little bit more um he can’t really do that like the pressure isn’t completely there because again this isn’t a season that they’re really

Focused on I think a playin is like such a far cry you never know that who could get hot but like sure um that is kind of out of their scope so there isn’t that immediate pressure but everybody is looking and they’re looking at like who can we get

And who should we bring in to compliment him and to do that like he needs to continue playing the way that he has been and he needs to be able to sort of weather the ups and downs roster changes roster experimentation he’s shown all season long that he can do do that he’s

Done that uh he is just getting better as well so he’s kind of thriving in this little bit of this mixed up State um but that’s what I would like to see most that’s probably what I’m going to be looking most closely at uh is to just

See how the strains of the Season reflect on him and how we see that then reflected back on the floor yeah like resisting the urge uh to sort of pack it in on a season that is very clearly lost and not really go anywhere all that

Fruitful with you it’s not a l season it’s very important I know we’re gonna get I know we’re going to get to it yes we will um but yeah resisting the urge to sort of say hey not not our year we’ll sort of come back next year and

Reconvene like I do think the last 32 games here are incredibly important for setting a bit of a foundation and Scotty’s got to be obviously very pivotal in that and I think sort of a continuation and this is on Darko this is on the whole team a continuation of

Seeing him sort of blend with the skill sets of RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley yaka purle guys who are going to be on this team for presumably the long hul um how can they sort of coales down this stretch and how does Scotty become sort of the organizing agent among those guys

As the best player on the team I think that’s going to be a fascinating storyline to watch and a very important one as we head into an offseason that uh hopefully kind of restocks the cupboards and bolsters things going in to next season we’ll come back on the other side

Katie you mentioned the idea of this being a lost I have had you mention the idea of it you mentioned the idea that we would talk about it this is my idea sort of thinking about this year no you mentioned this idea this is not my idea

My idea no it’s not your idea you mentioned the notion I might bring up the idea Katie this this is good um this good A little back and forth we’re getting ready to debate we’re getting ready to yeah have a hard uh you know like a courtroom drama level debate

About whether this has been a Lost season so far 50 games in what have we gotten out of it what as a fan what has there been to pull away we’re GNA get into that coming up in just one second Today’s Show is brought to you by

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It’s you’re they’re in good hands if ktie hindle is their guest instructor uh either way Katie let’s get into it here I’ve been thinking about this look I don’t think it’s any secret I do not like the way this Toronto Raptor season has played out I think the coming into

The year if the telegraphing of the plans was all along to move Pascal seum to maybe move ogan anobi I think they should have just gotten it out of the way in the summer and had a normal basketball season under which the team could build and grow and do the thing

Obviously that has not happened it was a weird sort of uncomfortable first half of the season the last month not entirely due to trades obviously injury have been a big part of this as well the last month or so has been a slog they’re not winning many games they are 17 and

33 and it’s a shock it to the system for I think a fan base that’s gotten a custom over the last 10 years to enjoying the regular beats and rhythms of a regular season outside of the Campa year which everyone knew was kind of a lost cause anyway uh it’s mostly been a

Pretty enjoyable time to be a Toronto Raptors fan and this year to me feels like it’s been lacking as far as the thing that I think is sort of the most important thing of being a sports fan which is cool stuff to remember 10 years

Down the line I don’t know if I’m going to look back at the first 50 games of this season and say anything from it was all that memorable or exciting and I I think you know look I don’t want to be a grum I want to be happy I want to be

Excited I am optimistic about the BBQ Trio and everything that can come before it in the next couple of years here but I still find myself mired in not really enjoying this Raptor season and you know Katie you’re here you’re The Optimist you’re someone it’s weird I used to be

An optimist what happened uh time happened I guess but uh I just kind of want to have you maybe just like shoot down my stance that this has been sort of a Lost season from the fan perspective because obviously there have been good things I’ll even share some

Things I’ve liked about this season but on the whole this season’s been a bummer and you know the Scotty Barnes All-Star thing great awesome little sort of Beacon of light in the darkness but overall 50 games in I feel like just time has happened and a basketball

Season hasn’t really played out tell me why I’m wrong Katie it’s demon time oh my new favorite ader read of all time pretty good it’s pretty good uh if you want to look at this as a waste of a season I I do to a degree understand the frustration why couldn’t those decisions

Around Pascal sakam and ojan and Obi made earlier in the season well you know why because the front office has been pretty plain in tell all along they wanted to wait and see I think they were really reticent to let especially someone like Pascal sakam go you know Messi Jerry was pretty

Emotional about it what he did is follow a pressor which I think was really telling you know you want to expect the most of these athletes that you’ve had in your system for such a long time I think that is a good Testament to the development of your which I also think

In some ways the team might be grappling with not really having anymore that system they’re trying to get it back but it doesn’t exist that must feel a little bit weird you know there’s a lot of ways that this team has tried to really shape shift its way out of making a real

Change or this rebuild that it’s in now to try and kind of staunch the bleeding right and prolong things um and then it obviously wasn’t working things were getting worse things were getting more difficult for people on the team to do their jobs it was a SLO to watch it was

Much more miserable and really inconsistent there was no Direction and I think they heard all of that and then they made the decision but I just they they made it as late as they did because that’s a kind of front office the Toronto Raptors have you know

Which if you’re frustrated if you’re a fan who really likes immedia decisions in the NBA that’s going to frustrate you but that is the way that this front office has always operated which is something I usually appreciate about them by the way like I have always said that patience is an extremely underrated

Thing in front offices and I’ve appreci appreci the Raptors haven’t just like jumped to make moves because the world says they should it just I’m still bitter about specifically the Pascal thing where it just seemed so pre-ordained and like are you bit because you really were under the

Impression he was gonna stay so are you bitter that he finally went or that it happened so late I I’m bitter because I think I mean you’re not going to convince me that Pascal wouldn’t have been helpful to this team over the next few years and that the option of just

Like signing him and keeping him around versus trading him for Bruce Brown and some picks wasn’t the like wouldn’t have been the preferable move um I know timelines people disagree on his sort of team building and all that that’s fine whatever um but like if they if they

Hadn’t telegraphed all season long from the summer ghosting Pascal to the weirdness on media day to the very clear sort of diminishing of his role within the offense to start the season like had they not telegraphed all season long that they’re decision was ultimately

Going to be a trading him you know I I I would have had more if it felt they were actually in an evaluation period I I think I would have been made my pce with it but I don’t think they were I was perfectly okay to evaluate and sort of

Make my own conclusions but those don’t matter obviously and it felt like they knew going in Pascal’s not going to be here and they sort of let the cloud hang over and the first half of the Season felt completely sort of uh just just this damper this fog hung over the team

The entire time because of it and I think that has some damaging effects so that’s kind of where I’m at on at all I would say that that that that fog has been hanging over for the past like however at least like one and a half

Seasons maybe oh no they did not learn from last year’s fog yeah there’s been like a lot of different fogs that have rolled in in terms of a wasted season again like it depends what kind of basketball you like watching I like watching good basketball k yeah well

Sean like I got bad news for you like I don’t mind watching it’s it’s like setting expectations I’ve been saying this all season like I think there was still this hanging on expectation that this team would be like in playoff contention for some people at the beginning of the Season which was not

Realistic I know you’ve got playoff contention style players in anobi and sakam they’re gone now um and the consistency is not there this is not a playoff team you know this is probably just a regular season team and what are is going to be the most fun to watch at

Really zero in on are incremental gains Yeah by specific athletes game to game to game things that they’re learning how to do ways that they kind of click and learn how to play together the way that the team shapes itself through the season to go into next season to get a

Real sense of like who this team actually is this is a rebuild now it’s Scotty’s team how does that actually look how does that basketball team play we don’t know them yet so you’re going to be looking at that though I say all that with the understanding that they’ll

Probably lose more games and they’re going to win sure but that doesn’t take away from those learnings through the games that they lose you know they’ll be close close losses they’ll be probably really fun like unexpected wins where they get one up on a really good team

You know and they kind of play up but I think if you really like exceptional winning basketball every night this is not going to be the team for you and it I don’t mean like I’m not trying to actually say like you can’t be a Raptor’s fan anymore

To anyone who feels that way but adjust your expectations like you this is kind of the thing that I talked about a lot I felt like before the re like when there was clamoring for a rebuild it’s that people wanted this they got it a rebuild takes years like you don’t you don’t

That’s the whole point of a rebuild you don’t become competitive right away it’s like and I think that’s what that again was the Heming and Hine of the front office to decide to go all in on it because they knew they’re not going to be a winning team for several seasons in the

Way that they certainly were and were used to under Messi you jer’s tenure you know going back to like those early early seasons of Kyle and dear starting this whole ball rolling right so it sucks to be a GM who wants to win to then pull the trigger on a team

That’s going to lose so you’ve got to like figure out what it is that you like about this team in other ways in some ways I do feel that makes Phantom a bit more resilient you know you’ll you’re going to pick up and latch on to certain

Athletes um you’re going to really get behind them for reasons you don’t understand just because you have a good feeling about someone or because it’s more fun to root for a person than the whole team if the whole team doesn’t look that great all the time you know I

Said this when I was on the radio with Blake and will last week but like that is how I became such a fan of Amir Johnson sure I was obsessed with for one season with John Sammons like you know he came and went but like you pick like

You just that is actually how I started to get behind Fred van Le I think I like I was at the game where he played his first like three minutes of NBA basketball I was like this guy’s gonna be a star but like it doesn’t always pan out

But sometimes it’s really cool to to to pick and see something in someone and and and like put your whole full weight of fandom behind them and um it sounds hokey but I do think it actually it makes it it’s going to make it that much more worthwhile when this team does

Eventually start to climb and look as sort of negative as I’m surely coming across about how this season has been handled I think there is a ton of potential for the last 30 games or go so once things settle post deadline to be very fun and very full of a lot of those

Sort of growing moments that you talked about the things that we will latch on to and hey like we’re talking about the season in the moment right now where the last month or so has felt like nothing has happened and time has gone on and they’ve not really been a cohesive

Basketball team you know five six years from now I probably there probably will be something some sort of element of looking back and saying hey that was the Scotty Barnes explosion year that was the year we all knew it was going to happen right and so you know I’ve said

This many times basketball does not sort of play out on a one season basis right like these stories take many many years to play out and we’re probably in like the prologue of whatever this is going to be in the Scotty Barnes you know IQ Barrett Grady dick era whatever it’s

Going to be and so there there definitely is plenty to be written and I do think there’s plenty to be written this season that can be very exciting um but yeah it’s just I was just taking a back looking they’ve already played 50 games and I feel like we know nothing

New about this team other than that Scotty Barnes rocks which is great and look I I mean spent my formative years uh throwing my weight behind Carlos Delino and Mike James and Andrea barani I I I do feel like the last month or so has been kind of like the first

Workout after not doing a workout for a year and the muscles are still kind of sore uh we’ll get into enjoying the slop I’m sure very soon and hitching our wagons to dudes at least I you know I’m sure that’ll come and like I said last 32 games I’m really excited I’m excited

For the deadline to get out of our faces to not hear about a trade rumor ever again and for the players on the team to know that they’re going to be the players on the team which leads us into our final segment we’ll come back on the

Other side and get into the looming trade deadline and play a little rapid fire of will they stay or will they go coming up in just one second Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at game time and look one of the other things that is a

Benefit of watching a not very good basketball team is tickets tend to get a little bit cheaper will that happen in today’s day of inflation we’ll see but game time will give you the very best chance of getting great prices on tickets last minute as well which is one

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Download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed all right continuing on here ran a little along there in segment two but I think it was good basketball fan Theory it’s good stuff uh kind of my favorite stuff to talk about frankly when it comes to following the NBA and no better

Person to talk about it with than Katie heindle um Katie we’re gonna pivot from uh feelings and uh you know the narrative to trades baby trades it’s what everyone loves just gobbling up the trade stuff uh it feels a little quieter as all of the big Trad seem to have

Already happened which is nice I don’t think we’re going into this deadline with any sort of existential dread hanging over us like we have I think the last nine NBA trade deadlines Toronto Raptors fans which is a bit of a relief um I guess before we dive into a quick

Rapid fire through guys who might get moved over the course of the next day or so uh what are your sort of broad feelings about the Raptors going into the deadline is there anything you’re hoping to see um you know is there anything you’ll be disappointed if we if

We do or don’t see where where you at where’s your head at as we go into the deadline on Thursday I feel like they’re done uh I have a feeling why there will be one more trade um from what I’ve heard but I think they’ve made all of their major moves

Yeah yeah I mean I don’t see them going to like add a piece necessarily those pieces aren’t really available at this time of year from you know I do think summertime this is a team that’s going to have a lot of cap space this is a team that’s going to have

Uh you know stuff to trade and there will be teams around the league that are up against second apron and kind of maybe have to move guys just for the sake of money reasons and I think the Raptors have kind of put themselves in a

Spot to be a beneficiary of that um but I’m with you I don’t know if I’m expecting anything wholesale or massive in the next 24 hours that said you know there’s a little bit of noise out there about like Dennis shuder there’s a little noise obviously lots of noise

About Bruce Brown we don’t know the situation with Gary Trent Jr Chris buet has been reported as you know the Raptors looking for a landing spot per Doug Smith I still think there’s a lot of kind of loose ends here to tie up and you know the tying up of the loose end

Might just be you’re on the team and you’re we’re g to ride it out with you and sign you or whatever but uh let’s quickly go through some of these guys Katie a little gut feeling as to whether they will get traded and if you want to

Throw a team they get traded into as well as we baselessly speculate please by all means um let’s start with Bruce Brown obviously feels like the most likely guy to get traded um I I think there are very strong feelings about Bruce brown right now among Raptor fans I think most people

Just want to see the trade happen because he has not seemed the most engaged over the last little bit um you know I feel like if he’s you know confirmed to be on the team we’ll see a bit of a turnaround of that uh if he’s in Toronto still I’m not too concerned

About that but uh where you at with Bruce Brown do you think he gets moved before tomorrow yeah I’m with you I think the engagement level probably reflects the UN the thinking that he is expecting to get traded um I wouldn’t doubt that that would change if he

Stayed um yeah I think this is this is somebody who is the top of my list like a lot of people’s uh I know that I don’t know I never I always like I don’t think the Lakers are quite serious whenever they honestly like I don’t when was the last

Time Toronto had to trade with the like it’s just they don’t they get thrown into everything and whether that’s like leaks or whatever um I don’t I don’t know I’m not gonna name the team that’s totally fine um yeah I I do think we’ve maybe overestimated the

Market for Bruce Brown just a tad and you know I think there are teams out there who would want him but he also makes like 22 million bucks it’s hard to make that money work the Knicks feel like the most obvious landing spot I think Michael gra already reported a

First on the table from the Knicks or you know from some team for Bruce Brown so I’m sure they’ll get uh you know something back for Bruce Brown that said I think I’ll be a little disappointed if they only get like a 2024 pick on account of they already have all of the

2024 picks and it feels like maybe there’s a bit of a surplus to requirements if you’re loading up on picks in the draft everyone says isn’t very good um so I think they would package those picks for a real person that is also my three rookies you can’t have that

Many rookies it’s it’s a lot of rookies to have so that’s probably my hunch as well you know the summertime again when guys become more available that becomes interesting but yeah I wonder if they try to like diversify their pick chest a little bit and get something for 2025 or

26 or something like that um though it seems like most teams just want to trade this year’s picks because the next two drafts seem to be pretty good for all of the Scout heads out there um so yeah I do think Brown probably gets traded but

I’m also not going to be upset if he’s not because I think a he’s a good useful player who I’m sure his sort of attention to detail will ratch it up if he’s actually part of the team and that’s confirmed by him not being moved

And I I think you know there are times to trade Bruce Brown if you’re going to trade Bruce Brown in the summer or next year’s deadline as well so I don’t think they have to force it if they’re not getting something that tangibly helps them going forward uh let’s go with h

Chris bue do you think Chris bu’s time in Toronto is about to come to an end will there be a new longest tenur Raptor and will that player be Gary Trent Jr we both of these guys in the two longest serving Raptors will either of

Them be on the team tomorrow yes I don’t think they’re getting traded interesting bu feels like maybe a buyout guy um although he’s got another year after this so maybe that becomes hard to work out but yeah I do they just take a second round pick for bue I don’t know if that’s

Doing anything for you um I would guess one of those two gets traded I’d probably lean towards bue I think Gary is playing well enough and has the one skill this team needs so desperately kind of in the three-point shooting that I think they probably decide hey let’s just kind of keep this

Guy around and pay him what it’s going to take in the summer maybe I’m reading that wrong but he’s been quite good of late so that’s my gut prediction there bushe gets traded Trent does not uh let’s go through Dennis shuder quickly I don’t think he’s getting traded but I

Don’t know where you at on this one no what’s the point right like you need to have basketball players to play developmentally conducive basketball and I don’t see a way of which you’re getting anything back for Dennis shuder that helps you do that he’s a useful

Player he’s been good for the most part uh especially when he’s been in that six-man role so yeah I don’t think he’s getting moved and then auto porter Jaylen McDaniels those two guys like will will the Bucks come in with a top 55 protected second round pick to add

Their desperately needed wings um where you at on Porter and McDaniels they feel like sort of fringy potential trade guys no no why not I don’t like entertaining this to begin with uh because they’re too like unfortunately they’re too fringy though I’m like in my mind these are the

Kind of Trades that happen more in the summer when you see like this sort of like like um really parallel movements between teams sure rather than like these big swing things which now are also seemingly more to happen in the summer than at the deadline um if they are moves they’ll be

Like really lateral again like with kind of teams who need the same thing but I don’t I don’t I don’t think so I just saw a picture of OT wearing like coming into the tunnel with like all his free Raptors gear on I don’t want that guy to

I don’t want that guy to go either he’s been a a very sort of sprightly bench celebration guy this year as well uh I think there’s value to that even if the Raptors are loaded with those types of guys um that said I don’t think McDaniels is getting traded because I

Don’t think McDaniels has been good enough to sort of appeal himself to a contender I think there’s a chance they’ve been keeping auto porter just kind of uh safe from injury with the sort of intention of moving him to a contender at the deadline like the Bucks

Feel like an auto porter team to me and I do wonder if something goes down there um you know is he at the point in his career where he can actually help a championship serious team I don’t know he’s only two years removed from doing that with the Warriors so we’ll see but

Uh I think I I would probably bet on Porter getting moved McDaniel’s not so we’ll see there’s gonna be some stuff it is the nice kind of thing where you can just wake up at 3:00 and not really pay attention to your phone all day and then

Oh yeah those guys got traded okay cool let’s you’re waking up at 3 are you okay 3 pm. I’m recovering from the vid Katie true impressed um but you’re but yeah no the sun’s out this week so I’m less uh sad although uh my pal King cake

Baby is retired for the year so the sun is kind of gone he’s gone back to his cave yeah um the true son the true uh Source of Life king cake maybe we’ll leave it there Katie thank you so much for indulging me on the trade stuff uh even

Though I know you hate it I’m the least yeah like the least enthusiastic person you could ever you always because you’re on the show on Wednesdays you’re always right before a trade deadline and so we always kind of have to get into it I’m just here to

Bring everybody down back down to earth that’s honestly nothing I love more than talking down trade possibilities it’s the best and the most I think wise thing to do I either way Katie we’ll leave it there thank you so much for hanging out it was lovely chatting with you anything

You want to promote for the good people out there no I I mean like I had so I have so much stuff this week I have done and I can’t talk about yet so keep I guess keep your eyes peeled yeah keep them eyes peeled and while you’re at it

Read basketball feelings and give give Katie money for basketball feelings because it’s the best um we’ll leave it there thank you so much for tuning in follow subscribe great review tell a friend all that good stuff we are of course over on Discord link is in the

Description it’s free to join we love to see there and we will talk to you again on Thursday we’ll have a later in the day episode we’ll do it after the deadline so we can talk about what has gone down although I guess there’s a game tonight too so we’ll have a morning

Episode about the Hornets game and then a bonus episode in the afternoon look at me programming on the Fly either way thanks so much for hanging out we’ll talk to you again on Thursday another episode of lockon raptors bye-bye

In Episode 1570, Sean Woodley is joined by Katie Heindl (DIME, Basketball Feelings) to chat about Scottie Barnes being named an NBA All-Star injury replacement alongside Trae Young, the adjustment to rooting for a team that isn’t winning basketball games, and their final predictions ahead of the NBA Trade Deadline. Off the top, Sean and Katie react to Barnes earning his first All-Star nod, their favourite elements of his All-Star leap season, and what they’re looking for out of Scottie down the stretch of the season. Next, 50 games into the season, this feels like it’s been a barren year as far as things to get excited about in Toronto. Has this been a lost season from the fan perspective? Sean and Katie discuss, while digging into the adjustment of expectations and motivations that has to happen when you go from rooting for a competitive team to a retooling one, and what excites them about what lies ahead over the final 32 games once the Trade Deadline dust settles. Plus, what are their predictions ahead of the deadline? Will Bruce Brown get moved? What about Chris Boucher, Dennis Schroder, Otto Porter Jr. and Gary Trent Jr.? One way or another, the deadline can’t come soon enough!

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