@Dallas Mavericks

Tim Bontemps on Kyrie’s return to Barclays Center: There was no atmosphere! | The Hoop Collective

Tim Bontemps on Kyrie’s return to Barclays Center: There was no atmosphere! | The Hoop Collective

I guess I have to ask what the atmosphere was when Kyrie was introduced there was no atmosphere it was it might as well have been a a regular Tuesday in November like it was it it was sort of the opposite of his entire tenure here which was just full

Of insanity and noise on all sorts of levels he kind of referred to it obliquely in his comments saying you know essentially I made some mistakes which that is maybe the statement of the century but uh you know it it was jarring I mean as someone who covered

This team back when it moved to Brooklyn 12 years ago it is jarring how much things have degraded at least how it feels anyway from an atmosphere standpoint here like it just doesn’t feel like there’s any fans really for the Nets at all at these games like you

Come every night and the visiting team is getting massive cheers compared to the home team and whenever Kyrie made a shot the cheers were a lot louder than the handful of booze he was getting from the home fans I don’t think it’s because there was like a massive amount of Nets

FS cheering for Kyrie I think there were a lot of Mavs fans here cheering for Kyrie and Luca and it’s just sort of what it’s been like on a nightly basis of late and it it made for kind of a weird atmosphere I mean perhaps the funniest part was you know last week

When Kevin was here did a you know welcome back video and a nice little tribute today they just do welcome back to Kyrie to Seth Curry who played like a year and a half here played like 80 games and Mark eth Morris who played 27 games here had them all like lumped in

Together welcome back guys hey did did Mr whammy have a sign I I was not I did not see Mr whammy I’m sure he had a sign he always does um but yeah it was a weird it was a weird night and Kyrie was in a good mood afterward and

Per usual said a lot of stuff some of it he tweeted after the game before he tweet after the game before I mean it was all fine I mean you know it was well there was no there was no real drama or controversy for once right well he said

Thank you for everything God I gotta stay poised through the chaos and hate the next generation is watching was there chaos and hate there tonight or was it was he just referring to you know I I don’t miscellaneous chaos and hate miscellaneous I think okay I mean the he

Got asked any Sage did any Sage I didn’t see any burn I mean this was really the quote of the day he got asked by Brian Mahoney from the AP was was there something that could have been done to have you not asked for a trade and he

Said I don’t want to get too deep into it because I love protecting the people that I’m in business with even if it doesn’t work out he does I well that it’s amusing when you get into what he said next again I wish all those guys well but conversations that needed to be

Had had weren’t had before the trade deadline and I don’t know if something need to be anything needed to be salvaged I just think it was time to get my own peace of mind and go somewhere where I was able to thrive and be in a situation where I didn’t have to worry

About kind of behind theb talk or the media talk or not knowing how to handle real life circumstances that have nothing to do with the game of basketball it has everything to do with how you handle someone as a person so that would seem to be having things to

Say about people you were working with I don’t know but by KY standards that is a mle hill and there wasn’t really anything else that happened and the Mavs are way better than the Nets and if anything else the last week as a reminder of like the Nets had these two

Guys on the team and there was all this promise of what it could be and ultimately they won one playoff series and it ended with a whimper and now they’ve got this team that’s gone five and 15 in their last 20 games and going into the trade deadline it’s kind of

Rudderless well and they won one playoff series and gave up all the draft capital and the Nets are right back in the place not geographically but metaphorically where they’ve been for most of the franchises history and that is NBA irrelevancy you know I mean it just is

What it is they’re a lot more fun though they they now well that’s some like that was like their goal they were so you know they wanted a team that was like High character and fun to watch and support and everything well unfortunately they’re not that fun to

Watch um there’s nothing fun about the Nets these days they’re not it’s just it’s not I’m not trying to be a hater or anything but it’s like they’re not a particularly fun team to watch they’re not a team that has a chance to do anything other than maybe sneak into the

Bottom of uh the play in you know I mean maybe they can scrap and become an eight seed um and there’s no benefit to being bad unless you’re with the Houston Rockets and then you’re you’re loving the way things are working out in Brooklyn they listen and every franchise

Would have done the same thing they did if they had a chance to sign Katie and Kyrie you do that a 100 times out of a hundred it just ended up going about as poorly as it Could

Tim Bontemps on Kyrie’s return to Barclays Center: There was no atmosphere! | The Hoop Collective
Tim Bontemps shares what the atmosphere at the Barclays Center was like while introducing Kyrie Irving as he returned for the first time since being traded to the Dallas Mavericks.
#thehoopcollective #espn #nba

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  1. Question: Hypothetically, Do you think Serena and Venus Williams in their physical/athletic primes could have success playing high school football? Why or why not?

  2. The NBA itself is losing a ton of it's popularity….

    They're saying all this Luke the Mavericks themselves aren't still clinging to the 8th seed.

    Luka is averaging 35ppg
    He's not even Top 5 in MVP voting

    Let that sink in…..

  3. These guys hate on Kyrie and can’t move past the vaccin. Sabotaged the nets now they dunno what to talk about now that Ky left NY

  4. The ocean called they need their salt back. You can see this man was holding back his tears while saying what he was saying

  5. Sadly this will be part of Kyrie legacy, every place he's played he's burned out not just the organization but the fan base with his drama. An the Nets need to do a better job, how you got a team in Brooklyn an the opposing team fans outnumber the home fans pretty much every game.

  6. You know what…the best thing about Dallas picking up Kyrie, is the 2k all-time Dallas team is looking nice with Kyrie hahahahhahaha 😂

  7. All media guys are all way too prideful to admit that it is them with egg on their face over the Covid situation not Kyrie- he gained a lot of respect from (even)people that disagree with the majority of his politics or beliefs just by sticking to his guns on that one obvious common sense issue(vaccine mandates)

  8. Kyrie has lost everywhere he's gone. He came back for the NCAA Tournament at Duke after missing most of the season only to lose when the team chemistry was fine without him. He ruined the Cavaliers after LeBron left and needed a super team around him to look serviceable. He again proved that he couldn't be the #1 option on the Nets, ruined the team, and should be taken to court for breach of contract, and now he's trying to ruin the Mavericks who are being kept afloat by Luka alone.

  9. They regretting how they handled the kyrie situation. And now realizing they should’ve handled it more professionally

  10. Too much blame is put on Kyrie for how the mainstream media and SAS rode on him. We’ve already seen THEY LIED TO YOU about the vaccine. We’ve also already seen THE ZIONIST STATE OF ISRAEL IS A WAR MACHINE with war criminals running the show. Tell me how any of that is Kyrie’s fault for the way he was villainized.

  11. There. was no atmosphere ? they were booing from the intro to anytime he had the ball turned into cheers after every move to the point fans were asking why could he do that wit the nets

  12. How does this big boy and Tim have a job ? What do they bring to the table outside of racism and hate ?

  13. lol
    Kyrie hate is so bad it hurts most media to have nothing negative to say about the man …

  14. Why is he so worried about Kyrie's tweet? I'll tell you why, because Brian is a big phat hater who is too prideful to admit that he is wrong.

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