@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Putting It Together? Miami Dolphins Super Bowl Petty Watch Guide | Tobin & Leroy

Miami Heat Putting It Together? Miami Dolphins Super Bowl Petty Watch Guide | Tobin & Leroy

R in that tight ass shirt I don’t have hair you got maros that’s not no that’s that’s true you do got me get over here they don’t want they don’t want it with a show till then hison open some taste like a Snowman no proof my about a

M no proof alwaysed him I hat him I nevera what is aity Driver for for Tex for the what next I I just wish you guys would stop the quibbling Jim V Jim VP Jim VP can I say what why are you interrupting the chant let me tell you why he’s back baby because is he give me

Give me a couple of weeks to this what do you mean okay just what I said he been in and out all year if he’s getting it going can I see it for a week or two before I go MVP he all I’m asking he’s been doing week huh two games dude it’s

Been four okay okay in an 82 Game season I’m not calling MVP for four games know what I’m saying but I think you’re being harsh I’m not being harsh hey Leroy stop I’m not being harsh he’s he’s back being real he’s back okay in four games you you can say that I’m not

Ready to say that that’s all I’m saying two things happen in February patani Phil he he determines the weather and jvp decides to start playing basketball okay okay okay that being said is February 7th can I at least get to here can I at least get to before I go to

Vegas dude he gave he can I at least get till I go to Vegas he’s gonna he’s back baby oh can I get can I get until I go to Vegas I don’t like how D sath is calling this the classic Road Runner game I don’t like that all right this is

Not while he coyote he has a track record dude it’s been four games they three in one since Kendrick Birkin said that he’d had to trade him it’s been four games dude can can can I at least wait am I being unreasonable by saying give me until the middle of February before

I think you are being unreasonable because you didn’t hear Eric spoler last night had just a beautiful explanation of where they are at and how you have all been lied to this season okay all these so-called teams that have everything so perfect he said that’s bad playing that good early that’s that’ll

Lie that that that’ll fill you up with a fraudulent truth or or make you the number one seed no no no what he said was that success is a liar and now it is about the Miami Heath using that adversity to find the truth and truth they have found Leroy

And the truth is it’s Jim VP time oh okay I’m not here I think a lot of times people say I’m Negative Nancy and all this okay I did not disparage you or say you were wrong I just said for me after what I’ve witnessed from the beginning of the season to

January to just turn around after four games and go he’s back I’m gonna be a little more patient with that that’s it did you not see what he did to the Vagner I did I did I’m not just did you hear what I started off by saying and

Then you immediately just dismissed it I’m not disputing anything you said feels like I’m just saying you kind of go in guns are blazing a lot sooner than I do I just feel like you’re being the holdback coach right now like why can’t you just enjoy what Jimmy did last night

You know I didn’t say wait wait that wasn’t the conversation listen I enjoy wait wait wait did I enjoy what Jimmy has done the last four games absolutely I’m not disputing that but you started by saying Jim VP and I said not yet oh not after four games incorrect dude incorrect okay that’s

Where we’re different and you it doesn’t mean that I am disrespecting anything that Jimmy’s done last night or the last three games I’m not but what I’m saying saying is being more reasonable to the events that have occurred in the last four games versus

Just all of a sudden oh he’s back it’s a 82 Game season and in four games you want me to Crown Him don’t be the I’ve always felt this way there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of adversity in this league I mean success can be the worst

Teacher and it could be the worst formula you know sometimes if you just get endless amount of success in in a regular season and you’re just not like really dealing with the truth we’ve had to deal with the truth we’ve had to deal with some some very hard realities of

Why we haven’t been able to win the way we want to and as long as you approach it the right way and you rally around Solutions rally around each other uh and get to work uh you can actually have breakthroughs and uh I’m not going that

Far right now to say we’ve had a breakthrough we still got a long way to go but at least it’s a start these four games closer to our identity okay thank you hey wait wait wait the head coach said I’m not ready to go there yet oh

Come on dude when you have wait wait wait wait wait hear me out maros when a when a coach just say he just said that he just said that success is the worst teacher and we’ve had to deal with the truth you’re missing the point of what

He said he also said we’re not there yet so if I say hey hold on it’s been four games give it a little more time telling you dud that is exactly what SPO just said Jimmy damn head coach that’s fine that’s fine he has to be more Reon don’t

Then don’t don’t r on me because I said the same thing spos you didn’t say you didn’t say that what did I say you’re like oh can I get it for two weeks let me go to Vegas that was you you know SPO was very eloquent he was trying to talk about

Okay so I’m r Wait so I’m rough around the edges and I tell it like it is to so what what you are is you are gas station toilet paper SPO he’s like that that that that quilted charman you know hey I don’t know what gas station

Toilet paper is because you know for a fact I poop in my pants before I go in the gas station and just throw my clothes away I that’s you know this dude I have no idea what gas station toilet paper is like you have to handle the

Truth okay you gotta get I am handling the truth I am keeping it you’re not keeping it real I’m not nope who’s closer to real me or you me okay hey L stop this okay okay Bam Bam you better be working on your gamees that’s all he was a plus

32 last night who bam no I’m talking about Domino’s oh dummy I ain’t got I ain’t wait I ain’t never said nothing negative about Bam’s basketball game all my comments have been towards his dominoes Marcos you have two choices yep gvp back or jvp not

Back look SPO said it Leroy said it so I know it’s been a solid four games but I just want to say say that Jim VP he’s back baby back his time to shine he took it personally February the month of Love yeah and when Jimmy falls back in

Love with basketball enough of this country music nonsense back to Hoops poor Vagner both of them fron and mo yep how does one have a name like frons and the other one’s just Mo I don’t I don’t think it’s just Mo it’s I think it’s short yeah it is short for

Something hold on Mo Vagner hold on Victor Moritz Vagner really yep Mo Dade sa says that Marcos is mof frogner Dam wow point Moritz Witcher well that that’ll that’ll do it yep right that’ll do it also J fig owes me an apology back after this wqam Broadcasting Ah welcome back everybody toin and Leroy here with you 560 WQ streaming live on YouTube and twitch Miami 560 WQ Miami Heat winner last night let’s get to your headlines brought to you by the new paletto Ford truck Super Center why buy a truck at a Car Store Palmetto

Ford we know trucks Miami Heat uh they beat the magic 121 95 some are calling it the best one of the Season some are calling at the best one of the Season most complete one of the season for sure they look fast last night Le Roy Ricky Bobby fast they they look made

Threes not that it wasn’t like this it wasn’t this Grand three-point shooting performance they were just fast Leroy yeah fast Leroy I guess that was the the important uh practice points last couple of days gez the last the that’s probably the emphasis of practice the last couple of days

Speed Terry roer looked in his in his bag Leroy and they were tenacious on defense that’s the thing that was impressive about it you know you had this this big ass Orlando Magic team that was playing some good basketball rolling in run off run off the court run

Them off the court hands were all over the place loved it scary my thing is is I’ve always been curious about this does your defense suffer when you’re shooting the ball poorly or does your offense struggle when you’re playing defense poorly right um does it suck the life out of

You so for example you play defense for 23 seconds and a guy makes a contested three it it sucks the life out of you yeah for sure because of the effort does that affect you on the other side I know it’s not supposed to yeah human nature

Jimmy baller says it all the time he says usually when they’re missing shots it does affect their defense I think one of the good things yesterday was any kind of a push back from the magic uh you know that probably early in the season collapses that Heat team right

And they dug in I think that’s the thing that was was impressive yesterday we call that in the business intestinal fortitude oh yeah oh yeah AKA guts which is you know just that for short I hate you he he can’t let let your boy have something what

You could have just left it at that and said yes nope you had to sprinkle some Tobin on it you jack for the Super Bowl dude yeah I got my I got my here y’all ready here’s what we got Wings egg rolls ribs hot dogs and for the kids and hot

Dogs and chili and I’m making some dip and of course we not going to have have no Smokey whiskey oh my God that was that was that was dangerous I wanted to go and take that bottle right back and crack that dude over the head with

It a lot of goat talk this morning on ESPN they were talking uh is Mahomes the goat is he gonna be the goat well here’s the problem and and it happens all the time when Brady got to this point and the Patriots we were talking about him

Versus Joe Montana yeah so it like it’s fine but but here’s here’s the kicker he’s got a lot of career in front of him hopefully like nobody thought Tom Brady was gonna play that long so so it’s hard to project how long you’re G to be either that motivated or that healthy

Right and and so you can have the conversation now but the fact Still Remains we know what the goal is right we know we know what where the bar has been set and as of right now he’s on that path but here’s what’s going to be different with Patrick Mahomes and Tom

Brady he ain’t gonna have the same coach for 20 years probably not and and so that’s where it gets a little dicey we without a doubt we can say that Patrick Mahomes will not have Andy Reed for 20 years just not so how does that affect everything

That’s something Tom Brady never had to deal with he’s had consistency from ownership to coach yeah but like how many I mean I don’t know how long Andy Reid is gonna do it he’s 65 you know that’s what I’m saying so okay give him five more years give him

Five if you gave him five more years though know what they could do five more say five more years and they win two more that’s four and Patrick M would be what 10 years uh he’d be what 33 at that point 32 no but I’m saying it’ll be it’ be

It’ll be 10 years of being quarterback four and 10 years Brady got six Brady got six and 20 you think anybody really wants to go the Brady route anymore though playing like 20 years till you’re 45 like I feel like if I’m momes and I did win four and I’m making and you’re

Making stupid money right now but it’s not you see see here’s the thing and and here’s the thing I would caution you on you’re making what we’re talking about about money I’m not making about money and these players the money is a move point because once you’re already

Set he’s already set for life it’s not about the money anymore well I guess what I’m saying is what Tom Brady did is not for everybody not everybody wants to play till they’re 45 years old right not every guy wants to hang around until they’re mid-40s and odds are you’re

Probably not going to win Seven Super Bowls because it’s a crazy sport where like a dude can roll up on your ankle and all of a sudden your season season’s done or be D Marino tering and aill yeah it’s just I if I was momes like the way

I’d almost look at it is like once I get two more I might bury Sanders it I might just be like I’m out and then you’ll leave the mystery sh you you know it’s it’s like this Haze of like he could have think like chose he chose to walk

Away if he get two more if he get two more he’ll just say wow I’m only 34 35 years old when Tom Brady got four like what was the break before he got his next three it was a long time I think it was 10 years before between

Between those those uh he got those stupid blls again like it’s I don’t know agreed but but keep in mind here’s the difference Tom Brady went to 10 no 11 right so that like while we talking about the wins think of how much football he played playing in 11 Super

Bowls that that right there is Patrick Mahomes only lost one Super Bowl correct yeah yes he lost he lost to Brady right he lost one so um if you keep going even if you don’t win that’s GNA say a lot about Patrick Mahomes in itself because one

Game on any day something could happen great for the other team or bad for you so I don’t know I just think you know it’s it’s fun having a conversation um I think they done it totally different and that’s what makes it exciting for me because Tom Brady was all about

Structure guys being where they’re supposed to be getting rid of the ball and Patrick Mahomes is more of a gunslinger making things happen yeah although they’ve been boring this year which has been annoying that’s really well because they were dropping the ball I get you but you

Know it’s still it’s still you at least with the it beforehand the chiefs were like the greatest show oh you’d see these crazy throws now it’s like oh they’re they’re they’re they’re they’re groning it all the way down with something something to be said about winning in a lot of different ways

Because think about this when Tom Brady was the greatest show on Turf they lost when he threw for 50 touchdowns when he had Randy Moss they lost take a miracle though but like literally one time they lost like that was the only time they were really that but they but

I I get it but they it’s one time they lost it was a bad time to lose because it was the Super Bowl okay Mercury Morris was making fun of you in commercials right but it was I mean it it it was still a very effective way of winning football

Games and as Marcos points out the I mean a miracle catch yeah but that’s football though like did anybody wait wait did anybody think Ben rothberger was going to throw that ball to San Antonio Holmes and it was going to be caught that crazy that was to me that

Catch was crazier than somebody catching the ball on his head both because you had about a foot to complete that pass I I mean I’m rooting for the Chiefs but it’s more like I’m just rooting against Brock pry because I really don’t want a summer of

Marcos saying Brock to The Rock as a super bow Champion I can’t have I know I just I can’t have Mr Irrelevant win the Super Bowl I can’t have it so you’d rather have a summer field of new Patriot fans AKA Chiefs fans already dealing with it nothing new nothing new

Like in my eyes when I’m doing a when I’m doing a petty guide to to watching sports I think to myself what’s going to make it more peaceful what dumb arguments don’t I have to hear if I have to hear about the Chiefs not big hearing about the Chiefs it’s nothing new just

Kind of just Mosey along and keep it moving but if I could watch if I have to hear about oh Brock pie Mr Irrelevant you can now get they were talking about this oh you could get a quarterback now literally anywhere I’m like oh here we

Go see I hate that I hate when we go I hate when there are exceptions to the rule right there are exceptions to rules you know especially at quarterback because let’s keep in mind the worst quarterback in college playing in the NFL right now is Josh

Allen he was ter he wasn’t very good in college I mean is in acccurate he played in a he played in a weird he played in a weird conference he wasn’t even the best quarterback in his conference uh I don’t know if that’s the case he played in the whack again but so

Tom Brady had a better college career than than Josh Allen and so like for reasons that nobody can explain yeah but it’s not like Josh Allen was like the top quarterback in that draft either though Baker was Baker won the Heisman and Baker was the top pick right but that

Goes to my point also is that that picking that position is so difficult yeah but here’s the thing it’s already already picked this is what I don’t want I don’t want him who’s already trying to convince me about Justin Fields now on top of it if

Mr Irrelevant wins the Super Bowl now I got to hear about just roll the dice on somebody late bring in competition for Tua let’s do it there you go because he’s gonna be like every time if he wins this damn game he’s gonna be so annoying

At the Super Bowl party frog boy because if Brock pie goes out there if he gives me one 15 yard scramble he’s going to be aing over the television and all he’s going to be thinking about is I want that you know there’s there’s been a lot of quarterbacks that haven’t been

Drafted in the first round that are playing and playing well not the last pick not the last pick okay Brady was almost the last pick I know but it’s like Tom Brady was always the where was Romo drafted uh I don’t I think I think he was undrafted right so like like he

Never won the Super Bowl though we’re we’re make we’re making this sound like you know this is and and guess what every year Marcos yeah most teams think the same thing you do and they got stiff sitting on their bench sometimes you got to be lucky the

The the 49ers were lucky with Brock pie the Dallas Cowboys were lucky okay that doesn’t normally happen maybe where Dak pres if if if that draft could be redone with Dak Prescott you think D Prescott would have went in the first round instead of the third round

Yeah probably why this but that’s not really the point though the point is it’s not that you could find a quarterback anywhere it’s that you have a top five quarterback who you have to pay money to and frog boy over here is going to say Mr win the Super Bowl Mr

Could win the Super Bowl you could get Mr anywhere that that’s that’s what I’m I’m not I’m not disputing what you’re saying I know but the point is going to be his annoying ass going up against us all summer Rings ring rings here’s what’s funny here’s what’s funny Tobin is now annoyed by

Tobin well not being that no no no being that how many times have you said to me let’s take a chance baby roll the dice right and now Marcos is saying that and it disgusts you look at that this is the most and you and you I’m not a hypocrite

And you are not even self-aware enough to realize man I’ve been doing this to Leroy for eight years quite the contrary I’m very aware of it which is exactly why I’m rooting against Brock pie because you don’t want to hear you exactly dude okay at least

You’re being honest but so how do you think I feel this is wait wait how do you tell you every day hear me out though what is Talia time hey here you go time out first of all I’mma stop you there find your own phrases oh why what

Do you mean you you are not using hear me out I am not hearing hear me out for two from two people find your own little phrase slipped out there good for hear me out yeah uh tell me what you think about this what about that that’s good

All right what you think about this we have a taga vioa right maybe that wasn’t the one we were supposed to get the whole time maybe it’s a pipeline we get the more agile more mobile Talia so let me get this straight you want to pull in

Orlando Magic and have both Vagner and then just one turns out to be really good fron and Mo’s kind of a roll guy I mean look you are are so reluctant to to get rid of your precious Tua we don’t have to get rid of them baby just go

Ahead and sit on over let your brother come in show you how to move job look at that footwork look at the footwork on that guy huh what’s his shuttle time what’s his 40 time probably quicker than his older more brittle brother wow look at that first of all hey wait wait wait

Hypine wait wait wait first of all as D South pointed out you know tal is smaller quicker oh my is he quicker no he doesn’t know when’s the last time you watch a Maryland football game never let me see his running stats I’m sure it has

To be better look Tu a run a 49 like come on what are we even doing here r a 49 run a 49 and Talia he did not run there’s no way he ran I run the combine because he he had the hip like they didn’t it was his pro

Day you’re lying you’re lying you’re lying dude he didn’t even to the draft ESPN dude it’s he didn’t even have a workout up to the draft it was the world was shut down so you’re telling me Tu slow you’re tell me Tua is slower than Christian

Wilkins I’m telling you Tua is slower than Christian I actually let me ask you a question let me ask you a question then yep is Tua faster than Tom Brady o well Tom Brady is a lot taller but again point is this why all of a sudden because a few years

Ago if you ran a 4 five and you were a quarterback your ass was consider considered a running quarterback and weren’t going to be able to throw the football and now all of a sudden we want a quarterback that run a four five it’s crazy everybody now wants him

To last year who might be at my Super Bowl party cuz his ass ain’t playing neither V2 says Talia might legit be better than Tua look at this you’re right you know what you know what v21 you might be big 10 and leading the NFL in passing Samy holy smoke his vertical

Jump is 33 inches 30 dude that’s my vertical jump as well no it’s not IA that’s what I’m telling you bro we saw you jump exactly so you’re gonna test that it’s probably 30 what is that from high school that’s usually yes that’s from high scho [Laughter]

Bastard bro take a quick break back after this Welcome back everybody Welcome Back Toby Leroy here with you 560 wqam want to let you guys know if you want to go to to to to toruga wow if it was a it was if it was a Russian fight name you would have got it perfect wow I apologize I apologize Tortuga if

You guys would like to go to Tortuga music festival and rock the ocean no it’s not that concert if you guys want to go fort lell Beach April 5th through the 7th three-day pass to see Laney Wilson Hardy Jason Aline nope Teddy swim yes he’s not on the read I’m

Just adding that for you is he even there like are you sure are we sure that he’s I know that’s what jfig said are we sure she’s right no old Dominion’s GNA be there and a whole lot more if you guys want to win a three-day pass text the word Wilson to

20357 text Wilson to 20357 and you just might be going you want to purchase single day tickets pick your day or grab a single day pass this Friday beginning at 10: a.m go to Tortuga music Game Boy 305 says if it was tortilla toin would have gotten it right you’re

Not wrong dude oh man love a t I’m not a Mexican fan we know you got some weird takes dude you got some weird food takes hey I’mma just say this nobody’s never come over to my house and not eating good that’s fair so whatever whatever my food takes

Are they’re my own personal food takes Doc Rivers tough night last night I know you didn’t have Dame but now you dropped two one and four as the head coach of the bucks with your loss to the Suns I got to tell you it’s pretty frustrating taking a

Team that was second in the conference and having one win in the last five but we G look it’s a long path it’s a long road we trying to win this Championship right um we gonna get it done yeah I mean you’ve been on a tough

Road trip you get to return to Milwaukee you got to be excited about that you know you you’re back in Marquette stomping grounds yeah well look it’s always good to come back to where it all started but right now there’s more pressing issues I got a team with

Dame and Giannis and we won in four and the coach that was fired was second in the conference so amazing the Optics aren’t good right now in fairness doc you did say I believe the quote was uh when you took the job I don’t wish this on

Anybody which is a crazy thing to say I see why I see why I said that CA it’s a no- win situation for me if I don’t win the championship you gonna say we could have kept the guy we had and if we fall out of this second

Spot you gonna be looking for my head after a month well thanks Doc we appreciate it by the way did you see uh it’s interesting we had a a story yesterday not a surprising story but uh PJ Tucker reportedly uh wants to be back with the Miami Heat as the trade deadline is

Tomorrow I can’t imagine the heat are going to trade for me he makes 11 million but uh slow to two old you know you you want to be here though right PJ that’s uh that’s oh yeah uh I know me and Doc get confused but I’ve been screaming a little bit more so

I’m lower it a little bit I still got the corner three in me baby my defense is not what it used to be but I’mma give you all five minutes I got he wants to be like I PJ Tucker want to be of course he doesn’t get to play

On the clippers but he uh you know this is why they he didn’t want to give him the third year like this is exactly why he’s 40 what is he what is PJ Tucker 40 is he 40 am I aging him too much 38 oh 38 LeBron is the oldest

Player in the league that’s what I was thinking he’s 39 PJ Tucker is an old 38 dude PJ Tucker though will turn 39 uh in May okay so he’s yeah over he’s uh so he’s year this this is this was that third year yeah oh yeah yeah did he did

He sure as hell ain’t gonna bring him back they would have just kept him Noah they uh I I can’t what not even on a buyout who’s gonna buy him out he gotta get traded somewhere else then get bought out then he sign him yeah I don’t think so I mean

Then no happened with Kevin Love that mean but I just don’t see a role with Kevin Love the Cavaliers bought him out the reason I don’t see a re a role for PJ Tucker like you kind of have young PJ Tu you have Haywood like I think Haywood’s GNA be in there sparingly

Against really good guys on the wing took out they took him out of the start I like haward’s energy more than I would PJ’s yeah one’s you know 27 and the other one’s 38 you know I I don’t know I don’t really see the uh other than PJ

Tucker you know obviously loving Miami and Jimmy likes him like if you just want to bring in Jimmy’s friend and tell Drew Smith to take a hike I don’t really but Pat likes him too you can’t you can’t oh that would be just cold that’s cold yeah it’s

Cold um I don’t think they’re gonna do does Drew Smith even count against any numbers right now yeah he’s injured he’s in he’s injured but uh he’s still on the RO like it’s still is a roster spot okay um so I don’t know I don’t see

It by the way did you see that dunk that uh KD had last night on Giannis oh oh I’m G send it to you through the hand I was like I I don’t remember KD throwing it down like that on somebody in a while it’s usually like some sick ass jumper right over

Somebody’s face but he went he was with authority last night dude did you see Marcos no I didn’t see it actually like you said I’m not used to seeing KD dunk like that like you said it’s usually like a clutch shot but I’m sure he takes those matchups

Personally he kind of gets skipped over just because people are like ah he’s emotional nobody skips over KD dude I mean they give him his respect when you talk when you talk about the alltime greats or you talk about the top players in the league today KD’s name does never makes it past

Five yeah but sometimes you like Giannis will get like credit even though he only has one ring for the way that he won it as opposed to uh you know right I was whoa wait here’s what the amazing thing is who’s that valent Tunis nurkic nurkic he’s taller than

Nurkic I know look at that when they walk away minus one he’s taller than nurkic he’s a liar about his height that dude’s S1 he is a liar about his but that was a that was a sick jam now bam also with a sick Jam last night they were this was

Uh the when bam had that fast break dunk yesterday I think it woulded it make it 112 he had that dunk the entire heat bench got up furious with the official for not calling him getting hit on the head right and then SPO look officials I’m gonna tell you something right

Now you don’t want the SPO finger wag in your face like when he is he’s never talking to him Leroy it’s always to the side of him but the finger right there in his ear almost like ready do not find me almost like ready to f that I I

Thought I thought the entire team was like ready to go take away the referee and like a mob they were so Furious that bam didn’t get a call there but anyway good win by the Heat last night we’ll uh get into more shenanigans on the other side back after this Dolphins

Quarterback Daddy loves you guys our Tua with Tobin and Leroy check the history Of this guy this guy Professional to the gentl what normally I don’t unmute my mic when I come back not me playing that on uh old uh jfig who by the way owes me an apology dude apology yeah you did say this you know she leads this whole charge yesterday about me being a mush well how

About that one J fig 26o win with old toes in the building yesterday where’s your mush now ridiculous take told you it was a ridiculous take and I want an apology all right ridic best win of the Season best win of the Season best win of the season and you know she’s trying

To she trying to censor me here with muting me on video and her chicanery ridiculous ridiculous classic behavior of a propagandist which is what she is it’s what she is she’s a propagandist dang wow says these things beches my name that’s that’s a Tobin word be SM

Ridiculous were you though we don’t know if you were for sure there what do you mean were you at C Santa yesterday yeah what do you mean all right all right I’ll believe you I believe you why would you doubt that I was at CA Center it was

A really good win it was a really know that I was at the game wait Marcos is hitting at you the mush I’m just saying you know like numbers the numbers actually the numbers are the numbers yeah and I have not gone to like every game and they’ve

Lost they’ve been a 500 team probably gone to the same amount of wins and losses dude because that’s what they’ve been all right cool for now you’re off the hook in regards to the heat no no no no not for now forever I’m noten I’m not

Doing this battle with you guys like you did with bosski which was another ridiculous take I’ve never been a mush I’m not a mush all right every time you wait wait wait wait you’re telling me that the year we called I called him full gold Bob yeah that that wasn’t

Accurate year he interviewed him every year and the other thing was we talked to him last time you interview Bob at media day okay what and what has the season been allar oh no no no because you stayed away no it didn’t stay away when he was for go Bob you were there

Every week on we were in person if you were mush and you met somebody in person before I canceled you out though because I was there too you don’t get to that’s right mus anote yes I’m the mush vaccine and by the way I’ve had enough of this

Frog boy too about bios blocks and him sending me a Fred Van vit I’m just saying dude it’s a little sad if when you see sixf foot van vet and then you want to celebrate one block by our Center bamat bio he’s one of the best defensive players in the league and

Fred van Le does those bubl blocks that are like down by your down by your feet that Kyle Lowry used to do he’s had his last game that he was active three days ago van vet you want to know how many blocks he had in that game how many did

He have four dude he had four blocks so he fluffed up the numbers January 26 against the Hornets you want to know how many blocks he had in that game how many six in one game so let me get this straight he’s fluffed that entire thing

On basically two games no he gets like one a game or something like that ridiculous didn’t you see what he did did you not see what bad did to the Orlando Magic last night he was a monster they couldn’t do anything around him France Vagner was like oh he was like oh [Laughter]

No minus one what are you doing what are you doing Jimmy Butler was so mad yesterday that fron Vagner scored on him basically just he decided yesterday goes fron Vagner just dunked past me and I’m not gonna have this and so he decided I’m taking this personal and I’m just gonna

Start hitting threes and then he goes after his brother and hits him with the too small always a classic Burn yeah always a classic burn but you guys want to sit here call me are the Vagner Twins or just brothers just brothers okay just brothers the Lopez brothers are twins

Yeah but only one Lopez brother is playing right yeah yeah one one is good the other fights mascots that’s true it’s a good bit though this a good bit I mean they try to learn how to shoot threes together no because here’s what happened with Brook Lopez Brook Lopez didn’t used

To be a three-point shooter and then like he was just toiling away in Brooklyn and he just spent a year shooting threes and became yeah because he wasn’t doing nothing else he wasn’t doing nothing else and they were losing so he just figured I’m gonna work on my

Thing it was a great idea by him because now he’s Ian he’s not bad Splash Mountain fron Vagner ridiculous Marcos is sitting here sending me V vet you’re out of pocket lately dude I just saw the stat I wanted wait a minute how does it feel to be got by you

Just like what is he doing you you want to go you want go be a Houston fan then I’m not a Houston fan I’m just saying Houston fan this is a guy who wants us to bet the over on bam blocks and first it was plus 15,000 parlay well I wonder

Why because this guy’s got as much blocks as Fred Van hold on when we s when plus 15,000 came out of my mouth I didn’t see anybody say it’s a bit long a bit of a long shot to everybody was tickled pink and be like

Yeah but how many of those did we hit none odds but we were almost there we weren’t all of them halfway there okay ter Rose here flirted with a triple double yesterday Jimmy did Jimmy did for sure Jimmy did for sure 238 and eight is for sure that’s flirt with a triple double

Yeah yeah that’s with a triple double I think Rosier had like 18 six and six or something like he’s fast he’s so fast yeah he’s the fastest point guard we’ve had here in a while yeah probably since like Dion since since like Philly cheese that

That 30 and 11 season before he broke an wasn’t fast before he broke his ankle he was really okay yeah I mean you know GOI Go’s got a little burst little giddy up hey they call him Giddy Up GOI okay hey he’s deceptively hey what say it again Marcos

Deceptively fast for sure I like that yeah I like that dude so you’re saying that GOI right is just as fast as the point guard we have now I didn’t say just fast I just said he had a little giddy up but they all have giddy up D their

Basketball even every now and then you see uh Duncan explode by somebody and go to the rim not every horse is a thorough bread yeah some are show ponies know why I’m taking such a it’s a good day the best one of the season they figured it out

Maros he opened the door like Uber Eats was outside he’s like who is it who breeds come on in oh man headlines brought to you by the new palal for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store palal for we know trucks Panthers lost last night

I didn’t get to see much of the game I had a little bit I saw them try and get that last Rush of the end did did anybody did kachuck try and fight somebody the entire game cuz like I looked at the screen in front of me a

Good half dozen times and felt like four times kachuck was just getting somebody the business I mean that sounds like it would you be surprised if that was the case it’s just what kachuck does yeah just what kachuck does surprisingly Reinhardt did not score yesterday so alas the Panthers they will

Look to bounce back against the capitals coming up on Thursday uh by the way Super Bowl ads this year $7 million for 30 seconds what wow yeah anybody get a discount does like Bud Light get a discount if you’re the official something or another because here here’s what may happen and and I’mma

Just if like some of these companies paying hundreds of millions to be partners with the NFL and they might include a Super Bowl and but you can say it costs as much as you want these people like yeah so so say somebody like 18 who’s you know or

No it’s not who is it it’s uh surface is uh Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft you know because you see all the pads and whatever they’re all they’re all Microsoft I think they’re all tablets right so maybe they have a ad but they’re giving you know they’re spending

A lot of money during the year so maybe those those there’s those commercials and then you have the commercials of the like the Rand random people the you know the the the new and then maybe CBS is it on CBS it’s on CBS This Year CBS yeah

Yeah maybe they have they get a couple of spots yeah remember the year was on NBC like they were just they were hammering us with peacock right so well but but keep in mind the ads don’t go to the NFL the ads go to the billion dollars plus billions of dollars that the

Station paid for the super bow then there’s uh it’s always interesting because like the Super Bowl commercials are such a reflection of our time because there was one year where it was nothing but electric cars hard Seltzer and crypto it was just like every ad was

Those three things and that’s it so true because they spent a b load of money on it what do you think is gonna be this year I don’t know I don’t know I think everyone’s done with I did see I did see there’s a there’s an Uber

Eats with uh with the Becca where they’re making fun of uh the documentary be honest be honest POS can I just tell you I think there should be a television show of me and you traveling the world and you using your accent in all these other countries and I’m just there so

You don’t get your ass kicked because wait wait we had dude we basically had dudes dressed up like uh 9inch Nails right dressed up like fig cussing at Tobin like they wanted to kick his ass we all the struts the struts they were so bad I was like whoa whoa whoa hold on

Yeah hey if you guys want to go to Heat Spurs right now caller three to 305 567 0560 caller three to 305 567 0560 is going to win a pair of tickets to Heat and Spurs right now call a 3 to 30556 7560 gets a pair of tickets we’ll take a

Break back after this iite already all right welcome back Toby Leroy is that Justin timlake no that’s a famed artist Mike Posner oh Mike Posner is that I drank I I I took a pill in a Bea yeah that is you know this guy knows

His he knows music music I tell you what he knows music dude he’s a music man I like music I listen to all music give them credit telling you how did uh like it’s a little harder for me to get in the country but certain guys I can you

Know but uh who who got the uh tiet gets to see uh the game tonight Marcos that was whalan out of whan We Still naming our kids whing all right or or maybe he’s insinuating something about the uh the uh trade deadline coming up you

Know you know what I want to see tonight game Ops by the way you know I’ve you you want them to do the Britney Spears thing I want them to do the Britney Spears wama Miami he you have an opportunity tonight wanyama if he misses at the game tonight steps back for three

Brick all of a sudden you hit him with the Britney Spears isn’t there some sort of controversy though wait way to be H it Marcos no but I’m not all I know we’re allowed to make fun of her she’s in a situation with Justin Timberlake we’re Timberlake fans we’re not making fun of

Her we’re making fun of wiim minyama all right wiim minyama brick I’m telling you dude you’re GNA rattle this dude if you start playing that after every Miss tonight pulls up for three brick gotta do it tonight game Ops but game Ops did a move last night Leroy

What so yesterday the heat they’re kicking the Magic’s ass all right and Magic head coach calls a timeout and you know game Ops decides you know it’ be a good time right now why don’t we give Mike Miller a jersey which was a Savvy move up 19 because Mike Miller now represents Paulo

Bono so the Miami Heat with him sitting next to the magic bench they went over they said ladies and gentlemen two-time Champion Mike Miller and his client’s getting his ass kicked but what is he gonna do not wave to the crowd and give him love and hype

Everybody up for the finals hero so I just want to give a shout out to game offs last night game offs had it going on last night for the heat sometimes your level of petty right is what that is that petty I I thought you know I just thought Savvy that’s a good

Move savy Savvy whoever was on that well done all right you’re like you know what tonight be a good night too Mike Miller is Jersey you know kicking the Magic’s ass by them did you see uh jerseys that were handed out did you see they gave my

Boy Marcelo from only in D did SNL he’s got a jersey now too he got a he got a they even gave him number 23 even though it was even though it’s retired so great honor for him pretty nice and then I saw he looked like he was partying with the

Djm do in the on the DJ booth he was having a good time yeah it’d be nice if uh you know team captain of the lava got a jersey but it’s cool I’m not even I’m not worried about it it’s fine mail I gotta tell you I didn’t realize this yesterday but I

Think I got a new maneuver when I’m at these Heat games you know so wait wait is this what you what you uh hit us up on so first of all before you tell the story did it work well I didn’t think of doing it until I

Left with you guys but so um you know salana yesterday he’s like hey you want to come on the uh the pregame show and they moved the radio Booth the radio Booth used to be on press row it used to be like right there with all the seats

But it was kind of amongst the people and what’s that probably had trouble hearing or it got L yeah they just well remember they opened up that that Jack Ramsay the new they put everything over in the same place TV Spanish radio radio they’re all together and something this

Nice little but the actual new radio Booth is basically in an old Luxury Box right the way that but the way in basketball Luxury Box works is you have like the nice seats but then the Luxury Box is behind you to go eat if you want

To go in and Lounge a little bit and hobnob so I didn’t realize you know this radio Booth which I know now the secret path to I you know about the time the pregame is doing you know getting going if you get a catered it’s already the spread is

Laid out there and let me tell you these empanadas looked mighty tasty and I don’t know you know as as a person who’s a you know uh some some would call me uh a beacon of light for heat Nation some people would call me uh you know boots on the ground some people

Call me a journalist you know whatever you want to call me I get a lot of uh glad hand the phrase mush a lot no nobody calls me that only you bastards call me that but I walk around this Arena you know shake hands you know kiss some

Babies it’s it’s it’s I’m almost like a a heat politician you know dadas threw you off well I just thought to myself you know I’ve never really used this power to my benefit you know I know you guys like the joke that I’m a fan with

Good access but I I really do try and go there to be on the job and do the job which is of course getting pictures of Mike Miller getting his jersey pedal from the Miami Heat and Floyd May with his outfit so I was thinking to myself

Like if people are stopping and saying hello to me what would it be crazy if I walked by some of these luxury booths and somebody would say Hey Jo if I just walked in and said hey everybody be like hey it’s Tolman want an empanada can I can I say

This so when I go up to the Cleveland games right they say hey we need you to come here and meet you know these people Key Bank has a whole little Suite or whatever yeah now in in that sweet there’s like uh crab claws and like Johnny Walker Blue and and all fancy

Stuff right and it’s in a uh Key Bank area where all the food is free I’m talking about it looks like a cafeteria in there that’s how much food’s there but on my way there I go into about 13 sweets and they go hey Ro what’s

Happening I said I just want to see what y’all got to eat in here oh come on in I’m like yeah L you got some some ribs oh they got going on here a couple of ribs what y’all drinking on I looked in these heat Lo these empan delicious I

Was like who you don’t get the you don’t get the $8 empan downstairs no and they were like on they were like on some wood I was like man this this is fancy Yep this is f someone’s got to be a show listener up there I tell you what at at

The uh Hard Rock there’s a sushi station in the the main Suite like at Midfield you walk in there and you know who you know who uh is at the front of that um what’s she used to work uh work at the station um oh I forgot her name uh anyway she

Was there right so I go in there they’re making fresh sushi would you like a sushi roll like n I’m not Sushi is not my thing what would you like we’ll bring it I’m like wow that place was special yeah man D South Tobin the impanata and

Bezler I mean no you don’t have to say bezler I’m just you know walking around hey what’s going on oh what do you guys got going on say this I have gone to dolphins games and seen the way the animals go at the food in the media

Place oh yeah and I’ve went and just bought food like you ain’t getting through that you know they they put a fine spread up but you know no they do I’m not saying they never offer in media dining I’m just I’m just saying that soon as like soon as the food gets

There the media box is empty like they all know and I’m like wow menu says nothing tastes better than free food you’re not kidding no you are not kidding disappoint me Tobin why disappoint me dude you are out here putting out not the bad signal but the Empanada signal right now you’re hoping

Someone walks by you instead of going lero they invite you to endless empanadas pretty much dude I mean like I didn’t realize though Marcos i’ never been in a crazy of all the places I’ve been in the he in the Heat arena I’ve never really been in one of their luxury

Boxes before I’ve been in the bardi lounge but like the the the boxes those things are sweet as hell and I was like wow this is amazing I could I could get used to this if like even when I go to dolphins games if I see a name on that box that I

Know I go in why not I’m just saying just say hello does anyone care about the Integrity of the game anymore Integrity of what game the game is get as much food as you can free food just that’s the game you know if you wanted food you go to Golden Corral

You’re there for the game all right you’re there to watch the beautiful beautiful game Marcos they were glistening these empanadas they were they they looked magical on the light on the wood they display them all nice for research purposes let me just see what section they were in next time I go

There I just want to you know take an eye out see if I can I’m just going to be like I’m I’m going to be badgering salana hey why don’t you have me up for that uh that pregame show again huh it’s like wow Tobin’s really wanted to be in

On the on the preheat so much yeah just a segment of me you know just just bring get it on up there you know no no no bigs one man who I know is uh very hospitable Leroy Bernie Kar yes sir why tell us what he’s uh B Bernie positive

Man with some positive coffee yep Bernie is a very positive guy and we’ll have him on uh before the Super Bowl because I’ve heard uh going back and forth with him I think he’s at the Super Bowl because that’s what Bernie does spreads joy and cheer to everyone but you know

What it wasn’t always that way because you know after a long career he got a little banged up he had over 40 surgeries 100 concussions uh and the greatest comeback he made was really realizing that food is medicine and change what he put into his body so he started creating wellness products and

Has finally released Kosar coffee an organic coffee that’s infused with vitamin D and Resveratrol which is Nature’s Miracle antioxidant and anti-inflammatory this combination of ingredients is exclusive to Kosar coffee and is a perfect way to start your journey to a healthier life there’s more he now has merch Kosar coffee apparel

Can be found on for not only merch but the coffee and you can get a discount by using Code Leroy the main thing you need to know about Bernie is is Bernie believes you deserve to be happy going to let you down going to run never let you down babyy

Baby welcome back everybody it is toin Leroy here with you 560 WQ take you up until two here on the program as Miami Heat Victorious last night heat beating the magic I think they’re back dude I think the heat are back I really do Jim VP looking like Jim VP

Yesterday you want to know something about Jimmy B it’s adorable Marcos yeah let me know has arts and crafts from his kids in his locker does he yeah like the fake snowman you know really adorbs that is adorbs tot adorbs you know like he has a cubicle isn’t that isn’t that

Cute essentially that is his cubicle you know you got to make sure that you uh you know when baby tadpull when he starts doing arts and crafts you got to hold on to those puppies for a little bit Marcos you can’t act like you’re not

Impressed no for sure for sure I uh G you some some fatherly advice I I currently have a bunch of junk on my fridge from my nieces and nephews but they can’t draw worth anything gotta get that out of there get some of my baby stuff up there yeah absolutely you put a

Little uh some some handprints on there it was a good look good so let’s get to this middle of the show it’s the middle of the week perfect time to mix it on up dude and the mix bag is now brought to you by Broward Health well into your

Future wow maros what do we got today in the mixed bag all righty then and I’ll aboard this crazy circus that is Super Bowl week watch out that train may make Jay fig late or it may Circle back on another person’s career and see if there’s anything left Le’Veon Bell

Have you heard of him yes professional boxer professional boxer indeed uh with a professional record of no clue maybe he’s I think he did he beat AP I don’t remember did he win I think he did I think he knocked him out if I’m not he did win

Yeah yeah he uh is one in one he is one in one but he’s leaving the the beautiful sport of boxing I think Frank G Frank Gore uh made up for that first fight against Darren Williams I think he got a couple of Knockouts really yeah

But he did them in like there was like small town shows like in in Mississippi like weren’t on this big stage so Frank Gore might be uh be doing it again I thought Frank Gore had some moves yeah had to fight a giant person yeah I mean look anyone that goes

Toe-to-toe with any of these freakish athletes I give them credit because that’s rough but Le’Veon Bell seems to be uh eyeing a comeback in the NFL this is what he had to say recently about potentially returning to the running backs room I won’t start training until like March like marches

And I’m going to be honest with myself I gota go out there and be like oh yeah I’m put my foot in the ground do I feel it am I hurting can I go out there and really play again and bro I’m telling you right now when I got there and train

In March and I if I hit April and I make the decision to come back to play an NFL again mark my words down I will be better than I ever was ever and I will only come back for that one team y’all know who it is I don’t got to say I

Don’t got to say no team name Pittsburgh I’m assuming Pittsburgh is he’s saying I’m not even sure is it Pittsburgh I don’t like I who is he coming back for the Chiefs is that ended pretty ugly if I if I remember correctly it did end

Ugly I don’t know who he would want to come back for do you I wonder this do you think that Raheem mostard having the year that he did at the age that he did is inspiring to a lot of running backs you know that’s good point he like he

Everybody sees Raheem moard who listen he’s fast as hell so not everybody can do what he can do but you look at his age I mean Le’Veon Bell’s got you know he’s a three-time All Pro this guy was Bonafide the the best running back in

The league do you think that he looks at something like what Le’Veon Bell did I think I could do that in the right system in the right spaces of places give me U the right role you know maybe maybe something could happen I don’t know I’m not even say that he can

Because moer did it I just wonder if people just looked at Mo’s age as year 21 touchdowns and figured moer can do it why can’t I do it true I mean he’s also 31 so it’s not out of the question necessarily I just I don’t know if it’s

Likely not only uh is he up there in age as hardge running backs go it kind of has a stain again the way that he he went out in Pittsburgh and I know you know he went to New York after that didn’t work out asterisk had to deal

With Adam gase dude sucks as a coach oh really does he suck as a coach because I bring in case of Ryan T Hill rill sucked with the many coaches and he did S I don’t want to say Ryan Ryan T was fine with many coaches he was NE you know he

Was never the leading passer in the league Marcos all right no that’s fine we won’t we won’t uh go down that Wormhole we’ll keep it moving cadarius Tony oh oh yeah he uh recently more more notoriety surrounding his off the field Antics including calling his own team a

Liar which was great when they chose to sit him for injury uh cadarius Tony had this to say when answering the question on whether or not he’s a number one receiver in the league you’re number one receiver in this league yeah if I get it yeah if I get the ball

Yeah if I it if I get I mean they tried to get it to him Hey listen he had a roll in last year’s Super Bowl I get it cadarius Tony the reason he gets chance the guy is super super talented but man he had some blunders this year absolutely the drops

The infamous lining up off sides penalty yeah that is uh but do you really feel as if calling out not necessarily calling out your quarterback but saying if I get the ball during Super Bowl media not yeah he’s not a number one receiver he’s not he’s super talented

But you’re not a we it’s you have to Marvel at what the guys like you know like like uh Tyreek Hill AJ Brown uh Justin Jefferson because everybody’s going into these games looking to stop them I don’t think anybody goes into these games being like we got to stop

Cadarius Tony today by the way the guy does a good job enough of just uh of of uh of stopping himself so yeah good luck Darius uh hopefully that leads to you getting a few more receptions and hopefully you actually catch the ball because if not it’s going to be an

Insufferable summer for to man what else we got Marcos in the MIB then you will be sponsored mixbag we have Roger Goodell oh show Pony show Pony King show Pony himself uh spoke on 50 million viewers and the impact Taylor Swift is g to have

Or has had on the NFL you know both Championship Games over 50 million viewers what do you attribute that those record-breaking numbers to and in all honesty how much is it the Tor Swift effect um I would tell you it’s because of the great competition um

Listen has been off the charts this year um we’ve had 70 games that I think think 70% of our games have been within one score in the fourth quarter the the young Stars the older stars the the amazing performances by teams you see all that that’s what fans ultimately

Love having the Taylor Swift effect is also a positive listen they’re both Travis and Taylor are wonderful young people they seem very happy she knows great entertainment and I think that’s why she loves NFL football but I think it’s great to have uh have her a part of

It uh obviously it creates a buzz it creates a another group of young fans particularly young women that um are interested in seeing why is she going to this game why is she interested in this game besides Travis she is a football fan and I think that’s great

What alrighty dude this guy she’s a Travis fan like come on but Raj what uh what animal was that guys what animal did you think that one was right there it was uh a weasel that was a weas I think I think uh listen even if you if

If Taylor wasn’t dating Taylor if she wasn’t dating Travis Kelce I think she’d be turning into to Bears commanders on a Thursday night on Amazon Prime great dude I just lost my mind what happened yeah a so my remember I told you the pool person said they were coming over right

Yeah M so they text me this morning what time to come over anytime just text me I’ll come out during the break talk to the guy whatever right let you in okay then they send me a text can’t come today so I call I’m like the guy I

Talked to yesterday said the guy was coming over today right I made sure somebody was gonna be here right did everything and you just call and change it so now I got to do it again another day and I’m like and you don’t think there’s anything wrong with that customer

Service that you could just call somebody who and I told the guy what you know I said hey man it’s gonna be tight because I you know I have breaks and I can come out so just text me I’ll let him in and then I’ll come out during the

Break to explain to him what’s going on okay fine we got you we got you then they just call and say ah we can’t come today geez after sending me a text what time can we come by today you wants so I said let me ask you something is your

Customer service always this bad well let me check um with your number with your name okay let me go and and so she’s got me on hold yep after I explain her what I do I said ma’am I’m on radio right now she goes well if you want to call back

Later you can I’m like are you bleeping kidding me deal with but guess what the first text was hey it’s $149 they made sure they put that in the damn textus one can I just ask you something though when you were talking to her did you ask her if Jim VP is back

Marcos yes sir I want you for the rest of the show to go full Tobin on his ass I want you all his little tricks that irritate the hell out of him because you see wait so so you see he he doesn’t stop with me okay he doesn’t stop with

Me gonna kick him man while he’s down Toby I’m saying that’s what he does that’s what he does to me that’s what he does I can’t believe he got so irritated at you for doing him on him you agree with me you hate his take it’s a good

Take no it’s not listen don’t don’t don’t take this as an opportunity to think you got people on your side more I just like the fact that you irritated the hell out of Tobin so mad just to be clear you didn’t ask her if she thought Jim VP was

Back what else we got in the mixed bag Marcos you guys talked about it earlier momes on uh whether or not he can reach the infamous Brady level of Seven Super Bowl ranks I mean I’m not even close to halfway so I haven’t put a lot of

Thought into it I mean your goal is to be the best player that you can be I know I’m blessed to be around a lot of great players around me and so right now it’s doing whatever I can to beat a great 49ers team and trying to get that

Third ring and then if you ask me that question in like 15 years and I’ll see if I can get close to seven but seven seems like a long ways away still it’s a ridiculously long ways away it is so far that’s why I’m saying the move for him

Is you win one maybe two more retire by 30 dude go go do whatever the hell you want to do and then you just you make it seem like Tom be like I could have if I wanted to that’s true what do you want to do you want to because because Mahomes was

Like it was a joke the other day where people were talking about Mahomes body right like oh he’s got a dad bod you want to be like Tom Brady first of all definitely on steroids second of all doesn’t e a strawberry you know weird diet who cares

I got a weird diet too I don’t like Mexican so what n no he’s doing that because he thought that was gonna elongate his career not having strawberries I’m telling you right now what you do if you’re Patrick Mahomes you get you settle in at three rings

Just do the Barry Sanders call it a career I’d be okay it’s not about the money though it’s not about the money it’s he don’t take the beating that Barry Sanders took I Mean takes one Leroy you never know okay get out get out on top but first he’s got to beat the 49ers and they do have Giants on that defense should be a good game it’s a giant anyway that is our mixed bag brought To Us by Broward Health well

Into your future take a break little cat talk coming up next Taking all The a welcome back everybody Tobin Leroy here with you 560 wqam take you up until two here on the program get some cat talk here man brought To Us by our friends over at Celsius hockey fans don’t sit this one out when it’s game time make Celsius a

Part of your play and get that energy up game day is fueled by Celsius essential energy drinks the official energy drink of your Florida Panthers Panthers lose last night 2-1 uh got a the Flyers took the lead third period Panthers could not muster a comeback as they have many times this

Year had stole ours in net yesterday but uh yeah just couldn’t get it going we’ll listen to a little bit of Paul Maurice as the uh you know look you come out this All-Star break Whitney he does he’s got a lot of that demeanor to him you know he’s just

Like you know you know you know that’s that’s my pal Marice it’s all I got for him that’s all you got that’s all I got for him and what he’s uh what he’s bringing to the table but Paul Maurice uh him yesterday after the loss this is what he had to

Say on it well it started halfway through the first um I think we had about two shots after about the 10-minute Mark that was the we started playing with the puck more than we needed to and then you know what Philly wasn’t in the game yet they had and got

Off the plane so they got going in the second and then we would we beat that thing to death pretty good um but we then put ourselves in a spot that we were away from the puck and couldn’t make place and but we kept trying to make

Place just a little bit the torch worked them for about 90 minutes yesterday so maybe their legs weren’t there but just real quick just a little bit on the way things went in the third you that goalie was able to make some pretty good great

A saves yeah he made good saves I mean I I didn’t like our game and that that uh we weren’t where we need to be I’m not uh not particularly worried about it you’re just not in a good mood I didn’t like the way we played so I don’t feel

That we were very well prepared I mean we had a good first relative to uh the second and third wasn’t good we we’re nobody’s getting sent down and uh we’re not cutting anybody because of it but we we got to get back and have a good sharp practice tomorrow and get back on

There wow all right well good to know good to know good to know nobody’s getting cut over it yeah but if they lose to the capitals yeah if you guys lose the I mean that was his way of saying the same thing SPO said is that yeah you’re gonna

Have these ups and downs during the course of a season he loves mentioning get fired over it the uh the cats they had uh they have just released these now I don’t think these are game jerseys I think they’re warm-ups but they are bad bad ass these warm up in different

Jerseys than they play sometimes they have a theme night like if they have like a you know cancer awareness night they’ll wear like a pink jersey or they’ll wear to warm up or for the game yeah for warm-ups for warm-ups okay for warm-ups man so we gonna want one of

These dude this this this vamos Gat uh Panthers sweater they just released check this out put the front oh I like the color I like the color too but put the front one there J fix we can see the logo look at that thing oh wow look the little

Cito that’s oh man wow I gotta get Panthers hook it up Panther what’s up Panthers what’s up dude what’s up wow those things look sweet as hell for the people who are not uh watching us J you throw up the the logo here again but it’s a it’s like an orange warm-up but

You got the panther mouth with like these red eyes in front of an orange shield with like the the palm trees and a pineapple pineapples are in Florida what do you mean pine dude I pineapple you are Hawaii Hawai Hawaii’s not even real dude pineapples are in Florida though no they’re

Tropical my father-in-law has a pineapple tree look at that look at that no he doesn’t pineapples are trees Oxon yeah they’re like little plants out of the out of the ground that’s not wait are they trees or are they plants though they’re it’s not it’s not a tree wait

Maros thought you pluck them like ores jackass my bad they’re in the ground well they’re not in the ground they’re like in a plant that out there’s a pineapple I’m still confused actually I don’t even know it’s it’s pineapp kind of like a if you would

Think of it as like the the inside the plant maros almost like a that’s the pineapple I want a wahai he doesn’t know what he’s talking about I first of all you started by saying pineapple trees which you’re wrong there’s no pineapple trees it’s a

Plant it’s a plant I I plant I apologize but they are down you can grow them down here but they’re not yeah thank you what no or oranges dude or mangoes no the Citrus is is more native to us but we have pineapple you know no you don’t

No no pineapp dude you can have people have pineapples down here dude oh my goodness all right yeah Trey young brought them down that’s only when Gabe Vincent’s around somebody said go fight with the pool company I can’t because they’re not responding like it like it kind of like

Grows almost like uh what would you say like cacti like how how it grows out of the plant like it’s like it’s it’s like that boom baby what do you think yeah that picture ain’t from Florida oh that’s no that’s that’s that’s my backyard okay yeah I see the police

Gathering on the other side I man dude the details on that story they coming out oh my God yeah I don’t yeah rough dude once you hear the story you realize why they hit 750 cops around well I think it was just cuz they were searching for the dude he was

Hiding in a neighbor’s I would be let me just say can I just say this okay if you allegedly murder somebody and you hide in a neighbor’s backyard you’re a jerk can I just hide in your own backyard okay wait dummy the term hiding in your own house sounds ludicrous in itself I

Would be furious if I went in my backyard and a dude was hiding from the cops because he uh he had allegedly beaten somebody to death like I would be like I you kidding me out of all the yards get out of here scram wait wait wait really that’s that yeah you better

Bring that bat out there because he’s already in that mode this may have been a this is according to the the arrest report this may have been a cucan uh cocaine fueled oh man I just read that oh man crazy right margos getting crazy dude I don’t want to keep this anymore yeah

Anyway let’s go back to that but anyway Panthers those are some sweet sweet jerseys dude I’m getting one I don’t know I see some Panthers fans saying they don’t sell them on on on Twitter they need to sell those hotcakes they had some other warm-ups

Earlier can I just say this I won that’s why they differ from the Heat the heat would sell anything they never miss yeah never miss a marketing opportunity that’s for sure right those are some awesome jerseys anyway rest of our headlines are brought to you by the new pal for truck Super

Center why buyer truck at a car store palal we know trucks your heat they blew up the magic 12195 best game one of the best games of the year yes by far by far great performance they look fast R Bobby and uh really enjoyed it uh and also some

News yesterday from Shams now this was reported I will say this was reported uh probably like a month ago by Greg sylvannah from five reasons but I was unsure if this was going to go through because of his groin injury but Shams was saying yesterday the field for the

Slam dun contest is going to be including Miami Heat rookie haime hakz Jr really yep wow even with the uh you know groin injury that I think here here’s what happens can I say this there’s certain types in the dun contest that get a pop right short guys right short guys dunking like

Everybody’s excited about seeing them dunk and an athletic white dude they got mclung yeah you see what I’m saying because because it’s like you’re so taken back by the athleticism now other basketball players aren’t it’s really interesting because they have they have haime who’s obviously have a sensational rookie year

And usually it is a Young Guy’s event but they have haime they have this mclung fell who basically is just known for dunks he’s a g Duncan he can jump out the gy he won it last year they have Jacob toppen Obie to’s brother oh I was

Just getting ready to say oh wow now Obie toppen got some hops too uh yeah he I think he did the dunk contest he did the dunk contest one year and I don’t know if he won it but uh and then Jaylen Brown is strangely doing it and I think

Long as he don’t go left first I think he’s the first All-Star to do it in a very very long time too like nobody’s actually had they haven’t had an actual Allstar do the dun contest I’m curious because Jaylen Brown is not all the other guys we’ve seen with you know

Those abilities but Jaylen Brown’s more of a perimeter player so I’ve seen him throw down some but yeah I don’t think of him as a dunker right that’s what I’m saying so this ought to be this ought to be interesting haime is uh haime one who do

You like the most what what what portions do you like the most of allar contest or the Three-Point Contest I like the three I think the Three-Point Contest taken over the dunk contest yeah it definitely has they’ll actually get the Stars to participate so that’s

Really cool um I like the dunk contest I don’t feel like I have to invest a lot in the dunk I know people have always said it’s dead and all that stuff but uh obviously I love the year where drick Jones we have the dwade controversy versus Aaron Gordon who you know

Probably thinks he should have two slam dunk trophy was it um what is it it was Aaron Gordon and um from Chicago that contest ever that was really good one uh remember Gerald Green blown out the birthday cake that was great the the most underrated one was

When um who’s the the center um white Howard Dwight Howard put his picture yeah on the top of the and dunk nobody could see it and so he didn’t get the marks but he put almost on the top of the backboard Remember When when Vic uh when

Uh Vic Victor theot did uh Black Panther and then black panther was Courtside oh that was cool yeah you you nailed it though dude like hae’s gotta go kylo Ren he’s got to he’s got to got to dude you gotta have wait need to turn out all the lights yep lightsaber dude lightsaber

And just show the lightsaber going up or if he just put a light on his arm like a neor yes Hae it’s right there for you dude it’s all there for you Hae because you got to have props everybody loves a great prop yeah but hey stop jumping over

People yeah I’m over that I’m not g Li to you yeah because most of the time the person yeah or they they put their hand on the shoulder or something like yeah yeah get a little lift yeah also save the alley oops dude I don’t want to see

33 attempts at an alleyoop pass if you can’t do it it to yourself off the backboard or something that’s controlled I’m telling you the best the best dunk contest recently was Gordon and LaVine because remember when he jumped over the mascot and then went between his legs

I’m like oh my goodness and that didn’t win I know it was crazy um so yeah I’m excited for highman to do it this should be fun I’m definitely gonna be into the last who’s the last Heat player to win it no to do

Oh to do it Derrick Jones yeah he won it didn’t he he won it yeah a lot of controversy people said dwade fixed it for the heat well I mean he was like a human pogo stick where is he now I think he’s in Portland he’s hanging out with Gabe

Vinson Justice Winslow Tyler Johnson everyone who’s ever left the Miami Heat and never did anything with their career he’s a Maverick didn’t know that okay didn’t know that didn’t know that he was a Maverick who who is the the most successful young guy to leave precious

Uh the most successful young guy to yeah so like you just either traded him young or didn’t resign him and let him go precious is having a nice year but I mean precious dealt with a lot of the stuff in Toronto that he did with with

The heat like Nick nurse kind of got at him about his effort too it’s right everybody thinks like dude if you play balls to the wall like you’re going to be a pain in the ass to go against get a gazillion rebounds you know the precious

Is like he wants to be like a point guard but if he plays that way in the paint I think he’s going to be a very very good useful player for a long ass time right but I think I think tibs is getting that to he’s like hey this is

Your third location dude I don’t know what you think you’re GNA be but tibs will get you to you know tibs will get you to play hard that for sure I think that that the people is he the one though I can’t think of anybody who’s

Been like young player that they let I mean Glenn rice oh yeah Glenn yeah Glenn was was great that’s you’re going way back I thought you were talking okay I’m trying to think more recent I’m trying yeah K I mean you talking about Glen Rice Kuran Butler Kanan yeah kran Kuran

Was an All-Star right so but but think of more recently name a guy because keep in mind those guys were drafted okay the guys we’re talking about now were either second rounders are under yeah that’s who I thought you were going with that’s yeah I’m just trying to think just anybody in

Particular it’ll come I’m sure I’m sure some people will come with some comments that’ll come to mind of like the most uh successful guys who left we’ll take a quick break and get to more of this Heat win last night 15 minutes of heat is next 15 minutes 15 minutes of heat is

Sponsored by Kendall Dodge Christ Jeep Ram start new year and a new ride with no payments for 90 days Kendall Dodge Chrysler all right let’s start things off here if you guys want to go to Heat and Spurs coming up tonight caller Number caller number four caller number four Leroy mentioned Karan Butler last segment he was number four on the heat caller number four to 305 567 0560 caller four we’ll get our last pair of tickets to Heat and Spurs tonight Victor wanyama in town they were just practicing at a local high school this

Morning uh Greg papovich he was allowing some of the kids to go meet vikor wanyama I hope one of the kids uh once again just remind him hey Pop didn’t you pick miles turn over bam for the Olympic team hello jener ratfink wow I forgot what you were doing

Yesterday you’re a propagandist is what you are I am you you stir the pot you change these rules and you try and get everybody to get on the side that I’m some kind of a mus I will I will say this though of the four of us three of us

Usually get things going the fourth not so much but yesterday yesterday jfig dipped her toe into a little bit of activation and she kicked it off and Toby got his feelings hurt want to be I literally only told you not to curse and mush it up okay how could I

Mush up how could I get how could I mush it up after the a big win margin like that well because in your text you literally said say mush again I dare you so when you dare me to do something I’m gonna go ahead and do it well it’s not

True it’s not true and I want an apology um I don’t know I would have given you an apology if you didn’t call me things afterwards yeah I said you’re no better than North Korea you’re a propagandist those are fighting words whatever you say Jen Jong-un you’re a propagandist you saying things that

Aren’t true really I’m not pretty sure many people can agree with that because I’m not the one who made this beautiful graphic by the way oh really really you didn’t make that no interesting it’s also not the first time you saw it okay did you call her North Korea what just happened he

Didn’t call me North Korea I called you North Korea okay she called would you J’s gonna be out here clay she hits 17 you call her G Janu yeah yeah sh that’s also minus one minus one thank you oh my goodness man who won the tickets Marcos

Israel from Davey won the tickets oh dve hey ask him if I could go oh no I’m already be there I was say you’re already gonna be there K congratulations congratulations to him and uh the heat they get their Victory yesterday they’re right back at it tonight taking on the Spurs last night

Uh France Vagner got the business from Jimmy Butler which uh Jimmy’s is fron the good one fron is the really good one yeah okay scor 40 MO is pure intangibles oh hustle guy yeah hustle guy him and Kevin Love get they were having inbl off you know what’s

Funny when I say that people act as if though I’m the originator of that I am not the originator of intangibles that would be Tobin I did not originate in tangibles I mean you know just he’s got intangibles under his belt and let’s not forget about this one [Laughter] in maybe I’m the

Propaganda this was Jimmy Butler last night uh in the locker room talking about hitting them threes as he uh the magic were getting cute you know the heat were up big then they go and make a little run ski to make it a 10-point game then Jimmy Butler was was like

Bleep this 80 run on me and the game was over push back in the fourth quarter you come back and you hit the two threes you a little run yourself you just find that that was the moment where you kind of needed stop to it yeah I got mad that

Buddy scored on me I’m not even going to stunt um I’m supposed to be able to stay in front of guys and uh he scored and I took it personal I did so I went on there and got a bucket or two myself plus I was in a

Slump in the first half so I had to make two threes got a Michigan State shirt on yep why I don’t know not really sure like of all the teams to wear Michigan State I thought he was a Georgia fan but I don’t know I don’t understand

It wasn’t like a it wasn’t even like a pure Michigan State jersey there was like it was like a poncho like thrown over some camo or something like that I don’t know what the hell he had going on last night but I do know what he had

Going on after he decided to just end fron Vagner yeah did so here’s what I want to say when I watch Jimmy do Jimmy stuff in that game last night I don’t know whether to be pissed or happy I think you gotta be happy when it’s here it’s that he hasn’t been doing

It and watch your team go in a seven game losing streak right or happy that he finally decided to do it he’s a weird player man he’s great but he’s you just gotta ride Jimmy right and just know that he’s a little bit you know like he’s he’s a little bit weird with

Uh with when he wants to turn it on when he doesn’t he rides the uh he rides the regular season kind of like a lazy river he goes you know seems like a good night CR Dr it on up yeah but man when he turns it on so good so

Good and he’s killing it from three this year now he’ll never shoot more than four a game that’s his limit um has he ever made over 30 in a year season like total yeah I gotta think so I think after like he got to Philadelphia like

He really toned down on the threes but total wise yeah I think so I’m going be is uh let’s see Jimmy Butler’s total threes for his career this is this this is a segment I like to call looking at basketball reference it was crazy yesterday when he hit the two back

Toback though I think uh even Eric green was like you know going crazy he’s at 36 now Leroy for the year which has already matched his total from last year what is the most he’s made in a year he’s never made the most he’s made in a year was 991 his

Last year in Chicago okay he was just chucking him up then good no he shot a good percentage that year he shot 37% that year what’s good like once he got I don’t understand see you have here’s the thing that kills me about the other two major sports

Right is that because I played in 100% sport yeah I don’t know what’s good at shooting threes I used to think that 300 was the the batting average thing but now everybody celebrates 230 with 50 home runs I was uh talking with Eric Reed before the game yesterday he he

Brought up a stat that blew my mind because 40% looked upon as Elite like you’re a 40% three-point shooter like oh my God I think he told me that he’s like how many guys do you think in the league right now are shooting 40% three I’m just like I don’t know 15

18 he goes 40 40 like never been more it’s like people right now are sniping you see how the scores are dude right they’re sniping 40 guys shooting over 40% yeah I think that was the number he gave me it was it was like it blew my mind

And he’d only have one guy right uh that well and and for the record by the way Jimmy’s shooting uh 44% he’s really good two guys did he shooting uh he’s shooting a really good clip from for from them but again he takes two a game like he’s right it’s

It’s it’s basically going to be like Jimmy Butler you know two Four’s tops that’s the most Jimmy’s ever going to shoot he’s not going to that well too many times he’s not he’s never going to have a there’s never going to be a night where Jimmy Butler’s just throwing up

Eight threes it’s maybe in a playoff game or something like that but that’s just not his bag he just knows when to bust it out at the right time is power over 40% uh let me look Jimmy is that’s all that matters Jim VP

Baby Jimmy Jim VP I do wish he shot it a little bit more though no you don’t Tyler is above 40 and Duncan’s above 40 so those are your yeah three three guys but Duncan shoots eight a game right Tyler I mean uh I’m sorry Tyler right

Now is shooting eight a game so that’s a really like that’s a that’s a great clip from three and dun dun is shooting just just under seven oh under seven okay so those guys uh those guys put it up how can you not break a 100 as much as

They do with three guys shooting over 40% and two guys combining for 15 a game 15 threes a game at over 40% and you can’t some night score 100 well they’ve missed you know like that last time was the first time they’ve had everybody together you know this has

Been a year where they’ve missed them for a good amount of the Season too all right I got you know I got you but Jim VP yesterday he was great the fact that you’re saying Jim VP and only referring to one game that doesn’t give you reason to pause

Jim VP guess not Jim VP Jim VP R ship is next Not the game you bum not to up a [ __ ] game six yeah aw [ __ ] I blame your rundown sir oh you know what day it is what day is what are you talking about you know what day it is I don’t know what day it is get out of here quickly by The

Rundown get out of what what are you a puppet yeah I just I’m like Ron bergundy dude I just write what on whatever’s on the script I’m frog boy what do we got today Jennifer for rats off well we have a Super Bowl edition of rats off we do you want to know

Speak speaking of the Super Bowl our sister station Power 96 is going to be at the brand new pier five at Bayside as they are big game ready celebrate the end of the season and the big game Power 96’s big game watch party and the brand new pier five at Bayside

This Sunday at 630 they get going they’re going 6:30 to 9:30 pull up rock your favorite colors enjoy the game with some ice cold beer specials and enter to win a golf forsome to Miami day Park’s cron golf on kisc it’s uh gonna be a great thing the

Big game at the brand new pier five at Bayside with Miami’s Party Station Power 96 I saw it yesterday they finally finished Bayside no aliens but their whole little middle their new Middle Ground is open the pier five beautiful the new bar there beautiful they got some Turf there new

Stage uh and of course the guy with one leg with the parrots he’s there of course that guy still there still there he is a landmark so there we go anyway Jennifer what do we got today for rats well thank you for calling me my name I appreciate that number one Reba

McIntyre she will be singing the National Anthem this year oh yeah I was I’m a little surprised by that really Reba McIntyre is doing it chrison did a great job last year they they they do like going country on the uh the anthems woman who works too

Hard I am I’m not rats off a ship on Reba McIntyre loved her show like her music my mom had a dog named after Reba McIntyre the jack russell that’s awesome Yep yep sweetie sweetie pie so uh no I’m not rats off ship on Reba McIntyre Leroy

No I’m not I like used to like her show and in fact I knew somebody that look like her so solid trust there we go he’s a fan Jay fig what about you number one I love country number two I love country I love Rea and number

Three she’s been around for a while too right she’s an OG exactly country OG probably the most Beloved Country woman outside of like Dolly Bon Love Dolly frog boy how could I ever be against a single mom who works two jobs who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands

In the heart of a fight she’s a Survivor dude and I love wow beautiful we got Pig for rats off a ship I love watching those videos of that song all right number two Tony Romo Callie the game rats off a ship the only that makes this great is the fact that

He can’t augle over Josh Allen because you know he’d just be like oh Jim you know what to make this game even more Super uh what Tony Josh Allen that is really a huge benefit of Josh like I you know what’s bothered me all week besides Marcos is that you’re taking other quarterbacks

Who also haven’t won and saying they have more of a chance to win than Tua yep but they haven’t won more than two they haven’t and so my question to you is are you willing to change what you have in hopes to get something like the other two quarterbacks who also who haven’t

Won would it make you feel better because they did the same amount of winning he’s talking to you frog boy a single mom who works to sorry no but that’s but that’s the question I have that’s the question I only two quarterbacks who have won in

The last 10 years so my question to you greatest all time so let me ask you a question you’d rather have Lamar Jackson yep you rather have Josh Allen I just hate his face but yep you’ll be sitting in the same damn spot no way they have more playoff

Victories a lot more so you’d have more heartbreak that’s what I don’t I don’t like okay so now they brought their fans a home playoff game how nice of them yeah oh my God remember when we had a shot to do that blew it I do we did blow it I mean

Look I’m not I’m not saying you can’t be pissed but right but but to to change like they like you want two’s brother tu’s brother dude that was that’s the move right there I you yesterday J you every day you’ve had a new move talk to

You come in here and said that’s the move Brock to the Rock that’s the move Talia that’s the move Justin Fields that’s the move yeah from now on hasht part Tua you know besides the F the besides the 50 plus yards that Brock P ran for in the championship game pretty

Good their games are quite similar but what’s his playoff record though that’s a big difference there he just won two games this year that he was hurt last year no he got hurt in a championship game right yeah I think he’s like three and one okay

Good well can I ask you this is is San Francisco better than the Dolphins as a team or just the quarterback they’re not better than the Dolphins oh my goodness not better than Dolphins too see this is why you can’t have these arguments because he will lie and ignore the fact

Where come from I’m just saying I mean they’re not better than the Dolphins the the 49ers aren’t better because for the last two years they’ve been throwing 49ers in our face as the best team in the league yeah nobody’s ever said that about the Dolphins do you now understand

Why I can’t root for them and I need I need the do you now understand why you’re so aggravating I your prodig is working his way up the list did you just mix him as Prodigy and prote I said yes see yeah there’s Dr J and

There’s prodig J you’re a frog this is why you are no longer invited to lero house okay come on I can’t go to the watch party apparently I gotta go to Leroy’s house you know um anyway rat’s off a ship on Tony Romo lero yeah rat’s off a ship

Um I’m not rat’s off a ship because who does Haron do the games with but haren’s not a CBS guy he does Trent green he is a CBS guy see that’s the thing like I would like Harlem but not Trent green and you need you need Trent green blandness to

Balance out the Harland excitement right I I guess I’m I’m not rats off of ship I get everybody’s complaint I get you know that he pulled an Adele at points during the season um nailed it in dude and but but at the same time he’s still really

Good yeah I mean he’s the they’re the best they’re the best of what is available by the way I think harland’s probably on Westwood one he’s probably doing with CT Warner if I had to guess and yeah g I’m like that one I’m out on like I like harand not

Warner interesting why the beef huh why the beef there’s no beef division Rivals like there’s beef there’s no beef it’s just just like a wait just let a go so you’re saying you’d rather have um Harlen and um Warner Warner don’t the fact I’m asking you I’m asking you if

You have former divisional beef with Kurt Warner why would I I don’t know he’s not he never was in my division he wasn’t he’s in the conference oh didn’t they reshuffle like when back in your day weren’t the Rams in the central jackass watch out with the back in your game

Jackass the ram were never in the same division with the Vikings you sure oh my God asking him they’re kind of close though right the only the only team that was in the Vikings division that isn’t anymore was Tampa Bay which that was strange so what division have the Rams been in they’ve

Always been always in the NFC West but remember the Saints used to be in the NFC West oh my God what Bros are you rats off a ship uh I am rats off of ship my ideal team is Kevin Harland Greg Olsen and the mccordi twins rats off a

Ship J yes the halftime show by Usher I’m in he’s got he’s got a nice little catalog going for him the game’s not my are you rats off a ship huh are you rats off a ship that’s I’m not rats off a ship I was telling you why I

Wasn’t rats off a ship oh thank you that’s the game oh see hey see very entertaining I’m I’m I’m efforting I wonder if he’s still on residency when we get out there oh he is not I think the Super Bowl he was out after the Super Bowl I think yeah he’s going

On tour I heard he I could go see you too at the the ball I actually I’m not rats off a ship but for different reasons it’s because I hope Mike McDaniel watches the half time show and learns a lesson okay and what lesson would he be

Uh learning buckle up here he comes see I want to see if he can run it it yes indeed you can run it run it wait wait hold on hold on hold on heyang yes it’s the other black performer oh Chris Brown they’re not put they’re not putting they’re not putting

Chris Brown in the half hey dude I just wait wait not only didn’t he mention the name he sing the song and it’s still the wrong person does Usha have any running songs Let It Burn I mean that’s the let this whole segment burn actually yeah dude

Man Chris Breezy’s on on the halftime show can I just say he’s not not your best work wait you confuse Usher with Chris Brown well I mean you know poize wait and and and and here can I just say this when I go down this path and you yell uncomfortable how am I

Supposed to feel when you just made a statement that all black guys look alike I don’t say that I’m uncomfortable I just don’t answer your questions no Okay okay right do you know Usher song of course dude name one right now these are my confession

No just wrote that you asked for sing no not one somebody gave one that is not on the chat what get your little fingers off Google because I see you strch I don’t have any fingers dud fingers are right here okay show them what song yeah yeah one you didn’t say it with

Anamation so who was who was on the song with the remix with him oh remix of Yeah Yeah Chris Brown No Okay ludicrous Luda watch out my outfit’s ridiculous do you think’ll come out but I don’t even know if he could do it because there’s some inappro like it’s

Well because when he says the thing about his necklace I don’t know if we can yeah right everybody get offended about everything so may we could go I mean listen go have the same it don’t have the same click saying little person what about a micro

Wrestler feels like two this is what let me explain something to you I can’t say that but he could call me Evander Holyfield as the only black person there right that was good dude no you don’t even understand I was just standing there minding my own business

Ah we got the hfield in the building and everybody look everybody turn around and look at the only black guy I said man I’m gonna get up here and go beat his ass so that wasn’t a Chris Brown cover of user run it oh my lord they’re how do you they’re

The same damn age no oh no Chris Brown’s younger Chris Brown’s gotta beer about five years younger what what’s your starting early yeah Chris Brown 34 Usher 45 he’s 45 yeah yeah dude wow looking good man doesn’t yeah man listen I think you are rats off a ship on the [Laughter]

Show well I can’t wait to learn his catalog he’s been at this you know he’s been at this for almost what 25 plus years C he started when he was like 18 anyway that’s rats off a ship you ruined that we I’m rats off of your ship right now you guys ruined the whole segment I was only able to get M get to number three with this little show Pony and has run it Wow way to go dude everything my bad saying run

It I don’t know I just love the way he said it to he was like run it run it he did the little head movement yeah sounded all intangible they would never have Chris Brown on the halftime show say hello to the internet sir now you know I wasn’t cheating the

Only you cheat the game the only one you’re cheating is cheating yourself that’s right that is right take a quick break final hour of the show coming on up after this last night at straight was just looking over the this guy’s playlist this Usher’s Good okay okay think he’s gonna make it I

Think so dude I think so I think he’s got a future he has a good career ahead of us stun Steve says alltime blunder by you yep all time pretty good says gotta say I admired the confidence you thinking that run it was an usher song I

Told him I said I don’t think I can name a Chris Brown song other than yo I think that’s why it would have made me so used Jesus okay this is uh just in real time if you want to hear it again to now yeah all right fuckle up here it

Comes if he can run yes indeed you can run it wait wait hold on hold on hold on isn’t that Chris [Laughter] Brown he was so confident not the jokes baby get the second verse and everything trying to be clever oh well Chris Brown when he did

When he did run it he was about 16 or 17 yeah by the way though they’ll never allow him but if Chris Brown ever did a halftime show he’d be good because he’s he is he is basically a newer Usher right yep because they do a lot of the same

Stuff Yeah Usher known to be a d although if he was an NBA player we’d be telling him it’s time to retire dude 35 Usher 3 ever I know I’m just like you’re saying like oh he’s a younger version of Usher but but like two a say when we

Were doing that you were thinking that he was four years younger than him yeah well because I mean they both started really young so they’ve been around for a while so that’s why I thought their ages might have been closer together because Usher Maybe started a little bit older yeah

Yeah he was that uh he’s he’s like that fouryear Senior comes in well nowadays is six-year senior or if that it’s that Kane’s guy who’s like nine years senior oh my God just keep playing like you clearly had no aspirations of playing NFL football by the way uh speaking of let’s get into

Some headlines brought To Us by the new P for truck Super Center why buy your truck in a car store P for we know trucks Alonzo heith is leaving the Miami Hurricanes program as their general manager of football operations he’s taking a job with the Patriots front office oh okay

Nice so there you go back into the NFL game for Alonzo heith or you can get paid well yeah yeah because it’s a job you should get paid at a job with the can’s not paying him not what he can get paid by NFL team interesting

He’s what teams have he been he’s been with Seattle was he with Cleveland was Cleveland minute he’s with Cleveland well good for Alonzo heith former heavyweight boxer he’s like undefeated isn’t he I think he is undefeated I think he is undefeated he uh he was doing it before

It was cool like not like this Lev on Bell who tried to get onto the hip train you know he’s trying to get he’s trying to come back you hear that right we were talking about that when you were stepping yelling at the pool people we were wondering do you think that Raheem

Moer being good at 31 is like inspiring running backs to think they can keep doing it no because it has nothing to do with a running back think heing doing it at 31 it has to do with a team thinking a running back can do it at 31 and that

Theory is Not Gonna Change interesting for example how old is Derrick Henry dere Eric Henry 32 I guess 31 oh no he’s 30 but he will be oh he just turned 30 just okay he’s 30 he’s young and and Le’Veon Bell’s 31 if you had your rathers who would you

Rather have oh Derrick Henry okay okay I he fought 20 he thought fought 30 fights badass pretty good pretty good I’d still want derck Henry down here he was flirting with the fins he knew what he was doing yeah put him you that that listen you need to change your pace dude

You need to change of pace need a change of pace Leroy Sometimes some offro tires can I why do you do this let me explain something to you Derek Henry is not a change of pace guy yet okay he’s your horse you don’t bring

A guy like that in for a change of pace he still need his 15 to 20 to 25 carries a game we we can we can you know split it down the middle depending on the matchup maybe some days it’s it’s h day he’s not that guy you don’t know he’s

Not that guy oh my God we’re trying to save him you know a little maintenance program to have him ready for the winter months when you know according to Marcos wi to can’t throw so now you have Derrik Henry all fresh for December you know big games in December Leroy don’t

Know if you know the Dolphins record as a recent not good also we had some Red Zone issues instead of trying to throw a fade to five foot n Tyreek Hill why don’t you give it to the big guy in the back little moose you know you don’t want

This you don’t you don’t always want to be the Counting Crows you know dude what not listening to neither one of you right now December okay okay okay I’m not listen de I’m I’m not listening to you guys no why not because I think you’re Knuckleheads and I’m not doing it I’m

Not I’m not I’m not so you’re just you’re just opting out of the show I’m op out of the nonsense you’ve gone too far well let’s get to an inter Miami update brought To Us by Kettle One Kettle One vodka made to cocktail so uh Leonel Messi apparently he didn’t want

To brew haa as he uh decided to go and play a little bit you know a little bit but the S of Miami International tour not going great as they lost to the the Japan Japanese League champion I’m hoping I’m pronouncing this right vasel Kobe 43 in PKS

So you know it was it was it was it was that after a nil nil tie Leroy but the pinks again come up short in Tokyo so went out there he played about 30 minutes but we didn’t want another international incident here with uh with the pinks them people ain’t spending all

That money for tickets to uh not see Messi play that’s the only reason why they bought them tickets they wouldn’t give a rats ass about uh the pinks without Messi I’m just telling you right now though dude I don’t want to hear about this International tour when

It comes time for season tickets for the Pinks All right he better be uh boots on the ground yeah I want some goals too I’m not watching you doing cardio Messi and no more leaving for these International tournaments all right you said you did everything there is to do all right how

Many times can can can can Argentina hitch their wagon to to Leonel Messi all right what more do you want from him what more can he do what more can he do let him go to his next chapter everybody’s being selfish if anybody wants Messi right now come down to

Commercial in Fort Lauderdale and come see him play for inter Miami and Broward okay enough of this nonsense making him play in Japan making him play for Argentina enough of this dude did we do that before I don’t remember us doing that before did we even care even if we we

Did go to Japan my guy lonel the goat is tired all right and he’s not allowed to be tired when it comes to my games that are supposed to entertain me and I don’t care about him taking on teams in Japan I want to beat you know the Houston

Dynamo and the New York Red Bulls yeah that’s important hate those guys our heated Rivals when does the season start they play so much soccer when great question dude when is when is when is MLS season I I don’t know it just feels like soccer never sleeps

Exactly we’ll uh we’ll take a quick break Oh I thought you were going to give me an answer jackass I don’t July 26 that’s when it starts I don’t know because there’s so many tournaments I don’t know what a friendly sounds I’m just learning soccer all right leave me alone everybody why don’t

You go learn some Usher dude he got a point point for lero guess I’m just going to have to go to commercial break and let that one burn oh you know what you’re not leave without this Q welcome back everybody toin and Leroy here with you and want to let you guys

Know if your country music fans out there we got your chance to win a three-day pass to go rock the oceans with the tortuga music Festival on Fort lell Beach April 5th through the 7th you can see Laney Wilson Hardy Jason Aline Old Dominion and a whole lot more to

Enter the contest text the word Wilson to 20357 that’s Wilson to 20357 and you just might be going all right if you want to purchase single day tickets those are going to start being available 10 a.m. on Friday at Tortuga music you can pick your day

And grab a single day pass 10: a.m. on Friday at Tortuga music but if you want to try and win a three-day pass right now all you got to do is text the word Wilson to 20357 and uh that’s that we’ll be uh boots on the ground last night at the ca Center as the Miami Heat beat the Orlando Magic as uh it was well put though by Tyler hero yesterday because SP is saying you know he wasn’t ready to call it a breakthrough Tyler hero

Basically put the terms of this game tonight when they have the 10- win San Antonio Spurs in town this was Tyler after the game go so far as to call this a breakthrough but does it feel like something starting to click into place here these last two games uh I mean

We’ll see we have another one tomorrow and if we lose the whole organization and uh fans are going to think that this is the end of the world so we’re going to take one day at a time and we’ll see what happens tomorrow listen Tyler I don’t like jokey

Jokes okay hey even even the players are not going not yet n this is not a joking matter okay yes if you do lose to the Spurs it will be the end of the world dude you already just lost to the to to a bunch of Grizzlies we’ve never heard

Of okay don’t think I forgot about that so if you’re G to go out here and lose to the 10- win Spurs yeah we’re hey hey hey just like move forward I am moving forward to tonight’s game no you’re not I am you’re talking about something that happened

Two weeks ago what are you talk I mean I’m I’m making the point on tonight’s game yeah I’m G to bring in some context of what have has recently happened excuse me keep was you have been holding on to this quite hard what the Grizzlies loss the Grizzlies lost for sure and I

Will you mention it every show in fact even if they win the championship this year even if miam Heat win the Championships this year engraved somewhere on the ring should just be a reminder of did this after overcoming a loss against the g-league Grizzlies wow what was uh the worst loss

Of the season for you of of the year that one the Tennessee Titans loss oh I didn’t know you Georgia Tech or the ne down loss Georgia Tech um Titans tit I would say Georgia te nah here here’s why here’s why because basketball G basketball right it happens every now

And then like to anybody right I mean look at look at what Milwaukee is going through right now right um Tennessee game it happens okay like you give up terrible you have terrible comebacks terrible losses sometimes you’re a beneficial of that remember last year when the Dolphins beat um beat the

Ravens what an incredible comeback that was right yeah when you have the win in your hands and all you have to do is take a damn knee that’s the worst loss the reason I can’t say that’s the worst loss though is I didn’t experience it because I

Thought it was over after the face Mass penalty on John Cheney so I went to bed and I didn’t get to feel it live so it won’t be the worst one to me the Dolphins one will be the worst one to me because I watched it

All I felt it yeah I felt it and it hurt and I don’t understand it because I thought after moster he had another touchdown the only reason why that’s the worst loss for you is because you watched it yeah which yeah which actually shows maturity for me because I watched the Grizzlies loss

In person and so but the Titans one was the worst and then relived it on Hard Knocks that’s a good point that hurt no it’s not Point you’re box because you didn’t watch Hard Knock that’s why Roy that’s the same way you’re talking about Tobin’s only feeling one way because he

Watched it you only feel that way because you didn’t watch Hard Knocks no I didn’t watch I watched the game though hurt me twice and I feel like honestly even the loss of the canes was bad yes but it was also how they acted after the

It wasn’t bad it was the worse it was terrible okay I went there when you lose a game and all you have to do is take a knee and somebody in your program says no right that’s the worst loss dude it’s bad it’s bad I would rank it second I

Don’t I think it’s ahead of the Grizz we have three choices we have three choices I think one’s the Titans loss no two is the Cane’s loss three is the heat of the Grizzlies kan’s loss is the worst put it on the poll okay you you put it

On the poll you have a you you you have a uh a Twitter account I really feel like the implications of the Season really depend on how I feel about the game for example the Hurricanes had no chances winning a national championship right whether lose in that way they lose another game they

Were going to lose but you never know what’s going to happen like it could have been a big you know it was one of those games that definitely felt like it lingered like a like a fart in church so it’s possible what’s wrong I just don’t like that thing nobody does that’s why

That’s the the metaphor that it is so here’s the deal though I mean first of all in order to fully get the fart and church reference your ass got to go to church I go to church I go to church is hey everybody everybody back away in case we get

Struck by lightning what do you mean dude what you hit why can’t I be holy you hit the holid holidays what you hit the holidays no dude I was in church like two weeks ago or the Holland days both I’m actually not a big hollay sauce

Fan I told you this yesterday I know um maros maros you don’t even know what Holliday sauce is no it was gross I found that though yeah says in fraud We Trust right everybody know everybody I want that on a shirt it just sounds so good with like a picture of your face

Yeah to fraud and Schmick says the only church Tobin goes to his Church’s Chicken yeah we already got that was that was a joke that Marco said good chicken no it’s not what churches isn’t good can I just tell you to churches here’s here’s the funny thing is that in New

Orleans popey’s is like rain Supreme popey’s is the equivalent to what uh Chick-fil-A is here right and churches is what popey’s is here Hood chicken yeah you get let tell you something delicious there ain’t hey there ain’t no Church Chicken in bokeh nope okay right right okay so

That’s what I’m saying I ain’t saying its locations are mostly if you go 95 and get off on Oakland Park there was a churches by the old Studio yeah really there was yeah there was a Popeyes in a naked place I have to me is 11 miles I got to

Tell you I drove by uh the other day one of the days I went to the studio and I passed the old Studios it’s a church yeah but the Pleasure Emporium is still there so you could say is it still there that’s my thing still there dude with the mannequins and

Everything I would say I would figure that those places went out of business with internet right how did they make it past the pandemic I don’t understand how puncher Emporium was able to do it oh man we’ll take a quick break back after this Welcome back everybody tooy take you up until to who this who was that it was forel okay although it was the instrumental was that the actual song or is that just instrumentum Happ yeah it was the actual s what movie is it from me dude yeah oh don’t hold on hold

On you ain’t on you ain’t on that that wave no more what do you mean like almost you you answered the question like you insulted I mixed up one song in the history of song one song one song for a bit in the history not it’s not that

It’s not that you missed it it’s the way you did with so much confidence almost sang two verses of the damn song it was bad I apologize remember Leroy kept confusing Jerry Springer and uh that up time shows that do the same it’s the same thing dude no it’s not kind

Of and and Springer Show is not the same’s a little bit more relevant than the other you emphatically said you know Jerry Springer used to be the mayor of Cincinnati well hopefully does better than this mayor of Kingstown because I gotta tell you I hate this

Guy have you watched this show you like that show what’s that I thought you said you liked it isn’t that what Hawkeye is Hawkeye in it hawkey’s in it yeah great first season hate his guts all throughout season to hate him is it like a good hate him or like hate him don’t

Even want him on the show I just don’t like his whole demeanor you know like he just feels like I got he’s like he’s kind of like he’s like Ray Donovan but instead of Ray Donovan doing it for celebs he’s doing it for like you know the cops and

The criminals trying to be the goet for everybody and then spoiler alert this guy’s genius idea is to send his friend who’s a [ __ ] to jail to sort out all the politics in jail you’re like we need a new leader I’m gonna send you to jail

Don’t worry the da is gonna let you out and I’m like what and then of course the da doesn’t want to let him out of jail because I got him in jail I look good I’m a da and the guy’s like hey man you g to get

Me out of jail and he goes I gotta you need to relax I’m like dude if you threw me in jail as a cute little way to fix the prison politics so that we could have a hierarchy and you just say hey I’m good for it I’m gonna get you out

I’m sorry four episodes in I’m gonna be a little pissed but check this out this guy’s committed ain’t a whole bunch you could do about it dummy very uh so I I got to finish it out I’m like I think I got like four episodes you

Know who’s the new Hawkeye who is the new Hawkeye in Marvel no who is Wong the sidekick of Doctor Strange he’s in every movie yeah yes don’t uh don’t ruin it for me uh Crowder I I need to uh I need to finish it up I’m uh I still got like I

Think four or five episodes left but I I I find myself furious with Mike I’ve never seen it my genius idea was to send my buddy to jail to fix the why would you do that anyway I at the same all the time why would you do that to your boy I

Don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about pretty much everything dude we’re gonna you bait me into anger right I think that’s unfair really I think that’s unfair because I gotta tell you I gotta tell you not for nothing Marcos head you going today well I mean he’s been ridiculous

Let’s be honest what are you talking about dude Ridiculous by eight minutes you’ve been Ridiculous by eight years he hasn’t forgiven Tu us since the end of the season and he’s literally looking for anybody who’s ever thrown a football to replace him I mean I don’t have to

Look far his brother easy peasy we can keep the top what’s gonna be your grand idea tomorrow have give Marino HGH like what do you want to do there is a new Olympics that are coming that that allow performance enhancing drugs maybe we could kick the tires on a little Dan

Marino comeback huh I saw that we have an Olympics for that it’s called the Olympics remember wait what was the year where they kicked all the Russians out last the last one the last one they they could run but they they couldn’t Rush under they they could uh do the event

But they couldn’t do it under the Russian you couldn’t do it under the Russian flag it was like the uh the the United Russian athletes or something like that excuse me excuse me excuse me yeah I’m sure that I’m sure I’m sure Putin’s gonna be back clean whenever he’s eligible

Again Tyreek Tyreek Hill’s gonna be in there and he’s going up against some dude who looks like a rhinoceros in flag football who runs faster than cheetah go completely natural don’t worry about it everything on up and up cheetah good H thank God we’ve been practicing our flag football is that this

Olympics uh I think so I like that but it’s in two years oh not so not this one no no it is this one somewhere but are we just sending our are we sending like cheetah Lamar and you know who like are we going that route they’re doing it

This year are they because like I can’t imagine the NFL is going to go for that why not I know because they don’t they the no fun League I can’t imagine them doing International F League no fun they score touchdowns now they do line dancing well that’s fun mean we you know

I mean no back flips though no not recorded backflips where you stage a camera with your boy still though I mean like there should be a rule that if the penal if it comes off awesome no penalty if people enjoy it no penalty well there’s always going to be

Somebody who enjoys it the team who got the touchdown scor dummy nobody has a problem with this who cares that he did a backflip like why why does he have to get fined for that there’s no reason for that the NL loved it they use it all the time yep

I’ve seen that backflip all the time to promote stuff they’re acting like oh taboo ridiculous dude and how is this Roger Goodell going to come out here and say that Taylor Swift likes football that she wouldn’t be that that she’s going to love football even besides Travis ridiculous dude yeah you’re gonna

Tell me that that one day tay is gonna be home and Travis is gonna walk in and she’s like what are you doing he go she’s like watching Falcons Vikings no shot great if Taylor Swift Just leaves music becomes fantasy football degenerate okay she is smart so you

Never know all of a sudden Taylor is like all right I got a PPR League what do we got Durham SMI or Mike gaseki what do you guys or she or she calls in hun hun hun babe come here Chili Pepper yeah we uh we sad to announce that

Taylor Swift had to uh postpone her concert she is entering gambling addiction and because she just can’t stop betting the river Craycraft anytime touchdown you you gonna be the counselor you got to be the head counselor hi tayor will be right next to her she’s just she crying in group

Therapy and I’m still waiting for the river CR craft anytime touchdown in there I’ve been it’s okay we all think he’s due we all think he’s due Taylor we all think he’s due are we are we going to do our prop bets oh we have to of course okay I’m bringing

Monopoly money I just want you guys to know I’m bringing Monopoly money and I have a system all right every hundred Monopoly dollars equals one real dollar I’m setting the lines I’m bringing my little gambling hat Robbie’s gonna help me it’s gonna be a thing Robbie’s not

Gonna help you Robbie won’t help me I haven’t Robbie is Robbie is is going to confuse you more I promise you so it’s actually it’s yesterday was pretty hard to look into the prop bets because there’s it’s there’s nothing fully official yet and we were going through a

Bunch of websites trying to find prop bets can I do that on the Hard Rock app will they allow me to do prop bets I don’t know I feel like that’s like you got let me let me explain something to you yeah all these gambling sites want

Action so you best pretty well damn believe that they gonna have prop bets because more people bet on prop bets than the games during Super Bowl something dude all right everybody that is our show for today it’s time to run it run it out of here we’ll talk to you guys

Tomorrow oh no oh no Jerry Springer died what yeah no yeah what I was gonna figure F you would have found out during the show you are not the father buckle up here it comes I see see if can yes indeed you can run it wait wait

Hold on hold on hold on isn’t that Chris [Laughter] Brown I’ll see when I see y’all

00:01:12 – 00:11:00 : JIMVP! JIMVP! Leroy tries to rain on Tobin’s happiness over the Miami Heat blowout the Magic 121-95, says to have patience. Jimmy Butler lead Miami with 23 points. Miami HEAT putting it Together? We get a new Spoism “Success is the worst teacher”
00:16:40 – 00:35:40 : The Heat played tenacious defense against the Magic. What effects their defense? Tobin would much rather have this team win the Big Game… why? We discuss whether or not Patrick Mahomes will reach Brady Status at any point
00:41:32 – 00:50:13 : Moc Rivers and Faux PJ Tucker join the show!
00:58:24 – 01:11:07 : Tobin lashes out on JFig and Marcos, do they owe him an apology or is Ole Tobs a mush?
01:18:10 – 01:30:38 : Tobin really wants game ops to throw off Victor Wembanyama with this lil number. Tobs considers being a fan with good access at the Kaseya Center… anything for an empanada!
01:36:21 – 01:51:32 : Marcos presents us with a middle of the week mix bag! Leroy comes in hot after a phone call with the pool guy!
01:59:08 – 02:15:40 : Cat Talk! The Florida Panthers fall to the Philadelphia Flyers 2-1, the Cats will try and bounce back Thursday against the Capitals. Florida Panthers unveil Sweet New Vamos Gatos Jerseys! As much as we love these jerseys… Leroy finds himself questioning the pineapple. Jaime Jaquez Jr. will participate in the Slam Dunk contest this weekend vs Jaylen Brown, defending champ Mac McLung and Jacob Toppin.
02:22:50 – 02:34:00 : Tobin demands an apology from Rat Fink JFig who stirred the post after the game on the chat. Jimmy Butler been on a tear from 3pt recently
02:40:20 – 02:56:47 : We play “Rats off a Ship, Super Bowl Edition!” Reba McEntire singing the National Anthem, Tony Romo calling the game… which causes a quibble. Usher’s Halftime performance!!! Tobin tries to sing a Usher song and fails miserably
03:03:43 – 03:15:43 : Tobin hears the error of his ways. Alonzo Highsmith, the University of Miami General Manager of football operations is leaving and joining the Patriots. A Inter Miami CF Update turns into a rant of Messi playing everywhere besides Miami.
03:19:30 – 03:29:52 : We hear from Tyler Herro who thinks the fans will think it is the end of the world if they lose towards the Spurs. Which loss felt worse in South Florida Sports? Miami Dolphins vs Tennessee Titans loss, Georgia Tech loss because Canes didn’t take a knee or Miami vs Grizzles loss?
03:36:16 – 03:46:42 : Tobin vents his frustrations about his new favorite show, Mayor of Kingstown. Tobin proposes a new rule for the No Fun League

Listen/Watch to Tobin and Leroy weekday mornings 10:00AM to 2:00PM


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