@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers win, AD post triple-double & LeBron downplays upcoming trade deadline | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Lakers win, AD post triple-double & LeBron downplays upcoming trade deadline | NBA | UNDISPUTED

So Kean LeBron says that’s not a question for me do you believe that he’ll have little to no input into whatever the Lakers do or don’t do at the trade well I think he I think he will have conversations what that input would be I don’t think he carries the same

Sway as he once did with front office and management with the Lakers I I just don’t I don’t think that I think that they want to pull back the Reigns from clutch and and Rich Paul and and LeBron James making some major executive decisions on the roster now he’s a

Superstar so you’re going to have a conversation with him because you need to know can he play with whoever you try to acquire if you acquire anyone but it won’t be this go get him demand that we heard about for so many years with LeBron James I think that that for the

Lakers for the most part I think that that has kind of come to you know a little bit of a hope um when you start to say what’s going to happen with LeBron James down the line yeah and in the end is LeBron James noise that comes with

LeBron is quieted down about players that he wants right we’re not hearing that what we are hearing though is LeBron on the trading block are they gonna move LeBron is he gonna opt in those are the sort of things because if you go back and you look at the past of

All the teams that he’s ever been around you heard LeBron wants this they better go get this because if they don’t get that this is what’s going to happen and then they go do something we’re not hearing that right now all we’re hearing about is is LeBron still gonna be here

After Thursday that’s the big questions that come up so that’s why I say I don’t know how much influence he’s going to actually have in what they do so do you feel like he and management are somewhat at odds for the first time there’s a little friction well you got to think

Back to the the Westbrook situation right he he wanted Westbrook with many people thought pushed hard for him they that many people thought they wanted they they wanted to go in a different direction they allowed him I guess to to do what it was that he wanted and it

Didn’t work out no and as you remember a year or so ago gie bus said I’ve got to take control back of this organization in this team and I think that’s what she has been trying to do along with Rob palinka so we’ll see on Thursday what is

It 5 Eastern Time deadline so we’ll see yeah I I don’t know I think he’s tired I think he’s tired I think he’s frustrated I think he’s irritated um but he’s a Mount Rushmore player um which is you know obviously the greatest player during his time and I don’t you don’t

Move players like that at the trade deadline you don’t move them midseason you it’s either before the season or after the season you don’t move LeBron James you don’t move Kobe Bryant you don’t move uh Jordan you don’t move none of them unless they want to be moved and

You don’t do it at the trade deadline because how many guys get traded at trade deadline go on to win championships have you ever heard of a guy like that I’ve never heard of a situation like that so I don’t think he’s going to ever be moved at the trade

Deadline but um I just don’t see a piece that that gets them over the hump that that that is just like oh man this guy is going to answer a lot of the the problems and the issues we have because they don’t have a ton of issues when

They play the game the right way then when they play the game the right way they play with great effort they play effort on the defense in they execute offensively as LeBron said as the rest of the team has said they can beat anybody but they just don’t do that

Consistently they don’t they don’t play with consistent effort they don’t play with consistent intensity on the defensive end so they then lose to teams they shouldn’t lose to and so no I don’t see a lot of traction um or energy towards what they’re going to do at the

Trade deadline because I feel like they think they have a good enough roster right now to compete for a championship they just need to play at the level that they’re capable of more consistently and I’m I’m happy with the three-game win streak skip I I I’m very excited right

Now no you should be there is no way they’re going to trade LeBron James and there’s no way he shouldn’t have some input into whatever moves they make but I’m with Richard I don’t see a move that can be made would you trade Austin Reeds

You’re not that high or not sold on him kesan but I just I I think they’re sold think LeBron sold enough that that he wants to keep Austin Reeds would you trade D’Angelo Russell well I’m looking at the numbers since he came back from his bruised tailbone that’s 16 games

Worth he’s averaging 22 a game on 45% shooting from three well he’s been pretty great and if they can just get healthy if they can get Cam reddish back and Jared Vanderbilt back and maybe Gabe Vincent for a little bit of this season because he’s been there for five games

That they’re pretty good they have a chance with LeBron James playing at the level he’s still playing I think he had seven dunks last night Charlotte they have a chance without LeBron they would not have a chance I don’t know what you could get back from

Him but not nearly enough to replace him and Anthony Davis has been playing at a very high level and he played he had I think it was a career high eight assists at halftime last night so he had that was the highest assist he’s had in a

Half in his career I just I I like this team as long as could get healthy and commit to playing a little bit of Defense cuz we saw them commit to play defense in the End season tournament you you saw their capable of it I’ve seen him play defense against Oklahoma City

I’ve seen him play defense against the Clippers I I’ve seen the best of this team and it’s good enough to contend in the Western Conference you know Skip it’s not that I don’t like Austin Reed you know he’s 83 last night 0 for five from three you he didn’t have he

Didn’t play well he 11 assists but didn’t play well it’s not that I don’t like I try and do because I didn’t play in the NBA but I got a lot of NBA friends that I deal with a lot of Executives in the NBA I try to listen to

Them because they know NBA basketball far more than I do and when they tell me he’s he’s he’s a good player I have to take that in the consideration I can’t all of a sudden take him and put him at another level when there’s an opportunity to maybe get somebody at

Another level I understand we like him it’s a he’s a good player but sometimes when you hold on the good players when you can get something more you defeat the purpose of trying to win a championship so my whole thing is okay is there somebody out there in a package

That includes Austin Reeves that you can bring back I would never trade LeBron James I’m just sitting here telling you yeah what the noise is the noise is LeBron LeBron LeBron LeBron then LeBron adds to it by putting things a tile on a Nick tile on his like you you you’re

Adding to the conversation and then on top of that the Lakers organization hasn’t come out and said what the hell do we look like trading LeBron James they never I Haven did you hear anybody say I haven’t heard anybody say that usually organization would come out and

Say we’re not what what czy even if even if we didn’t get it directly from Genie and Company we usually can get it from an NBA Insider who’s dialed in to the organization that would say hey I spoke to an executive with the team and they

Said there’s no way in hell yeah and then when Rich Paw’s agent says that he felt compelled to make a public statement yeah but that that’s what I’m saying want to be traded I don’t know what’s going to happen on Thursday I think they would be stupid to get rid of

Leon but you just never know you just never know man I just don’t I I I don’t think they make a statement because I don’t I think they think it’s so asinine that anybody would say that that it it’s it’s beyond making a statement that we’re not going to trade LeBron James

Because why would we even speak about tra LeBron why we even put those words how many times Richard but how many times that’s how ridiculous it is how many times have you heard organizations when top players names are linked to some movement they simply will tell you

Over My Dead Body would we ever move so and you they just do even though you and I even though you and I I know that it’s stupid to do such a thing there’s other people that feed into it and then they become inundated with emails and phone

Calls and the organization has to deal with it so they put out a PR statement to say no that’s not happening that’s all I’m saying there’s not a there’s not a player of LeBron James’s stature in the NBA and there hasn’t been since Kobe or Jordan and so you don’t need to there

There’s nobody to compare it there’s no situation to compare it to cuz there’s nobody to compare it to outside of those guys and you’re not going to hear about mid-season trades for Jordan mid-season trades for Kobe I think you heard speculation maybe one year when Kobe was

Really unhappy and Kobe was like man I don’t know if I’m going to be but he was openly saying that I’m not I’m I’m not going to be here very long so if if LeBron James was speculating hey I don’t know if I’m gonna be here next year then

I could hear them coming out with a statement saying hey we’re not trading LeBron James but I I think what they’re not going to to to to make smoke where there’s no smoke they’re not going to going to entertain things that that are really irrational and so I’m with them

I’m with them don’t don’t entertain nonsense yeah but we are in the business of following these athletes Richard and when LeBron James does some of the things that he does and says some of the things that he says his agent a week ago said LeBron is

Not asking for a trade and LeBron and and and uh he’s not on the trading block this is from his agent Rich Paul and in the moment that LeBron asked about his his option he’s like I don’t know what I’m going to do like like he he’s adding

To that speculation he does he he’s doing that then he takes and he puts on the Nick tole I don’t know what all that means do I think LeBron wants to leave La no I do not but I don’t know what it means I have no idea what that means it

It it well well that’s as an organization you just wait till Thursday you don’t have to answer any questions you know what the results going to be we’re not trading LeBron James it’ll be obvious Thursday and so I I’m with them I I putting a Nicks towel on when you’re

Sitting at the Garden and all the towels in the locker rooms are Nicks TOS I I I I mean it it it it leads to speculation but it’s nonsense you know y’all think he’s going to be playing for the Knicks next season I highly doubt it but I mean

Then if it happens then you can say well you we knew because of this Nick tow but he’s always wanted to play he’s always wanted to play for the Knicks I’m just saying what he said man I’m not I’m not making anything up I didn’t make the

News I’m just delivering the news that’s it look LeBron has always sent passive aggressive messages to management with little this and little The Hourglass has run out time has run out on you you you you better do what what needs to get done and yet LeBron does deserve to have

Input because he he has shown us over time I I think he has High basketball IQ as it relates to picking players except the one swing and Miss was on Westbrook and I still don’t get it because I first get as soon as I heard it I’m like what

Are you thinking he’s high turnover poor shooter what I I don’t know I know he plays hard and he’s found that little niche as that sixth or seventh man coming off the clippers bench I got you but they corrected that though they did they corrected the West mistake they did

And that was also LeBron’s doing he knew right away I no we cannot survive with him as a starter on this team so I harked back to the Jordan day covered him in Chicago and Jerry Krauss the gym was famous for saying no to Michael when Michael wanted a lot of North Carolina

Like Al Wood let’s go get Al Wood no Jerry said no he can’t play he’s he doesn’t fit here well Michael went on to prove that he was simply the worst picker of basketball talent in the history of the league because he became the worst GM ever in his run obviously

In Charlotte and that’s over so with with LeBron his his ability to pick players is much higher to me than Jordan’s I give him that big advantage over Jordan it doesn’t relate to playing basketball but in picking basketball players but he does have so well how

Could you exclude him if if you’re going to go get somebody wouldn’t you want him to sign off I don’t think they’re saying excluding what I think is he had so much weight yeah I don’t think that don’t forget he went it was a clutch move but it worked they went and got

Anthony Davis but I don’t think that weight yeah is there quite the same as it once was because he’s older in his career okay I don’t think that they I I just don’t feel that I just don’t feel that way at least from people that I

Know around the NBA and and things of that nature they they don’t feel that way so naturally I’m not going to feel that way you you got to feel that way because if you make him too unhappy then he Ops out and he walks at the end of the

Season you know obviously he’s talked about playing with his son I don’t think his son is going to declare for the NBA draft I don’t think he would get drafted high enough right now so it would be in his best interest to play another he’s

Going get yeah if he comes out he’ll get drafted he’ll get drafted well I mean he’ll get drafted because people want LeBron to go to their organization but I just you know I think he wouldn’t be having a season that he would want to have coming out uh of college uh to get

Drafted where he wants to get drafted but I think that’s why Lebron James is saying that he’s saying I don’t know if my son comes out and gets drafted to to to the New Orleans Pelicans I mean I highly doubt LeBron’s going to New Orleans but he wants to leave his

Options open if that’s something that he wants to pursue now remember college basketball players in brony’s case a lot of college basketball players don’t you don’t you can’t show a whole lot he may be better suited as a pro basketball player than a college basketball player

I mean you you you just check the box on Westbrook that’s just one I can go on and on and on about many good guys in college didn’t fill up but didn’t fill up the box scores in college check box on Michael Jordan at North Carolina

Check it out check that too but is bronnie even a starter that’s a good question his condition that he’s yeah I don’t know that he’s starting right now but that doesn’t matter though did college basketball not not it’s not no it’s not like it’s not like football Richard college basketball is nowhere

Near like football they’ve already made a decision they’ve already made a decision the NBA Scouts and Executives have already made a decision on basketball players by the time they get to College on where they’re going to be as far as prospects go they’ve already made that decision going to college is

Just a extra layer for one year maybe two years if you start getting guys in the three and four years of college basketball that ain’t the same they like basketball upside and youth in hoops different than football but I’ve only heard of like backed was n years in college yeah but

Guess what he was a g League guy before he became a starter for the Lakers not really I mean he just stepped on the floor and just made the team I mean he just took off I I watched him atlah he wasn’t have this kind of play not half players at

Kentucky get drafted as backup sometimes as as bench players but I’ve never heard of a guy at SC being a backup that isn’t behind but but but this ain’t a guy at USC though yeah this is what you got to realize Richard this is not a guy at USC

This is a guy with the last name James there’s a big difference than a normal bench player at a college different different situation yeah but that that the name James isn’t getting him in the starting lineup so I don’t know if it’s going to get him in a first round of an

NBA draft but I you know I don’t call those shots we’ll see but it’s it’s it’s we can go we can dive deeper into why he could potentially be a first round player just see we can dive into it offline and I’ll bring you up the speed

A little bit more okay I appreciate that all right let’s dive into who will be the top pick in the next NFL draft Caleb Williams to the Bears at number one does that mean Justin Fields is about to be on the trading block that’s next thanks for watching Undisputed fans

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Skip Bayliss, Richard Sherman and Keyshawn Johnson react to the Los Angeles Lakers win over the Charlotte Hornets and LeBron James’ comments surrounding the NBA trade deadline.

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Lakers win, AD post triple-double & LeBron downplays upcoming trade deadline | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. Every gat damn year the same conversation 🤔how to trade and get more help for LeBron to win the championship ,😂😂damn I feel like starting a GO FUND ME for His Royal Helplessness 😂😂😂😂

  2. I love Keyshawn and Richard and Mike Irvin wit Weezy Every now and then. Skip brilliant. Couldn't even watch Keyshawn and Max, but I can watch him wit Skip cause Skip is the ultimate antagonist…😂😂😂

  3. richard is missing the point , if your not trading lebron then what are you planning to do because time is running out and lebron isn’t getting any younger

  4. This is the LAKERS!!…if you finish .500 for a season…you gotta go..coaches,bench warmers and stars.. either make the finals or you have failed….😅😅😅😅😅

  5. Ha Ha. Lebron getting traded is pure clickbait trash journalism. Keyshawn stop trying to fill in airtime.

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