@Los Angeles Clippers

Ty Lue Gives Credit To Russell Westbrook For The Clippers 125-114 Win Over Nets. HoopJab NBA

Ty Lue Gives Credit To Russell Westbrook For The Clippers 125-114 Win Over Nets. HoopJab NBA

And coach before the game you spoke about point of attack defense it seemed like the first three quarters you guys struggled with that but in the fourth you guys turned it up played with intensity I seen P he denied cam Thomas on a dribble hand off causing uh a

Travel by him it’s just you guys are locked him in the fourth quarter what was the difference between the first three and what you saw in the final 12 I don’t know I don’t even remember the game really no I really don’t it was

Just so I don’t know um but I do know in the fourth quarter like you said defensively we were really good you know I thought we really locked in we rebound the basketball um with being small something we struggle to do um but we rebound the ball well we got stops we

Was able to um switch to fire some you know Russ got a big big steal in the dunk you know on a Deni on the inbounds play PG like you said denied cam call a traveling a traveling call and you know just just staying with it you know we

Didn’t play our best game um you know PG and Kawai struggled you know tonight from the field you know James carried the loow I thought early in that third quarter I thought Russ was really good Off the Bench nor made up huge three um

A total team win like you said down 16 Z T man makes two big threes and make it 16 to six and then a three-point play um so everyone contributed you know made a big three so you know when you’re best you know when your big dogs are

Struggling a little bit you know it’s good to see other guys step up and and play well but um in that fourth quarter like said defensively we were just on a whole another level and speaking about Kawai he had 7 through3 but he finished with 20 won what was the difference for

Him cuz it looked like he was getting to his spots but it seemed like he passed on a couple of shots that he normally would take early on in the game what was the difference in the fourth quarter um I think he just finally you know called

His rhythm you know um he had been under the weather a little bit um so yeah um he wasn’t able to practice yesterday and so we wasn’t even know if he was going to be able to go today you know but he did he did Play and play through it and

I thought in that fourth quarter like you said he did catch a rhythm T congrats on the win you mentioned it some shots weren’t falling early but you got those defensive stops late it felt like James Harden and Russ really kind of just had this STI tutiven

About them offensively what did you like best out of their game um James attacking the basket and also you know getting to a step back three um making the right pass and play and then I just thought Russ is you know his energy and his Pace you know the whole game just

Attacking early and then that big big attack down the stretch when he hit nor for that corner three um was just huge and so defensively he was really good on rebounding the ball um but attacking getting out in transition early was really huge for us I remember after that

Minnesota game I asked you if you saw that small ball group as a possible weapon while zoo was out what did you see from that group today I mean obviously they were great in the fourth quarter but just the strides that theyve made from when you first started them

Out there in Minnesota to where they’re at now right now um we still got some work to do you know a lot of work actually but um you know when the game’s out of control we’re struggling getting stops you know we usually like to go

Small to try to switch and fire and um play good one-on-one defense um nothing that you know mace and DT did bad is just you know the way they play slip outs small you know um a lot of put you like like we talked before before the

Game put you at a disadvantage you know on the defensive end a lot and so we just had to go small and um switch fire and just try to change the game up and like I said a small lineup work tonight even even to start that game uh

Um guys were down 16 nothing um Terence had a big role in getting you guys back what what do it say about I just said that yeah I’m saying what you say about like the energy guys like what how did they kind of trans translate that you

Know from the beginning of the game halftime you know even when you guys fell down by 18 like what was the what like Terence and Russ both kind of saying in the skin yeah I mean I thought their energy like you said was was huge and you know they haven’t been playing

Together a lot you know as of late but um being down 160 we knew we needed some energy we knew we needed a spark and so bringing Russ in you know Norm came in made a three you know t- man’s energy I thought was great I thought DT’s energy

Early on was really good for us as well and so you know when your starters don’t have it to start the game and not playing well you know it was good just to see Russ you know come in the game T man play extended minutes in that first

Quarter and Norman DT come off the bench and and play well as well along with air so we needed everybody tonight like I said a total team win and um you know our big dogs came came through down the stretch Kawai you know in 14 and fourth

And then PG with that big three out of timeout was huge for us as well Ty uh before the comeback Brooklyn offensively seemed like they were giving you guys lots of problems um you guys were it appeared at least that you guys were at least a step a

Step or two slow in rotation maybe two steps yeah I’m just kind of curious from your perspective what made it so tough that they were doing to you guys on that end like I said they play small um a lot and they put you in some some tough

Positions you know jacqu does a good job of making sure he taking advantage of the five on the floor when he has small guys out there um and they running stuff hard they run it fast they run it with speed they run it with pace and then

When you’re blitzing a guy like cam Thomas now you’re in rotations and now they’re driving Closeouts and you know just just a tough game you know all around you know for us and it was the same way in Brooklyn when we played them they did us the same way just drive kick

Swing get into the paint a lot of middle drives I think they had 14 in Brooklyn I’m not sure how many he had tonight but getting to the middle of the floor you got to overcommit and that’s when those Corner threes come into play so um you

Know it was a good game for us cuz we got to get better and our guys need to see that as well so you ever as a coach you’re focused on the coaching part but 220 run to close that game do you sense that what are you feeling when that team

Is going on that kind of run to close out a game I mean not necessarily the points you know but just I mean I can see that like I said our energy and our activity picked up you know I thought we did a good job in transition but like I

Said defensively just um I thought James had you know a lot of oneon-one defensive challenges he took the challenge oneon-one and got four or five stops in that fourth quarter um so so that was was huge Norm did the same thing got two or three big stops a big

Rebound you know so I mean I’m not really seeing like the points I mean I’m seeing the score but I’m not thinking about 220 run but I know that you know we were down I think 14 at that point and we kind of went on a strong run so

Um I don’t know I don’t know just it was a great win for us we needed that um especially you know having those four days off and we didn’t want to um we didn’t want to to talk about uh one and8 one guys have four four days out so we

You know I’m glad we won that game we asked you pregame about the winning mentality of the team team man said he’s seing these guys what are you seeing kind of composure wise when you guys are down in the fourth quarter I think you’re down 15 to start it down U

You really aren’t chipping away until about 6 minutes left in that quarter like just composure wise are you seeing calmness of Stillness things that remind you of other good teams you’ve been on that have sort of Don’t Panic yeah I mean just finding ways to win win and

Whoever it takes to win and so um when we talk about sacrific and you know T man played a great game but you know no one closing the game and making a big three you know T man’s up you know cheering jumping around and you know

It’s all about sacrifice and um you know it we sacrific like I said we got a lot of different ways that we can win and beat you and like I said PG and Kawai didn’t have it going tonight so James had it going you know Russ had it going

And they was willing and okay to play through those guys it wasn’t a problem it wasn’t any facial expressions it wasn’t like me the ball like we just stayed the courts and so you know you have guys that want to sacrifice like that it means a lot to the team and that

Means you know you’re establishing a winning culture hey Ty uh with being near the halfway point what have been your observations on how James determines when to look for his say it again I’m sorry now that we’re at the halfway point what have you seen with how James

Determines when to look for his versus when to work for others um and I just kind of leave it up to him you know I like when he’s aggressive you know um coming off the screen and taking his threes you know I think getting to the

Basket but you know when he makes he’s going to make the right play you know so we can’t just force him in taking bad shots or step back threes the whole game and he knows we have a lot of Talent on his team a lot of guys that can score

The basketball and so um he saw we were struggling like you said the whole game in the third quarter like he say he stepped up and got aggressive offensively and really got us back in the game and got us a good flow offensively but then also still having

10 assists you know so um you know I would like I like when he’s aggressive you know but he kind of just makes the right play if the team’s going to Blitz he’s going to make the right play at they end a drop pulling in low man he

Going to make the corner skip you know so he’s going to make the right read and the right play and um when the ball’s in his hands like you said I do feel confident secure that we’re going to get a good shot every time that’s to I’m

Kind of just curious when there was about 6 minutes to go and you’re down 15 or 16 is there a moment in your mind that you think like you know if the next 30 seconds they’ll go well I might just pull the plug and get some guys out or

No I mean I’m sorry I just thought just let them play it out because we had three days off you know four days off actually and so we haven’t really played and so just to you know even if you didn’t win the game just to get the cardio the conditioning guys you know

Catch a rhythm um so I was going to just play it out just so they can you know get their normal minutes and get a chance to play cuz we haven’t played in four days thanks yeah I will P the blood you saying let’s get ready for hoop Jab

Los Angeles Clippers Head Coach Ty Lue speaks to the media following the Clippers 125-114 win over the Brooklyn Nets.


  1. This is a facade, dude cuts Russ’s min everytime, gives russ credit but plays him 10 min lmfao, idk what the fuck his problem like giving russ more minutes is actually making them play better smh, especially when T mann aint do jack with his minutes every damn time

  2. I’m the biggest Westbrook fan I knew he was gonna take a Back seat but he do that and Mfs still hate Russ Win a Ring I’m Talking Hella Shit until I’m in my grave 🤷🏾‍♂️😭

  3. Man yall Russ fans are on one man😭 Kawhi, PG, Harden, and Norman are all better players yet yall want him to play the most minutes…🤔, dude has a role and plays it well. We winning games

  4. Sounds like we are going to be seeing more of the 3 guard lineup with Norman Powell. Tonight they closed it out nice

  5. I like his men being low, he will be fresh for the playoffs which he will get more minutes the rotation will be about 8-9 man rotation in playoffs

  6. To be honest with everybody in here, the players were indeed a little rusty at the start of the game even in the 3rd quarter, except Russ. And that 22-0 nothing run to end the game was…. insane. That speaks a lot on their defense … plus of course, their offense catching a rhythm again, as what coach Lue had said… Congrats for the WIN! …See you again on Tuesday against the Lakers.

  7. their stars each every game one of them just step in front no matter what is your role is the team enjoyed it. the statement wait us in the playoffs!

  8. Shut up Ty lue. James had a good one. Russ had a great one. Give Russ his credit. Ty Lue is upset that Russ is the difference maker because it puts him in a situation where

  9. Funny how when they admit they needed russell westbrook but treat him like chump on minute restriction. Hopefully russ will eventually get it his turnovers put him out the league

  10. Older players can turn on the jets in second halfs… If they bench first halfs, warm up at halftime. Bron could play 10 more years in that mode. Coaches are who can figure it out. Or not. Russ coming in fresh playing every 4th quarter all minutes, warmed up but rested: Closer. The rest of the team needs to win 3 quarters. Clippers Can Chip.

  11. Once i turned the game on n seen Russ getting loose i knew we was going ‘98 Bulls on em!! 😤💪🏾

  12. They're gonna realize that Russ is STILL HIM. Don't let his sacrifice fool you. Russ in his normal role playing serious minutes is still a monster and better than a lot of point guards in this league.

  13. Small ball lineup of Russ Harden Powell PG Kawhi at the end of the game was insane they need to use that lineup more against small ball teams

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