@Brooklyn Nets

“There just doesn’t feel like theres any fans really for the Nets at all, at these games..”


feels like how we all feel, ive been to barclays and ive been to td garden for the nets and the fan response sounds the same at both.

by Plane-Clue-4940


  1. Subredditcensorship

    Because there are none. We have few fans and nobody can get excited about this garbage franchise when we keep chasing the next star that comes and leaves. We need sustained success built the right way through the draft. It won’t ever happen it seems tho, our ownership has always been really bad. Fans become dedicated when they have a team they can follow for years. Not 3 years of a star and then irrelevance.


    Incoming “We took down your post since this is a low-quality submission.”

  3. Kristitsope

    True, and it has a snowball effect. The more it happens the more fans get disappointed and stop going. It made sense when playing against the knicks, but even yesterday vs dallas it was unbearable.

  4. hanistor61

    I was at the wolves game last week and I felt good energy. Certainly not the same level as in 2019, (that game against the pistons late in the season was electric) but fine by Nets standards. We just don’t like bad and boring. Give us one or the other. Not both. Fire JV. Trade Bridges. Start the rebuild. The real fans will always be here.

  5. EliManningham

    It’s depressing man. Kyrie would get eviscerated in any other stadium, but he got actual cheers after made baskets by the stans last night.

    To me, it’s so obvious what the path should be. Build something organic that the fanbase rallies behind. Get the picks back and draft top tier lottery talents. A homegrown star would change everything. I’m so uninterested in another pretender built around a second rate star like Mitchell. We’ve done that for decades. It doesn’t work.

  6. tbloom117

    I find it funny how we started 13-9 and the media didn’t say a word about us but once we started sucking they won’t stop talking about us. So annoying

  7. Been to 1 game this season. Y would I want to watch this product live when I can watch it on tv? Not a fun team to watch, bad coaching, players seem disinterested, we have nothing to be excited about right now. It’s a throw away season and next yr probably is too.

  8. Future_Network_2158

    The fanbase was alive and well back in 18/19. Seeing that young team grow and develop. You then built it into a title contender with kyrie and KD. Within the last two yrs you’ve dismantled that title contender and you’re now telling fans that you’re going to build around a fringe all star and hoping to woo in donovan mitchell who’s currently playing for the 2nd seed in the east. Why on earth would anyone show up to watch this team? The messaging that any logical fan is getting is delusion and pipe dream

  9. They suck, so I’ll only go when the tickets are cheap, which is usually when a shitty team is in town, which often means not many visitor fans present. If tickets are expensive, its because of a popular away team, and many more visiting fans, and fewer people like me.

    It really is a vicious cycle.

  10. GreenpointKuma

    It’s painful enough wasting time watching this organization on TV. You can’t expect people to pay money for something so unapologetically awful, especially with a fanbase that has struggled with attendance for decades.

  11. ughwhateverman

    The Nets are not good and there’s a feeling of hopelessness and aimlessness within the small, passionate portion of the fanbase.

    I have always maintained that the way to build should be via finding a true young star, but this team has either not been able to or resisted it from 2012 on. Now the next step is presumably waiting for Donavan Mitchell, who by himself will not lift this team where it wants to go.

    I said a few days ago that I didn’t mind not rebuilding. I want this team to rebuild. It’s overly hopeless

  12. Fair_Woodpecker_6088

    Because half the people in attendance are tourists from Europe who “want to see an NBA game” and don’t want to pay MSG prices

  13. ihavesomegoo

    Yeah last night was my first game of the year and im not going back anytime soon. I knew they’d probably lose but it’s so awkward being in the minority cheering for the home team AND losing on top of that.

  14. Low-Anteater-8449

    I get it. It’s expensive to live in and travel to the city. The fan base is young and transient.

    I also never care about this. People will always question if there are true fans but my feeling is always … it’s really really easy to be a fan of Boston or LA or Knicks.

    Being one of the few fans of the Nets is really hard and means way more to our level of fandom.

    Fuck this noise

  15. thesmorkinlabbit

    To be fair we’re dealing with unprecedented loss; the base is reeling and the bandwagon is gone, our “super team” composed of arguably the most promising, championship-bound talent at the time in the NBA dumped us, hard to come back from. Especially when the fans loved our bench/dynamic/youth during the Dlo days. Our culture is paying the price, but hey “Brooklyn loves this team. next game.”

  16. Electronic-Doctor110

    Lmao there are not. We have ZERO home court advantage. Why do you think so many players go off against us in our building g

  17. TheGambler930

    I was at the game last night. The usual mix of foreigners who couldn’t afford to get into MSG, the road team fans who get to see their team once or twice a year, and a few Nets fans mostly wearing jerseys of players that don’t even play for our team or the NBA anymore. Felt like we were the road team. Crowd popped for Luka and Kyrie doing their thing, but the energy for the Nets was almost non existent even when we made a run at it at the end. I feel like they play the music so damn loud in there just to hide the fact that no one is there to cheer for the Nets.

    On a positive note, we had great seats near the floor for just over $100. My friends all assumed we would be sitting in the nosebleeds at that price. So, hey, least we can all afford to go to the game.

    I’ve been a fan from CT since the late 90s. Been shit on by obnoxious Knicks fans throughout high school, heard every type of joke and diss about our franchise for 25+ years now. Like I get it, aside from some hope here and there and the JKidd finals run, we have historically been a bad franchise. But I don’t care, I’m a fan for life. Our day will come, hopefully next time they won’t botch it.

  18. BklynKnightt

    I’m for the Nets win lose or draw. Maybe if some of you supported the team and stop worrying about what people say you’d be ok.

  19. smalllpox

    The vast majority of the fanbase is probably in jersey.

    That Said, this isnt new, even with kd and kyrie the arena was quiet. I thought it was just yes audio but it’s even like that on national games. That game 2 years ago vs golden state is a prime example. The entire arena erupted everytime curry scored and that was with durant and Irving playing

  20. dinkyri58

    I was there last night, first game since opening night 2021. I swear there wasn’t one net fan in my entire section. The cheers for Kyrie and Luka were much louder than when any net scored. It felt like an away game and I left at half time. Just an overall terrible experience

  21. Mmhunter00

    Honestly hope that continues until the people that need to go are gone… Embarrass these bums (not the players “minus asswiddie”) Sean marks got to fucking go and it took me a long time to get to this point I was literally defending him in my twitter group chat a few months ago but he’s had his chance picking coaches I don’t trust him to get it right the 3rd time

    And I don’t need to say fire Vaughn we all know this… Now the owner that’s probably going to be the toughest but there’s something I just don’t like about the guy he just looks shady his wife seems cool though

  22. babyjet321

    I’m simply not giving that sorry excuse of an owner my money I’m already subscribed to YES that’s as much as I can stomach to watch my basketball team.

  23. Professor_McWeed

    i’m a true nets fan and i’m there a lot. it’s brutal.

  24. People not wanting to spend their hard earned money on going to watch a bad not entertaining basketball team really can’t be surprising. Life is expensive and getting even more expensive.

  25. 001CastDream

    it seems like everyone else is scared to say it so ima say it. the reason nets home games are so dry is because of gentrification. the majority of born and raised brooklyn natives have been priced out of the borough. i am 1000% sure that if this were 90’s or early 2000’s brooklyn things like opposing teams fans taking over barclays would NEVER happen. i guarantee we would’ve had one of the best home court crowds in league. the sad truth is most of the so called nets fans that attend the games at barclays are gentrifiers and hipsters with no real connection to brooklyn. let’s be realistic, how can the nets expect a loud raucous crowd from people who call the police to make noise complaints on the natives that live in the neighborhoods they’ve continuously gentrified? even when they had kd kyrie and harden opposing teams fans would take over barclays. that says a lot and it’s only gonna get worse as the years go by.

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