@Memphis Grizzlies

Memphis Grizzlies Interested in Trading for Killian Hayes

Memphis Grizzlies Interested in Trading for Killian Hayes

Memphis wants Kelly and Hayes interesting okay and I think I think it definitely is funny seeing that you know Kelly haes is somewhat someone that’s I wouldn’t say like a commodity but you know people are are liking him as he’s coming here and don’t get me

Wrong Kelly and Hayes he’s a guy that obviously has not lived up to the draft building so far as he’s been a bit inconsistent scoring decision- making but he’s shown the flashes of being an elite defensive player who can get to the bucket he has has a decent pull up

In mid-range and he’s a great facilitator seriously solid facilitator guy that I do very much enjoy watching and the thing with him is that Ken hay is at this point making 7.4 million he’s a left-handed guy who’s a good playmaker can run the pick and roll he’s got some

Creativity with his passing and his jump shot looks all right it just doesn’t hit he’s like a 28% three-point shooter he’s over 40% this season and he can use both hands obviously doesn’t use his right enough I like the idea of Mike Conley potent not Mike Conley but Kelly and

Hayes kind of following that Mike Conley Drew holid like defensive pass first guy if the three-point shot ever comes around but right now it we’ve seen it in very limited fa flashes and D Droid free press that his representation is at seeking a trade in the Pistons agree and Grizzlies are

Interested in him as they you know have johnar out for the rest of the season they could give him a chance to play significant minutes to Showcase himself heading into free agency now we wonder what you know a team like the Grizzlies could even give up $7.4 million I know

They just did that deal to free up some c space now I think realistically Victor Alo would get that deal done with a pick but maybe they don’t do that I think they should do that and it would be the best thing for them but if you go there

Yeah cuz he would get a bunch of minutes get a bunch of ample run I I do believe yeah if you do Mr Victor oo with a pick I think that could really get the deal done a lot easier than I think a lot of people want to give them credit so for

Me I I look at this situation and I’ll admit I think it’s a weird one cuz I just no like Kelly NES I don’t think this year I mean Monty Williams played him a bunch but last year he an okay year you had some moments so you kind of

Thought the growth was happening and obviously it seemed like it kind of hit a wall at one point but I I do think it’s it is was it is a bit confusing if you’re a fan of the Pistons but I think you need to cash in

The assets and just not I never think it’s to let a player walk away especially in the NBA uncompensated as a franchise is one of the worst things you can do even if it’s a couple second round picks and victoro better than just seeing him go a re agency that’s just my

Two cents on the matter but I mean what do I know

Grizzlies Eyeing Killian Hayes: 🐻 The Memphis Grizzlies are interested in trading for Killian Hayes. How would he fit into their roster? Share your insights! #Grizzlies #KillianHayes #NBATrade



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