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Caruso Trade Value REVEALED – Warriors in the Mix for Defensive STAR | Chicago Bulls News

Caruso Trade Value REVEALED – Warriors in the Mix for Defensive STAR | Chicago Bulls News

The Man of Mystery and lots of trade value is Alex Caruso lots of teams are almost knocking down the door for a chance of getting Caruso on their team and we’re going to talk about exactly what the Bulls want return and a team that’s kind of flew under the radar but

Has now come to the surface on trying to acquire him in a trade I’m your host Joey Mercer this is another episode of bulls digest and before we get into it there today I just want to say that about 85% of you that watch these videos are not subscribed so if you aren’t

Already sub subscribe to the channel make sure to go down below hit that subscribe button turn on the bell for notifications and every single time we upload you will be notified so you can stay up to date with your Chicago Bulls and our takes on them so without further

Ado let’s get into the topic at hand there today and that is Caruso to net a big return so that’s not to say of course that Caruso is definitely going to net something massive but it seems as if the Bulls are looking to get that if

They are going to move him at all if he is traded it’s going to be for something big now what is Big exactly well a lot of that is being compared to the trade that the Toronto Raptors made recently involving OG and anobi when we look into

This one it actually came out from Bleacher Nation bulls and we can see there that says Alex Caruso trade rumors Bulls want OG and aobi type deal and the Warriors have called so when we look into this it says uh the bleacher uh article and report and

That’s the one we’re going to be diving into and talking about a little bit there today to kind of get some insight on exactly what they have to say they have some personal takes and those are the ones I’d like to kind of add on to

Or give my own takes based on those and kind of reflect when we look into this one it says Alex kuso is the bell of the ball easily the Chicago Bulls best asset at the 2024 trade deadline there’s been no lack of interest in the defensive

Menace and he probably is the guy with the most trade value the contracts really great just made an all offensive team fits into a lot of systems although he can’t create as much on offense he can fit there where he can shoot so well this season and obviously the defense as

I mentioned he made an offensive team last year has been absolutely stellar and is up there among the League’s bigs when it comes to the advaned metrics which is really tough to do for a guard believe me the next thing that we saw on this one was a handful of playoff teams

Have already reached out about acquiring the veteran and the Bulls have reportedly answered those calls with an extremely steep asking price Zack L of ESPN reported last week the Chicago’s front office could net as much as two first round picks for kuso services due to the extreme interest his colleague

Adrien raravi echoed the senent on Monday sharing that the Bulls believe they can even drum up the kind of return Toronto got for versatile Wing OG and Obi if they’re going to trade Alex kuso they want a lot for a moovi said on the

WOD like an OG and an Obi type deal is what has been subscribed to me and I think he fits anywhere and there are no shortage of teams who would love to get Alex Caruso and that’s exactly the way that I feel about him as well I really

Do think that uh he fits on every team in the league as I mentioned he can fit there right in the corner if you knock him down those threes he can make all the hustle plays play all the defense you need very switchable on defense and

It’s a very hard player to find in this league next thing we saw on this one was the Raptors netted RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley and a 2024 second round pick from the Knicks for ad anobi while this didn’t include any first round draft Capital Barrett and quickley are two

Starting caliber players who were under 24 years old for a Raptor’s franchise looking to reset their timeline around Scot Scotty Burns it felt like a high level return and I do agree I mean that trade when it went down I thought that was a great return for OG I mean you

Take on quickly who is almost a Sixth Man of the Year candidate so far this season and then you look at RJ Barrett he was playing phenomenal uh starting to really pick things up if you look at the stats when he wasn’t having to hoist things at the end of the shot clock

Getting more touches and he really does have the ability to develop into a solid player so I thought the return for OG and Obi and that was very solid for the Raptors and has helped out the Knicks very well uh on the other side of the

Coin uh for sure would Caruso get the same type of deal maybe not as much but it could definitely be around that we do still have to remember that OG and Obi has not made any all-star teams but he is a great defensive player in this

League and can create a little bit more than Alex ruso can offensively so that’s something to take into account as well I think if a trade were to done it would almost be similar to one of those players now similar to those players obviously not those players and a second

Round pick something like that would be more towards Caruso’s value in my opinion next thing that we saw in this was at first glance the Bulls asking for a package of this caliber seems idealistic anobi is a far more proven two-way asset he’s average at 16 points

Per game over the past four seasons on 47% shooting from the field and 38% shooting from long range to be sure Caruso has been one of the League’s better three-point Shooters this season at about 40 and a half% so we’ll round to 41 but he doesn’t possess the steady

Track record that anobi has particularly when we consider the volume the offensive upside with anobi is simply higher and we have to factor this into the kind of return the Raptors received still I’m not sure the gap between those two is as vast as some may think cruso

Has shown his increasingly ability to impact winning on both ends he’s a solid three-point shooter a sneaky great offensive rebounder and an elite Defender while andon noi deserves his flowers for his defensive versatility kuso might have him beat on that side of the ball anobi finished with an all

Defensive second team H her last season while Caruso walked away with the first team KN kuso’s defensive estimated plus minus has also sat a few notches higher than anoi the past couple of Seasons per dunks and threes so if you AR familiar with dunks and threes it’s kind of tracking data

It’s similar to how craft NBA does it but it’s more in a graph form really analytic based very uh very Tech likee if you’re into that kind of thing I definitely suggest checking it out you do have to pay for a subscription to check it out however though and the

Graphs do look very similar to Kirk goldsbury kind of a similar Theory except it’s a little bit more advanced than what goldsbury puts out with some of his graphs uh not to say there’s anything wrong with those cuz I do think they’re great but something to check out

And like I said Caruso’s up there with the bigs in the league advanced metc wise on defense and is better than anunobi for sure in that measure when we look at the next part of this it says with that in mind I don’t think asking for an anunobi type deal is as

Ridiculous as it sounds does that mean I think the Bulls will get it no but is somewhat similar to demanding two lightly protected first round picks I can also understand why the Bulls would prefer young yet established NBA entities as opposed to draft wild cards

And I mean that’s just the way that the front office looks like for the the Bulls they really don’t like to take on draft picks as much we haven’t really drafted anybody very solid since gar packs when they drafted Kobe white and that’s just absolutely accurate nothing’s really come up too much now

There hasn’t been too much time for those players to develop but there haven’t been any right away studs in their rookie season that we’ve gotten from uh mer everley and Urus carnos sovas of course but there’s still hope that something can happen there with the drafts of course we haven’t had the best

Uh draft selections around either it’s not like they’ve been really top blue chipper picks but at the same time I really do think that this organization in the front office has really for as long as I can remember really wanted to get NBA ready players as opposed to the

Uh draft players coming in at all costs necessary now when we look in the next part of this it says we all know they haven’t had the best of luck in the draft in recent years so getting a couple players who can make an immediate impact helps them remain somewhat

Competitive while also taking a step back similar to what we’ve seen the Raptors do this year the only difference is they at least have a potential star and burns on their hands again I don’t think they’ll get the anobi return but perhaps there is a middle ground that

Can be found over the next few days will they accept one asset with upside and a first round pick if so there might be one trade partner that makes a lot of sense and that leads us in the next part of this that I wanted to mention to you

And that is actually the Warriors calling about Caruso NBC Sports Chicago go Casey Johnson reported this weekend that multiple front offices have gotten in touch with Bulls about Caruso including one team desper to stay relevant League sources indicated that even before lavine’s surgery news had broken multiple teams including the

Golden State Warriors had inquired on Caruso to this point management largely had rebuffed interest in Caruso because an internal Focus centered on chasing a playoff spot the words are 21 and 25 on the season and and currently 12th in the Western Conference if they want to have

Any chance at making real noise in the playoffs they’re likely going to have to make some big time moves at this trade deadline adding Caruso would undoubtedly get their give their 22nd rank defense a boost between Caruso’s ability to blow up the point of attack and Green’s ability to disrupt front courts the

Warriors would have one of the best defensive tandems in the NBA and that’s really hard to argue there for sure I mean you look at green a former Deo and then carusa coming off in all defense a team last season how are they not going to be phenomenal defense with two of

Those guys one protecting the rim and The Bigs another guy protecting the uh the wings and the guards I think it’s a really really great fit there for sure on defense at the very least when we look in the next part of this it says let’s be clear the Bulls aren’t getting

Jonathan kaminga while the lottery pick was seemingly on the market earlier this season he recently played has surely taken him off the table Golden State still has a couple of interesting youngsters however with Moses Moody Tracy Jackson Davis and Brandon pky they would have to put one

On the table for Caruso with Moody and psky presumably drawing the most interest from the Bulls throwing a late 2020s first rounder and the Bulls may have found themselves a pretty solid deal and I would have to agree there for sure that’s exactly the type of deal

That I was talking about earlier in this video that I think that Caruso could net and I think that Moody would be the player of choice if that were to happen and we’ve talked about potential deals of him coming over to the Bulls for sure and that’s one that I think that could

Definitely happen if the Warriors are looking to make this next push for the playoffs last thing we saw in this was regardless I don’t care who the Bulls discuss the Caruso deal with right now as long as it means they’re picking up the phone he’s the exact kind of player

That an underachieving team has to consider trading as much as that pains me to say when we consider how amazing cruso is to watch it’s time to consider the long-term Outlook of this franchise and Caruso isn’t getting any younger he’s about 30 years old right now right hovering right around that age and

That’s not exactly a guy that you’re going to see on this team in 5 years performing at the same level necessarily it definitely happens in this league but the chances of it happening are so slim that you’d rather a near guarantee than a gamble at that stage in his career

When he’s on such a good contract with such a high trade value you need to strike while the iron’s hot get good deal for him if you’re not going to make some noise in the playoffs this season might as well deal him get some value

For him while you still can and uh try to flip that into something that can help us in the future so this has been another episode of bulls die just I hope you all enjoyed there today uh make sure to go down below if you did hit that

Like button comment on the video i’ like to hear from all of you and uh as always subscribe to the channel and I’ll see you all in the next one Sig off

In this video your host, Joey Mercer, breaks down what the Bulls are expecting to get in return for Alex Caruso if he’s traded. We’ll also go over what teams are calling right now.

0:00 Bulls news

Bulls Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumours on the Chicago Bulls. This includes coverage on players such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach Lavine, Alex Caruso, Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams and everyone on the Bulls Roster!


  1. Hell no. If Caruso is only gonna bring only one guy to in on the level of Barrett then the package has gotta include a first round.

  2. Chicago is satisfied with mediocrity while making money. Caruso is cheap, they're not parting with him

    BULLS, AND LAKERS: trade

  4. The Bulls should build with Caruso as well as with Drummond. They could probably get a good return for Zach in the summer. If there's anyone id like to move now it would be Vooch. Vooch is a nice player but I think the Bulls are better with Drummond on the starting lineup, not much scoring from him but his rebounds make them open opportunities for other guys and Coby White is actually stellar with Drummond. Trading Vooch for someone like Bam is a very good move with a first-round pick seems fair. Pat Williams is also a nice piece to move in exchange for a much more aggressive wing offensively. Honestly, I think the Bulls are much better moving any guys except Caruso, Drummond, and DeMar.

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